NASKAH SOAL UJIAN AKHIR MADRASAH TAHUN AJARAN 2014-2015 MTs AL-FATAH RIMBO BUJANG Jl. 31 Rt 04/09 Ds. Perintis Kec. Rimbo Bujang Nama : Tanggal : Pelajaran Waktu : : SENI BUDAYA Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar anatara a, b, c, dan d. 1. Yang dimaksud dengan seni adalah… a. Suatu karya manusia yang mengandung keindahan b. Karya seni yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan akan suatu alat c. Karya manusia yang mengandung keuntungan d. Karya seni yang diciptakan memang untuk seni 2. Ilmu tentang seni dan membuat arca di sebut dengan… a. Geografi c. Ikonografi b. Senigrafi d. Arcagrafi 3. Pelukis wayang trasdisional di Bali sering mengambil tema dari… a. Ramayana c. Cerita panji b. Kisah para wali d. Kerajaan Majapahit 4. Lukisan wayang di Jawa Timur pertama kali menggunakan media… a. Kertas c. Kaca b. Daun tal d. Kain 5. Seni lukis kaca memiliki keunikan pada … a. Tema dan bentuk c. Teknik dan bahan b. Gaya dan tema d. Corak dan tema 6. Gaya naturalisme dipengaruhi oleh falsafah arts imitatur naturan (seni adalah imitasi alam) yang dicanangkan oleh… a. Aristoteles c. Archimedes b. Sigmund Freud d. Antonio Blanco 7. Berdasarkan tujuannya seni dibagi menjadi dua yaitu… a. Seni musik dan seni teater b. Seni Murni dan seni terapan c. Seni kriya dan Seni lukis d. Seni rupa dan seni tari 8. Selain tanah liat bahan dasar keramik … a. Kulit telur c. Pecahan kaca b. Cat d. Bubur kertas 9. Sketsa bagi seniman ahli berfungsi untuk… a. Gambar awal c. Menyimpan ingatan b. Gambar latihan d. Gambar rancangan 10. Tokoh lukis yang terkenal dengan teknik pelototan adalah… a. Barli c. Basoeki Abdullah b. Afandi d. Hanafi 11. Integrasi warna, garis, dan bidang untuk mencapai kesatuan yang harmonis disebut … a. Komposisi c. Desain b. Sketsa d. Assembling 12. Berikut adalah tahapan dan latihan yang perlu dilakukan sebelum melukis, kecuali… a. Mengenal bahan dan teknik b. Membuat sketsa c. Menyelesaikan lukisan d. Membeli dan memilih alat yang digunakan 13. Salah satu versi Ramayana di Filipina adalah… a. Rahiya Maradiri b. Rahiya Margandiri c. Radiya Maradiri d. Radiya Margandiri 14. Lagu “yamko rambe yamko” berasal ari… a. Sulawesi selatan b. Kalimantan Barat c. Irian Jaya d. Jawa Timur 15. Pembagian musik berdasarkan masa adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali… a. Masa animise c. Masa Hindu-Budha b. Masa islam d. Masa peperangan 16. Beberapa not yang dimainkan sekaligus untuk menghasilkan harmoni disebut… a. Interval c. Not b. Akord d. Birama 17. Naskah musik disebut juga… a. Partitur c.Opera b. Chord d. Legato 18. Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan tujuan pokok mengaransemen lagu adalah… a. Menyajikan paduan suara b. Menyajikan lagu secara instrumental c. Mengubah lirik lebih indah d. Memberikan iringan lagu 19. Berikut ini adalah yang termasuk lagu wajib, kecuali… a. Angin Mamiri b. Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa c. Hari Merdeka d. Berkibarlah Bederaku 20. Festival menabuh taiko di Jepang disebut… a. Matsuri c. Daiko b. Adaiko d. Matsuki 21. Tari boneka dipelopori oleh Negara… a. Malaysia c. India b. Singapura d. Filipina 22. Yang bertanggung jawab atas sebuah acara dari awal sampai akhirnya acara adalah tugas dari… a. Ketua c. Bendahara b. Sekretaris d. dokumentasi 23. Tari Anoman Obong merupakan contoh tari kreasi yang masih menggunakan unsur tradisional, yaitu… a. Temanya c. Tata riasnya b. Kostumnya d. Gerakannya 24. Kostum dapat memperjelas tema atau isi sebuah karya seni tari. Oleh karna itu, kostum dikatakan berfungsi sebagai… a. Penghias c. Pelengkap b. Aksesoris d. Penjelas karakter 25. Latihan sebelum mementaskan tari dapat berfungsi sebagai berikut, kecuali… a. Melatih kekompakan b. Melatih kesesuaian dengan gerakan penari yang lain c. Melatih penari gerak bebas memerhatikan penari yang lain d. Menghafal gerakan dan posisi pada poal lantai 26. Berikut ini yang merupakan unsure utama dalam pementasan teater adalah… a. Tata rias c.Tata busana b. Pemain d. Tata panggung 27. Ketoprak menggunakan gaya pementasan dengan bersumber pada… a. Pemeran utama c. Penulis lakon b. Sutradara d. Lingkungan 28. Seni Kriya disebut juga dengan… a. Seni murni c. Seni kerajinan tangan b. Seni terapan d. Seni