exam3 - Homework Market

1. Which of the following statements about cable TV is true?
Cable TV reaches its audience by transmitting electromagnetic waves through the air across
some geographic territory
There are now no national cable networks, but plans are being developed for one
Cable TV began in the late 1960s
The monthly fees that cable TV subscribers pay represent about one-third of cable TV
Cable TV attracts the largest volume of national advertising
2. In order to appeal to women before they start cooking supper, a family-style
restaurant that specializes in supper buffets has chosen to advertise during Ellen, which
is broadcast daily at 4: 00 P. M. by the Virginia TV station. The restaurant is advertising
during _____ time.
Late fringe
Prep rime
Early fringe
Prime access
3. The program's _____ is defined as the number of households watching a particular
TV program, expressed as a percentage of the total homes that have sets in use.
Audience share
Audience reach
Designated market area (DMA)
Area of dominant influence (ADI)
Audience frequency
4. One of the advantages that cable TV advertising offers to advertisers is _____, which
means the ads can run anywhere from a minute to an hour (as in the case of an
Fragmented day parts
Unduplicated scheduling
Extended reach
5. By the name of the MTV reality show, Dr Pepper Band in a Bubble, you should be
able to infer that Dr Pepper brand soda was more than likely engaged in:
Promotional production
TV aggregation
Full-spot participation
6. The primary benefits of advertising on the radio are:
Mass-audience appeal and low production costs
Lack of clutter and high auditory appeal
Creative flexibility and low clutter
High reach and frequency, selectivity and cost efficiency
Immediacy, mass-audience appeal and high reach
7. Reliable information on the audiences for cable programs:
Is easily obtained from Nielsen
Is hard to gather
Is much more accurate than similar ratings information for network programming
Does not divide the day into the same units as the networks do-thus, making comparisons
Is easy for media planners to interpret
8. Bay Watch was a program that failed to attract a sufficient audience when
programmed by NBC in 1989. NBC canceled the show after a single season. It then
went into production for additional seasons in _____ syndication and has become
enormously successful in international markets.
9. The primary advantages of cable TV as an advertising medium are:
Its rates, availability and unduplicated audiences
Its quality, selectivity and reach
Its reach, clutter and selectivity
Its selectivity, low cost and flexibility
Its reach, fragmentation and quality
10. The buying procedure for television time is:
Not done on a national basis-but rather a station-by-station basis
A process that can usually be accomplished quickly by an experienced media buyer
So complex that most large advertisers seek the assistance of ad agencies or media-buying
Not a purchase that requires any special expertise
So simple that most large advertisers use in-house media buyers
11. The manufacturer of Classic Equine equestrian equipment might choose to advertise
its saddles during the televising of the World Championship Rodeo Finals on ABC in
order to take advantage of the _____ offered by broadcast television.
Potential for creativity
12. A much-hyped rescue on Lost, an all-star Survivor and a host of blockbuster movies-of-theweek can only mean that the networks are using shameless stunts to get viewers to tune in.
Broadcasters use the viewer ship numbers collected during these four annual periods to set
advertising rates for the rest of the year. In other sweeps, _____ commonly co-occur when
networks are trying to make themselves look attractive to advertisers.
CPM planning
Reach strategy
13. Spot announcements:
Limit the flexibility of an advertiser
Are unaffected by clutter
Are easier to purchase on cable networks than national advertising is
Are available only at network station breaks and when network advertisers purchase less
than a full lineup
Run in clusters between programs
14. Which of the following is an example of a value-added service offered by magazines
to their regular advertisers?
Advance copies for the trade
Response cards that allow readers to request an advertiser's brochure
Aid in handling sales force meetings
Marketing research into consumer attitudes and brand preferences
All of the above
15. An ad for Coldwater Creek, a retailer of women's clothing in Martha Stewart Living
magazine was printed on high-quality paper stock to add weight and drama to the
advertising message. The finished ad was shipped to the magazine publisher for
inclusion in its March issue. The ad for which the advertiser paid a premium price
exemplifies a(n):
Island half
Junior unit
Full unit
16. An ad for a DVD entitled Run for Fun appeared in the middle of a page in an issue of
Runner's World magazine. An article running warm-ups surrounds the ad. This ad is an
example of a(n):
Trade promotion
Island half
17. Pallet Enterprise magazine is a business publication aimed at people who are in the
pallet and container industries. It is only sold through subscriptions. Therefore, Pallet
Enterprise is an example of a(n) _____ business magazine.
