Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Microorganisms in food production The sample unit of work provides teaching strategies and learning experiences that facilitate students’ demonstration of the dimensions and objectives of Science in Practice. It demonstrates: organisation and development of a unit that could be used within a course of study aspects of the underpinning factors particular to this unit a focus for the unit, in a context based on one or more of the electives identification of the relevant concepts and ideas and associated subject matter from the core topics a teaching and learning sequence that: - outlines effective teaching strategies - supports achievement of the objectives described in the dimensions of this syllabus 150756 - shows alignment between core subject matter, learning experiences and assessment. Overview Unit overview Title of unit: Microorganisms in food production Unit description (focus): The purpose of this unit is to investigate procedures in making common food and drink products that use microorganisms in their production. Students will gain an understanding of the biology and chemistry of microorganisms in the food industry. They will create food products (e.g. cheese, bread, ginger beer, yoghurt) to learn about useful applications of microorganisms, and the importance of recognising and following safe work practices and industry standards to avoid the growth of harmful microorganisms. Time allocation: Unit 7, Semester 4, 25 hours Identified curriculum from the syllabus Dimensions and objectives Knowing and understanding describe and explain scientific facts, concepts and phenomena in a range of situations describe and explain scientific skills, techniques, methods and risks Analysing and applying analyse data, situations and relationships apply scientific knowledge, understanding and skills to generate solutions communicate using scientific terminology, diagrams, conventions and symbols Planning and evaluating plan scientific activities and investigations evaluate reliability and validity of plans and procedures, and data and information draw conclusions, and make decisions and recommendations using scientific evidence Electives This unit is developed from the electives Science for the workplace (Elective 1) and Discovery and change (Elective 5) and incorporates learning experiences from aspects of Biology and Chemistry. Core topics Core topic 1: Scientific literacy and working scientifically Concepts and ideas Knowledge, understanding and skills Scientific literacy Informed participation in a technologically and scientifically advanced society requires scientific literacy (C1.1). relevant facts and concepts of Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science or Physics that explain various phenomena in different contexts scientific knowledge needed to discuss relevant contemporary scientific issues evidence-based arguments Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 2 of 11 Scientific methodology Scientific methodology Involves asking questions about the natural world and systematically collecting and analysing data to address the question (C1.2). variables: - dependent - independent - controlled (and the importance of controlled variables) - measurement reliability, accuracy and precision: - technology use - sources of error results: - patterns, trends and anomalies Core topic 2: Workplace health and safety1 1 Concepts and ideas Knowledge, understanding and skills Workplace safety Workplace safety rules are Required for working in a scientific area (C2.1). workplace health and safety requirements and safe operational scientific procedures workplace health and safety documents, e.g. - safety data sheets (SDS) - standard operating procedures (SOP) - relevant Australian standards Risk assessment Risk assessments are Conducted to identify hazards and prevent potential incidents; and hazard reports are conducted to identify concerns and prevent harm (C2.2). hazard identification, assessment and reporting (in the laboratory and the field) hazardous substances — reading labels and SDS administrative control for hazardous substances and situations Safe working procedures Safe working procedures are essential when participating in scientific activities and taking precautions will reduce the potential of incidents and injuries (C2.3). personal protection equipment (PPE) surroundings adapted to meet safety requirements precautions to prevent injury, e.g. when handling glass and/or hot objects correct SOP when: - using hazardous substances - handling and using a range of tools, technologies and equipment - handling biological materials such as live animal and plant specimens, microorganisms and materials for dissection - working in the laboratory and in the field Teachers should access the Curriculum Activity Risk Management Guidelines provided by the Department of Education, Training and employment: Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 3 of 11 Core topic 3: Communication and self-management Concepts and ideas Knowledge, understanding and skills Communication Participation in contemporary Australian society and work requires clear and appropriate oral and written communication (C3.1). communication in a scientific context: - using scientific terminology - recording accurate and thorough data using appropriate formats communication in a workplace: - using language for the workplace - following oral and written instruction and information - giving clear oral and written communication - using technology to communicate information clearly and concisely Self-management Self-management skills are required in the workplace, laboratory and field (C3.2). work with minimal supervision: - following safe work practices when carrying out procedures - recognising industry standards - applying work ethics team work in the workplace: - communicating interpersonally - self-organising - identifying collective goals - defining and allocating roles - persisting organisation and preparation of materials and/or equipment for self and others time management — completing tasks within agreed timeframes Problem-solving Development of problemsolving skills that allows for initiative in the planning and organisation of activities (C3.3). problem-solving skills including: - clarifying issues and problems to frame a possible problem-solving process - working systematically through issues - generating alternative approaches - modifying and refining ideas when circumstances change - applying knowledge and problem-solving skills to new contexts - analysing and synthesising information to inform a course of action Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 4 of 11 Assessment Assessment: Microorganisms in non-alcoholic ginger beer2 2 Assessment technique Project Dimensions assessed Knowing and understanding Analysing and applying Planning and evaluating Description of instrument Students use biological and chemical scientific understanding, practical scientific skills, research processes and methods to produce non-alcoholic ginger beer. They investigate and explain the variables that effect yield, carbonation, colour and other observable properties. Students work in a small team of 3 to 5 with minimal supervision, demonstrating self-management skills. This task has two components; students submit their responses as individual work. Component 1: Written — journal. Students document the process of making ginger beer in a variety of different ways. Their journal should show: - SOP and risk assessment - plans and procedures - documented collection of data and observations - analysis of data and relationships. Component 2: Multimodal — a short video. Students produce a video that: - describes the processes for creating ginger beer. - explains the relevant biological and chemical facts and concepts - evaluates the process - draws conclusions about the variables, ingredients and processes to improve the yield. Assessment conditions Written component: 500–900 words Multimodal component: 3–6 minutes See the sample assessment instrument here: Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 5 of 11 Teaching and learning sequence Teaching strategies and learning experiences3 Unit orientation Teacher: explains the significant learning goals for the unit in the context of the topic introduces the knowledge, understanding and skills that students will learn (C1.1, C1.2, C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C3.1, C3.2, C3.3) outlines the assessment: - the unit is comprised of four different food production sections: bread, cheese, non-alcoholic ginger beer and yoghurt - the food production sections will overlap: bread — half a day with baking cheese — extended lessons of preparation, brining, wrapping and maturation, six weeks or more for the whole process (depending on variety) non-alcoholic ginger beer — one lesson to make, another to bottle, then leave two weeks before drinking yoghurt — one lesson to make then leave overnight before eating - students are required to document their production processes for each of these, but only the ginger beer production will be used for the Project assessment. Documentation can include notes, data tables, diagrams, sketches, photographs and/or video. Students: describe and explain the scientific facts, concepts, phenomena they will learn about and the skills techniques, methods and risks minimisation they will apply in the unit (C1.1, C1.2) by: - constructing and continually adding to throughout the unit, a class glossary using a collaborative document, describing and explaining key knowledge, understanding and skills using accurate scientific terminology, diagrams, conventions and symbols (C1.1, C1.2, C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C3.1, C3.2, C3.3) - developing an individual graphic organiser, using concept mapping software, that shows the relationships between key learning throughout the unit; e.g. linking the carbon dioxide produced by yeast fermentation to bread rising during baking — see Blowing up a balloon with yeast — demonstration then practical investigation (C1.1, C1.2) investigate and describe a range of microbes, bacteria, fungi (e.g. yeast, moulds) (C1.1) audit the food in their home, list foods that use microbes in their production (C1.1) discuss class protocols, such as workplace health and safety procedures, maintenance of equipment and the importance of hygiene and general housekeeping (C2.1) identify and describe new equipment — function, reasons for use, required safety and maintenance, and sterilisation techniques (C2.3) identify and describe the roles and responsibilities when in the work environment, including safety and shared workspace and effective communication (C2.2, C2.3, C3.1, C3.2) list the PPE and other safety requirements for various food industries (C3.3). 3 Shading links to the dimensions. Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 6 of 11 Blowing up a balloon with yeast — demonstration then practical investigation Teacher: demonstrates the procedure4 (C2.1, C2.2, C2.3) discusses relevant biological and chemical science facts and concepts (C1.1) including: - the yeast breaks down the sugar - carbon dioxide is produced which increases the pressure and fills the balloon - equivalent processes in food production, such as the holes in bread models a pre-prepared multimodal presentation on the demonstration to revisit this component of the assessment, showing: - the application of scientific skills in the processes for creating the product (C1.2) - how to explain of the use of microbes in the process (C1.1) - communication using scientific terminology, diagrams, conventions and symbols (C3.1) - drawing conclusions about the effect of variables involved (C1.1, C1.2). In groups, students: propose methods or procedures to test variables that might affect the volume of gas produced by the yeast; e.g. temperature, size of container, pH, type of ‘yeast food’ (C1.2) plan an investigation to test one of the identified variables (C1.2) apply scientific skills to undertake their investigation (C2.1, C2.2, C2.3) draw a conclusion about the effect of the variable they tested (C1.1, C1.2). Field work5 — excursion to local food production facility Teacher: organises a trip to a local brewery/microbrewery, distillery, vineyard, cheesemaker, dairy or bakery prepares a partially populated ‘combination notes’, ‘Cornell notes’ or ‘guided notes’ for students to use during the excursion. Students: observe the processes and equipment used at the facility (C2.1, C2.2, C2.3) take notes, describing and explaining the facts, concepts, skills, methods, techniques and workplace health and safety processes they observe (C1.1, C1.2, C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C3.1, C3.2) augment their notes with annotated digital photographs (with prior permission of the business owner). Bread making Teacher: outlines learning goals and success criteria asks students to recall what they already know about the topic, referring back to Blowing up a balloon with yeast — demonstration then practical investigation shows students a variety of breads (e.g. unleavened, leavened) analysing ingredients including preservatives and the presence of microbes (C1.1) applies and demonstrates SOP for equipment, analysing a range of risks associated with each, considering the hierarchy of hazard control and the safety of working with the equipment (C2.1, C2.2, C2.3). Students: safely follow a set procedure to make bread (C2.1, C2.2, C2.3) document the process including ingredients, steps taken, temperatures required at different stages, making qualitative observations, and noting any errors and anomalies (C1.2) reflect on learning, answering questions such as: Did I achieve my learning goal? Why / Why not? 4 5 For an example see: Depending on time of year and location, another option is student food or drink product competitions, such as the Royal Queensland Food and Wine Show Student Made Cheese competition. Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 7 of 11 Reciprocal teaching and feedback This activity uses the bread making for reciprocal teaching and to practice delivering a multimodal presentation, in preparation for the assessment. Teacher: provides class time for a reciprocal teaching and feedback activity outlines the task, making clear the expectation and the importance of team work, interpersonal communication, self-organisation, time management, and defining and allocating roles teaches students how to ask for, understand and use the feedback provided leads discussion of the relevant aspect if the standards the students should be referring to monitors students’ feedback to each other, ensuring it is accurate monitors student use of equipment and progress. Students: prepare a small presentation about making bread: - outlining and explaining qualitative observations at various stages, and linking to specific biological and chemical processes (C1.1, C1.2) - calculating yield ((mass of bread)⁄(mass of ingredients)×100)6 (C1.2) in pairs, engage in reciprocal teaching and feedback on the presentation reflect on learning, answering questions such as: - What went well? - What is one thing I from the feedback would like to improve upon? 6 Generally calculated by comparing the mass of the ingredients to the mass of the final product. There are specific methods for each food product (e.g. cheese yield is kg/100 kg milk). Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 8 of 11 Cheese making Teacher: outlines learning goals and success criteria selects type of cheese and explains maturation process required (aged cheeses take two or more weeks to ripen, depending on the variety, e.g. 5–6 weeks for Camembert) describes, explains and applies workplace safety, risk assessment and safe working procedures when demonstrating SOP for each process and piece of equipment monitors student use of equipment and progress throughout the cheese making. Students: investigate and describe the role of different bacteria and fungi in specific cheeses undertake a homework activity — going to the dairy section at a grocery store to classify and compare the varieties of cheeses on sale analyse the ingredients of different cheeses — mapping the relationships of nutritional content (fat, salt, protein, calcium, etc.) to the cheeses devise a plan to produce the cheese (C3.1, C3.3) evaluate the quality and feasibility of their plan (C1.2) carry out procedures to produce the cheese: - applying SOP for each process and piece of equipment — analyse a range of risks associated with each piece of equipment, consider the hierarchy of hazard control and any other safety issues (C2.1, C2.2, C2.3) - work in a team with minimal supervision, demonstrating self-management skills (C3.2) - applying problem-solving skills to inform a course of action and to successfully complete the activity (C3.3) - documenting the process including (relevant) information such as ingredients, steps taken, temperatures required at different stages, qualitative observations; and noting any errors and anomalies (C1.1, C1.2, C2.3) describe and explain scientific skills, techniques, and methods they applied and the risks they minimised (C1.2, C2.1, C2.2, C2.3) describe and explain the relevant biological and chemical science facts and concepts, referring back to the class collaborative glossary and the individual student’s graphic organiser (C1.1) analyse data and relationships by: - identifying patterns, similarities and differences from qualitative observations (C1.2) in the production stages, and linking to specific biological and chemical processes (C1.1) - calculating yield7: (mass of cheese / mass of milk) x 100 (C1.2) - comparing the actual yield of the produced cheese to an expected or predicted yield (C1.2) evaluate the results (such as qualitative observations and quantitative measurements), considering how they relate to the quality of the methods and known scientific facts and concepts (C1.1, C1.2) communicate using scientific terminology, diagrams, conventions and symbols (written and multimodal component). (C3.1) reflect on learning, answering questions such as: Did I achieve my learning goal? Why / Why not? 7 Generally calculated by comparing the mass of the ingredients to the mass of the final product. There are specific methods for each food product (e.g. cheese yield is kg/100 kg milk). Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 9 of 11 Assessment: Project — Brewing non-alcoholic ginger beer In undertaking the assessment, students use scientific understanding, practical scientific skills, research processes and methods, to investigate and produce ginger beer. Teacher: describes, explains and applies workplace safety, risk assessment and safe working procedures when demonstrating SOP for each process and piece of equipment demonstrates the process for students, discussing the variables at each stage, asking students to consider how changing variables would likely effect the results monitors student use of equipment and progress throughout the ginger beer making. Students: brew non-alcoholic ginger beer (allow for the fermentation process, which is 1–3 weeks) ensure they sufficiently document and collect data (C1.2, C3.1). Assessment: Project — developing the written and multimodal components Teacher: leads discussion of the standards and where evidence for them will be found in the written and/or multimodal components provides class time for students to develop their short video, their multimodal component8. Students: investigate and describe the history of brewing (i.e.. its origins, the German purity law, etc.) classify fermented drinks —.constructing a graphic organiser showing the ingredients used in different fermented drinks — mapping the relationships of nutritional content practise sequencing information for a presentation, including using connectives that establish relationships between ideas and information produce a short video clip act on feedback by referring back to peer evaluation of their presentation (see Reciprocal teaching and feedback) and answer questions such as: - How did I explain my understanding of the concepts underpinning making ginger beer compared to how I explained making bread in the reciprocal teaching activity? - What's the one thing that I have seen in my classmates' work that I would like to try in this project? Making yoghurt Teacher: outlines learning goals and success criteria describes, explains and applies workplace safety, risk assessment and safe working procedures when demonstrating SOP for each process and piece of equipment monitors student use of equipment and progress throughout the yoghurt making. Students: classify different yoghurts, noting those that include live cultures and those that don’t (C1.1) investigate and evaluate the health claims related to yoghurt bacteria — lactobacillus acidophilus (C1.1, C1.2) make yoghurt reflect on learning over the whole unit, answering questions such as: - One thing I am happy that I improved upon is … ? - The three most interesting things I learned are … ? 8 Multimodal components can be presentations or non-presentations. Examples of presentations include delivery of a slide show, a short video clip, or webinar. An example of a non-presentation is a webpage with embedded media (graphics, images, audio or video) Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 10 of 11 Resources access to Home Economics kitchen or laboratory with appropriate equipment equipment and materials for practical work digital cameras / video cameras collaborative online document editing, e.g. OneNote, Google docs, Office 365, Etherpad, a wiki concept mapping software, e.g. FreeMind, MindMup, Inspiration, MindMeister, iThoughts, SimpleMind video-editing software Science in Practice SAS 2015 Sample unit of work Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority September 2015 Page 11 of 11