Consultation Feedback Document - FINAL - 05.02

Consultation Feedback Document
004870 – Family Support Services
January 2016
Newcastle City Council has carried out a period of consultation with Providers to inform the Council’s long-term solution for
two components within the current Early Help and Supporting Families Offer. The two components are:
– Community Family Hub, and
– an element of the city-wide Family Support Offer.
The Council are proposing that new arrangements will be in place from 1 September 2016.
The Council held a number of engagement events with Providers over a period of ten months from May 2015:
 20 May 2015 – Provider Workshop,
 2 June 2015 – Provider Workshop,
 15 July 2015 – Tender Ready Session,
 30 November 2015 – Social Value Workshop,
 11 January 2016 – Provider Workshop and
 1 February 2016 – Provider Networking Event
A copy of the presentations from these events can be found on the NEPO Electronic Tendering Portal
Each event provided opportunity for group discussion, and feedback was captured from table top discussions and informed
the Council’s Proposed Contract Opportunities document published on 17 December 2015
This document provides a summary of the feedback received throughout this consultation exercise. A list of the organisations
who attended these events is attached as Appendix One to this report.
For further information please contact:
Becky Polito, Commissioning and Procurement Lead Specialist ( or Rhonda Eagle,
Collaborative Procurement Manager (
Comment/question/point of clarification received at the Provider Networking Event held on Monday, 1
February, 2016
Provider comment/question/point of clarification
Providers would have preferred a facilitated session to introduce
the Lots.
Reply from the Council
The session was designed to give Providers an opportunity to
network amongst themselves to explore potential developments
of collaborative arrangements. The Council made information
available regarding Lots that had been shared previously with the
market as part of the Provider Workshops.
Has there been any consideration given to indemnify
organisations inr elaton to TUPE? Is there assurance that there
will be no implications from Local Authority TUPE?
The Council has not yet gathered this information but will share
this as part of the procurement exercise so financial commitments
are clear. It will be the responsibility of the incumbent, employing
organisation to assert the TUPE rights of their staff. There is not
anticipated to be any TUPE requirements for staff employed by
the Council as these services will continue to be delivered by the
Where are the links with the Expanding Minds Agenda and the
Domestic Violence commission?
We are very aware of the extensive work going on in relation to
“Expanding Minds, Improving Lives” (EMIL) and would expect to
see strong links between the services eventually commissioned
through that initiative and the Community Family Hub
Teams. Many of the principles underpinning EMIL align with the
principles of the Community Family Hub Teams; for example,
whole family working, community engagement, an approach that
includes preventative and early intervention services, ensuring
the voices of children and young people are heard etc. We
expect EMIL to fully embrace the need for strong Infant Mental
Health which will be vitally important for the Sure Start component
within the Community Family Hub Teams along with services that
support children across the age range, including those needing
Intensive Family Support.
We know that domestic violence and abuse is an influencing
factors in a large number of cases which result in child protection
conferences. In commissioning the new integrated domestic
violence and abuse accommodation and outreach services,
support offered to parents, both in and out with the new purpose
built supported accommodation facility, should keep the needs of
children and young people at its core and wherever possible take
a ‘whole family approach’.
We expect clients to be offered person centred and/or a whole
family approach to support plans based on their individual, and
their family, needs and reflect their recovery journey towards
achieving positive outcomes. This may include, but is not limited
to, receiving or being offered: one to one support; peer support,
befriending, mentoring and/or use of other group work
approaches which may be with their child(ren); prevention and
recovery programmes, including structured community based
recovery programmes; and so forth. Age appropriate support for
children will also be offered.
The service will provide support through the Common
Assessment Framework process and support Service Users
through a Team Around the Family approach. The successful
provider will work in partnership with other professions and
practitioners to meet continuing needs of the child/ family and
where appropriate become a member of the team around the
family/ act as the Lead Practitioner, or in cases where there is
social care involvement, attend core groups for children subject to
a Child Protection Plan. The Service will also play a key role in
the provision of information and signposting to other community
based support networks.
Comment/question/point of clarification received at the Provider Workshop held on Monday, 11 January, 2016
Provider comment/question/point of clarification
Providers felt that the Council had considered well and
incorporated feedback received at the Social Value Workshop
on 30 November 2015 into the Proposed Contract Opportunities
document that was published on 17 December 2015.
Reply from the Council
We are pleased that Providers can see elements from the Social
Value Workshop incorporated into the Proposed Contract
Opportunities (PCO) document. We will continue to incorporate
feedback and considerations raised at this event throughout the
procurement and contract management stage of the 004870 –
Family Support Services Framework Agreement.
There needs to be contract requirements for geographical leads
to work together to coordinate services and the offer to families
across the City.
Yes. Clause 3.2.1 in the PCO document describes the current
leadership structure for the Community Family Hub. The Council
anticipates that this leadership structure will not change under
new arrangements from 1 September 2016.
At present, each geographic area has a Community Family Hub
Lead. It is proposed that this arrangement will continue (diagram
two on page eight of the PCO document shows the CFH
Integrated Leadership Team structure).