18. Magazines provide advertisers with:
Reliability and validity
A low CPM
Pass-along readership
Heavy advertising competition
All of the above
19. The ad for the newest Calvin Klein brand of perfume on the inside back cover of a
Martha Stewart Living magazine would be an example of a(n):
First cover
Bleed page
Third cover
Island half
20. A tear sheet is:
Another term for an ad paste-up
A guarantee that the ad will receive ROP positioning
A perforated, preprinted insert
A page that verifies that an ad ran as it was supposed to
The receipt that the media salesperson gives to the advertiser
21. Which of the following statements describes an advantage that has traditionally set
newspapers apart from other media?
Newspapers cannot provide an advertiser with overlapping circulation
Newspapers are an active medium
Newspapers have clear color reproductions
Newspapers can provide the advertiser with prestige for the product advertised
Newspapers are the most selective of all media
22. Lumberman is targeted to people who use and operate sawmills. The publication is
only read by people in this field and is, therefore, an example of a(n) _____ publication.
23. The owner of a Greek restaurant has accepted an ROP advertising rate. This means
that the retail advertiser.
May find its ad anywhere in the newspaper, wherever space permits
Is testing the pull rate of two identical size ads with different content for the same product
Will not require the newspaper to rerun its ad if production quality is less than desirable
Will be penalized if it decides to pull its ad before the closing date
Can ensure a choice position in the newspaper by paying the higher ROP rate
24. Runner's World, New York Magazine, Better Homes & Gardens and Allure are all
examples of _____ magazines.
25. Monroe looked at a rate card for Equus magazine and saw that the one-time cost for
a full-page black-and-white ad was $795. He knows that the magazine has a total
circulation of 15,000. Calculate the magazine's CPM.
26. Guaranteed circulation in magazines:
Equals the delivered circulation
Is the number of copies of a magazine sold on newsstands
Is the number of copies of the magazine that the publisher expects to circulate
Is the maximum number of magazines that will be distributed through all channels
Equals the primary circulation plus pass-along readership minus a safety measure of 10
27. The owner of a Hispanic-oriented grocery store wants to place inside cards over the
door of the city's buses. To keep advertising costs down, the dealer can:
Insist on a full showing
Print different ads on both sides of the card and order the card reversed after 60-days to save
paper and shipping charges
Get a refund if sales goals are not met
Share the advertising costs with a competitor
Do all of the above
28. Which of the following statements about outdoor advertising is true?
By far the biggest outdoor advertisers are snack food manufacturers
Outdoor advertising can be used as a directional medium for tourists
The company that owns the outdoor structures used for advertising is called an outdoor
communications specialist
Outdoor advertising is not used in any other country except the U.S.
All of the above statements about outdoor advertising are true
29. How can a global positioning systems influence the outdoor advertising buy made by
a media buyer?
GPS can be used to verify the value of the billboard location
GPS can be used to determine whether the advertiser needs to use sales promotions in a
particular region
GPS can be used to increase traffic in front of billboard locations
GPS can be used to locate sites for unused transit advertising
GPS can be used to find customers
30. During a sales call, the Coats & Clark representative surprised the owner of The
Thread Nook, a crafts store, with the gift of a tapestry basket for transporting knitting
and crocheting projects. The bag was imprinted with the advertising slogan of a new
type of synthetic yarn he wanted the store's owner to carry. The tapestry bag is an
example of:
A continuity gift
A premium
A trade deal
Specialty advertising
A trade promotion
31. Bulletin structures:
Are most effective in spots where traffic is heavy and visibility is good
Are assembled in the plant's shop
Are smaller than structures with eight-sheet posters
Are designed for short-term use only
Are described by all of the above
32. The ad promoting the six o'clock news on WSM, the NBC affiliate in Nashville,
Tennessee is located on the side of one of the area's buses. This type of ad, which is
usually varnished to make it weather-resistant is called a:
Bus bulletin
Standard bus
Outside poster
Junior panel
33. Direct mail is successful for two reasons. First, it meets the needs of today's fast
lifestyles. Second, it:
Is a recognized and accepted form of mass marketing
Is never ignored by its receivers
Is well supported by media editorial and entertainment content
Has the lowest cost per exposure of any media
Is the most effective medium for generating results
34. Each quarter, an organization that finds homes for greyhounds that can no longer
race mails a newsletter to organization volunteers to let them know the current needs of
the organization and how well adoption efforts are going. The newsletter is an example
of a:
House organ
Statement stuffer
35. The owner of Second Sighting, a consignment clothing store, wants to buy a full
showing when she purchases transit advertising for the store. This means the store
wants to reach the store's entire target market
Wants a guarantee that the transit system reaches every section of the community
Does not want to pay a discounted rate
Does not want its cards placed where some riders of the bus won't be able to see them
Wants one card placed in every vehicle operated by the transit system
36. Jekyll Island Dogs sells wieners from its 20 stores in the greater Savannah area. The
advertising manager of the organization has decided to contract with a local transit
advertising firm to have its ads placed on bus benches around the city. What is the
proper name for this form of advertising?