rupa 29. Cabang seni rupa yang proses pembuatan karyanya menggunakan teknik cetak adalah… a. Seni rupa c. Seni lukis b. Seni keramik d. Seni grafis 30. Lukisan-lukisan di dinding gua merupakan hasil seni zaman… a. Sejarah c. Indonesia Merdeka b. Indonesia jelita d. Prasejarah 31. Berikut ini merupakan alat dan bahan yang digunakan untuk cetak datar, kecuali… a. Rol b. Lembaran kaca atau mika c. Skrap atau sendik d. Cat minyak 32. Alat publikasi yang dibuat dari kain dan dipasang di pinggir jalan adalah… a. Poster c. Brosur b. Spanduk d. Plakat 33. Mendata jumlah pengunjung, kesan, dan pesan pengunjung pameran merupakan tugas… a. Ketua c. Dokumentasi b. Publikasi d. Penjaga 34. Tari Saman berasal dari… a. NAD c. Sumbar b. Sulteng d. Kalbar 35. Proses pembuatan keramik dapat di lakukan dengan menggunakan… a. Tanah liat c. Roda putar b. Triplek d. Jerami 36. Menurut kepercyaan Yunani Kuno, Dewi seni musik (olah nada) bernama… a. Terpischore c. Polyhymnia b. Euterpe d. Kaliope 37. Penyajian nyanyian secara bersama-sama dengan 4-5 macam suara yang sekarang dikenal sebagai paduan suara disebut… a. Discantus c. Kanon b. Motet d. Madrigal 38. Nada-nada yang sekarang di kenal sebagai solmisasi dibuat berdasarkan… a. Himne Yohanes c. Kunci-kunci b. Himne guru d. Tangga nada 39. Berdasarkan cara mengaksesnya music di bagi menjadi… a. Music Live c. Musik Rekaman b. Musik Televisi d. a, b, dan c benar 40. Komposisi paduan suara dikenal dengan susunan SATB (Sopran, Alto, Tenor, Bas). Yang berfungsi sebagai suara pokoknya adalah… a. Sopran c. Alto b. Tenor d. Bas 41. Orang yang menyusun ulang suatu lagu tanpa mengubah isi dari lagu tersebut disebut… a. Pencipta lagu c. Arrenger b. Komponis d. Seniman 42. Siapakah pencipta lagu “Hari Merdeka” a. Kusbini c. H. Mutahar b. Ismail Marzuki d. Ibu Sud 43. Balet adalah nama suatu teknik… a. Syair c. Tarian k b. Cerita d. Lagu 44. … Manggalepak manggalepok Patah kayu bengkok Bengkok dimakan api Apinya clang curupan… Potongan lagu diatas berjudul… a. O ina ikeke c. Rasa sayange b. Bungong Jeumpa d. Ampar-ampar pisang 45. Tango termasuk tari… a. Sacral c. Percintaan b. Ningrat d. Pergaulan 46. Cerita tentang suatu karakter, peristiwa, atau benda dalam sebuah karya seni tari termasuk dalam unsur … a. Gerak c. Ide b. Irama d. Gaya 47. Rumah adat khas Jambi adalah... a. Rumah Rakit c. Rumah Panggung b. Huwo sesat d. Rumah Gadang 48. Tata rias dan kostum berkaitan erat dengan unsur berikut, kecuali… a. Karakter tokoh yang ditarikan b. Tema tarian c. Jeni s tarian, apakah tradisional atau modern d. Jenis panggung atau arena pentas 49. Yang termasuk tari tunggal adalah… a. Tari Pendet c. Tari Saman b. Tari Piring d. Tari Sekapur Sirih 50. Seni murni adalah… a. Karya seni yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari akan alat b. Seni yang dicipatakan memang untuk seni c. Seni kerajinan tangan d. Karya seni terapan KAMU BISA JIKA KAMU FIKIR KAMU BI NASKAH SOAL UJIAN AKHIR MADRASAH TAHUN AJARAN 2014-2015 MTs AL-FATAH RIMBO BUJANG Jl. 31 Rt 04/09 Ds. Perintis Kec. Rimbo Bujang Name : Date : Lesson : English Time : Choose the correct answer between a, b, c, and d. PLEASE DO NOT LEAN AGAINST THE DOOR 1. What is the purpose of the text? A. To warn people not to push the door B. To advice people not to sit beside the door C. To warn people not to lean against the door D. To advice people not to stand in front of the door Dear Nora Don’t forget to wash my sock. I need your help. OK Dina 2. The short message is written to…. A. Send something to her friend B. Ask Nora to help her wash the socks C. Tell the reader about her problem Dina D. Give some information the activity 3. Who wrote the message? A. Dina B. Nora C. Nora’s brother D. The reader Dear Betty, I'm writing to you concerning of my last day in Jogya. I just got back from Borobudur, the wonderful temple I've ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now staying in a hotel. It's not far from Malioboro. We are treated well here. It has many excellent staff who serve the customers. We plan to go around Malioboro after the children take a short nap. We want to enjoy having "lesehan" there. It is a kind of a restaurant but we sit on the ground. Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro street. Both domestic and foreign tourists are interested in them. I want to buy some as souvenirs. Don't worry, I'll also buy you the most interesting one. With love Dara 4. The text gives us information about ........ A. the wonderful Borobudur temple B. the souvenirs to be bought C. Dara's last day in Jogya D. a comfortable hotel near Malioboro 5. Who is the letter from? ........ A. Customers C. Betty B. The hotel staffs D. Dara 6. How do the staff serve the customers of the hotel? ........ A. Proudly C. Interestingly B. Badly D. Nicely To: Mom & Dad Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary at 2015 We wish you a happy life together. From :Fredy & Irine 7. When did Fredy's and Irene's parents get married? A. In 1990 C. In 1992 B. In 1994 D. In 1995 8. The card is written to…… A. My Mom and Dad B. Irine’s Dad C. Fredy;s Mom D. Fredy’s and Irine’s parents 9. The word “we” in the text refers to….. A. the writer and the reader B. Fredy and Irine’s son and daughter C. Mom and Dad D. Mom and Dad’s son and daughter How to make egg and lemon soup To make egg and lemon soup, you need all the ingredients below: And here are the steps to make egg and lemon soup : - 3 quarth chicken broth - Lemon juice 2 - ½ kg rice - Salt and pepper - 4 egg well beaten Step: 1. Add the stock to the pan and heat until boiling. 2. Add the rice and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes. 3. Mix the eggs and lemon juice. 4. Add three tablespoons of stock to the mixture and stir. 5. Stir this mixture into the remaining stock in the pan. 6. Add a little salt and pepper. 7. Cook over low heat for three minutes 10. What kind of text the text above? A. Narrative Text B. Recount Text B. Procedure Text D. Text Advertisement 11. How many liters of chicken broth do we need? A. 3 liters C. 4 liters B. 5 liters D. 8 liters 12. Based on the text above, we know that there are….steps in making egg and lemon soup? A. 7 step C. 8 step B. 4 step D. 10 steps 13. How long it will take to cook rice? A. 10 minutes C. 15 minutes B. 12 minutes D. 20 minutes Going Fishing for the First Time Last week, my uncle asked me to go fishing with him in the river near his house. He also told me that the scenery there was beautiful. I was excited because I had never gone fishing before. Therefore, he taught me how to do it very well. We left at 9 a.m. when we got to the river, there were already some people. They were also fishing. Then, we looked for a convenient place under a tree. We put our fishing equipment and our lunch box on the mat we brought. After that, my uncle taught me how to catch fish. He did it very patiently. Suddenly, in the middle of fishing, I felt something really heavy catching my hook. I could not pull it until I slipped and fell into the river. I did not realize that the grass was slippery. My uncle pulled me out quickly. He helped me reach the ground. Thank God. I was safe even though I have mud all over my face. It was embarrassing. 14. The correct statement about the text is…………….. A. The writer went fishing alone B. The writer often went fishing before C. They got many fishes D. The writer’s uncle knew how to catch fish well 15. The writer fell into the river because………… A. He could not catch his hook B. He didn’t realizes the grass was slippery C. His uncle pulled him out quickly D. His face has mud all over his face 16. He also told me that the scenery there was beautiful. The underlined word refers to………. A. The writer’s house B. The house of the writer’s uncle C. The river near the writer’s house D. The river near the house of the writer’s uncle 17. The text above is ………………..text A. Narrative C. Recount B. Report D. Descriptive 18. It is the first time for the writer to ……… A. Go fishing B. Teach how to fish C. Slip and fell into the river D. Sit under the tree The Ant and the Dove One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water. She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not helped her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon, it carried her safely to dry ground. Just as that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it. Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. Quickly, the dove filed away to safety. 