Together the Service Manager and the Community Family Hub
Leads form the strategic, integrated leadership team for the
Community Family Hub. The Community Family Hub (CFH)
Leads act as leader and manager of activity in their own areas.
The Community Family Hub Lead is responsible for developing
and maintaining partnerships to enable provision of the full Sure
Start statutory offer.
The Lotting proposals indicate that the team of lead officers will
include both Council staff and staff employed by external
partners. Effective working among this Community Family Hub
integrated leadership team is essential.
With the intensive family support the boundaries need to be
clear; for example if an organisation is awarded a contract to
deliver services in the East of the City will they just work in the
East of the City, and not be expected to work in other parts of
the City.
Each Lot will have a detailed Service Specification within the
tender pack when it is published in March 2016.
Intensive family Support is offered across the whole of the city
based on assessed need. Whilst Intensive Family Support (IFS) is
included in Lot 1 to deliver this service to families in the east of
the city the organisation that is successful will be expected to
work as part of an integrated system with Local Authority work in
the central and west areas. If there is capacity in one area of the
city and not in another there may be occasions where families in
one part of the city will be worked with by a member of another
Restricting the number of Lots a single Provider can deliver is
one way to enable Providers of varying sizes and specialisms to
bid and balances this with the potential for the Council to
achieve economies of scale. However, this approach could
make it a challenge to the integrated delivery of the Council’s
statutory duty under the CFH and non-statutory services.
Following feedback and legal advice, the Council has determined
to remove proposed restrictions from the Contract Opportunities.
How long is the Council proposing to put contracts in place for
with successful Providers?
The tender exercise will be seeking to appoint successful
Providers to a four-year Framework Agreement (two years with
two x 12-month options to extend) to commence 1 September
How has this scope been decided, who and how was it decided
what is ‘in scope’ and what is ‘out of scope’?
In 2014 Newcastle City Council carried out an extensive
consultation process with parents, providers and other key
stakeholders to consider and agree the way in which we should
deliver Family Support Services. This review arrived at the
Council’s current operating model.
Contracts will be awarded to the Winning Bidder in each of the six
Following the implementation of the new Public Contract
Regulations in February 2015, the Council continued consultation
with Providers and other key stakeholders as outlined above.
The Council has previously made clear that it intends to continue
to directly deliver some elements of the Community Family Hub,
and that it seeks to maintain the current balance of provision
between those services which are directly delivered by the
Council and those that are externally commissioned. Through
consultation stakeholders identified a number of benefits to this
‘mixed economy’ model of service delivery:
 Locally / community based Providers increase
opportunities for service delivery to be based on the needs
of local communities and delivered in local settings,
 A broader skills and experience base to inform service
design and delivery,
 A reduction in barriers to local people who may have a fear
or distrust of ‘Council services’,
 Providers external to the Council have the opportunity to
leverage in additional resources, increasing value for
money for reducing levels of public funding
Based on stakeholders’ comments, the proposed Lotting seeks to
minimise changes to the way the Council’s direct resources are
deployed. This approach was agreed to maximise the potential
benefits of an integrated service delivery model and minimise the
changes to service delivery to vulnerable families.
Please clarify, whether the figures represented in clause 4.5 in
the Proposed Contract Opportunities document and in the
PowerPoint presentation shared with stakeholders on 11
January 2016 represent the full contract value or an annual
The figures represent an annual figure for each Lot.
Under the new Framework Agreement what consideration has
the Council given to Providers being required to deliver services
from existing premises?
The Council recognise that this is a complex issue. As a result of
Sure Start capital investment some Lots will have requirements
related to the use of certain premises and these will be detailed in
the individual Lots at the point of tender, these requirements will
be in place to ensure the Council is not subject to a ‘clawback’ of
Sure Start capital funding.
The Council also recognise that there will need to be some
consideration given to the use of other community premises (not
in receipt of Sure Start capital investment) to ensure the smooth
delivery of services and the sustainability of community provision.
Detailed requirements will be detail in the individual Lots at the
point of tender.
Can the Council please give further information about the
premises that successful Providers will need to use in the
delivery of services.
There are some key premises that successful providers will need
to use in the delivery of services and revenue costs for these
buildings have been included, where necessary, in the value of
the Lots. However the Service Specifications will provide more
detailed information about those buildings that it will be a
requirement for the successful provider to manage/deliver from.
Is there anywhere that partners can register an interest in
delivering services as part of a partnership? For example, a
Provider may be delivering in one geographic area but be
interest in delivering in another area; or there may be Providers
currently not delivering in the area that want to lead a
collaborative arrangement and they are looking for local
Yes. On 1 February 2016 the Council has organised a
Networking event for existing and potential new Providers to
explore further the make-up of new collaborative working
arrangements. Further details of this event will be published on
the NEPO Electronic Tendering Portal.
Although the final responsibility for developing collaborative
arrangements sits with Providers, the Council has carried out a
number of activities to encourage open dialogue between
Providers and to enable the development of partnership working.
The Council has already shared information with the market
regarding current service Providers.
