2016 God Sightings - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

Dear Zion Family and friends,
Thank you one and all for the contributions to this edition of our Lenten devotional. Every year
it is a task to gather stories, select bible verses, edit and write prayers. Every year it seems as if
it will not be possible. And every year it comes together.
It comes together at a cost. And this year Jon McQuinn saved the day. Jon suffered a slip and
fall accident that has broken bones, torn tendon and ligaments and taken him out of
commission. Jon is a writer in former life, and while he was sitting at home waiting on surgery,
he agreed to edit our booklet. He edited and formatted the entire thing. Done in a weekend.
Carol Little is our cover artist again. She shares her gift and creativity incorporating our Lenten
theme into her cover art. In addition she has covered the cost of printing the 300 copies we will
purchase this year. We are collecting donations for the booklet to be designated toward
Freeland Habitat for Humanity. Donations can be given to pastor Rob for this cause.
It is always amazing to share stories of faith. This year we dedicate this booklet to our sister in
Christ, Administrative Assistant, Marsha Paetz for the many ways she has contributed to Gods
work here at Zion. Thank You Marsha; we love you.
I pray your faith is enriched through the sacrifice of all these individuals that have thrown
caution to the wind to share their stories.
In Christ Pr. Rob Schmidt
Ash Wednesday, February 10th
1 Timothy 4:15
“Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all.”
Each year we hear the appeal for “God Sightings” input for our annual God Sightings Lenten Devotional.
Each year I wonder if I had any God Sightings. I usually cannot think of any. I don't routinely live my life
looking for ways that God impacts my life or touches me so it is always difficult to know if I “HAD” one or
more. The nice thing about being asked for these inputs, though, is that it makes me think about
whether or not I had one. As I think about it this year, I think that I have many God Sightings, but if you
are not in the habit of thinking about it, they go unnoticed.
Our pastor is always asking us how we live our faith and our spirituality. This IS my God Sighting. If the
pastor did not continue to ask us to think about how God impacts our lives, we (many of us) would just
go on about our daily lives oblivious to how God is impacting us each and every day. If we weren't asked
to think about this, it can be SO easy to not notice. I am blessed each and every day. I have a roof over
my head, I am able to meet my financial obligations, I have food on my table and don't have to wonder
where it came from, I have a family that is blessed with more or less good health and well being, etc.
These are all God Sightings in their own way. When we ACTUALLY think about how God impacts our
lives, then we benefit from that thinking by reminding ourselves how truly blessed we actually are. We
can put aside life's little distractions that seem so trivial in the greater scheme of life.
So, in summary, My God Sighting is our pastor, who continues to remind us to LOOK for God in our daily
lives, for without looking, we cannot see.
Bob LaDuke
Prayer: “Thank you, Lord, for the little reminders that help us to see YOU in our own and our families’
lives. Help us to keep on looking for how you touch each of us each and every day. Amen!
Thursday, February 11th
1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the
faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
My story is as good as it gets, with God’s blessings he shares around the world. Almost 16 years ago my
brother Don gave me one of his kidneys. Without it, I would have died a long time ago, and to think of all
the things I would have missed! What makes this extra special is that I believe my brother is truly a gift
from God. Although all my brothers offered to be tested, it was Don who matched perfectly, through
blood, tissue & pathogen testing, and he didn't hesitate to save my life. So when people say how do we
know that God can work miracles in and through us, I am living proof!!
Debbie Eickmeyer
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the gift of family. We have all been created in your image and have
that creative part of our humanity in common. Help us find ways to love and serve one another as we
share the gift of life and faith. Thank you for the literal miracle of organ donation. Amen.
Friday February 12
Ecclesiastes 4:12
And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him – a threefold cord is
not quickly broken.
John and I married 39 years ago this June, and shortly after we were married my Grandma was visiting
her brother in Lima, Ohio. She knew that John's brother worked there for the city so, brave lady that she
was, she called the city office and asked to speak to Herman. When he came to the phone she said, “You
don’t know me, but I am Betty's Grandmother and I would like to meet you since you are John's
brother." Herman asked where to meet, and they had him for supper. Well, it ended up her brother and
his wife who were up in their eighties at the time lived within two miles of Herman – the three of them
had no other family and they soon became the best of friends. With Herman around, they were able to
get out again and enjoy trips. When my Great Uncle passed and left poor Mary alone, she had Herman –
they gardened together, canned together and went on several trips together. It really was a Godsend
that Grandma was brave enough to call him and he was gracious enough to go. It made for a wonderful
and lasting friendship.
Betty Lutz
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the ways you direct our lives into lasting and strong relationships. Help
us always be willing to meet others, grow relationships and share love as faithful followers of Jesus.
Thank you for bringing us the gift and support of friendship. Bless all those who need the courage,
direction and strength to make friends. Amen.
Saturday, February 13th
1 Corinthians 3:3
You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you
not acting like mere humans?
A few weeks ago, I became aware that my coworker received a nice promotion. Although I really was
happy for him, I have to admit I was out of sorts. Due to certain time requirements, I was not up for my
promotion until June. So when I found out about his, I had a little pity party for myself. Even though
I’ve known all along about the June waiting period, I still was upset that it couldn’t be moved up. Why
couldn’t they bend the rules for me? Wasn’t I putting in enough long hours? Wasn’t I traveling all over
in the middle of winter? Didn’t I deserve it? You get the picture.
Well, after about a week of this, I had a meeting in Lansing. As I was leaving my Division Director’s
office, I noticed that she had a Christmas scene painted on her office window next to the door. I
commented how fun the picture was. She said that she had been told the day before to take it down, as
it was already January, but she decided to leave it up for another day. She said she really loved the
meaning of the picture, as it was the “Three Trees.” I looked at her puzzled. She said, “Don’t you know
the story of the three trees?” I told her I did not. She said “Sit down,” and she told me the story.
Once upon a mountain top, three little trees stood and dreamed of what they wanted to become when
they grew up. The first little tree looked up at the stars and said: “I want to hold treasure. I want to be
covered with gold and filled with precious stones. I’ll be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!”
The second little tree looked out at the small stream trickling by on its way to the ocean. “I want to be
traveling mighty waters and carrying powerful kings. I’ll be the strongest ship in the world!” The third
little tree looked down into the valley below where busy men and women worked in a busy town. “I
don’t want to leave the mountain top at all. I want to grow so tall that when people stop to look at me,
they’ll raise their eyes to heaven and think of God. I will be the tallest tree in the world.”
Years passed. The rain came, the sun shone, and the little trees grew tall. One day three woodcutters
climbed the mountain. As the first one was cut down, it said, “Now I shall be made into a beautiful
chest. I shall hold wonderful treasure!” When the second tree fell, it said, “Now I shall sail mighty
waters! I shall be a strong ship for mighty kings!” The third tree felt her heart sink when the last
woodcutter looked her way. She stood straight and tall and pointed bravely to heaven. But the
woodcutter never even looked up. “Any kind of tree will do for me,” he muttered. With a swoop of his
shining axe, the third tree fell.
