Supporting Online Material for “A reassessment of global bioenergy potential in 2050” The following material provides additional methodological detail and literature references for the adjustment factors described in the main text. Available land area The land area sustainably available for bioenergy production depends on [1] how much land is required for other uses, mainly agriculture, and [2] what types of land can be converted to bioenergy plantations in a “sustainable” world. Land required for other uses includes cropland, pasture, urban areas, and plantations and forests harvested for wood products. Agricultural area (cropland and pasture) together comprises about 38% of the world’s surface area (Organization, 2013). The world’s agricultural area has historically expanded to a lesser degree than the increase in population (FAO, 2003) – this is because yields of agricultural crops, or the amount of food produced per unit land, have steadily and linearly increased from the mid-20th century to the present (Alexandratos, 1999, Balmford et al., 2005, Calderini & Slafer, 1998, Evans, 1997, Finger, 2010, Hafner, 2003) (before this, yield increases were much slower (Calderini & Slafer, 1998)). Recent studies have shown that yields of cereal crops in developed countries have begun to stagnate (Brisson et al., 2010, Calderini & Slafer, 1998, Finger, 2010, Kucharik & Ramankutty, 2005, Lin & Huybers, 2012) – yields may still be increasing, but at a slower rate than over the past half century. This is because farmers have exhausted many techniques for improving yields (fertilizer, irrigation, pesticides and herbicides, and many breeding techniques such as dwarfing and increasing the harvest index) (ADAS et al., Bell et al., 1995, FAO, 2003), and future yield improvements will come at a greater cost. Thus, yields of major crops are expected to slow in the coming decades (Cassman, 1999, Evans, 1997, FAO, 2003, OECD-FAO, 2012). Additionally, climate change may already be impacting yields (Brisson et al., 2010, Lobell et al., 2011) and this effect is expected to increase over time (Parry et al., 2004). Yields tend to be lower in developing countries as farmers in these regions have not yet employed all the techniques described above – there is arguably some room to catch up. But the factors that have slowed yield increases in developing countries, such as lack of education and infrastructure, are likely to persist in the future. Some studies have shown that farmers in developing countries actually choose not to grow high-yielding strains because they require fertilizer and irrigation the farmer cannot afford, and produce less straw for animal feed (Parikh & Krömer, 1985, Yevich & Logan, 2003). In addition, some studies include scenarios with a globally vegetarian population (e.g. Wolf et al., 2003). Animal products (meat, dairy, eggs) require more land to produce than vegetables or grains, because the animal feed must be produced on additional land. The production of one kilogram of animal product can take 490 kg of feed (Bouwman et al., 2005, FAO, 2003). Thus, by assuming lower meat consumption, one would project a much smaller land area required to feed a global population than with continued meat consumption. Indeed, the global average meat consumption per capita has been rising, led by an increase in meat consumption in developing countries (Daniel et al., 2011, FAO, 2003, Institute, 2011), requiring more resources to feed each person. At the same time, per capita meat consumption in the U.S. has stopped increasing; in particular Americans have been consuming less beef (Meyer & Steiner, 2011), the most land-intensive animal product (Bouwman et al., 2005, FAO, 2003), suggesting there may be a limit on how much animal products (relatively affluent) people are willing to eat. Thus it is reasonable to assume that per capita meat consumption will either remain steady or slowly increase to 2050. Due to the above factors, it is likely that global agricultural area will still expand as population grows. Estimates of the increase in cropland expected from 2000 to 2050 include 4.7% (Bruinsma, 2009) and 8-14% (Balmford et al., 2005), while studies that project pasture as well as cropland predict area increases of 18% (Tilman et al., 2001) and 9% (Wirsenius et al., 2010). In addition, we calculate a 10.5% increase by 2050 by extrapolating FAO’s projection to 2030 (FAO, 2003), assuming that cropland abandonment in the developed world continues at its historical rate. Based on these estimates, we expect a global increase in cropland and pasture of 10% by 2050. We assume that this expansion occurs proportionally on different types of undisturbed land. For our land area analysis, we use FAOSTAT data on land use in 2000: 11.7% of Earth’s total land area is food crops, 30.1% is pasture, 29.5% forest, 3.3% inland water, and the