Skeletal System

Skeletal System
Storage of minerals
Production of blood
Storage of Yellow Bone Marrow
Divisions of the Skeleton
• There are 206 named
bones in the human body.
• Each bone belongs to 1 of
2 large groups:
– Appendicular
• 126 bones
– Axial
• 80 bones
Types of Bones
• 5 basic types of bones:
– long = compact bone
– short = spongy bone
except surface
– flat = plates of compact
enclosing spongy
– irregular = variable
– sesamoid = develop in
tendons or ligaments
• Sutural bones = in joint
between skull bones
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Types of Bones – classified by shape
Parts of a Long
• Diaphysis = main part of bone
• Epiphysis = one end of a long
• Metaphysis = growth plate
region, mature bone
• Articular Cartilage = over joint
surfaces, acts as friction &
shock absorber
• Medullary cavity = marrow
• Endosteum = lining of marrow
• Periosteum = tough
membrane covering the bone
but not the cartilage
Axial Skeleton
• skull, hyoid,
vertebrae, ribs,
sternum, ear
• 80 bones
Vertebral Column
• Backbone or spine built
of 26 vertebrae
• Five vertebral regions
– cervical vertebrae (7)
in the neck
– thoracic vertebrae ( 12 )
in the thorax
– lumbar vertebrae ( 5 ) in
the low back region
– sacrum (5, fused)
– coccyx (4, fused)
Atlas & Axis (C1-C2)
• Atlas - nodding movement that signifies “yes”, supports the
• Axis - pivotal movement that signifies “no”
Typical Cervical Vertebrae (C3-C7)
Smaller bodies
Neck region
Larger spinal canal
1st and 2nd
cervical vertebrae
are unique
– atlas & axis
Thoracic Vertebrae
• Larger and stronger
• Longer
• Facets or demifacets on
body for head of rib
Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5)
• Strongest & largest
• Short thick spinous
& transverse
– back musculature
• Union of 5 vertebrae (S1 - S5) by age 30
• Union of 4 vertebrae (Co1 - Co4) by age 30
Intervertebral Discs
• Cushion like pad b/w vertebrae that absorbs shock
• Permit various movements and support of the
vertebral column
• Fibrocartilagenous ring with a pulpy center
Herniated (Slipped) Disc
• Protrusion of the
nucleus pulposus
• Most common in
lumbar region
• Pressure on spinal
nerves causes
• Surgery
Normal Curves of the Vertebral Column
• Primary curves
– thoracic and sacral are formed during fetal development
• Secondary curves
– cervical formed when infant raises head at 4 months
– lumbar forms when infant sits up & begins to walk at 1 year
Abnormal Curvature
Scoliosis - abnormal curvature
Kyphosis - hunch back assoc. with old age
Lardosis - sway back, pregnant walk
Spina Bifida – congenital defect – failure of the vertebral
laminae to unite, leaves nerve tissue unprotected, often
leads to paralysis
– Protects vital organs
(heart, lungs, blood
– Sternum
– Ribs
• 1-7 are true ribs
(attached to sternum)
• 8-12 are false ribs
• 11-12 are floating
– Costal cartilages
– Bodies of the
thoracic vertebrae.
• Manubrium– 1st & 2nd ribs
• Body
– Midportion of ribs,
bulk of sternum
• Xiphoid
– Cartilages in youth
– ossifies by 40
– CPR position
Fracture at site of
greatest curvature.
Increase in length from ribs 1-7, thereafter decreasing
Head and tubercle articulate with facets
Body with costal groove containing nerve & blood vessels
Intercostal spaces contain intercostal muscles
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The Skull
• 8 Cranial bones
– protect brain & house ear ossicles
– muscle attachment for jaw, neck & facial muscles
• 14 Facial bones
– protect delicate sense organs -- smell, taste, vision
– support entrances to digestive and respiratory systems
The 8 Cranial Bones
Parietal (2)
Temporal (2)
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14 Facial Bones
Nasal (2)
Mandible (1)
Inferior nasal conchae (2)
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Maxillae (2)
Lacrimal (2)
Zygomatic (2)
Palatine (2)
Vomer (1)
Maxillary bones
• Floor of orbit, floor of nasal cavity or hard palate
• Alveolar processes hold upper teeth
• Cleft palate is lack of union of maxillary bones
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Zygomatic Bones
• Cheek bones
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• Lambdoid suture unites parietal and occipital
• Sagittal suture unites 2 parietal bones
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Fontanels of the Skull at Birth
• Dense connective tissue membrane-filled spaces
(soft spots)
• Unossified at birth but close early in a child's life.
