2016 COMMUNITY RECREATION INVESTMEN T FUNDING PROGRAM Project Submission Questions – Your Working Copy – DO NOT EMAIL THIS Before answering the Project Submission questions, assess if your group and project are eligible by reviewing the Grant Guidelines. For your convenience, we are providing you with the Project Submission questions in a Word document, which you can save to your computer and use to draft your answers. When you are ready to complete the online application, you can simply copy and paste the answers you drafted here into the online form. Remember, there are two forms you have to complete online by the deadline date: Project Submission (about your project). Complete the questions online, and then go to the Summary Page to click 'Submit'. Applicant Form (about your organization). Complete the questions online, then go to the Summary Page to click 'Complete'. Instructions: 1. Draft your answers in the space provided below each question. 2. Save your answers by saving this document on your computer. 3. Copy and paste your answers from this document into the online form before the deadline. This is your working copy: DO NOT EMAIL THIS PLEASE, it will not be accepted for consideration. You must complete the application online. Page 1 of 10 PROJECT SUBMISSION QUESTIONS – 2016 THIS IS A WORKING COPY FOR YOUR DRAFT; ANSWERS MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE (NOT BY EMAIL) PROJECT OVERVIEW 1. Organization Name: 2. Community Recreation Project Name: 3. Project Start Date: 4. Project End Date: Instruction: Project activities must start no earlier than April 1, 2016. Requested funding must be used between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017. Multi-year projects will receive funding on a year to year basis subject to satisfactory completion of the previous year and funding availability. 5. How many years of funding are you requesting? ANSWER Select: 1 year 2 years 6. Is the recreation program described above and existing program? Instruction: Community Recreation grants are for projects that enhance or expand an existing program or for brand new recreation projects. ANSWER Select: Yes, it's an existing project No, it's a brand new project 7. In 150 words or less, tell us about your recreation project: Project Summary: please use specifics whenever possible to paint a picture of your proposed project in action (e.g. how long it will be running, what the participants will be doing, who and how many will be served, what they will learn and how they will benefit, what staff and volunteers will be doing, where it will be held, etc.) ANSWER (150 words): PROJECT IDEA 8. Tell us why this project is needed. What trends, challenges, barriers and/or opportunities in recreation do you see in your community? (Feel free to use statistics, research, needs assessments, program evaluations, community consultations, etc.) ANSWER (150 words): Page 2 of 10 9. If the proposed project is to enhance or expand an already existing program, please tell us how you will use the grant to enhance/expand it? (e.g. develop and implement new approaches in recreation program model, pilot a recreation element with an existing program, target a new audience or neighbourhood, etc.) ANSWER (150 words): PROJECT IMPACT 10. How will the project benefit participants and the community? Describe the specific skills, knowledge, and experience that will be gained as a result of your project. ANSWER (150 words): 11. Please complete and attach your Project Work Plan. Instruction: Download and save the work plan template to your computer. Complete it, save it, and upload it to the online application. Instructions for uploading are provided in the online application. You can DOWNLOAD the Work Plan Template by going to the "Grant guidelines and application resources" section of the Community Recreation web page by clicking here. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 12. Please indicate below the Community Recreation category your project will address Instruction: Please select the category that best fits this project from the list. For you reference, the categories are defined with examples in the Community Recreation Investment Funding Program Guidelines. Only one category can be selected. ANSWER – Select from: Outreach and Participation Training and Skills Development 13. Tell us how you plan to engage your community (project participants, volunteers, and/or organization partners) in the design, planning, implementation and/or evaluation of this project. ANSWER (150 words): Page 3 of 10 14. Is your project free for participants? If there is a fee, please let us know how much and how you will make the fees affordable. ANSWER (150 words): 15. How will you ensure your recreation project is open, accessible and safe for your participants. ANSWER (150 words): Instruction: Equity seeking groups are those facing individual and systemic discrimination and disadvantage because of shared characteristics, such as immigrant status, sexual orientation, or disability. ANSWER (150 words): ORGANIZATION EXPERTISE 16. Tell us about the expertise/experience your organization and/or your project partner(s) have in serving the target demographic and/or neighbourhood (150 words). ANSWER (150 words): 17. Tell us about the expertise/experience your organization and/or your project partner(s) have in serving the target demographic and/or neighbourhood (150 words). ANSWER (150 words): 18. Project Partner(s): We encourage partnerships through intersectoral collaboration (for example, a sport group working with another sport organization) or cross-sectoral collaboration (for example, a community organization working with a sport organization). Please list any festival/event partner(s) and their role in delivering your festival/event. Add rows as needed. For each partner, provide: Partner Organization Contact Person Email/Phone Page 4 of 10 Role the partner will play (briefly describe) DATE AND LOCATION 19. Will your project take place in a Neighbourhood Improvement Area? ANSWER Select: Yes/No IF "YES": Select from the following list of 35 Neighbourhood Improvement Areas (NIA). Which of the new Neighbourhood Improvement Area(s) will your project take place in? Consult the map of 31 NIAs to see where these neighbourhoods are located. Note the NIA # and name. ANSWER (note the NIA # and name): 20. What other neighbourhood(s)/area(s) will your project take place in? (50 words) ANSWER (50 words): 21. Which ward(s) will the project take place in? Instruction: You must select the ward(s) from a list provided in the online application. You can look up the location Ward by going to the Neighbourhoods List web page: ANSWER – list the ward(s) number(s) and name(s) of the activity location(s): 22. Please tell us where the proposed project will be implemented. List each of your proposed project's location(s) using the chart below (add rows as necessary): ANSWER: You must have at least one date