Linux Cluster Production Readiness Egan Ford IBM Agenda • • • • • • Production Readiness Diagnostics Benchmarks STAB Case Study SCAB What is Production Readiness? • Production readiness is a series of tests to help determine if a system is ready for use. • Production readiness falls into two categories: – diagnostic – benchmark • The purpose is to confirm that all hardware is good and identical (per class). • The search for consistency and predictability. What are diagnostics? • Diagnostic tests are usually pass/fail and include but are not limited to – simple version checks • OS, BIOS versions – inventory checks • Memory, CPU, etc… – configuration checks • Is HT off? – vendor supplied diagnostics • DOS on a CD Why benchmark? • Diagnostics are usually pass/fail. – Thresholds may be undocumented. – ‘Why’ is difficult to answer. • Diagnostics may be incomplete. – They may not test all subsystems. • Other issues with diagnostics: – – – – False positives. Inconsistent from vendor to vendor. Do no real work, cannot check for accuracy. Usually hardware based. • What about software? • What about the user environment? Why benchmark? • Benchmarks can be checked for accuracy. • Benchmarks can stress all used subsystems. • Benchmarks can stress all used software. • Benchmarks can be measured and you can determine the thresholds. Benchmark or diagnostics? • Do both. • All diagnostics should pass first. • Benchmarks will be inconsistent if diagnostics fail. WARNING! • The following slides will contain the word ‘statistics’. • Statistics cannot prove anything. • Exercise commonsense. A few words on statistics • Statistics increases human knowledge through the use of empirical data. • ”There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.” -- Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) • ”There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and linpack.” What is STAB? • STatistical Analysis of Benchmarks • A systematic way of running a series of increasing complex benchmarks to find avoidable inconsistencies. • Avoidable inconsistencies may lead to performance problems. • GOAL: consistent, repeatable, accurate results. What is STAB? • Each benchmark is run one or more times per node, then the best representative of each node (ignore for multinode tests) is grouped together and analyzed as a single population. The results are not as interesting as the shape of the distribution of the results. Empirical evidence for all the benchmarks in the STAB HOWTO suggest that they should all form a normal distribution. • A normal distribution is the classic bell curve that appears so frequently in statistics. It is the sum of smaller, independent (may be unobservable), identically-distributed variables or random events. Uniform Distribution • Plot below is of 20000 random dice. Normal Distribution • Sum of 5 dice thrown 10000 times. Normal Distribution • Benchmarks also have many small independent (may be unobservable) identically-distributed variables that may affect performance, e.g.: – – – – – – – Competing processes Context switching Hardware interrupts Software interrupts Memory management Process/Thread scheduling Cosmic rays • The above may be unavoidable, but is in part the source a normal distribution. Non-normal Distribution • Benchmarks may also have non-identically-distributed observable variables that may affect performance, e.g.: – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • Memory configuration BIOS Version Processor speed Operating system Kernel type (e.g. NUMA vs SMP vs UNI) Kernel version Bad memory (e.g. excessive ECCs) Chipset revisions Hyper-Threading or SMT Non-uniform competing processes (e.g. httpd running on some nodes, but not others) Shared library versions Bad cables Bad administrators Users The above is avoidable and is the purpose of the STAB HOWTO. Avoidable inconsistencies may lead to multimodal or non-normal distributions. STAB Toolkit • The STAB Tools are a collection of scripts to help run selected benchmarks and to analyze their results. – Some of the tools are specific to a particular benchmark. – Others are general and operate on the data collected by the specific tools. • Benchmark specific tools comprise of benchmark launch scripts, accuracy validation scripts, miscellaneous utilities, and analysis scripts to collect the data, report some basic descriptive statistics, and create input files to be used with general STAB tools for additional analysis. STAB Toolkit • With a goal of consistent, repeatable, accurate results it is best to start with as few variables as possible. Start with single node