• Fetal skull passes
through the birth
• Rapid growth of the
brain during infancy
• Eventually turn into
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Hyoid Bone
– U-shaped single bone
– Articulates with no other bone of the body
– Suspended by ligament and muscle from skull
– Supports the tongue & provides attachment for
tongue, neck and pharyngeal muscles
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Pectoral girdle
Pelvic girdle
Upper limbs
Lower limbs
Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
Scapula and Clavicle
Clavicle articulates with sternum
Clavicle articulates with scapula
Scapula held in place by muscle only
Upper limb attached to pectoral girdle at shoulder
Clavicle (collarbone)
• S-shaped bone with two curves
• Extends from sternum to scapula above 1st rib.
Posterior Scapula
Anterior Scapula
• Triangular flat bone
Upper Limbs
• Each upper limb = 30 bones
humerus within the arm
ulna & radius within the forearm
carpal bones within the wrist
metacarpal bones within the palm
phalanges in the fingers
Humerus—Proximal End
• Part of shoulder
Humerus --- Distal End
• Forms elbow joint with ulna
and radius
Ulna & Radius
• Ulna (on little finger side)
• Radius (on thumb side)
8 Carpal Bones (wrist)
• Proximal row - lat to med
scaphoid - boat shaped
lunate - moon shaped
triquetrum - 3 corners
pisiform - pea shaped
• Distal row - lateral to
trapezium - four sided
trapezoid - four sided
capitate - large head
hamate - hooked process
Metacarpals and Phalanges
• Metacarpals
– 5 total
– knuckles
• Phalanges
– 14 total
– 3 on fingers except thumb
Pelvic Girdle and Hip Bones
• Pelvic girdle = two hipbones united at pubic
• Each hip bone = ilium, pubis, and ischium
– fuse after birth
• Bony pelvis = 2 hip bones, sacrum and coccyx
Ischium and Pubis
• Ischium
– ischial spine & tuberosity
– lesser sciatic notch
– ramus
• Pubis
– body
– superior & inferior ramus
– pubic symphysis is pad of
fibrocartilage between 2
pubic bones
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Iliac crest and iliac spines for muscle attachment
Iliac fossa for muscle attachment
Gluteal lines indicating muscle attachment
Sacroiliac joint at auricular surface & iliac
& Grabowskisciatic
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notch for sciatic nerve
• Pelvis = sacrum,
coccyx & 2 hip
• Pelvic axis = path of
babies head
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Female and Male Skeletons
• Male skeleton
– larger and heavier
– larger articular surfaces
– larger muscle
• Female pelvis
wider & shallower
larger pelvic inlet & outlet
more space in true pelvis
pubic arch >90 degrees
Lower Extremity
• Each lower limb = 30 bones
– femur and patella within the
– tibia & fibula within the leg
– tarsal bones in the foot
– metatarsals within the
– phalanges in the toes
Femur and Patella
• Femur (thighbone)
– longest & strongest bone in body
• Patella (knee cap)
– triangular sesamoid
Tibia and Fibula
• Tibia
– medial & larger bone of leg
– Weight bearing
• Fibula
– not part of knee
• Region of foot (contains 7 tarsal bones)
• Talus = ankle bone (articulates with tibia &
• Calcaneus - heel bone
• Cuboid, navicular & cuneiforms
Metatarsus and Phalanges
• Metatarsus = 5 metarsals
– midregion of the foot
• Phalanges
– distal portion of the foot
– similar in number and
arrangement to the hand
– big toe is hallux
Arches of the Foot
• Function
– distribute body weight over foot
– yield & spring back when weight is lifted
• Longitudinal arches along each side of foot
• Transverse arch across midfoot region
– navicular, cuneiforms & bases of metatarsals
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Clinical Problems
• Flatfoot
– weakened ligaments allow bones of medial arch to drop
• Clawfoot
– medial arch is too elevated
• Hip Fracture
– ½ million/yr in US
– Arthroplasty to fix
Bone Formation or Ossification
• Intramembranous bone formation = formation of
bone directly from mesenchymal cells
– Forms most flat bones, bones in skull
– Growth of short bones and the thickening of long bones
– Closes the fontanels
• Endochondral ossification = formation of bone
within hyaline cartilage
– Forms most bones within the body
Endochondral Bone Formation
• Development of Cartilage
– Mesenchymal cells form a
cartilage model of the bone during
• Growth of Cartilage model
– in length by cell division and
matrix formation ( interstitial
– in width by formation of new matrix
(appositional growth)
– cells in midregion burst and
change pH triggering calcification
Developmental Anatomy
5th Week =limb bud
6th Week = constriction
produces hand or foot
plate and skeleton now
totally cartilaginous
7th Week = endochondral
ossification begins
8th Week = upper & lower
limbs appropriately
Osteogenesis - 10 week fetus
Osteogenesis - 16 week fetus
Bone Growth in Length
• Epiphyseal plate or cartilage growth
– cartilage cells are produced by
– cartilage cells are destroyed and
replaced by bone
• Between ages 18 to 25, epiphyseal
plates close
– cartilage cells stop dividing and bone
replaces the cartilage (epiphyseal
• Growth in length stops at age 25
Aging & Bone Tissue
• Bone is being built through adolescence,
holds its own in young adults, but is
gradually lost in aged.
