East and West Africa Andrea

States and Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa
600 – 1450 C.E.
Africa and The Land of Zanj: Tenth-Century East Africa
1. What did the Bantu people introduce to new areas of Africa as they spread?
What cultures combined to create Swahili?
3. What natural phenomenon did Arab merchants rely on to conduct trade in East Africa?
4. What were some of the major trading centers that were utilized?
5. What did Arab merchants acquire from East African trading centers?
6. Describe a major risk when conducting interregional trade?
7. What are some examples of materials that were exported from East Africa (Zanj)?
8. Where was ivory in high demand? What types of manufactured goods/finished products were made
in each place?
9. Explain how and why kings are deposed of in East Africa (Zanj)?
10. Describe an example of how diets in East Africa changed due to interregional trade?
The Land of Ghana: Eleventh-Century Western Sudan
11. Why did large trading states develop in West Africa?
12. What animal helped facilitate trade across the Saharan desert?
13. Describe the unique way kingship was inherited in Ghana.
14. Describe the Muslim aspects of the city of Ghana.
15. What religion are the king’s interpreters, officials and ministers? Analyze: Why is that the case?
16. Describe the local religion.
17. How does the king make money?
18. Describe the army in Ghana.
19. Why did the king of Ghana convert to Islam?
20. Comparison: How were Ghana and East Africa (Zanj) similar and different? Write a thesis and
include two “details” for each of your reasons.
21. CCOT: Analyze continuities and changes in Ghana?
Trade Goods: