POI-New Point Of Interconnect & Decommissioning of Ports



User Manual

Sales and Distribution

POI-New Point Of Interconnect &

Decommissioning of Ports


Version: 3.1


Version Control

Date Version

23.06.2010 1.0

07.01.2011 2.0

31.10.2012 3.0

26.12.2012 3.1






Change Description


Pre FIT version Release

AT version (Draft)

Post AT Version Release

The document has been prepared to be used by the following stake-holders:

End Users Performing day to day transaction as per their roles and authorization in

SAP System.

Core Team -Directly involved in project and supporting various activities of project phases.

Business Process Owners - Respective business leaders, involved in validating the process design.

IMP note:

The information in this document is only meant to be a reference for ERP process configured as per the business process approved by BSNL management for Sales and Distribution Module and is not a complete description of the SAP product and its functionalities. Its main purpose is to serve

as a reference document for user training and support.

Table of Content

S.No Description









Course Overview

Business Process Overview

Important Points to note


New POI Order

Create POI Order


3.AD1 Update Additional Data B Tab

Change POI Order

3.NS Send Messages as Attachments & Note sheet

3.US1 Update User Status 11

3.AD2 Update Additional Data B Tab

3.US2 Update User Status 12

3.US3 Update User Status 13(only if the order is not technically feasible)












Update POI Order Text

Change POI Order

Update User Status 14

Check Configuration for all Line Items

Performa Invoice

Create Performa Invoice

Create Demand Note Output Preview

Change POI Order

7.US1 Update User Status 15

7.US2 Update User Status 16

7.US3 Update User Status 17

Create Demand Note Output

Create Payment Receipt

Change POI Order

10.AD1 Update Additional Data B Tab

10.US1 Update User Status 18

10.US2 Update User Status 19(only if SUR)

10.US3 Update User Status 20

Create Advice Note Output

Change POI Order

12.US1 Update User Status 21

Create Readiness Letter Output

Change POI Order

14.US1 Update User Status 22

14.AD1 Update Additional Data B Tab




















































14.US2 Update User Status 23

14.AD2 Update Additional Data B Tab

14.US3 Update User Status 24

14.AD3 Update Additional Data B Tab

14.US4 Update User Status 25

Create Acceptance Test Output

Change POI Order

16.AD1 Update Additional Data B Tab

16.US1 Update User Status 26

Create Letter for AT Schedule Output

Change POI Order

18.AD1 Update Additional Data B Tab

18.US1 Update User Status 27

18.US1 Update User Status 28

Change POI Order

19.AD1 Update Additional Data B Tab

19.US1 Update User Status 29

Create Commissioning Approval Letter Output

Change POI Order

21.AD1 Update Additional Data B Tab

21.US1 Update User Status 30

Billing Document

22.1 Create Billing Document

22.2 Releasing the Billing Document

Decommissioning of ports

Create Invoice List

Create Invoice List Output

Individual Invoice Output






























Course Overview

SAP Sales and Distribution provides an overview of the sales process (sales, shipping and billing) organizational structures and master data in sales and distribution.

Target Audience

This course is intended for the following audiences:


 DE and SDE


Course Prerequisites

Knowledge of navigating SAP systems

 Basic knowledge of S&D.

Course Goals

This course will prepare you to:

Execute the most important functions in the process chain from presales phase to the incoming payment in the system

Understand the main business processes in sales processing

Gain an extensive overview of the sales and distribution area as a part of the

SD component in the SAP System.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

Work with various documents in the Sales and Distribution.

Perform analysis for the Sales and Distribution Processes.

Execute the different functions with the distribution processing.


Business Process Overview:

POINT OF INTERCONECTION (POI) is a point at which the GMSC of

Fully Mobile network of UASL and Gateway Switch of BSNL or local / tandem / TAX exchange of the basic service network of UASL and local / Tandem / TAX of BSNL are interconnected by the facility of interconnection seeker and where the specified Network-

Network Interface Standards are applicable.

POI business processes addressed in SAP are the following four types of processes.

New Point of Interconnect Process (POI)

Augmentation of POI Process

Media Migration in POI Process

Decommissioning Process

2.1. Important information to be note Down:-

Note down the Order Numbers that has been created

All documents are to be created in reference to the preceding document.

All transaction can be created either by selecting the required transaction from menu path or by simply entering the Transaction Code for the respective transaction in the menu bar.