It would be useful to have a network event in each of the three
geographical areas.
On 1 February 2016 the Council has organised a Networking
event for existing and potential new Providers to explore further
the make-up of new collaborative working arrangements. Further
details of this event will be published on the NEPO Electronic
Tendering Portal.
An early February session with potential providers/subcontractors would be very helpful
On 1 February 2016 the Council has organised a Networking
event for existing and potential new Providers to explore further
the make-up of new collaborative working arrangements. Further
details of this event will be published on the NEPO Electronic
Tendering Portal.
What is the Council’s timeline for discussion with Providers of
services that are ‘out of scope’?
Where external delivery is required in the activity areas identified
as ‘out of scope’, this will be commissioned separately.
There may be different arrangements depending on what is
delivered. Some may be renewed or they may be procured but
arrangements for services ‘out of scope’ will be broadly aligned to
this commissioning exercise. The Council will be communication
with affected organisations individually.
In the West of the City three organisations have been meeting to Following feedback and legal advice, the Council has determined
explore the potential of delivery services as a consortia. Under
to remove proposed restrictions from the Contract Opportunities.
the Lotting restrictions will this consortia be able to bid for Lots 1,
2 and 3?
Contracts will be awarded to the Winning Bidder in each of the six
Regarding the limitations to the tender; as described in section
4.6 of the Proposed Contract Opportunities document, can an
organisation be the lead organisation in a successful bid and a
Following feedback and legal advice, the Council has determined
to remove proposed restrictions from the Contract Opportunities.
partner in a successful consortium bid/sub-contractor in another
area and therefore be part of a group of Providers awarded
more than one Lot in Lots in 1, 2 and 3 or more than one Lot in
Lots in 4, 5 or 6?
Contracts will be awarded to the Winning Bidder in each of the six
How will TUPE (The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of
Employment) Regulations) apply to this commissioning
The Council has not yet gathered this information but will share
this as part of the procurement exercise so financial commitments
are clear. It will be the responsibility of the incumbent, employing
organisation to assert the TUPE rights of their staff. There is not
anticipated to be any TUPE requirements for staff employed by
the Council as these services will continue to be delivered by the
Will the organisations currently delivering in the West of the City
need to complete for their current contracts?
Yes, all services within the scope of the commissioning exercise
will be put forward as part of the competitive tender process. This
includes those services that are ‘in scope’ in the West of the City.
To enable bidding organisations to appropriately design their
response to the tender, can the Council please provide more
information about the staff employed by the Council and the
services that they will deliver under the new arrangements;
those services indicated in pink in the table on page 14 (diagram
3.) of the Proposed Contract Opportunities document.
Please see details provided in Appendix Two
Regarding the limitations to the tenders, as described in section
4.6 of the Proposed Contract Opportunities document can a
consortia/partnership of Providers be awarded more than one
Lot in Lots in 1, 2 and 3 or more than one Lot in Lots in 4, 5 or 6
if a different organisation leads in different areas/Lots?
Following feedback and legal advice, the Council has determined
to remove proposed restrictions from the Contract Opportunities.
How can Providers stay informed of this commissioning and
procurement exercise?
Providers need to be registered on the NEPO Electronic
Tendering Portal to be able to access the contract opportunities
Contracts will be awarded to the Winning Bidder in each of the six
when they are published. Providers can register on the NEPO
Portal by following instructions found on their website The website will provide directions to
NEPO’s helpdesk if you are having difficulty registering.
Following the close of the Council’s consultation period of 15
January 2016, all communication will need to be through the
NEPO Portal.
The Council will be holding a Pre-Tender event for potential
Providers on 1 March 2016. This event will be advertised to
Providers on the NEPO portal.
If the successful bidder doesn’t know a geographical area they
might not be able to provide the most appropriate services.
The Council would welcome bids from existing and potential
Providers that we have not worked with before. The PCO
document provided information of the needs of vulnerable families
in each geographical area. A detailed Service Specification will
be created for each Lot detailing for potential bidders
requirements under each Lot. Tender submission will be
evaluated on a bidder’s ability to meet these requirements.
All successful Providers will need to work closely with the CFH
Integrated Leadership Team and the Service Manager, Early Help
and Family Support will have responsibility to ensure all
successful Provider are delivering the most appropriate services
to vulnerable families in the three geographical areas.
Currently in the West, the commissions are paid directly and any
direction/issues are led by Council staff. Under the Lotting
proposals, there would be a requirement for the ‘lead’ bidder to
then manage the subcontractors therefore would this make it
more expensive?
No. The Lead organisation for Lot 3 will be paid directly by the
Council they will be responsible for cascading any payments
down to partner organisations who are delivering services under
this Lot. The Community Family Hub Lead – City West will
remain internal to the Council and will work closely with the lead
organisation for services under Lot 3 and the CFH Integrated
Leadership Team to ensure appropriate governance.
Parentings programmes – I know that they are part of this
exercise, but how will they be divided up going forward, as
currently have a virtual team with Barnardos and it is ‘in kind’ at
the moment. Will this arrangement be formalised going forward
with the new contracts?