rest grassland, savannah, desert, and a relatively small amount of rock or permanent ice cover. We combine this data with the Terrestrial Ecoregions database (Olson et al., 2001) which breaks down non-forest natural land into ecosystem types. We assumed that pastureland occurs evenly on all types of non-forested land (which likely overestimates pasture in desert – most of the world’s deserts are vegetated but dry – and underestimates the allocation of more productive land to pasture). The remaining undisturbed land is, as a percentage of total global land area, 30% forest, 4% tundra, 11% desert, 0.3% wetlands, 1% woodlands, 2% mountainous grassland/shrubland, and 8% other grassland and savannah. All of the studies we review (Beringer et al., 2011, Field et al., 2008, Fischer & Schrattenholzer, 2001, Hoogwijk et al., 2009, Hoogwijk et al., 2005, Smeets et al., 2007, van Vuuren et al., 2009, WBGU, 2009, Wolf et al., 2003, Yamamoto et al., 2001) assume that global forest area must be conserved in a sustainable world. To be consistent with this assumption, we exclude forest area from land availability. We also exclude ecosystem types with high carbon stock: tundra, wetlands, and woodlands. It would not be practicable to attempt production of bioenergy on desertland*, so we exclude this category as well. The remaining area of grassland, savannah, and montane grassland/shrubland that we consider available for bioenergy production totals 124 Mha, or about 10% of the Earth’s surface. We apply an accessibility factor of 0.75, following Van Vuuren et al. (2009); the result is 0.93 Mha available. This should be considered the maximum amount of land that could be converted to bioenergy production, as some, such as the mountainous grassland, may be inaccessible. Converting this much land would result in widespread losses in ecosystem services, would likely affect water supply and quality, and would result in a substantial loss of biodiversity; thus calling this scenario “sustainable” may not adequately recognize the potential negative environmental consequences. Moreover, land conversion on this scale is likely to incentivize conversion of forest and other high carbon stock land as well – even with relatively robust land use planning regulation, experience suggests that it is unlikely to be possible to prevent all abuses. We applied the adjustment factor for land availability by multiplying the global biomass potential in each study by the ratio of available land area assumed in that study to 0.93 Gha. For example, available land area in Fischer & Schrattenholzer (2001) was assumed to be 3.3 Gha; we multiplied the global biomass potential in this study by 0.93/3.3 or 0.28. Energy crop yields In Searle & Malins (submitted), we reviewed currently attainable yields of five promising energy crops (Miscanthus, switchgrass, poplar, willow, and Eucalyptus) as well as the potential for yield improvement of these crops. Reported yields are as high as 44 t ha-1 yr-1 for Miscanthus, 35 t ha-1 yr-1 for switchgrass, 21 t ha-1 yr-1 for willow, 35 t ha-1 yr-1 for poplar, and 51 t ha-1 yr-1 for Eucalyptus (references in Searle & Malins, submitted). But for all of these crops, yields of 0 t ha-1 yr-1 have also been reported, reflecting limitations to geographic range (e.g. growing Miscanthus x giganteus in northern Europe) or extremely low yields on poor or degraded land (e.g. Eucalyptus on “skeletally dry” land). The highest reported yields for energy crops are almost always measured on very small experimental plots that are regularly irrigated, fertilized, and carefully hand harvested. As explained in the review, yields are systematically lower when grown at commercial scale on land that is marginal for agriculture (assuming all arable land is needed for food production; see above section on land availability), * It may be possible to cultivate algae in enclosed ponds on desert land (i.e. greenhouses, to avoid high evaporation), but the economic viability of such projects has been far from proven and so we do not include this potential here. due to biomass losses when drying perennial grasses in the field, edge effects such as higher light availability on experimental plot margins, and unavoidable harvesting losses when using commercial machinery. In Searle & Malins (submitted), we provide reasonable yields that may be expected at scale on nonarable land: 3-15 t ha-1 yr-1 for Miscanthus and 2-10 t ha-1 yr-1 for switchgrass after drying; 3-10 t ha-1 yr-1 for poplar and willow SRC; and 5-15 t ha-1 yr-1 for Eucalyptus SRC. In Searle & Malins (submitted), we also explore the potential for yield improvement of the above crops. Barriers to yield improvement include low investment (relative to food crops), lack of yield response to fertilizer, long breeding periods, and lack of applicability of the harvest index. In particular, Miscanthus