But instead of a treasure chest, the first tree was fashioned into a feedbox for animals. Instead of a
mighty ship carrying kings, the second tree was hammered and sawed into a simple fishing boat. As for
the third tree, the woodcutter cut her into strong beams and left her in a lumberyard. “What
happened?” the once tall tree wondered. “All I ever wanted was to stay on the mountain top and point
to God...”
Many, many days and night passed. The three trees nearly forgot their dreams. But one night, golden
starlight poured over the first tree as a young woman placed her newborn baby in the feedbox. “I wish I
could make a cradle for him,” her husband whispered. The mother squeezed his hand and smiled as the
starlight shone on the smooth and sturdy wood. “This manger is beautiful,” she said. And suddenly the
first tree knew he was holding the greatest treasure in the world.
One evening a tired traveler and his friends crowded into the old fishing boat. The traveler fell asleep as
the second tree quietly sailed out into the lake. Soon a thundering and thrashing storm arose. The little
tree shuddered. She knew she did not have the strength to carry so many passengers safely through
with the wind and the rain. The tired man awakened. He stood up, stretched out his hand, and said,
“Peace.” The storm stopped as quickly as it had begun. And suddenly the second tree knew he was
carrying the king of heaven and earth.
One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beams were yanked from the forgotten
woodpile. She flinched as she was carried through an angry jeering crowd. She shuddered when soldiers
nailed a man’s hands to her. She felt ugly and harsh and cruel. But on Sunday morning, when the sun
rose and the earth tremble with joy beneath her, the third tree knew that God’s love had changed
everything. It had made the third tree strong. And every time people thought of the third tree, they
would think of God.
The next time you feel down because you didn’t get what you want, sit tight and be happy because God
is thinking of something better to give you.
That picture was meant to be kept up on her window for another day for me to see it, and for her to tell
me that story……
Sheila L. Boensch
Prayer: Dear God, help us remember you are always willing to share your loving reminders with us
about your son, and the gift of his grace for us, even when we may not feel very grateful at some
moments in our lives. Thank you for the story of the trees. Help us find our purpose in this life to love
and serve others. Amen.
Sunday, February 14th
Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as
white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”
In winter, one of my God sightings would have to be the snow. I know, most people want to speed
through winter and not see any snow, but not me. I find peace and calming when it is snowing. Have
you ever stood outside when it is snowing and heard how peaceful it is? Or curl up with your afghan
and just watch the snow come down and blanket the earth with its pure white beauty? I love to wake
up to the snow-covered trees and fresh white ground; it’s kind of a renewal, a fresh, beautiful beginning.
Bonnie Skornia
Prayer: God our creator, thank you for the beauty of nature, and the beauty of fresh fallen snow. Help
us be careful in slippery weather. Help us be careful in situations when our own morals, judgment and
thoughts are slippery, tempting us to act out and cause harm. Safely navigate us as we connect life and
faith in all things. Thank you for a blanket of white snow that reminds us of your loving beauty and fresh
beginnings. Amen.
Monday, February 15th
Psalm 103:2-4
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all
your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.
So many of my friends and family have fought or are fighting with cancer and other serious illnesses.
Some have lost the fight and some continue to fight for their lives. I have had my own struggles with
illness, and every morning is a God sighting for me! I am grateful that I have lived to see another day; I
thank God for each and every new day.
Bonnie Skornia
Prayer: Dear Lord, we commend to you all who suffer from disease, illness, addiction, pain and other
brokenness that exists in our world. We ask for your peace and healing for those in the battle. We pray
for comfort and strength to be granted to the family and friends who watch their loved ones suffer.
Help us celebrate our health and life and make the most out of each day we are given to live. Amen.
Tuesday, February 16th
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your
hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
On the morning of Thursday, November 20, 2015, my boss emailed me that a dear friend of hers had
taken a turn for the worst and was in hospice, not expected to make it more than a few more days. It’s
so hard sometimes to find the right words. I was in the process of responding to her email and typing
out the verse of John 14:27, when I received a call from a staff member at my Mom’s apartment
complex saying that she was found on the floor of her apartment, was very disoriented, and the
ambulance was on its way. On my nervous drive over there, I kept thinking that I just had spoken to her
the night before. She told me about the party she had attended that afternoon. How could this be
During that day, after receiving medical treatment in the ER, she was able to communicate with me and
we shared some loving words and thoughts. That evening, however, it was God’s will to take my
beloved mother home. She left with three of her daughters by her side. Literally within five minutes of
her passing, my sisters and I heard some loud booms coming from outside. We opened the blinds and
before us there was the most beautiful fireworks display outside the hospital room window. We
couldn’t believe it. Fireworks in November? We all laughed and cried, saying what a grand entrance
into Heaven mom had made! We later found out it was the lighting of the Christmas lights at the City
Hall, but in our hearts God was telling us that she was celebrating.
Also, at my mother’s funeral, my cousin gave me a sympathy card. Inside of the card, he had
handwritten the verse, John 14:27. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as
the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” This was the same exact
verse four days earlier I was emailing to my friend, who was still in an unfinished email on my computer,
when I was trying to offer her some peace as her friend was nearing the end of his life. Those words
were now being given back to me, as a reminder of that same peace. Isn’t HIS timing perfect?
Sheila L. Boensch
Prayer: Lord God bring us peace as we remember those who we love who have died and are now safe
in your care. Amen.
Wednesday, February 17th
Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be
put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
In December, 2014 a dear friend of mine was in the hospital to have surgery for colon cancer. Not having
a church of her own at that time I asked her if she would like to have my pastor stop and see her. She
was very appreciative when Pastor Rob came to talk and pray with her. Before he left he presented her
with a prayer shawl the ladies at the church had made. She said it comforted her and she kept it with
her on her hospital bed and then later at home on her own bed while she recovered from her successful
One year later, in November of 2015 I was going in the hospital for lung cancer surgery. When this same
friend came to visit me she brought with her the same green prayer shawl that Pastor had brought to
her the year before. It stayed with me on my bed the whole time I was in the hospital and then on my
bed at home as well as I recovered from my surgery. It's been a few months now since my successful
surgery so it's time to return the shawl to my friend, as it was only on loan to me while I was in need of
To Pastor for presenting the shawl in the first place and to all of the ladies of the prayer shawl
committee, a special thank you. I'm sure our story is but one of many you have heard in the past, but I
felt it needed to be told again how our God works through so many different ways to comfort and heal.
This time, one shawl - two stories.
