Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua 1. Management 1.1 Board of Management (BOM) Our Board for is as follows: John Brennan (Secretary), Aoife Griffin (Teachers’ Nominee), Fr Patrick Browne (Chairperson), Josephine Sinnott (Patron’s Nominee), Angela Lawless (Treasurer and Parent Nominee), Martin Dempsey (Parent Nominee and Safety Officer); Mary FitzGerald, Peter Kennedy (Community Nominees) John Brennan was ratified as Designated Liaison Person (DLP) and Miss Aoife Griffin as Deputy DLP on 8/9/2015. Meetings The Board met 6 times this year. The Board building sub-committee met 4 times and the critical incidence team met once. Fr Browne and Mr Brennan attended Board training on Interviewing on 26/5/2015 Policies Ratified by BOM 2014-15 Child Protection AntiBullying Policy Code of Behaviour Equality of Access & Participation Curricular Action Plan Data Protection Acceptable Use Policy Admissions Policy Critical Incidence Policy School Improvement Plan Gaeilge 8/9/2014 8/9/2014 8/9/2014 8/9/2014 8/9/2014 27/1/2015 27/1/2015 27/1/2015 27/01/2015 10/3/2015 The school underwent a WSE MLL in from September 15th – 17th 2015. The Board was very pleased with the Report as it affirmed the excellent work of the staff. A copy of the report is on display in our reception and is available for down load on our school website or . Our finances are certified annually. Policies to review next year: Child Protection Anti-Bullying Behaviour Literacy SSE Curriculum Action Plans Attendance School Tours AUP 1 Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua Circ 60/2009 Gaeilge English 1.2 In School Management Management of Staff Mr Kevin Nimmo was appointed this year on a fixed- term contract to replace Miss Corcoran who is on a career break. The Principal, Deputy and Special Duties Post Holder meet regularly as part of the In School Management team. Mr Stuart is the Special duties post holds in the school with responsibility for a curricular, organisational and pastoral care area. The posts are reviewed annually and they update staff on their progress at staff meetings. Miss Griffin’s duties: Numeracy, Enrolment, school transport, Psychological Assessments, Roll Books, Yard duty, Deputy DLP, Active schools coordinator. Mr Stuart: Literacy, Health and Safety and Homework Club. Staff worked an additional 36 hours as per Croke Park Agreement. All hours are accounted for in Staff Planning Minutes Book. Curriculum Leadership 2014-15 Literacy Numeracy Gaeilge Science History/Geography PE Visual Arts Green Flag Music/Drama SPHE Student Council Mr Stuart Miss Griffin Mrs Codd/Mr Brennan Miss Lenihan Miss Hanrahan Miss Griffin Miss Griffin Mr McDonald Mr Brennan Mr Brennan Mrs Codd 1.3 Management of Pupils The BOM are familiar with the school’s code of Behaviour/Anti-bullying policies. All new entrants’ parents must sign up to both codes before being enrolled in the school. Scoil Mochua encourages good attendance by presenting pupils who reach 95% attendance with a certificate of excellent attendance every term whilst also acknowledging those who reach 100% attendance. Our attendance rate last year was 95.1% : exceeding our target of 95% while 14 pupils missed over twenty days and 10 pupils missed no days. Mr Brennan & Miss Griffin form the Care Team which meets fortnightly to review unexplained absences. Other strategies to improve attendance are outlined in our Attendance Policy. Our projected enrolment for September 1st 2015 is 161. 1.4 Management of relationships with parents and the wider community The principal attended the Parent Association (PA) AGM and arranged and end of year meeting with the PA and BOM to discuss progress made by the BOM during the school year. The Principal meets with the joint Chairpersons of the PA regularly between meetings. 2 Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua BOM agreed reports are made available to the PA and any issues arising from PA meetings are discussed with the Principal afterwards. There is a constant flow of information between the two bodies as some of the BOM members attend PA meetings. The school communicates with the general parent body through a monthly school newsletter, parish notes and text-a-parent. The attendance rate at this year’s PT meetings was 100%. We facilitated the Parents this year over two evenings in November using our Croke Park hours. This allowed every parent at least 10 minutes with the relevant teacher. 