Nano Hall Bars the quest for single defect scattering Daniel Brunski 2008 Fall Advisors: Dr. Matthew Johnson Dr. Joel Keay Special Thanks: Ruwan Dedigama Introduction Motivation Background Outline Band Gap Quantum Wells The Hall Effect Single Defect Measurements Microfabrication Techniques Photolithography Electron Beam Lithography Etching Hall Bar Plan Top-Down View Cross-sectional View Progress to Date Photolithography Reactive-Ion Etching Ohmic Contacts Current Issues The Future 10μm Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image showing several defects (circled) near a device Introduction Defects in semiconductor devices act as scattering centers, effectively increasing resistance As devices become smaller, single particle interactions with defects become very significant Effects may include tunneling or other unexpected phenomena A Hall bar will be used to investigate the effects of a single defect on charge carriers InSb semiconductors used are grown with molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) QW Defect 9%AlInSb InSb Quantum Well GaSb 9%AlInSb AlSb 9%AlInSb 1μm 50nm GaAs Cross-section transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of InSb/AlInSb on GaAs substrate Motivation Better understanding of defect scattering Improving semiconductor quality Quantum wells are integral to high-speed transistors such as MODFETs, used in low noise devices: Satellite receivers Low power amplifiers Cell phones More efficient semiconductor lasers Blue diode lasers employ InGaN quantum wells Semiconductor laser Band Gap Available electron energies in materials form bands Band gap is the gap in energy between valence band and conduction band Forbidden region, no allowed energies in gap In conductors, valence electrons are essentially free, represented by overlap in bands Quantum Wells Formed when a thin layer of narrow band-gap InSb is sandwiched between wider bandgap AlInSb Quantum well confines charges, wavefunctions become quantized Electrons are confined to discrete energy levels For lasers, more electrons are confined to energies above the lasing threshold Leads to semiconductor lasers that require less current to operate Micro-twin defects change quantum well geometry Smaller well, higher energy confinement Acts as potential barrier, scattering charges Microtwin ~ 16° InSb Quantum Well 9%AlInSb 10 nm TEM image showing a Micro-twin defect 15.8° The Hall Effect A magnetic field is applied to a conductor, perpendicular to current flow Moving charge carriers experience a Lorentz force Charges accumulate on one side of the conductor, equal but opposite charge left on other side Separation of charges creates an electric potential, the Hall voltage Hall effect has numerous applications: Non-contact current sensors Solid-state position and motion sensors At low temperatures Hall conductivity becomes quantized, leads to a standard of resistance (h/e2 = 25812.8ohms) B F v Fe q(E v B) Hall current sensor Single Defect Measurements Use photolithography to create a Hall bar over an area containing defects Electron-beam lithography used to isolate a single defect Defects not isolated act as effective resistance Apply magnetic field to induce Hall effect Contact points allow voltage measurements before and after the defect Current is plotted against voltage difference Nonlinearities may be signs of scattering or tunneling I 100μm Hall bar optical image, ~1mm x 1.5mm Photolithography Parallel process Sample coated with a photo-reactive resist Mask is placed on sample and then exposed to UV light Exposed resist reacts to UV Developer removes unstable resist Resolution limited by diffraction of light Current commercial processes produce down to 45nm structures UV light Mask Resist Deposited Film Substrate Film Deposition Photoresist application Development Etching Exposure Resist removal Electron Beam Lithography Electron beam instead of UV light Smaller scale structures Electron beam Down to 25nm SEM can perform electron beam lithography (EBL) Electron beam is computer controlled Serial process Anode Magnetic Lens Not suited for high volume production Resolution limited by Electron gun Electron scattering in photoresist Proximity effect Acoustic