Barbara Egbert
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the ministry of our prayer shawl team. Thank you for the many prayers
that have been shared as shawls are made. Thank you for the love that is shared as we distribute these
gifts to those in need. Continue to bless all our members of this ministry and those who receive these
gifts. Amen.
Thursday, February 18th
Isaiah 49: 15-16
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
walls are ever before me.”
Sometimes in my room I feel alone, but then I remember that I'm not alone. God is with me every
second. Like when I go to bed and can't fall asleep, or when I was little and afraid of the dark, God was
with me.
Christy Cole
Prayer: Dear God help us remember we are always in your hands, in your light. Amen.
Matthew 3:17
And behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”
One morning, I was getting ready for work and Cate came in to “keep me company.” She started to play
with the snowman figurines that I had set out on the windowsill. As I was doing my hair and makeup, I
heard her carrying on a conversation between the figurines. Just then, I heard her in a deep, loud,
booming voice say “This is my Son; with him I am well pleased!” I turned around and asked her what she
was doing; she said that the one snowman was God and the other one was Jesus. She said that God is
happy with Jesus and loves Jesus because Jesus loves us. I smiled, gave her a hug, and said a quick thank
you prayer for all of the great things that happen in Sunday School each week. What a great way to start
my day!
Adrianne Cole (one proud mom)
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for allowing us to watch our children grow in faith. Help us understand the
importance and value of bringing them into worship and following the promise we make as parents to
raise our children in faith when we bring them to become baptized. Amen.
Friday, February 19th
Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will
receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
I'm sure every one of us has seen this angel. But do we actually SEE her or do we take her and her
intimate knowledge of all things Zion for granted?? She is always in her office, whether she's feeling well
or not and regardless of family plans and activities. She greets everyone with a smile – she listens,
consoles, mentors, scolds, advises . . . and always has an answer or solution to the many issues that are
brought before her. The hats she wears are MANY and varied.
Our office administrator has faithfully done her "job" at Zion for over 30 years. I know she wants to get
everything done before she leaves us, but there will invariably be something that goes undone or
doesn't get into her huge list of tasks that she does. I know I personally will miss her terribly once she
retires. She doesn't want a big send off or a lot of hoopla, but take a quick moment to give her a cheery
hello, let her know she will be missed and is appreciated for all that she has done over the years.
BE PATIENT as this transition takes place.
And always remember, angels walk among us.
God bless you, Marsha, as you start the next exciting chapter of your life!
Jackie Munger
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your servant Marsha Paetz and the many years of service she has
shared with Zion. Bless her in the midst of this last term of service to the church as she prepares for the
transition, and says goodbye to her formal job here at Zion. Uphold her with your mighty hand and guide
her path. Thank you for sharing her with Zion and our community. Amen.
Saturday, February 20th
John 14:1-2
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many
rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
Melissa has an internship at Smucker’s in Ripon, Wisconsin this summer. Before school started this
January, she had to be there for her physical and have a tour of the plant and meet her mentor. Dave
and Melissa took the road trip there. Melissa was anxious, like us too, to find housing, as Smucker’s was
not putting her up. Other companies find places for the students to live for the short term of four
months. She had spent much time trying to find something in Ripon that was furnished and did not
require a lease. She was looking to find a sub lease. This was not easy and she was not able to find
anything. There were subleases in Oshkosh but we did not want her traveling that far each day to go to
work. We talked about going to a church and asking the people there if anyone had a room that they
would rent to a college student.
On the way to Wisconsin, Renee called Melissa and Dave. Renee was talking to someone at her work
and they were talking about Wisconsin. Renee’s colleague was from Wisconsin and the question Renee
had was, “Do you know anything about Ripon?” Her friend said, “Renee, I grew up in Ripon. My mom
still lives there.” The conversation continued during Renee’s lunch and her friend knew of her mother’s
neighbor who had rented a room in the past to college students. She gave Renee the name and number
of the lady and Dave and Melissa called her. This happened on Tuesday and Dave and Melissa were
traveling on Wednesday. They looked at a few apartments but were not having any luck. They called the
lady and Melissa and Dave went over Wednesday night. Melissa was happy with the housing
arrangements and she will be living with this lady for the summer.
We are so blessed with this. We know that there will be a person who will be looking out for her while
she is in a strange town. The Lord directed the conversation for Renee and her friend to talk about this.
Who would have thought that in a little town of Gladstone, Michigan there would be a teacher who
grew up in Ripon and knew of someone who had housing for a college student? We are so blessed with
Thank you, Lord, for your hand and direction in the wonderful arrangements for Melissa this summer.
Keep her safe and secure. We are blessed to have your heart and hand in ours.
Peggy Smith
Prayer: Dear God, help us rest our hearts into your Holy Spirit trusting that you have a plan, a home for
us, guided and blessed today, tomorrow and for all of eternity. Amen.
Sunday, February 21st
Proverbs 25:12
Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear.
Renee is nine months pregnant. She has not been able to sleep too well in her bed. She has been
sleeping in the Lazy Boy chair that her grandfather had in his apartment. I have told her that Grandpa is
keeping her comfortable and safe. The other night, she heard a faint scratch on her front door. This
was at 4:30 am. She turned on the light and saw a little dog at the door. Now this dog had to climb
stairs to get to her porch. She would have not heard this scratch at the door if she was not sleeping in
Grandpa’s chair. She woke Tommy up and they had the little doggy come inside. They kept the doggy
safe and warm for the rest of the early morning. They then looked on Facebook and instantly found the
owners. The dog had been gone since the afternoon before. They were able to get the dog back to the
owners. Now why did this doggy pick their house to scratch at the door? And what a blessing that
Renee was sleeping in the living room this particular night to save the little dog!
Thank you Lord Jesus for your arms that wrap around us and animals. Thank you for sending this little
dog to Renee’s porch to be rescued. God bless to Grandpa in Heaven for his comfy chair that Renee has
been able to relax in. God bless to the family that have their precious animal back with them.
Peggy Smith
Prayer: Heavenly Father, it is amazing to think that sometimes even in our inability to find rest, we can
listen and serve you in all things. As we seek comfort, rest and needed respite, help us always remain
open to listening to the needs around us. Thank you that even in our own fatigue we are able to provide
help for others. Amen.
Monday, February 22nd
Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together,
as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
I believe God is helping us get through some rough times, but my God sighting would be when Joe told
me he “has the patience" to attend church with me. He asked me if I would take him on Wednesday
nights. He was really enjoying it. Now he wants to go "every other" week. Hopefully if I can be "patient"
with him, he will decide he wants to go to Sunday school; and maybe his brother Michael will start
coming too. Through the grandson, I was attending more church in a few months than I did all year.
Betty Lutz
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for calling us to worship and helping us share that worship with others.