1.5 Management of Resources Human Resources The school presently has a full time secretary, cleaner and two Special Needs Assistants. We employ a part time caretaker to maintain the grounds: grass cutting and shrubbery. Our board safety officer contracts locally skilled people to carry out minor repairs. School Building Minor works completed were: The School was painted over the Summer holidays. A new tarmac court was laid in February 2015 for the infants. One new interactive whiteboard was installed. 5 new PCs were installed in the GP room. Fence was repaired on school perimeter. A new flag pole was purchased. All old windows will be replaced this summer under the Summer Works Scheme. Emergency works will take place in September to improve wheelchair access. Health and Safety For Security purposes our Back door is locked daily at 9.40 and Parents are requested buzz in at the entrance lobby. Staff complete a Health & Safety checklist quarterly and the data is acted upon by Scoil Mochua’s H & S postholder Mr Stuart who also carries out a quarterly Risk Assessment on the whole school grounds. Our water quality is tested annually by Wexford County Council. First aid kits were replenished. All staff reverse park. Fire Drills are carried out once a term and an escape route is on display in all rooms. Staff received training on First Aid; checking blood sugars and administering glucagon with syringe. Morning supervision takes place from 9.10am-9.20am. 3 Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua Outside Tutors Two hurling coaches trained 1st to 6th on Fridays. Class teachers supervised the sessions. All parents assisting at Swimming this year were vetted. All school volunteers must be vetted from September 2015. ICT Fundraising will focus on upkeep of hardware and provision of suitable software. Scoil Mochua regularly updates parents through its website Five new PCs and one Interactive Whiteboard were purchased. It is hoped to replace another IWB next year and to purchase extra I-Pads and PCs. Curricular Resources At the beginning of the School year Capitation was spent on books to restock the Book Rental Scheme, purchase Art & Craft provisions for the year and replenish office supplies. Continued focus was on ICT, Special Education and provision of novel sets in English. Further investment has been made in Infant Education for the implementation of the Aistear Programme and Ready, Set, Go Maths. The PA has been supportive financially also making financial contributions towards school trips and acquisition of Resources. 4 Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua 2. Teaching and Learning 2.1 Gaeilge Ag tus na bliana na spriocanna a bhi againn ná: Sprioc 1. 2. 3. Gaeilge a mhuineadh ar maidin. Athbhreithniu ar an bplean Gaeilge. Dul chun cinn sa Ghaeilge a scriobh as Gaeilge sa Thuaraisc ag Deireadh na bliana Cen Fath Nios deacra e a mhuineadh nios deanai sa la. Cabhru leis na muinteoiri tacu obair leis na paisti nach ndeanann Gaeilge. Chun focloir/struchtuir o na deich teamai a shoileiru. An teanga a chothu sa bhaile Ce Gach rang Cathain I mbliana Priomhoide agus foireann scoile Gach muinteoir T1/T2 T3 Rinneamar athbhreithniu ar an nGaeilge i mbliana agus ta an SIP thios. 5 Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua OUR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Summary of main strengths as identified in last SSE (February 2015): Summary of main areas requiring improvement as identified in last SSE: Improvement targets (related to pupils’ achievement) Required actions (related to teaching and learning that will help to achieve the targets) The majority of parents surveyed felt that Gaeilge was set at the right level of difficulty for their child. There is a high standard of Gaeilge in the school as evident when pupils transfer to secondary. A Print rich environment of Gaeilge throughout the school. More information for parents about what’s being taught. Consistency in the teaching of the ten themes throughout the school. To further develop a whole school approach to the teaching of the Ten Gaeilge themes tied to the school calendar. To