benchmarks, e.g., STREAM. If all machines have similar STREAM results, then memory can be ruled out as a factor with other benchmark anomalies. Next, work your way up to processor and disk benchmarks, then two node (parallel) benchmarks, then multi-node (parallel) benchmarks. After each more complicated benchmark run a check for consistent, repeatable, accurate results before continuing. The STAB Benchmarks • Single Node (serial) Benchmarks: – – – – STREAM (memory MB/s) NPB Serial (uni-processor FLOP/s and memory) NPB OpenMP (multi-processor FLOP/s and memory) HPL MPI Shared Memory (multi-processor FLOP/s and memory) – IOzone (disk MB/s, memory, and processor) • Parallel Benchmarks (for MPI systems only): – Ping-Pong (interconnect µsec and MB/s) – NAS Parallel (multi-node FLOP/s, memory, and interconnect) – HPL Parallel (multi-node FLOP/s, memory, and interconnect) Getting STAB • – bench.tgz • Code with source (all script) – bench-oss.tgz • OSS code (e.g. Gnuplot) – bench-examples.tgz • 1GB of collected data (all text, 186000+ files) – stab.pdf (currently 150 pages) • Documentation (WIP, check back before 11/30/2005) Install STAB • Extract bench*.tgz into home directory: cd ~ tar zxvf bench.tgz tar zxvf bench-oss.tgz tar zxvf bench-examples.tgz • Add STAB tools to PATH: export PATH=~/bench/bin:$PATH • Append to .bashrc: export PATH=~/bench/bin:$PATH Install STAB • STAB requires Gnuplot 4 and it must be built a specific way: cd ~/bench/src tar zxvf gnuplot-4.0.0.tar.gz cd gnuplot-4.0.0 ./configure --prefix=$HOME/bench --enable-thin-splines make make install STAB Benchmark Tools • Each benchmark supported in this document contains an anal (short for analysis) script. This script is usually run from a output directory, e.g.: cd ~/bench/benchmark/output ../anal • benchmark nodes low high % mean median std dev bt.A.i686 cg.A.i686 ep.A.i686 ft.A.i686 lu.A.i686 mg.A.i686 sp.A.i686 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 615.77 159.78 11.51 448.05 430.60 468.12 449.01 632.08 225.08 11.53 448.90 436.59 472.54 449.87 2.65 40.87 0.17 0.19 1.39 0.94 0.19 627.85 191.05 11.52 448.63 433.87 470.86 449.58 632.02 193.16 11.52 448.81 434.72 472.12 449.72 8.06 26.86 0.01 0.39 2.51 2.00 0.39 The anal scripts produce statistics about the results to help find anomalies. The theory is that if you have identical nodes then you should be able to obtain identical results (not always true). The anal scripts will also produce plot.* files for use by dplot to graphically represent the distribution of the results, and by cplot to plot 2D correlations. Rant: % vs. normal distribution • % is good? – % variability can tell you something about the data with respect to itself without knowing anything about the data – It is non-dimensional with a range (usually 0-100) that has meaning to anyone. – IOW, management understands percentages. • % is not good? – It minimizes the amount of useful empirical data. – It hides the truth. % is not good, exhibit A • Clearly this is a normal distribution, but the variability is 500%. This is an extreme case where all the possible values exist for predetermined range. % is not good, exhibit B • Low variability can hide a skewed distribution. Variability is low, only 1.27%. But the distribution is clearly skewed to the right. % is not good, exhibit C • A 5.74% variability hides a bimodal distribution. Bimodal distributions are clear indicators that there is an observable difference between two different sets of nodes. STAB General Analysis Tools • dplot is for plotting distributions. – All the graphical output used as illustrations in this document up to this point was created with dplot. – dplot provides a number of options for binning the data and analyzing the distribution. • cplot is for correlating the results between two different sets of results. – E.g., does poor memory performance correlate to poor application performance? • danal is very similar to the output provided by the custom anal scripts provided with each benchmark, but has additional output options. – You can safely discard any anal screen output because it can be recreated with danal and the resulting plot.benchmark file. • Each script will require one or more plot.benchmark files. – dplot and danal are less strict and will work with any file of numbers as long as the numbers are in the first column; subsequent columns are ignored. – cplot however requires the 2nd column; it is impossible to correlate two sets of results without an index. dplot • The first argument to dplot must be the number of bins, auto, or whole. auto (or a) will use the square root of the number of results to