FCCLA Planning Process Summary Page IDENTIFY CONCERNS My concerns were that the activities and accomplishments of our FCCLA chapter were sometimes overlooked within the school and community. I wanted to help promote the success of our local chapter, the mission of FCCLA and provide information to the members, parents, and community by developing a website to aware the importance of FCCLA. SET A GOAL My goal was to create a website accessible to members, parents, and our community to raise awareness of our chapter and show what we do. FORM A PLAN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, COST, RESOURCES, AND EVALUATION) Who: Cody Dover What: Creating a website for members, parents and our community to view. When: 2010-2011 Where: Meadville R-IV High School How: By working with our school's business and computer teacher. ACT I used our chapter theme "Toy Story" to create a website for our chapter. On the website I included pictures and descriptions of our chapter events. I also included information from the regional, state and national level. I talked to chapter members to see what they thought our website needed to have. They gave answers like, calendars and updates on chapter events, which I then added to the website. Finally, I publicized our website by listing the link in our school newspaper. FOLLOW UP I talked to chapter members to see if the website helped them plan and gave their parents a better understanding of what we do as a chapter. I had very positive feedback. I also received complements from many community members. I plan to keep updating our website and promoting our FCCLA chapter. STAR EVENTS MANUAL N © Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc. N www.fcclainc.org 32