outline a menu of struchtuir and focloir to be taught for each theme for each class level. To build a print rich environment for Gaeilge throughout the school. To publish a booklet linking each theme with the expected learning outcomes in terms of struchtuir and focloir for each year group. To share this information with the parents. To agree a whole school approach tying each theme to a month of the year. To build a Print rich environment of Gaeilge throughout the school in addition to the classrooms. First three targets: Mr Brennan Fourth target: Mrs Codd. Persons responsible SEPT 2015 – JUNE 2017 Timeframe for action Success criteria / measurable outcomes A consistent, calendar bound, approach to teaching the Ten themes as in evidence in teacher C Miosiuils & Yearly Plans. Positive feedback from parents evident in survey. A print rich environment that stimulates comhra among the pupils as observed by staff. SEPT 2018 Review dates 6 Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua 2.2 English Literacy action plans for 2013-14 - as part of our School Improvement Plan- were: OUR LITERACY SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2013-2014 Summary of main strengths as identified in last SSE on (specify date): Summary of main areas requiring improvement as identified in last SSE: Teacher’s long and short term planning. Pupils’ engagement in their learning Overall management of pupils A well-resourced pupil learning environment Further focus on Assessment for Learning using SALF (Self-Assessment & Learning Folders) Roll out of a Shared Reading Programme from infants to 6th in Oct/Nov to improve reading skills and involve parents using Oxford Reading Tree. Discrete teaching of Comprehension strategies to improve pupil comprehension. Improvement targets (related to pupils’ achievement) Required actions (related to teaching and learning that will help to achieve the targets) Persons responsible In MAY 2013 60% of our pupils (1st - 6th) scored above the 50th Percentile in Vocabulary. (Drumcondra English) We aim to increase that to 61% In MAY 2013 61% of our pupils (1st - 6th) scored above the 50th Percentile in Comprehension. (Drumcondra English) We aim to increase that to 62% Pupils and parents responding positively to new programmes introduced as garnered from questionnaires. Input into SALF at least once a month by pupils. Minimum of 3 pages read by pupil & Parent 5 nights/week over 8 weeks. Comprehension strategies taught discretely by teachers using designated big books at least 20mins/week. SALF – CLASS TEACHERS/MR BRENNAN SHARED READING – CLASS TEACHERS/MR STUART COMP STRATS – CLASS TEACHERS/MISS GRIFFIN SEPT 2013 – JUNE 2014 Timeframe for action Success criteria / measurable outcomes A 1% move of pupils into the 50th Percentile plus range annually in Vocab and comprehension scores respectively in Drumcondra English. Pupils and parents responding positively to new programmes introduced as garnered from questionnaires. SHARED READING – JANUARY 2014 SALF/COMP STRATS - JUNE 2014 Review dates 7 Vocab Inc from 60% - 63% Comp Inc from 61% - 69% Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua The following recommendation was made as part of the WSE: In English, to progress the pupils’ oral skills further, the teachers should ensure a consistent, schoolwide focus on developing their ability to express opinions and engage with the views of others. It is advised that the school expand assessment-for-learning approaches so as to differentiate learning activities at each class level, including provision for more able learners. These areas will form the basis for our SSE in Literacy next year. Support from PDST has been sought. Ongoing Action Plans in Literacy. Action Why Who/When Resources To teach 5hrs of literacy per week (1st – 6th ) and 4hrs (SI/JI) To teach Peer Tutoring programme for 6 weeks To comply with circular 56/11 All Classes ongoing To improve RA All classes T2 Team teaching in all classes To allow for differentiated learning and reduced ratios To encourage Reading for pleasure & Information To help pupils develop organisational & study skills To encourage Reading for pleasure & Information Good handwriting aids spelling To blend independent/teacher directed work. To blend high order/low order skills. To