Rise of Hitler

Rise of Hitler
An evaluation of the reasons why the
Nazis achieved power, in 1933.
• Weaknesses of the Weimar republic
• Resentment towards the Treaty of
• Economic difficulties
• The appeal of the Nazis after 1928
• Weaknesses and mistakes of opponents
• The role of Hitler
What do you remember about the
Weimar Republic?
Draw a web diagram indicating what you
remember about the Weimar republic
System of government before WW1
Authoritarian Rule
Kaiser – Absolute ruler
Government –advisors to Kaiserpoliticians and military Generals.
Reichstag – parliament, held no
real power
• Kaiser Wilhelm II led Germany into war which
devastated the nation.
• Millions of German lives had been lost in a brutal
• The German home front was in dire shape because
of food shortages, with more than 750,000
Germans dying of starvation.
• Germany was defeated, and the generals who led
Germany’s army knew the formal surrender would
come any day
October 1918
Generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff made many of the decisions in Germany
throughout the war. They were the key figures, who were loved by German
With certain defeat on the way, Ludendorff and Hindenburg understood that
Germany needed to become more democratic.
They believed that if Germany became more democratic, the British, French
and Americans would not be overly harsh when peace was negotiated and
Germany surrendered.
October 1918
Democracy will be
good yah?
The Americans, Brits and
Frenchies will love us for
our new democracy. No
more Kaiser to cause
problem yah.
October 1918- The democratic
• Generals Ludendorff and Hindenburg appointed
Prince Max von Baden to become Chancellor
(leader of the Reichstag).
• The Reichstag now had legitimate power, and the
voting system became more democratic.
• The Kaiser was stripped of his power, and was only
a figurehead ( a constitutional monarch).
• The army was now in the power of the
democratically run government (not the Kaiser nor
the generals).
• This is known as a ‘revolution from above’
Yah, welcome to
Maximillian. It is
good yah?
Nein Nein Nein,
This is not good
This is uber bad.
Everyone will now blame
me and the new
government for all
troubles. And losing the
Read pages 130-132 of blue book and take any
additional notes
1. In what ways did Germany become more
2. Why did Hindenburg and Ludendorff create a
democratic government in Germany?
3. What was the down side to the change in the
power structure of Germany?
4. Describe the term ‘revolution from above’
Revolution From Above – key points
• Initiative for change came from above – the
High Command army generals.
• Germany changed from an autocracy to a
parliamentary democracy (based on the British
• Kaiser was a constitutional monarch – little
• Imperial Chancellor was Prince Max of Baden.
His government included Centre Party and SPD
The Revolution from Below
• Much like there was major changes coming
form the most powerful men in Germany
(from above), there were forces from the
bottom of German society which were
creating major changes.
‘Connection between Revolution
from Above’ to ‘Revolution from
What Hindenburg and Ludendorff
suspected would happen did – the new
government was blamed for Germany’s
Uprising and Mutiny in the Navy
Revolution from Below
The German home front had been devastated by the war. Workers
and soldiers began to form rebellious groups.
Groups of factory workers, groups of soldiers, sailors in the
German Navy, all began to take matter into their own hands.
Members of the military no longer took orders from their
commanders, and factory workers began to strike.
On the 31 of October, sailors in Kiel, Germany, start a mutiny.
The unrest spreads and on November 2nd, the sailors from Kiel
joined with factory workers and make new demands of the
government.  they demand a fully democratic Germany.
November 9th
• Kaiser Wilhelm II is forced to abdicate and flees to
• The newly appointed Chancellor Max von Baden,
chickens out, and hands over the position of
chancellor to Friedrich Ebert, leader of the SPD
(Germany’s socialist party).
• Socialist Party????
• -The political idea that the government should
support its citizens in every way possible. Socialists
believe that the people should have access to
benefits and support (welfare).
The Political Spectrum
Party (SPD)
Right Wing
The Centre
Friedrich Ebert takes
power November 9th
Ebert’s Issues
1.Ebert’s personal weaknesses
- Ebert had never led nor helped lead a government
- Ebert was a socialist, and had always been focused
on improving working and living conditions for the
German people, he did not know how to run a nation
and deal with its problems (ineffective/ inexperienced
2. The Socialist Party (SPD) had split!!!
-Ebert’s own party experienced a split, he couldn’t
even unite his own party!!!!!
-Left wing members of the SPD left the party and
formed the USPD (Independent socialist party)
Karl Liebkneckt and Rosa
Luxemburg led the split
and formed the USPD
3. Existing Problems
- Germany was about to surrender in a war it has
caused Every nation in Europe hated
Germany and wanted to punish them
- There were rebellions and mutinies throughout
German society and the army!!!! THE WORST
- EVEN WORSE!!  People were starving!!!!!!!!
4. Ebert made promises to the army and its
-Ebert needed the army to keep order and put
down any riots or uprisings.
-Generals Ludendorff and Hindenburg agreed to
help Ebert as long as Ebert planned to make no
revolutionary changes.
-Major revolutionary changes is exactly what
Germany needed to reestablish order, and exactly
what Ebert needed to hold power!!!!!!!!!
Read and Take notes on the section titled ‘revolution from
below’. When completed, answer the following questions:
1.Why did an alliance with the army weaken Ebert’s
2.Why was Ebert not well suited for the new leadership?
3.Why did the SPD split?
4.List 4 more problems which Ebert faced (list them 5,6,7,8)
5.Why did the Spartacist Rebellion lead to consequences
which aided the rise of the Nazi
6.Why was the movement of the government to Weimar,
Germany, ironic?
Revolution from Below -Tasks
Read pages 132-134 of blue book
Takes notes under the following headings;
Impact of Revolution from below
Splits between the Socialists
Missed opportunities
Spartacist Rising
Read page 102 of green book from Revolution
from Below until The Weimar Republic
Events of ‘Rev from Below’
 31st October 1918
 Kiel sailors mutiny. Unrest spreads
 2nd November 1918
 Unrest spreads throughout Germany. 20,000 workers
and sailors held a meeting at Kiel.
 Called for the establishment of a democratic
 9th November 1918
 Kaiser abdicated and fled to Holland.
 Prince Max handed over power to SPD leader
Friedrich Ebert.
 A Republic is declared.
Further Weaknesses
5. Pressure from other parties
- With Friedrich Ebert now in charge of the
government, other political parties saw the
chance to seize power, and competition
became fierce.
6. Issues with the new Constitution
7. The Spartacist Rebellion
8. Impact of the Treaty of Versailles
6. The New Democratic Government- Issues
• Germany’s democratisation was modelled after the British system,
but was in fact, more heavily democratic. perhaps too democratic?
Proportional representation
• In the British system, a MP must win the most votes in a constituency
to get a seat in Parliament. It doesn’t matter how many votes they
get in total, if a party wins no constituencies, they win no seats.
6. The New Democratic Government- Issues
• In the Reichstag, proportional representation was
introduced. This means that a party does not need
to win the most votes in a constituency to get a seat
in the Reichstag.
• Instead, if a party can gain 60,000 votes, they are
guaranteed a seat in the Reichstag.
• This means that even extremist, crazy political
parties, that do not have much support, are able to
gain seats in the Reichstag.
• The % of votes won = the % of seats gained
6. The New Democratic Government- Issues
This VERY democratic system led to
two problems.
1. The radical Nazis were
eventually able to gain seats in
the Reichstag
2. There were 6-8 parties with
seats in the Reichstag, all wanted
different things, few could agree
on any issue, and it was very
difficult to get anything done!!
6. The New Democratic Government
Article 48
- There was a section of the Weimar Constitution
which allowed for the president of Germany (There
was a chancellor and a president), to take sole
control of the government in times of emergency
- This article in the Weimar Constitution would give
Hitler and the Nazis the ability to take power in
The Spartacist Uprising
• When Friedrich Ebert took power, his own party,
the SPD, split and formed a new party
Even the USPD had its own radicals.
Karl Liebkneckt and Rosa Luxemburg wanted to violently cause
revolution by taking over the government. There side origination
of the USPD was the Spartacus Union
7. Spartacist Uprising
January 7th 1919- workers in Berlin begin to strike. The
Spartacus Union would take the opportunity to lead
these workers to violently take over the
- 500,000 workers marched in Berlin, some
supporting a violent takeover, some only wanted to
make demands of Ebert’s government.
- The radical workers armed themselves and
blockaded the streets of Berlin, unsure what action
to take next.
• Ebert had made a deal with the army in order to
handle this situation.
• Armed ex soldiers formed a small army known as
the Freikorps.
• The Freikorps easily ended this uprising, killing 100
• Karl Liebkneckt and Rosa Luxemburg were arrested
and killed before they could stand trial.
• The USPD was enraged by their members murder,
and blamed Ebert for it.
• The USPD would refuse to cooperate with the SPD,
even when the threat of Hitler would emerge.
