A sign-up sheet is posted on the Missions bulletin board. Please

United in faith, we seek to…
Align our lives with the way of Jesus Christ.
Invite others to journey with us.
Move beyond our walls to create a more
just and loving world.
11528 Vale Road  Oakton, VA 22124
Sunday Worship at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for All Ages at 10:00 a.m.
United in Faith (Vale’s Vision, Week 1)
Order of Worship ~ April 12, 2015
Welcome & Announcements
Passing the Peace
Offer one another signs of reconciliation and peace
* Call to Worship
Lay reader leads congregation
Come, gather together, disciples, and meet Jesus,
who comes to us, risen and whole!
Come, gather together, disciples, and meet the Christ
who brings to us peace and new life!
Come, gather together, disciples, and meet the future:
the future calling us to be a resurrection people!
* Hymn
“Are Ye Able?”
* Prayer of Confession
No. 530
Lay Reader leads congregation
Risen Savior, we gather in your name with songs of thanksgiving.
While all once seemed lost, we now know that what you told us is the
truth. The words you said about dying in order to rise again have come
true. As we gather to hear the story that is central to our faith, we pray
that you would come amongst us in such a way so that when we leave
this place, you and this story might also be central to our lives. Amen.
This is the Good News: Jesus Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Thanks be to God. Amen.
* Congregation, please stand as you are able.
Scripture 1 Corinthians 4:5-15
Children’s Moment (10 am Service)
Pastor Jeff
Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh
Children and Youth (Age 3 to Grade 12) may leave for Sunday School
* Hymn
“AIM: Align Our Lives”
Pastor Jeff
“We Are the Church”
No. 558
Prayers of the People
Caring Cards are available in the Narthex and Resource Library for
your personal use in supporting the congregation’s joys and concerns.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
They kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
“I Am Thine”
Chancel Choir
Fanny Crosby
and Vicki T. Courtney
* Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
No. 95
* Prayer of Dedication
Almighty God, accept the joyful offering of your church and grant
that your son may shine in us as the light that lightens every nation.
We ask this in the name of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
* Congregation, please stand as you are able.
“They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”
* Hymn
No. 2223
* Benediction
* Congregational Benediction
“God of Grace and God of Glory”
No. 577, verse 1
* Postlude
Lay Reader – Deb Cohen (8:30am) and Robert Lacy (10:00am).
Coffee Fellowship – Worshipers are invited to remain after the service and
socialize over coffee. Thank you to the Jobbitt/Marshall family (8:30am) &
to the Zak family (10:00am) for their gift of fellowship by sponsoring today’s
coffee hour.
If you would like to sponsor a coffee hour, please contact Diane DuBois
(8:30am service) or Pat Ogle-Collins (10:00am service).
Altar Flowers – The altar flowers today are in loving memory of Abby’s
grandmother, Onaida Byrn, and Matt’s father, Jim Bosse, from Abby Brown
and Matt Bosse.
United in Faith (Vale’s Vision Week 2), April 19, 2015
Scripture: Acts 8.26-39 ~ Sermon: “AIM: Invite Others”
The second part of our vision statement is to invite others to join us on our
journey. Evangelism does not come easily to many of us, but we have a
life-changing message of hope for the world. We can’t (and shouldn’t) keep
it to ourselves.
* Congregation, please stand as you are able.
United in Faith (Vale’s Vision) Week 1
Vale Announcements ~ April 12, 2015
Whether you are new to the area or a long-time resident, we warmly
welcome you to our community of faith at Vale Church!
If you are visiting for the first time, we invite you to fill out a visitor card
located in your pew—and please join us after the service for coffee and
snacks. We look forward to meeting you!
Please also be sure to pick up a Vale Welcome Bag, which contains more
information about our church. The bags are available at the entrance to the
Main Sanctuary and outside the Church Office.
For families with children … at the 10am service, children ages 3 through
Grade 12 are invited to attend Sunday School following the Children’s
Moment. You may pick them up in their classrooms after the service.
Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers during both services.
UMW to Support Military Care Package
In April, the United Methodist Women will support the
Vale Club’s Military Care Packages project.
If a member of your family is currently serving on the
frontlines, please send his or her name and APO address
to Karen.Leniart@gmail.com. Please note that this
project is limited to military men and women serving in
areas of conflict, and we will not be able to send
packages to other military personnel stationed overseas.
New Adult Fellowship Group: Vale "Lunch Bunch"
(Starts April 19)
Are you new to Vale and would like to meet
more members of the Vale community in a
casual, social setting? Or are you a long-time
Vale attendee who would welcome more
opportunities to "hang out" with the great
people you've gotten to know.
We've heard you ... and hope you'll join us
after church on April 19 for the inaugural
gathering of the new adult fellowship group
we're calling the "Vale Lunch Bunch." We'll
meet at 11:30am at the Ruby Tuesday in
Fairfax (at the intersection of Route 50 and
Blake Lane) for lunch, conversation and fellowship. (We will take a
quick headcount beforehand at the morning services so that Ruby
Tuesday can prepare space for our group.)
Once we are able to gauge interest and participation in the "Lunch
Bunch," we can plan future outings for this group—perhaps branching
out beyond lunch to other activities. We can also explore options for
childcare to better accommodate parents with children who would like
to participate.
So, let's get started ... we hope to see you on the 19th!
If you have any questions, please call Ed Lowry at 703-620-6632 or
email him at edlowry@verizon.net.
Bible Study: 24 Hours that Changed the World
Come join our class today from 11:30am to 12:30pm.
All are welcome. This is a six week study by Adam
Hamilton that includes a video filmed in the Holy Land
focusing on the time leading up to the Resurrection.
Wednesday Bible Study (10:30am) with Pastor Jeff -- Come join the
Wednesday morning bible study at 10:30am in the Resource Room. A book
by Adam Hamilton, Final Words From the Cross, will be discussed.
Another Opportunity to "Stop Hunger Now" (Apr 18)
If you enjoyed being part the Stop
Hunger Now experience at Vale (or
missed it but would like to get
involved), there is another
opportunity coming up on Saturday,
April 18 at James Madison High
School to be part of a team of 1,200
volunteers who will package
250,000 meals.
To donate or volunteer, visit: http://www.novastophungernow.org
10th Annual Vale Guatemala Mission Trip – Please join us!
Planning is underway for Vale’s
10th Guatemala Mission trip! The
trip will take place July 18-25,
2015. Pastor Jeff, Alex Woody
and Josh and Johna Barrow have
already signed on, so this trip will
feature nightly music and worship
as well as a music-focused project
with children. We also will
continue to work on building the
school in Twi’Ninwitz, Vicky
Alonza’s village. The allinclusive cost of the trip is $1750
per person.
If you have any questions, contact
Team leader, Deb Cohen at 703304-9709 or DRQT@aol.com. We are hoping to have a team roster and
collect deposits by April 15.
Grocery Dollars – The grocery dollars for the month of April will
support Vale Scholarships. Don’t forget to purchase your cards for
Giant, Safeway, Wegmans or Whole Foods at the coffee hour after the
Alternative House Teen Shelter
On the fourth Tuesday of every
month, Vale volunteers prepare a
meal to feed six to twelve people
at Alternative House, a Vienna-based shelter for abused and homeless teens.
A sign-up sheet is posted on the Missions bulletin board. Please sign up if
you can help. We are looking for volunteers for the months of May and
Please contact Jan Feeney at 703-383-1353 if you have any questions.
Check Out the New "Vale Sign-Ups" Page on Our Website
There are so many different ways to
volunteer your time and talents here
at Vale—but sometimes the biggest
challenge can be finding where to
sign up. For your convenience,
we’ve created a new “Vale SignUps” page on Vale’s website that lists all active online volunteer signup links: http://www.valechurch.org/vale-sign-ups.html.
If you are coordinating volunteers for a Vale program or event and
have created an online “Sign Up Genius,” please send the link with a
brief description of the opportunity to Susan Estes at
susan.estes@raymondjames.com (and please notify Susan when a link
has expired and needs to come down).
This Week at Vale ~ April 12, 2015-April 19, 2015
Sun, April 12
8:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
11:15 am
11:30 am
11:30 am
4:00 pm
Mon, April 13
9:30 am
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting
Chancel Choir Sings
Jr/Sr High Youth Mission in Washington, DC
JAM Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Bible Study
Confirmation Class
Daisy Troop 40 Meeting
Boy Scout Troop 1983 Meeting
Cub Pack 1530 Leader Meeting
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Tues, April 14
9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes
10:00 am Vale Book Club
7:00 pm Girl Scout Service Unit 56-1 Meeting
Wed, April 15
9:30 am
9:30 am
10:30 am
7:30 pm
Vale Preschool Classes
Bible Study with Pastor Jeff
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Thurs, April 16
9:00 am
9:30 am
9:45 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Fri, April 17
9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes
9:30 am Jazzercise
7:00 pm Vale Bowling Team
Sat, April 18
9:00 am Stop Hunger Now Meal Packaging Event
at James Madison High School
Sun, April 19
Vale Preschool Classes
Vale Volunteers at the Closet in Herndon
United Methodist Women (UMW) Meeting
Vale Youth Music Ensemble Rehearsal
Handbells Play at Worship Services
10:00 am Baptism of J. C. Horvath
11:00 am Youth Group Meeting
11:00 am JAM Children’s Choir Rehearsal
11:15 am Youth Choir
11:30 am Confirmation Class
11:30 am Inaugural gathering of Vale Lunch Bunch
1:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 1458, Brownie Badge Event
4:30 pm Girl Scout Troop 3250 Meeting
The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Haugh, Pastor
Cell: 804-687-3938 / Email: jeffhaugh@vaumc.org
Lorene Perrin, Administrative Assistant
Church Office: 703-620-2594 / Email: Lorene.valeumc@verizon.net
Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh
Director of Christian Education & Preschool Director
Tel: 703- 620-2594 / Email: valeumcpreschool@gmail.com
Alexandra Woody, Youth Director
Tel: 703- 620-2594 / Email: valeumcyouth@gmail.com
Joshua Barrow, Music Director
Tel: 703- 620-2594 / Email: joshuacbarrow@gmail.com
Daniel Pereira-Gonzalez, Organist  Norm Dietz, Accompanist
Mary Morran, Nursery Caregiver  Cathy Lacy, Nursery Caregiver
Edilman Robles, Custodian
Bob Lacy, Chairperson  Susan Leigh, Secretary
Tom Feeney, Lay Leader  Brian Daum, Finance Committee Chair,
Jim Brinker, Financial Secretary  Eileen Koefoot, Treasurer
Pat Ogle-Collins, Staff-Parish Relations Chair
Diane Hirsch, Trustees Chair  Ed Lowry, Nurture Ministry Chair
Marcia Paulson, Witness Ministry Chair
Steve Miska, Outreach Ministry Chair
Michelle Whitlock, Lay Member for Annual Conference
Dave Pelgrim, United Methodist Men, President
Karen Leniart, United Methodist Women, President
Clint O'Brien, Member at Large  Andy Sigle, Member at Large