ensure all Genres are taught To improve writing performance & creativity To improve writing and see work published. To move away from commercialised schemes and to encourage novel reading. To internalizes rhythmic patterns and All classes ongoing Discretionary time; SESE; Drama Sails Series; folders Post Holder SET Timetabled library slots Continuation of homework club To run a Readathon for 1 week before Easter Break Continuation of cursive writing programme Station teaching Continuation of two writing genres per term Free writing sessions Use of Blog on School Website To use novels To learn 3 poems Monitored by Principal Mr Stuart Principal 2nd – 6th ongoing Post Holder; Mobile Library Mr Stuart Targeted pupils ongoing All classes 1 week Volunteering teachers Post Holder Prizes Mr Stuart Mr Stuart All classes ongoing All classes ongoing Scheme Principal Comp boxes, Stiles, Free Writing Prompts SET, Laptops, IWB Guidelines Principal Mr Stuart Free writing copies; Prim Ed resource. School website Principal Principal At least 3 Novel sets per class. Mr Stuart School Anthology (TBC) Mr Stuart 1st – 6th ongoing 1st – 6th ongoing All classes 1 per month at least 1st – 6th All classes ongoing 8 Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua One discrete Oral Language lesson per week (see below) Book Club Shared Reading Teach Comprehension Strategies discretely improve memorization skills To develop Oral Lang strand And improve VOCAB To encourage Reading for pleasure & Information and homeschool links To encourage home school links Oct 8 weeks To improve pupil comprehension All Classes All Classes All Classes All Classes English policy; Chatterbox series PDST Setanta Catalogue Mr Stuart Secretary Oxford Reading Tree Scheme Mr Stuart B Bridges books PDST Booklet Mr Stuart Table 1: REPORT OF AGGREGATE STANDARDISED TEST RESULTS in ENGLISH READING Number of students in second, fourth and sixth classes whose scores on a standardised test of English reading fall within the following ranges in respect of tests undertaken in May 2015: Class STen 1 STen 2 STen 3 STen 4 STen 5 STen 6 STen 7 Second class Fourth class Sixth class Test administered: Drumcondra Reading Test 9 STen 8 STen 9 STen 10 Numbers of pupils excluded from test Total enrolment in class Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua 2.3 Maths Numeracy action plans for 2015-2016 as part of our School Improvement Plan- were: OUR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Summary of main strengths as identified in last SSE (February 2014): Summary of main areas requiring improvement as identified in last SSE: Improvement targets (related to pupils’ achievement) Required actions (related to teaching and learning that will help to achieve the targets) Persons responsible One hr of G Allocation to be set aside for J Infants Maths Stations. 5 I-Pad Minis to be purchased by April. Remove textbook from Junior/Senior Infants next year and purchase Ready, Set, Go Maths manual and concrete materials. Homework to consist of 2-4 Qs per night without workbook/textbook next year. Information sheet to be provided to parents next September by class teachers on topics to be covered for Term 1. Maths talk for parents to be arranged during Maths week. CPD on teaching Measures next year. Using Linear, Area, Set models when teaching Fractions & Decimals J Infants LS: Mrs Codd and Miss. IPads: Mrs Codd Homework/Info Sheets: relevant class teachers. Maths talk: Mr Brennan & Miss Griffin. Concrete materials: Miss Griffin. CPD: Mr Brennan & Miss Griffin. The majority of our pupils like Maths. The majority of parents are able to assist their child with homework always and pupils agree that it is set at the right level. The majority of parents feel that Maths is taught at the right level of difficulty for their child. All teachers inform pupils of learning objectives and this is verified by pupils. All Planning is guided by long and short term plans. Concrete materials are used in all classes and are preferred by pupils over textbooks Assessment For Learning and Differentiation is in evidence from a variety of sources. Teachers use the IWB/laptops and computers for Maths. This is confirmed in pupil findings. Problem Solving and Mental Maths are part of every lesson. Teacher designed tests are used to assess learning. Station teaching and CPD were the top two items listed as “things that work well”. The majority of pupils work in pairs or groups. The top four items liked by pupils in our school were: using concrete materials; teacher explanation; IT and Station teaching. 