and location. Provide the following information for all location(s): Location Name Location Address Suite #: Postal Code Location Phone PROJECT PARTICIPANTS 23. What is the expected total number of participants in your project? Page 5 of 10 ANSWER – provide total number (for one year only): ____________ 24. Are you targeting the following age groups for the project? ANSWER: Yes or No Pre-school children (0-4) Children (5-14) Young youth (15-19) Older youth (20-24) Adults (25-64) Seniors (65+) 25. Are you targeting the following equity-seeking groups for project? ANSWER: Yes or No Women and girls People with disabilities Aboriginal peoples Ethno-cultural and racial minorities Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people Newcomers FINANCIAL SUMMARY All applicants: please provide the income and expenses details for the upcoming year (requested year). Instructions: IF you have applied for 2 year funding, you MUST complete the Multi-Year Budget Form and attach it to your online application in the Attachments page (using the Optional Document Attachment type). Organizations with audited financial statements MUST attach it to the online application in the Attachments page (using the Optional Document Attachment type). Organizations that do not have audited financial statements MUST complete the Organization Budget Form and attach it to your online application in the Attachments page (using the Optional Document Attachment type). Page 6 of 10 Links to these forms are provided at the end of this document and can be found on the online application. 26. Other Sources of Income PLEASE NOTE: On the online application, there must be a figure in all budget line items. You must enter 0 if an income amount is not applicable. INCOME SOURCE SOURCE DESCRIPTION INCOME AMOUNT (please list) (for the coming year) Grants from government sources (not including City of Toronto) City of Toronto Fundraising, Donations Grants from foundations Other income INCOME SUBTOTAL This value will need to be added to the Total Income amount, below. (not including the requested amount) Note: the sub-total will be automatically calculated in the online form, and added to the Total Income field (#31) at the end of the online application page. 27. What is the total amount you are requesting for funding (from this grant program for the upcoming year)? ANSWER: ______________________________ 28. Funding Expense Detail Please describe how you will use the requested funding amount (from #29) in the categories below. ANSWER: PLEASE NOTE: On the online application, there must be a figure in ALL budget line items in the AMOUNT column. You must enter 0 if an income amount is not applicable. Page 7 of 10 EXPENSE EXPENSE DESCRIPTION *AMOUNT (Please briefly describe what and how the items will be used) Salaries and Benefits Equipment or supplies rental/purchase Transportation expenses (if any, for volunteers/ participants) Participant expenses - other Volunteer expenses - other Publicity/promotion and outreach Food/refreshments Childcare for participants (if applicable) Translation (if applicable) Administration Trustee/Administrative Partner fee (if applicable) Other expenses (please specify each. For example: permits, liability insurance, evaluation, etc.) EXPENSE SUBTOTAL This subtotal must match the grant amount requested for funding (above). This sub-total must match the amount requested for funding above (# 27). In the online form: the sub-total will be automatically calculated for this chart. It will also be automatically added with the sub-total in # 26 and presented in answer #29 on the online form. 29. Total Income = $ _______________________________________________________ Add sub-totals in #26 + #28. This will be automatically added in the online form. You can see the total sum when you click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page. 30. What are your total expenses? = $_________________________________________ Please provide the total project expenses here. #29 and #30 figures must match. STAFF AND VOLUNTEER RESOURCES 31. How many staff and staff hours will be provided by your organization? ANSWER: Page 8 of 10 Staff Total number of staff (fulltime equivalent) to be paid through the project budget Total number of staff hours to be paid through the project budget Rate(s) of pay Number 32. Estimate the number of volunteers and volunteer hours involved in your event: ANSWER: Volunteer Resources Volunteers Volunteer hours (total for the project) Rate(s) of pay Estimated Number IN KIND SUPPORT 33. List the in-kind support your organization will receive from other organizations to complete this event: Instruction: In-kind support is any non cash contribution other than money - for example, staff hours, space, supplies or services - provided for your event from other organizations/groups, etc. ANSWER: provide the following information (if applicable). The total will be automatically calculated in the online form: Type of Support Example: Space Source of In-Kind Support Example: Shopping mall Estimated Value Example: $3000 PROJECT TRUSTEE 34. Do you need a trustee? Instruction: If funded, all unincorporated groups and groups without audited financial statements must provide a signed agreement with your group before any funds are released. ANSWER – Select from: Page 9 of 10 NO YES – I have one already YES – But I don't have one IF "YES-I have one already' is Selected, provide the following: Trustee Organization Name:________________________________ Legal Name of Trustee if different from above: ______________________ Is the trustee organization a City of Toronto Community Services Partnership (CSP) grant recipient? __________(YES/NO) ATTACHMENTS The following 5 attachments can be downloaded by going to the "Grant guidelines and application resources" section of the Community Recreation web page by clicking here. Save the documents on your computer, complete them, and then uploaded them to the online application when you are ready to complete it: 1. Organization Application Approval Form 2. Project Work Plan (For ALL applicants; needs to be signed) 3. Multi-Year Budget (MUST be included if requesting 2 year funding) 4. Trustee Acknowledgement Form (ONLY for those groups that have identified their trustee; needs to be signed) (MUST be included by those organizations that do not have an audited financial statement) 5. Organization Budget Form (For ALL applicants) Remember to attach your most recent financial statements to the application! If you don't have one, then you must complete the Organization Budget Form referenced above. Call Us: Contact any one of the staff listed below if you have any questions or to discuss your group's project idea. Staff can be reached by e-mail at cgis@toronto.ca. Oleg Segin – 416-392-0102 Kin Wah Siu – 416-392-9207 Augusto Mathias – 416-392-1087 Suzanne Paes – 416.392.9271 Laurie O'Dell – 416.392.8527 Okeima Lawrence – 416.392.9343 Good Luck! Page 10 of 10