Application for Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway, Tecoma The Built Environment, Fast Food Outlets, Anti-Social Behaviour and Violent Crime Submitted by KB, B.S., M.Ed. Introduction A primary responsibility of government is to ensure the safety of its residents. I strongly oppose the development because of the increased risk for violent crime due to the presence of a fast food outlet. Community Safety and the Planning and Environment Act 1987 Section 4, Clause 4, Number 1c of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 states one of the objectives of planning in Victoria is: “to secure a pleasant, efficient and safe working, living and recreational environment for all Victorians and visitors to Victoria;” Section 4, Clause 4, Number 2d of the Act states that the objectives of the planning framework established by this Act include: “to ensure that the effects on the environment are considered and provide for explicit consideration of social and economic effects when decisions are made about the use and development of land;” Safety is the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered nondesirable. The proposed development of a fast food outlet in Tecoma is an intensive use of this site and as a result, it will jeopardise my physical safety, my family’s physical safety and the safety of other Tecoma residents. The Tenant of the Proposed Applicant Paragraph 143 of one of the applicant’s expert witnesses, Statement of Town Planning Evidence by Stuart McGurn, states a Patron Management Plan should be required as a condition on the planning permit. The proposed tenant has existing people policies and security and safety procedures as part of their Management Development Program (MDP) according to their website. The proposed tenant’s chief support officer, Jackie McArthur, states that “extensive safety and security protocols are in place at every restaurant throughout the entire day”.1 1 KB, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 2 of 110 The following research into the effect of place in the built environment and crime statistics associated with fast food outlets calls into question whether any safety and security protocols in a patron management plan can ever have any effect on reducing violent crimes resulting in injuries to persons during aggravated robberies, sexual and physical assaults. The Built Environment, Fast Food Outlets and Violent Crime There is research to link the built environment, fast food outlets, behavior, including antisocial behaviour, and violent crime. In a study entitled, You Are How You Eat and Impatience2, Chen-Bo Zhong and Sanford E. DeVoe concluded that just looking at the logos of fast-food companies like McDonald's and others can trigger behavior associated with your expectations from the brand -- namely immediate gratification, even if that means getting something that isn't as good as what you could get by waiting. "Fast food seemed to have made people impatient in a manner that could put their economic interest at risk," concludes the study from the University of Toronto. Study co-author Chen-Bo Zhong told the Financial Post that "logos or other situational cues all have the same type of effect of "automaticity" -- triggering regulatory behaviour that is beyond our control." The feelings of impatience "will be applied to people's behaviour whether it is in a productive context or not," Mr. Zhong said. "The activation of these goals will affect people regardless of whether that is their immediate goal or not, even if it works against their happiness at that point." There is more research linking fast food outlets and anti-social behaviour by David Van Fleet, a professor of management at Arizona State University and co-author of The Violence Volcano: Reducing the Threat of Workplace Violence3. In that book, Professor Fleet states “Fast-food chains become easy places to loiter, which can lead to arguments or worse. When you've got a relatively uneducated, young workforce and piss-poor management, put them in a high-stress situation—a burger-and-fries environment—and you'll get some improper conduct." 2 Chen-Bo Zhong and Sanford E. DeVoe. Psychological Science May 2010 vol. 21 no. 5 619-622, first published on March 19, 2010 3 Van Fleet, David D & Van Fleet, Ella W 2010, The violence volcano : reducing the threat of workplace violence, IAP, Information Age Pub, Charlotte, NC KB, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 3 of 110 In Eric Schlosser’s book, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal4, Schlosser draws upon elements of routine activities theory to explain why fast food outlets are such common targets for robbery. He states that fast food outlets are now more attractive to armed robbers than convenience stores, gas stations, or banks because fast food outlets still do almost all of their business in cash holding thousands of dollars on site daily and their location near intersections facilitate a speedy getaway. John Eck is Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati, where he teaches graduate courses in research methods, police effectiveness, crime policy, and crime prevention. In Chapter 7 entitled Preventing Crime at Places in his book, Crime and Place: Crime Prevention Studies5, Professor Eck explores why places are so important to crime. Places have received relatively little attention in crime policy so it is important to define "place." A place is a very small area reserved for a narrow range of functions, often controlled by a single owner, and separated from the surrounding area. By small we mean that a location is smaller than a neighborhood or community. Examples of places include stores, homes, apartment buildings, street corners, subway stations, and airports. Additional evidence for crime concentration at places has been found for specific types of crime. Crow and Bull (1975) noted over 20 years ago that most convenience stores have no or few robberies, but a few have many robberies. In England and Canada a growing body of research has revealed that in high burglary neighborhoods most residences have no burglaries, but a few residences suffer repeated burglaries (Forrester et. al. 1988; Forrester et. al. 1990; Polvi et. al. 1990; Farrell 1995). Among drinking establishments, a few bars have most tavern-related violence (Sherman, Schmidt, and Velke 1992). Ten percent of the fast food restaurants in San Antonio, Texas account for one third of the property crimes at such restaurants (Spelman 1995b). These findings suggest that something about a few places facilitates crimes and something about most places prevents crimes. The relevance of the above research into place on this planning application is that this application represents a significant change to this “place”. There is no precedent in Tecoma for the intensity of this type of development. A potential consequence of this intensive development is to create a higher risk “place” as no other late night or all night venue exists in Tecoma and this development could become a place of violent crimes as a result. 4 Eric Schlosser, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, Harper Perennial; First Harper Perennial Edition (July 5, 2005) 5 John Eck. Crime and Place: Crime Prevention Studies (December 1995) Willow Tree Press KB, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 4 of 110 Brantingham and Brantingham (1982)6 studied the association between commercial burglaries per store on blocks and the presence of five types of "commercial landmarks" fast food restaurants, traditional restaurants, supermarkets, department stores, and pubs. He found that fast food restaurants had commercial burglary rates 2 to 2.5 times higher than the non landmark average (Brantingham and Brantingham, 1982). Violent Crime Statistics The Australian Bureau of Statistics keeps data on the number of crimes committed against physical structures such as burglary, theft, arson etc in a category called cafe/restaurants, not crimes against people physically. And there is no differentiation between restaurants and fast food outlets in those statistics. The Australian Bureau of Statistics does not have data on violent crimes committed within fast food outlets in Australia. The most detailed statistical data on violent crimes against people is available from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics7, which estimates that the rate of assaults at limited-service restaurants (or fast food outlets) is more than twice as high as at full-service restaurants. Full-service restaurants had 0.8 assaults per 10,000 employees in 2009; and fast-food outlets had 1.8 assaults per 10,000 employees, which is more than double. Some 109 worker homicides at limited-service restaurants (or fast food outlets) were reported from 2003 through to 2006, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says. The number rose from 24 homicides in 2005 to 28 in 2006, a 17% increase. Andrea Finney is a Senior Research Officer in the UK Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate's Measuring and Analysing Crime Programme. In her article, Violence in the night-time economy: key findings from the research, Ms. Finney includes fast-food outlets as part of the night-time economy, where violence has increased in recent years and “presents a significant public health, criminal justice and urban management problem. Many people are injured in such violence, a significant minority of whom are permanently disfigured.”8 6 Brantingham, P.L. and P.J. Brantingham (1982). "Mobility, Notoriety and Crime: A Study of Crime Patterns in Urban Nodal Points." Journal of Environmental System 11:89-99. 7 Assaults and Violent Acts in the Private Retail Trade Sector, 2003—2008, Joyce Northwood, Bureau of Labor Statistics Originally Posted: December 7, 2011, 8 Violence in the night-time economy: key findings from the research, Andrea Finney, 2004, UK Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, KB, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 5 of 110 Incidents of Crime in Australia at the Proposed Tenant’s Premises From February 2009 to July 2012, there were 160+ instances of aggravated robbery, sexual assaults and physical assaults and criminal activity committed at the proposed tenant’s fast food outlets in Australia. These documented instances of violent crimes are reported and published by Crime Stoppers reliable newspapers, such as The Australian, The Herald Sun, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph, Australian Associated Press, The Leader Newspapers and others. The majority of these violent crimes at McDonalds in Australia occurred after 11 p.m. On 31 January 2012, McDonald’s Communications Spokeswoman Skye Oxenham told Nicole Cridland of the Stonnington Leader that “24-hour trade was standard for the McDonalds chain.”9 It is important to hear the severity of these crimes to understand the threat to safety with this proposed development because of its intensive use of the place. These are the 160 instances of aggravated robbery, sexual assaults and physical assaults and other criminal activity committed at the proposed tenant of the development application’s fast food outlets in Australia from February 2009 to July 2012. 30 of these violent crimes were beatings 4 of these violent crimes were stabbings 2 of these incidents were shootings, one of which was fatal 11 of these crimes were sexual assaults 5 of these crimes were drug related crimes 25 of these violent crimes were armed robberies 2 of these incidents was arson The information above was based on the original 94 instances. An analysis of the 160+ events is: 9 29 were armed robberies and 6 were attempted robberies 1 was an attempted murder 1 was an explosive device 54 were physical assaults 5 were shootings KB, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 6 of 110 Date of Article News Report Overview/Highlights Media Agency/Website Address Original Reporter 17 February 2009 – New since Submission Would you like fries with your fillet-o-fists? http://www.warwickdailyn Caitlyn Gribbin DRUNKEN fools who offer late-night fast food cravers “Big Smacks” with their side of fries are risking lives and destroying property, a concerned resident said. | 17th 2/17/mcdonalds-fight/ February 2009 At weekends they scale a 5m-tall sign, initiate brawls and wake a sleeping neighbourhood with obscene language and Albion Street neighbour and vandalism victim Arthur Page has had enough. 12:00 AM The Warwick Daily News “I've seen them try and climb that sign - it's suicidal. Girls use language that would shock a bullock driver, it's the foulest I've ever heard in my life,” Mr Page said. His comments came in response to a fight which broke out on Sunday morning after which two people were issued with notices to appear in Warwick Magistrates Court and two others arrested. “My neighbour's fence was smashed and I could hear the fight going on. The language coming from over there was shocking; I swear but they made me look like an angel,” Mr Page said. “You can nearly bet your life on it that we see this sort of stuff every weekend. Friday and Saturday nights are as bad as each other with people who are full of grog and bad manners. I honestly don't know when it's going to finish.” Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 7 of 110 A Warwick Total Security Service security guard, who often works at McDonald's but did not want to be identified, agreed with Mr Page. “I've broken up quite a few fights and conflicts from other venues can often rise up again when they meet at McDonald's,” the man said. “A lot of the security guards aren't interested in doing the work because of the trouble that's always caused there. We work 2.30-3.30am and are there for the peak of it.” He said he was concerned for the safety of young staff members who were “copping abuse”. “I feel for those young kids who have to put up with drunks who get very impatient. I also think this is a shame for visitors who have to witness all of this and won't come back to Warwick.” McDonald's Warwick franchisee Trevor Burton conceded there was a problem and said he would prefer to close on Friday and Saturday nights. “I'd rather close my doors but McDonald's restaurants in 130 countries are rolling out 24-hour initiatives and the Warwick store is part of that,” Mr Burton said. “I don't trade for drunks. We are open 168 hours a week and for over 160 of those hours people are well behaved. I'm not responsible for the way society is going.” Mr Burton said an upgrade of the restaurant's security was expected to be Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 8 of 110 completed at the end of the month. “Pedestrians will order from a path on the Percy Street side and this will ensure people and vehicles won't mix at all. I don't know if it will alleviate drunk people from having fights though.” He said the commotion was caused by drunken youths who needed to cure the late-night munchies. “They're hungry drunks and if they're not going to cause it at McDonald's they will somewhere else,” he said. Mr Burton stressed the control needed to come from licensed premises which he said continued to serve alcohol to unruly people. “I'd like to see people stopped being served alcohol when they hit (a blood alcohol reading of) .05,” he said. Warwick Police officer-in-charge Senior Sergeant Mike Curtin said the violence at McDonald's had significantly increased since 24-hour service began. “There has been a marked increase in calls for police resources in that area with most of it being anti-social behaviour including fighting, noise and disturbing the peace,” Snr Sgt Curtin said. “It's definitely a problem. There are also pedestrian safety issues and Warwick Police have concerns for persons who appear to be using the drive-through facility.” Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 9 of 110 Snr Sgt Curtin said he planned to work with the community to ensure the numbers of incidents at the restaurant decreased. 2 March 2009 – New since Submission Not lovin' McDonald's carpark brawls http://www.warwickdailyn WARWICK police received numerous complaints from neighbours about noise, bad language and poor behaviour in the McDonald's car park between 1am and 3am Saturday. Senior Constable Jeremy Lambert said there were 30 to 50 people in the car park when they arrived. Warwick Daily News 3/02/not-lovinmcdonalds-carparkbrawls/ “No reports of assaults were made to police,” Sen.Const. Lambert said. “We continue to be concerned about the behaviour of some patrons at McDoanld's and about some customers hanging around. Police returned to McDonald's later and all people were moved on by 3am. There was no trouble on Saturday night. 4 March 2009 – New since Submission Man abuses McDonald's staff A MISTAKE with his McDonalds order sent a man berserk on Monday night, with the 22-year-old assaulting a female staff member at the Stanthorpe restaurant. http://www.warwickdailyn 3/04/man-abusesmcdonalds-staff/ The Warwick Daily News Tori Mainey | 4th March 2009 8:37 AM The man entered the drive-through about 7pm and when he received the wrong order he threw his fries in the woman's face and proceeded to verbally abuse her. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 10 of 110 Stanthorpe Police Senior Sergeant Mark Ireland said the man was riding in the passenger side of the vehicle but got out to confront the staff member. “He came in through the doorway and started swearing in an unconscionable manner and grabbed her by the wrists,” Snr Sgt Ireland said. Snr Sgt Ireland said in the course of leaving the man attempted to urinate on the front window near the doorway he was exiting. “He also spat on the outside window prior to jumping in his car.” The driver of the car re-entered the restaurant to apologise before the pair left. “Police were called about a male person who was apparently acting in a very disorderly manner but by the time crews had arrived the vehicle had left.” Snr Sgt Ireland said after they made a number of inquiries police located the two men on High Street, the main route out of town. “The one man was charged with creating a public nuisance and one count of assault,” he said. He is due to appear in Stanthorpe Magistrates Court on April 21. 7 March 2009 New since submission Comets sacked and in court over assault THE Central Queensland Comets rugby league club has dumped two emerging players after police alleged they were involved in the assault of a Rockhampton man who was left with brain damage. http://www.gladstoneobs 03/07/comets-sackedand-in-court-overassault/ The Observer Former North Queensland Cowboys contracted five-eighth Nathan Barraclough Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 11 of 110 yesterday pleaded guilty in Rockhampton Magistrates Court to assault occasioning bodily harm. At the same time, the club announced Barraclough's contract had been torn up and it had also withdrawn intentions to sign trial winger Russell Webber, 19. Former Melbourne Storm contracted centre Webber, who is yet to appear in court, is charged with grievous bodily harm after an assault on February 7 that left an 18-year-old man in hospital. The revelations came as the Comets prepared to kick off 2009 at last night's official season launch at the Rockhampton Leagues Club. Before Barraclough appeared in court, Comets executive officer Scott Minto released this statement to local media: “Over the past two weeks the management of the CQ Comets RLFC have released player Nathan Barraclough from his contract effective immediately and withdrawn intentions to sign trial winger Russell Webber due to a major breach in the clubs Code of Conduct. “We want to make it clear that we will not tolerate players' behaviour that brings the integrity of our club in to question. “No further comment will be available at this time.” The Comets first grade squad is currently on a club-imposed total alcohol ban, believed to have stemmed from last month's assault. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 12 of 110 Police prosecutor Constable Darryl Cox yesterday told a court the victim was treated for six capillary bleeds on the brain, one large hematoma to the rear of the brain and 12 stitches to his cut lip. Barraclough had admitted he was in the south Rockhampton McDonald's drive thru at 2.30am the day of the assault. Constable Cox said Barraclough was in a black Mitsubishi Lancer with Webber and three other men when the 18-year-old was part of a group that walked to the front of the queue. Barraclough got out of the car and told the group to get to the back of the line. Minutes later Barraclough said he heard what sounded like rocks being thrown at the vehicle. He again got out of the car and ran to George Lane, behind McDonald's, but the group had disappeared. Barraclough and the others drove down the laneway searching for the group and found them near the corner of Fitzroy Street. Barraclough chased the teenager on foot and caught him about 100 metres from the corner of Archer and Murray streets. He grabbed the teen by the shoulder and swung him around. The complainant swung a punch at Barraclough, who returned with a right punch to the side of his face, knocking the victim to the ground. The teenager yelled for Barraclough to get off but the footballer punched him Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 13 of 110 again in the face. Barraclough was pushed away but another man, who was in the vehicle, ran up and assaulted the teenager further. Webber allegedly joined in and punched the 18-year-old in the face before Barraclough told them to stop and pushed his fellow Comets team-mate off. The teenager was rushed to Rockhampton Hospital but Barraclough and the others had already fled the scene. The assault was reported to police on February 20, the day before Barraclough was stood down from pulling on a Comets jersey for the trial match against the Gold Coast Titans. Police yesterday said the victim hadn't been able to return to work as an apprentice electrician since the assault and didn't know when he would be able to work again. Magistrate John McGrath fined Barraclough $500 and also ordered he pay $500 in compensation to the victim. Webber will appear in court at a later date. 16 March 2009 New since submission Police busy on the Fraser Coast AN assault took place in the carpark of Hervey Bay's McDonald's outlet about 12.45am yesterday, police say. http://www.frasercoastch 9/03/16/police-busy-onthe-Fraser-Coast/ Fraser Coast Chronicle A man was taken to Hervey Bay Hospital after the incident. The assault may have been captured on CCTV. Police are investigating. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 14 of 110 17 March 2009 – New since Submission According to facts tendered in another case, a well-intoxicated man was driving towards Tweed Heads in the early hours of February 2. http://www.mydailynews. /grass-eater-fined-1000/ Police stopped car salesman Scott Callaghan while exiting the Tweed Heads South McDonald's at 5am and he failed a breath test. Tweed Daily News James Perkins | 17th March 2009 9:24 AM The Kingscliff man blew .160 per cent blood alcohol concentration at the Tweed Heads Police Station. He was disqualified from driving for 18 months and fined $1500 with $73 in court costs. 17 March 2009 – New since submission Early on Sunday morning, a Ford Falcon sedan parked at McDonald's was hit with a blunt weapon on the front passenger side, breaking the left indicator and denting the side panel. http://www.themorningbu 03/17/break-ins-hityeppoon/ Rockhampton Morning Bulletin 3/24/jail-cbd-violenceheard/ News Mail Senior Sergeant Barclay said police were looking at closed circuit security footage to try to track down the offender. 24 March 2009 New since submission Jail for CBD violence heard ONE of the teens charged with the robbery of a dead man in the Bundaberg CBD was yesterday handed a prison sentence for another incident of violence in the CBD. Albert Ambertel pleaded guilty to public nuisance for his involvement in a latenight fracas outside the Targo Street McDonald's on the Australia Day weekend. He was on parole for the robbery of David Pacy, who lay dying on Maryborough Street in August 2007. Magistrate Jennifer Batts sentenced him to one month in jail, wholly Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 15 of 110 8 April 2009 suspended. Bikies 'selling cocaine at McDonalds' Two alleged Rebels bikies arrested at gunpoint in an undercover police operation at a McDonald's car park in Sydney were attempting to sell more than half a kilogram of cocaine, a court has been told. au/national/bikies-sellingcocaine-at-mcdonalds20090408a0h7.html#ixzz21yQTsk1 P Staff Writers From WA Today 9 April 2009 One of them was also trying to sell a similar quantity of the amphetamine drug known as speed, police allege. Three men with alleged links to the Rebels and Comancheros bikie gangs have been charged after police raided eight NSW properties and arrested six people on Tuesday following a covert four-month police operation. Jason Anevski, 23, appeared in Newtown Local Court on Wednesday charged with supplying a commercial amount of cocaine. Wearing a cream-hooded jacket, he nodded to supporters at the back of the court as he appeared in the dock and did not apply for bail, which was formally refused. Daniel James Isbester, 22, chose not to appear in the same court. Police allege Isbester attempted to sell 521 grams of methamphetamine and 478 grams of cocaine when he was arrested. The pair were arrested in the car park of a McDonald's restaurant at St Peters in Sydney's inner west about 3pm (AEST) on Tuesday. Isbester has been charged with two counts of supplying a commercial quantity of speed and cocaine, and knowingly dealing in the proceeds of crime, namely $4,919.65, and attempting to conceal them. Isbester did not apply for bail and it was formally refused by Magistrate Bernard Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 16 of 110 Kennedy. Both men were remanded in custody to appear at Sydney's Central Local Court on April 14. A third man, aged 37 and allegedly a Comanchero gang member, was arrested at Hurstville in Sydney's south and charged with supplying a commercial quantity of cocaine. 8 June 2009 He was due to appear in Sutherland Local Court on Wednesday. Photographer punched in Sydney media attack A MAN has been arrested after a TV cameraman was hospitalised and a photographer was allegedly punched in the face in an assault on Sydney media crews today. http://www.theaustralian. Representatives from The Daily Telegraph, Channel 9, 10 and 7 were allegedly set upon in an unprovoked attack in the car park separating KFC and McDonalds in Five Dock shortly before 2am. by: By Amy Dale From: The Australian June 08, 2009 8:10AM The Daily Telegraph reports the two men, believed to be aged in their twenties, allegedly walked into the car park through a driveway and shouted obscenities, including racial taunts, before being asked to stop. It was then they allegedly attacked, knocking Daily Telegraph photographer Bill Hearne to the ground with a punch to the mouth. 17 June 2009 A third man allegedly jumped out of a car stopped at the McDonalds drivethrough bay to join in the assault. A MAN is due to appear in court today charged over an eight-hour armed siege at a McDonald's restaurant on the NSW mid-north coast. More than 20 people were in the restaurant at a Port Macquarie service centre at about 8am (AEST) yesterday during the breakfast rush period when an Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma http://www.dailytelegraph The Daily Telegraph Page 17 of 110 armed man entered and began firing shots into the air. Diners and staff fled the service centre, on the corner of the Oxley and Pacific highways. Police later said about 50 people were evacuated. Negotiators persuaded the gunman to leave the restaurant shortly before 4.30pm (AEST). A 49-year-old Sydney man will appear in Port Macquarie Local Court on various charges including using a weapon to prevent lawful detention, firing a firearm in or near a public place, possessing a loaded firearm in a public place, two counts of not keeping a firearm safely, and larceny. 22 July 2009 - McPest Charged New Since A MAN who allegedly attempted to play footsies with unsuspecting McDonald's customers has been charged with public nuisance. Submission /article/2009/07/22/5332 1_local-news.html Wednesday, July 22, 2009 © The Cairns Post A 41-year-old Innisfail man will face two charges of public nuisance after police were twice called to McDonald’s at Innisfail this week. On Saturday, police received a complaint regarding a man’s behaviour. Police say the man appeared to be touching people from behind and placing his foot between their legs. However, the man had left prior to police arrival on Saturday. The man returned to the restaurant today. Police were again called and charged him with two offences of public nuisance. 24 July 2009 - The man gave police an unacceptable reason for his behaviour and his bail conditions were set to ensure he did not attend the restaurant. Man's ear bitten off outside McDonald's New since West Australian police are seeking witnesses to a fight outside a fast food Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma u/breaking-newsnational/mans-ear-bitten- The Age Page 18 of 110 submission outlet in which a man's ear was bitten off. off-outside-mcdonalds20090724-dvlj.html A 30-year-old man from Kalgoorlie was involved in an altercation with a 29year-old man outside a McDonald's restaurant in Mirrabooka, in Perth's east, about 4.20am (WST) last Saturday, police spokesman Graham Clifford said. "During the incident a 30-year-old man from Kalgoorlie had a large portion of his right ear bitten off," Sgt Clifford said. The 29-year-old man from Noranda, in Perth's eastern suburbs, has been charged with grievous bodily harm. Doctors operated on the victim to reattach his ear but the attempt was unsuccessful and he will undergo plastic surgery. Sgt Clifford said there may have been witnesses to the incident. "Police believe that an independent vehicle, and possibly a further vehicle which may have been a taxi, may have witnessed what happened on that morning," he said. "Further information is also required about a male on foot, who was not involved in the incident, but who may have witnessed something as he was present outside the McDonald's store at the time." The 29-year-old man will appear in the Perth Magistrates Court on August 4. © 2012 AAP 31 July 2009 Conduct Endangering Life - Millers Road - Altona North - 31 July 2009 Crime Stoppers are seeking public assistance in relation to a shooting that occurred in Altona North around 11.00pm on Friday 31 July, 2009. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma https://vic.crimestoppers. Crime Stoppers Page 19 of 110 Same as above 1 August 2009 New since submission Police believe a car driving near the corner of Millers and Blackshaws Roads fired multiple shots at a car parked in the carpark of McDonalds/KFC. The car was damaged, but the occupants escaped injury. Drive-by Shooting at McDonald’s restaurant A McDonald's restaurant in Melbourne's west had to be locked down last night after a car was hit by shots in a drive-by shooting. u/national/drivebyshooting-at-mcdonaldsrestaurant-20090801e4uu.html AAP and The Age 7 Aug 09 @ 09:46am by Multiple shots were fired from a car in Altona North as it drove past the fastfood chain's parking lot, where another car was parked. At least two people were in the parked car as the gunfire struck the vehicle near Millers and Blackshaws roads. No one was injured. Witnesses ran into the McDonald's and told staff about the shooting, said store manager Raphael Delacruz. "I didn't hear the shots but a few people came in here and told us what happened," he said. The store was busy with several customers and had to be locked down, Mr Delacruz said. "Police were here pretty quick." The pair targeted in the shooting drove the bullet-riddled car to Altona police station to report the shooting. Police are interviewing a number of witnesses and say they are working on several leads for possible suspects. 7 August 2009 AAP Mt Waverley family reunited with dog stolen in assault Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 20 of 110 21 September 2009 PETRIFIED pooch survived three days in the back of car after it was stolen in a violent attack in Glen Waverley. The dog’s owner was assaulted in High Street Rd after leaving Glen Waverley McDonald’s with his son about 11.45pm on July 31. The father was headbutted and punched to the ground by four men after he got out of his car when it was kicked. When his son got out of the car to come to his aid, one of the men got into the car and drove off, with Mooks sitting in the back seat. A violent disturbance between two groups outside McDonalds on William Street in Perth left a 21 year old male with serious injuries. 5 October 2009 The disturbance occurred around 1.00am on Monday the 21st of September 2009, when the young man observed his friend set upon by two males in an unprovoked attack. Coming to his aid the 21 year old ran from out of the convenience store he was working at and attempted to help when he was hit from behind causing him to fall to the ground where he was repeatedly kicked in the head until he lost consciousness. Man steals bike from girl at Prahran McDonalds POLICE are hunting a man who stole a bicycle from a teenage girl in an inner Melbourne suburb overnight. A 14-year-old girl has told police she was outside McDonalds in Malvern Rd, Prahran, about 11pm when a man parked his car nearby. /news/story/mt-waverleyfamily-reunited-with-dogstolen-in-assault/ Adrian Bernecich, From Waverly Leader https://wa.crimestoppers. e/unsolved_cases/assaul t/aobh-william-street-0 This link is no longer active as an unsolved crime. Crime Stoppers http://www.theaustralian. From: AAP October 05, 2009 6:31AM The man approached the victim and demanded her bicycle. The girl held onto her bike but the man pulled it from her and swore at her. He then took the bicycle back to his car, put it in the boot and drove off along Malvern Rd towards the city. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 21 of 110 20 October 2009 A customer at a fast food restaurant has been hit in the head with a baseball bat during an armed robbery in Sydney's southwest. Police say two men held up the Princes Highway McDonalds outlet at St Peters just before 9pm (AEDT) on Monday, one armed with a machete and the other with a baseball bat. Police believe the men left the restaurant with a sum of cash and drove off in a silver Subaru. au/breaking-newsnational/customer-hitwith-baseball-bat-atmaccas-20091020h5ee.html#ixzz21yimc3a J By Staff Writer From WA Today 20 October 2009 A 61-year-old man was taken to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital for treatment of minor injuries after being hit in the head with a baseball bat. 24 October 2009 Attempted Armed Robbery Plenty Road - Kingsbury Just after midnight on Saturday 24 October 2009, the victim went to McDonalds, in Plenty Road, Kingsbury. https://vic.crimestoppers. Crime Stoppers http://www.sunshinecoas 11/09/hungry-customercharged-for-burger/ Anne-Louise A man approached the victim from behind and had a short conversation with him. A second man also came up and stood behind the victim. The victim walked outside and the men followed. 9 November 2009 – New since submission A third man joined the first two men, and it is alleged that the second man held a knife to the victim's back, grabbing him around the neck and made demands he hand over some cash. Hungry customer charged for burger WOULD you like a wilful damage charge with your burger? Such was the case for a 19-year-old man who allegedly smashed the front window of the Kuluin 24-hour McDonald’s restaurant about 4am yesterday. It was alleged the hungry man walked through the restaurant’s drive-through and demanded a burger. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Brown | 9th November 2009 12:00 AM Sunshine Coast Daily Page 22 of 110 However, McDonald’s has a policy of not serving pedestrians in the drivethrough and the man was denied service. Angry at the refusal the man allegedly smashed the window and decamped, at which time police were called. However, the man was apparently determined to get his meal, and allegedly arrived in his car about 15 minutes later at the drive-through and attempted to order. He was recognised by staff. Police who were on the scene arrested the man, who was later charged with wilful damage. He will appear in the Maroochydore Magistrates Court at a date to be fixed. 29 November 2009 – New since Submission Trio faces charges of assault THREE men charged with the assault of a man outside the Warwick McDonald’s outlet on June 3 have been committed to stand trial in the District Court. James Thomas Bygroves, 18, Matthew Wayne Cole, 19, and Kenneth Gordon http://www.warwickdailyn 1/21/trio-faces-chargesof-assault/ Jeremy Sollars | 21st November 2009 2:00 AM The Warwick Daily News Leggatt, 23, are facing one charge each of assault occasioning bodily harm. A fourth co-accused, Shaun Robert Sergent, 19, was sentenced to eight months jail but was given immediate parole on September 29 after being convicted of assault. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 23 of 110 Bygroves, Cole and Leggatt stood side by side in the dock of the Warwick courthouse yesterday when Magistrate Anne Thacker ordered them to stand trial on a future date in the District Court in Warwick. The court is due to visit town again in February next year. The victim of their alleged assault was temporarily blinded after being kicked repeatedly in the head. Yesterday’s committal hearing heard evidence from two witnesses who were briefly cross-examined by defence lawyers for the three accused. 10 December 2009 Criminal Damage - McDonalds - Elizabeth Street - Melbourne - 10 December 2009 https://vic.crimestoppers. Crime Stoppers ational/fouryearold-boykissed-on-lips-atmcdonalds-police20091214kqon.html?autostart=1 By Georgina Robinson From The Sydney Morning Herald 14 December 2009 On Thursday 10 December, 2009, at about 11.50pm, a man walked into the McDonalds store in Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. 14 December 2009 Whilst there he caused $1,000 worth of damage to a cash register then left the store. Four-year-old boy kissed on lips at McDonald's A four-year-old boy and his sister were having dinner with their mother on Saturday night in Drummoyne when the mother noticed a ‘‘dodgy’’ looking man lingering outside the toilets. The man approached her children while she stepped away from the table to order dessert. She saw him chatting to the children and described what happened next. ‘‘Then he turned around and took his cheeks and then kissed him passionately and then put a lollipop next to the table ... and he left,’’ the mother, who cannot be named, told reporters in Sydney today. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 24 of 110 15 December 2009 A man who targets restaurants and kisses young children on the lips struck again today, the mother of one his victims says her son hasn't been the same since he was attacked. A nine-year-old girl was kissed on the lips by a stranger at a McDonald's restaurant on the Olympic Highway in Cowra about 8.30am today. au/national/police-alertas-maccas-lip-kisserstrikes-again-20091215ktur.html#ixzz21ygdzxE9 By Glenda Kwek From WA Today 15 December 2009 http://www.starnewsgroup.c /story/83986.html News Pakenham The incident comes after two boys were similarly assaulted in separate attacks at Sydney McDonald's restaurants at the weekend. 24 December 2009 – new since submission and new since hearing POLICE are preparing to saturate Pakenham roads over Christmas holidays as residents become increasingly worried about local hoons. One resident, who preferred not to be named, said Ahern Road was frequented by drivers “squealing their tires” and “doing burnouts.” Princess Highway is also a hoon hot spot, and last week, one unsafe driver was nabbed doing a ‘fish tail’ out of the McDonalds car park. His vehicle was seized for 48 hours and he was charged with careless driving. Pakenham Senior Sergeant Alan McCarthy said regardless of the time of year, police have a no-tolerance stance for unsafe drivers, but they will be targeting hoons during the holidays. “At Christmas time, there are more people out on the road and more people that can witness poor behaviour, but from time to time, bad driving occurs in various locations around Cardinia Shire. It can be any time of the day and in any location,” he said. “We have zero tolerance for people committing offences and they will be dealt with immediately. The purpose is to reduce the road toll of death and injuries.” Sen Sgt McCarthy said he encouraged anyone who witnessed bad driving to ring Triple-0 instantly. “If they ring Triple-0 with the registration number and description of the area, they will get a quick response,” he said. “People can call after the event occurs as well and can provide information anonymously.” Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 25 of 110 Police will be carrying out Operation Aegis over the holidays as part of a state wide initiative targeting poor drivers. “Uniformed police and Traffic Management Police will be out on all streets throughout Pakenham, and across the state discouraging speeding drink, drug and fatigue impaired driving,” Sen Sgt McCarthy said. “We will target people who put themselves and others at risk. We don’t want them to ruin other people’s Christmas.” 4 January 2010 Wee in park, not Macca's A TOURIST who urinated inside the front entrance of an Adelaide McDonald's should have relieved himself in nearby parklands, says a senior magistrate. http://www.theaustralian. "You know there is a really big parkland across the road," Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Cannon told Queensland holidaymaker John Hawkins in the Adelaide Magistrates Court today. by: By Ken McGregor From: The Advertiser January 04, 2010 3:31PM "It might be (illegal) but at least you would have probably gotten away with it." Hawkins today pleaded guilty to one count of urinating in a public place after a dispute with staff at the McDonald's West Terrace restaurant on December 11. 7 January 2010 – New since Submission The court heard that staff refused Hawkins' requests to use their toilet facilities because they were "out of order". Police seek witnesses to assault POLICE are appealing for witnesses following an assault on a 50-year-old Byron Bay man and a 43-year-old man from Alstonville at McDonald’s in Ballina. http://www.northernstar.c police-seek-witnessesto-maccas-assault/ Amanda Sproule | 7th January 2010 3:00 AM Limore Northern Star The incident happened at 4pm on Tuesday when a group of three males was asked to leave the restaurant, and then the grounds, after consuming alcohol Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 26 of 110 and abusing staff and customers. A staff member who asked the group to leave was punched in the face and knocked unconscious momentarily. Another male customer came to his aid and tried to stop the group from leaving the scene, but was punched repeatedly in the face. Both victims were taken to Ballina Hospital, where one of the men was admitted. He was later released. Ballina police station manager Mat Johnson said police in Ballina were investigating the incident. Already, police have found items that will allow DNA samples to be taken. Mr Johnson said a vehicle of interest was also seen leaving the McDonald’s. He said the assault was not linked to an earlier hit and run in the McDonald’s car park on New Year’s Day. “There haven’t been any other incidents over the New Yearperiod. These have just been two random incidents,” he said. “Having two in less than a week is very out of the ordinary.” Mr Johnson said although a number of witnesses had alre-ady helped them with their inquiries, police were requesting assistance from the public. 