Chapter 5: The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules

Chapter 5: The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules
 Overview: The Molecules of Life
• All living things are made up of ________________ of large biological molecules:
• Within cells, small organic molecules are joined together to form larger molecules
• _____________________ are large molecules composed of thousands of covalently
connected atoms (They include: carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids)
• Molecular ______________ and ________________ are inseparable
 Concept 5.1: Macromolecules are polymers, built from monomers
• A ________________ is a long molecule consisting of many
• These small building-block molecules are called __________________
• Three of the four classes of life’s organic molecules are polymers:
– ________________________
– ________________________
– ________________________
• The Synthesis and Breakdown of Polymers
– All polymers are built by ______________________________. When this
happens, the two monomers are covalently bonded to each other through the
_________________________________. This is called a condensation
• A ____________________________ or more specifically a
____________________________ occurs when two monomers bond
together through the loss of a water molecule
• Each monomer contributes part of the water molecule: one gives the (OH) while the other gives the (-H)
• ______________ are macromolecules that speed up the dehydration
– Polymers are disassembled to monomers by ________________, a reaction
that is essentially the reverse of the dehydration reaction
• Hydrolysis means to _______________________. Bonds of the
monomer are broken by the addition of water. The water molecule
• One monomer gets the (-OH); the other gets the (-H)
– Digestion is an example of hydrolysis in our body.
– Cells later use dehydration to reassemble new polymers
• The Diversity of Polymers
– Each cell has _____________________________________ of macromolecules
– Macromolecules vary among cells of an organism, vary more within a species,
and vary even more between species
– An immense variety of polymers can be built from a small set of monomers
(there are only 40-50 common monomers)
– The key to diversity is the __________________________________ of the
 Concept 5.2: Carbohydrates serve as fuel and building material
• _____________________ include sugars and the polymers of sugars
• The simplest carbohydrates are _____________________, or single sugars
• _____________________ are double sugars
• Carbohydrate macromolecules are _______________________, polymers composed
of many sugar building blocks
• Sugars
– ____________________ have molecular formulas that are usually multiples of
– ______________ (C H O ) is the most common monosaccharide
6 12
– Monosaccharides are classified by
• The location of the ___________________ (as ___________ or
• The number of carbons in the carbon skeleton (3, 5 and 6 carbons are
most common)
– Though often drawn as _______________________, in aqueous solutions
many sugars ________________
– Monosaccharides serve as a major fuel for cells and as raw material for
building molecules
– A ____________________ is formed when a ______________________ joins
two monosaccharides
– This covalent bond is called a ________________________
• Examples: sucrose (table sugar = glucose + fructose); maltose (brewing
sugar= glucose + glucose); lactose (milk sugar = glucose + galactose)
– Polysaccharides
• _________________, the polymers of sugars, have storage and
structural roles.
• They are macromolecules with a few hundred to a few thousand
monosaccharides joined by glycosidic linkages.
• The structure and function of a polysaccharide are determined by its
sugar monomers and the positions of glycosidic linkages
• Some function for ___________; others for _____________
• Storage Polysaccharides
– ____________, a ________________________________, consists entirely of
• Plants store surplus starch as granules within chloroplasts and other
• Making starch allows a plant to store energy
• The bonds holding the starch together are broken by hydrolysis to
release glucose; the major cellular fuel
– _________________ is a storage polysaccharide in animals
• Humans and other vertebrates store glycogen mainly in __________ and
• Hydrolysis of glycogen releases glucose when needed
• The stored glycogen is quickly depleted and must be replenished daily (a
draw-back of low carb diets)
• Structural Polysaccharides
– The polysaccharide _______________ is a major component of the
• Like starch, cellulose is a polymer of glucose, but the glycosidic linkages
• The difference is based on two ring forms for glucose: alpha () and
beta ()
• Polymers with  glucose are _______________
• Polymers with  glucose are _______________
– In straight structures, H atoms on one strand can hydrogen-bond with OH
groups on other strands
– Parallel cellulose molecules held together this way are grouped into
________________, which form strong building materials for plants
– Enzymes that digest starch by hydrolyzing  linkages __________ hydrolyze 
linkages in cellulose. This makes cellulose _________________________.
