Dina Preston-Ortiz University of Phoenix Continued Growth of Strategic Alliance ◦ Global economy growth ◦ Technology forces competitive efficiencies High Failure Rate ◦ 70-75% Partners are competitors outside alliance Trust role in creating value 2 General Problem ◦ The general problem addressed in the Delphi Study is the 70-75% failure rate of strategic alliances Specific Problem (“Create Successful International Mergers and Alliances,” 2006; Taylor, 2005; Zineldin & Dodourova, 2005). ◦ Trust influence on resource sharing, use of administrative controls and management flexibility critical to the development of successful partnerships (Das & Teng, 1998; Schumacher, 2006; Rowlings, Cheung, Simons & Rafferty, 2006). 3 The purpose of this qualitative Delphi study is to formulate a consensus from experts who have knowledge of the influence of trust on virtual alliance performance for the development of successful alliance. 4 A qualitative Delphi technique was applied to understand the influence of trust on virtual alliance performance (Creswell, 2005; Gonzalez et al., 2006; Grisham, 2009 Skulmoski, Hartman & Krahn, 2007) ◦ Convenience and snowball sampling ◦ 15 panelist ◦ 3 qualitative survey rounds Open-ended questions Likert-type scale survey Ranking agreement/disagreement ◦ Outcome assessment ◦ 5 best practices 5 The study explored the research question of how trust among virtual strategic-alliance members influences business operations and the performance of individual alliance members (see Figure 1). Trust Influence Performance Indicators •Management control •Resource sharing •Network flexibility Figure 1. Research Question Model 6 Systems Perspective Transactional Perspective Social Science Perspective General System Theory (“Chapter XVI General Systems Theory,” 1964; Katz & Kahn, 1978; von Bertalanffy, 2008) Agency Theory (Bergen et al., 1992; Jensen & Meckling, 1976) Social Exchange Theory (Bignoux, 2006; Lambe, Wittmann, & Spekman, 2001; Voss et al., 2006; Young-Ybarra & Wiersma,1999) Open system Theory (Morrison, 2004; Yasin, Bayes & Czuchry,2005) Transaction Cost Theory (De Jong & Woolthuis, 2009; Goo et al., 2009 ;Judge & Dooley, 2006; YoungYbarra, & Wiersma, 1999). Commitment Trust Theory (Bignoux, 2006; Morgan & Hunt, 1994; The commitment-trust theory, 1994; Voss et al., 2006) Strategic Alliance Foundational Research (Das, & Teng, 1998; Das, & Teng, 2001a; Das, & Teng, 2001b; Kearney, 2006) Value Chain Theory (Jonk, Handschuh, & Niewiem, 2008; Stewart & Fenn, 2006; Weber, 2008 7 Population: Meeting Planners International Sample: Arizona Sunbelt Chapter, MPI Sample Criteria A. Business owner or employee in an organization with at least 1 year membership in AZ Sunbelt Chapter B. Provide a service or products using the Internet or other types of technology information systems. C. Experience using the Internet or other types of technology information systems to contract/coordinate. 8 Qualitative Delphi Study Design Research Question 1) Three Survey Rounds 2) Survey Instruments R1: Open-Ended Question Survey R2: Likert-Scale Survey R3: Ranking of Agreement Pilot Studies Methodology Delphi R1: Survey & Analysis Delphi R2: Survey Design 2) Open-Ended Question Survey 3) Survey Analysis Thematic coding (nominal data) Likert-type scale survey questions developed 1) Likert-Type Scale Survey Attitude scale from 1 (Agree Completely) to 5 (Disagree Completely). Delphi R2: Survey & Analysis Delphi R3: Survey Design 1) Likert-Type Scale Survey 2) Survey Analysis Measure central tendency (median/ordinal data) for each question Ranking index developed 1) Ranking of Agreement Rank index (agreement/disagreement) for each item presented in index Delphi R3: Survey & Analysis 3) Ranking of Agreement 4) Ranking Analysis Assess according to agreement/disagreement Develop best practices Delphi: Research Documentation Analysis of Findings Interpretations Conclusion Best Practices Recommendation 9 Pilot Round: Open-ended survey Round 1: Open-ended survey ◦ Six Central Themes identified (see Table K1) Data reduction: Coding of nominal data Development of R2: Likert-type scale survey Round 2: Likert-type scale survey ◦ 20 statements developed (See Table K2) Data reduction: Ordinal data median Histogram: Gauge response differences between the trust and leadership questions. Development R3: Ranking agreement/disagreement survey Round 3: Ranking agreement/disagreement ◦ 18 statements developed (See Table K4) Data reduction: Number of responses to each statement Five statements (100% agreement) 10 Trust Statements Leadership Statements The most important influences of trust include (a) creating a platform of respect (b) increased partner cooperation and (c) understanding between stakeholders Leaders must have a vision, inspire possibilities in partners, and increase innovation through learning to build successful virtual alliances Leaders must provide clear and dependable communication to build trust in virtual strategic alliances To create trust in virtual alliances leaders need to be consistent, able to clarify boundaries, roles and partner expectations To build trust among virtual alliance partners, leaders must be accessible *Based on the rankings above, these five statements received 100% agreement response rate from participants representing 25% of the final statements developed for Round Three 11 The Central Contributions Leadership based practices had a greater influence on virtual alliance performance compared to trust based practices Exception: creating a platform of respect Cooperative resource exchanges Long-term relationships Contingency approach to leadership 12 Additional Data 1. Trust did not appear to reduce management controls 2. Trust supports flexibility through partner comfort and cooperation 3. Trust contributes to partner's individual goals 13 Addressed trust’s influence on management controls such as contracts, resource sharing, and underlying factors that lead to network flexibility in specific industries (Ang, 2007; Das & Teng, 1998; Schumacher, 2006; Vianna Villas & Aduard de Macedo-Soares, 2007; YoungYbarra & Wiers,1999) Addressed the underlying influences of a virtual network structure on an alliance’s communication and culture. 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