3. New POI Sales Order:


A sales order is an electronic document that captures and records the customer’s request for goods and services. A sales order contains all pertinent information’s to process the customer’s request throughout the whole process cycle.

The sales components thus automatically suggest data from the master records. As a result, possible input errors occurring during sales order processing and entering of redundant data is avoided.


Steps for Creating Sales Order for POI


Select the below mentioned menu path to Create a Sales Order in

SAP Easy Access: SAP Menu  Logistics  Sales and Distribution  Sales

 Order  Create.

Or Enter the Transaction code VA01 in the menu bar.


Press Enter and an initial screen for order creation will open up.


Select an Order Type (from the selection list in the initial screen) for which you need to create Order. The Order Type for POI is ZPOI


Enter the relevant sales area in which the order will be created and press Enter.

Sales Organization : 1021 - Karnataka POI

Distribution Channel: 01 - Direct Sales


Sales Office

: 15 - POI



The “Create POI Order - Overview” screen will open up.

Overview screen for creating POI sales Order


Enter the relevant fields in the Header level and Item level.

Fields required to be entered at Header level are Sold to Party, Ship to Party (if it differs from Sold to Party), PO Number and PO date. Click on Item overview,

Enter relevant Material Number and Order Quantity at Item level.

BAY - Depends on City classification (each classification is having different rate) and load charges

DUCT - Depends on Formulae (No of cables*Factor*Cost of Duct /No of pipes)

TOWER - Depends on tower height

PORT - Different rates are applicable as per slabs on number of ports (1-16, 17-32, 33-64, 65-128,129-

256 and above 256)


“Characteristic Value Assignment” screen will open up for respective ordered materials .Enter all the relevant characteristic values for all characteristic description for the respective ordered material and press ENTER

Do not enter any value, system picks value from “Additional Data B Tab”, Click on icon.

Select “TOWER HEIGHT” depending on the business requirement. Press ENTER.


Click on icon.

Enter values as per business requirement, for example we entered as below:


System calculates “DUCTCHARGES” and displays as above.

Enter the remaining values as per requirement


System displays “COUNT” value as above. Click on icon.

Select values as per requirement

Select values as per requirement


Click on icon

Select values as per requirement


Select value as per requirement


COUNT value will be displayed by the system, click on icon

Click on icon

Overview screen of POI sales order after entering characteristics values for all the materials.

Click on header icon, click on Additional data B Tab

3.AD1. UPDATE Additional data B Tab

Select SDCA drop down under for new request tab for a pop up like below

Select relevant entries from the pop up and also fill values in to the fields – “Request type” and “Link

Type” from Drop down. Fill values manually into fields “No. of E1 Port” and “Comment”.

Also fill relevant entries under “Operator Infrastructure Requirements” Tab

Press ENTER and click on SAVE


Change POI Order:

SAP allows you to carry out certain changes in the already created sales order in case any changes are required to be made ( For Example: Order

Quantity). The POI request will be opened repeatedly in the Change Mode

(T-Code: VA02) by the respective SSA user or CIRCLE user in order to change the User Status and update details in Additional Data B Tab.

Steps to change a sales order:

Select the below mentioned menu path to “Change POI Order” in SAP Screen.

SAP Menu  Logistics  Sales and Distribution  Sales  Order 


Or Enter the T-code VA02 in the menu bar in the SAP Easy Access


Change POI order initial screen will be as above.

3.NS. Send Messages as Attachments & Note sheet

Click on (Services for Object)

Choose (Send object with note) from the tab

That opens up “Create Document and Send” screen.

Enter the document content in the

Enter the Recipient Name in the

Click on


to attach documents.

Press to send or press (Shift + F8)

System generates message as below:


3. US1. Update User Status 11

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER.

Click on  

Note: By default “Object Status” is PBG.

Change Status from 10 to 11 as shown in below.

Note : Before changing object status confirm “Trunk Diagram” is attached or not.

Click on to come back

Click on to save the changes.

3.AD2. Update Additional Data B Tab

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER

Click on and choose tab

Note: The Feasibility Submission Report section will now be enabled for Input entries.

SSA user should fill the appropriate information under this

Press ENTER. Click on to save the changes.

3.US2. Update User Status 12

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER

Click on    Choose status


Press ENTER, Click on to come back, Click on to save the changes.

3.US3. Update User Status 13(only if the order is not technically feasible)

Note: This status should only be set if the order is not technically feasible, else user can directly go to next status.

Note : By mistake if user selected status 13, “ Do NOT Save the Order ” comes out of the order by clicking on .