Therefore these events weakened political unity in
the Weimar Republic.
Weaknesses of the Weimar- Further
Democratic Issues
Power of the President
• The President of the Reichstag had significant
power within the German government
– Head of the armed forces
– Appointed the chancellor
– Had the power to call an election
– If Article 48 was introduced, the president would rule
Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic
“It is an open question whether the Weimar
Republic could ever have overcome the
disadvantages which attended its birth.”
 Associated/blamed for accepting the Treaty of Versailles
 Was the Constitution too democratic?
 Proportional Representation - % of votes = % of seats in
the Reichstag. 60,000 votes = 1 seat.
 This gave small extremists parties a foothold in power
 Led to weak and ineffective coalitions governments
 Article 48
 President could rule by decree in times of emergency.
Abused by Bruning 1930-1932.
 Was this a back door to Hitler seizing power?
Resentment towards the Treaty of Versailles
(Deutche Zeitung)
• Old regime escaped responsibility, new leaders
had no choice but to accept. Stab-in-the-backmyth
• Getting rid of the Treaty of Versailles was central
to Nazi propaganda
• Treaty was hated by most German’s
Loss of territory e.g. The Polish Corridor
Article 231 – the war guilt clause
See page 103 green book
A.J. Nicholls claims, “The German public was
in no way prepared for a harsh peace”, and further
believes that the treaty led many to support
groups such as the Nazis during the 1920s.
Hiden, “The Versailles treaty certainly did not
doom the Republic from birth”
Weaknesses of Weimar - Tasks
Where does the term, “Weimar Republic” originate
from? (p102 green book)
2. Why did the young republic get off to such a bad start?
To answer this question you will need to include
information on the following;
 Stab-in-the-back myth (p103L)
 The Treaty of Versailles (103-104) (134-137)
 The new constitution (104-105) (137-139)
 The Spartacists (105)
 The Kapp Putsch (105)
 Political violence, 1918-1922 (106)
(Very important and detailed piece of work)
3. Assess overall impact of Versailles on Rise of Hitler
(Last two paragraphs in Treaty of Versailles section
p 137 of blue book)
Economic difficulties
Hyperinflation 1923 – invasion of the Ruhr
Golden Era (24-29)
Wall street Crash (1929) and the Great
Depression – 6 million unemployed
Reparation payments
• German reparation payments were ridiculous.
• 6.6 billion pounds had to be paid back in payments
of 100 million pounds worth of German Marks,
every year.
• Germany had to produce this after having 15% of its
industrial land taken away by the Treaty of
• This among could never be paid back in money, and
was being paid in resources such as iron and coal
—> this was also crippling Germany’s industry.
Ruhr Region
• The Ruhr Region was Germany’s most productive
mining and industrial region.
Invasion of the Ruhr Region
• In order to put down Germany and take back
some of the resources Germany owed, French
and Belgian forces invaded.
• German resources were taken by the French
and Belgians, while the German workers were
told to strike and refuse to work.
• The confiscation of these resources and the
shut down of the Ruhr Region had a major
impact on Germany
The Government’s Mistakes
• In order to deal with the lack of income from the
Ruhr Region, the German government decided to
stop valuing a German Mark based on its value in
• Instead, the government simply printed as much
money as it needed to pay German workers.
• This printed money with no real worth was printed
in such amounts that it became worthless.
Popularity of
extremist Parties
Key Player
• General Ludendorff
• Hitler recruited
Ludendorff on the side
of the Nazi’s, and hoped
his support would lead
to a successful putsch
• Hitler believed that the
Bavarian army would
not dare fire on such a
respected figure.
Hitler’s followers set up barricades and prepared to seize key buildings in
Munich. After taking control of Bavaria they would march on Berlin. They
hoped the Army would join them.
Hitler was given a very short sentence and spent time in Jail. Notice the
prison conditions.
The Importance of the Beer Hall Putsch
• Shows that the Weimar Government was
• Extremist parties are still trying to overthrow
the Government. (Spartacists and now Nazis).
• Hitler realised he could not overthrow the
government by violence. He realised he
would need to get the peoples support to gain
Gustav Stresemann
• Brought the German economy
under control by issuing a new
currency (Rentenmark).
• Helped bring in American and foreign
investment through the Dawes plan
• Alexander Dawes was an American
investor who loaned money to
struggling economies in Europe.
Gustav Stresemann
• He convinced France and Belgium to halt future
invasions into the Ruhr region of Germany.