– Cellulose in human food passes through the digestive tract as
– Some ___________________ use enzymes to digest cellulose
– Many herbivores, from cows to termites, have symbiotic relationships with
these microbes
– _______________, another structural polysaccharide, is found in the
__________________________. It is similar to cellulose except that it has a
nitrogen-containing appendage.
– Chitin also provides structural support for the __________________
 Concept 5.3: Lipids are a diverse group of hydrophobic molecules
• _________________ are the one class of large biological molecules that
• The unifying feature of lipids is having ____________________________
• Lipids are ___________________ because they consist mostly of hydrocarbons,
which form ______________________________
• The most biologically important lipids are ________, _______________, and
• Fats
– _________ are constructed from two types of smaller molecules:
• _______________ is a _____________________ with a
______________________ attached to each carbon
• A ______________ consists of a _______________________ attached
to a _____________________________ ( usually 16-18 carbons in
• They are joined as a result of a dehydration reaction.
– To make the fat molecule, three fatty acid molecules each join to glycerol by
an ester linkage (a bond between a hydroxyl group and a carboxyl group)
– The resulting fat is called a _________________ (i.e _____________)
***Note: the fatty acids can all be the same, or they can be two or three different kinds.
– Fats separate from water because water molecules form hydrogen bonds with
each other and exclude the fats
– Fatty acids vary in length (number of carbons) and in the number and locations
of double bonds
– ________________________ have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms
possible and no double bonds
• Saturated fats are solid at room temp. and include most animal fats.
– ________________________ have one or more double bonds
• Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temp. and include oils, plant fats and
fish fats.
– A diet rich in saturated fats may contribute to cardiovascular disease through
plaque deposits
– ________________________ is the process of converting unsaturated fats to
saturated fats by adding hydrogen (Ex: peanut butter and margarine—keeps
the oils from settling out)
– Hydrogenating vegetable oils also creates unsaturated fats with
– These _______________ may contribute more than saturated fats to
cardiovascular disease. They are common in baked goods and processed
– The major function of fats is _____________________
• One gram of fat stores _____________ as much energy as a gram of
– Humans and other mammals store their fat in _________________.
• These cells ___________________ as fat is either deposited or
– Adipose tissue also ________________________________________
(subcutaneous fat)
• Phospholipids
– In a ___________________, two fatty acids and a phosphate group are
attached to glycerol
– The two fatty acid ________________________, but the phosphate group and
its attachments form a _____________________
– When phospholipids are added to water, they self-assemble into a
__________, with the hydrophobic tails pointing toward the interior
– The structure of phospholipids results in a _____________________
– Phospholipids are the major component of all cell membranes
• Steroids
– ____________ are lipids characterized by a carbon skeleton consisting of four
fused rings. They include many different types of hormones.
– _________________, an important steroid, is a _________________
________________________. It is synthesized in the liver.
– Although cholesterol is essential in animals, ____________________ may
contribute to cardiovascular disease
 Concept 5.4: Proteins have many structures, resulting in a wide range of functions
• _____________—comes from the Greek word ____________, meaning first place.
They are super important to living organisms.
• Proteins account for more than ______ of the dry mass of most cells
• Protein functions include _______________________________________
• _____________ are a type of protein that acts as a ________________ to speed up
chemical reactions
– Life would not be possible without enzymes. They regulate metabolism.
– Enzymes can perform their functions _______________, functioning as
workhorses that carry out the processes of life
• Polypeptides
– ________________ are polymers built from the same set of
– A ____________ consists of one or more polypeptides
• Amino Acid Monomers
– _______________ are organic molecules with __________________
– Amino acids ____________ in their properties due to differing side chains,
called ___________________
• At the center of the amino acid is an _____________________ called
the ____________________.
• Its four partners are: an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen
atom, and an R group.
• Amino Acid Polymers—how are amino acids linked to form polymers?