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER

Click on    Choose status 13

Note: Choose status 13, if POI “Technically Not Feasible” , otherewise do not select this option and directly go to next step.

3.3 Update POI Order Text

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER

Click on 

type the required Text information

Click on to come back

4. Change POI Order

4.1. Update User Status 14

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER

Click on  

as shown below:

 Choose status

Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

Note : while saving if any error comes, follow the below steps:

4.2. Check Configuration for all Line Items

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER

Double Click on Line Item 10, Click on


Click on system displays below screen,

Click on Icon

Click on , for next line item, Repeat these steps to all the line items present in the order to get “Net” and “Tax” values of the respective line items.

Click on to save the changes.

5. Performa Invoice

5.1. Create Performa Invoice

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VF01, press ENTER for below screen:

Enter the POI Order number as above .

Enter Billing Type: ZPF5 as below.

Press ENTER and Click on to save the Document.

The System saves the Invoice and generates a message as below:

6. Create Demand Note Preview

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZPOI, press ENTER

Enter the Billing Document Number and Click the Execute Button

Click on to preview Demand Note and then Click Print

Click on to come out of the screen.

7. Change POI Order

7.US1. Update User Status 15

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER

Click on  

, Press ENTER

 Choose status

Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

7.US2. Update User Status 16

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER

Click on    Choose status

, Press ENTER

Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

7.US3. Update User Status 17

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, Enter the following Order number and press ENTER

Click on    Choose status

, Press ENTER

Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

Click on to come out of the change screen.

8. Create Demand Note Output

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZPOI, press ENTER

Enter the Billing Document Number and Click the Execute Button

Click on to preview Demand Note and then Click Print

Click on to come out of the screen.

9. Create Payment Receipt

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code FBCJ, press ENTER

Click on tab

Based on Payment Type: Choose “Cash payments/Cash receipts/Cheque Receipts”

Enter the following details as below:

Press Enter.

Select respective line item and click on light will turn to Yellow,

Again click on light turns to Green from Yellow.

Select respective line item and Double click, in the next screen system will displays “Document

Number” under note down that number. Ex: 309


Change POI Order

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

10.AD1. Update Additional Data B Tab

Click on and choose tab, under tab.

Enter Document number in “Payment Receipt number” field & “Payment recorded date”.

Note: System automatically displays dates in the fields “Date of Deemed Commissioning”

and “Billing Date” the field “Payment Recorded Date” ,

, Under default as plus one month.

TAB based on

Click on to save the changes.

10.US1. Update User Status 18

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on    Choose status 18, press ENTER

Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

10.US2. Update User Status 19(only if SUR)

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on   

Imp Note : Choose status 19 only if Customer wants to surrender before commissioning of the PORT, else directly go to Status 20.

Note : By mistake if user selected status 19, do not click on

10.US3. Update User Status 20

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Choose status as below:

, come out of the order by clicking on

Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

11. Create Advice Note Output

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZPOII, press ENTER

Click the Execute Button

In the next screen enter the Sales Order Number

Click the Execute Button

Click on to preview Advice Note and then Click Print,

Click on to come out of the screen.

12. Change POI Order

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

12.US1. Update User Status 21

Click on    Choose status

Press ENTER, Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

Click on to come out of the change screen.

13. Create Readiness Letter Output

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZPOII, press ENTER

Choose Customer Readiness Letter as below:

Click the Execute Button

Enter the Sales Order Number

Click the Execute Button

Click on to preview Advice Note and then Click Print,

Click on to come out of the screen.

14. Change POI Order

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

14.US1. Update User Status 22

Click on    Choose status

Press ENTER, Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

14.AD1. Update Additional Data B Tab

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on  

Enter all the relevant details except IOBAS Provisioning Date, (IOBAS Provisioning Date can be filled later also) in the tab as below:

Press ENTER and Click on to save the changes.

14.US2. Update User Status 23

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on    Choose status as below:

Press ENTER, Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

14.AD2. Update Additional Data B Tab

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on  

Enter the details in fields “Operator Letter No.” & “Operator Letter Date” as below:

Press ENTER and Click on to save the changes.

14.US3. Update User Status 24

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on   Choose status

Press ENTER Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

14.AD3. Update Additional Data B Tab

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER tab Click on and choose

Enter IOBAS Provisioning Date under tab

Press ENTER and Click on to save the changes.