Mobile advertising
Mini-panel advertising
Geographic advertising
Transit shelter advertising
Exhibitive advertising
37. How does an advertising specialty differ from a premium?
The premium is typically more valuable and usually bears no advertising message;
consumers typically have to do something (such as watch a demonstration) to get a premium
Premiums are always emblazoned with the name of the company that gave them away;
specialties are not
Advertising specialties are typically more expensive than premiums
Premiums are always free; advertising specialties are not
Advertising specialties are promotional items; premiums are not
38. After learned that the mother of Ty Cobb, a famous baseball player, killed Cobb's
father Robert wanted to know more about the incident. After using his cable-modem
system, he typed in "Ty Cobb" and found over 30 references to related information
sources and their Web site addresses that were all conveniently listed on a:
Home page
Content page
Search-results page
Browser link
Protocol-linked page
39. Through the use of _____, an Internet user can include graphics, video and audio in
his or her e-mail messages.
Hypertext medium language (HTML)
Rich mail
40. Assume the manufacturer of Benadryl anti-itching cream, advertises on the Internet.
To target its advertising, the manufacturer decided to have its banner ads appear when
the user typed in "itch", "scratching", "hives" or "mosquitoes" in the search engine. The
advertiser would have made a:
Request for ad responses
Click-through request
Keyword purchase
Word-search responsive device
Base banner purchase
41. DSL or digital subscriber line:
Competes with cable modem systems in popularity and price
Transforms a traditional telephone line into a high-speed digital link
Provides its users with always-on broadband Internet access
Distance from CO can adversely affect transmission
Is accurately described by all of the above
42. When Ja'Net saw the banner ad for Dice, an employment agency for techies, she
used her mouse to access the site's home page. If the advertising rate for the banner ad
were determined by the number of people who saw the banner, clicked on it and visited
the home page, then the method would be called:
Web visits
Advertising links
Media linkages
Site landing pages
43. After learned that the mother of Ty Cobb, a famous baseball player, killed Cobb's
father Robert wanted to know more about the incident. After using his cable-modem
system, he typed in "Ty Cobb" and found over 30 references to related information
sources and their Web site addresses using a(n):
Search engine
Internet browser
Addressable medium
Web directory
44. One of the problems facing most Internet marketers is how to get enough reach from
their Web advertising. There are millions of Web pages, many of which are potential
sites for effective ads. _____ have been used to partially solve this problem.
Ad networks
Guiding search engines
Addressable landing pages
Media exchanges
Web brokers
45. What does the acronym HTML represent?
Heavy transmission through multiple lines
Hyperbole, thought, memory and language
Hypertext markup language
Hypertext transmission marketing language
None of the above
46. Classified ad Web sites are:
Excellent opportunities for local advertisers
A growing type of Internet advertising
Typically supported by ad banners of other advertisers
Very similar to the classified ads found in newspapers
Are accurately described by all of the above
47. Members of an Internet organization for book lovers, frugalreader.com, offers members 2 free
credits if they send an e-mail that convinces someone else to join the organization by January 1.
This is an example of:
Viral marketing
A meta ad
Marquee banner advertising
An interstitial
48. Which of the following statements describes a disadvantage that a user of Internet
advertising will have to accept and deal with as best as he or she can?
The Internet is not standardized
Targeting costs can be among the most expensive relative to any other media
The medium is plagued with slow downloads
Security and privacy concerns prevent many users from engaging in online purchases
All of the above describe potential disadvantages of Internet advertising
49. _____ is a catchall term for an animated ad that pops up on the screen while the
computer downloads a Web site the user has clicked on.
A non-addressable Web site
An interstitial
An interconnect
Natural medium
An avail
50. According to the text's brief history of the Internet and the World Wide Web:
The Web is a centralize network of content providers and users
Web scanners facilitated the viewing of Web pages
Content providers and users communicate through HTML
Many of the We b sites that attract the largest audiences each day are portals
A protocol is also called a Web crawler