When is it too young to talk about


Lawrence Sutton, Ph.D. and Claire Maher Choutka, M.Ed., BCBA


Advanced organizer


Typical development

Specifics for ASD

Issues when sexual development is not addressed

Case studies

Psychosexual development

Teaching resources/programs



School’s finally good


Stimming is down; your child is even speaking more


Now he or she is making friends are they the right friends?

Friends are nice You have to do what

I say!


You’re tired, he’s doing pretty well and the sex talk can wait until he’s older, right?


When do you begin talking about sexuality?

Typical children learn good touch/bad touch in


They are taught no one but mom, dad, doctor, or nurse touches you where your swimsuit covers.

You don’t touch others in those places.

If a touch feels funny, strange, or uncomfortable, tell someone in charge.


For children with ASD

Often praise statements are accompanied by tickles, hugs, big squeezes, etc.

By school age these are inappropriate in a school setting.

Typical peers are not being tickled by staff-- it sets the child up for a problem—allows more people to put hands on him/her, and potentially starts “feelings”.

How will they know who is allowed to tickle them and who not? They should not be asking adults for hugs, squeezes, tickles; it’s a slippery slope.


For children with ASD

We are thrilled when they spontaneously show affection.

We rejoice that they understand others exist in their world.

We need to teach our children how to read the signs others give, that a hug to staff would be better as a hand shake or smile.

That you ask a girl, “May I kiss you?, touch you?”, etc.


Jimmy’s story

Starts with “playing doctor” with little sister.

On vacation in the south friends set Jimmy up with a date. They tell him what girls “expect.”

Girl and parents freak out and do not press charges. His parents seek a “sex therapist” to help.

At home local girl who once had crush on him becomes object of his fascination—includes stalking, following, staring, and she cries rape.


Jimmy continued

She later recants & both families agreed Jimmy disregarded conventional social boundaries,

But never involved in anything overtly sexual with Jen; no intercourse, exposure, or touches.

Jimmy was then home schooled full time.

Next summer in the South- met a 17 yr old who shows him lots of video porn and porn mags.

Jimmy told me, “Now I know what sex is”, now

“I know what to expect” from a girl.


Not a one time story

Sadly, this story is not that unusual.

Every week we get calls about young men masturbating in school, in the boys room with female aides trying to straighten out the situation.

When the exposure occurs in front of other students, now it’s really problematic and police are often called.

This gets a young man a ticket to the YDC.


Reality is even with a developmental delay the biology moves onward. As the child grows…

Bodies change.

Adolescence begins at 8 for girls 10 for boys.

Medications may increase or decrease sexual urges.

Regardless, the children need to be taught what to do.

Bodies react; biology marches on in spite of cognitive delays or social skills issues.


Break down what the child needs to know

They need to know who to hug, kiss, approach about dating

They need to know when to do this.

They need to know how to ask for a date, a kiss, more…

What rules does the family have for their neuro-typical children?

Who will do the coaching?

How do you address problems? Think Cyrano de



Progression of skills needed

From friendship to dating, to relationship, to sex?

What are the boundaries? How do you teach that?

How do you keep your child safe from predators and from him/herself?

Remember, with frustration comes increased possibility of aggression.


What’s the problem?

Is SEX a Four letter Word? Does it need to be?

Supposed to be an expression of love and deep regard between two people?

Even adolescents and young adults with ASD that can discuss their feelings have discussions of sex accompanied by fear and anxiety, surprises, and sometimes ugliness?


Don’t know good idea/bad idea

Adolescents with ASD are sometimes convinced or coerced/duped by peers to commit criminal offenses and then are left to face the consequences of the

“criminal act” by themselves.

Teach this young. Use sample worksheets, role plays.

“Teach Me Language” by

Freeman, has a format.


Background data

In data from treatment facilities for sexually related crimes, children and adolescents with

ASD may have been the victim of a sexual assault and may be re-enacting a sexual act on someone else the way they were



Think about the thinking process

To learn need to see appropriate models of behavior

Typical situations and peers to practice skills in vivo in order to change what may be really, downright challenging behavior.



Often individuals now in “difficulty” learned about sex by being sexually assaulted as children.

Often by loved ones or by important authority figures in their lives.

Despite the fact that the sex may have hurt they perceive the acts in a concrete and matter-of-fact way—as in this is what a person does to someone else—very matter of factly, to meet sexual needs.


Case studies from the sex offender unit

Learning a treatment program “inside” does not mean that the skills will generalize and transfer.

“Tom” has said “I don’t know that I will not go out and sexually offend.” if placed in a situation where he is attracted to someone and denied access.


Scary statistic

Children with autism are now entering the criminal justice system in surprising and yet unknown numbers. In an unpublished account at the New Castle Youth Development Center in

May, 2005 it was estimated that 40% of the adolescents in the sexual offenders unit had an autism spectrum disorder.


When it’s too easy

Child with ASD will meet “new friends” who explain that it is ok to do something to a girl or another boy.

Or meet a peer who may site a popular television program as an authority –Rick meets

Courtney at the start of a 30 minute sitcom and by the end of the program, they are lovers in bed together.


Unconditional trust in authorities

Black and white thinking –also concrete thinking in the way they interpret things. If for example one is told that if they have a problem it is important to go to a person in authority to get help with the problem.

What happens if the authority does not help?

What might happen to that child/adolescent?


At adolesence…

Combine significant deficits in social skills

Rage over bullying, inability to understand or control many things

Inappropriate information about sex/boy-girl relationships

No peer group to use to find out information

They go on incorrect/ half-correct info

No sleepovers a friends home to gain info, no sleepover camp, sometimes no bus ride which is where many learn about sex.


Misunderstood by those in authority

Bobby was being bullied by peers.