19. The hunter was……………… the dove. A. Hoping to eat B. Trying to trap C. Trying to shoot D. Running towards 20. The true statement according to the text is…………. A. The dove bit the hunter on the heel B. Both animals were finally safe C. The hunter killed the dove D. The ant bit the dove 21. The purpose of the text is ………………….. A. To inform the readers about an ant B. To describe the job of a hunter C. To entertain the readers D. To describe a dove 22. What can we learn from the story? A. One good turn deserves another B. Don’t be greedy, or you may loose C. When there is a will, there is a way D. It is wise to plan ahead for hard time GORILLAS Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. A male gorilla can be 180 centimeters tall and can weigh 200 kilograms. G orillas are very strong but they do not often fight. In fact they are peaceful animals. Gorillas live in small family groups of about 15. In a group there is one strong, older male, some young males, and a few females with their babies. They move slowly around a large area of jungle eating leaves and bushes. In some ways gorillas are very like humans. When they are happy, they laugh and wave their arms. When they are angry, they beat their chests. When they are sad, they cry. But they cry quietly, without any tears. Unfortunately, people hunt and kill gorillas. They also cut down and burn their trees. There are now only about 10,000 gorillas left in the world. 23. What is the purpose of the text above? A. to retell about gorillas B. to entertain the gorillas C. to explain gorillas D. to amuse the reader 24. The main idea of the second paragraph is.. A. There are only about 10,000 gorillas in the world B. People hunt and kill gorillas C. Gorillas are like human D. When gorillas sad, they cry 25. How do gorillas live? They live … A. alone C. in group B. peacefully D. Nomad 26. “They also cut down and burn …” “They” here refers to …. A. gorillas C. people B. animals D. Female I have a pet. It is a dog, and I call it Brownie. Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie doesn’t like bones. Everyday, it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish, or bread. Every morning, I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, Brownie plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight, maybe because Brownie doesn’t bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently. Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal. 27. What kind of the text…… A. Descriptive C. Recount B. Narrative D. Procedure 28. The communicative purpose is to…… A. Describe something specifically B. Describe something in general C. Retell the story D. Entertain the reader 29. Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. The synonym of fluffy is…… A. Harsh C. Small B. Big D. Soft 30. Many people probably……………Brownie. A. Hate C. Like B. Don’t like D. Understand SUPPLEMENT FACTS -----------------------------------------------------Service size : 1 tablet Serving per container : 30 ----------------------------------------------------Amount of serving % Daily value Vitamin C 250 mg Calcium (as carbonate) 50 mg Citrus bioflavonoid 50 mg Rutin 25 mg Hesperidin 25 mg Rose Hips 125 mg Acerola 5 mg 416,67 7,14 -----------------------------------------------------Daily value not established Suggested use : 1 tablet after meal -------------------------------------------------------This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten. -------------------------------------------------------- 31. What is the purpose of the text? a. to advertise a supplement for woman b. to describe a product for adult c. to give detailed information about the supplemen d. to tell the value of a supplement 32. "This product contains no artificial...." the word "artificial" in the sentence means... a. Original C. Pure b. Unnatural D. Inexpensive 33. The product contains of things below, except... a. Milk C. Egg b. artificial colors D. Sugar WHERE THE FAMILIAR FEELS COMPLETELY NEW FOUR SEASON HOTEL SINGAPORE Welcome to Singapore's Newest rooms and suites. Soothing, sleek, and streamlined with the latest technology, our newly refurbished interiors raise the city's standard for sophistication. Enhance your enjoyment