STAR Events in the Classroom Integrating Interpersonal Relationships with Adult Roles and Financial Literacy Where does the Interpersonal Relationships STAR Event fit in the ARFL Curriculum? STANDARD 4 Students will identify effective communication in interpersonal relationships and ways to develop meaningful relationships in the family unit. ARFL #6 Performance Objective A Demonstrate the ability to use two constructive communication skills. Steps to successful integration 1. Teach the standards 2. Introduce the project 3. Set a time line 4. Share presentations 5. Evaluate finished project 6. Recruit for STAR Event participation Interpersonal Communication Project Improving Relationships Through Better Communication WHY Purpose: This project is designed to strengthen communication skills over a period of 2 weeks using the techniques learned in class. What? Project: Select an individual (family member, friend, co-worker) with whom you would like to improve your relationship. Make and carry out a plan to improve your relationship with this person. Follow the instructions listed below to plan to complete your project. Steps 1. Plan your project. A. Complete the FCCLA Project Planning Sheet. See the template at planproc_r.pdf. You can type into it and print it. Choose 3 Strategies B. Decide on the communication techniques you want to practice: Use a minimum of three positive communication techniques discussed in class. I-messages Reflective/Active Listening Body language Written communication Conflict Resolution Strategies Positive Communication Techniques Take Action Carry out the plan for 2 weeks minimum. Make changes and adjustments as necessary.You may want to keep a journal describing your experience. Write it up! Prepare written report of your project. Use Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced Include the following Identification Page Planning Process Page A one page summary of how you used the planning process to accomplish your goal. Written Presentation: 2 pages Name Period School Name Topic Project rationale: Describe what you did and why you did it Description of 3 communication techniques used and how they worked Impact on your relationship Describe how your communication skills were strengthened as a result of completing the project More writing Tell how your project relates to the purposes of FCCLA To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony To promote greater understanding between youth and adults To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities To prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today’s society To promote family and consumer sciences and related occupations. Conclusion: What did you learn? How might it help you in the future? Works cited/Bibliography(List resources you used) Share A. Summarize your project in 5 minutes or less. B. Tell us what you did, what you learned, and how it worked Grading See the rubric Title page: 5 points FCCLA Planning Process Sheet: 15 points 2 page summary: 50 points Bibliography: 5 points Oral report: 25 points Total - 100 Grading Rubric Title Page (5 points) None 0 Planning Process sheet Summary 3 communication techniques, Conclusion, FCCLA Purposes described, typed Oral Report None Typed, Complete information 5 Planning Process Format not followed Two or more sections missing or not clearly defined 10 One section missing, project not clearly defined 12 Complete, not typed 2 requirement s missing 1 requirement missing 40 0 None 5 Format not followed, Not typed 20 30 0 None 10 Unprepared, lacks organization Report read to class Incomplete report, mostly read, 5 10 20 3 requirements missing 0 Bibliography None 0 Typed, Correct Format 5 13 Some parts of project missing, Minimal notes 22 Complete. Easy to understand, typed 15 3 communication techniques described, Conclusion, FCCLA purpose included 50 Interesting, Clearly defined project, minimal use of notes 25 Student Project FCCLA Planning Process Worksheet IDENTIFY CONCERNS: I feel that I need to improve my communication skills with my brother. I feel that we don’t communicate as well or as much as we should. SET A GOAL: My goal is to communicate longer and more efficiently with my brother. FORM A PLAN: My plan is to ask him more questions to clarify and to talk to him more and try to get to know him better. ■ Who: My brother, Cortland, and I. ■ What: Improve communication with him. ■ Where: My house, or wherever we happen to be. ■ When: December 23rd to January 5th ■ Why: To improve my communication skills and relationship with him. ■ How: By asking him more about his day, being more interested in the things he does, and clarifying with him to completely understand what he is saying or has said. ACT: I am going to be more interested in my brother, and what he has to say. FOLLOW UP: After two weeks of communicating better with my brother, I feel that we have learned a lot about each other. After I finished the two weeks of communication assignment, I have realized that it has made a big impact in my brother and I’s relationship. We communicate better and I feel that we learned a lot about each other since we communicated so well. Student Results “The impact that these techniques had on our relationship was tremendous. We communicate better now, we help each other out more, we ask each other more questions about the others day, and I feel that we have gotten to know each other better. We have not fought in the last week, and I think it is because of these communication techniques. We get along a lot better now and I am very grateful for that.” “Through this project I learned how important it is to always show someone that you care about what they have to say and the best way to solve a conflict. This project will help me in the future because I will have a better relationship with my brothers and I will know how to get along with others. I enjoyed the project because I believe that it will help my brothers and I communicate with one another better than we did before.” “This was a good project because it truly does show you how important communication is and how small changes in your communication patterns can make big changes in your relationships. The three strategies I used for this project were: eye contact, body language and “I” messages. It worked really well. The FCCLA purpose I related this to, is the “Strengthening the Family Unit as a Functioning Member of Society”. I think the project went really well, and I am glad that I did it; it truly helped my relationship with my step-mom.” In Conclusion Using STAR Events in the classroom is easy. Using STAR Events in the classroom provides students with real life learning experiences. Using STAR Events encourages students to participate in FCCLA.