is a sterile triploid that cannot be readily bred from its parent species, severely hindering breeding efforts. Thus, we do not expect substantial yield improvement for these energy crops to 2050. Production costs We largely follow the cost analysis performed by Van Vuuren et al. In this study, the authors modeled the cost of biomass production and harvest in all locations they projected would be available for energy crop cultivation, using a similar methodology to that in Hoogwijk et al. (2009). It is difficult to project what the cost viable price of biomass will be in 2050. Today it is high, at least in the U.S., with estimates of $75-133 t-1 (National Research Council of the National Academies, 2011), $37.08 t-1 (Epplin, 1996), $74.30 t-1 (Duffy & Nanhou, 2001), and $41-58 t1 (excluding transportation costs) (Khanna et al., 2008). The DoE has projected that biomass would be economically viable at $60 t-1 (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2011), although it is not clear upon what they base this assumption. These prices are currently too high for biofuel and bio-power producers to break even without government subsidies. We expect that biomass will have to be cost competitive with coal, today’s default feedstock for energy generation, at least in the power sector. The U.S. average price of coal in 2011 was $41 per ton (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2011b), equivalent to $1.44 GJ-1. Government subsidies for biomass energy exist today – for example the Renewable Fuels Standard and production tax credits in the U.S., and the Renewable Energy Directive and Fuel Quality Directive in the E.U., as well as tax credits for certain member states. We expect some form of government support for clean energy to persist in the coming decades. The $1.01 ga-1 tax credit for cellulosic biofuel in the U.S. is roughly equivalent to a $33 tCO2-1 carbon price. The Stern Review (2006) recommended that a carbon tax start at $25-30 t-1. A meta-analysis found that the median estimated carbon price is $20 tCO2-1. These estimates are consistent with currently implemented carbon prices: the EU carbon price started at 30 Euros per ton in 2005; Australia’s began at $29 t-1 in 2012; and the U.S. EPA used an estimate of $21 tCO2-1 in their CAFE regulations. Thus, we assume that a carbon price of $30 tCO2 ($2.18 GJ-1 using HHV of 19 GJ t-1) will be used into the future. This estimate is far lower than the actual social cost of a marginal ton of CO2 (Stern, 2006), but may be politically feasible in implementation. Receiving a tax credit or other form of subsidy from reducing CO2 emissions will allow bioenergy producers to pay more for biomass. Thus, adding the carbon price to the price of coal we have $3.62 GJ-1. Depending on the state of climate politics in the future, it is possible that no widely implemented carbon tax will exist, or that the carbon price could be much higher than this – these scenarios would reduce or increase the proportion of physical biomass potential that would be economical. Van Vuuren et al. (2009) show the fraction of biomass potential that could be economically harvested by production cost (Fig. 9). At $3.62 GJ-1, this figure shows 116.45 EJ yr-1 would be available, compared to an availability of 150 EJ yr1 at infinite price; 77.63% of total bioenergy availability would be cost viable at $3.62 GJ-1. We apply the cost adjustment factor by multiplying the global biomass potential by 0.776 for all studies that do not account for cost. Hoogwijk et al. (2009) performed a similar cost analysis and reported 48% of total biomass potential would be available at a chosen price of $2 GJ-1; for this study, we multiply the potential at $2 GJ-1 by 1.63 (77.6% divided by 48%). Like other adjustment factors used here, this is a coarse analysis that does not account for differences between studies in geographical distribution of biomass or other factors like yields. This adjustment gives us an approximation of cost limitations that is necessary for a plausible result. We also calculate the fraction of total biomass potential that would be available at $8.70 GJ-1, using a carbon price of $100 tCO2-1; 98.0% of total potential would be cost viable at this price. Governance quality Government support around the globe will be needed for sustainable biomass production to reach its full potential: to promote bioenergy through a carbon tax, subsidies, or mandates, and to set and enforce environmental standards for this production. In some developing countries, further government support will likely be necessary to built necessary infrastructure and to attract foreign investment. If this support is not available, the full potential of biomass production is likely to either not be realized, or to be achieved through unsustainable means (e.g. deforestation). Environmental regulation, infrastructure