determine the bin sizes and is usually the best place to start. whole (or w) should only be used if your results are whole numbers and if the data contains all possible values between low and high. This is only useful for creating plots like the dice examples at the beginning of this document. • The second argument is the plotfile. The plotfile must contain one value per line in the first column, subsequent columns are ignored. The order of the data is unimportant. dplot a numbers.1000 dplot a numbers.1000 -n dplot 19 numbers.1000 -n dplot a plot.c.ppc64 -bi dplot a plot.c.ppc64 –bi -std dplot a plot.c.ppc64 –text 108 +--------------[]--------------------------------+ 0.22 | [] | | [] | | [] | 86 +--------------[]--------------------------------+ 0.18 | [][] | | ::[][] | | [][][] | 65 +------------[][][]------------------------------+ 0.13 | [][][] | | [][][] | | [][][].. | 43 +------------[][][][]----------------------------+ 0.09 | [][][][] | | [][][][] | | ::[][][][][] | 22 +----------[][][][][][]--------------------------+ 0.05 | [][][][][][] | [][][][][][][]:: | [].... ..[][][][][].. ..::::[][][][][][][][]::..[][][][][][][][][] | | | 0 +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++ 0.00 2023 2046 2068 2090 2112 2134 2156 GUI vs Text dplot a plot.c_omp.ppc64 –n -chi chi-squared and scale Abusing chi-squared $ findn plot.c_omp.ppc64 X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: X^2: 26.75, scale: 0.43, bins: 21, normal distribution probability: 14.30% 13.29, scale: 0.25, bins: 12, normal distribution probability: 27.50% 24.34, scale: 0.45, bins: 22, normal distribution probability: 27.70% 22.04, scale: 0.41, bins: 20, normal distribution probability: 28.20% 4.65, scale: 0.12, bins: 6, normal distribution probability: 46.00% 8.68, scale: 0.21, bins: 10, normal distribution probability: 46.70% 16.79, scale: 0.37, bins: 18, normal distribution probability: 46.90% 12.52, scale: 0.29, bins: 14, normal distribution probability: 48.50% 16.77, scale: 0.39, bins: 19, normal distribution probability: 53.90% 8.55, scale: 0.23, bins: 11, normal distribution probability: 57.50% 12.33, scale: 0.31, bins: 15, normal distribution probability: 58.00% 13.25, scale: 0.33, bins: 16, normal distribution probability: 58.30% 2.84, scale: 0.1, bins: 5, normal distribution probability: 58.40% 10.22, scale: 0.27, bins: 13, normal distribution probability: 59.70% 6.27, scale: 0.19, bins: 9, normal distribution probability: 61.70% 1.36, scale: 0.08, bins: 4, normal distribution probability: 71.60% 11.28, scale: 0.35, bins: 17, normal distribution probability: 79.20% 3.36, scale: 0.17, bins: 8, normal distribution probability: 85.00% 2.27, scale: 0.14, bins: 7, normal distribution probability: 89.30% Abusing chi-squared cplot • • • • • • • cplot or correlation plot is a perl front-end to Gnuplot to graphically represent the correlation between any two sets of indexed numbers. Correlation measures the relationship between two sets of results, e.g. processor performance and memory throughput. Correlations are often expressed as a correlation coefficient; a numerical value with a range from -1 to +1. A positive correlation would indicate that if one set of results increased, the other set would increase, e.g. better memory throughput increases processor performance. A negative correlation would indication that if one set of results increases, the other set would decrease, e.g. better processor performance decreases latency. A correlation of zero would indicate that there is no relationship at all, IOW, they are independent. Any two sets of results with a non-zero correlation is considered dependent, however a check should be performed to determine if a dependent set of results is statistically significant. cplot • A strong correlation between two sets of results should produce more questions, not quick answers. • It is possible for two unrelated results to have a strong correlation because they share something in common. – E.g. You can show a positive correlation with the sales of skis and snowboards. It is unlikely that increased ski sales increased snowboard sales, the mostly likely cause is an increase in the snow depth (or a decrease in temperature) at your local resort, i.e., something that is in common. The correlation is valid, but it does not prove the cause of the correlation. cplot plot.c.ppc64 cplot plot.c.ppc64 Correlation of temperature to memory performance Correlation of 100 random numbers Statistical Significance Statistical Significance Case Study • 484 JS20 blades – dual PPC970 – 2GB RAM • Myrinet D – Full Bisection Switch • Cisco GigE – 14:1 