Thank you for children who are often the pathway back to the church for many families. Bless our
congregation that we may always gather to worship, encourage one another to participate, and serve
God in all things. Amen
Tuesday, February 23rd
Luke 11:9
And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
I have had back problems and severe pain the last few years. After therapy, pain blocks, and pain meds, I
still had a lot of pain. My family doctor set me up for an MRI. The results confirmed I needed surgery. I
was scared, and I prayed for God's guidance. What should I do? I went to my surgeon. He said he could
help me, and the fact that he had performed many similar surgeries helped to relieve my mind. Bob and
I prayed. We knew we had to put our faith in God, and God would help us through. The surgery was set
up in a week. Wow, that went quick! The night before surgery, we prayed for God's guidance for the
doctor, and that everything would go well with the surgery. We knew we were in good hands. GOD'S
HANDS. The surgery went well, and I was home in two days, and pain free!! (just like heaven). I am truly
thankful for God's gift to me, my health.
Judy Schimm
Prayer: Lord God, we often experience pain in many ways in our lives, families and communities. Give us
the strength and wisdom to pray for guidance and direction, and the best ways to seek healing. We lift
up to your mercy all those who suffer chronic pain that they may find relief. Amen.
Wednesday, February 24th
1 Peter 3:8
Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.
This is what I think about how God works in our daily lives. I don't think anyone loses their faith or belief
in God. I think at times we question it. Things at times get tough and we are wondering how these things
could be happening in our lives. And when things get to be a little rough, I think God works by bringing
people into our lives. It's the people we meet and bring into our circle. That's how I came to meet Pastor
Pastor Rob was a good friend to someone very close and dear to me. That person was diagnosed with
cancer and would end up dying from it. Pastor Rob came down to Ann Arbor to visit twice. The first visit
was more in the pastoral role for him. The second visit was truly just on the friendly side. It was that day
Pastor Rob and I went for a walk and starting talking. And the conversation was easy and it felt like I had
known Pastor Rob for a very long time, like we had always been friends. I have to say the friend did pass
away a week later. Pastor Rob made it known he was there for me, to listen if I needed to talk. Then he
invited me to church for All Saints day. And I wasn't sure if I wanted to go; you see, it had been many
years for me to be in church. But I had a feeling I had to go. I walked into church and sat down and I
knew I was supposed to be there. It was comfortable. And in that time I've had many talks with Pastor
Rob and I think we have become very good friends. I think that is God's way of bringing me full circle. It's
God's way of showing me he is in my life every day, by the people he has brought into my life to help me
through the struggles. And for that I am forever grateful.
Doug Harrington
Prayer: Dear God, in the midst of difficulty you bring your children together through the power of the
Holy Spirit to make your love known. Thank you for the gift of new friends, help us understand how you
draw us together in love and acceptance that we may appreciate the blessings of the powerful ways you
bring friends together. Amen.
Thursday, February 25th
Psalm 55:6
I said, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.”
This happened to me years ago. I come from a large, close family. I had a disagreement with the wife of
one of my brothers. As a result, we didn’t talk or see each other for months.
On New Year’s Eve day a white dove came to visit me. It sat on my car in the driveway. No matter what
my husband and I did, it would not leave. It went from my car to the roof of the house; when we left for
church it flew to the roof until we came home, then returned to my car. The next morning, it was still
there. I then got a phone call saying my brother had had a heart attack, and passed away. I went out and
the dove flew away. I didn’t understand it until I told Pastor Claggett about it. He said it was the dove of
peace that had come to let me know everything was okay between my brother and I.
After my brother’s passing, my sister-in-law and I started to talk and everything was alright after that.
Norine (Pug) Carrigan
Prayer: Dear God, peace comes to us in many ways. Thank you for the peace that settles over us after
the death of loved ones. Help all who have experienced loss in this way to find your peace. Amen.
Friday, February 26th
2 Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
I work three days a week, and have trouble walking, especially in the winter. I am afraid I am going to
slip and fall. I work with a great bunch of guys that are very caring and helpful, always making sure I am
OK, making my day easier for me. Thank you, Lord, for caring friends.
A Zion member
Prayer: Thank you Lord for the gift of care expressed by one human being to another in the most basic
and simple ways in life. Help us learn to reach out and offer a helping hand to those in need around us.
Saturday, February 27th
Romans 13:10
Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
This is not a God sighting, but I want you to know about my wonderful neighbor. Her name is Lori
Nuenfeldt. She and her family moved next door in 1990. I met Lori in the 80s as Carl and I attended her
wedding to John. She has two sons and a daughter, and a sweet new granddaughter.
Lori is a nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital in Saginaw. Her daughter and baby live with her – she is a very busy
person – however, she is always there for me. In the year 2000 my husband became ill and could not cut
grass or shovel snow, so her boys did the snow shoveling for us. When they couldn’t, Lori took over, and
when the boys left for college, Lori took over completely. She would get home from the hospital at 7:30
am and come over and shovel my drive. This has been going on for 15 years. She always has her cell
phone on and keeps it by her bed at night – she told me to call any time I needed her. Of course, she
can’t answer when she’s working, but I can leave her a message. My house has an alarm system, and at
11:30 one night, the alarm went off. I was in bed terrified, and I could not check it out or turn it off until
the police arrived. Of course it kept ringing, and Lori heard it. Here comes Lori, looking in my patio door
to see if I’m okay (I think one of those lady bugs set it off).
Twice I have fallen in the yard and Lori has come and helped me up (once, I was telling her I’d fallen, and
she was already in my yard). She has taken me to emergency and waited all day until 6:30 pm when my
son got out of work to take me home. If I get dizzy or really feel bad, she comes and checks my blood
I called Lori to ask her permission to write this and she said it was fine. And then she said, “I know you
had a good time in Texas (I went there for Christmas) as your daughter Lisa has your picture on
Facebook” (still checking on me). I am so blessed to have Lori in my life. Between the Lord, Lori and my
family, who could ask for more?
Gloria Aaron
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the gift of neighbors who care for us. Thank you for the gift of
neighbors who have needs we can help. Help us learn about community through the way we view one
another as neighbors to share your love for us with one another. Amen.
Sunday, February 28th
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him shall not
perish, but have eternal life.”
This verse is the crux of our whole faith, is it not? You have probably heard it so many times that it
almost just pales and fades into every day, ordinary existence. Let me tell you how these words came
alive again for me.
I was listening to another “Pastor Rob” preach on this verse, saying a similar segue to it. He spoke about
how this person we were memorializing that day embodied this verse by her actions within the church
and her world around her. He really focused in on these three words from the verse. God, love and
gave. This got me thinking about why I do the things I do. The things that I really feel good about doing
(wanna-do’s). The good things I don’t wanna-do, but do anyway, because I can do them, and do them
pretty well (hafta-do’s). And the things I shouldn’t be doing at all. (Didn’t Paul have a verse like this in
Romans?) Anyhow, I have a tendency like many of you to over-book myself into so many things that my
evenings and weekends are even busier than my work day. Three kids’ extra-curricular activities. Run,
run, run, run, RUN! Oh, and my wife. When I do get a chance to speak to my folks, my mom will say to
me, “You need to learn to say no sometimes.” And my response back is typically a flippant, “Oh Mom, I
can rest when I’m dead.” Sometimes knowing the why of things helps me to get through it, even when I
don’t wanna-do it. This verse just lit up again when I heard it explained that way. God loved, so he
gave. While I will never be able to measure up by my own actions, I can give in love. Why . . . because
God gave, so should I. It is not because of me that I give, but Him. That is not to say that I do not reap
some personal gratification from these things, but it’s more of an effect of Him in me. This is also not
saying that I don’t flip out on a regular basis and lose my cool, left to my own devices. (Ask my wife!)
What it is saying is that I may not always be one hundred percent comfortable, or even fifty percent
with some things I am pushed and pulled into, but I know that with every new experience of helping out,
He is there with me, because God loved. . . He gave!
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for your Son! Thank you for blessing us with abilities to serve You.
Continue to strengthen us all in love for You, and one another. And help us to have peace in the things
we may not want to do, but do them, because it is what You want us to do. Amen.
Monday, February 29th
Matthew 3:1-2
In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, “Repent, for the
kingdom of heaven has come near.”
It was a typical Sunday at church. The Gospel was the Baptism of Jesus. I’ve heard this story many
times. John was a man on the outskirts of civilization. GOT IT! But what I didn’t know is how that
message would manifest itself. Later that day, I would be asked to step out of my comfort zone in going
to a memorial service for my wife’s cousin who passed away. The church was in an area that I am not
very familiar with. And as a very critical person, it is a stretch for me to go to any church other than my
own form of Lutheran that I am familiar with. And let me tell ya, this is a different congregation. There
is no formal liturgy or order in which things go. The pastor even opened up the mic for stories, like
“HEYYY EVERY-BODY! It’s open mic night at the sanctuary!” This doesn’t usually set well with me. But
this day, it was okay. I didn’t know my wife’s cousin very well. She was only 42 when she passed. I knew
that she was a down-to-earth, loving and kind person. She wore her faith on her sleeve despite her
health issues she fought for many years. I knew that she was a REAL person after I met her for the first
time, roughly 15 or so years ago . . . not supposing to be a better person than the next, because she
went to church, but actively making her community of faith better by touching the lives of those around
her. These were the stories that were shared about Kelly at “open mic night”. From what I understand
from her family and pastor’s stories that day, she was so solidly convinced that even though she was
going to leave her family behind, she was going out with a smile and she was going to be perfect in
God’s hands; reunited with family. What comfort and peace we can all take away from this.
This story is not different from many others who have lost loved ones. What was different was that I
opened my ears to the message that day, due to the earlier seed that was planted. Stepping out of my
comfortable pew perch at Zion Lutheran, I listened to God’s voice come through another unfamiliar and
some (like me) may say “strange” place. John the Baptist was strange by those day’s standards and
ours. That’s a good thing, because if God can choose John, he can choose you, or me, or anyone to be a
vessel for Him, as long as we open our hearts and minds to the Word!
K.W. Lentner
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the lives of those you put around us to guide us, and shape the circles
we touch. Help us to open our hearts to your voice, no matter where it may speak to us, showing Your
love to those around us. Amen
Tuesday, March 1st
John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and
bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
When I start to get a little down and depressed, I feel a good presence with me and I hear my mom's
voice , saying little things. As close as I was to her, I still miss her dearly and I think hearing her is God's
way of showing me he understands and is beside me, too. I love the thought of the red cardinal being a
heavenly visitor. I have beautiful male and female cardinals that sit on the tree outside the kitchen
window, and I believe they are a visit from above. I know it's not really a sighting but it's a very good
feeling for me.
Mary Phillips
Prayer: Dear God, we celebrate the power of your Holy Spirit that comes in so many ways in our lives to
fill us with comfort, truth and love. Help us learn about and trust the reality of Holy Spirit in our lives and
the many ways you remind us of your presence in the world and our lives. Amen.
Wednesday, March 2nd
Matthew 19:13-15
Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked
the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs
the kingdom of heaven.” And he laid his hands on them and went away.
I feel such joy watching the children of Zion participating. When they go up for the children’s sermon,
some exhibit enthusiasm; others shyly watch the others. When the Gospel Group has children join in
using rhythm instruments, I see another kind of participation. They are learning about God’s love and
that church can be fun, also. I pray more children will participate in these things and in Sunday School
and VBS.
Jan Hennink
Prayer: Dear God, thank you that when we were children we were brought to faith by people who loved
us. Thank you for the many children we are blessed to have at Zion. Help our church grow in our ability
to welcome children and minister to them. Thank you for the way the children minister to us. Amen.
Thursday, March 3rd
1 Peter 5:2
Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as
God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly.
I want to acknowledge those who do jobs around the church with little recognition. A family puts up the
Christmas trees and takes them back down. Boxes of decorations were returned to the subbasement.
The pencils are sharpened and hand sanitizers are made ready at the pews. The outdoor bulletin board
is changed. Bulletins are folded. Candles are made ready. Communion is set up. Sidewalks are cleared
in the winter. Homebound people are visited. Cards are sent. Light bulbs are changed. I’m sure there
are many more jobs done that help our church run smoothly.
Thank you.
Jan Hennink
Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for giving us the gift of your sacred and Holy church and then
allowing us to care for and be that church. Pour out your Spirit upon us that we may understand what is
at stake when it comes to the church and ministry and become lit ablaze to serve our congregation,
community and world. Thank you for the faithful servants at Zion. Amen.
Friday, March 4th
Luke 2:7
And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger,
because there was no place for them in the inn.
I want to thank the ladies who take time to make the prayer shawls. I have given a few away, and the
pleasure I see they get out of them, makes me feel good that we can share such love from God through
your talents you share in making them. I have given them to a friend who is battling cancer. Also at the
funeral home for a family, it was told to me the grandchildren wanted them. So I gave a few more to
the family. See, even teenagers like them. That mademe feel good when I took them to the funeral
home. Keep making them, ladies. They do a lot by spreading God’s Word. Thank you!
Ann Lash
Prayer: Dear God, just as Jesus was wrapped in cloth by his mother Mary, wrap all those who are given
the gift of prayer shawls from our church with the love and prayers they have within. Thank you for the
women that spend their time on these gifts. Help us all remember to find ways to use our time to make
life better for others through our prayers, efforts and gifts. Amen.