– Amino acids are linked by _____________________
• These bonds form between the ___________________ of one amino
acid and the ____________________ of the other during a
__________________________. Repeated many times, this results in a
– A polypeptide is a ______________________________. At one end is a free
amino group (N-terminus); at the other is a free carboxyl group (C-terminus)
– Polypeptides range in length from a few to more than a thousand monomers
– Each polypeptide has a unique linear sequence of amino acids
• Protein Structure and Function
– A functional protein is not just a polypeptide chain. It consists of one or more
polypeptides twisted, folded, and coiled into a unique shape
– The sequence of amino acids determines a protein’s three-dimensional
– A protein’s structure determines its function
– Four Levels of Protein Structure
• The ________________________ of a protein is its
• ________________________, found in most proteins, consists of
_________________ in the _______________________
• ______________________ is determined by interactions among various
__________________ (R groups)
• ______________________ results when a protein consists of
– __________________, the sequence of amino acids in a protein, is like the
order of letters in a long word
• Primary structure is determined by ______________________
– The coils and folds of ________________________ result from
____________________between repeating constituents of the polypeptide
• Typical secondary structures are a ________ called an _______ and a
_______________ called a ___________________
– ____________________ is determined by interactions between R groups,
rather than interactions between backbone constituents
• These interactions between R groups include ______________
• Strong covalent bonds called ____________________ may reinforce the
protein’s structure
– ______________________ results when two or more polypeptide chains
form one macromolecule
• _______________ is a fibrous protein consisting of three polypeptides
coiled like a rope
• _______________ is a globular protein consisting of four polypeptides:
two alpha and two beta chains
– Sickle-Cell Disease: A Change in Primary Structure
• A slight change in ___________________ can affect a protein’s structure
and ability to function
– Sickle-cell disease, an inherited blood disorder, results from a
______________________________ in the protein hemoglobin
– What Determines Protein Structure?
• In addition to primary structure, physical and chemical conditions can
affect structure
• Alterations in pH, salt concentration, temperature, or other
environmental factors can cause a _____________________
• This loss of a protein’s native structure is called _____________
• A denatured protein is _________________________
– Protein Folding in the Cell
• It is hard to predict a protein’s structure from its primary structure
• Most proteins probably go through several states on their way to a
stable structure
• ________________ are ___________________ that assist the
• Scientists use _________________________ to determine a protein’s
• Another method is ___________________________ (NMR)
spectroscopy, which does not require protein crystallization
• Bioinformatics uses computer programs to predict protein structure
from amino acid sequences
 Concept 5.5: Nucleic acids store and transmit hereditary information
• The amino acid sequence of a polypeptide is programmed by a unit of inheritance
called a ___________
• Genes are made of DNA, a ______________________
• There are two types of nucleic acids:
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
• DNA provides directions for its own replication
• DNA directs synthesis of ____________________________ and, through mRNA,
• Protein synthesis occurs in __________________
• The Structure of Nucleic Acids
– Nucleic acids are polymers called ___________________
– Each polynucleotide is made of monomers called ________________
– Each nucleotide consists of a ________________________________
– The portion of a nucleotide without the phosphate group is called a
– Nucleotide Monomers
• Nucleoside = nitrogenous base + sugar
• There are two families of nitrogenous bases:
o ______________________ (cytosine, thymine, and uracil) have a
single six-membered ring
o _________________ (adenine and guanine) have a six-membered
ring fused to a five-membered ring
• In DNA, the sugar is _________________; in RNA, the sugar is
• ___________________ = nucleoside + phosphate group
– Nucleotide Polymers
• Nucleotide polymers are linked together to build a polynucleotide
• Adjacent nucleotides are joined by ___________________ that form
between the ______________________________________
• These links create a backbone of sugar-phosphate units with nitrogenous
bases as appendages
• The _____________________ along a DNA or mRNA polymer is
____________ for each gene
– The DNA Double Helix
• A DNA molecule has two polynucleotides spiraling around an imaginary
axis, forming a __________________
• In the DNA double helix, the two backbones run in
__________________________ directions from each other, an
arrangement referred to as ___________________
• One DNA molecule includes many genes
• The nitrogenous bases in DNA pair up and form hydrogen bonds:
– DNA and Proteins as Tape Measures of Evolution
• The linear sequences of nucleotides in DNA molecules are
• Two closely related species are more similar in DNA than are more distantly
related species
• Molecular biology can be used to assess _____________________
– The Theme of Emergent Properties in the Chemistry of Life: A Review
• Higher levels of organization result in the emergence of new properties
• Organization is the key to the chemistry of life
You should now be able to:
1. List and describe the four major classes of molecules
2. Describe the formation of a glycosidic linkage and distinguish between
monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides
3. Distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fats and between cis and trans fat
4. Describe the four levels of protein structure
• You should now be able to:
5. Distinguish between the following pairs: pyrimidine and purine, nucleotide and
nucleoside, ribose and deoxyribose, the 5 end and 3 end of a nucleotide