CMPUT429/CMPE382 Winter 2001 Computer Systems and Architecture José Nelson Amaral CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture 1 Course Outline Data Path and Control Logic Pipelining Performance Measurement Memory Hierarchy Storage Systems Interconnection Networks Software Pipelining Dynamic Pipelining EPIC Architecture: VLIW, Predication, and Speculation Multithreading Compiler Enhanced Performance Multiprocessors: CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems Memory Consistency and Architecture 2 2000 1998 1990 1994 1988 1980 Admin. Information Instructor: Office: Phone: email: Office Hours: Prof. José Nelson Amaral ATH 351 492-5411 10:00-11:00 am (Wed.) TA: email: Peng Zhao Office Hours: Lab: TBA NO LAB CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture 4 Important Dates February 26 (Tuesday) April 19 (Friday) : mid-term exam : final exam Course work will carry the following weights towards your final grade: Midterm Exam: Homeworks: Final Exam: 35% 25% 40% CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture 5 CMPUT429/CMPE382 Honor Code By turning the solution of the homework for grading, I certify that I have worked all the solutions on my own, that I have not copied or transcribed solutions from a classmate, someone outside the class, or from any other source. I also certify that I have not facilitated or allowed any of my classmates to copy my own solutions. I am aware that students are encouraged to discuss the material covered in the class and to work examples together. However, the joint solution of problems assigned as individual homework exercises is not allowed. I am aware that the violation of this honor code constitutes a breach of the trust granted me by the teaching staff, compromises my reputation, and subjects me to the penalties prescribed in Section 26.1 of the University of Alberta 2001/2002 Calendar. CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture 6 Some Sad Statistics in Computing Science 21 cases of plagiarism in the 2000/2001 Academic Year: # of Students 3 1 5 1 Length of Suspension 1 year 2 years 4 months 8 months CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture 7 Late Submission Policy Homeworks only can be turned in at the begin of a lecture. There will be a penalty of 20% of the grade per lecture of delay. This penalty is applied across the board and independent of justification. Deferred exams will be different from the final given on the scheduled date. CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture 8 Quizes A portion of the homework grades will be based on in-class quizes based on reading material. Quiz #1: January 15 Sections 1.1 to 1.6 of Textbook (exercises 1.1 and 1.2 of Textbook) Quiz #2: January 17 Sections 1.7 to 1.10 of Textbook (exercises 1.5, 1.11, and 1.15 of Textbook) CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture 9 Textbook Hennessy, John L., Patterson, David A. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Pub., San Francisco, CA, ISBN 1-55860-372-7. CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture 10 Mailing List Important announcements will be made through the class mailing list (some only in the list). To subscribe send an email to with no subject and the following line subscribe cmput429 CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture 11