Robin Donaldson, Project Manager, The Orange Grove Sharing is the foundation of education and OER— • Educational materials produced by one party that are licensed to be used freely and at no cost by others. • Curriculum content, assignments, textbooks... • Used on all levels of education • Can dramatically reduce cost of teaching & learning OER •Revise: adapt and modify •Reuse: use the original or your new version •Remix: combine the OER with other OER •Redistribute: make copies and share original OER or new version Open textbooks 1. …freely available through an open license that permits users to: read, download, copy, distribute, self-print, search, or link to the full texts without financial, legal or technical barriers. 2. In addition, students may often be able to order a commercially bound print-on-demand copy at a modest cost. 3. Freely accessible digital textbooks that can be read online, downloaded, and self-printed at no or low cost. Students focused on cost. What’s missing? Millions being spent by states on textbooks and instructional content. States are in the process of updating their textbooks and instructional content to align with the Common Core Standards. Goals Provide a means for educators to share resources Increase opportunities for Florida educators to incorporate open educational resources (OER) into curricula Provide a central location for finding OER Increase access to OERs from around the world Solution to Identified Needs: • Difficulty finding open resources and open textbooks • Means for sharing resources Where educators can: Share their original content with colleagues Collaborate with colleagues to create content Rate and comment on others’ contributed content Associate items to standards-compliant digital content Reuse and Repurpose content multiple times Ensure Quality Institutions can define review process • Review of copyright and general information • Assign a peer review process • Faculty can comment and rate contributed resources Orange Grove Collections Collections open to the public: Orange Grove, Open Textbooks & Harvested Resources Metadata = Discoverability Examples of metadata Title Author Description Date contributed Comments & Ratings ERIC, MeSH, GEM, Common Core Standards, Common Course Numbers File type Harvested Resources & Open Textbooks Over 69,000 high quality resources • Current focus on STEM and general education • Next steps – Humanities and Literature InTech – STEM graduate level textbooks and books Connexions – Open Textbook K-20 CK-12 - Open textbooks for K-12 Guests & Students are able to: • Search and use public resources • Share content with others • Comment on and rate content Licensing - Basic Conditions Provide attribution to author(s) Non-commercial purposes Optional Conditions Add, remove, or alter content (derivative works) – CC BY-ND Derivative works must offer the same license (share alike) CC BY-SA Use of the textbook commercially – CC BY-NC Open textbook licensing Commercial publishers usually own copyright and reserve all printing or duplication rights. Open textbook authors retain their copyright instead of selling it and may apply limited rights to textbook use. The University Press of Florida Solution to Identified Need: Quality is #1 priority for both faculty and student leaders when selecting or using textbook The University Press of Florida Highly recognized and regarded scholarship dissemination for state Acquisitions: select and guide textbook projects Development: editing, design, index, ISBN, proof, print, marketing, sales Distribution: bookstores (malls and campus) Solution to Identified Need: Student report practice problems improve their grades Independent Company in Raleigh, NC - Dynamic online homework system with feedback Automatically graded, tracked assignments Multiple question types Tools to enter mathematical and chemical notation Embed links to open textbook content, videos, tutorials Offer instructors the ability to embed personal content (questions, notes, videos) Print-On-Demand Publisher (POD) Solution to Identified Need: Students want to be able to purchase a commercial print edition at low cost Print-On-Demand Publisher (POD) for OGT+ Low cost Quality commercial book Minimum order = 1 and no maximum order limits 0-48 hour turn around Bookstores may place orders E-Textbook & Open Textbook Initiatives and Legislation • California • Florida • Utah • Washington Florida SB 2120 for K-12 • Transition to electronic and digital instructional material pilot program • Electronic or digital textbooks by 2015-16 • Pilot programs authorized between 2011-2015 California Proposed Legislation Bill 1: Digital Open Source Textbooks Produce 50 high quality open textbooks and related materials Bidding open to publishers, faculty, and other interested parties CC BY license $25,000,000 Bill 2: California Digital Open Source Library Create a statewide repository for open textbooks and related materials Provide incentives to faculty for choosing lower cost alternatives such as open textbooks and related teaching tools Require publishers to provide free copies of textbooks to campus libraries to be placed on reserve Washington State Open Course Library State Board of Community and Technical Colleges Complete course materials for the 81 highest enrollment courses for $30 or less, open licensed House Bill 2337 Regarding Open Educational Resources in K-12 Education Allocates 1.5% of curriculum and textbooks funds for development of openly licensed courseware Would builds on work of CK-12 and other openly licensed textbooks and open educational resources Utah • Office of Education: develop & support open textbooks Secondary curriculum areas Language Arts Science Mathematics • $5/print book • Books updated as needed Contact Information Robin Donaldson (850) 922-3107 Florida Distance Learning Consortium 1753 West Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, FL 32310 Assuring Quality and Print Versions OGT+ YouTube Video