section 1 - Arts Online

Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
Maui - One Man Against the Gods
Explore super heroes in the world of popular culture.
 What do we know of the super heroes presented in film, on
TV and in cartoons and books?
 What attributes do these heroes possess?
Resources required:
CD Player
DVD player
DVD of Maui - One Man Against the Gods
Resource sheets A, B, C and D
Crayons/ pens and large paper
Sound Arts: Music
Soundtrack CD Batman Original Motion Picture Score composed by Danny
Elfman (or similar movie soundtrack of known super hero)
Dance Wall Charts (Ministry of Education)
Dancing The Long White Cloud (Ministry of Education)
Visual Arts
Resources for accessing possible images of super heroes, for example:
Comic and cartoon books and DVDs selected by teacher and students.
Picture books e.g. Weaving Earth and Sky (2002, illustrated by Gavin Bishop)
Robyn Kahukiwa’s Supa Hero (2001) painting (Celebrate Art New Zealand series
Vol.5, 2004, Interactive Education Ltd)
Paikia (1993, Robyn Kahukiwa, Puffin)
School Journals e.g. Tane me te Whanau Marama (Part 2 Number 2,2003: P.22-29)
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
Questions for viewing:
Refer to Exploring the Visual Arts in Years 1-6 series (Ministry of Education, 2001)
Connecting the Arts learning – you find the through lines that suit your students best
Dance: Choreographing a dance sequence using movement ideas from the
‘superheroes’ of popular culture
Drama: Creating still images of popular super heroes and adding a line of dialogue
Sound Arts: Music: Listening, analysing and responding to Batman soundtrack.
Comparison with Maui sound score
Visual Arts: Viewing and analysing super hero images
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
Learning Experience
General introduction
Suggested Sequence of Learning
Divide the class into small groups of 4-6 students
and allocate crayons and paper (Resource Sheet A
printed off onto A3 size). Ask the students to
brainstorm as many popular heroes as they can
recall and name. Give a time limit so that it is a
race! Share back with rest of the class and add in
any super heroes left out.
Teaching Notes
Encourage students to think about super heroes in: films,
books, comics and current TV programmes with heroes. They
will come up with characters such as: Batman, Robin, The
Incredibles, Buzz Lightyear, Danny Phantom, Spiderman,
Superman, Wonder Woman, Xena, Captain Underpants,
Maddigan’s Quest etc.
>Store charts to use and refer to later in this unit.
Drama & Dance
Learning Intentions
The students will:
Creating still images of
popular heroes
1. Use the elements and techniques of drama
to explore super heroes in popular culture
2. Explore the drama conventions of freeze
frames and slow motion action (PK)
3. Improvise a line of dialogue in role as a
super hero and refine to present to others
(DI & CI)
4. Identify and explore the dance elements of
space and body awareness when using
slow motion action (PK)
5. Choreograph a short ‘slow motion action’
sequence (DI)
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
 Ask the whole class to find a space alone.
Teacher leads by calling out a super hero and
the students are to move into a freeze (i.e. a
physical representation or still image of this
hero). Use a bell to emphasize the freeze. E.g.
“Batman! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, FREEZE.” Use the
drama elements of ‘role’ and ‘action’ to
describe the students’ work. Give 5-6
different heroes in rapid succession.
>Make these snappy and short commands so they don’t have
much time to think.
 With some particularly strong images you
might try pressing an imaginary ‘button’
between the shoulder blades and hearing one
line of dialogue (the idea of a robotic toy that
has one line to repeat). Select some lines and
refine, practise them as a class as a chant.
> A classic one is Buzz Lightyear’s line “To infinity and
beyond!” from Toy Story.
 Add the direction for students to move into the
freezes now using slow motion e.g.
“Spiderman … a thousand and one, 1002,
1003 1004, 1005, FREEZE.”
>You might ask: What happens before the freeze? Move
towards the freeze slowly…
 Elicit what makes some of the ‘freezes’ and
‘slow motion action sequences’ effective and
note the success criteria on the whiteboard.