14 January 2010 – New since Submission City Police Hunt for Attacker POLICE have released images of a man they want to question over a Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma ry/2010/01/14/city-policehunt-for-mcdonaldsattacker/ The Queensland Times Page 27 of 110 “ridiculous act of violence” at the Yamanto McDonald’s. Ipswich police are seeking public assistance to identify a suspect for an assault in the McDonald’s car park. Senior Sergeant Julian Burke said the assault was between 11pm and midnight on December 15 last year. He said there was interaction between the victim and his friends as they walked on Warwick Road and the suspect’s passing vehicle. “The suspect was driving a silver Mitsubishi Magna sedan and was with two other Maori or Pacific Islander males,” Snr Sgt Burke said. “The victim and his friends were walking from the Glades Tavern when someone in a passing vehicle threw an egg at one of them. “After that, the suspect’s vehicle approached the group and the person who was egged flicked liquid from a bottle on to the car.” The victim ordered from the McDonald’s drive through and was waiting when the suspect approached him. He said the suspect punched the man, 35, in the face, causing him to fall. He hurt his hand as he fell and has a sore jaw. “It was a ridiculous act of violence,” Snr Sgt Burke said. He said the suspect is 175cm tall with dark hair, an overweight or obese build, Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 28 of 110 of Maori or Pacific Islander extraction, with a banded tattoo on his upper left arm. 19 January 2010 - New Since Submission McDonald’s manager assaulted A 23-YEAR-OLD McDonald’s restaurant manager suffered a fractured cheek bone and a bruised eye socket after what witnesses described as a savage, unprovoked attack on him in Midland last week. http://kalamunda.inmyco Kalamunda In My Community News https://wa.crimestoppers. e/unsolved_cases/assaul t/assault-mcdonaldsascot-wa Crime Stoppers Police believe the incident was sparked at 7.35pm after a female customer became abusive over her food order. She was then asked to leave the fast food outlet by the victim. The woman was eventually ushered from the restaurant after swearing at customers and staff. Police said a male entered the store a short time later and allegedly confronted the victim over the incident before punching him in the face with a clenched fist. The victim was temporarily stunned and later taken to RPH by ambulance where he received treatment for his injuries. Acting Senior Sergeant John Oag from Midland Police said the assault was sickening in nature. “The victim was just trying to do his job and was assaulted without any prior warning,” he said. “He didn’t even have a chance to defend himself,” he said. 2 February 2010 A manager at McDonalds in Ascot was left frightened after being victimised by two males in a foolish rampage. At around 1.30am on Tuesday the 2nd of February, 2010, the manager was operating the drive through area when he noticed two males kicking in a lower panel of a glass door to the restaurant, causing it to smash. The males then moved around to where the staff member was working and lent through the drive through window and pushed a trolley from inside the store into the Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma This lnk is no longer active as an unsolved Page 29 of 110 3 February 2010 – New since submission manager. Scared, the manager quickly closed the service window and locked it. The males ran off and were seen leaving in a white Toyota Camry sedan. Streaker's bet doesn't pay off A TEEN who ran naked through the McDonald's drive-through for a $50 bet ended up $350 out of pocket when he appeared in Gympie Magistrates Court this week. crime. http://www.gympietimes. /streakers-bet-pays-offin-laughs-only/ The Gympie Times Jack Moloney, 18, came to the conclusion it wasn't worth the effort when he was fined $400 for streaking during the early hours of December 5, and for more behavioural offences he committed in the McDonald's car park a week later. “There was nothing to be seen, Your Honour,” police prosecutor Sergeant Jason Todman told the Gympie Magistrate after he accused Moloney of exposing his genitals in the McDonald's car park as a dare and practical joke. He went on to say Moloney caught police attention again on December 12 when they heard a car horn being blown at least 10 times in the McDonald's car park. The court heard when Moloney was asked to get out of the offending vehicle he became belligerent towards police, swearing and carrying on in front of passers-by. Moloney was arrested for committing a public nuisance and was taken to the police station however, on the way, he swung his right elbow and struck a police officer who was sitting next to him in the back seat. The court's duty lawyer Chris Anderson said his instructions were that Moloney was bet $50 to run completely naked through the McDonald's drive-through Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 30 of 110 and had come to the conclusion the money wasn't worth it Mr Anderson said in both events, Moloney was intoxicated and couldn't remember swinging at the officer on December 12. Magistrate Maxine Baldwin appeared almost lost for words. “I hardly know what to say to you,” she said to Moloney. “It's probably enough punishment that everyone will be laughing at this report in the paper.” Moloney, of Pedersen Road, Southside, was fined $400 for the offences, and placed on probation for 12 months. Mrs Baldwin added that she was not sure if the public would have been impressed with Moloney's physique, or whether the incident was totally insignificant. 26 February 2010 A MAN has been stabbed in the back during a dispute at a fast food outlet in southeast Melbourne. The 18-year-old man was near the drive-through of the McDonald's restaurant on the Princes Highway, Pakenham, about 1.50am (AEDT) when he became involved in a dispute with another man. http://www.dailytelegraph an-stabbed-in-back-atmcdonalds/storye6freuzr-1225835003447 From: AAP February 27, 2010 10:03AM He was stabbed in the back and the attacker fled. 15 March 2010 – New since Submission The injured man was taken to The Alfred hospital for treatment. Man gets chippy over stale Maccas A MAN attacked a night manager at a McDonald’s restaurant in Ipswich Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma tory/2010/03/15/soggychips-protest-leads-to- Felicity Caldwell | 15th Page 31 of 110 because he claimed his chips were soggy and stale. The 17-year-old was at the McDonald’s in Ipswich with his friends and cousins at 2.30am on January 29 when he went to the counter to complain about his food. mac-attack/ March 2010 2:10 AM The Queensland Times Ipswich Magistrates’ Court heard Azeam Donald Cavanagh became aggressive, so the night manager asked him to leave. Cavanagh walked behind the counter and began punching the manager in the head, the court was told. The victim curled himself into a ball but still suffered bruises to the back of his head. Prosecutor Sergeant Mathew Donnolly said police found Cavanagh a short time later and he admitted the assault. Cavanagh pleaded guilty to assault occasioning bodily harm and was given 12 months probation with no conviction recorded and was ordered to pay $250 compensation to his victim. Defence lawyer Trevor Hoskin said the night manager had asked one of Cavanagh’s cousins to leave the store and “didn’t use very polite language”. Mr Hoskin said his client then went to complain about the chips and the night manager tipped the chips out and told Cavanagh, who was drunk, to leave “in no uncertain terms”. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 32 of 110 “It’s not provocation for law. It doesn’t give him any excuse,” Mr Hoskin said. “But he doesn’t go off for no reason.” Magistrate Virginia Sturgess told Cavanagh offences of violence were not tolerated in the community. “You cannot be going around assaulting people for no good reason,” Ms Sturgess said. “People who work in these shops at 2.30am, they’re often working alone or with limited staff and they’re very vulnerable.” 26 March 2010 A PEDOPHILE who was on a sexual offenders supervision order breached it by attending a support meeting at a McDonald's family restaurant, a court heard today. Last year Raymond Yeo, 63, was sent back to detention after a Supreme Court judge found he had breached his supervision order by attending a meeting at the family restaurant where children could have been. edophile-raymond-yeobreached-order-byattending-supportmeeting-atmcdonalds/storye6freoof-1225845927973 Mark Oberhardt From: The Courier-Mail March 26, 2010 10:37AM http://www.theaustralian. -charged-with-bizarremcdonaldsrobbery/story-e6frg6pf1225846397295 by: By Todd Cardy, Nicole Cox and Phil Hickey Yeo has been before the courts on a regular basis for many years with his most recent convictions in 2001 for sexual offences against boys and he served a full five-year sentence. 27 March 2010 In 2006, he was ordered to be detained indefinitely under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act but in 2007 the detention order was rescinded and a supervision order imposed. Man charged with bizarre McDonald's robbery A MAN allegedly robbed a McDonald's restaurant in just his pants. Police claim that Dalton Jeffrey Brittain, 20, walked into a McDonald's in the southern Perth suburb of Spearwood armed with a knife. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma From: Page 33 of 110 PerthNow He allegedly had tea towels were wrapped around his head and toilet paper around his body in an attempt to disguise himself, PerthNow reported. 28 March 2010 A court was told that he threatened at least two staff members, demanded cash and then fled. Bail for man accused of filming co-workers A man charged with secretly filming his female co-workers in a changing room at a Gold Coast fast food outlet has been granted bail. Leigh Shannon Dauncey, of Elanora, was charged with four counts of observations or recordings in breach of privacy when he appeared in Southport Magistrates Court today. 30 March 2010 3 April 2010 A video camera was allegedly discovered in the women's change rooms of the Elanora McDonalds store on March 6, 2010. Adelaide CUSTOMERS and staff at a Goodwood McDonald's were subjected to a terrifying few minutes as a man smashed up the restaurant following a dispute. Witnesses say the man, in his 40s, argued with counter staff and managers over an allegedly mistaken order before he grabbed the manager over the counter, physically assaulting him. Armed Robbery Bell Street - Preston At 11.20 pm on Saturday 3 April 2010, two men walked into McDonalds on Bell Street, Preston. March 27, 2010 10:52PM http://www.brisbanetimes aN 28 March 2012 From The Brisbane Times http://www.adelaidenow. Aaron McDonald From: The Advertiser March 30, 2010 8:51PM https://vic.crimestoppers. Crime Stoppers They allegedly threatened to shoot staff members before removing cash from the tills. They left the store and got into a red vehicle in Bell Street. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 34 of 110 29 April 2010 New since submission 22yo a public nuisance at Maccas ASHLEY James Briscoe intimidated bystanders when he took his shirt off in the McDonald’s carpark, waved it around his head and began yelling that he http://www.frasercoastch 0/04/29/pull-your-headin-magistrate-warns/ News Mail wanted to fight. This is what the Hervey Bay Magistrates Court was told when Briscoe appeared on a charge of public nuisance. Police saw the 22-year-old being aggressive in the carpark of the Hervey Bay restaurant in the early hours of March 27. The officers had already spoken to him a short time earlier when they witnessed him trying to start a fight. On the second occasion, they clearly heard him calling out swear words in the carpark in front of a group of about 10 people, who began to move away because of his actions, the court was told. Briscoe walked across Boat Harbour Drive, continuing his tirade as he went. Magistrate Graeme Tatnell was not surprised to hear that Briscoe had been drinking that night. “If someone treated you like that you’d be making all sorts of complaints,” Mr Tatnell said. “You need to pull your head in and behave yourself.” Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 35 of 110 8 May 2010 9 May 2010 11 May 2010 – New since submission A WOMAN was more than four times the legal alcohol limit when she crashed into the side of a McDonald's outlet while trying to order some drive-thru tucker, according to police. Police said the 49-year-old Wonthaggi woman wedged her Toyota station wagon into a garden bed at the take-away restaurant, on the corner of Bilson and Graham streets, at 2.25pm yesterday. Police said a breath test was conducted, with a reading of 0.207. A STUDENT was beaten unconscious in a McDonald's restaurant over some spilt water. Rafael Daza, 34, said he was attacked after he was accused of spilling a woman's drink by an irate man, believed to be her boyfriend. Even as the man repeatedly punched Mr Daza, the woman was trying to tell him that he had had nothing to do with it. Mr Daza suffered a possible fractured eye socket and displaced nose in the brutal attack at a McDonald's restaurant in Sydney's Kings Cross on Sunday, May 9 at about 3.25am. Alleged attacker faces court A MAN accused of sexually assaulting a woman sleeping in a car in the car park of McDonald’s south side has fronted court. Mark Daniel Bottomley, 17, appeared in Rockhampton Magistrates Court charged with possession of drug utensils, entering a premises, assault occasioning bodily harm and sexual assault. Mary Papadakis From: Herald Sun May 08, 2010 11:24AM ent-rafael-daza-bashedto-a-pulp-in-mcdonaldsover-spilt-water/storye6frf7l6-1225889572820 By Edith Bevin From: The Daily Telegraph July 09, 2010 12:00AM http://www.themorningbu 05/11/man-fronts-courtover-alleged-attack-inmcdonalds-/ Liam Butterworth | 11th May 2010 2:15 AM Rockhampton Morning Bulletin It was his second appearance in front of the magistrate after making a brief appearance on Saturday morning. His matter was adjourned until today and he was remanded in custody. His charges stem from an alleged assault on a 24-year old woman at 5.15am on Friday morning. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 36 of 110 Bottomley’s defence counsel is expected to apply for bail when he faces court again today. 31 May 2010 – New since Submission Self-serve drink costs patron $750 A MAN got so sick of waiting in line at an Ipswich McDonald's that he walked behind the counter and helped himself to a drink. Roy Henry Vines was waiting in line at 9.30pm on Anzac Day when he slapped $5 on the counter and started filling a cup of soft drink from the drink dispenser. ry/2010/05/31/self-servedrink-costs-patron-750/ Felicity Caldwell | 31st May 2010 2:05 AM The Queensland Times Ipswich Magistrates Court heard a 20-year-old female employee approached Vines and told him to leave the store and stop using the drink machine. But instead of complying, Vines used his forearm and shoulder to push the victim out of the way. Vines, 28, told the terrified young woman: “Let me get my (expletive) drink. If you don't get out of my way I'll make you get away.” He then pinned her against another drink machine while he continued to fill up his cup. Prosecutor Senior Constable Adam McDonald said the woman was terrified during the incident and thought Vines would assault her. “She was upset and not capable of being able to continue her shift – the manager sent her home,” Snr Const McDonald said. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 37 of 110 Police found Vines a short time later and he admitted going behind the counter to get his partner a drink. “He didn't like the amount of time he was being made to wait so he helped himself,” Snr Const McDonald said. Vines pleaded guilty to common assault, public nuisance and trespassing. He was fined $750 with no conviction recorded. Defence lawyer Matthew Fairclough said his client had too much to drink that night and was embarrassed about his conduct. “It was a bit of stupidity and tomfoolery,” Mr Fairclough said. “Obviously he needs to grow up and drink more responsibly.” Magistrate Virginia Sturgess told Vines young shop assistants were vulnerable and she would have been very scared. “She doesn't turn up at her shift at McDonald's expecting people to treat her like this,” Ms Sturgess said. “To think that you have some right over and above everybody else in the shop is just the height of arrogance.” Vines told the court he knew his behaviour was unacceptable and he wanted to apologise to the employee but had been advised to avoid the restaurant. 1 June 2010 A SPANISH national who admitted molesting four young children at McDonald's restaurants has escaped a jail term and will instead be deported. Jorge Manuel Alberich Lombarte, 48, pleaded guilty yesterday in Central Local Court to seven charges relating to inappropriately kissing and touching the children, aged between four and 11, during a four-day visit to Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma http://www.dailytelegraph By Larissa Cummings From: The Daily Telegraph Page 38 of 110 2 June 2010 – New since Submission Sydney last year. He said he suffered a mental illness, but Magistrate Allan Moore rejected the claim and sentenced him to an 18-month good behaviour bond before handing him to immigration officials for deportation to Spain. The assaults took place in McDonald's restaurants at Drummoyne, Sylvania, Goulburn and Cowra from December 12 to 15. Dispute ends in McKnuckle sandwich A DISPUTE between neighbours over broken glass in a driveway and a flat June 01, 2010 12:00AM http://www.dailymercury. /mcknuckle-sandwich/ Mackay Daily Mercury ry/2010/06/04/mcdonalds -increases-security-atoutlet/ The Queensland Times tyre led to one man being punched by another in a McDonald's Restaurant car park. It was 8.15pm on April 2 when Trent Saunders, 20, an apprentice plumber, saw his neighbour sitting in a car in the restaurant carpark and punched him in the face. The victim suffered a cut nose. A police investigation revealed that Saunders believed his neighbour was responsible for broken glass being in Saunder's driveway, which led to a flat tyre. Saunders pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm. Paul Smith, of Kelly Legal, said an on-going dispute escalated but Saunders was now doing a five-week anger management course. Magistrate Ross Risson told Saunders he could not take the law into his own hands. He was fined $750 and was ordered to pay $1200 compensation to his neighbour. 4 June 2010 – New since Submission McDonald's increases security MCDONALD’S says it has had to beef up security for its Top of Town outlet Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 39 of 110 since it opened this year. “In Ipswich we have progressively introduced a suite of proactive customermanagement initiatives such as maximising crew numbers during pub closing times to ensure customers are served quickly, introduced security lighting and CCTV, and we have employed the services of a security guard on Friday and Saturday evenings,” a McDonald’s spokesman said. Inner-city councillor Andrew Antoniolli said he was aware of problems and planned to raise them with new Ipswich Police Station officer in charge Senior Sergeant Laurie Shevlin. “That’s one of the issues I need to discuss with him, including lappers,” Cr Antoniolli said. “I’m hearing some things including some matters at the new McDonald’s. I’ve also heard about young people walking the street late at night. “This highlights the need for some sort of intervention centre like Goori House at Cleveland.” Sergeant Greg Smith, who is a co-ordinator in the police communications room, said there had been “incidences of groups of young people hanging around causing trouble”. 9 June 2010 New since submission Man fined for putting boot A DRUNKEN Coffs Harbour man who put the boot into a local McDonalds restaurant has come off second best. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma http://www.coffscoastadv 06/09/fined-for-puttingboot-in-court-coffs-crimehorne/ The Advocate Coffs Harbour Page 40 of 110 In a fast food frenzy, Thomas John Horne attacked the drive through speaker box of the Coffs Harbour McDonalds. Issued with a verbal warning from store managers, he continued to kick the metal box, threatening staff. The whole episode in the early hours of December 13 last year was captured on closed circuit camera footage. As restaurant managers waited for police to arrive, they confronted Horne and another man, who was with him at the time. The tirade of abuse continued before Horne took out his anger on a customer’s vehicle. As the Falcon Ford exited the drive through, Horne kicked the passenger’s side door panel of the car, leaving a 15cm dent. As officers arrived, Horne fled on foot but was detained after a short foot pursuit at about 2.30am. Described by officers as unsteady on his feet, well affected by substances and smelling of alcohol, he was arrested and charged with destroy or damage property and common assault. The assault charge was dropped in the Coffs Harbour Local Court, but Horne was found guilty of damaging the vehicle. 