over subscribed Diagnostics • Vendor supplied (passed) • BIOS versions (failed) • Inventory – Number of CPUs (passed) – Total Memory (failed) • OS/Kernel Versions (passed) BIOS Versions (failed) • All nodes but node443 have BIOS dated 10/21/04. node443 is dated 09/02/2004. • Inconsistent BIOS versions can affect performance. Command output: # rinv compute all | tee /tmp/foo # cat /tmp/foo | grep BIOS | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq 09/02/2004 10/21/2004 # cat /tmp/foo | grep BIOS | grep 09/02/2004 node433: VPD BIOS: 09/02/2004 Memory quantity (failed) • All nodes except node224 have 2GB RAM. Command output: # psh compute free | grep Mem | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq 1460116 1977204 1977208 #psh compute free | grep Mem | grep 1460116 node224: Mem: 1460116 ... STREAM • The STREAM benchmark is a simple synthetic benchmark program that measures sustainable memory bandwidth (in MB/s) and the corresponding computation rate for simple vector kernels. • STREAM C, FORTRAN, and C OMP are run 10 times on each node, then the best result from each node is taken to be used to compare consistency. Each result is also tested for accuracy. STREAM validation results • node483 failed to pass OMP test 3 of 10 test for accuracy. Try replacing memory, processors, and then system board in that order. Command output: # cd ~/bench/stream/output.raw # ../checkresults checking stream_c_omp.ppc64.node483.3...failed STREAM consistency results # cd ~/bench/stream/output # ../anal stream results benchmark c.ppc64 c_omp.ppc64 f.ppc64 nodes 484 484 484 low 2031.43 1993.49 2007.16 high 2147.98 2124.24 2092.68 % 5.74 6.56 4.26 mean 2077.03 2050.00 2039.20 median 2069.02 2050.51 2034.63 std dev 23.20 22.86 17.87 NAS Serial • The NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) are a small set of programs designed to help evaluate the performance of parallel supercomputers. The benchmarks, which are derived from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications, consist of five kernels and three pseudoapplications. • The NAS Serial Benchmarks are the same as the NAS Parallel Benchmarks except that MPI calls have been taken out and they run on one processor. • bt.B, cg.B, ep.B, ft.B, lu.B, mg.B, and sp.B are run 5 times on each node, then the best result from each node is taken to be used to compare consistency. Each result is also tested for accuracy. NAS Serial validation results • node483 failed to pass to a number of tests. Try replacing memory, processors, and then system board in that order. Command output: # cd ~/bench/NPB3.2/NPB3.2-SER/output.raw # ../checkresults checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.2...failed checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.5...failed checking cg.B.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking ep.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking ft.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking ft.B.ppc64.node483.2...failed checking ft.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking ft.B.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking lu.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking mg.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking mg.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.2...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.5...failed NAS Serial consistency results # cd ~/bench/NPB3.2/NPB3.2-SER/output # ../anal NPB Serial benchmark bt.B.ppc64 cg.B.ppc64 ep.B.ppc64 ft.B.ppc64 lu.B.ppc64 mg.B.ppc64 sp.B.ppc64 nodes 484 484 484 484 484 484 484 low 1077.69 40.93 9.88 480.87 516.88 618.16 530.48 high 1099.28 45.30 10.07 503.33 579.25 654.23 556.67 % 2.00 10.68 1.92 4.67 12.07 5.84 4.94 mean 1087.60 41.94 9.96 487.07 543.08 638.31 541.01 median 1087.67 41.38 9.96 486.23 542.88 638.85 540.77 std dev 4.67 1.31 0.04 3.71 12.46 6.76 3.99 How does memory correlate to performance? Statistically significant? • Command output: $ findc plot* | grep plot.c.ppc64 0.13 0.62 0.93 0.19 0.89 0.17 0.11 0.50 0.05 0.13 0.62 0.93 0.19 0.89 0.17 0.11 -0.50 -0.05 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 27 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c_omp.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.ep.B.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.f.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.ft.B.