Give more practice of other superheroes with
these criteria constantly referred to. Discuss
the use of Body awareness and the use of
>Look for students who are moving with controlled physicality
and who are using a wide range of movement as they move
towards their freeze.
>Look for students who are able to freeze, stay in role and who
are using their bodies expressively – their actions are clear.
>Focus on vocal techniques especially projection
> Use the “Practical Knowledge” Dance Wall chart (Ministry of
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
 Ask half the class to sit down and view the
others presenting their favourites. Encourage
them to give feedback on the specific criteria
e.g. the:
>Encourage and reinforce the use of the appropriate vocabulary
>Identify which students are analysing the still images
perceptively and who are able to respond with appropriate
comments related to the criteria.
o Clarity of the movement
>Make recorded anecdotal comments or assess according to
o Use of space and body awareness. the effective use of the selected criteria.
o Use of facial expression.
o Ability to be absolutely stillfrozen.
o Use of slow motion action to move
into the freeze.
The qualities of superheroes
 Ask students to go back into their small groups
and to list the qualities and attributes that these
various super heroes seem to possess. Add to
the original chart, (Resource Sheet A). Share
back with the whole class and build up a
vocabulary list of descriptive language for
display on the wall.
> Students will probably offer the heroes’ physical attributes
and their mental capabilities.
 Students might create a poem or a character
description on one of their favourite super
heroes using some of these words on the list.
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
Hero Images
Focus elements and principles: scale, viewpoint,
colour, line, space, shape
Questions for viewing objects or images:
Think about the kinds of questions to ask.
Learning intentions:
The inductive method used in Exploring the Visual Arts Years
1-6 (Ministry of Education) is useful. They have four kinds of
questions that start with close viewing, visual detective work
and lead through to evaluative thinking.
The students will:
1. Identify images (moving and static) of
heroic characters and where these can be
viewed (UC)
2. Investigate why these images may have
been made, and who might value them
3. Select one image of a superhero and
describe how the artist has used body
language (space, shape, movement), and
the visual arts elements (such as
scale/size, viewpoint, line, and colour) to
communicate power and heroism (CI)
4. View images of heroic characters and
describe the clothing that is used to
characterise a superhero (CI)
5. Explore how the artist’s use of a particular
media has communicated mood and
message in an image (CI)
Possible learning sequence:
Throughout the learning, students use their visual
arts diary to record their ongoing ideas, responses
and research in words or sketches, and to paste in
found/copied images of superheroes. If
Refer to pages 9-10 Exploring the Visual Arts Years 1-6:
Painting (Ministry of Education) for examples of questions
which could be adapted for viewing the hero images e.g.:
What do you see?
What are these people doing?
What shapes and lines do you see?
Are there any contrasting shapes or lines or colours?
Is there a single focus in the image or are there several?
What path do your eyes take through [the image]?
What is the person wearing? Would this happen in your
town or city?
What things in the image remind you of other things?
Is there a part of the image that is special to you? Why is it
What title could you give the image and why?
What questions would you like to ask the artist?
Now why do you think the artist made this image?
Key teacher strategies:
Give time to view and talk.
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
developing ideas for their own superhero artwork
later, the visual diary can then become a rich
source of visual ideas to refer to and a place to
collate further drawing and visual thinking as
ideas are refined.
 Several viewings can give the opportunity for asking more
questions and for building on ideas.
 Accept all answers when interpreting images but probe for
visual evidence.
 Do less talking as teacher; encourage students to build on
each others’ ideas.
 In groups students view and share the
superhero images that have been gathered and
identify the variety of places in which they
were sourced. (Display available images on the
wall for further reference – students could use
‘post-its’ to post their ongoing and ideas about
 Students speculate on why the images may
have been created and how they might be
 Students could also record personal responses
to imagery in speech or thought bubbles about
what selected superheroes mean to them
and/or the important ideas being
communicated. Ideas could be collated in a
class brainstorm.