• He even negotiated a decrease in the amount of
reparation payments owed by Germany.
• Germany was accepted into the League of Nations
in 1926.
The Nazi’s during the Golden Age
• Hitler was released from prison by December
• The situation in Germany did not favour the Nazi’s.
• German voters would not support revolutionary
parties as long as the democratic government
maintained stability.
• In 1928, The Nazi party received only 3% of the
Golden Era
Cameron, “Stresemann and his times denied
the Nazi fire the oxygen of misery and it
was all but extinguished.”
Stesemann himself has described the
Golden Era as “dancing on the edge of a
Popularity of
extremist Parties
The Wall Street Crash
• On Thursday October 24,
1929, The American
economy collapses.
• America now faces a
depression, and is forced to
call in loans given to
Germany in the Dawes Plan.
The Result of the Wall Street Crash in
• President Hindenberg resorted to Article 48, in
order to suspend the Reichstag and handle
this situation without delays dangerous
• Unemployment in Germany hits 6 million.
Popularity of
extremist Parties
1. Construct a simple table to show the Nazi % share
of the vote and their seats in the Reichstag for the
elections from 1924 to 1933. (p111 green, 135
black book)
2. Read and take notes on page 149 (blue
3. Take particular note of the unemployment
figures on page 146 (blue) for each of the
relevant years.
Finlay McKichan, “Hitler would have remained on
the fringe of politics had it not been for the
Great Depression.”
Reparations and hyper-inflation
1. Read sources 1-5 on page 1 and 2 of little
booklet and answer questions 1-9 on p4
2. Read sources 6-9 on pages 2-3 of little
booklet and answer questions 10-14 p5
3. Read and take additional notes pages 139141 of blue book
Golden Era
Cameron, “Stresemann and his times denied
the Nazi fire the oxygen of misery and it
was all but extinguished.”
Stesemann himself has described the
Golden Era as “dancing on the brink of a
Wall Street Crash and the Great
• October 1929 – collapse of New York stock
exchange led to America withdrawing loans.
• Mass unemployment
• Finlay McKichan, “Hitler would have remained
on the fringe of politics had it not been for the
Great Depression.”
• Extreme fear of a return to 1923 led to
increased support for extremist parties.
• Read two paragraphs on Great Depression p110
of green book
Role of Hitler and the appeal of the Nazis after 1928
Hitler’s oratory
Role of SA
Party organisation under Hitler
Hitler’s policies – something for everyone
Read pages 147-148 and take notes on
the above headings
1. Write an account of Nazi philosophy.
Earlier philosophy p108-109 green
Racial Purity and Racial Hygiene p109
Lebensraum p109
Class, government and personal
characteristics p109
Essay question- 2012 paper 1
To what extent were the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic
the major reason for the rise of the Nazi Party between
1919 and 1933?
1. First body paragraph (identified factor)- weaknesses of the
Weimar Republic
In whichever order you choose (strongest to weakest,
weakest to strongest)
2. Resentment toward the Treaty of Versailles
3. Economic difficultiues
4. Appeal of the Nazis
5. Role of Hitler
6. Weaknesses of opponents
Appeal of the Nazis
• The Nazis were able to attract support from all
levels of society because of their policies.
1. Farmers were attracted by promises of fair prices
for their products
2. Middle and Lower class
individuals were promised fair
prices for food at the same time
( contradictory policies).
3. Socialist ideas were offered to attract urban workers.
Socialism was also incorporated into the name of the party.
- Workers were offered a share of the wealth they created,
as well as better working conditions and benefits.
4. At the same time, business owners (wealthy and middle
class) were promised strict control of workers and unions,
as well as higher profits.  further attracted by
anticommunist policy
5. Ex soldiers and members of the military were
offered the destruction of the Treaty of Versailles
and the rebuilding of Germany’s military.
6. Ex soldiers and unemployed youth were offered the
opportunity to join military like organisations such
as the SA.
• The SA were an essential
component of the Nazi party
• The SA would protect Nazi
rallies and prevent any
discontent with an
impressive show of force
• The SA would also disrupt the
meetings and rallies of
opposing parties with
violence, creating a fear of
opposition to the Nazis.
Appeal of the Nazis- Josef Goebbels
• Goebbels used all forms of
media to communicate the
policies of the Nazi party.
– Radio for the first time.
– Posters
– Newspapers
• Goebbels use of
propaganda was calculated
and very effective.