Brought a knife to school to “show he was not to be messed with” that day.

Rethought it and went immediately to the guidance counselor to tell her of his troubles.

Counselor then called the principal and the police—zero tolerance rules—or does it?


The rules are the rules

An additional problem exists with scripted and canned programs when attempting to rehabilitate adolescent sexual offenders is that many of these individuals are concrete thinkers.

Once taught that what they did was something they should not have done (not necessarily wrong), then in some cases it is “all or none”.

Robbie is a young man who “learned that sexual thoughts, interest or even attraction to someone in a sexual way is wrong.


Children at the YDC

David – Lacks the Social Sense to LIE

Rocky – Institutional Stress and Biting (self and others)

Robbie - concrete understanding leads to concrete thinking and self-mutilation

Bobby – The Thought Police – Coping with

Bullying and Sexual fantasies

Jimmy – you can see the problem coming, but can’t stop it ( sexual urges leading to sexual abuse )



Asperger’s Syndrome – senior project

Understand his touching, exposing and attack of mother

Concrete thinking which requires real-life modeling to develop new methods to courtship

ACT 21


David’s Story

Eventual Arrest



Fear of not “testing” prior to potential


Lack of the “Social

Sense” to Lie



Regression and Biting

History of institutionalization

ASD issues with rigidity, black and white thinking, social skills problems

Experienced stress and perception of attack

Lacks the language to communicate issues


self & others leading to more charges and more time, and more biting and the

Chewing Gum Solution used at YDS


What are the “early” problems


Touching others

Smelling someone

Looking different (stimming)

Missing social cues

Misinterpreting social cues

Becoming seduced by the dark side (designing other’s)


Psycho-sexual skill development and problematic Sexual Behaviors




Obsessing- blind infatuations

Wishful thinking

Understanding wants and needs

Love and Friendship

Sexual emotions and adolescence

Communication and



Psycho-sexual skill development and problematic Sexual Behaviors

Love and Friendship

What is a friend? Not just someone in your class.

What is a close friend? To whom do you tell your secrets?

How does friendship turn into love?

Are the rules different for being a friend than for being in love?

These are taught in Circles Curriculum


Psycho-sexual skill development and problematic Sexual Behaviors

Sexual Emotions and


Sexual Emotions and


Sexual needs and desires

Labiality of sexual emotions

Sexual Response Cycle--

Henault book

Healthy sexual encounters; what do they look like?


Psycho-sexual skill development and problematic Sexual Behaviors

Communication and


Communication and Honesty between partners

What does “no” really mean?

Between friends

When in courtship

When married

Saying what it is you want to say

Saying what you really mean without offending


What is being Done

Models for intervention, education and treatment

It’s Perfectly Normal

Taking Care of Myself

Circles Curriculum

Asperger’s Syndrome and


Positive Approaches


Good Resources

ASD and Sexual





Should be:

Peer referenced


Need comprehension checks

Practiced skills


Biological Sexual Education

It’s Perfectly Normal, Robbie Harris

Sexual Education

A. Sex – defined

B. Our Bodies

C. Puberty- puberty problems --masturbation

D. Relationships


How babies are made

Feelings and Love


Caring for myself

Taking Care of Myself, Mary Wrobel

Self Care – Taking care of myself

A. Hygiene

B. Living Healthy

C. Modesty

D. Touching

E. Masturbation


Caring for myself

Taking Care of Myself, Mary Wrobel

Basics of self-care

Erections- how to deal with these (before and after puberty)?

Masturbation- where? Only in person’s own bedroom or bathroom

Touching myself- only in private

Male and female masturbation- in private


Human rights issues- cannot deny a person sexual expression or tell them “first work; then sex”



Practical Teaching

Hand Made Love: A Guide For

Teaching About Male Masturbation

By Dave Hingsburger

Book and video set discusses privacy, pleasure and the realities of sharing living spaces with others.

The narrator of the video talks about myths and suggests that masturbation can be a way of learning about sex, while the book discusses masturbation from the point of view of both health and pleasure.


For females…

Finger Tips: A guide for teaching about female masturbation

By Dave Hingsburger and Sandra


Book and video set is aimed at teaching women with developmental disabilities about masturbation.

Confronts typical myths about female sexuality. A gentle, positive film that is clear, graphic and dignified.

The book includes a step by step photographic essay about masturbation, and the joy of private time.


Circles- James Stanfield Publishers


Not autism specific but very visual.

Videos show dating situations and work through teaching skills

Part I: Social Distance- 11 video programs students "see" social and sexual distance. It explains the levels of intimacy & TOUCH, TALK to and

TRUST. Teaches "relationship boundaries" and relationship specific behaviors, i.e., it's okay to hug your mother, it's not okay to hug the mailman, or a stranger at the mall.


More “Circles”

Part 2: Relationship Building, six video programs demonstrate how intimacy levels change as relationships change. The role of mutual choice among individuals is emphasized, a critical concept for protecting students from exploitation.

Authors- Leslie Walker-Hirsch, MED

Marklyn P. Champagne, RN MSW



We need to break down the steps to appropriate sexual behavior and think about it from the moment the child enters Kindergarten.

If you would not allow the behavior in a typical child do not allow it in a child with ASD.

Be careful of “inappropriate” touching/behaviors. Teach another way to get the need met, high five, praise, teach the sexual bits early.



Erections – be prepared to respond to children who have discovered/experienced erections for the first time at home, in school, in public places and have a plan on how to respond before and after puberty.

Masturbation in school will get you arrested. Make it more difficult for the person- use pants with a belt; teach where it’s allowed- not the bathroom—the bathroom in their home.

Inappropriate comments to another will get you a harassment charge- teach what to say and what to keep in your head.

Teach and prepare for relationships. As with everything else with our children it won’t happen quickly.