 Students select one image and discuss in pairs
how the artist has communicated that the
character is a hero. (On card(s) write 4 x
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
questions for the students to think about in
pairs or groups).
 Share back as a class two visual strategies the
artist has used. Record a pool of ideas. This
could be referred back to later during Section 2
and 4 visual arts learning experiences.
General discussion to link
with Sound Arts or Dance
Sound Arts: Music
Key aspect: listening &
Conduct a whole class discussion regarding
attributes of super heroes: what is possible and
what is in the realm of the imagination? Lead the
focus onto one particular super hero (e.g.
Batman) and list his special qualities in two
columns on the whiteboard. Which attributes are
purely fiction and which ones something that
mere mortals could develop? Which of these
qualities are shared with other superheroes? Ask
students to go back to their groups with their
charts and highlight the similar qualities they find
(e.g. bravery). Students might refine the charts
individually in their books.
>You might focus in on Batman or Spiderman or whatever
superhero is current!
Ideas for Batman might include: strength, courage,
perseverance, powers of hearing and transformation, gliding,
endurance etc.
>Elicit descriptive vocabulary and add to class list.
> Use Resource Sheet A.
Learning intentions:
The students will:
1. Identify, describe and respond to contrasts
within musical elements. (PK, CI)
2. Describe techniques used to create particular
moods and effects (PK, CI, UC)
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of
different styles of music. (PK, UC)
Learning experiences:
1. Listen to the soundtrack of Batman (or any
other super-hero soundtrack that is current
and accessible).
Refer: Into Music 1, Into Music 2 and Into Music 3 (Ministry of
Education) for other ideas about listening to music and
possibilities for follow-up responses.
2. Select some of the following questions to ask
and discuss:
Formative assessment possibilities:
 How well can the students identify or describe changes
within a specific element, using appropriate vocabulary?
 How well can the students describe the impact of specific
musical techniques for different examples?
 What do you notice about the music?
 Did it remind you of any other music you have
 How would you describe the music in relation
to the elements of music? Eg. How does the
composer use dynamics (loud and soft sounds)
and tempo (fast and slow sounds) to create the
effect? What instruments are keeping the beat?
Are there any repeating rhythmic or melodic
patterns? Are there any changes in the texture
of the music (i.e. layers of sound, using single
instruments/voices or groups of instruments/
 How would you describe the mood of the
 What techniques did the composer use to give
us that feeling?
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
 Were there any particular instruments that
stood out?
 If this were playing at a particular moment in a
movie what do you think would be happening?
3. Now listen to some of the soundtrack from
Maui: One Man Against the Gods and answer
the same questions.
> Note: play the Maui DVD on your computer and use speakers
to amplify the sound – there is no official CD of the sound
score for Maui as yet.
4. How do the two pieces compare?
>Encourage the students to use musical language in their
5. Divide the students into groups and they can
work together to fill in the Comparing Styles
chart (delete any categories that are not
appropriate). Use Resource Sheet B.
Choreograph a “Batman”
dance sequence using slow
Learning intentions:
The students will:
1. Explore, combine and contrast the dance
elements of Body Awareness and Space
2. Select, combine and use the elements of
dance to develop ideas showing
Batman’s attributes working in small
groups of 3-5 students (DI)
3. Develop a dance sequence using slow
motion to move into a still image of
Batman using a musical accompaniment
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
Present their “Batman” dance sequence &
respond to other students’ dances (CI)
 Revisit the dance elements using the chart:
Practical Knowledge. Explain that students
will be focusing on the elements of Body
Awareness and Space. Individually practise
moving into Batman super hero freezes using
slow motion. Guide the use of the body (body
awareness) and the use of space.