• Used scapegoats (Jews and
The Role of Hitler
• It was Hitler who created
the identity of the Nazi
Party as well as its
• He was young and
charismatic leader,
representing the old
values of Germany and
modern change.
The Role of Hitler
• His speeches were epic, with every aspect of them
calculated and perfected for effectiveness.
• Through Mein Kampf (1925), Hitler identified what
he believed were the problems in society, and used
existing prejudices to do so in an effective manner.
Used oaths and
organisations which
incorporated his name,
and devotion to himself,
in order to build a cult
of personality around
The Nazi Rise to Power
1. Leader- Read your groups version of the story. Take
detailed notes because you will have to teach your
version of the story to others, using only your notes.
2, 3, 4. Reporters
- Begin by reading your groups
version of
the story and take detailed
notes on it.
- Decide which of you will go to other
groups to collect the information you
Put the events in Chronological order and describe the
series of events in your jotter. (use the textbook for
Power of the President
• The President of Germany was a separate and more
powerful position than the Chancellor.
• The President had the power to:
–Command the armed forces
–Appoint the chancellor
–Dissolve the Reichstag in the case of a political
stalemate, and call a new election
–Under Article 48, the President becomes the sole
leader of Germany.
• During this period, Hindenburg was president of
The Nazi Rise to Power
• Hitler received immense
support from German
industrial leaders such as
Alfred Hugenberg.
• The Nazi’s required this
funding and support from
the wealthy businessmen
of Germany.
Heinrich Bruning
• Chancellor between March
1930 and May 1932.
• President Hindenburg gave
Bruning permission to exercise
Article 48.
• This allowed Hindenburg,
Bruning and his advisors to rule
Germany without the support
of the Reichstag
Heinrich Bruning- His weakness
• Not a particularly strong leader,
but to his credit he inherited a
difficult situation.
• Because of the dire economic
situation after the wall street
crash, the German people were
against the parliamentary system.
• Therefore, the extent of his role in
weakening faith in the
parliamentary system, and leading
to the rise of the Nazis is
debatable.  quote on page 149
Heinrich Bruning
• The lack of cooperation between the SPD,
USPD and KPD weakened Bruning’s ability to
control the Reichstag.
• This problem stemmed from the Spartacist
• Therefore, Hitler’s strong character made him
appear a better candidate than Bruning.
Franz Von Papen
• Bruning was removed as
chancellor because of lack of
confidence and replaced by
Von Papen.
• He sought to control Hitler
and use the Nazi’s to build his
own power, but failed.
• Von Papen was soon removed Chancellor between
June and November
as Chancellor because of his
inability to control the
Rumble in the Reichstag
Your fire eyes
are no match
for my Lazer
Von Papen
Von Schliecher
General Kurt von Schleicher
• Von Schleicher and Von Papen
were rivals for power
Chancellor from 3
December 1932 to 28
January 1933.
• When Von Schleicher gained
power, Von Papen made an
alliance with the Nazis, and
agreed that Hitler would
become Chancellor
• Schleicher was also removed
from the Reichstag by von
• This power battle resulted in
the rise of Hitler
Weaknesses of the Weimar Politicians
• The weakness of these politicians allowed for Hitler
to rise to power in the final days leading up to his
• The lack of cooperation between the SPD, USPD and
KPD in opposing Hitler’s rise was a contributing
• Bruning’s weakness made the Reichstag look like a
failed institution to Germans.
• Von Papen and Von Schliechers greed for power
allowed Hitler to gain Chancellorship.
1. Construct a simple table to show the Nazi % share
of the vote and their seats in the Reichstag for the
elections from 1924 to 1933. (p111 green, 135
black book)
2. Read and take notes on page 149 (blue
3. Take particular note of the unemployment
figures on page 146 (blue) for each of the
relevant years.
Weakness and mistakes of opponents
• Lack of unity among socialists
– KPD never forgave SPD for brutal put down of
Spartacist rising. If they had united in the
Reichstag could they have stopped Hitler?
• Political Intrigue – roles of von Schleicher and
von Papen
1. Next to the following dates state who was
Chancellor at the time. (P110-111)
• 1930-32
• May – December 1932
• December 1932-Janurary 1933
• 1933-1945
2. Explain the intrigue, plotting and dealing that
went on to allow Hitler to become Chancellor.
(p112) Include;
• Nazi voting strength – why did people vote for
• SA
• Papen’s role
• Hindenburg’s role
Additional Reading
• Pages 6-8 of little booklet
• Read page 149 of blue book and take
additional notes