Saturday, March 5th
Hebrews 13:16
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
During the week of Christmas 2015, I had won a good amount of money at bowling on our mystery
game! Well, instead of spending it on myself, I turned on radio station 98.1 FM when they had
Christmas Wishes, and I heard a wish for a family of four, who was mom, dad, and two boys, ages 4 and
10. They weren’t going to have a great Christmas because the dad had gone to the doctor a few weeks
before with a sore throat, had a test, and it came back he had stage 4 cancer! They had very little
money to spend on Christmas, and they wanted winter things for the boys. So I jumped up and called
that radio station and told them I would get mittens, hats, gloves, scarves, games for each boy, and
something for mom and dad. I had a great day shopping for this family, wrapped the gifts, and took
them to WKCQ.
The next day they had another sad request; a mother of three girls, who had nine months to go on her
nursing degree, found out she had lung cancer. So her request was gifts for her girls; 6, 8, and 14. So I
went shopping again. The little girl wanted stuff from “Frozen,” and I filled her request. The older girls
wanted books and puzzles, and Bath & Body. I also got mom a gift certificate. I also wrapped and took
these gifts to the station. I also put the Portal of Prayers in the bag. They told us to put in our house
address label or card. We didn’t know the family. But in return, I felt God had directed me to do an act
of kindness, and it’s come back to me twofold. They loved the Portal of Prayers. They said they needed
it and if they need a church, I told them about Zion. I received a great thank-you note from both.
Ann Lash
Prayer: Dear God, you have given so much to us, help us understand the responsibility to share our
blessings with those in need around us. Amen.
Sunday, March 6th
Romans 1:12
That is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.
I have often heard the phrase, “When one door closes, another one opens.” Although it may seem
trivial or contrite to some, with the passing of time, more often than not we see evidence of this truth.
Within the first ten days of the 2010 New Year, three people that were near and dear to me passed
away. Sadly, that trend continued throughout the year, as our family attended between 15 -20 funerals
in a 12-month period; however, it was the loss of my beloved grandfather that touched my heart the
most. On June 7th, my grandfather, Gene Leaman (a life-long member of Zion) took his first breath in
heaven. At 90, I knew that he had lived a good life and I was incredibly grateful for the time that I had
been able to spend with him. Still, I had to acknowledge that a part of me would miss him dearly. I was
looking forward to meeting grandpa’s pastor from Zion, as I had heard some wonderful things about him
from my mom and my grandpa. Pastor Rob arrived at the funeral home shortly before the public
viewing hours, to discuss the arrangements and the prayer vigil that would be held later that evening.
Since I was going to speak at that event, he wanted to know what I had in mind and how long it would
take. While he suggested a minute or two, my reply to him went something like, “My grandpa lived on
the earth for 90 years, I think I can talk about him a bit longer than that.”
As we discussed our lives, our experiences, and our education, we discovered that we had many things
in common. God knew exactly what he was doing the day I met Pastor Rob. A bond of friendship was
formed that continues to grow. Despite the fact that we are distanced by several miles, two area codes
and three counties, God knew that our friendship would flourish as we would be able to bless each
other via email and Facebook. For you see, there are no geographical boundaries or timetables in our
world of electronic communications today. We can encourage one another spiritually; we can
encourage one another when times get tough; we can sound off ideas and we can look to each other for
guidance, 24/7 – 365 days a year, or 366 for those years that have an extra day in February. I share his
sermon links and his meditations with others in the Metro Detroit area; they in turn share them with
their friends and families. One of his sermons was inspired by a message that I sent to him, and it makes
my heart happy to know that in my trials and my tribulations, Pastor Rob was able to share a message of
hope with those who may have been or who once were in similar circumstances.
On June 11, 2010, I wore a bright yellow dress to celebrate the life of my grandpa. (Retrospectively, I
could say I was also celebrating the beginning of a great friendship with Pastor Rob!) As I slipped
something special into grandpa’s casket for the bodily resurrection, I realized that while God had closed
the door to my life on earth with grandpa as I knew it, God had opened another door to an eternal
friendship with a spiritual mentor whom I respect, that I admire, that I count on to help me sort through
life’s trials, tribulations and triumphs, and one that is possible because of this 21st-century technological
advancement we call electronic communication!
Cindy Seeburger
Prayer: Thank you Lord God for bringing us together with new friends, new opportunities and new
growth when we may have believed nothing new will come again. Help us understand how by faith you
bring us new chances for mutual growth through our faith and friendship. Amen.
Monday, March 7th
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by
day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all
comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things
that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
I want to thank GOD for letting me get cancer! Yup, you read that right. Even though the treatments
were hell, along with all the worry and side effects (that I still have), I came out of it a much better
person. We came out of it a much closer family! When a person goes though something traumatic and
life threatening, You learn what really matters: PRAYER and FAMILY! The power of prayer is an amazing
thing. We believe the power of prayer helped us get through this speed bump in our journey of life.
This is a quote I found and it is so true: "And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made
it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really
over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who
walked in. That's what this storm's all about." – Haruki Murakami
I am currently 1.5 years cancer free, going strong and enjoying life more than ever!
Sue Drummond
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the power and ability to seek treatment, healing and growth in the midst of
our human bodies that fail. Thank you for growing us in faith and spirits in all times and circumstances.
Thank you for the rare people around us who show us the way to grow in all circumstances. Amen.
Tuesday, March 8th
(A Different Kind of God Sighting: Nursing Home Shows Part 1)
Psalm 37:7
“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him…”
Mark 14:36
“…not what I want, but what you want.”
Last year, one of my God sightings was about my guitar playing and getting up the nerve to join Pat
Zuzula and play at Zion’s Thursday morning assisted living services. I’m glad to say I’ve continued
playing there, twice each month during 2015. My playing has improved, and I am even singing while
strumming. In fact, I am now also doing solo shows for four different groups of elderly each month. One
of these is a dementia group, with four to 10 people listening. It is a hard group to play for, because
there is almost no audience feedback. My October show had only four residents in the room. No one
clapped or seemed to be paying any attention. I received as much attention as an unwatched television.
One of the residents is prone to crying, and there she was, right in front of me, crying all through my
show. One guy came in mid-show and sat down, so I thought he had heard me from the hallway and
wanted to watch. But he left after one song – a real confidence builder.
At the end of the show, only one woman clapped (she had been doing a puzzle, seeming to ignore me
the whole time). It almost felt that she was clapping that the show was finally done. I know I’m not
doing it “for me” and I know that these people cannot help the way they are. I feel sorry for them. But
this show totally drained me and had been no fun to play. I was considering not doing any more shows
for this group, and find a different group to offer my time to. After all, I’m retired, and usually don’t
“have to” do things I don’t like. But something kept nagging at me. Over half of my songs are gospels or
hymns; I see it as evangelizing. The nagging was telling me that my songs could give some sunshine to
these people. Or give them some hope. Maybe refresh their faith, or even invite someone new into
faith. Even if I somehow connect to only one person without knowing it, it makes the show worthwhile.