The Council currently has a contract (not in scope of this
exercise) to deliver the co-ordination of Incredible Years and
Strengthening Families. Other practitioners trained in there
programmes work alongside this team to deliver the programmes.
This ‘virtual’ team is drawn from staff in the Citywide/ CFH teams
and there will be an expectation that this arrangement will
continue and this will be reflected in the service specification.
A general question about NCC financial regulations arising out
of a discussion with partners about Lot 3
The Council is not intending to put a minimum financial
requirements on the Framework (004870 – Family Support
Tender submissions will still need to pass the Council’s Financial
Risk Assessment; please see below standard wording included in
the PQQ document, section 4 Economic and Financial Standing.
Notes to organisation:
1 The Council will evaluate this section on a pass or fail basis.
The Council use a system called the 'Calderdale Test' which
financially appraises a set of accounts. This is a method
specifically designed for the use in the public sector by
Calderdale Council some time ago. The process examines
several different areas of the accounts provided, to produce
an overall score; this score being calculated on a number of
separately calculated ratios, thus avoiding over reliance on a
certain aspect of the accounts. The ratios are combined to
give an overall score and an advisory contract value limit
based on the company’s turnover and ratio assessments. We
are not applying financial threshold to meet in order to pass
this assessment, but ratios that prove negative will result in a
failure. The Council may consider parent or other company
guarantees in the case of a failure.
Contract structure/ Lotting and financial capacity
Lot 3, is over £1.14 million (£570,649 x 2 years).
What is the City Council minimum turnover (for example,
income) requirement? We cannot see what it is in the financial
regulations and are aware that the Pre-Qualification
Questionnaire tender document does not usually state it.
We are concerned that if the requirement is 1.5 times or 2 times
the contract value, then local organisations who may be willing
to lead a bid in the West could be failed at evaluation of their
financial capacity?
Our understanding is……………..
 If the requirement is 1 x the contract value then a turnover of
£1.14 million is required
 If the requirement is 1.5 x the contract value then a turnover
of £1.71 million is required
 If the requirement is 2 x the contract value then a turnover of
£2.28 million is required
Are you able to clarify?
While it is preferable to be using up to date IMD information,
could there be a tapered lead-in for those families who are
currently eligible to use the Community Family Hub Provision
especially Sure Start and who will not be eligible under the new
contract arrangements from September, and whose needs
would be just below the threshold for the assessed targeted
Citywide Family Support Offer?
We welcome the breakdown into what is in scope for this
opportunity; for example, the Community Family Hub, the
Citywide Family Support Offer and assessed targeted services
The system has, as its basis, the fiduciary duty to the
Council's taxpayers to ensure that the same stringent criteria
are applied equally to all contractors and the scoring system is
designed to rule out any opportunity for unfair advantage by
any individual firm; all results, which have been automatically
calculated, are treated as absolute.
3 If we need it the Council may seek evidence about the
questions below. Where appropriate the Council will use the
services of an independent third party to assess your financial
standing or appraisal. Where the Council do use the services
of an independent third party, it will take into account the result
of the independent assessment at the date that this was
4 Where the organisation is a subsidiary of a group, all
questions must be answered for both the subsidiary and the
ultimate parent company. The Council reserve the right to ask
for a parent company guarantee.
5 Where you are submitting this PQQ as a consortium, we need
the above information for each member organisation.
The Council reserves the right to seek clarification of financial
information, if required.
During the period of transition from current to new arrangements
to comments from 1 September 2016 all relevant stakeholders,
including incumbent and new Providers, to work together to
ensure the needs of Children, Young People and Families are
met. This include consideration of establishing appropriate
pathways for those individuals and families affected by the
changes to scope as a result of current IMD data.
Where external delivery is required in the activity areas identified
as ‘out of scope’, this will be commissioned separately.
provided as intensive Family Support – and taking some Family
Support out of scope to be separate contracts/commissioning
opportunities including the city wide parent and toddler support.
We also welcome the recognition following previous consultation
that youth support is best delivered in a separate arrangement to
family services. However we note that the budget proposal
include £100,000 cut to this contract from £448,000 to £348,000.
We welcome the model design of the Lot structure and that
retaining a diversity of Providers by limiting the awards to two
Lots will retain more Social Value and the potential to involve
communities particularly in the Sure Start Advisory Boards.
Especially for the Family Support Volunteer Service, it means
that local organisations will be able to tender.
There may be different arrangements depending on what is
delivered. Some may be renewed or they may be procured but
arrangements for services ‘out of scope’ will be broadly aligned to
this commissioning exercise. The Council will be communication
with affected organisations individually.
Following feedback and legal advice, the Council has determined
to remove proposed restrictions from the Contract Opportunities.
Contracts will be awarded to the Winning Bidder in each of the six
Social Value considerations will still influence the commissioning
and procurement as detailed in the section of this document
regarding the feedback from the Social Value event held on 30
November 2015.
We welcome the requirements for 80% of the Family Support
Volunteers to come from the 30% IMD areas and believe it will
enhance the Social Value of the contract.