noise 100nm line widths possible on our Zeiss 960A Output Scanning coil Backscattered Electron Detector Stage Secondary electron detector Sample Standard SEM column Etching Process in which resist pattern is transferred to material surface Wet etching Chemical solution Typically produces rounded isotropic profile Etch can undercut resist layer Dry etching Sputtering – energetic ions bombard surface and remove material mechanically Reactive-ion etching (RIE) – chemically reactive plasma and physical processes remove material Produces anisotropic etch profile Trenches A Hall bar featuring EBL and RIE produced trenches Hall Bar Top-Down Hall bar defined with photolithography and RIE to produce mesa Trenches defined with EBL and RIE to isolate defect Gates allow scanning of charges across defect Defect could be located anywhere in dashed box with extended trenches Substrate and buffer layers + VH1 + + + Gate VG1 VH2 + Applied magnetic field + Defect e - - Hall bar mesa - VH1 IS - - Etched trench VG2 VH2- Hall Bar Cross-Section Shown measurements are approximate Defect may or may not be localized to a small area in the quantum well Greater than 4.3μm etch needed to electrically isolate quantum well Gate 180nm Hall bar mesa 30nm 4μm GaAs substrate AlInSb barrier, AlInSb/AlSb buffer layers, SLS Defect >4.3μm InSb quantum well AlInSb barrier, InSb cap Hall Bar Photolithography Produced a series of resolution tests to obtain a method for good photolithography results Consisted of lines and grids Procedure for aligning Hall bars on defects tedious but possible Random placement not reliable Resist thickness 2 to 2.2μm Nominal value for S1818 – 1.8μm 10μm Optical zoom of photoresist on a quantum well InSb sample, two potentially usable features present Etching Trials Etching trials performed on 3μm InSb bulk samples Need a recipe that has at least 2:1 InSb:Resist etch ratio Initially tried a 24 minute etch with BCl3 + Ar, 1.5μm etch depth Next trial was 5 steps of 5 minute BCl3 + Ar, with 30 second Ar sputter phases in between, 1.4μm etch depth Also tried 10 sets of BCl3 + Ar / Ar, 2.2μm etch depth 24 minutes BCl3 + Ar 55 minutes BCl3 + Ar / Ar Etching Analysis Analysis of surface shows there is still InSb left to etch Possible sources of etching slowdown are redeposition of etched products and formation of InCl on surface (high melting point) Ar sputter phase added in an attempt to mechanically clean surface, but results were not satisfactory Tried preheating RIE chamber to combat formation of Cl residues, but etch depth not greatly improved 1.7μm for a 27.5 minute etch compared to 1.4μm Cross-section back scatter SEM image of 2.2μm etch, white areas are InSb Final Etch What worked – Alternating 5 steps 3 minutes BCl3 + Ar / 5 steps 15 seconds BCl3 + SF6 with higher powers and higher flow rate, 5μm etch depth 6mm x 6mm 10μm Ohmic Contacts Contacts need to be modified to ensure good electrical conduction, linear I-V behavior Hall bars coated with resist Contact pads exposed, developed Deposited indium Indium deposited onto sample, resist removed Sample annealed at 230°C for 5 minutes Causes indium to diffuse down to quantum well In melts at 156.6°C Measurements on several Hall bars using a curve tracer showed linear I-V behavior 9-11kOhm resistance between contact pads Infinite resistance between substrate and contact pads After annealing 100μm Current Issues Over half the devices damaged sometime between contact pad photolithography and annealing In most cases, current can be applied through other pathways Measurements with an optical microscope show the break depth to be about 4 to 5μm GaAs/AlSb interface around 4.3μm High defect density at layer interfaces in InSb quantum well sample Broken contacts 50μm The Future Find out what’s causing terminals to break off, possibilities: Crushed during contact pad photolithography Moving around due to loose storage Ultrasonic cleaning Aligning and performing EBL without damaging sample Gates introduce effective resistance, electric potential narrows conduction path Sources Images: Articles/Presentations: “TEM Study of InSb/AlInSb Quantum Wells Grown on GaAs (001) Substrates” Kittel, Charles. Introduction to Solid State Physics