in two inspired restaurants and the new Alfresco. Discover relaxing spa treatments and unwind with a Workout, tennis Match or outdoor swim. In our astonishingly quiet refuge, just step from Orchard Road, legendary Four Seasons care always promises new delight. THIRD NIGHT FREE RATES STARTING FROM S$ 510+ PER ROOM PER N I G HT CONTACT YOUR T'RAVEL CONSULTANT, VISIT WWW.FOURSEASONS.COM/SINGAPORE OR CALL THE HOTEL DIRECTLY AT (65) 6734-1110 34. What does the hotel provide to enhance our enjoyment? a. Newly refurbished interiors b. The city's standard for sophistication c. The two inspired restaurant and the new Alfresco d. Relaxing spa treatments and unwind 35. Soothing sleek and streamlined with the latest technology ... " The underlined word means .... a. cool and fresh b. quiet and calm c. hot and noisy d. Dusty and crowded 36. What is the purposes of the text? a. To inform someone about Farewell Party b. To invite someone to attend Farewell Party c. To forbid students to come to farewell party d. To remind someone to celebrate farewell party 37. Where will the party be held? a. at Olivia's house b. at Sam's house c. at Marcia and John Smith's house d. at the park 38. What does "Farewell" mean? a. say good bye b. say god night c. say good luck d. say good morning To : All students and teachers Come and visit our new librabry. Lots of new books (brand new novels and non-fiction books) are available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs collection. Head of library Ramadhan 39. What are the things offered in the new library ? A. Books and DVDs. B. Old and new books. C. New books and novels. D. New DVDs and non-fiction books. 40. Why does the writer make the announcement ? a. To resume a new novel. b. To invite the reader to visit the library. c. To let the reader know about the head of library. d. To help the reader know where to find the DVDs. 41. Who make the announcement ? A. Ramadhan C. All students B. All teachers D. The librarian Aviva Tour and Travel Program Air Asia QZ 8501 is unlucky (46)…..that flied from Juanda International Airport to Changi International Airport. The plane was announced as lost contact plane by the authority at 7.30 a.m. Based on the recorded data from ATC Jakarta, its plane had (47)…. left at 6.50 a.m because the pilot had wanted to avoid form Cumulonimbus Cloud. At 7.00 the pilot had again requested to add the high to 3.800 ft. After sometime, the ATC had approved for 3.600 ft. (48)…., the plane had lost form the contact and followed from the radar. 46. a. . plane b.train Saturday : 07.00 a.m Assemble in Klaten town Square 07.30 a.m Leave Klaten by bus 08.00 a.m Arrive at Prambanan Temple 08.30 a.m Play outbond in the garden 10.00 a.m Visit Prambanan Temple 12.00 a.m Lunch and pray 01.00 p.m Leave Prambanan Temple 02.00 p.m Arrive and visit Monjali Museum 03.00 p.m Enjoy at Parangtritis Beach 04.00 p.m Pray and have a meal 06.45 p.m Leave Parangtritis Beach 08.00 p.m Do shopping at Malioboro 09.30 p.m Leave Malioboro 10.30 .p.m Arrive in Klaten 42. What most the passage mostly tell us about? A. Aviva Tour and Travel B. Tourist resorts in Yogyakarta C. Planning for a holiday in Yogyakarta D. A day trip in Yogyakarta 43. Where may we do shopping? A. Prambanan Temple B. Malioboro C. Klaten Town Square D. Parangtritis Beach 44. How long we stay at Parangtritis Beach? A. 1 hour 45 minutes B. 1 hour 15 minutes C. 2 hours 45 minutes D. 3 hours 45 minutes 45. What time can we go home from Yogyakarta? A. 10.30 a.m C. 09.30 p.m B. 10.30 p.m D. 09.30 a.m c. people d. passenger 47. a. Moved b. Jumped C. Turned D. Taken 48. a. b. c. d. Fantastically Poorly Accidentally Unfortunately 49. Arrange the following words into a right sentence! island the highest Kerinci is 1 2 3 4 mount in Sumatra 5 6 A. 3-5-6-1-2-4 B. 3-4-2-5-6-1 C. 6-1-2-4-3-5 D. 6-1-2-4-5-3 50. Arrang the following stenteces into a good paragraph! 1. The placemademe feel at home but I had to go home 2. After that I went to Lamongan 3. Then I went to Sidoarjo 4. I visited the famous Jatim Park 5. It had famous for its mud 6. Last summer, I gota fantastic holiday 7. I went to the airportand I flew to Surabaya. a. 6-8-3-5-2-4-1-7 b. 8-6-3-4-5-1-7-2 c. 3-8-6-5-2-7-1-4 d. 3-6-8-4-5-2-7-1