development, and energy investment are all weakened under poor governance. Environmental regulation has been found to be weaker with corruption (Fredriksson & Svensson, 2003, Lopez & Mitra, 2000), political instability (Fredriksson & Svensson, 2003), and lack of political and civil freedoms (Barrett & Graddy, 2000). The amount of private investment in electricity infrastructure has been linked with the regulatory strength of the country (Cubbin & Stern, 2006, Vagliasindi, 2012) and with the level of corruption (Okafor et al., 2011). We use the World Bank’s World Governance Indicators (World Bank, 2012) to assess the strength of governance in world regions. The WGI have been used to link regulatory strength with private investment in electricity infrastructure (Vagliasindi, 2012) and the capacity of a country to prioritize environmental protection (Cabral et al., 2012). The WGI has been correlated with the Human Development index and with country GDP, two other indicators commonly used as indicators of government capacity. We sum scores of the six factors in the WGI, all of which appear relevant to the linkages described above: Voice and Accountability, Political Stability/No Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, and Control of Corruption. For illustration, New Zealand has a score of 578, the U.S. scores 503, China 215, Russia 167, and Somalia 5. We assume that all countries scoring above 500 have 100% potential to develop biomass production sustainably. We assume that a score of 0 be associated with a 50% potential. This may well be optimistic (for instance, it seems hard to believe that Somalia would currently be able to achieve anything like this, regardless of the market value of sustainable biomass), but allows for some general improvement in political stability, etc. over time. Of course, in the next 35 years, some stable countries may become unstable, while some unstable countries may be turned around – we do not intend to imply that relative governance quality will be static to 2050, simply that the prevalence of governance problems now is indicative of what may be anticipated in future. We assume a linear increase in potential with scores from 0 to 500. We calculate an area-weighted average of the WGI score of countries within regions defined in each study. For example, the WGI score of North America would be the area-weighted average of scores from Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. There was relatively little variation in global WGI scores among studies (0.68-0.82). For studies that did not specify regions used (Wolf et al., 2003; Field et al., 2008; WBGU, 2009, Yamamoto et al. 2001), we applied the average adjustment factor from the other studies (0.727). Forestry and forestry residues The reassessed studies that estimated the potential from forestry and/or forestry residues were inconsistent in inclusion of various sub-categories (such as wood from tree plantations, resides from natural forests, etc.) and in some cases did not include enough methodological detail to re-assess. For these reasons, we do not perform a reassessment of biomass from forestry and forestry residues as we do for energy crops, but instead conduct our own assessment of the availability of residues from forestry plantations, the only forestry sub-category that could be sustainably harvested, as explained below. Wood harvested from natural forests cannot be “sustainable” as per our use of the word. Trees store relatively large amounts of carbon, and so use for bioenergy would have a long payback time (Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, 2010). Even selective logging is unacceptably destructive (Thiollay, 1992, Uhl & Jordan, 1984) and would result in significant losses in carbon stock and biodiversity (Bird & Chatarpaul, 1986, Gillman et al., 1985, Thiollay, 1992, Vasconcelos et al., 2000). It is unlikely that plantation wood will be available for bioenergy, as discussed below. Smeets et al. also include some potential from roadsides and urban areas, but this would amount to at most 1 EJ yr-1 of biomass availability (FAO, 1997, FAO, 1998). We believe there is some additional potential from forestry residues. Use of residues from logging in natural forests (presumably undertaken for wood products) would negatively impact biodiversity (Bird & Chatarpaul, 1986), soil carbon (Smith et al., 1994), and soil nutrients (Hendrickson et al., 1989, Jacobson et al., 2000, Merino & Edeso, 1999, Merino et al., 2003, Smith et al., 1994), which would result in reduced growth in the next cycle (Alam et al., 2012, Jacobson et al., 2000, Merino & Edeso, 1999, Merino et al., 2003, Olsson & Staaf, 1995, Proe et al., 1996, Proe & Dutch, 1994, Smith et al., 1994, Walmsley et al., 2009). Residue harvest from forestry plantations would incur the same nutrient deficit, but this could be