17% of parents requested more information about the methods and the content of the School’s Maths curriculum. 34% of parents listed Problem solving as their child’s weakest area. 17% of parents listed Measure as their child’s weakest area. Pupils and teachers favour reduced use of textbooks. Pupils favoured keeping homework to 2-4 questions per night. Teachers requested ICT tablets from infants to First. Infant teacher requested having at least one Maths Station in infants. One session of Maths Stations in Junior Infants Use of I-Pads From Junior Infants to First Remove textbook from Junior Infants to First with focus on Ready, Set, Go Maths in Infants. Homework to consist of 2-4 Qs per night without workbook/textbook Information to parents on content taught and methods used in our school. CPD on teaching Measures next year. Use of concrete materials throughout the school. Continued focus on Problem solving and mental maths. SEPT 2014 – JUNE 2015 Timeframe for action 10 X Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua We presently have 60% of our pupils over the 50th Percentile. We aim to increase that to 62% in Sigma T Maths. 66% over 50th overall. We presently have 25% of our pupils over the 50th Percentile at Word Problems. We aim to increase that to 30% in Sigma T Maths. 38% over the 50th overall. Pupils and parents responding positively to new programmes introduced. JANUARY 2015 JUNE 2015 Success criteria / measurable outcomes Review dates The following recommendation was made as part of the WSE: In Mathematics, in line with the school’s improvement plan, it is recommended that an active, problem-solving approach to Mathematics be further developed. An active problem-solving approach was work shopped at a staff meeting in Term two and has been introduced across the school from 1st – 6th classes. Our work on problem solving has been successful both qualitatively and quantitatively. An end of year review of our SIP was conducted by Miss Griffin and will be published next September. Some ideas emerging include: CPD in measures More concrete materials for measures; Shape & Space; Time & Money More i-pads and supporting apps. Table 4: REPORT OF AGGREGATE STANDARDISED TEST RESULTS in MATHEMATICS. Number of students in second, fourth and sixth classes whose scores on a standardised test of Mathematics fall within the following ranges in respect of tests undertaken in May 2013: Class STen 1 STen 2 STen 3 STen 4 STen 5 STen 6 Second class Fourth class Sixth class Test administered: Sigma-T Maths Test 11 STen 7 STen 8 STen 9 STen 10 Numbers of pupils excluded from test Total enrolment in class Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua 2.4 SESE Green Flag Scoil Mochua is working towards its 5th Green Flag for Biodiversity. Mr McDonald is our Green Schools co-ordinator. The long term aim is to link SESE thematically. Science: What? To teach Science this year as per Science Plan Year One Human Life/Myself Environment al Awareness/Caring for my Locality Magnetism & Electricity Forces Property & Characteristics of Materials Rationale To ensure all strand units are covered and repetition is minimised Who/When? All teachers This Year Resources School Plan Science Space Monitored By Miss Lenihan To create a resource boxes for each class level to support the teaching of each strand. These boxes are to include: Photocopiable Masters Laminated Workcards Relevant equipment (excluding consumables) To support the teaching of each strand Miss Lenihan Mr Brennan Secretarial support Miss Lenihan To keep a library of resource books, DVDs and cd-roms in the resource area To support the teaching of each strand Miss Lenihan By end of year E learning plan Miss Lenihan By end of year History: What? To teach Programme as per agreed two year cycle. Year One Rationale To ensure all aspects of Prescribed curriculum are covered. Who/When 3rd – 6th This Year Resources Two year planner Monitored by Miss Hanrahan To monitor the Artefacts museum As prescribed