The Council has considered consultation feedback in the design
of current services and PCO and feel these accurately reflect the
needs of the City and provides the best opportunities for positive
outcomes for individuals and communities across the City.
Taking the City Council directly provided services out of the
services to be commissioned is also welcomed. We are aware
that the prospect of taking on local authority pension liability
under TUPE arrangements would be a barrier to many voluntary
organisations that were considering tendering.
The Council is committed to making the procurement process as
accessible as possible and would welcome submissions from
current and potential new Providers.
We also recognise the value in having a ‘mixed economy’ of
workforce to deliver services across the City.
Comment/question/point of clarification received at the Social Value Workshop held on Monday, 30 November
Following extensive consultation the Council made a commitment in June 2015 to consider Social Value as part of its commissioning
and procurement activity. We have since developed a methodology to assess Social Value within our commissioning and procurement
process and it was agreed to test this methodology in the commissioning of Family Support Services. An event was held on 30
November 2015 to explore opportunities to incorporate Social Value requirements into our Family Support Services contracts that
would commence September 2016. This document summarises the feedback that was captured during the table discussion exercise at
the event.
Think, Buy Support Newcastle
Event – Key Themes
How we will Respond
Local beneficiaries need to have an impact on
decision making
To create the commissioning model the Council 
fully engaged local people in the service design. 
Through the contract opportunity we will ensure 
that local people continue to have a voice
throughout the life of the contract to reshape for
future opportunities
Local organisations already have established
networks/ links within the local area and are
often trusted by their communities
We will ensure that providers have the
opportunity to demonstrate this through their
tender bid
Where this will be Incorporated in
the Commissioning and
Procurement Process
Evaluation questions
Key performance indicators
Evaluation questions
Collaborative and partner working is important
for ensuring stability / growth of the local
Organisations that bid for the larger lots will
need to demonstrate how their proposed model
for delivery will maximise partnership working
with other relevant local providers
Evaluation questions
Local consortia / partnership discussions need
realistic timeframes
We held a consortia working session in July
2015. Once the proposed contract opportunities
are published, there will be time available for
organisations to develop their partnerships prior
to bidding. The Council will facilitate a
networking event to support discussions if there
is sufficient interest from the market.
Commissioning model design
Market feedback session 11
January 2016
In relation to the whole-system (not just the
proposed contract opportunities) how will multiagencies e.g. health, in the area work together
towards helping families?
We will ask organisations to demonstrate
through the bid how they will ensure effective
multi-agency working
Evaluation questions
Event – Key Themes
How we will Respond
Hubs should be located in a place that is
accessible and safe for local people to get to
We will ensure that accessibility and safety
(including transport and equal access
considerations) is a key consideration for the
location of services within the Community
Family Hub
The West, Central and East proposed Lots will
be split further into smaller Lots. These Lots will
Where this will be Incorporated in
the Commissioning and
Procurement Process
 Commissioning model design
 Specification
 Evaluation questions
Community Focused
Splitting the geographical areas into smaller
Lots will support smaller community
organisations to bid and enable services to be
Commissioning model design
Evaluation questions
Event – Key Themes
How we will Respond
tailored to the needs of the community in that
specific area
be reflective of the needs within the community
that each Lot will operate within
The community should have a voice in the
service design and delivery
As noted above, community consultation has
been carried out throughout this commissioning
process. We will ensure that mechanisms for
community voice are incorporated in the tender
documents so that feedback is obtained
throughout the delivery of the contract. This will
form part of contract management activity.
Event – Key Themes
How we will Respond
Ethical staffing policies such as living wage and
travel time need to be deliverable within the
budget envelope for the contract
Within the pricing element of the tender
opportunity consideration will be given to ethical
considerations; for example, National Living
The proposed contract opportunities are for a
two year term with two x 12 month options to
extend in order to help support organisational
and workforce stability in the delivery of this
As noted above, community consultation has
been carried out throughout this commissioning
process. We will ensure that mechanisms for
community voice are incorporated in the tender
Where this will be Incorporated in
the Commissioning and
Procurement Process
 Contract requirements
Where this will be Incorporated in
the Commissioning and
Procurement Process
Evaluation questions
Key performance indicators
Ethical Leadership
To provide stability for staff it would be helpful
to have commitment to a longer term contract
rather than an annual contract renewal
Service delivery should be informed by local
Contract requirements
Evaluation questions
Key performance indicators
Event – Key Themes
How we will Respond
Where this will be Incorporated in
the Commissioning and
Procurement Process
documents so that feedback is obtained
throughout the delivery of the contract. This will
form part of contract management activity.
