First and second year day release programme 2015

First and second year day release programme 2015-16 (10 Sept 2015)
Notes: Journal club begins at 2 pm
Session 1: 2:30-3:45; Session 2 4:00-5:00 unless otherwise stated.
First Year
September 2nd Zip it - Farran
PD resourced: Organisation of journal club, literature
September 9th reviews, clinical topics, Introduction to log book,
learning contracts
Journal club 1: Noreen
September 16th Care of Older adults: Noreen/Meenakshi
Second Year
Zip it - farran
PD resourced: Organisation of journal club,
literature reviews, clinical topics
Journal club 1: (editorial); Ed
PD resourced: GP consultation
Journal club 2 (the most significant paper in the last 5
years in my consultant’s opinion): Tony
September 23rd Care of the acutely ill: Tony, Sean
Journal club 2: (meta-analysis):Margaret
Care of people with mental health
problems: Laura, Liz
Journal club 3: Hilary
Care of People with Cancer: Hilary, Bill
September 30th
Journal club 3: Anne Marie
One-to-one interviews
Examination preparation
October 7th
Journal club 4: Robert (Robert will do again
Care of children and young people: childhood
How to: Arrange for counselling and psychotherapy –
CPIC/SHEP/MyMind/Harbour Counselling/Mental
Health Act forms
Brendan Payne
The Eye Ann McCarthy
Care of children and young people
How to:arrange childhood referral – childhood disability
team/PHN/peads ortho/hearing checks/Mattias van Dam,
other psychology referrals, social worker, CAMHS
PD resourced: Introduction to evidence based Health Care:
(prep for lit review, questions generated from previous topics)
PD resourced: Practice management: working in teams/other
October 14th
Journal club 4: Liz
Childhood problems
Ann McCarthy
Brendan Payne
The Eye
Strengthening families
Maeve Hurley
Maeve sick on this date: toberescheduled
Journal club 5: (original article) Lisa
Care of people with respiratory problems:
October 21st
October 28th
One to ones
Journal club 5: Bill
Respiratory problems: Robert, Lisa Doireann
November 4th Journal club 6: Sean
Men’s Health: Tom, Sean
How to: arrange non-urgent hospital referral; NCCP,
standard referral forms, other referrals, palliative
care, pigmented lesions clinic, checking if referral has
Journal club 6: (guidelines):James
Clinical Management of metabolic
problems: Laura/Rose
How to: write prescriptions; GMS, private, one month,
three month, repeat, hand-written, printed, controlled
drugs, Medical card vs doctor only card, long term
illness book, high tec meds
Journal club 7: (the most significant paper in
the last 5 years in my consultant’s
PD resourced: Clinical management of
cardio-vascular problems: Anne Marie; Colm
How to: arrange an urgent hospital referral: urgent,
letter, hospital contact, ambulance, AMUs, Acute
coronary syndrome. CITs
November 11th
November 18th
Journal club 7: Meenakshi
PD resourced: Practice management:
PD resourced: GP consultation
Trainer-Trainee forum:
Journal club 8: Doireann
November 25th Digestive problems: Noreen, Susan
December 2nd
Journal club 9: Anne Marie
Care of People with Learning Disabilities: Lisa
Journal club 8: (the most significant paper in
the last 5 years in my consultant’s
Sexual Health: Denis, Mags
Ethics and values based medicine
Trainer-trainee forum
Journal club 9 : (editorial):Danielle
Evidence based health care
Literature review 1:
Journal club 10: (patient narrative): Lisa
Evidence based health care
Ciaran Brady
December 9th
December 16th
Doireann, Anne Marie
Literature review 2:
Journal Club 10: Tom
PD resourced: Women’s Health Issues:
Journal club 11: (meta-analysis):James
Care of people with cancer and palliative
care: Ed/Liz
Journal club 11 &12 (film review): Lisa/Susan
PD resourced: Healthy people/promoting health:
Exam prep
Journal club 12: Film review: Anne Marie
Gender-specific health issues: Men’s health: JC Anne
How to: arrange referrals to; alcohol unit, drug