in curriculum Miss Hanrahan By end of T1 Space Budget Miss Hanrahan Monitored By Miss Hanrahan Geography: What? Rationale Who/When? Resources To draw up an inventory of resources available for geography e.g. photographs, maps, atlases, globes, wall charts, posters.. To designate a centralized storage area. To revise two year plan for Geography To teach Geog as per year One Project T2 on a non-European country So teachers will know what class appropriate Resources are available. Miss Hanrahan T3 Budget outlay To ensure ease of access Miss Hanrahan T3 Mr Brennan Miss Hanrahan T1 2nd – 6th T2 Geography Area To ensure all strand units are covered. To ensure whole school consistency 12 Geog Plan IT Room IWB Mobile Library Miss Hanrahan Mr Brennan Miss Hanrahan Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua 2.5 Social Personal and Health Education. (SPHE) What? 1. 2. 3. To teach SPHE Programme as per agreed Policy YEAR 1 (see below) To teach RSE (Taking Care of My Body) lessons in April. To teach Stay Safe in January/February Rationale Who/When? Resources Monitored by Mr Brennan To ensure consistency of approach All class teachers ongoing Making the Links Walk Tall RSE Manual So Parents can be informed beforehand and topic is taught wholeschool As part of Child Protection recommendations All class teachers DVD Lesson Plans Mr Brennan All Class teachers Stay Safe manual Mr Brennan 2.6 PE What? 1. 2. To revise PE inventory To block teach certain strands. (see table below) 3. Active Schools Flag Rationale So staff know what is available. To share resources and ensure certain strands are covered. Who/when? Miss Griffin T1 All class teachers ongoing Resources PE Shed Monitored by Miss Griffin Timetable Miss Griffin To encourage healthy lifestyle Miss Griffin Present File IT Support Miss Griffin As part of a Be Active Campaign an after school PE lesson was taught by parents every Wednesday from January, under supervision, to 1st & 2nd classes. The campaign was co-ordinated by Miss Griffin. 5th & 6th received rugby coaching from Ross Barber for 6 weeks. 2.7 Arts Education. Music: The tin whistle was taught from 2nd to 6th this year. Pupils sang regularly in Church. The school runs a weekly Music Club with Mr Stuart, Miss Lenihan, Mr Nimmo and Mrs Codd. Next year the school will focus on the Composing Strand. What? To teach tin whistle To participate in Christmas Carol Service the Church in December To review Composing Strand Rationale Pupils will learn to play an instrument. So pupils will experience performance before a large audience To ensure progression throughout the classes By When/Who? T1 2nd – 6th All teachers Monitored by Mr Brennan Mr Brennan T3 Mr Brennan Mr Brennan x Visual Arts: Art Resources are located centrally in a dedicated Art Prefab. What? Rationale Who?When? To ensure that Art Room has an adequate supply of Materials at all times. To ensure all strand units are covered. Miss Griffin 13 Monitored by Miss Griffin Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua To block teach Art To share resources and ensure certain strands are covered. End of September Miss Griffin Sept/NovDec Miss Griffin Drama: What? Rationale To review suggested content for Drama throughout the classes. To link aspects of Drama lesson with discrete Oral Language A Christmas Pageant in December in the church To aid and inform teacher planning To create time for formal Oral Language instruction Opportunity for all pupils to experience performance before an audience. To celebrate Christmas Who?By When Mr Brennan Monitored by Mr Brennan x All classes ongoing All classes Mr Stuart All Staff 2.8 Religion: Fr Browne, the school Chaplin, visited the school regularly and Christmas was celebrated with a Christmas Pageant in the Church. Pupils celebrated Communion, Confession and confirmation this year. Prayer is a feature of school life. 2.9 Planning Staff use a fortnightly planning template that will be gathered monthly as a record of short term planning. Fortnightly plans are also stored digitally centrally in the schools server. This year teachers agreed a standardised Template for Yearly Plans. Fortnightly plans state the learning intentions which allows for Assessment for Learning. Pupils use SALF (Self Assessment and Learning folders) to manage their learning. 