addressed by adding fertilizer to plantations (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2011). To assess the potential of wood and residues from forestry plantations, we use FAOSTAT data to project global production and consumption of plantation forestry products. We use FAOSTAT data on world total plantation area in 1990, 2000, 2005, and 2010, and data on global consumption of roundwood in 1990, 2000, and 2005 (2010 data on roundwood not available at the time of writing). In 2005, total roundwood consumption was 1.70 Gm3, and total wood harvests from plantations is estimated to be 1.05 Gm3 (assuming a typical standing stock of 186.9 m3 ha-1 (Cuevas et al., 1991, Peichl & Arain, 2006), a typical density of plantation wood of 0.5 g cc-1 or 0.5 t m3 (Seeley, 2013), a residue generation factor of 0.3 (Koopmans & Koppejan, 1997, University of Montana, 2011), and typical harvest age of 30 yrs (Monroe Timber Consultants, 2007, Rawlings Consulting Forestry, 2009, University of Florida, 2013). By these calculations, roundwood consumption exceeded wood harvests from plantations, and must have been supplemented with wood harvested from natural forests. Since roundwood consumption is unlikely to decrease in the future (with a growing global population it seems more likely that demand will increase), it seems likely that with the same plantation area all wood harvested from plantations will be needed to satisfy demand for industrial and other activities (here, “roundwood” excludes fuelwood). Expanding plantation area for the purpose of supplying bioenergy would likely be inefficient because yields of short-rotation coppice (which is included in our energy crop potential) generally exceed those of traditional forestry (see “Energy crop” section); thus we assume that plantation area will stay roughly constant to 2050. We do consider residues from trees harvested from plantations to be available for bioenergy, as discussed above. Following the assumptions above, we calculate residue generation in 2050 to be 0.28 Gm3 yr-1, which, assuming 20 GJ t-1 (see section below on heating values) is equivalent to 1.5 EJ yr-1. We apply the “political stability” adjustment for a final forestry residue availability of 1.1 EJ yr-1. Crop residues Crop residues are the above-ground parts of the plant that are not the primary product for which the crop was grown. Examples are the stalk, leaves, and cobs of corn, or the stalk of cotton plants. Biomass potential from crop residues was included in Fischer & Scrattenholzer (2001) and Smeets et al. (2007). Because their calculations and data sources differed, we do not reassess their estimates and instead generate our own as follows. We calculate global residue production for the present using FAOSTAT data on production of the world’s top 12 crops. The residue ratio describes the quantity of residue produced per unit crop; in the case of wheat, this can be thought of as straw:wheat. We use residue ratios from the following sources: field residues (stalks and leaves) of rice, barley, maize, wheat from Scarlat et al. (2010), with process residues (corn cobs, hulls, etc.) from Koopman & Kopejan (1997) and Collins et al. (2000); soybeans, oil palm fruit and cassava from Koopman & Kopejan (1997); tomatoes from (Mingo et al., 2004); potato from (Milbrandt, 2009); sugarcane from (Kim & Dale, 2004). We assumed the sweet potato residue ratio to be the same as potato. The residue ratio for sugarbeet was calculated from an estimate of 38 t ha-1 residues at the central location in (Beeri et al., 2005) and 10-year average U.S. sugarbeet yields (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2013). Not all residues produced can be considered available. Some fraction of residues should be left in the field for sustainable best practice farming, to reduce erosion. Also, some residues are currently used for animal bedding and small-scale horticultural uses, and these uses should not be displaced because any replacement material (e.g. woodchips) would drive resource demand in another sector (in this example forestry). A number of experimental studies have shown that residue retention in the field is effective at reducing erosion and loss of soil carbon and nutrients. The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted a comprehensive review on residues and erosion control (Andrews, 2006) and found that generally 70% residue retention is required, based on findings that erosion levels off at higher than 70% retention % (Lindstrom, 1986, as cited in Andrews, 2006), a similar finding to that in (Papendick & Moldenhauer, 1995). Similar results are found in the lierature: 70% in (Graham et al., 2007); 100% for conventional till, 82% for reduced till, and 55% for no till in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Billion Ton Study (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2011); 