14.US4. Update User Status 25

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on   Choose status as below:

Press ENTER, Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

15. Create Letter Requesting for AT Dates

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZPOII, press ENTER

Choose Acceptance Testing Letter as below:

Click the Execute Button

Enter the Sales Order Number

Click the Execute Button

Click on to preview Advice Note and then Click Print

Click on to come out of the screen.

16. Change POI Order

16.AD1. Update Additional Data B Tab

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on and choose tab

Fill data into fields “A/T Date” & “Desig/Name of AT” under tab as below:

Press ENTER and Click on to save the changes.

16.US1. Update User Status 26

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on   Choose status as below:

Press ENTER, Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

17. Create Letter for AT Schedule Output

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZPOII, press ENTER

Choose Letter for AT Schedule as below:

Click the Execute Button

Enter the Sales Order Number

Click the Execute Button

Click on to preview Advice Note and then Click Print

Click on to come out of the screen.

18. Change POI Order

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

18.AD1. Update Additional Data B Tab

Click on and choose

“AT Report Date” under tab, Fill data into fields “A/T Completion Date” &

tab as below:

Press ENTER and Click on to save the changes.

18.US1. Update User Status 27

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on   Choose status as below:

Press ENTER, Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

18.US2. Update User Status 28

Click on   Choose status as below:

Press ENTER, Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Imp Note : After payment if customer wants to surrender before commissioning of the PORT

(any point in between Status PMR and AAT can set the status to SUR)

Choose status

Else follow the below step

19. Change POI Order

19. AD1. Update Additional Data B Tab

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on

TAB as below:

and choose tab, Fill Details in the

Note: System compares date and earlier, and the same date will be displayed by system in the “Billing Date”

Note : Fill Details in field

date and finds which date is


If the entered “Date of Inf. Comm” is not equal to “billing date” then system displays error message as below: “Billing Date Should be Equal to Infra Commissioned Date”.

To remove the errors do as below:-

Note: Change the start date under “Billing plan” Tab for all respective Infra materials in POI order line items, by double clicking on those infra materials.

Click on date in equal.

Tab, remove tick mark from field , so that system will allow to changes the field. This “start date” and “Date of Infra Comm.” Under Additional Date B should be

Should be changed to the last day of the financial year (Ex: 31.03.2013).

Click on to save the changes.

19.US1. Update User Status 29

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on   Choose status as below:

Press ENTER, Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

20. Create Commissioning Approval Letter Output

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZPOII, press ENTER

Choose Letter for AT Schedule as below:

Click the Execute Button

Enter the Sales Order Number

Click the Execute Button

Click on to preview Advice Note and then Click Print

Click on to come out of the screen.

21. Change POI Order

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

21.AD1. Update Additional Data B Tab

Click on

TAB as below:

and choose tab, Fill Details in the

Press ENTER and Click on to save the changes.

21.US1. Update User Status 30

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VA02, press ENTER

Click on   Choose status as below:

Click on to come back and Click on to save the changes.

22. Billing Document

22.1. Create Billing Document

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VF01, press ENTER

Enter POI order number as above and press ENTER

Click on to save the changes.

Note: If Infra commissioning dates are different than Port commissioning dates then system will split the billing document.

22.2. Releasing the Billing Document

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VF02, press ENTER

Enter Billing Document Number as above

Click on Icon – Release to Accounting. System displays message as below:

23. Decommissioning of ports

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZPOIDE, press ENTER

Enter values into fields Customer, Circle, SSA and Service Type.

Press ENTER button.

Now system enables POI code field.

Select POI code from drop down

Click on

Note: For decommissioning system will first propose the last commissioned POI port order for the provided combination of Customer, Circle, SSA, Service Type and POI code.

Input the following details: “No. of Ports to be Decommissioning”, “Date of decommis sioning” – DD.MM.YYYY

Click on

System will show “proportionate Qty” value.

Click on

System popup “Customer Updation Status” screen with details like:


Click on .

24. Create Invoice List

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code VF21, press ENTER

Enter the list of Invoice numbers:

Click on

Select all the Billing Documents and Click on to save the changes.

System will generate an Invoice list Number.

25. Create Invoice List Output

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZPIV, press ENTER

Enter the Billing Document Number

Click the Execute Button

Click on to preview Invoice and then Click Print

Click on to come out of the screen

26. Create Individual Invoice Output

In the Menu Bar, Enter T-code ZINV, press ENTER

Enter the Billing Document Number

Click the Execute Button

Click on to preview Invoice and then Click Print

Click on to come out of the screen