30 June 2010 LABOR MP was king-hit, thrown against a car and bashed in the carpark of a suburban McDonald's. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma national/would-you-likebruises-with-that-mp- By Andrew Clennell Page 41 of 110 The New South Wales MP claimed his American assailant repeatedly told him "this is how we do it in America" during Sunday's attack outside the fast-food restaurant in Thornleigh, in Sydney's north. paul-gibson-bashed-inmcdonaldscarpark/story-e6frfkvr1225885901903#ixzz1X WpBH7vS From: The Daily Telegraph June 30, 2010 9:45AM 13 July 2010 – new since submission and new since hearing POLICE have released pictures of a man they believe committed robberies in Taylors Lakes and Ardeer, while armed with a hand gun. Armed Crime Taskforce detectives have been investigating an armed robbery which occurred at the National Australia Bank at Watergardens Shopping Centre, Taylors Lakes on 18 June. http://www.starnewsgroup.c By Alesha Capone Star News Group – Sunshine, Ardeer, Albion About 9.45am, a man armed with a hand gun entered the bank and threatened staff and customers, before demanding tellers place cash inside a blue shopping bag. Afterwards, the offender fled the bank in a white Hyundai Excel that was missing its hub caps. Police also believe the man committed an armed robbery at a McDonalds restaurant on the Western Ring Rd in Ardeer around 8.45pm on the same day. The male was carrying what appeared to be a semi-automatic hand gun as he approached staff at the drive-through window. He told two employees to hand over cash and then escaped. The male suspect was described as being in his late twenties, between 177cm and 185cm tall, of a slim build and with a pointed nose. He wore a dark-coloured scarf that covered his face, sunglasses with a metal frame, jeans and dark gloves. 18 July 2010 Assault - Melbourne - 18 July 2010 At about 6.10am on Sunday 18 July, 2010 a man was allegedly assaulted by two men at McDonald’s, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, resulting in his nose being broken. http://vic.crimestoppers.c Crime Stoppers Police have released images of two men whom they believe may be able to Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 42 of 110 23 July 2010 assist them in their enquiries. Girl, 6, jabbed by needle in McDonald's restaurant in Wollongong A GIRL aged six has been pricked by a needle in a play area of a McDonald's restaurant in Wollongong, south of Sydney. The youngster was playing on equipment at the restaurant on Corrimal St when a discarded needle became lodged in her left thumb just after 10am yesterday. 26 July 2010 The needle was pulled from her thumb before her family left the restaurant and rushed her to a doctor. Woman and son carjacked at Adelaide's Smithfield McDonald's AN armed man threatened to stab a woman and her young son before stealing their car at knife-point at a McDonalds store in Adelaide's northern suburbs last night. She was in the waiting lane of the fast food outlet on Main North Rd, Smithfield, about 5.50pm when a man of Aboriginal appearance threatened her with the knife. The terrified woman put the keys to the car on the roof and grabbed her young son out of the car as the carjacker got into the driver's seat. http://www.theaustralian. From: AAP http://www.theaustralian. by: By Michael Milnes July 23, 2010 9:02AM From: AdelaideNow July 26, 2010 12:34AM The woman was too distraught to talk to AdelaideNow, but witness Danny and his wife Hayley with their two children were behind the victim's car and saw the robbery take place. "I looked up and saw the man get into the woman's car. Then she came to my car door saying: 'He's stolen my car', so I got out and approached the car," Danny said. "He locked the door on the car and drove off. "She was distraught - he had a knife and threatened to stab her." Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 43 of 110 5 August 2010 New since submission Motel bills dodged A MAN who failed to pay for accommodation at two Bundaberg hotels before causing a scene in McDonald's faced court yesterday. 8/05/motel-bills-dodged/ News Mail Paul Connelly, 30, of North Bundaberg, pleaded guilty in Bundaberg Magistrates Court to fraud and public nuisance offences. Police Prosecutor Sergeant Robyn Shapcott told the court Connelly checked into the Kalua Motel for six nights on January 19 and only paid in full for one night and part of another. He left the motel early on the morning of January 24 and checked into the Bourbong Street Motel a few hours later where he stayed for three nights, giving the reception his bank card and PIN. Sergeant Shapcott said the defendant told them he was waiting for a Centrelink payment to come in and then they could take the money from the card. He left the motel the following day and cancelled the card, meaning the bill was not paid. Police located and arrested Connelly on March 26 and he admitted to leaving the motels without paying. He then failed to appear for a court hearing on June 4. On May 15 at 9.50pm, police were called to McDonald's on Takalvan Street where an intoxicated Connelly had been causing a scene after losing his Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 44 of 110 wallet. Sgt Shapcott said Connelly swore at staff in front of families with young children and searched both the male and female bathrooms, causing distress to a number of women using the facilities. Defence Lawyer Thomas Bray said his client went to the hotels shortly after splitting with his partner, leaving him itinerant for a time. “He regrets having a go at the McDonald's staff,” he said. “He acknowledges his actions were inappropriate.” Magistrate Jennifer Batts fined Connelly $240 for the fail to appear charge, $300 for the public nuisance and $660 for the fraud offences. 10 September 2010 ATTEMPTED DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY - MCDONALDS - JULL STREET ARMADALE WA A young female staff attendant at Mc Donald’s in Armadale was left shaken after a car load of young males attempted to pull her into their car in a foolish prank. At around 5.15pm on Friday the 10th September, 2010, a car load of about 5 males attended the McDonalds drive thru on Jull Street, Armadale. After placing their order, one of the males grabbed the cashiers hand when she went to return their change. They continued their obnoxious behaviour of singing, shouting and gestures until they were told to park in a waiting area until their order was ready. Soon after a female staff attendant took out their order and handed it over to the male driver. As she did the driver grabbed her wrist and wouldn’t let go. As she struggled the driver grabbed her other wrist. She eventually managed to escape and ran back into the store. The incident left the female staff member quite scared and unsure of what the driver’s intentions were. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma https://wa.crimestoppers. e/unsolved_cases/assaul t/attempted-deprivationliberty-mcdonalds-jullstreet-armadale Crime Stoppers This link is no longer active as an unsolved crime. Page 45 of 110 10 September 2010 11 September 2010 Two more arrested over theft of Boris the python POLICE have made two more arrests over the theft of a python and a lizard from a Melbourne pet store. Two men are being interviewed at the Heidelberg police station in connection with the theft on Wednesday where two other men were arrested in a McDonald's carpark wrestling with the 1.5 metre long python called Boris. Armed Robbery - Melton Highway - Sydenham - 11 September 2010 About 2.30am on Saturday 11 September, 2010, a man entered McDonalds on Melton Highway, Sydenham. http://www.theaustralian. From: AAP September 10, 2010 5:48PM https://vic.crimestoppers. He allegedly produced a carving knife and threatened a female staff member before stealing the contents of the register. 24 October 2010 – new since submission Man 'stole charity boxes' from McDonald's CANBERRA police have charged a man for allegedly stealing two Ronald McDonald charity donation boxes from the counter of a McDonald's restaurant. Police said the 34-year-old male from the southern Canberra suburb of Gowrie was charged with theft following a search at his home on Friday. From: AAP October 24, 2010 10:15AM It's alleged he went to the McDonald's restaurant in Dickson on Canberra's northside on Wednesday and stole the two Ronald McDonald donation boxes from the front counter. Closed circuit television imagery led police to the man and a subsequent search warrant being executed on his home. ACT police said the man was stopped by police as he was leaving his home and consented to his vehicle being searched. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 46 of 110 A number of items were seized from the vehicle and home, police said. The man was summonsed to appear in the ACT Magistrates Court at a later date. Police did not know how much cash was in the donation boxes. 25 October 2010 A small home-made device has exploded in a toilet in the rest room of a fast-food outlet in western Sydney, police say. The device was detonated in the men's toilet cubicle at a McDonald's restaurant on High Street in Penrith about 9.10pm yesterday. sw/toilet-explodes-insydney-fastfood-restroom-20101025170d8.html Staff Writer From The Sydney Morning Herald 25 October 2010 https://wa.crimestoppers. e/unsolved_cases/assaul t/grevious-bodily-harmscarborough-beachroad-north-perth-wa-3 This link is no longer active as an unsolved crime. Crime Stoppers "The explosion damaged the toilet cistern and an air vent," NSW Police said in a statement today. "There was nobody in the rest room at the time. The remnants of a crudely made explosive device was found and taken for forensic examination." 31 October 2010 GREVIOUS BODILY HARM - SCARBOROUGH BEACH ROAD NORTH PERTH WA Police need assistance to help identify a man sporting crutches that was in company with six other males who savagely attacked a young man outside McDonalds in North Perth. Around 3.55am on Sunday the 31st of October, 2011, the 19 year old victim and his two friends were dressed in Halloween costumes when they went to McDonalds on Scarborough Beach Road for a late night feed. A group of seven males and two females were camped on the bonnets of two vehicles when an exchange of words led to an argument which quickly escalated out of control with the victim being repeatedly punched about the head and body when the male bearing crutches cowardly ran at the victim and smashed him in the face. The victim was slumped over but remained on his feet when another male kicked him to the face causing him to stagger around in a semi-conscious state. A member of the group alerted the males that police were on their way causing them to leave the scene immediately in an older model medium sized blue sedan that was last seen driving in a northerly direction on Charles Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 47 of 110 Street. 10 November 2010 9 December 2010 The vicious attack left the 19 year old male with a badly fractured jaw, a collapsed eye socket and a broken nose. Police are appealing to witnesses after a young shop assistant at McDonalds Maddington was left terrified after being held up by a masked man armed with a kitchen knife. At around 11.40pm on Wednesday the 10th of November, 2010, the female staff member was serving a customer at the drive through section of the McDonalds store on Albany Highway, Maddington. As she was processing the order through the till, a masked man appeared between the customer’s vehicle and the window. He grabbed her arm and threatened her with a knife whilst demanding money. Seeing that the man was armed with a 20cm long black handled knife gave the girl enough strength to escape his grasp. The robber attempted to grab money from the till but not before the quick thinking young lady slammed the till shut and ran to her manager for help. Detectives remain on the hunt for the male involved in an argument that began in the drive thru line of McDonalds in Forrestfield and rapidly escalated out of control with the 34 year old victim breaking his arm while protecting himself from a golf club being swung at him. Around 8.30pm on Thursday the 9th of December 2011, the victim had just approached the drive thru line when the driver of another vehicle accused him of pushing in front. The victim denied the accusation, before both men exited their vehicles and engaged in a hostile confrontation. 14 December 2010 To avoid further hostility the victim returned to his vehicle and in a surprise attack the driver swung a golf club at the front windscreen and driver’s side window. The victim raised his arm to protect himself from the barrage of hits which followed, with driver repeatedly striking the victim on his right arm before driving off in a White Nissan 180SX. Man left with broken jaw after brawl erupts at McDonald's A man was left with a broken jaw and severe bruising after he and a group of Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma https://wa.crimestoppers. e/unsolved_cases/robber y/attempted-robberymcdonalds-albanyhighway-maddington-wa10- Crime Stoppers https://wa.crimestoppers. e/unsolved_cases/assaul t/assault-mcdonaldshale-road-forrestfield-wa09-dec-2010 Crime Stoppers au/wa-news/man-leftwith-broken-jaw-after- By Lee-Maree Gallo From WA Page 48 of 110 friends were assaulted inside a fast-food restaurant on the weekend, according to police. brawl-erupts-atmcdonalds-2010121418wmh.html#ixzz21yd2A 6ii Today December 14, 2010 /news/story/thievestarget-blackburnmcdonalds/ by Bridie Byrne From Whitehorse Leader 17 Dec 10 @ 12:00pm http://www.themorningbu 12/24/burnout-bunglemaccas-drive-through/ Rockhamption Morning Bulletin The 19-year-old man and his friends were at McDonald's on Kalamunda Road in High Wycombe on Saturday night when another group entered the restaurant. 17 December 2010 24 December 2010 – New since Submission Police claim a fight broke out between the two groups, who were unknown to each other, which resulted in the man's jaw being broken. Thieves target Blackburn McDonalds – A MAN brandishing a knife and a female with a screwdriver have robbed a McDonalds in Blackburn. Box Hill Embona Sen-Constable Peter Dallan-Jones said the thugs arrived at the Canterbury Rd outlet just after midnight on December 13. He said the staff were threatened and then forced to open the cash register. The thieves stole just over $100 before fleeing north down the rear car park. Burnout bungle at Maccas drive through 2.09pm A 23-year-old Mackay resident has been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle after colliding with a fence at a McDonald's restaurant. The man had just collected his fast food from the drive through window at the McDonald's on Yaamba Road shortly before 11am when he exited the lane and attempted a burn-out in his 1998 Nissan. However the burn-out flopped when he accelerated and crashed into a fence bordering the drive-through lane. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 49 of 110 Sergeant Allan Fleming said the driver then fled the scene but was located this afternoon after police received information from witnesses as to his identity. He will appear in the Rockhampton Magistrates Court in due course. 3 January 2011 Axe-wielding bandits rob Keysborough McDonald's. Police are hunting the pair, who entered the McDonald's store in Cheltenham Rd, Keysborough, about 3.20am. 4 January 2011 Bandits brandish axes in Lynbrook McDonald's robbery. 5 January 2011 McDonald's staff alert after robberies. FAST food giant McDonald's has put its restaurants in Victoria on alert following armed robberies at two of its Melbourne outlets in less than 24 hours. Police believe the brazen robberies were carried out by the same two bandits who threaten staff by waving an axe and a machete and wearing bandannas to cover their faces. The first hold-up occurred early yesterday at Keysborough where five young McDonald's staff were threatened violently as the robbers demanded money from the cash registers. Then at 11.30pm they struck again at a McDonald's at Lynbrook, 15km away in Melbourne's south-east. Cranbourne McDonald's hit by axe-wielding bandits. THE tomahawk-wielding bandits who terrorised three McDonald's restaurants on three consecutive nights offered a reprieve to scared staff last night. But police are still hunting the masked men involved in the hold-ups as McDonald's consider a midnight shutdown of some of its 24-hour stores. http://www.theaustralian. onalds-staff-alert-afterrobberies/story-e6frg6nf1225981733896 Amelia Harris, AAP From: Herald Sun January 03, 2011 6:10AM d-maccas-flags-12amshutdown/story-e6frf7kx1225982655716 Amelia Harris From: Herald Sun January 06, 2011 12:00AM Staff writers From: AAP January 05, 2011 9:10AM Police have increased patrols near stores in the southeastern suburbs as they hunt bandits who struck at Cranbourne, Lynbrook and Keysborough. In the latest holdup on Tuesday, three masked robbers entered McDonald's on the South Gippsland Highway at Cranbourne about 11.15pm, and threatened the seven staff in front of customers. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 50 of 110 5 January 2011 Family has anxious wait after girl steps on syringe at Maccas in Blackburn South A WHITEHORSE family face an anxious wait to see if their six-year-old daughter was harmed by standing on a syringe while playing in the Blackburn South McDonald’s play area. The little girl and her father attended the Canterbury Rd restaurant, which is open 24 hours, on December 21 with a group of parents and children for an end-of-year celebration. /news/story/family-hasanxious-wait-after-girlsteps-on-syringe-atmaccas-in-blackburnsouth/ By Stacy Allen http://www.coffscoastadv 01/11/mcdonalds-coffsrobbery-crime/ The Advocate, Coffs Harbour 5 Jan 11 @ 08:00am From Whitehorse Leader Blackburn mother Sue, who did not want her last name published, attended the party with her seven-year-old son and said he came to her concerned about something in the playground. She said at first she thought he had said there was a “beetle in the playground”, not needle, and by the time she got to the playground the young girl had stood on it with her bare foot. 10 January 2011 – new since submission Sue said the syringe was inside the play equipment on the first level and she was disappointed with the reaction of staff who did not seem to understand the gravity of the situation. She said they did not search the rest of the playground and were slow to close it off. McDonald's heist 'well planned' FAST food chains are on high alert on the North Coast after masked robbers pulled off ‘a well planned and executed’ heist, robbing a security guard outside a Coffs Harbour McDonald’s. Eye witnesses said the bandits produced a small wooden bat during yesterday’s brazen robbery, in full view of diners at the Park Beach restaurant about 10am. The security guard escaped injury but appeared visibly shaken when interviewed by detectives. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 51 of 110 Police said the offenders made away with a bag containing weekend takings from the restaurant. Two men, wearing hoodies with their faces covered, were seen to confront the guard in the restaurant car park, as he approached his vehicle. “Someone yelled out ‘look there’s a robbery happening’,” said one witness. “I saw a man struggling with the security guard, trying to snatch the bag, then the other man approached with a small baseball bat.” Another diner told police he noticed the getaway car approached as the security guard exited the store. “They parked next to the security vehicle and it was over in about 10 seconds – it looked well planned and executed,” he said. “The two men jumped into a white Commodore and they were off. There may have been a driver, but I’m not sure, it happened so quickly.” Police arrived on the scene within minutes of the robbery. A crime scene was established and officers patrolled Park Beach and elsewhere in Coffs Harbour looking for the getaway car. Police in neighbouring centres were also alerted along with fast food chains, amid fears the bandits could strike again. Coffs Harbour Detective Inspector Chris Clarke said the offenders may have Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 52 of 110 staked out security pick-ups at the restaurant. “This appears to be a well-thought-out robbery,” Insp. Clarke said. “The offenders were seen leaving the scene in a white Holden Commodore station wagon “We are calling on anyone who has seen a vehicle matching that description near the restaurant or doing laps in the area to come forward and assist police with their investigation.” The robbery was captured on closed-circuit security footage and the offenders are thought to be aged in their 20s or 30s. 11 January 2011 Naked driver guilty of flashing teen A DRIVER who exposed himself to a young McDonald's drive-thru attendant, claimed he did not realise he was naked from the waist down, a court has heard. Jay Weston told police he had been to a nudist beach earlier and had simply forgotten to put his pants on, the Geelong Advertiser said. http://www.theaustralian. by: By Karen Matthews From: Geelong Advertiser January 11, 2011 7:30AM Weston, 29, of Epsom Rd, Pascoe Vale, pleaded guilty in Geelong Magistrates' Court in Victoria yesterday to a charge of wilful and obscene exposure. Police Prosecutor, Leading Senior Constable David Vanderpol said that, about 8pm on December 1, 2008, the victim, then aged 15, was at work at McDonald's, Torquay. "She was taking orders at the drive-thru when Weston drove through in a green Mazda," he said. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 53 of 110 "He placed an order and drove forward to the victim's window to pay. 19 January 2011 26 January 2011 "She saw that Weston had no clothing from the waist down and his genitals were clearly visible." A MAN has robbed a McDonald's fast food outlet in Perth at gunpoint. Police said the robber entered the outlet at Warwick, in the city's north, around 3.30am (WST) today, pointed a handgun at an employee and demanded cash Cowards attack disabled lung transplant teenager Lindon Crellin Lindon Crellin is still recovering from his operation and horror ordeal at the hands of thugs. Transplant teen attacked in McDonald's restaurant Attackers knew he was recovering from operation Outraged father accuses thugs of attempted murder http://www.theaustralian. From AAP January 19, 2011 1:02PM by: By Shannon Deery From: Herald Sun January 26, 2011 12:00AM A DISABLED teen recovering from a double lung transplant was kicked in the chest and bashed in a cowardly attack. Lindon Crellin, 19, was at McDonald's in the Melbourne suburb of Pakenham with friends when he was attacked. Lindon, who has cystic fibrosis, said his attacker knew him and his medical condition. He said the assault happened after he started talking to the thug's former girlfriend. He was forced to the ground, beaten and kicked in the chest. "I was sitting down on a wooden bench with a mate when another male came over and kicked me off the bench, in the chest, and hit me when I was on the Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 54 of 110 ground," Lindon said. "I got back up and he pushed me back on the ground and continued to lay into me." 19 February 2011 – New since Submission He said the attacker was with a group of friends when the assault happened about 2am on Saturday. Because of his condition and the recent operation, he was not in a position to defend himself. Accused king-hitter given bail A MAN accused of king-hitting a woman outside the Margaret Street McDonald’s Restaurant last month finally appeared before the Toowoomba Magistrates Court yesterday. http://www.thechronicle.c man-accused-of-kinghitting-woman-margaretstreet/ Peter Hardwick | 19th February 2011 2:00 AM Toowoomba Chroncile Michael Warren Meanwell, 41, had not shown up to court for his first scheduled appearance on February 9, but was located by police on Thursday and appeared in court yesterday after spending the night in the watch-house. He was not required to enter pleas to charges of common assault, wilful damage and three counts of public nuisance all arising from the January 19 incident. Police claim Meanwell became enraged at the restaurant about 7.30am and king-hit a woman from behind and scratched a parked car. He was granted bail to appear back in the same court for mention on March 10. 22 February 2011 Teen's skull fractured in fight at McDonald's A man accused of punching a teenager at a McDonald's restaurant, fracturing his skull, may apply for bail today. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma http://www.brisbanetimes s-skull-fractured-in-fightat-mcdonalds-201102221b2xc.html#ixzz2201Rq Staff Writer From The Brisbane Times Page 55 of 110 Darryl Steven Dunbar, 31, is accused of assaulting a 19-year-old at the fast food restaurant on Limestone Street at Ipswich, about 1.30am on Sunday. 26 February 2011 – New since Submission The Riverview teenager was in a stable condition in Princess Alexandra Hospital yesterday. Mr Dunbar was not required to appear in Ipswich Magistrate's Court during the first mention of his case yesterday Drive-through reject on Maccas rampage WHEN Cyantha Mimosa Revell was refused service at a Rockhampton McDonald's outlet she sought revenge by assaulting two staff members and causing about $13,000 worth of damage to the store. The then 18-year-old woman entered the McDonald's drive-through on George Street at 12.05am on January 13 last year and was refused service for verbally abusing staff through the speaker system. YTI 22 February 2011 http://www.themorningbu 02/26/macca-attackergoes-on-13000-revengespree/ Kathryn Greensill | 26th February 2011 2:00 AM Rockhampton Morning Bulletin She then drove to the front window where she squirted moisturiser and spat on the glass. Not yet content with her revenge, Revell then parked her car and walked into the McDonald's store and began verbally abusing the manager and another worker. When one of them attempted to call police Revell tore the phone from their hands and ripped it from the wall. She then punched another worker before heading outside to the drive-through where she found a block of concrete and launched it at the restaurant, smashing a window and hitting the inside countertops. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 56 of 110 All of this was caught on the store's CCTV footage. Revell pleaded guilty to nine charges including two charges of assault occasioning bodily harm and two charges of wilful damage in Rockhampton Magistrate's Court yesterday. She was also charged with three counts of breaching bail and one count of refusing to comply with a noise eradication order and public nuisance from another incident when her iPod was confiscated at a party and she responded by abusing police. Defence solicitor Anthony DeFraine said Revell had been drinking quite a bit at the time and had since stopped drinking. He said she had a one-month-old baby that she was breastfeeding and was undertaking a course in IT. He asked that Magistrate Cameron Press consider a suspended sentence or immediate parole and sentence actual prison time as a last resort. Mr Press said that Revell's conduct was “simply unacceptable” and required a significant penalty. He sentenced her to a $1000 fine for the lesser five charges, a three-month suspended sentence for the assaults and 220 hours of community service for the wilful damage. She was also ordered to pay $13,295.12 restitution to McDonald's. 28 February 2011 AN overnight fire at a Rockhampton McDonald's is being treated as suspicious. Police said the blaze broke out at the back of the restaurant, on the corner of George and Fitzroy Streets, at around 1:20am this morning. A Department of Community Safety spokeswoman said the fire was confined to Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma olice-say-rockhamptonmcdonalds-bin-firesuspicious/story- Anthony Gough From: The CourierMail February 28, 2011 Page 57 of 110 8 March 2011 New since submission the bin area at the back of the restaurant and was brought under control just after 1:30am by two fire crews. POLICE are hunting a masked bandit who tried to rob a McDonald's restaurant in Launceston early this morning. e6freoof-1226013308499 http://www.themercury.c /212745_tasmaniaShortly after midnight a person went to McDonald's Kings Meadows armed with news.html a firearm. 8:43AM BLAIR RICHARDS | March 08, 2011 10.31am After attempting to enter the restaurant through the locked external doors the person tapped on the glass with the barrel of the gun and pointed at staff to open the door. Staff moved to a safe area at the rear of the kitchen and called police. The person left after the unsuccessful robbery attempt. The offender is described as being 155cm tall, of slim build, wearing baggy blue jeans, black skate shoes and a blue/grey long sleeve jumper. Police are not assuming at this stage that the offender was either a male or female. Launceston CIB detectives attended the scene soon after the attempted robbery was reported and are appealing for witnesses to help identify the offender. 29 March 2011 Tourists bashed at Tullamarine McDonald's TWO Irish tourists are recovering from a brutal attack by a large group at a Tullamarine McDonalds store earlier this month. The pair were standing at the counter of a McDonald’s store on Mickleham Rd, on Friday, March 4, at 3.30am, when they were approached by a group of up to 10 people aged from their late teens to their mid-30s. Police said a brawl started when a female teenager began yelling at the victims as the rest of the group closed in. The female struck one of the victims several times before the Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma /news/story/touristsbashed-at-tullamarinemcdonalds/ By Shannon Nagyivan 29 Mar 11 @ 10:28am From Brimbank Leader Page 58 of 110 1 April 2011 rest of the group joined in, hitting and kicking the tourists. Cutlery, plates and other restaurant items were also used in the attack. Man bashed unconscious at McDonald's in Thomastown. Vicious attack at a fast food restaurant that left a young man unconscious for 20 minutes. The 22-year-old man was with a group of friends at the McDonald's restaurant in Thomastown when a fight was started with another group of males about 3.30am. Shannon Deery, From: Herald Sun, April 01, 2011 7:43AM https://vic.crimestoppers. Crime Stoppers Jane Harper, From: Geelong Advertiser, April 04, 2011 9:51AM Amelia Harris, From: Herald Sun, April 08, 2011 7:58AM The victim was knocked unconscious his attackers fled the scene. An Ambulance Victoria spokesman said the man was unconscious for 20 minutes after the assault. 3 April 2011 Armed Robbery - McDonalds - Waverley Road - Malvern East - 3 April 2011 At about 10:10pm on 3 April 2011 a man entered McDonalds on Waverley Road, Malvern East and approached the service counter. The man allegedly produced a screwdriver, threatened a staff member and made demands for a burger and cash. before 4 April 2011 The man stole cash from one of the tills before exiting the store through the car park. Man stabbed five times on street in Geelong. 8 April 2011 A MAN was stabbed five times in a sickening knife attack in Geelong's CBD after a fight broke out in the early hours between strangers outside McDonald’s, Ryrie Street, Geelong. Teen bashed at McDonald's in Prahran A TEENAGER was assaulted during an early morning attack at a McDonald's. Emergency crews were called to the fast food outlet on the corner of Williams Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 59 of 110 17 April 2011 and Malvern roads, Prahran, to treat the 18-year-old about 4am. An Ambulance Victoria spokesman said the teen suffered bruising and swelling to the upper body. understands the boy suffered a bump to the back of his head and a minor cut to his lip. Bystanders said he was unconscious for about 40 seconds. Car thief threatens motorist with syringe A WOMAN has threatened a motorist with a syringe before stealing her car and crashing it in Melbourne's southeast. The 19-year-old entered a McDonald's store at Elsternwick at 12.40am (AEST) today and confronted a woman at the fast-food restaurant. 1226035772549 http://www.theaustralian. From: AAP http://www.dailymercur 20/stalled-driver-alertssuspicions/ Bruce Mckean | 20th April 2011 2:00 AM April 17, 2011 7:52AM She said she had a syringe and demanded the keys to the woman's Ford Falcon. She stole the car and crashed it five minutes later, hitting two parked cars at Acland and Irwell Streets in St Kilda. 20 April 2011 – New since submission The Prahran woman was arrested and charged with armed robbery and car theft. Stalled driver alerts suspicions WHEN a car stalled several times in the drive-through at McDonald’s police got a suspicious. They approached the driver to see if they could “assist” him and discovered he Mackay Daily Mercury was drunk. Lina Delos Santos, a 26-year-old welder, pleaded guilty in the Mackay Magistrate’s Court yesterday to drink-driving (0.157%) in the McDonald’s Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 60 of 110 Restaurant car park on April 1. Police were on patrol in Shakespeare St at 11.30 at night and saw a blue sedan drive into McDonald’s at the corner of Shakespeare and Sydney Sts, police prosecutor Bimal Raut said. Officers kept an eye on the vehicle and noticed that, after the driver was served, the car stalled several times as he was trying to drive away. Police approached the driver and knocked on the car window to see if they could assist him, Mr Raut said. Officers noticed a strong smell of liquor and Santos was rocking backwards and forwards in the driver’s seat. His eyes were red and his speech was slurred. Police told him to get out but instead he jumped over into the back seat. Police then opened the car doors and assisted him to get out. He was taken to the police station where his reading was three times the legal limit. Duty solicitor Stephen Hayles, of Macrossan & Amiet, said Santos was new to Mackay and had come here to work at Paget. Santos expressed his regret at the incident and the hurt it would have on his family, particularly because his wife could not drive, Mr Hayles said. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 61 of 110 Santos was fined $1200 and was disqualified from driving for 10 months. Officers noticed a strong smell of liquor and Santos was rocking backwards and forwards in the driver’s seat. 28 April 2011 Bandits pointing a shotgun at a young McDonalds worker. Two men in a stolen black car entered the drive-through of the hamburger chain's Pacific Pines restaurant about 3pm and pointed the gun at a teenage female employee. They demanded money before driving off with an undisclosed sum. 14 May 2011 – New since Submission Police said the young woman was terrorised. She was in tears as detectives interviewed her. Fast food walk-thru's dangerous DRUNKEN 2am munchies are leading McDonald’s patrons on a dangerous path, as they opt to walk through the drive-through facility to cure their latenight hunger pangs. rmed-robberies-on-goldcoast-in-a-month-aftermcdonalds-holdup/story-e6freoof1226046431311 by Greg Stolz From: The Courier-Mail April 28, 2011 5:18PM http://www.warwickdailyn 5/14/fast-food-walkthrough-dangerous/ Kerri BurnsTaylor | 14th May 2011 2:00 AM The Warwick Daily News An Edgeworth NSW man who travelled through Warwick for the first time earlier this month said he was shocked to enter McDonald’s drive-through to be confronted by what he describes as a “large group of hooligans”. Robert Gregg said his first impression of Warwick was tainted by the unruly group, which he said was comprised of “15-20 drunken young men and girls”. Mr Gregg said he and other patrons in cars were ignored while the staff catered to the ambling crowd. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 62 of 110 “When we finally got down to the window we were surrounded by the drunks – it was an absolute disgrace,” he said. “It was a scary situation – I was quite petrified,” he said Despite it taking 10 minutes for Mr Gregg to make it to the window behind the group, he said it took another 10 minutes for somebody to come to the window to serve him. Police arrived while Mr Gregg was there and said he heard one member of the group obscenely ask one of his cohorts what police were doing there. “We were quite relieved when the police arrived but the security guard told them to go away and they got back in their car and left,” Mr Gregg said. At that point he left and visited Hungry Jack’s instead. The following day Mr Gregg called the restaurant and said he was presented with a manager who appeared to be “quite arrogant” and “implied it was common practice” to serve walking customers at the drive-through. “The manager seemed to take the attitude they could serve whoever they wanted to, because they have a security guard there,” he said. “He just kept asking “what can I give you?” I wasn’t ringing for anything, I just thought it wasn’t good enough and there was a safety concern,” he said. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 63 of 110 Mr Gregg was contacted by the franchisee who Mr Gregg said seemed surprised the walking customers had been served. A McDonald’s spokeswoman this week confirmed it was against company policy to serve customers on foot at the drive-through window, as it was a health and safety concern. The spokeswoman said the company was aware of Mr Gregg’s complaint and said it had been settled between Mr Gregg and the franchisee. Mr Gregg said he was given the opportunity to meet with the franchisee upon his next visit to the Rose City but said he wasn’t too excited about that prospect as he was sure there were a lot nicer things to see in Warwick. Warwick Police Senior Constable Clayton Binney said the area was popular with pub patrons once the alcohol stopped flowing at the end of the night, but said problems were rare. “It’s generally the place people go after the pubs close,” Snr Con Binney said. “There haven’t been too many dramas because they have their own security.” 17 May 2011 Knives used in Warnbro restaurant robbery. TWO thugs used knives to threaten staff at a fast-food restaurant during a robbery this morning. The armed bandits walked into the McDonalds restaurant on Warnbro Sound Avenue in Warnbro just before 2.30am and demanded money. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Phil Hickey, From: PerthNow, May 17, 2011 5:51AM Page 64 of 110 1226125907268 26 May 2011 A MAN charged with a fatal shooting at a Gold Coast McDonald's restaurant has been refused bail. Samuel Mark Friedman, 26, of Surfers Paradise, was arrested in August 2009 and charged with murdering 34-year-old Richard Doherty and unlawfully wounding 26-year-old Ben Matthews at Burleigh Heads earlier that month. 29 May 2011 SICKENING, unprovoked attack on a man in a McDonald's Noble Park caught on CCTV shows customers walking over pools of his blood to order burgers. The footage shows a brief but savage attack on tradesman Peter - who does not want his surname used - at the counter. The assailant wielded a long, thick marble pole and hit the 44-year-old from behind. 1 June 2011 – New since submission Hungry teens take joyride to Maccas A group of teenage boys have been caught taking a joyride in a shopping buggy in search of a McDonald's, police say. Police said six boys, aged between 15 and 17, went to Tuggerah Westfield, on the NSW central coast, yesterday afternoon and took a shopping buggy for a ride. From AAP May 26, 2011 1:15PM nal/general/hungryteens-take-joyride-tomaccas/2182036.aspx STEPHANIE GARDINER 01 Jun, 2011 01:41 PM Sue Hewitt From: Sunday Herald Sun May 29, 2011 12:00AM Newcastle Herald They took turns at driving the motorised cart, normally used by the shopping centre's security and to ferry elderly people to and from their cars, before they were spotted at Tumbi Umbi, about 10 kilometres away, police said. Tuggerah police duty officer, acting Inspector Chevonne Greene, said the boys had driven the cart along a cycleway. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 65 of 110 "They went through McDonald's drive through," acting Inspector Greene said. Police said the boys ran away from officers, but were caught after a short chase. Three of the boys were dealt with under the Young Offenders Act, while a 16year-old was charged with shoplifting and "take and drive conveyance". He was given conditional bail and will appear at Wyong Children's Court on July 5. 8 June 2011 17 June 2011 A spokeswoman for Westfield said the cart, which is not designed to be driven outside, had been returned to the shopping centre. Man hurt in machete attack at Maccas. A MAN has been assaulted with a machete at McDonald's in Tuart Hill this afternoon, in an apparent argument over drugs. .au/news/westernaustralia/man-hurt-inmachete-attack-atmaccas/story-e6frg1431226071915243 Nicole Cox, police reporter From: PerthNow June 08, 2011 4:27PM Cabbie bashed at McDonald's drive-in over $11 fare A MAN is in custody after allegedly bashing a taxi driver in the drive-through of a McDonald's over an $11 fare. A police spokesman said the 53-year-old taxi driver was taking his 22-year-old passenger from, Mirani, near through the drive-through of a McDonald’s on Sydney Street in Mackay about 3.20am Friday when an argument broke out about the taxi fare. drive-in-over-11- By Jodie Munro O'Brien From: The Courier-Mail June 17, 2011 8:57AM ie-bashed-at-mcdonalds- fare/story-e6frf7l61226076873261 He said the younger man stated he did not have any money to pay the $11 fare and after a dispute broke out he started punching the cabbie in the head. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 66 of 110 McDonald’s employees called police who arrested a man. 4 July 2011 MCDONALD'S store manager was viciously bashed with a hammer and a young female worker terrorised with a machete during an overnight robbery in Melbourne. THREE teenagers from Melbourne's north have been charged over an armed robbery in which a McDonald's store manager was bashed with a hammer. Two 18-year-olds from Dallas, and a 15-year-old boy from Craigieburn were arrested by police yesterday over the incident at the Laverton North restaurant at 1.35am on Monday, July 4. Adrian Bernecich From: Sunday Herald Sun July 10, 2011 12:00AM 7 July 2011 – New since Submission Fur coat starts girl fight http://www.sunshinecoas 07/07/a-fur-coat-was-thecatalyst-for-two-17-yearold-gi/ Sunshine Coast Daily A FUR coat was the catalyst for two 17-year-old girls to launch a vicious attack on a 16-year-old girl at Mooloolaba McDonald's. Tricia Beverley Lopez claims she was so drunk that she barely remembers the night she ripped clumps of hair from the girl's head and punched her in the face. Ms Lopez told police she suffered from “explosions of rage” when affected by alcohol. “She is underage and should not have been drinking alcohol,” police prosecutor Melissa Campbell told Maroochydore Magistrates Court yesterday. “This was an unprovoked attack on someone who did everything to get away.” Senior Constable Campbell said Ms Lopez and her friend were standing behind the 16-year-old student while she was ordering food about 11.30pm on April 24. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 67 of 110 She said the girls started picking on the girl's fur coat and calling her “a stupid blonde bitch”. “She positioned herself behind the McDonald's counter in an effort to create a barrier,” Snr Const Campbell said. She said the younger girl told them she would not fight and tried to push past. Ms Lopez pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm in company for grabbing the girl's hair and punching her in the face. When the girl fell to the ground, Ms Lopez continued hitting her while her coaccused, Emily Kate Pendleton, allegedly kicked her. A warrant is out for Ms Pendleton's arrest after she failed to appear in court on Tuesday. Snr Const Campbell said the girl was lying in the foetal position and screaming out for her attackers to stop. Clumps of hair were falling out when the girl got to the police beat office. Magistrate Robert Quinlan ordered Ms Lopez to complete 18 months of probation and pay $500 compensation. “This is a terrible assault which the community would frown upon,” Mr Quinlan said. “If that was my daughter who was assaulted, I would be enraged and I imagine her parents would be, too.” 14 July 2011 – New since Court frees crime crew Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma http://www.sunshinecoas 07/14/court-frees-crime- Rae Wilson | 14th July 2011 Page 68 of 110 Submission AN ORGANISED gang of young people has been meeting at least four nights a crew-sunshine-coast/ week to “systematically” scour streets for unlocked cars and accessible petrol tanks on boats. 2:00 AM Sunshine Coast Daily The group met at McDonald’s Currimundi or Kawana 7-Eleven about midnight before driving to various locations and working as a team to steal cash, iPods, GPS instruments and CDs from cars. Using mobile phones as torches, some would enter unlocked cars while others kept an eye out for house lights or cars entering the street they had chosen. Despite their crime spree, two of them walked free yesterday. Ryan David Wherry, 19, and Joshua David Ferris, 18, pleaded guilty in Maroochydore Magistrates Court to their involvement in the crew. They received probation orders of two years and 18 months respectively. The crew would target up to 70 cars a night. THEY would steal between $5 and $75 in coins or from wallets. Ferris, who had no criminal history, told police he had been involved in about 160 car break-ins, entering 30 to 50 cars himself. He said he met the group four times a week. Wherry said he met with the group about once a week for the midnight to 2am spree. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 69 of 110 He also stole at least three tanks of petrol from boats but had approached another seven or eight. He would pour the siphoned fuel into his own car. Wherry also tried to break into Team Moto Kawasaki at Maroochydore two nights in a row, hoping to steal a motorcycle, but kept setting off alarms and fled. He did succeed in stealing a motorcycle from a garden shed. Wherry also stole two wheels from a paramedic vehicle parked in the driveway of the user’s home because he had a flat tyre. The driver found the rear of the car sitting on blocks of wood. Wherry also caused havoc at construction sites at Little Mountain and Mountain Creek. He and his mates caused $3575 damage at one site when he smashed through a wall of 158 waffle pods his friends built. He fled when his friends set fire to them. Wherry also caused $250 damage to a Birtinya park doing donuts and burnouts, and caused unnecessary smoke doing burnouts in Warana. Solicitor Michael Robinson said Wherry left his family and fell in with the wrong crowd for six weeks. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 70 of 110 “He fell into a lifestyle centred around cars, going out late at night, cruising and committing offences,” Mr Robinson said. “But he’s just been accepted as a first-year motor mechanic apprentice.” Magistrate Dennis Buetel said he could tell by Wherry’s demeanour in court that he was ashamed of his behaviour. He ordered him to pay $250 for damage to the park. 18 July 2011 POLICE have released CCTV footage of three men wanted for questioning over a brutal attack on an off-duty police officer outside a McDonald’s in Perth. 27 July 2011 Up to four members of staff injured in robbery at Myaree restaurant. UP to four members of staff at a fast food restaurant were injured this morning during a terrifying armed robbery. Police have confirmed several staff at the McDonalds restaurant in Myaree were injured during a robbery at the store at about 4am. 3 August 2011 – New since Submission Teen gang attacks Maccas A YOUNG McDonald's worker was left nursing cuts, bruises and a dislocated shoulder after being attacked by a group of about nine youths during a late night shift. Teej Lloyd Williams, 17, was among the group, who were of similar ages, and though he didn't know his victim, he joined in the assault, using his belt as a weapon. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma .au/cctv-clue-to-policebashing-outsidemcdonalds/storyfn8ou5271226097106122 .au/up-to-four-maccasstaff-injured-in-robberyat-myareeresteraunt/storyfn8ou5271226102468457 http://www.themorningbu 08/03/teen-gangs-attackleaves-mcdonaldsstaffer-injured/ Ashlee Mullany. From: PerthNow, July 18, 2011 6:27PM Phil Hickey From: PerthNow, July 27, 2011 8:19PM Kathryn Greensill | 3rd August 2011 2:00 AM Rockhampton Morning Bulletim Page 71 of 110 The Rockhampton teenager pleaded guilty in the Rockhampton Magistrates Court on Monday to a charge of assault occasioning bodily harm while armed and in company. About 2am on November 14 last year Williams was among the group that visited McDonald's on George St in Rockhampton. The restaurant was closed but the drive through was open and the group entered the drive on foot. They banged on the window and were asked to leave before a young employee came outside the restaurant. The employee was known to one of the group and a fight broke out before Williams took of his belt and swung it at the victim, the metal buckle hitting his collar bone before breaking off the belt. Other members of the group continued to kick and punch the victim on the ground before other employees managed to bring him back inside the restaurant. The group then attacked the restaurant and Williams planted a couple of kicks on a window before another in the group smashed it. Williams was held responsible for lacerations and bruising to the young man's collar bone. Solicitor Lance Rundle submitted a reference from Williams's employer, an aged-care centre, to the court which said the organisation was aware of the Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 72 of 110 incident but believed Williams was remorseful. Mr Rundle said Williams would continue in this employment and would also undertake study to become an aged-care nurse. He said Williams was not intoxicated at the time and had since matured a great deal and was no longer associated with the same group of people. Magistrate Annette Hennessy condemned Williams's behaviour. “People who work late nights should not have to be afraid that this will happen to them,” Ms Hennessy said. “If you had any history of violence this could send you to jail for some years.” She ordered he pay $500 in compensation and sentenced him to 18 months probation but did not record a conviction. Mr Rundle said he was happy with the result and that he believed it was Williams's youth and career prospects that had stopped him getting a heavier sentence. 4 August 2011 A MAN has been jailed for two years after a trip to the drive-thru resulted in abuse of staff, an injured pedestrian, a rammed car, racial abuse and him being severely bashed. The Brisbane District Court was told Adam Joseph French rammed his vehicle into another car, whose occupants were waiting to be served, and sent it hurtling into two 18-year-old female pedestrians at the Browns Plains McDonald's, 25kms south of Brisbane, on October 25, 2008. The court was told French, then aged 25, became enraged after an argument Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Tony Keim, From: The Courier-Mail , August 04, 2011 2:00PM dam-joseph-french- Page 73 of 110 with a McDonald's employee over menu availability via the drive-thru "voicebox'', was then refused service and ordered to drive through about 3am. 15 August 2011 Prosecutor David Nardone said French tried to drive through, but became even more aggravated and hurled racial abuse and taunts at a carload of Samoan nationals, who were stopped at a service window waiting to collect their food order. TWO men armed with a machete have robbed a McDonalds restaurant in Sydney's north west overnight. The two men entered the 24-hour restaurant on Pennant Hills Road in Thornleigh about 1.20am on Monday. 17 August 2011 NATIONAL television broadcaster SBS has been banned from obtaining footage of an elite Queensland police tactical response officer behaving in a lewd manner near a passed-out fellow officer at the Kingaroy McDonald's, 200km northwest of Brisbane, on March 22 last year. 23 August 2011 Benji Marshall punched man after taunt Lockyer was a better player, court hears A MAN was punched by NRL star Benji Marshall after saying Broncos player Darren Lockyer was better than him, a Sydney magistrate has heard. Soliman Naimey said he had been with friends at a McDonald's restaurant on George Street in Sydney's CBD in the early hours of March 5 this year. rammed-a-car-injuringtwo-pedestrians-andwas-then-bashed-bygroup-of-samoans-heracially-abused/storye6freoof-1226108283176 http://www.dailytelegraph Staff Writer From: The Daily Telegraph August 15, 2011 6:24AM bs-banned-from-seekingfootage-of-queenslandpolice-officers-lewddance-at-kingaroy/storye6freoof-1226116257763 http://www.theaustralian. i-marshall-punched-manafter-taunt-lockyer-wasa-better-player-courthears/story-e6frg6nf1226120400266 Tony Keim From: The Courier-Mail August 17, 2011 12:00AM by: UPDATED From: AAP August 23, 2011 5:23PM After a while, he heard someone say "Benji is outside" and he knew this to mean the football player, as one of his friends was a West Tigers supporter, he Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 74 of 110 said. Mr Naimey was giving evidence on Tuesday in the Downing Centre Local Court. The West Tigers star and New Zealand captain is charged with assaulting Mr Naimey, occasioning actual bodily harm. 30 August 2011 Mr Naimey said he had earlier been drinking at the Tank nightclub before going to the fast-food outlet. Mirrabooka detectives are also appealing for information in relation to an aggravated robbery at McDonalds in Mirrabooka early on Friday morning. Senior Constable Naomi Smith said a man entered the store at 4.55am, demanding cash from a female staff member before punching and kicking her in the back. au/wa-news/maylandscafe-owner-robbed-atknifepoint-201108301jj2f.html#ixzz21yXUWJ HG By Lucy Rickard http://www.theaustralian. Angus Thompson, From: Herald Sun, August 31, 2011 12:00AM From WA Today 30 August 2011 The man then forced the woman and a male colleague into an office where he continued to threaten them. 31 August 2011 14 September 2011 The offender smashed his way through the front glass doors to the stare before approaching a third staff member in the car park, demanding they hand over car keys. Same men suspected of armed attacks on three McDonald's restaurants in western suburbs. POLICE suspect the same men were involved in a hat-trick of armed robberies on two western suburbs McDonald's restaurants in recent months. Staff at McDonald's on Taylors Rd in Delahey were forced to hand over cash when two men threatened them with knives in the early hours of May 15. McDonald's on St Albans Rd, St Albans, was robbed on May 20 and July 15 by two men wielding knives. Thieves rob Merrylands McDonald's armed with a gun Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma by: By Lillian Page 75 of 110 POLICE are hunting two bandits who robbed a McDonald's store in Sydney's west armed with a firearm this morning. The two thieves approached the drive-thru window of the restaurant on Merrylands Rd, Merrylands at 1am (AEST). news/mcbandits-robmerrylands-mcdonaldsarmed-with-a-gun/storyfn3dxity-1226136536491 One of the men approached the window and threatrened a worker with the firearm before demanding cash. 19 September 2011 – New since Submission Father's Day outing ends in court A WOMAN who crashed her car while drunk at a McDonald's drive through said she was on her way to buy her husband a special meal for Father's Day. Saleh From: The Daily Telegraph September 14, 2011 8:54AM ry/2011/09/19/fathersday-outing-ends-court/ The Queensland Times Ipswich Magistrates Court heard Roisin Logan, 38, had drunk several large glasses of cask wine by 11am on September 4 to celebrate her birthday, which had been the day before. When police were called to investigate the accident at the Goodna McDonald's Logan returned a breath sample of 0.235. "It was a very stupid, irresponsible thing to do," Logan told Magistrate Michael Quinn. "I had been driving to McDonald's to do something nice for my husband for Father's Day." Mr Quinn said Logan constituted a real danger to other members of society, especially behind the wheel of what he called a "dangerous weapon". Logan was fined $1200 and disqualified from driving for 16 months. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 76 of 110 19 September 2011 MCBANDITS who robbed a western Sydney McDonalds last week have struck again - robbing the same restaurant again last night. Police were called to the Merrylands store after a masked man armed with a shortened double-barrel shotgun threatened a 21-year-old employee in the drive-through window about 11.25pm. http://www.dailytelegraph Melton: Maccas run proves costly for learner driver A HUNGRY learner driver got more than he ordered after he was busted with six passengers, including one hiding in the boot, at a Melton McDonald’s drivethrough last Monday. From: The Daily Telegraph September 19, 2011 7:14AM Witnesses told police the man pointed the gun through the window and demanded cash, before helping himself to the money in the till and fleeing the scene on foot. New Since Submission - 22 September 2011 Nathan Klein /news/story/meltonmaccas-run-provescostly-for-learner-driver/ 22 Sep 11 @ 09:56am by Liam McAleer Police say all seven occupants in the car were not wearing seatbelts and there was no experienced driver in the Ford Focus when it was intercepted at 6.25pm. “Police received a call from a member of the public that a vehicle in the McDonald’s car park had a large number of youths in it, including one riding in the boot of the vehicle,’’ Melton Highway Patrol’s Leading Sen-Constable Allan Edwards said. “There were four passengers in the rear seat, none of whom were wearing seat belts, and another youth in the boot area. ` “And the front seat passenger was also not wearing a seat belt.’‘ The driver will be charged on summons with several traffic offences, while five of the passengers received infringement notices for failing to wear a seat belt. The youth in the boot was issued a fine for travelling in a part of a vehicle Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 77 of 110 designed for the carriage of goods. 28 September 2011 Girl chews on condom found at McDonald's A FATHER of a two-year-old girl says he was "absolutely disgusted" to find his child chewing on a used condom she picked up in a McDonald's playground. A spokeswoman for McDonald's said the company is investigating the incident at the fast-food chain's Geraldton outlet in Western Australia's mid-west. The father was eating lunch at the restaurant on Saturday when his infant daughter came out of the playground with a used condom in her mouth. http://www.theaustralian. From AAP http://www.canberratime ppp Staff Writers, September 28, 2011 10:42AM "I was absolutely disgusted. Other people grabbed their kids and just about jumped the fence," the father told The West Australian newspaper. 28 September 2011 28 September 2011 – done on 30 Sept reported on 27 October 2011 actually 2 October 2011 The man said he washed the girl's hands and mouth with soap and would continue to monitor her health. 'Large knives' used in attempted robbery Two men attempted to rob the McDonalds Erindale store at knifepoint early this morning , police say. One of the men allegedly got into the McDonalds store through a back entrance about 4.30am, and then ran to the front door to let a second man in. Police say both men were carrying large knives. They demanded that staff hand over cash from the store's cash register's. Police allege the youth started a fire in a hedge at the McDonalds restaurant in Greenway on September 30. The fire destroyed the hedge but caused no damage to any nearby buildings before being extinguished by the ACT Fire Brigade. ACT Policing's Crime Response Team arrested and charged the teen on one count of arson and two of property damage. ARMED ROBBERY - ROBERT STREET WINTHROP WA - 02 OCT 2011 Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma http://www.canberratime meJ https://wa.crimestoppers. From The Canberra Times September 28, 2011 Staff Writers From The Canberra Times September 28, 2011 Crime Page 78 of 110 Detectives are investigating a violent robbery where a 15 year old boy was assaulted and robbed following an early morning snack at McDonalds. Around 3.15am on Sunday the 2nd of October 2011, the youth and two friends had just been to McDonalds on Leach Highway and were walking in the direction of Willagee when three males chased the trio through the Robert Street park in Winthrop. The group caught up with one of the males and violently wrestled him to the ground punching him about the body before holding a knife to his throat and demanding his mobile telephone. 4 October 2011 As a result of the attack the male suffered a swollen lip and several lacerations courtesy of his dental braces. Real-life Hamburglar wanted more than fries with hold-up A TEENAGE robber didn't respond to an upsize offer last night when he held up a McDonald's restaurant with a knife. The 13-year-old boy was offered $10 and a burger when he threatened staff in Launceston, Tasmania but allegedly held out for $50, The Mercury reported. e/unsolved_cases/robber y/armed-robbery-robertstreet-winthrop-wa-02oct-2011 Stoppers http://www.theaustralian. From: ry/2011/10/18/mcdonalds -sex-row-led-to-savageassault/ The Queensland Times October 04, 2011 5:17PM Police arrived soon after and witnesses say the teen continued to bargain with staff. Detective Inspector Scott Flude said the alleged armed robber entered the South Launceston spot at 10pm AEDT and demanded food and cash, telling staff he had a knife. 18 October 2011 – New since submission The offender also threatened patrons, say police. The teenager was arrested after staff raised the alarm. Sex row led to savage assault A MAN left another man with permanent disabilities after an assault in a McDonald's carpark because he thought the victim was having sex in the Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 79 of 110 restaurant toilet. Darryl Steven Dunbar, 31, punched the victim in the head outside the Ipswich McDonald's. The man fell back and witnesses heard his head crack as it connected with the pavement. The 20-year-old victim was taken to hospital with a fractured skull and head injuries and was in an induced coma for four days. He has been left with permanent disabilities including memory loss and the early onset of epilepsy and needs a full-time carer. Ipswich District Court heard the victim and his girlfriend were at the restaurant in the early hours of February 20 when they used the disabled toilet together because the other toilets were locked. People waiting in the toilet line outside began to think the pair was having sex. Crown Prosecutor John Copley said when the pair exited a "blond-headed woman" and Dunbar became aggressive and accused the couple of having sex. Witnesses saw the couple walk through the carpark when the victim's girlfriend raced back to Dunbar and punched him three times in the head. Dunbar said "I don't hit women" and walked up to the victim and punched him once. Defence barrister Geoff Seaholme said Dunbar had a 28-page criminal history Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 80 of 110 but had not gone out that night with the intention to hurt anyone. "He hadn't gone looking for trouble - it came to him," Mr Seaholme said. "He came to Queensland to get a new start and was enrolled to study behavioural science at USQ next semester." Dunbar pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm and two unrelated offences of public nuisance and carrying a knife in public. He was sentenced to three years jail. With time already spent in custody, he will be released on parole on February 22 next year. Judge Deborah Richards said the punch had a devastating impact on the victim, his now-fiancee and their families. "I accept you didn't go out to commit violence but that is no excuse," she said. 19 October 2011 Stun gun shooting at Caringbah McDonald's A TEENAGER is in police custody after shooting someone with a stun gun near a Sydney McDonald's restaurant this morning. Police and paramedics were called to the Caringbah McDonald's following triple-0 calls that a young male had been shot. http://www.theaustralian. From: The Daily Telegraph October 19, 2011 11:10AM When authorities arrived they found the young male victim conscious and breathing and not suffering any injuries. Police located the shooter a short time later. A NSW Police spokesman said the teenage offender was now in police custody assisting officers with their inquiries. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 81 of 110 25 October 2011 Amateur model Rebecca Leigh Crimmins dodges jail for tampon assault, arguing it was 'a prank gone wrong' A SUNSHINE Coast barmaid who assaulted a McDonalds drive-through attendant with a wet tampon in a "prank gone terribly wrong" has faced court. Rebecca Leigh Crimmins pleaded guilty to common assault in the Noosa Magistrates Court Tuesday morning after a drunken prank at the Noosaville McDonalds in September. http://www.dailytelegraph By Kristin Shorten http://www.sunshinecoas 10/26/bikie-allegedlyspat-on-worker-policebandidos/ Sunshine Coast Daily From: The Courier-Mail October 25, 2011 4:43PM The court heard Crimmins, 27, had been drinking before the early-morning incident, in which she dabbed a McDonald's worker's hand with a wet tampon, before throwing it at him. 26 October 2011 – New since Submission Police prosecutor Leanne Chawner said Crimmins was the passenger of a 4WD which went through the McDonald's drive through about 3am on September 25. Bikie allegedly spat on worker A FORMER high ranking Bandidos member is facing potential assault charges after he allegedly made threats to a 20-year-old McDonald's employee and then spat in his face, according to police. The 38-year-old man, believed to be a former Gold Coast branch president of the outlaw bikie gang, was one of several hundred Bandidos who were on the Sunshine Coast for their annual ride. The Daily understands the Bandidos man and a blonde woman walked through the drive-through section of the McDonald's store on Bowman Road about 12.45am on Monday October 24. Sources said that the man attempted to order food but was refused service and Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 82 of 110 directed to come into the restaurant. "When he was refused service he then made some veiled threats to the duty manager, referring to the fact he was at a resort with a large group of friends," a witness said. "The staff member again refused and the offender then spat directly in the duty manager's face which struck him in the eyes." The pair left the restaurant. Police were called to the scene but were unable to locate the offenders. A McDonald's staff member confirmed there had been an incident, but was unable to provide any details. A police spokesman said uniformed crews attended an incident at the restaurant on Monday at 12.45am. Detectives are investigating and have security vision from the restaurant, the spokesman said. The alleged offender was described as being 180cm tall and had a small tuft of hair below his bottom lip. 29 October 2011 A 20-YEAR-OLD Dalby man was turned into the punch line of his own bad joke early Friday morning, when he was caught exposing himself at the drive-through window of a McDonalds restaurant. Sergeant Clint Ryan said staff at McDonalds on Condamine Street, Dalby, called police about 1.30am and reported seeing a man, who was on foot, Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Kate Higgins From: The Courier-Mail October 29, Page 83 of 110 exposing himself. 1226180075568 2011 1:06AM http://www.themercury.c /273351_tasmanianews.html The Mercury, Leader Newspapers, ZARA DAWTREY | November 01, 2011 12.01am It is understood the restaurant required all patrons to order through the drivethrough after hours and that the man was walking through with friends when he let fly. Police arrived immediately and viewed video footage at the restaurant, identifying the 20-year-old. The man accompanied police back to the station where he advised them that his reason for exposing himself was not for a sexual act. 1 November 2011 - New since submission Rather, the man insisted he was simply showing his friends a tattoo on his penis, bearing the words “Your name”. POLICE have charged two teenage girls with a violent Eastern Shore crime spree last week. Police allege the 18-year-olds, accompanied by two other young females, robbed and assaulted a bus driver, tried to steal a McDonald's charity box, then bashed and robbed a taxi driver in the space of an hour. One teen was arrested last week and police charged the second 18-year-old yesterday. Eastern CIB Detective Constable Craig Fry said that at the Rosny bus mall on October 24, the two 18-year-olds approached a female driver, who was hit on the arm with a bottle and restrained while one of the offenders stole a small amount from the cash box. Police say the offenders then tried to make off with the charity proceeds at the Rosny McDonald's restaurant but the box was chained to the counter. Police allege the teens then caught a taxi to Howrah, got out without paying, Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 84 of 110 took the driver's $700 mobile phone and assaulted him. 29 November 2011 – New since submission The two face counts of aggravated armed robbery, attempted stealing, aggravated robbery and common assault. $400 fine with that Big Mac PUSHING a car through a McDonald's drive-thru in attempt to avoid a drinkdriving charge has proved fruitless for one young Warwick man. 1/29/400-fine-with-thatbig-mac/ News Mail Ben William Wagner decided the safest way to satisfy his early morning munchies was by having a group of friends push his vehicle to the restaurant while he steered. The group of around eight people pushed the car from King St to the McDonald's restaurant on Albion St at around 1.30am on October 29. When spoken to by police, Wagner admitted to starting the car and using it to drive from the order box to the drive-thru window and then to the carpark. When taken back to the police station, Wagner returned a blood-alcohol reading of 0.095. The bar attendant told police the group hatched the plan to push the car as it was the only way to access McDonald's at that time of the morning. Acting Magistrate Haydn Stjernqvist said take-away food and cigarettes were the downfall of many people who chose to drive while intoxicated. He asked Wagner if there weren't other ways to satisfy his drunken hankerings. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 85 of 110 "Haven't you got a toasted sandwich maker or something at home?" he asked. Wagner told the magistrate that he guessed he just felt like Maccas. The 21-year-old man pleaded guilty in the Warwick Magistrates Court last week to one charge of drink driving. 22 November 2011 8 December 2011 – New since Submission Man pleads guilty to McDonald's killing A MAN has pleaded guilty to fatally shooting another man at a McDonald's restaurant on the Gold Coast. In the Brisbane Supreme Court today, Samuel Mark Friedman, 26, of Surfers Paradise, pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Richard Doherty, 34, and unlawfully wounding Ben Matthews, 26, at Burleigh Heads in August 2009. Judge Julie Dick remanded Friedman in custody. He will be sentenced at the same court on Thursday. Thieves force man to buy fast food TWO petty thieves made a young man buy them a McDonald's meal when the victim could not draw enough money out of an ATM. http://www.theaustralian. From: AAP http://www.sunshinecoas 12/08/thieves-forcedvictim-to-buy-them-takeaway/ Sunshine Coast Daily November 22, 2011 1:04PM Corri-Jo Smallman and Lance Anthony Zellow committed a number of small robberies at Nambour on August 28 last year. They first approached a man at the railway station and told him: "Here's the deal - you give us $50 or I'll put you six feet under." The frightened victim only had $11 in his bank account. "Can you get me Maccas?" Smallman asked. At the fast food restaurant, the thieving pair also robbed a man of $20 and then Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 86 of 110 told him to withdraw more money from an ATM. When his card declined because of insufficient funds, the man said he could get more money from his colleagues at McDonald's. Back at the restaurant, another worker asked Smallman what it would take for him to leave. "Make it $25 and I won't come back," Smallman said. He left, but returned and demanded an extra $10 before he fled. Smallman and Zellow pleaded guilty in Maroochydore District Court yesterday to two counts of robbery and one count of attempted robbery. Smallman received a 12-month suspended sentence and Zellow a nine-month suspended sentence. 31 December 2011 Armadale Detectives have charged a man in relation to the attack at McDonalds in Willetton. Three people smashed their way in through the glass doors of Willetton McDonalds at 2.30am this morning, attacking a customer and a staff member. 14 January 2012 The fracas started when two male youths on pushbikes attended the McDonalds drive-thru to place an order while a group of people sat in a vehicle in the car park. Affray - Hoppers Crossing - 14 January 2012 au/wa-news/goodsamaritan-mcdonaldsstaff-attacked-201112311pg8l.html#ixzz21yUaN GNQ Staff Writers From WA Today 31 December 2011 https://vic.crimestoppers. Crime Stoppers At about 2:45am on 14 January 2012, two men were in the car park of a McDonalds restaurant on Morris Rd, Hoppers Crossing when they became involved in an altercation with a group of 5 men. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 87 of 110 The two victims ran inside the restaurant to escape but were followed by the group who were now armed with weapons including a meat cleaver, a dumbbell and garden stakes. 16 January 2012 – New since Submission The group allegedly assaulted both men, leaving one with serious injuries and smashed a number of windows before leaving the restaurant. Youths wreack havoc RAMPAGING youths left a trail of destruction in their wake at the weekend, allegedly causing up to $10,000 damage to Warwick businesses and properties. http://www.warwickdailyn 1/16/youths-wreakhavoc-during-rampage/ Shannon Newley | 16th January 2012 2:00 AM The Warwick Daily News A Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) spokesman said an 18-year-old male was remanded in custody and would face court today. He said a 15-year-old male would face Warwick Children's Court in February and was released under strict bail conditions, and another 15-year-old was interviewed yesterday and dealt with under the Juvenile Justice Act. "All up there were eight counts of wilful damage, one of burglary and an assault this weekend in Warwick," the CIB spokesman said. He said the onslaught started at McDonald's where a man was allegedly dragged out of his car and assaulted while his vehicle was vandalised. HE SAID five businesses and properties were vandalised on Friday night, including the School of Total Education, the United Service Station, Cafe Jacqui's and B&K Motors. "There were smashed windows and a car yard had windows smashed on two Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 88 of 110 brand new cars," he said. He said the damage was another blow for the businesses, some of which were affected by last year's flooding. "They have just gotten back on their feet," he said. "One of the window panes cost $1500 and the two new car windscreens could be $800 each. "It's not unimaginable to think there could be $10,000 worth of damage done in a few hours." The CIB spokesman said the three people were allegedly caught on CCTV and questioned at the weekend. An ATM was also vandalised Friday night. "It was a terrible night for Warwick," the CIB spokesman said. He said police were aware of a local group of youths who are understood to have formed themselves into a gang. "It's a small group of children in town ... basically they consider themselves a street gang," he said. "We are obviously aware of them and who is in it." 17 January 2012 – new since submission Cessnock McDonalds hit in armed robbery POLICE remain on the scene investigating an armed robbery at a McDonalds in Cessnock early today. Police were called to the Allandale Road scene about 5.30am after two offenders Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma u/news/local/news/crimeand-law/cessnockmcdonalds-hit-in-armedrobbery/2422289.aspx MATT CARR 17 Jan, 2012 09:45 AM Newcastle Herald Page 89 of 110 entered the store. One was carrying a firearm, police said, while the other was armed with a knife. The pair demanded money from the restaurant staff before fleeing the scene with a sum of cash. No-one was injured in the incident. 25 January 2012 – new since submission and hearing closure POLICE are investigating a wild brawl at a Hoppers Crossing McDonalds that left two men with stab wounds. On Saturday 14 January around 2.45am police were called to the McDonalds on the corner of Heaths Rd and Morris Rd after a group of up to eight men attacked two other men. http://www.starnewsgroup.c html By XAVIER SMERDON Star, Werribee, Hoppers Crossing, Point Cook Officer in Charge of the Werribee Crime Investigation Unit, Detective Senior Sergeant John Johnston, told Star the violent incident occurred after the victims had an altercation with a smaller group of men. The argument took place in the car park of the McDonalds but broke up after some of the participants left the scene. They later returned however with up to six friends, wielding “sharp weapons” and the fight made its way into the restaurant. “It's obviously a numbers issue with six to eight people against two,” Det Sen Sgt Johnston said. “The two men attempted to take refuge in the McDonalds and an attendant sensed the urgency of the matter and let them in. “Unfortunately the staff member was unable to lock the doors in time and the other men then entered as well.” Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 90 of 110 One of the victims received stab wounds and was taken to Footscray hospital while the other one received lacerations but refused treatment. Det Sen Sgt Johnston encouraged the men involved to come forward. “Obviously when we're talking about various sharp weapons, that's very dangerous,” he said. “People make spur of the moment decisions but the consequences can last a lifetime. “We have CCTV footage of the incident but we would appeal to the persons to come forward voluntarily.” 27 January 2012 A MAN has been arrested after attacking a policeman at Indooroopilly McDonald's in Brisbanes's inner west. About 2.15am today police were called to the restaurant on Coonan St after staff reported a man abusing them in the drive-through. A police spokesman said officers approached the man in his car but he would not follow instructions to get out of the vehicle and complete a breathalyser test. 1 February 2012 An officer put his hand in the vehicle to stop the man moving forward but the man grabbed the officer’s arm and started to drive off, dragging him 50m. Taunt ends in court for Maccas argument – A GARDENVALE man gave his girlfriend a black eye by throwing a drink at her after she called him “little man’‘. Michael Hirschfield, who is about 160cm, pleaded guilty at Moorabbin Magistrates’ Court to recklessly causing injury. Police prosecutor Sgt Jill Shepley said Hirschfield and his girlfriend, who have Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma man-arrested-afterallegedly-attacking-apoliceman-atindooroopillymcdonalds/storye6freoof-1226254973166 January 27, 2012 8:02AM /news/story/taunt-endsin-court-for-maccasargument/ 1 Feb 12 @ 10:53am by Jon Andrews Rikki-Lee Arnold From: The Courier-Mail Bayside Leader Page 91 of 110 now broken up, were at the Cheltenham McDonald’s fast food outlet in August last year. She said an argument started and Hirschfield threw a drink cup into the victim’s face, leaving her with a black eye. 2 February 2012 – New since Submission Mother and son charged over McDonald's drive-through shooting A teenager and his mother have been charged over a shooting at a Sydney McDonald's, which was sparked by a fight in the drive-through, police say. The 35-year-old woman was allegedly her son's getaway driver after he fired at a group of people at the fast-food restaurant on Pembroke Road, Minto, on December 18, police say. sw/mother-and-soncharged-overmcdonalds-drivethroughshooting-201202021qtyi.html#ixzz24NP3I2U r The Sydney Morning Herald Police said the group of teenagers began arguing with the 16-year-old as he sat in the passenger seat of a BMW in the drive-through. The boy allegedly held up a shotgun and fired at them from the car, before his mother drove away, police said. The teenagers ran away before police were called. A 17-year-old boy later spoke to police at Macquarie Fields police station and was found to have a minor gunshot wound to his stomach, police said. Officers arrested the 16-year-old and his mother at a house in St Andrews yesterday morning. Police also seized cash, cannabis and the BMW. The boy was charged with shooting with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and possessing prohibited drugs. He will face Campbelltown Local Court today. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 92 of 110 His mother was charged with being an accessory after the fact. 3 February 2012 1 March 2012 New Since Submission She will appear at the same court later this month. Assault - Traralgon - 3 February 2012 At about 1:05am on 3 February 2012, a man was at a McDonalds restaurant on Argyle Street, Traralgon when he was approached by two men. The men attempted to start a fight with the other man. Another patron intervened and was punched in the face, resulting in facial fractures. Bottle Attacker Flees POLICE are hunting for a man who entered Rockingham McDonald’s and smashed a bottle on the head of a customer on Sunday morning. https://vic.crimestoppers. http://www.inmycommuni Crime Stoppers By Laura Tomlinson, Weekend At 6.30am, a Hillman man (28) was sitting in the Read Street store when another man entered the restaurant and hit him on the right side of his head with a beer bottle. 2 March 2012 New since submission The victim had a 3cm cut to his ear and had bruising on his right side. Police refute abuse claims THE POLICE have refuted claims that they kept a new mother in custody for up to six hours in an effort to coerce her to give evidence. Courier 3/02/young-mum-detailspolice-abuse-claims/ News Mail Yesterday, Hervey Bay Magistrates Court heard that Angela Carson, 23, was kept in the watch house while bleeding for hours, only three weeks after giving birth. Today, police prosecutor Senior Constable Jeanette Grigoris produced the logbooks detailing exactly how long Ms Carson was at the police station for. The total amount of time came to three and a half hours in the station, with Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 93 of 110 about two and a half hours of that time spent in custody. Snr Const Grigoris said Ms Carson arrived at the station at 6.00pm in possession of $2,500 worth of equestrian equipment which was the subject of a prior stolen property claim. At 6.41pm, Ms Carson was officially placed into custody, Snr Const Grigoris said, which included being asked a number of questions about her medical state and whether she needed any sort of assistance. At 9.09pm, she was taken for fingerprinting and a photograph before being released at 9.25pm. Ms Carson told police she suspected the goods were stolen, that she had received them at the McDonald's carpark in Pialba earlier that day and then put them on her eBay account. After placing them for sale online, Ms Carson told police she became aware the goods were possibly stolen and took them to the station. Snr Const Grigoris said Ms Carson given the chance to offer a full explanation as to how she came into possession of the goods and to exonerate herself, but refused to do so. Legal Aid barrister Craig Ryan said that as soon as Ms Carson declined to be interviewed, there was no basis for the police to hold her any longer and she should have been released. Snr Const Grigoris still offered no evidence against Ms Carson for the charges Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 94 of 110 of stealing or receiving stolen goods, leading to Magistrate Graeme Tatnell dismissing the charges. Mr Tatnell did not award costs against the prosecution, however. 3 March 2012 New since submission Police hunt for assault witnesses THE HUNT is on for witnesses to a late night assault in Pialba. http://www.frasercoastch 2/03/09/police-huntassault-witnesses/ Fraser Coast Chronicle A Hervey Bay police spokesman said anyone who saw an incident between two men outside of McDonald's between 3.00 and 4.00am on March 3 should come forward. A male suspect in his mid-twenties is said to have assaulted a man in his thirties, causing facial injuries. 13 March 2012 – New since Submission Austria tourist punched by drunk man A TOURIST from Austria will probably think we're a bunch of bushwhackers after he was punched while waiting to be served at a family restaurant in Airlie Beach. http://www.dailymercury. /austria-tourist-punchedmcdonalds-mackaycourt/ Mackay Daily Mercury A very drunk 27-year-old Max Crane punched the tourist outside the McDonald's Family Restaurant early last Saturday but the details only came to light today when Crane faced court. Crane thought the tourist was making funny remarks about him, so he punched him, the Mackay Magistrate's Court was told. The international visitor did not suffer any serious injuries but an ambulance Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 95 of 110 was called to assist him. Security officers from a nearby nightclub detained Crane until police arrived to arrest him. As it turned out, there was a warrant out for Crane's arrest for a theft in Brisbane last year. Crane pleaded guilty to two charges, including creating a public nuisance in Airlie Beach, and was jailed for three months. 