So, I decided to keep doing shows for this dementia group, even if sometimes these shows are tedious,
not fun, and leave me feeling unappreciated. I wonder if the nagging thoughts I had was God working
on me through his Holy Spirit, whispering to remind me of what love and service are, and that it is not all
about me.
Ilmars Doubulis
Prayer: Thank you God for the willingness to listen to your direction and set aside our own thoughts and
evaluations to serve others. Thank you for the faith people have to minister and serve our elderly
communities. Amen.
Wednesday, March 9th
(A Different Kind of God Sighting: Nursing Home Shows Part 2)
Matthew 25:40
“…Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it
to me.”
My previous “Part 1” God Sighting talked about the frustration of my October nursing home sing &
strum show at a dementia unit. This is a sequel to that story. It is always an unknown how my playing
and singing will be received at the dementia unit. In October, I was ignored by the people in the room.
The following sighting takes place at the same unit, the following month.
The “vibe” was different at the November show. There were about seven people in the room. One
woman clapped and made comments like “beautiful” or “wonderful” after many songs. Another woman
clapped for some of them (she was coloring the rest of the time). The best was after I was done and
packing up. Two guys who had not clapped and had just sat there the whole show came up separately,
shook my hand, thanked me, and told me “Good job.” A couple of the women said they hoped I would
come back again. The very best part was a woman in a wheelchair who moves herself around but I think
her mind “has left the building.” She jabbered, but did not seem to communicate with the staff, either
talking to them or comprehending what they said to her. She was at my show, but that was about it (no
clapping, and I couldn't really tell if she was paying attention or enjoying it). Then she left. Five minutes
after my show was done, while I was still packing, I heard her behind me, wheeling back into the room,
singing Hank Williams’ ‘Jambalaya.’ I had done that song less than 15 minutes earlier, so apparently I
made a connection with her. One of the staff told the woman that she thought her words were wrong,
but the lady kept on singing. Her singing really made my day. Of course, the staff was probably ready to
kill me if she kept singing that song all afternoon…
After the frustration of October’s show, November’s feedback was a wonderful reminder from God that
my presence each month does make a difference to these people.
Ilmars Doubulis
Prayer: Dear God, thank you when we are blessed to hear the music we bring to others get sung again.
Help us remember the same things happens when we share love and grace with others. Amen.
Thursday, March 10th
Matthew 6:27
And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
An opportunity presented itself to me to acquire an item that I was in need of but along with this was a
long term commitment. What should I do? After weighing all the pros and cons I was still not sure what
I should do. I went to God in prayer: “Lord help me in this decision that I must make.” A day or so later
a solution presented itself to me a way to acquire the item and solve the commitment problem.
Why do we always spin our wheels trying to make decisions on our own? Why is prayer often our last
resort? God tells us to lay our burdens on him and yet we struggle on our own. I knew at the time that
this happened it would be my God sighting. I just wasn’t sure how I would write it down.
I truly believe that when God closes a door he opens a window.
Bill Bell
Prayer: Dear God, help us learn to come to you with all things and find the strength that faith brings to
our ability to make decisions. Amen
Friday, March 11th
John 2:9-10
"and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize
where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the
bridegroom aside and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after
the guests have had too much to drink, but you have saved the best till now."
I remember years ago when Johnny Carson had this little boy on his show who had rescued two of his
friends from a coal mine. As Johnny was interviewing this little guy it became apparent to him that this
little man was a Christian, so Johnny asked him if he went to Sunday School. When he said he did,
Johnny asked him what he was learning in Sunday School. He told him that last week their lesson was
about the time Jesus went to a wedding and turned the water into wine. Johnny then asked him what he
learned from that story. The little boy had to think about this for awhile, but then came back with the
funniest reply ever. He said "If you're going to have a wedding, make sure you invite Jesus." We all
laughed so hard!! But, it's so true; we need to invite Jesus into every aspect of our lives. This story made
it clear that Jesus came to us to bring us joy.
God delights in His children. Our joy pleases Him. When we celebrate, He celebrates with us. When we
invite Jesus into our lives, He can change our past pain into present comfort and turn our deep sorrow
into divine delight. He can take old wounds and turn them into fresh wisdom. He can turn stale old
thoughts into new ideas to solve our problems. He does not save the best for last, He saves the best for
now. Just imagine what He can change if you only invite him into your life. Seven years ago I asked Jesus
to bless, keep and guide my daughter and her husband as they entered the next chapter of their lives as
husband and wife; He has! Three years ago as I was sitting in the emergency room with my husband
after he had a small stroke. I asked God to be with him, to hold him tight and make him well again; He
did! Inviting God into every aspect of my life has been the best thing I have ever done. I thank God every
day for being here for me and all those I love.
Connie Hoverman
Prayer: Dear Lord, help us understand that you desire to make the ordinary into extraordinary in our
lives today. Help us turn our problems into opportunities to invite your power and presence into our
lives. Amen.
Saturday, March 12th
1 Peter 4:10
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.
We have some very nice neighbors who have been helping some of us older neighbors who have been
going through some changes in our life. One of the neighbors became the caregiver for her husband
who had some health issues. The neighbors who are close to her would help with the yard work, help
with snow shoveling. If there was help she needed in the house they were there to help. When he had
injured himself and needed to have the injury checked after he had it looked at by a doctor, they were
there to check on the injury and changed the dressings of it. If she needed to go out they would watch
out for her husband. When it came time to move her husband to a nursing home, they were there to
help her get things moved to the home. They were there to help when it came time to placing him in
hospice. They were there for her when her husband parted.
And I know they are still there for her, to help when and if she needs help. She is not the only person
they have helped in our neighborhood. We are very blessed to have such caring people living in our
neighborhood. Thank you and God bless both Dave & Peggy Smith and Randy & Sandy Bleumer.
Shirley Seitz
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for gifting us with the ability to reach out and help one another. Help us
look for ways to help one another and become good neighbors. Thank you for the many people who
have helped us in our need. Amen.
Sunday, March 13th
Genesis 24:17-19
(Abraham sends his Servant to find a wife for Isaac)
The servant hurried to meet her and said, “Please give me a little water from your jar.” 18 “Drink, my
lord,” she said, and quickly lowered the jar to her hands and gave him a drink. 19 After she had given him
a drink, she said, “I’ll draw water for your camels too, until they have had enough to drink.”