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.sp.B.ppc64 NAS OMP • The NAS OpenMP Benchmarks are the same as the NAS Parallel Benchmarks except that the MPI calls have been replaced with OpenMP calls to run on multiple processors on a shared memory system (SMP). • bt.B, cg.B, ep.B, ft.B, lu.B, mg.B, and sp.B are run 5 times on each node, then the best result from each node is taken to be used to compare consistency. Each result is also tested for accuracy. NAS OMP validation results • node483 failed to pass to a number of tests. Try replacing memory, processors, and then system board in that order. Command output: # cd ~/bench/NPB3.2/NPB3.2-OMP/output.raw # ../checkresults checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.2...failed checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking bt.B.ppc64.node483.5...failed checking ft.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking ft.B.ppc64.node483.2...failed checking ft.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking ft.B.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking ft.B.ppc64.node483.5...failed checking lu.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking lu.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking lu.B.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking mg.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking mg.B.ppc64.node483.2...failed checking mg.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking mg.B.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking mg.B.ppc64.node483.5...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.2...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking sp.B.ppc64.node483.5...failed NAS OMP consistency results # cd ~/bench/NPB3.2/NPB3.2-OMP/output # ../anal NPB OpenMP benchmark bt.B.ppc64 cg.B.ppc64 ep.B.ppc64 ft.B.ppc64 lu.B.ppc64 mg.B.ppc64 sp.B.ppc64 nodes 484 484 484 484 484 484 484 low 1850.99 67.31 19.69 593.39 739.30 751.40 722.73 high 1898.65 73.30 20.36 615.77 820.71 819.38 824.39 % 2.57 8.90 3.40 3.77 11.01 9.05 14.07 mean 1871.41 68.96 19.88 604.74 773.09 792.03 745.99 median 1870.45 68.44 19.88 604.61 772.05 797.10 747.33 How does memory correlate to performance? Statistically significant? • Command output: $ findc plot* | grep plot.f.ppc64 0.37 0.37 00 plot.f.ppc64 0.89 0.89 00 plot.c.ppc64 plot.f.ppc64 0.64 0.64 00 plot.c_omp.ppc64 plot.f.ppc64 0.77 0.77 00 plot.f.ppc64 0.07 -0.07 12 plot.ep.B.ppc64 plot.f.ppc64 0.20 -0.20 00 plot.f.ppc64 plot.ft.B.ppc64 0.29 -0.29 00 plot.f.ppc64 0.81 -0.81 00 plot.f.ppc64 0.65 -0.65 00 plot.f.ppc64 plot.sp.B.ppc64 $ findc plot* | grep plot.c_omp.ppc64 0.29 0.29 00 plot.c_omp.ppc64 0.62 0.62 00 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c_omp.ppc64 0.54 0.54 00 plot.c_omp.ppc64 0.03 -0.03 51 plot.c_omp.ppc64 plot.ep.B.ppc64 0.64 0.64 00 plot.c_omp.ppc64 plot.f.ppc64 0.06 -0.06 19 plot.c_omp.ppc64 plot.ft.B.ppc64 0.20 -0.20 00 plot.c_omp.ppc64 0.56 -0.56 00 plot.c_omp.ppc64 0.44 -0.44 00 plot.c_omp.ppc64 plot.sp.B.ppc64 HPL • HPL is a software package that solves a (random) dense linear system in double precision (64 bits) arithmetic on distributed-memory computers. It can thus be regarded as a portable as well as freely available implementation of the High Performance Computing Linpack Benchmark. • xhpl is run 10 times on each node, then the best result from each node is taken to be used to compare consistency. Each result it also tested for accuracy. • NOTE: nodes 215 and 224 were excluded from this test. node215 would not boot up. node224 only had 1.5GB of RAM. This test used 1.8GB RAM. HPL validation test • node483 failed to pass any test. Try replacing memory, processors, and then system board in that order. • Command output: # cd ~/bench/hpl/output.raw.single # ../checkresults checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.1...failed checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.10...failed checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.2...failed checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.3...failed checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.4...failed checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.5...failed checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.6...failed checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.7...failed checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.8...failed checking xhpl.ppc64.node483.9...failed HPL consistency and correlation # cd ~/bench/hpl/output # ../anal HPL results benchmark xhpl.ppc64 nodes 482 low 11.62 high 12.04 % 3.61 mean 11.89 median 11.89 Ping-Pong • Ping-Pong is a simple benchmark that measures latency and bandwidth for different message sizes. • Ping-Pong benchmarks should be run for each network (e.g. Myrinet and GigE). First run the serial Ping-Pongs and then the parallel Ping-Pongs. The purpose of the serial benchmarks is to find any single node or set of nodes that is not performing as well as the other nodes. The purpose of the parallel benchmarks is to help calculate bisectional bandwidth and test that system wide MPI jobs can be run. • There are four patterns, 3 deterministic and 1 random. The purpose for all four is to help isolate poor performing nodes and possibly poor performing routes or trunks (e.g. bad uplink cable). Ping-Pong • Sorted Ping-Pong • Cut Ping-Pong • Fold Myrinet consistency check # cd ~/bench/PMB2.2.1/ # ../anal spp sort bw spp sort bw results bytes pairs low 1 242 0.08 ... 