15 March 2012 Couple robbed at knifepoint at McDonald's Police are hunting for a man who allegedly stole a wallet and phone at knifepoint in a Belconnen McDonald's earlier this month. They said a man entered the Emu Bank restaurant about 7.30pm on March 6, and used a knife to threaten a man and a woman seated inside the restaurant. He allegedly took a phone and wallet from the man before running away. 19 March 2012 Trio rob Sydenham McDonalds - THREE men terrorised staff at a Sydenham McDonalds with an axe, baseball bat and hammer before taking cash last Wednesday. Police believe the men entered the 24-hour restaurant on the corner of Calder Park drive and Melton Highway about 2.40am on Wednesday March 14. u/act-news/couplerobbed-at-knifepoint-atmcdonalds-201203151v5yw.html Christopher Knaus March 15, 2012 /news/story/trio-robsydenham-mcdonalds/ ACT News by Georgie Haberfield 19 Mar 12 @ 09:48am Brimbank Leader 20 March 2012 Man attacked at McDonald's A young man who was punched several times in the face while eating at Civic McDonalds over a month ago was left with "extensive facial injuries", police say. CCTV footage of the alleged attack, issued by police today, shows the victim sitting at a table eating, when a man approaches him from behind, Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma u/act-news/manattacked-at-mcdonalds20120320-1vh8d.html Christopher Knaus March 20, Page 96 of 110 28 March 2012 - New Since Submission punching him in the face. Police say the 19-year-old victim had been standing in queue at the East Row McDonalds about 2.30am Friday, February 3, when the alleged offender and a young girl pushed in front. That had caused "an exchange of words", police say. The victim had then taken his food and sat down. The alleged attacker had then walked up to the table and punched the 19-year-old several times. Police say the young blonde woman had taken the victim's phone during the incident. Teen vomit craze spreading A NEW teenage vomiting craze dubbed the “three-litre rainbow milk challenge” is spreading all over Ellenbrook and surrounding areas of Perth. 2012 ACT News http://www.inmycommuni By Caroline Frank, Advocate High school students are going into Ellenbrook shops to buy three-litre containers of milk, and bright food colouring. They mix the two then try to drink the liquid as fast as they can. The aim is to finish the entire three litres before you vomit. The craze, which has been around since the late 1990s and was more recently revived in the now famous by US television series Jackass, has become the anti-social behaviour of choice in public areas in Ellenbrook, Redcliffe and Ocean Reef. Ellenbrook student Megan (14), who did not want her surname used, said the whole point of the challenge was not to “yack up the milk”. “I know some kids that try to run from security at the (Ellenbrook) shops on a Thursday night, then come and vomit around McDonald’s in the car park,” she said. “It’s all the ‘cool’ group who do it.” Ellenbrook police Senior-Sergeant John Waghorn said several shopkeepers had raised concerns of about 60 youths regularly loitering in the car parks near Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 97 of 110 Ellenbrook shops. “The latest craze is vomiting on people’s cars and it won’t be tolerated,” Sgt Waghorn said. “We had as many as 60 kids last Thursday riding their skateboards and scooters through the carpark, being provocative and intimidating, floating between McDonald’s and the shopping centre.” The Coffee Club owner Sarah Griffiths said the behaviour of local teenagers had affected her business. “Large groups of young people hang around in groups on our terrace, which is a problem for us,” she said. “The past six weeks, it has affected our turnover on a Thursday night.” Snr Sergeant Waghorn said police would target the shopping centre over the next month and issue move-on notices to anti-social youth. “We will hammer this area to send a strong message to these kids that their behaviour is unacceptable,” he said. Mother-of-five Michelle Casella said she often avoided shopping on in Ellenbrook on a Thursday night because of problem youths. “It can be quite frightening,” she said. “A lot of them look like good kids and I don’t know what they are doing out. I’ve got kids aged 11 to 18 and none of mine are out on the street at night,” she said. Snr Sergeant Waghorn echoed Mrs Casella’s concerns. “Responsible parents should know where their children are and what they are Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 98 of 110 doing at all times,” he said. 13 April 2012 “People should be entitled do their weekly shop without having to walk through a group of 50 kids and feel intimidated.” A MAN has suffered serious burns to his face, chest and arms after the manager of McDonald's at King Cross allegedly threw hot oil in his face. Kings Cross police are yet to charge the manager with any offence, and are still investigating whether the manager was acting in self-defence, the Wentworth Courier reported. http://www.theaustralian. -manager-in-hot-oilattack/story-e6frg6o61226269688723 At about 3.30am on Friday February 10, the victim was ordering food with a friend at McDonald’s on Darlinghurst Rd. By Alex Cauchi From: News Limited newspapers February 13, 2012 12:34PM Police say the victim was moderately affected by alcohol when he became involved in a verbal argument with the McDonald’s manager. The victim is alleged to have swore at the manager and threatened to kill him, when the manager allegedly replied, "If you come over the counter, I’ll throw oil on you". The victim then jumped the counter which is when the manager has thrown the oil directly at the man’s face. The oil caused significant and serious burns to the victim’s face, chest, torso and both arms. The victim was taken to St Vincent’s Hospital then transferred to the Burns Unit at Concord Hospital. 18 April 2012 Robber drinks his coke while waiting for police A man who robbed a McDonald's restaurant with a knife before sitting down to drink a coke has been arrested by police. The 28-year-old Busselton man entered the Rockingham Road fast food outlet just after 3pm yesterday and produced a 30cm fishing knife, demanding cash and a large coke. au/wa-news/robberdrinks-his-coke-whilewaiting-for-police20120418-1x6hi.html Staff Writers From WA Today The man was given the money and coke before telling staff he would wait for police to arrive. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 99 of 110 24 April 2012 A MAN has been charged with attempted murder after a stabbing at a McDonald's car park on NSW's south coast. A 29-year-old man was stabbed repeatedly in broad daylight outside the restaurant in Cambewarra Road, Bomaderry on the morning of April 11. http://www.theaustralian. From AAP http://www.sunshinecoas 04/27/armed-bandittargets-mcdonalds/ Kate Clifford | 27th April 2012 9:37 AM April 24, 2012 8:09AM He was rushed to Shoalhaven Hospital and had surgery on wounds to his chest, arms and stomach. Local detectives arrested a 30-year-old man at a Nowra legal practice yesterday afternoon. Officers also searched two homes in Nowra, seizing a shortened shotgun, a modified .22 gun barrel, a knife, clothing, a motorbike and motorbike accessories. The man was charged with wound with intent to murder and firearm offences and is due to appear at Nowra Local Court today. 27 April 2012 – New since Submission Police were not able to immediately clarify if the stabbing was bikie gangrelated. Man charged for McDonald's hold-up POLICE have charged a 20-year-old Tewantin man who allegedly held up a McDonald's restaurant in Nambour last night. It was believed the man held up the Currie St McDonald's with a replica firearm Sunshine Coast Daily about midnight. Police alleged the man used the firearm to smash a side window of the outlet and gain entry, while another offender waited in the drive through. Staff members fled the store to call police shortly after the intruder gained Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 100 of 110 entry. The 20-year-old was charged with one count of attempted armed robbery and enter premises with intent to commit a crime. He was due to appear before the Maroochydore Magistrates Court this morning. No one was injured in the robbery. 14 May 2012 New since submission POLICE are investigating an armed robbery at the Coffs Harbour south McDonalds this morning. Staff at the outlet were left traumatised after two armed men entered the rear of the store this morning around 5.45am. http://www.coffscoastadv 05/14/armed-robberycoffs-harbour/ Coffs Harbour Advocate Police have established the men produced a hand gun and what was thought to be a replica firearm and demanded cash before they made a getaway. A crime scene was established at the location and witnesses were interviewed. This latest hold-up follows a spate of armed robberies on the Coffs Coast involving firearms over the past fornight. A service station at Toormina was held up last Wednesday by offenders armed with a pistol and tyre levers. The Clybucca service station fell victim to two men, one who was armed with a handgun last Sunday night. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 101 of 110 Then a day later there was a robbery at the Dominos Pizza store in Kempsey. Police are investigating links between these robberies and a hold-up at the Coffs Harbour Hungry Jacks outlet in Bray St on Thursday, May 3. On that occasion five men stormed the store, armed with a handgun, a crow bar and knives. Police said they are investigating links between the Hungry Jacks, McDonalds and Clybucca robberies as well as several other similar offences in the Taree area. 3 June 2012 Serious Assault - McDonald's - Melbourne CBD A man was seriously assaulted at a McDonald’s on the corner of Lonsdale Street and Swanston Street in Melbourne’s CBD on 3 June 2012. At about 2:00am the victim was standing inside at the counter when another man allegedly approached him from behind, tapped him on the shoulder and king hit him, knocking him unconscious. http://vic.crimestoppers.c unsolved_cases/assault/ serious-assaultmcdonalds-melbournecbd-3-june-2012 Crime Stoppers http://www.mydailynews. /man-pleads-not-guiltyon-hold-up/ My Daily News, Gold Coast As a result of the assault, the victim sustained a fracture and severe bruising to the eye area and a fractured rib. 12 June 2012 – New since Submission The man is described as European in appearance, aged in his 20’s, approximately 170cm tall, with a medium build and short dark hair. He was wearing a black jacket, a white t-shirt with black print and long dark pants. He had a gold ring on his right hand. Man pleads not guilty on hold-up THE MAN charged following an attempted armed hold-up at a Tweed Heads South McDonald's store has pleaded not guilty. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 102 of 110 Mathew Davis, 22, appeared in Tweed Heads Local Court yesterday and was granted strict conditional bail. Police reports state a man, armed with an iron bar, walked to the drive-through serving window of the store in the early hours of Sunday morning and demanded money from the attendant before leaving along Minjungbal Dr when staff refused his demands. Passing highway patrol officers arrested Davis after staff called police. They found a socket spanner and knife on him when he was searched. Davis' defence solicitor said Davis denied the allegations and that he had been fishing across the road. He said Davis was in posession of the knife and spanner for fishing only and that he had gone across the road to get a burger before being arrested. The court heard he was heavily intoxicated at the time. Magistrate Michael Dakin granted bail provided Davis reports daily to police, doesn't go to the McDonald's store and surrenders $1000 in surety. An acceptable person must also post $1000 in surety. The matter was adjourned until July 23. 4 July 2012 – New since Submission Man steals McDonald’s EFTPOS machine THE McDonald's Family Restaurant at North Mackay is seeking $2000 compensation after Macauley Stonebridge stole the EFTPOS machine at their Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma http://www.dailymercury. /hes-paying-for-prankmackay/ Bruce McKean | 4th July 2012 5:00 AM Page 103 of 110 drive-through service window. Mackay Daily Mercury The busy drive-through service was disrupted for two days, which was the time it took to replace the machine. Stonebridge, an apprentice electrician, was drunk after attending an 18th birthday party and was a passenger in a car which used the drive-through at 10pm on June 2. As the vehicle drove in, another passenger suggested it would be funny if they stole the EFTPOS machine, the Mackay Magistrate's Court was told yesterday. A pair of tin snips was on the floor of the vehicle. Stonebridge picked them up and cut the electric cord on the EFTPOS machine and the driver took off. The machine was then taken back to the party where young people passed it around before it ended up at the bottom of a swimming pool. Stonebridge pleaded guilty to stealing. Duty solicitor Sheena Hayes, of Morton Lawyers, said: "It was a stupid error of judgment." Restitution was sought, including $875 to replace the machine, and $2000 for lost service. The court heard many customers drove off during the two days because there was no EFTPOS available and many of them did not want to go into the restaurant to use the machine which was inside. McDonald's North Mackay owner Ron Reseck said in a statement to the court: Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 104 of 110 "By doing this senseless act, you completely disrupted our business because customers drove off or would not come into the restaurant to pay." 13 July 2012 27 July 2012 – New since Submission Shots have been fired after a fight between gangs outside a Ballajura McDonalds. Young teens in drive-through crash A 13-YEAR-OLD girl and a 15-year-old boy have been charged after crashing a car at the Warrego Hwy McDonalds drive through in the Lockyer Valley. http://www.thechronicle.c young-teens-drivethrough-crash/ Staff Writers, http://www.sunshinecoas 07/27/jail-for-chainsawterror-in-maccas-carpark/ Sunshine Coast Daily Herald Sun Toowoomba Chronicle Police alleged the juveniles tried to leave the College View fuel station shortly before 10.15am yesterday when they collided with the restaurant's drive through roof. "It will be further alleged that the juveniles have then reversed the vehicle into concrete barriers," police said. The girl was charged with unlawful use of a motor vehicle and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle. The boy was charged with unlawful use of a motor vehicle, attempted fraud, driving without a licence and possession of dangerous drugs. 27 July 2012 – New since Submission They will both be deal with under the provisions of the Youth Justices Act 1992. Jail for Maccas chainsaw terror A MAN has been jailed for six months for terrorising people with a chainsaw in the Nambour McDonald's car park. The Maroochydore Magistrates Court heard yesterday Benjamin Troy Owen, 34, had been in an altercation with a group of men at Nambour about 1.30pm Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 105 of 110 on April 12. The court heard Mr Owen returned to his vehicle, which was parked at the Nambour railway station, and retrieved a chainsaw which he had been going to have sharpened. Police prosecutor Sergeant Phil Stephens said Mr Owen started the chainsaw and ran through the fast-food outlet's car park. Terrified people fled and children screamed at the sight of the man brandishing the revving chainsaw above his head. Mr Owen pleaded guilty in court to behaving in a threatening manner. 28 July 2012 Overdose horror at city McDonald's A BEDRAGGLED drug user was left to overdose in front of children for 20 minutes at an Elizabeth St McDonald's today, despite outraged parents pleading with staff to call emergency services. The 26 year-old St Kilda man entered the family restaurant near the Queen Victoria Market at about 3.30pm today and began injecting with a needle near shocked patrons. http://www.adelaidenow. erdose-story/storyfndo1svg1226437557676 Mitchell Toy, John Dagg From: Sunday Herald Sun July 28, 2012 7:00PM Andrew Kahn, of Adelaide, had travelled to Melbourne for a weekend away with his wife and children and had just visited the Vic Market when he saw the drug user - with his pants slipping down - in the corner of the McDonald's. ''He came in and started shooting up, right near a family with kids,'' Mr Kahn said. ''I told a staff member it was happening and she said sorry, the manager isn't in at the moment.” Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 106 of 110 11 August 2012 New since Submission Police net 'ice' worth $20,000 THE scourge of crystal methamphetamine has reared its ugly head again, after more than $20,000 worth of the illicit drug was seized in the city on Thursday night. 8/11/police-net-iceworth-20000-bundabergdrug/ News Mail Bundaberg Criminal Investigation Branch Detective Senior Sergeant Joe Hildred said officers intercepted a white Mitsubishi Lancer outside McDonald's on Takalvan St shortly before midnight. "A search of the vehicle revealed a box lab and other drug items including (about) 20g of crystal methamphetamine," he said. "It will be alleged (the box lab) would have been used to recently produce methamphetamine." The Illicit Laboratory Investigation Team arrived from Brisbane yesterday to process the drug lab. Twenty-eight-year-old Ipswich man Tobyn Lee Livermore was arrested and charged with 10 offences including allegedly producing and possessing a dangerous drug, stealing licence plates and four counts of unlawful use of a motor vehicle. Livermore appeared briefly in Bundaberg Magistrates Court yesterday afternoon where he made no application for bail. He has been remanded in custody to reappear on August 24. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 107 of 110 Det Snr Sgt Hildred said it was a coincidence that Livermore was charged one day after a 22-year-old man was charged for allegedly possessing 0.65g of the same drug - street name, ice - on Wednesday night. "I put it down to very good police work," he said. "We have a very good strike rate on people who are allegedly committing these offences. "This type of arrest demonstrates how active we are in the community." He said any type of drug found in Bundaberg was a concern to police. "Police are constantly battling this scourge in this society," he said. 13 August 2012 New since submission Man fined for McDonald's assault A MAN has been fined for bashing someone in the carpark at McDonald's in Hervey Bay. http://www.frasercoastch 2/08/13/man-finedmcdonalds-assault/ Fraser Coast Chronicle Daniel John Bell, 22, pleaded guilty today to a charge of assault occasioning bodily harm. Police prosecutor Sergeant Michael Quirk said Bell bashed the male victim causing a number of facial and head injuries, after female friends of both men were involved in an argument at Rumaz Niteclub earlier in the night. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 108 of 110 Bell's lawyer, Allan Mallard, agreed, saying "the troublemakers were the girls," with Bell sticking up for his friends, and the victim sticking up for his. Mr Mallard said the argument between the girls started over how some of them were dressed at Rumaz, before some of them were called "fat, f***ing moles," by the others. Sgt Quirk said after this argument, the victim and his friends left the club to go to McDonald's, where they later encountered Bell in the carpark. The argument started again, however this time did not end until Bell was on top on the other man on the ground, repeatedly punching him in the head. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 109 of 110 Conclusion One the objectives of the planning framework established by the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Section 4, Clause 4, Number 2d) is “to ensure that the effects on the environment are considered and provide for explicit consideration of social and economic effects when decisions are made about the use and development of land;” The built environment of place has an impact on people’s behaviour because of that place and its use. The intensity of use in this proposed development represents a significant change to this place and as a consequence, poses an increased risk to safety. It is the responsibility of VCAT to make a decision to reject the application to build a McDonald’s in Tecoma. Should you approve the development, the Tecoma Community will be at a significantly increased risk of violent acts of aggravated robbery, sexual assaults, physical assaults and other criminal activity. The documented instances of violent crimes at the tenant of the proposed development have a prevalence of crimes at night and a 24 hour fast food outlet will increase that risk. It is a primary responsibility of government to protect its citizens against harm, to ensure our personal safety. Tecoma is a village of 2189 residents, approximately 500 homes. We do not need nor want this proposed development that will put our personal safety and that of our children at risk. Kathleen Bosworth, Tecoma Resident, VCAT Review P3933/2011 Nos. 1529, 1529A, 1531 & 1533 Burwood Highway Tecoma Page 110 of 110