Green and Sustainable
Event – Key Themes
How we will Respond
The location of the community family hubs
should be within walking distance of most
people within the local area to avoid excessive
transport usage
We will ensure that accessibility and safety
(including transport and equal access
considerations) is a key consideration for the
location of the delivery of services within the
Community Family Hub. Where possible we will
ensure that services are accessible by
sustainable transport methods and pedestrian
We will ensure this is a consideration as part of
the tender process so that Providers will be
able to demonstrate how they will achieve this
We will ensure this is a consideration as part of
the tender process and any agreed
sustainability measures will be monitored
through contract management
Family support services should have a role to
play in educating families on green and
sustainable practices
Organisations delivering the service should
have green and sustainable policies and
practices in place for example recycling,
minimising paper usage
Where this will be Incorporated in
the Commissioning and
Procurement Process
 Specification
 Evaluation questions
Evaluation questions
Comments and feedback received at the Provider Workshop held on Monday, 2 June 2015
Provider comment/question/point of clarification
Participants highlighted a number of examples where the Council
may wish to consider commissioning specialist support under
separate arrangements. Specific reference was made by
participants to:
- Support for toddler groups;
- Carer support; and
- Specialist play provision for children with disabilities.
Reply from the Council
The feedback from this event and future events were all considered
as part of the consultation exercise and informed the PCO
published by the Council on 17 December 2015.
There was mixed feedback in relation to aligning the requirements
of Citywide Family Support and Targeted Youth Services with the
proposed Community Family Hub geographical lots:
 Benefits and opportunities identified by participants
- Seamless, more flexible responses for families;
- Opportunity for joint and closer working with schools within
defined geographical areas;
- Stronger alignment between support for families and youth
support , as part of a ‘core offer’; and
- Strengthened opportunities for early intervention and
prevention to avoid the need for more intensive services
later; opportunity to bring in additional services through
effective signposting.
 Challenges identified by participants
- Creation of geographical boundaries (beyond the defined
Lower Level Super Output Areas) would be required if
Citywide Family Support and Youth Support were to be
organised in a geographic way; and
- Potential for duplication.
The feedback from this event and future events were all considered
as part of the consultation exercise and informed the PCO
published by the Council on 17 December 2015.
Providers felt it would be useful to have more information
- A directory of services that are currently offered in the city
- More details about the national Troubled Families payment by
results model
- Opportunity for a briefing on Ofsted requirements and legal
definitions and roles (for example, the role of Sure Start
Children’s Centre Advisory Boards)
To be ‘tender ready’ Providers would like:
- Information on how things work at the moment and what works
- ‘Speed dating’ event to bring organisations together, this could
be facilitated by NCVS;
- Clarity as early as possible about available finance; and
- Support to understand TUPE
The Council shared a contact list of existing providers. The
Proposed Contract Opportunities published on 17 December 2015
gave Providers further information on a number of areas related to
the delivery of services within the scope of 004870 Family Support
Services including; Ofsted requirements, the role of Sure Start
Children’s Centre Advisory Boards and Troubled Families.
The Council provided Providers with networking time at each event
during the consultation process as well as a specific Networking
Event held on 1 February 2016.
The PCO published on 17 December 2015 gave Providers details
of available finances in each proposed Lot, the Councils current
model for the delivery of Family Support Services and how these
The Council has not yet gathered this information but will share this
as part of the procurement exercise so financial commitments are
clear. It will be the responsibility of the incumbent, employing
organisation to assert the TUPE rights of their staff. Providers will
need to seek their own independent legal advice regarding any
possible implications of TUPE.
Providers would like the following support to develop collaborative
- Sharing information about who has attended the events,
providing a brief introduction about each organisation and what
they do/offer. Providers need to understand what is out there
before they can create partnerships;
- Recognise the history of partnership in Newcastle; facilitate
discussions and get things started to gradually build
- Consider creating a platform to register interest to facilitate
partnership; face to face opportunities to network are
preferable. Some interest in a market style event;
- Make sure the process builds in enough time to enable robust
partnerships to develop; and
- Consider the impact of contract length on partnership viability
The Council shared a list of current Providers and their contact
The Council provided Providers with networking time at each event
during the consultation process as well as a specific Networking
Event held on 1 February 2016.
The tender exercise will be seeking to appoint successful Providers
to a four-year Framework Agreement (two years with two x 12month options to extend) to commence 1 September 2016.
Participants generally welcomed the approach to commission the
Community Family Hub in three geographical lots based on the
Lower Level Super Output Areas presented on the day, whilst
identifying a need to make sure that these broad geographies
have connectivity with local communities, with schools and with
the geographies of other stakeholders.
 Benefits and opportunities identified by participants
- Engenders community identity and opportunities to develop
responses that can respond to local need
- Residents more clearly able to identify with localised support
- Commonality of pathways
- Potential to develop facilities more sympathetic to local needs
and assist in signposting to help families in the localities
- Developing specifications that reflect local needs and enable
local providers to be part of service delivery.
- Mirrors current delivery practice and provides opportunities to
strengthen place based responses
- Provides opportunities for collaborative working across
 Challenges identified by participants
- Consideration needs to be given to what this means for families
whose child(ren) may attend school in a different geography to
where they live
- Ensuring consistency of quality of support across the three
geographical areas
- Balance between personal needs of families and geographical
- Further discussion and information would be welcomed on what
the detailed requirements of the Community Family Hub across
the geographies would be
The feedback from this event and future events were all considered
as part of the consultation exercise and informed the PCO
published by the Council on 17 December 2015.