75% for corn with conservation tillage at typical yields, and 100% for corn-soybean rotations or conventional till with any crop in (Wilhelm et al., 2007). Thus, here we reserve 70% of crop residues for soil quality. We reduce residue availability by a further 10% (of total residue production) to account for harvesting losses such as stubble than cannot be reasonably harvested. Scarlat et al. (2010) estimated that 11% of residues are used in animal husbandry over the whole of the EU. Off-farm residue use has been estimated at 5% (Kadam & McMillan, 2003) and 6% (Glassner et al., 1999, as cited in Kim & Dale, 2004). Based on these findings, we reserve 10% of residues for other uses such as animal bedding. We calculate net availability of crop residues as: Availability = ([crop production] x [residue ratio]) – [unharvestable fraction] – [fraction for SOC] – [fraction for other uses] Total residue production and net availability are shown for the top 12 produced crops globally in Table 1. Table 1 Global production and availability of residues from top 12 crops. TOTAL CROP PRODUCTION IN 2011 † (MTONNES) RESIDUE RATIO‡ TOTAL RESIDUE PRODUCTION (MTONNES) Sweet potatoes 104 0.11 12 Barley 140 1.18 Tomatoes 146 Oil palm fruit 213 CROP TOTAL RESIDUE AVAILABILITY (MTONNES) TOTAL RESIDUE AVAILABILITY (EJ/YR)§ 1 0.02 165 16 0.29 1.19 174 17 0.31 0.26 56 6 0.10 † Data from FAOSTAT ‡ Here, residue ratio is shown as dry mass of residues : fresh mass of crop. § Based on a higher heating value of 17.5 MJ kg-1; see section below on heating values. Cassava 234 0.52 121 12 0.21 Soybeans 237 3.50 829 83 1.45 Sugar beet 242 0.27 65 7 0.11 Potatoes 334 0.11 38 4 0.07 Wheat 657 1.18 776 78 1.36 Rice 683 1.58 1081 108 1.89 Maize 813 1.27 1036 104 1.81 Sugar cane 1658 0.16 261 26 0.46 Sum 5461 11 4614 461 8 This assessment of global residue availability is similar to Kim & Dale (2004) who projected 26 EJ yr-1; that study assumes a 60% residue retention rate and does not account for other uses of residues. Bloomberg New Energy Finance (2012) calculates 16 EJ yr-1 of residue availability in 8 major world regions (covering a majority of total land area and population) in 2030; this study uses similar assumptions of field residue retention and other uses as the present study. We then apply the adjustments used for energy crops on production and harvesting cost and governance, as crop residues can be very expensive to collect (National Research Council of the National Academies, 2011) and collection systems and likely to be affected by political stability. This brings us to 4.6 EJ yr-1. As discussed above, we project global cropland area to increase to 2050, but since the harvest index of plants (the ratio of grain to residues) has increased over time for major grains (Calderini et al., 1995) and will likely continue to do so, we expect overall residue generation to be similar to the present. Wastes Many types of waste could potentially be available for energy, including municipal solid waste, sewage, animal manure, and processing waste from various industries. Sufficient information to analyze the potential from some of these pathways is currently inadequate, and we lack the resources to cover every type of waste. Thus, here we consider the potential of energy from animal manure and municipal solid waste (MSW), two of the largest potential sources. MSW is already collected for disposal in many cities, which pay money for disposal or landfilling, and so diverting to energy use would likely result in negative costs (Faaij et al., 1998). We rely on (Shi et al., 2009), who modeled the global availability of waste paper (paper comprises more than half of organic material in MSW (Easterly & Burnham, 1996)). This study determined that 83 billion L per year of ethanol could be produced from waste paper. We calculate this to be equivalent to about 5 EJ yr-1. We apply the governance adjustment factor as MSW collection infrastructure is only likely to exist in relatively wellgoverned states; thus we arrive at 3.4 EJ yr-1. Use of animal manure, or dung, could create sustainability concerns. In developing countries significant amounts of dung are used as fertilizer for crop fields, where farmers cannot afford or do not have access to inorganic fertilizers (Habtetsion, 2000, Lupwayi et al., 2000)– dung is also widely used as fertilizer in the EU (FAO, 2003). Crop yields would very likely suffer if this dung were diverted to energy use (Habtetsion, 2000, Lupwayi et al., 2000, Mekonnen & Kohlin, 1995, Saleque et al., 2004). As we implicitly assumed yield growth of food crops in our land availability analysis, it is likely that dung will be needed to maintain and improve yields of crops in developing countries and the EU. Thus, we exclude the biomass potential from dung. Heating values The bioenergy potential studies reviewed here typically