4194304 242 87.62 # ../anal spp cut bw ... 4194304 242 87.13 # ../anal spp fold bw ... 4194304 242 87.17 # ../anal spp shuffle bw ... 4194304 242 87.61 high 0.11 % 37.50 mean 0.11 median 0.11 std dev 0.00 234.93 168.12 232.49 233.43 9.38 234.99 169.70 232.16 233.15 9.40 235.04 169.63 232.13 233.16 9.39 234.77 167.97 232.14 232.70 9.36 The 4194304 results the mean and median are very close together and also close to the high indicating a one or a few nodes with poor performance. Myrinet consistency # head -5 plot.spp.*.bw.4194304 ==> <== 87.13 node164-node406 230.95 node107-node349 231.36 node147-node389 231.41 node091-node333 231.43 node045-node287 ==> <== 87.17 node079-node406 227.58 node214-node271 229.34 node010-node475 231.40 node091-node394 231.48 node177-node308 ==> <== 87.61 node024-node406 231.47 node091-node166 231.51 node227-node003 231.55 node110-node293 231.57 node013-node231 ==> <== 87.62 node405-node406 228.64 node039-node040 231.64 node231-node232 231.66 node091-node092 231.66 node481-node482 Bisectional Bandwidth ppp cut bw results bytes 4194304 pairs 242 low 60.28 high 233.44 % 287.26 mean 138.94 median 137.92 Demonstrated BW = 242 * 138.94 = 33623.48 MB/s ~= 32.8 GB/s (262.4 Gb/s) std dev 36.87 IP consistency check # cd ~/bench/PMB2.2.1/output.ip # ../anal spp sort bw spp sort bw results bytes pairs low high 1 241 0.01 0.01 ... 4194304 241 60.76 101.76 # ../anal spp cut bw ... 4194304 241 45.54 89.88 # ../anal spp fold bw ... 4194304 241 50.91 100.60 # ../anal spp shuffle bw ... 4194304 241 49.31 100.71 % 0.00 mean 0.01 median 0.01 std dev 0.00 67.48 99.91 100.26 3.53 97.36 86.96 88.60 6.58 97.60 87.33 88.48 6.30 104.24 87.26 88.53 6.72 IP consistency check • • The sorted pair output will be easiest to analyze for problem since each pair will be restricted to a single switch within each Bladecenter. The other tests will run across the network and may have higher variability. Running the following command reviles that the pairs in bold performed poorly: # head -5 ==> <== 60.76 node025-node026 68.97 node023-node024 79.97 node325-node326 98.83 node067-node068 98.85 node071-node072 98.94 node337-node338 98.98 node175-node176 99.02 node031-node032 99.11 node401-node402 99.16 node085-node086 • • This may or may not be a problem. The uplink performance will be less 60MB/s/node because BC can at best provide an average of 35MB/s per blade (with a 4 cable trunk). Many Myrinet-based clusters only use GigE for management and NFS, both have greater bottlenecks elsewhere. You may want to check the switch logs and consider reseating the switches and blades. IP consistency check Running the following command reviles that there may be an uplink problem with nodes in BC #2. i.e. node015-node028. # head -20 ==> <== 45.54 node025-node268 50.47 node026-node269 54.85 node024-node267 56.27 node002-node245 57.08 node022-node265 58.50 node023-node266 62.74 node020-node263 69.37 node016-node259 69.48 node015-node258 69.56 node021-node264 69.73 node018-node261 71.06 node028-node271 71.42 node019-node262 71.45 node042-node285 72.06 node027-node270 72.31 node017-node260 84.69 node224-node465 86.40 node225-node466 87.10 node001-node244 87.54 node084-node327 IP consistency check ==> <== 50.91 node026-node459 51.72 node023-node462 55.32 node002-node483 58.39 node025-node460 60.24 node024-node461 65.66 node018-node467 68.09 node022-node463 68.28 node020-node465 69.96 node021-node464 70.23 node015-node470 70.27 node016-node469 70.61 node019-node466 71.12 node027-node458 71.50 node017-node468 74.35 node028-node457 84.75 node235-node252 85.02 node236-node251 85.79 node237-node250 85.94 node238-node249 87.19 node118-node367 IP consistency check ==> <== 49.31 node001-node126 49.46 node029-node026 51.25 node024-node063 56.34 node274-node025 58.14 node023-node100 68.00 node019-node248 68.67 node443-node015 68.88 node018-node228 69.29 node020-node091 69.38 node028-node240 70.68 node022-node102 70.80 node027-node106 71.63 node021-node423 71.96 node291-node017 