A number of this points were discussed further at the Social Value
event held on 30 November 2015 and are reflected in the PCO.
Further evidence of response to these points will be evidenced in
the tender documents when they are published in March 2016.
Comments and feedback received at the Provider Workshop held on Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Provider comment/question/point of clarification
Reply from the Council
1. There was support for the partnership approach. Providers asked The Council have considered these areas when designing the
the Council to consider:
proposed Lotting structure.
The PCO document provided information of the needs of vulnerable
 building on what is already in place and working,
families in each geographical area. A detailed Service Specification
 fair participation of smaller and newer organisations, and
will be created for each Lot detailing for potential bidders
 maximising local knowledge and community trust to ensure
requirements under each Lot. Tender submission will be evaluated
services are fully accessible.
on a bidder’s ability to meet these requirements.
All successful Providers will need to work closely with the CFH
Integrated Leadership Team and the Service Manager, Early Help
and Family Support will have responsibility to ensure all successful
Provider are delivering the most appropriate services to vulnerable
families in the three geographical areas.
There is a need for clear consistent and regular communication
between the Council and providers throughout the commissioning
and procurement process.
The Council will ensure have held a number of events to engage
with current and potential new Providers throughout the
Commissioning process:
 20 May 2015 – Provider Workshop,
 2 June 2015 – Provider Workshop,
 15 July 2015 – Tender Ready Session,
 30 November 2015 – Social Value Workshop, and
 11 January 2016 – Provider Workshop.
 1 February 2016 – Provider Networking Event
Once we move into the Procurement phase of the process all
communication will be through the NEPO Electronic Tendering
Portal to meet the requirements of European Public Contract
Regulations and to ensure a clear, open and transparent process
We need to be clear about the benefits to users of this
commissioning exercise.
The Council will continue to ensure that the benefits and outcomes
to users remain a priority under current and new arrangements
commencing from 1 September 2016.
All delivery elements within the Community Family Hub will deliver
to, and be measured against, the Sure Start Children’s Centre Core
Purpose, the Ofsted Inspection Framework and Newcastle’s Family
Outcomes Plan 2015 – 2020 (Appendix 7 to the PCO). Further
information can be found at:
In addition, through the award of Contracts for an initial period of
two years with a further two x 12-month options to extend the
Council will achieve stability for Providers and users.
Stability through longer term contracts would be welcomed.
The tender exercise will be seeking to appoint successful Providers
to a four-year Framework Agreement (two years with two x 12month options to extend) to commence 1 September 2016.
Organisations expressed concerns about the impact of the
elections on the proposed commissioning exercise.
Any implications of the elections have been fully considered and
reflected in our PCO document.
Appendix One
A full list of the organisations who attended events.
4 Children
Action for Children
Benfield School
Big Life Families
Blue Stone Consortium
Building Futures East
Byker Bridge Housing and Support Accommodation Ltd
Central Walker School
Children North East
Citizens Advice Newcastle
Core Children Services
Cruddas Park Early Years
Denton Youth and Community Project
Families in Care
Footsteps Children's Services Ltd
Heaton Community Centre
Hotspur Primary School
Millin Centre
Newcastle Action for Parent and Toddlers Initiative
Newcastle Carers
Newcastle Community Voluntary Service
Newcastle Toy and Leisure Library
North Fawdon Primary School
Princes’ Trust
Remploy Ltd
Reverse Innovation
Richmond Fellowship
Riverside Community Health Project
St Martins Centre Partnership
Stepney Bank Stables
Success 4 All
The Childrens Society
The Crèche Mobile Project
Thirteen Group
Walkergate Primary School
Your Homes Newcastle
Appendix Two
Question raised by Providers: To enable bidding organisations to appropriately design their response to the tender, can the
Council please provide more information about the staff employed by the Council and the services that they will deliver under the
new arrangements; those services indicated in pink in the table on page 14 (diagram 3.) of the Proposed Contract Opportunities
Please see below response from the Council
Community Family Hub – City West
Job Title
Job Role
Community Family Hub Lead
Full Time
Sure Start Specialist Practitioner
To lead the delivery of integrated early childhood services to improve the
well-being of young children and to develop and support effective
partnership arrangements in the designated Community Family Hub area
2 x Integrated Early Childhood
Services Practice Lead
To lead the delivery of integrated early childhood services to improve the
well-being of young children and to develop and support effective
partnership arrangements in the designated Community Family Hub area
Sure Start Development Worker
To encourage and develop partnerships with parents, carers and young
children, supporting them to access local services including learning and
training opportunities. To support the integration of community
development principles and practices so that local people are involved in
To provide area leadership and accountability for the LA duty to improve
the well-being of young children through the multiagency delivery of
integrated childhood services through Sure Start Children’s Centres and
through Intensive Family Support for families with children 0-18 with
additional need.
Job Title
Full Time
Job Role
the development and delivery of Sure Start Children’s Centres within the
Community Family Hub.