2.10 Assessment and Reporting Standardised tests were used to monitor pupil progress in English and Maths in May. This information and school performance generally was relayed to parents through the end of year school report which was posted mid-June. The information gathered was also used inform progress in Literacy, Numeracy and where to target General Allocation Support for next year. Formal Parent teacher meetings were held in November over two evenings. JI were assessed using the BIAP and a letter sounds sheet from Jolly Phonics Assessment. SI was assessed using Jolly Phonics Assessment. This was the full version it - all 42 sounds and the other section tested their WRA -word reading age and their SRA - sentence reading age. All staff used a school designed booklet this year to record daily pupil progress and informal assessments and observations. Staff also used the Aladdin database for record keeping. To further emphasise the importance of Assessment for Learning, all classes agreed to use portfolios for work samples to allow pupil to gauge their progress. 3. Support for Pupils The Principal and Deputy met with Educational Psychologist regular to prioritise candidates for assessment/observation. Miss AnnaMarie Cullen is our NEPS Psychologist. 14 Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua Special Education Team (SET) meetings were held at least once a term with Principal, L Support teacher and Resource teacher to monitor progress of Resource pupils, General Allocation caseload and to target purchasing of resources. The YARC (York Assessment of Reading Comprehension diagnostic was purchased as recommended from the WSE. Special Needs Assistant provision was reviewed by the SENO last May. Learning support and Resource Teaching was a balance between withdrawal and in class support in literacy. In Class support took place in all classes for literacy and numeracy. The Principal and met with representatives from local Secondary schools to ensure ease of transition of 6th class pupils to second level. Special Needs pupils were taken to their transferring Secondary schools by SET staff to ease transition. Any new candidates for General Allocation hours are first subject to Stage One/Class Support unless there is a more urgent need. Scoil Mochua had 5 extra general Allocation hours this year. This time was used to focus on Senior Infants. The Care Needs team met weekly to identify unexplained absences and vulnerable pupils. All pupils received a talk on Road Safety from the RSA and pupils from 4th – 6th received a talk on Internet Safety as did any parent who was interested. All staff committed to 2hours of Professional Development as part of Haddington road hours. This will be extended to 4 hours next year. Professional Development included: Mata Sa Rang for 3rd & 4th 9 (5 wks) Gordon Wollard – ‘The extra Lesson’ on crossing the mid-plane Oct 13th / Jan 12th SSE seminar in Dublin on October 14th SESS training on Speech & Language “Language & Communications” on November 12th INTO Education Conference on 14th November INTO online course on leadership skills Athletics and Reinforcing Numeracy through PE” on 25th November 4.30 – 7.00p.m. INTO seminar on Professional Issues for School Leaders on 27th November. School Evaluation; Fitness to teach; Conditions of Employment 15 Annual Board Report 2014-15 Scoil Mochua Anti-bullying PDST in-service on 2nd December Active Flag Training on 4th December from 3.00 – 5.00p.m. First Aid on 5th January (6 hours) Workshop on Assessment at Wexford Education Centre on 13th January from 7.30 – 9.30p.m. Workshop on Dyslexia on 10th February 4.30-6.30 Elklam Speech and Language Development Course Phonological Awareness Workshop (2 Hours Introduction to Wellbeing at Wexford Education Centre from 4.30 – 6.30p.m. on 24th March. CPSMA training on interviewing on 26th May. Working with parents – AISTEAR Workshop for teachers 19/01/2015 (2 hrs) “Zippy’s Friends” Programme 26/5/15 Lego Course (2 hrs) Mr Brennan Miss Griffin All staff Summer Course for EPV Days Scratch Problem Solving Literacy in 1st/2nd Science Outdoor learning Numeracy in Infant Ed Use of tablets for literacy & Numeracy Maths for 5th & 6th class Literacy for 3rd & 4th 1st & 2nd Class Education Learning outside 16