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Classroom Objects Spanish Activity

Los Objetos en la Clase
Busca las personas que tienen estos objetos y escribe sus nombres.
Contesta sus preguntas también (sí o no).
Ejemplo: ¿Tienes un/una…?
Sí, tengo un/una …
No, no tengo un/una …
Activity Set-Up
 Cut up the strips on the line so that you have 8 different strips. Each
student in the class should have one. Print out 2 or 3 copies of these
pages as needed to that each student has a strip of paper with pictures
of class objects on it. It is okay that some students have the same
strip. They should not show this to other students.
 Hand out a copy of the first two pages to each student as well.
Double-sided makes it easier.
 Students circulate in the room and ask other students if they have the
class objects. If the student answers yes, the student asking writes
down the name of the student. If the answer is no, the name is not
written down.
 Students can ask two questions in a row to the same person before
moving on to someone else, and then they can return to ask follow-up
 All students are asking and answering questions in complete sentences
so all students get to talk a lot to everyone in the class.
 Students can write their own names down to begin based on the
pictures that they have.
 The vocabulary sheet on the last page is for reference and the teacher
may want to give this to students if they are not comfortable with the
 The activity can be concluded as soon as one student has all answers
or when everyone in the class has all of the answers. Even if a student
has all names filled in, he/she still needs to participate by providing
answers to questions.