4 x Family Participation and
Information Workers
To assist in the promotion of Sure Start Children’s Centre/s within the
Community Family Hub area to children and their parents and parents-tobe. Encouraging participation by engaging with families through outreach,
publicity and the production of reliable information.
Integrated Early Childhood Services
To encourage and develop partnerships with parents, carers and young
children, supporting them to access local services including learning and
training opportunities. To support the integration of community
development principles and practices so that local people are involved in
the development and delivery of Sure Start Children’s Centres within the
Community Family Hub.
9 x Early Years Practitioner
To support the development of quality play opportunities within the
designated Children’s Centre area within the Community Family Hub,
working in partnership with local partners, parents and the maintained,
private and voluntary sector in order to encourage and support parent’s
engagement and development. To support the Integrated Early Childhood
Services Practice Lead in ensuring that the Sure Start centre reflects the
philosophy and objectives of Sure Start Childrens centres.
2 x Sure Start Teacher
To provide the Qualified Teacher support to the Sure Start Children’s
Centre offer
Job Title
Full Time
Job Role
8 x Intensive Family Support Key
To provide support to families, children and young people to make agreed
changes in school, community and family life to improve outcomes for the
whole family. To contribute to the delivery of the Newcastle Family
Outcome Plan.
2 x Citywide Offer Intensive Family
Support Key Worker
To provide support to families, children and young people to make agreed
changes in school, community and family life to improve outcomes for the
whole family. To contribute to the delivery of the Newcastle Family
Outcome Plan.
Kaleidrascope Family Support
To provide family support as part of the Kaleidrascope Project to families
who are asylum seekers, refugees or other new international new arrivals.
Sure Start Development Worker
To encourage and develop partnerships with parents, carers and young
children, supporting them to access local services including learning and
training opportunities. To support the integration of community
development principles and practices so that local people are involved in
the development and delivery of Sure Start Children’s Centres within the
Community Family Hub.
Intensive Family Support Lead
To lead, manage and supervise all intensive family support including direct
management of Intensive Family Support Keyworkers to ensure effective
intensive family support provision. To contribute to planning and
improvement of all related services in order to ensure the continuous
improvement of support to parents and families. To contribute to the
delivery of Newcastle Family Plan outcomes.
Community Family Hub – City Central
Job Title
2 x Integrated Early Childhood
Services Practice Lead
Full Time
Job Role
To lead the delivery of integrated early childhood services to improve the
well-being of young children and to develop and support effective
partnership arrangements in the designated Community Family Hub area.
5 x Family Participation and
Information Worker
To assist in the promotion of Sure Start Children’s Centre/s within the
Community Family Hub area to children and their parents and parents-tobe. Encouraging participation by engaging with families through outreach,
publicity and the production of reliable information.
5 x Early Years Practitioner
To support the development of quality play opportunities within the
designated Children’s Centre area within the Community Family Hub,
working in partnership with local partners, parents and the maintained,
private and voluntary sector in order to encourage and support parents’
engagement and development. To support the Integrated Early Childhood
Services Practice Lead in ensuring that the Sure Start centre reflects the
philosophy and objectives of Sure Start Childrens Centres.
Sure Start Teacher
To provide the Qualified Teacher support to the Sure Start Children’s
Centre offer
Intensive Family Support Lead
To lead, manage and supervise all intensive family support including direct
management of Intensive Family Support Keyworkers to ensure effective
intensive family support provision. To contribute to planning and
improvement of all related services in order to ensure the continuous
Job Title
Full Time
Job Role
improvement of support to parents and families. To contribute to the
delivery of Newcastle Family Plan outcomes.
8 x Intensive Family Support Key
To provide support to families, children and young people to make agreed
changes in school, community and family life to improve outcomes for the
whole family. To contribute to the delivery of the Newcastle Family
Outcome Plan.
Citywide Offer Intensive Family
Support Key Worker
To provide support to families, children and young people to make agreed
changes in school, community and family life to improve outcomes for the
whole family. To contribute to the delivery of the Newcastle Family
Outcome Plan.
Full Time
Job Role
To provide the Qualified Teacher support to the Sure Start Children’s
Centre offer
Community Family Hub – City East
Job Title
Integrated Early Childhood Services
Practice Lead
Sure Start Teacher
To lead the delivery of integrated early childhood services to improve the
well-being of young children and to develop and support effective
partnership arrangements in the designated Community Family Hub area
Job Title
Job Role
Family Outreach Worker
Full Time
2 x Early Years Practitioner
To support the development of quality play opportunities within the
designated Children’s Centre area within the Community Family Hub,
working in partnership with local partners, parents and the maintained,
private and voluntary sector in order to encourage and support parents’
engagement and development. To support the Integrated Early
Childhood Services Practice Lead in ensuring that the Sure Start centre
reflects the philosophy and objectives of Sure Start Childrens Centres.
Sure Start Childcare Officer
To engage with parents and facilitate take up of the 2 year old funding.
To provide support to families, children and young people to make agreed
changes in school, community and family life to improve outcomes for the
whole family. To contribute to the delivery of the Newcastle Family
Outcome Plan.