calculate biomass availability in terms of mass, and then convert this to energy using a heating value. We use higher heating values as these are more consistently reported in the literature and are consistent with our conversion efficiencies below. Heating values in the literature for poplar feed are 20.1(National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2011), 19.38 (Sannigrahi et al., 2010), 20.7-24.1 (Klasnja et al., 2002), and 18.79 MJ kg-1 (Telmo & Lousada, 2011), and 22.5 MJ kg-1 for willow (Klasnja et al., 2002). For Miscanthus reported HHVs are 18.04-18.92 MJ kg-1 (Lewandowski & Kicherer, 1997), and for Eucalyptus 18.16-19.67 (Lemenih & Bekele, 2004), 19.1-19.5 (Lewandowski & Kicherer, 1997), and 17.63 MJ kg-1 (Telmo & Lousada, 2011). For crop residues, HHVs are 17.48-18.43 (Demirbaş, 2001), 16.12-16.81 (Mani et al., 2004), 24.5 (Yu et al., 2007), 13.39-23.73 (Pordesimo et al., 2005), 17.65 (Domalski et al., 1986), 16.1-20 (Raveendran & Ganesh, 1996), and 17.65-17.51(Sannigrahi et al., 2010). Forestry, typically pine, has reported HHVs of 20 (Demirbaş, 1997), 20.02 (Sannigrahi et al., 2010), and 20.178 MJ kg-1 (Singh & Kostecky, 1986). Some components of forestry residues have been found to have slightly higher HHVs than whole trees, with 20.98 MJ kg-1 for foliage, 21.10 MJ kg-1 for treetops, while bark was measured to have an HHV of 19.56 MJ kg-1 and stumps of 19.65 MJ kg-1 (Demirbaş, 1997). MSW has been reported to have an HHV of 17.2 (Singh & Kostecky, 1986) and 10 MJ kg-1 (Kathiravale et al., 2003), while organic waste was found to have an HHV of 16 MJ kg-1 and waste paper of 19 MJ kg-1 (Faaij et al., 1998). Based on this literature, we chose values of 19 MJ kg-1 for an energy crop mix of Miscanthus, poplar, willow, and Eucalyptus, 17.5 MJ kg-1 or crop residues, 20 MJ kg-1 for forestry and forest residues, and 17 MJ kg-1 for MSW. We applied adjustments for HHVs in a similar fashion to the other adjustments. For example, Hoogwijk et al. (2005, 2009) use an HHV of 15 MJ kg-1 for their energy crops, while we believe it should be 19 MJ kg-1. Thus we multiplied the total biomass potential from these studies by 19/15 or 1.27. Conversion The biomass potential estimates we have discussed to this point are estimates of the primary energy in available biomass. The efficiency of conversion determines the amount of final energy products (e.g. electricity, heat, biofuel) available. Current typical conversion efficiencies are 30% for biofuel (not accounting for coproducts) (U.K. Renewable Fuels Agency, 2012) and 80% for combined heat and power (CHP) (IEA, 2008). With technological advance, it has been projected that biofuel conversion efficiency could reach 53-68% including combustion of coproducts (Hamelinck et al., 2005, Hedegaard et al., 2008, IEA, 2008, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2002). Based on this range we chose a central estimate of 60% efficiency. CHP efficiency has been reported to be as high as 88% (IEA, 2008) and has been projected to be 90% in 2030 (Hedegaard et al., 2008), and so we believe an average efficiency of 90% should be achievable by 2050. These values were based on lower heating values. IEA (2008) reports that HHVs are 2-5% lower than LHVs, and so we calculate an HHV for CHP of 90% x 0.965 = 87%. Importantly, these projections account for the efficiencies of the conversion processes themselves, and do not include energy used in feedstock production and transport. The efficiency of bioenergy production would be significantly lower in a life cycle approach. We used current policy trends to predict the allocation of biomass to biofuel vs. biopower and heat. Based on trends in EU member states’ National Renewable Energy Action Plans (European Union Member States, 2010), the EU will use 22% of its biomass for biofuel and the remainder as electricity and heat. In the U.S., the Energy Information Administration projects that the U.S. will continue using much more biomass (9x more) for biofuel than power and heat (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2011a). Combining these two projections, global biomass will be used 32% as biofuel and 68% as heat and power (current CHP plants are capable of delivering the electricity:heating split in the EU projection). This would lead to an overall conversion efficiency of biomass to energy of 80% in 2050. Literature cited Adas U, Kindred D, Sylvester-Bradley R, Garstang J, Weightman R, Kilpatrick J Anticipated and potential improvements in land productivity and increased agricultural inputs with intensification. Alam A, Kellomäki S, Kilpeläinen A, Strandman H (2012) Effects of stump extraction on the carbon sequestration in Norway spruce forest ecosystems under varying thinning regimes with implications for fossil fuel substitution. GCB Bioenergy. 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