Challenge 13 - Rachel Hawkes

13. I can name 10 items of clothing.
Log on and go to (log in: comberton2 and
pupil08) Enter the site  top left menu  find la Ropa.
1)Do the Introducción – it will present these10 items of clothing
una camiseta
a T-shirt
un petp
una camisa
a shirt
pantalones cortos
un jersey
a jumper
un vestido
a dress
un pantalón
una falda
a skirt
un pijama
2) Now you choose how to learn the clothes. You can make flashcards,
just use the list, use all the online activities etc. Make sure you focus
on the 3 main areas of language learning (meaning, pronunciation,
spelling) but don’t try and focus on these all at once.
3) Test yourself – do the Examen activity online – reading and listening
are the important ones to achieve challenge 12. But you should also
try the writing one. Make sure you remember to print important
screens using the ‘print screen’ function and put these sheets in your
folders (if you are not sure how to do this, please ask).
4) Now click on this link.
It will take you to a much longer vocabulary list of clothes. Choose a
minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 words to learn off by heart. You
could use to create a vocab test so that you can
help yourself to memorise the words (or use a method you find
5) When you are ready, ask your teacher to test you on the clothes words
you have learnt
Challenge 13 achieved
Date __________________
Signature of teacher: ______________________