• Demineralization = loss of minerals
– very rapid in women 40-45 as estrogens levels
– in males, begins after age 60
• Decrease in protein synthesis
– decrease in growth hormone
– decrease in collagen production which gives
bone its tensile strength
– bone becomes brittle & susceptible to fracture
Factors Affecting Bone Growth
• Nutrition
– adequate levels of minerals and vitamins
• calcium and phosphorus for bone growth
• vitamin C for collagen formation
• vitamins K and B12 for protein synthesis
• Sufficient levels of specific hormones
• promotes cell division at epiphyseal plate
• need hGH (growth), thyroid (T3 &T4) and insulin
– at puberty
• growth spurt and closure of the epiphyseal growth
• estrogens promote female changes -- wider pelvis
Bone Remodeling
• Ongoing since osteoclasts carve out small
tunnels and osteoblasts rebuild osteons.
– osteoclasts form leak-proof seal around cell
– release calcium and phosphorus into interstitial
– osteoblasts take over bone rebuilding
– distal femur is fully remodeled every 4 months
Bone Remodeling
Calcium Homeostasis & Bone Tissue
• Skeleton is reservoir of Calcium & Phosphate
• Calcium ions involved with many body
– nerve & muscle cell function
– blood clotting
– enzyme function in many biochemical reactions
• Small changes in blood levels of Ca+2 can be
– cardiac arrest if too high
– respiratory arrest if too low
Hormonal Influences
• Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
is secreted if Ca+2 levels fall
– PTH triggers Osteoclasts (bone
cells) to break down the bone
and put calcium back into the
blood stream
• Calcitonin hormone is
secreted from cells in thyroid
if Ca+2 blood levels get too
– inhibits osteoclast activity
– increases bone formation by
Exercise & Bone Tissue
• Pull on bone by skeletal muscle and gravity is
mechanical stress .
• Stress increases deposition of mineral salts &
production of collagen (calcitonin prevents bone
• Lack of mechanical stress results in bone loss
– reduced activity while in a cast
– astronauts in weightlessness
– bedridden person
• Weight-bearing exercises build bone mass
Fracture & Repair of Bone
• Fracture is break in a bone
• Healing is faster in bone than in
cartilage due to lack of blood
vessels in cartilage
• Healing of bone is still slow
process due to vessel damage
• Clinical treatment
– closed reduction = restore pieces to
normal position by manipulation cast
– open reduction = surgery
Disorders of Bone
• Rickets
• calcium salts are not deposited properly
• bones of growing children are soft
• bowed legs, skull, rib cage, and pelvic deformities
• Osteomalacia
• new adult bone produced during remodeling fails
to ossify
• hip fractures are common
• Decreased bone mass resulting in porous bones
• Those at risk
– thin menopausal, smoking, drinking female with family
– athletes who are not menstruating due to decreased body fat
& decreased estrogen levels
– people allergic to milk or with eating disorders whose intake
of calcium is too low
• Prevention or decrease in severity
-- adequate diet, weight-bearing exercise, & estrogen
replacement therapy (for menopausal women)
Clinical Conditions
• Osteomyelitis
– Osteo=bone +
myelo=marrow +
– Inflammation of bone
and bone marrow
caused by pus-forming
bacteria that enter the
body via a wound (e.g.,
compound fracture) or
migrate from a nearby
– Fatal before the advent
of antibiotics.
Clinical Conditions
• Gigantism
– Childhood hypersecretion of
growth hormone by the
pituitary gland causes
excessive growth.
• Acromegaly
– Adulthood hypersecretion of
GH causes overgrowth of
bony areas still responsive
to GH such as the bones of
the face, feet, and hands.
• Pituitary dwarfism
– GH deficiency in children
resulting in extremely short
long bones and maximum
stature of 4 feet.