dependence unit, smoking cessation, travel clinic,
exercise, minor ops, hearing ENT in SIVUH, Diabetes
eXpert programme
December 23rd
January 30th
January 6th
Drug using adults
PD Team meeting
Christmas break
Christmas break
PD Team meeting
John Aidan
Drug using adults
Ray Mulready
Journal club 1; (original article): Ed
Clinical management of learning disabilities:
Journal club 1(original article): Susan
January 13th
January 20th
Metabolic problems: Meenakshi/Hilary
Journal club 2(guidelines): Noreen
PD resourced: Introduction to evidence based Health
(prep for lit review, questions generated from
previous topics)
PD resourced: Practice management: working in
teams/other professionals
How to: arrange referral to primary care team,
community welfare officer and MABs, social
Ann McCarthy – moved
to 14th oct
Strengthening families (Part 2)
Eye Problems? Confirm 14th October
January 27th
Journal club 3 (editorial): Meenakshi
Neurological problems: Tony, Bill
Journal club 2: (editorial):Colm
Digestive problems: Anne Marie/Joe
February 3rd
February 10th
Journal club 4: (patient narrative):Tony
PD resourced: practice management: Information
management: Use of Excel, record keeping in primary
Exam prep
Journal club 3: (patient narrative):Denis
PD resourced: Being a doctor/self-care/sick
Journal club 5 (meta-analysis): Sean
CVS problems 7: Robert, Lisa
Evidence Based medicine
February 17th
February 24th
Journal club 6: Robert
Care of people with mental health: Tom, Anne Marie
Journal club 4: (meta-analysis): Rosemarie
Clinical management of skin problems:
Colm, James
Sinead Harney
Journal club 5: Joe
Care of older adults: Ed, James
Exam preparation
Clinical management of eye problems: Racquel & Charlotte
Being a doctor/self-care/sick doctor
March 2nd
Journal club 7 (guidelines): Bill
PD resourced: Dermatology:
Journal club 6: (editorial):Danielle
Clinical management of people with
neurological problems: Lisa, Rosemarie
How to: write sick certs; forms, signing, checks, first,
intermediate, final, school absence certs (citizen’s info
Journal club 8 (original article): Doireann
1:1 sessions
March 9th
Journal club 7: ((the most significant paper
in the last 5 years in my consultant’s
opinion: Rosemarie
Care of acutely ill: Danielle, Lisa
How to: stock doctor’s bag
March 16th
Journal club 9 (patient narrative): Anne Marie
PD resourced: Patient safety
Journal club 8 (original article): Colm
Women’s health: Ed/Anne Marie
How to: arrange referrals for women’s health
service; ante-natal clinic, special ante-natal
clinics, gynae clinics, STD clinic, infertility
Shane McCarthy
March 23rd
Journal club 10: Lisa
PD resourced: Sick doctor/self-care
Journal club 9: (guidelines): Laura
One-to-one interviews/
clinical vignette
March 30th
Easter Break
April 6th
Easter Break
April 13th
April 20th
Joint session with 2nd Years
Joint session with 3rd Years – occupational medicine
Joint session 1st & 2nd Years
Maxillo-facial surgery
Shane McCarthy NAPD?
Chris Cotter
Journal club 10:
Clinical management of eye problems:
April 27th
Chris Cotter
Audit day
Audit day
Handover session with 3rd Years -
May 4th
Literature review- part 1:
May 11th
Projects Day
Project Day
Literature review- part 2:
Journal club 11:– (meta-analysis):Liz
PD resourced: patient safety:
(trainees to bring in cases as well)
May 18th
How to: order x rays, blood tests, warfarin checks, ultra
sounds, bone densiometry or other investigations for
public/private patients. How to arrange hearing tests.
Arrangements for follow up of tests ordered.
May 25th
Journal club 11 &12 (book review): Tom/Hilary
Sexual health: Susan/Doireann
Review of the year
June 1st
PD resourced session to be included if space:
Journal club 12: Joe
PD resourced: Practice management: team
work, bullying, harassment:
IT; data entry; team working;
Review of the year
Introduction to evidence based Health Care:
PD resourced: Practice management: working in
teams/other professionals