72.52 node460-node411 72.66 node016-node040 78.61 node031-node011 83.85 node041-node050 84.82 node407-node393 85.08 node420-node399 The cut, fold, and shuffle tests run from BC to BC, and the nodes in BC #2 repeatable show up. Consider checking the uplink cables, ports, and the BC switch. Bisectional Bandwidth ppp cut bw results bytes 4194304 pairs 241 low 6.18 high 17.36 % 180.91 mean 7.95 median 7.28 Demonstrated BW = 241 * 7.95 = 1915.95 MB/s ~= 1.87 GB/s (14.96 Gb/s) std dev 1.82 NAS MPI (8 node, 2ppn) • • The NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) are a small set of programs designed to help evaluate the performance of parallel supercomputers. The benchmarks, which are derived from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications, consist of five kernels and three pseudoapplications. bt.B, cg.B, ep.B, ft.B, is.B, lu.B, mg.B, and sp.B are run 10 times on each set of 8 unique nodes using 2 different node set methods: sorted and shuffle. – Sorted. Sets of 8 nodes are selected from a sorted list and assigned adjacently, e.g. node001-node008, node009-node016, etc…, this is used to find consistency within the same set of nodes. – Shuffle. Sets of 8 nodes are selected from a shuffled list. Nodes are reshuffled between runs. • • Both sorted and shuffle sets are run in parallel, i.e. all the sorted sets of 8 are run at the same time, then all the shuffle sets are run at the same time. NOTE: node215 and node446 were not included in the shuffle and sorted tests. node215 failed to boot, node446 failed to startup Myrinet. NAS MPI verification Verification command output: # cd ~/bench/NPB3.2/NPB3.2-MPI/output.raw.shuffle This command will find the failed results and place the names of the results filenames into the file ../failed: # ../checkresults ../failed This command will find the common nodes in all failed results in the file ../failed and sort them by number of occurrences (occurrences are counted by processor, not node): # xcommon ../failed | tail node395 12 node440 12 node056 12 node464 12 node043 12 node429 14 node297 14 node391 20 node174 22 node483 96 NAS MPI Consistency check • Consistency check command output: # cd ~/bench/NPB3.2/NPB3.2-MPI/output.raw.shuffle # ../analm NPB MPI benchmark bt.B.16 cg.B.16 ep.B.16 ft.B.16 is.B.16 lu.B.16 mg.B.16 sp.B.16 runs 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 low 9089.46 1095.60 155.81 2102.39 87.06 5069.36 3265.89 2156.46 high 10415.15 1685.61 160.64 3232.49 185.29 5892.62 3898.99 2404.05 % 14.58 53.85 3.10 53.75 112.83 16.24 19.39 11.48 mean 10204.94 1570.48 158.48 3052.71 155.97 5529.00 3737.80 2340.00 median 10217.94 1575.38 158.37 3066.45 154.39 5531.17 3739.77 2340.05 std dev 143.14 57.70 0.59 130.37 12.94 111.84 74.91 26.89 NAS MPI Consistency The leading cause of variable for a stable system is switch contention. The only way to determine what is normal is to run the same set of benchmarks multiple times on an isolated set of stable nodes (nodes that passed single node tests) with the rest of the switch not in use. I did not have time to run a series of serial parallel tests, but this is close: # cd ~/bench/NPB3.2/NPB3.2-MPI/output.raw.sort # ../analm $(nr –l node001-node080) NPB MPI benchmark bt.B.16 cg.B.16 ep.B.16 ft.B.16 is.B.16 lu.B.16 mg.B.16 sp.B.16 runs 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 low 10025.30 1678.27 150.45 3248.41 159.31 5156.19 3491.76 2259.08 high 10266.00 1787.76 160.02 3694.40 168.14 5522.79 3685.78 2308.16 % 2.40 6.52 6.36 13.73 5.54 7.11 5.56 2.17 mean 10129.42 1714.04 158.49 3563.50 163.91 5346.95 3613.65 2289.66 median 10120.54 1712.43 158.38 3575.43 164.22 5350.06 3614.44 2290.30 std dev 44.30 15.39 1.03 81.22 1.98 87.51 37.25 9.55 The above results are from the first 80 nodes run sorted. Each set of 8 nodes were isolated to a single Myrinet line card reducing switch contention (however each 2 sets of nodes did share a single line card). Also to avoid possible variability because of memory performance I limited the report to the first 80 nodes. NAS MPI Distribution NAS MPI Correlation BT BW vs. Perf NAS MPI Distribution w/o node406 NAS MPI Correlation BT STREAM vs. Perf NAS MPI Correlation BT STREAM vs. Perf $ CPLOTOPTS="-dy ," findc plot* | grep plot.c.ppc64 0.09 0.00 0.14 0.22 0.21 0.41 0.42 -0.09 0.00 -0.14 -0.22 -0.21 -0.41 -0.42 05 100 00 00 00 00 00 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.c.ppc64 plot.ep.B.16 plot.ft.B.16 plot.sp.B.16 HPL MPI • • HPL is a software package that solves a (random) dense linear system in double precision (64 bits) arithmetic on distributed-memory computers. It can thus