> Use the Dance Wall Chart: Practical Knowledge (Ministry of
 In small groups (3-5) ask students to explore
different ways to show Batman’s attributes
using their bodies to make the shapes. Try the
group all doing the same image (e.g. of his
courage) then explore changes in the use of
space e.g. vary the levels and angles of the
dancer’s bodies. Try the group doing different
attributes each (e.g. courage & speed & flight
etc.) and then explore how to place these
images in the space effectively.
>Look for students who create imaginative shapes ‘freezes’ and
who also use clear body shapes.
 Explain the task: students will be developing a
freeze frame or still image showing Batman’s
attributes selecting some ideas from their
exploration. Each dancer must move into the
freeze using slow motion movement over 5
seconds (this will be familiar from the learning
>This is the student brief
>Use language from the Batman chart created in section 5 (see
above) to guide this exploration.
>Use vocabulary from the Dance Wall Chart: Practical
Knowledge to describe their movements.
>The teacher must guide this exploration and allow time for
groups to present some dance ideas.
>The students should be ready to start their choreography now
as they have experimented and explored first.
>Refer to the list of Batman’s attributes created in (5)
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
activity practised in section 2 (see above)).
Each student will be expected to use his/her
body to show one aspect of his super hero
quality each (e.g. the special strength he
possesses). The music – the sound track of
Batman will be played softly in the
background to add to the mood.
 Set up the success criteria on the whiteboard
and model this process of the selection of
dance ideas and choreography with a small
practise group first. It is helpful to direct
students to stand with their backs to the
‘audience’ first then turn one by one (i.e. in
canon) and move into their freeze using the
music in the background.
 Set up a scaffold on the whiteboard for
students to follow e.g.:
o Your movement and freeze must
represent only one quality of
Batman – chose one word each
from the whiteboard.
o Everyone must stand still with
their backs to the audience to
o Each student should turn move
slowly one by one into their
position e.g. 5,4,3,2,1, freeze.
o Each student must freeze in their
> Use the Batman soundtrack CD
>By modelling the process and the ‘product’, students will gain
a much clearer idea of your expectations.
>Note: If you always return to the beginning of the same CD
track as the students practise it will help students to work ‘with’
the music and they will start using it for effect.
>Scaffolds with clear directions guiding their compositions,
give students a real sense of security.
> Count the slow motion slowly e.g. “a thousand and one…a
thousand and two etc”
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
shape until the other dancers are
finished and the music is faded
o Each student must stay focused
(i.e. not get the giggles!) and
facial expression could be
o The final shape must have a least
3 different levels and some
different angles so that it looks
visually interesting
 Allow only 5-10 minutes for students to create
their visual picture/‘dance’ and play the music
softly in the background. Give feedback to
each group, monitoring and conferencing, and
then ask everyone to refine and practise their
>Observe and take note of students who seek multiple solutions
in their work.
>Demand integrity in even the smallest movement.
> You might call out over the music when each student should
be starting to move into their shape helping them to use the
music effectively.
 Each group then presents to the rest of the
class (or have 2 groups present at once to
dispel any nerves.) Ask the viewers to give
feedback based on the criteria listed on the
WB (whiteboard).
>You might ensure students are focused before they begin and
turn the music up then fade out at the end of the sequence.
>Identify students who are focused in their performance.
 Take digital photos of each group’s final
moment or a significant moment from the
dance sequence (Resource Attachment C).
> Assessment opportunity for possible use in portfolios with
student’s comments attached. Refer to the Ministry of
Education’s Dance Matrix on TKI ( or pages
12-14 in Dancing the Long White Cloud (Ministry of
Maui - One Man Against the Gods: Section 1
 Hand out student reflection sheet Resource
Sheet D. Spend 5-10 minutes writing up
answers and sharing back some responses.
Provide suitable vocabulary on the white board
and give specific help (monitoring and
conferencing) as students complete their sheet.
Read out some of their comments as they are
working to provide a model for others.
>Provide suitable vocabulary on the white board and give
specific help as students complete their sheet.
>You might direct some students to ‘peer support’ others in
their writing process where necessary.