be regarded as a portable as well as freely available implementation of the High Performance Computing Linpack Benchmark. xhpl is run 10 (15 times for sorted) times on each set of 8 unique nodes using 2 different node set methods: sorted and shuffle. – Sorted. Sets of 8 nodes are selected from a sorted list and assigned adjacently, e.g. node001-node008, node009-node016, etc…, this is used to find consistency within the same set of nodes. – Shuffle. Sets of 8 nodes are selected from a shuffled list. Nodes are reshuffled between runs. • Both sorted and shuffle sets are run in parallel, i.e. all the sorted sets of 8 are run at the same time, then all the shuffle sets are run at the same time. HPL MPI verification # cd ~/bench/hpl/output.raw.shuffle This command will find the failed results and place the names of the results filenames into the file ../failed: # ../checkresults ../failed This command will find the common nodes in all failed results in the file ../failed and sort them by number of occurrences (occurrences are counted by processor, not node): # xcommon ../failed | tail node073 2 node121 2 node090 2 node406 2 node308 2 node276 2 node103 2 node199 2 node435 4 node483 20 HPL MPI consistency # cd ~/bench/hpl/output.raw.shuffle # ../analm HPL results benchmark runs low xhpl.16.15000 600 51.14 xhpl.16.30000 600 69.34 high 60.66 78.48 % 18.62 13.18 mean 59.31 77.16 median 59.48 77.35 std dev 1.00 1.08 HPL MPI correlations Summary • • • • node483 has accuracy issues. node406 has weak Myrinet performance. BC2 has a switch or uplink issue. nodes 1-84 has a different memory configuration that does correlate to application performance. • Applications at large scales my experience no performance anomalies. What is SCAB? • SCalability Analysis of Benchmarks • The purpose of the SCAB HOWTO is to verify that the cluster you just built actually can do work at scale. This can be accomplished by running a few industry accepted benchmarks. • The STAB/SCAB tools provide tools to plot the scalability for visual analysis. • The STAB HOWTO should be completed first to rule out any inconsistencies that may appear as scaling issues. The Benchmarks • PMB (Pallas MPI Benchmark) • NPB (NAS Parallel Benchmark) • HPL (High Performance Linpack) PMB • The Pallas MPI Benchmark (PMB) provides a concise set of benchmarks targeted at measuring the most important MPI functions. • NOTE: Pallas has been acquired by Intel. Intel has released the IMB (Intel MPI Benchmark). The IMB is a minor update of the PMB. The IMB were not used because they failed to execute properly for all MPI implementations that I tested. • IMPORTANT: Consistent PMB Ping-Ping should be achieved before running this benchmark (STAB Lab). Unresolved inconsistencies in the interconnect may appear as scaling issues. • The main purpose of this test is as a diagnostic to answer the following questions: – Are my MPI implementation basic functions complete? – Does my MPI implementation scale? PMB • • Example plot from larger BC cluster. Very impressive. For the Sendrecv benchmark this cluster scales from 2 nodes to 240! Could this be a non-blocking GigE configuration? Another benchmark can help answer that question. PMB • • Example plot from larger BC cluster. Quite revealing. The sorted benchmark has the 4M message size performing at ~115MB/s for all node counts, but shuffled it falls gradually as the number of nodes increase to ~10MB/s. Why? PMB • • This cluster is partitioned into 14 nodes/BladeCenter Chassis. Each chassis has a GigE switch with only 4 uplinks, 3 of the 4 uplinks are bonded together to form a single 3Gbit uplink to a stacked SMC GigE core switch. Assuming no blocking with the core switch, this solution blocks at 14:3. The Sendrecv benchmark is based on MPI_Sendrecv, the processes form a periodic communication chain. Each process sends to the right and receives from the left neighbor in the chain. PMB • Based on the previous illustration it is easy to see why the sorted list performed so well. Most of the traffic was isolated to good performing local switches and the jump from chassis to chassis through the SMC core switch only requires the bandwidth of a single link (1Gb full duplex). • The shuffled list has small odds that its left neighbor (receive from) and its right neighbor (send to) will be on the same switch. This was illustrated in the second plot. • Moral of the story. – Don’t trust interconnect vendors that do not provide the node list. – Ask for sorted and shuffled benchmarks. PMB Myrinet GM PMB Myrinet GM PMB Myrinet MX PMB Myrinet MX PBM IB PBM IB Questions w/ Answers • Egan Ford, IBM