I went to work one morning; it was a very rainy day. I clean offices and houses for a living. I had recently
lost one of my clients and needed to find another job to replace that one, so as I was working I was
talking to God in my mind, asking him to help me out, to get another job. So as I was cleaning, I heard a
knock on the office door. I answered the door and there was a women wanting to check when her
cleaning day was and pay on her bill. I told her the office was closed and I was the cleaning lady. She said
“Oh, I’ll come back Monday.” Then she said, “By the way, do you clean houses? “ I said, “Yes I do.” She
gave me her name and phone number, and we set up a day to meet.
She hired me and I’ve worked for her for 12 years. Now I no longer work for her now that her kids have
grown and moved on. We now are best friends and share our family lives together. I feel that God had
sent her to me an answered my prayer! I tell her she was my angle from God.
Lou Ann Mannion
Prayer: Dear God, your plans for us often provide us a way to be blessed, survive and thrive when we
often have a need or desire for change. Help us have the faith to trust that you are always at work
around us, listening to our prayers, responding to our needs and directing our paths. Amen
Monday, March 14th
John 4:24
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
I was at a Wednesday night service. Pastor Rob said to please stand for the Gospel reading. I thought to
myself, “Why do we have to stand for these long Gospel readings?” Suddenly, it's as though Pastor Rob
could read my mind! I was sure he was looking directly at me when he explained why we stand up for
the Gospel readings. I wish now I could remember what he said, I was just so surprised, or maybe I was
embarrassed. I do remember he mentioned Jesus' name.
Brenda Bluem
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for our ability to come to Zion and worship. Help us always be open to
listen, learn and grow in our understanding of worship and the importance of worship in our lives. Amen.
Tuesday, March 15th
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and
learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is
easy, and my burden is light.”
Our daughter left recently for a 4-month Study Abroad experience in Costa Rica, and we are so excited
for her. I took Sam to O'Hare Airport in Chicago at 5:15 a.m. on January 8th, and was only able to escort
her as far as the luggage drop-off area before she had to proceed into the security check points. We
hugged, I cried, and said our "Love yous," and she was off. I immediately prayed silently for her and this
journey in her life that I knew God had planned for her a long time ago. I prayed that we had given her
enough values, knowledge, end-of-the-rope experiences to prepare her for the days ahead and left her
in God's watch. Sam texted us as she moved along the process from airport to airport and the last text
said "boarding the final plane to Costa Rica no turning back." My heart was excited but it also was very
nervous. I did not know when we would hear from her again because WiFi is not always available at
host families’ homes or nearby.
As I drove back home to Freeland and walked around Pat's grocery store looking for comfort foods for
me, I was in a bubble – every thought and emotion pulsed through my body just waiting to know that
she was at her host family’s home and okay. I ran into a parent from a child that I had in preschool a
few years ago and we talked about this, and of course my worry about when I would hear from Sam.
This lady told me she would keep us in prayers and hoped that I would hear something soon. As I
walked out into the parking lot I looked at my phone and saw that Sam had texted me that she was at
her host family’s home and would try to FaceTime later – I said “Thank you, God” and felt a huge weight
lifted off of me. I searched the parking lot at Pat’s to try and find the lady I just talked to let her know,
but I did not find her. All I could think of was that just as this woman and I were talking, Sam was
texting. It was a powerful moment that even got better. I was ecstatic to know that she was in Costa
Rica and knew that I would even be okay if she did not have a chance to personally connect that night.
Right around 9:30 our time my cell phone let me know that Sam was trying to audio FaceTime me. I was
so excited and knew I had to be positive and strong. Sam told me all about what she had already done,
a little about her new "family" and that she knew that she was going to make it and it was going to be
fine. Then she proceeded to tell me that the family invited her to go to church with them (ELCA church),
so she accepted and went along. After a 1 1/2 hour sermon and close to three hours of purely Spanish
speaking literature she was almost falling asleep so the mom had the daughter walk Sam home
(remember Sam had been up since 3 a.m. and had not slept well the night before either, so she was
exhausted). What I will never forget is Sam telling me how even though they speak and sing in Spanish
the songs were the same ones we sing in our church. Sam said she felt connected by faith and knew that
even though she was thousands of miles away, our God does not leave us or change. It was an amazing
message from God to her and to me. God is good and I know that God's hand and plans will be and
already have been in this journey.
It does not matter where you are, who you are with, or what language you speak. God is present! That
message is what I needed to hear from my daughter and she did not even know that, and that is the
comfort I believe we both needed in that moment to keep us connected.
Sue Schmidt
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the calming assurance from our own fears and anxiety as it relates to
our families and friends. Help us look to faith and your power to learn to lift into your care all for whom
we worry and love. Help us find the comfort and blessing as we share communication with one another
through remembering we are bound together by your power and grace. Amen.
Wednesday, March 16th
Romans 8:26
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the
Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
I’ve been listening to 89.1 K-Love, a contemporary Christian radio station, for the last few years now. I
really enjoy their positive music and talk each day. As I was listening to them while driving to work
during the month of April, 2015, they were having their Spring Pledge drive. I am already a donor so
wasn’t sure if I should increase my monthly pledge amount or not. They had a little incentive going on
as well that if you called in your pledge during the next song, they would pick three (3) donors to be in
the running for some fantastic trip or cruise or something. As I was contemplating this decision and still
very unsure, one of the morning show hosts said something to the effect of, “If you’re not sure if or
what you can afford, pray to God and ask Him.” So I took his advice. I said, “God . . . if they play ‘Broken
Together’ by Casting Crowns (one of my absolute FAVorites) as this next song, I’ll take that as a sign
from you to have faith that I can afford to increase my pledge.”
Well . . . I don’t have to tell you what song played next. I’ll just say that I almost had to pull over because
I could not see through the tears. And I increased my monthly pledge as well.
*As a side note, if you read my God Sighting in the 2015 booklet, please know that I was introduced to KLove during that unhappy time I shared and it was one of the positive outcomes. Quite ironic . . .
Patty Paisley
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the power and gift of music. Thank you for the ability we have to share
our money with organizations that share ministry in the name of Jesus. Help us to be faithful and learn
to ask you in directing how we give to and serve our church, and those who support the teachings of
Jesus through their mission and action. Amen.
Thursday, March 17th
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
There was no doubt that I was born into a religious family. We attended church every Sunday, prayed at
every meal and at bedtime. I was enrolled in a parochial school through all eight grades and was usher
for the early service when I was in the eighth grade. But I was unprepared for what I experienced when I
was 12 years old. I was walking home on a sunny afternoon, when I suddenly stopped walking and I
HAD to thank the Lord, knowing he had blessed me, with being born in a small town, in the United
States, in our comfortable house, with great parents. And this was while World War II was in full force
and I could have been born in Europe or any other country. The Lord has blessed me!
When I was three I was introduced to my baby brother. I waited for him to grow up so we could play
ball together, but he never had any interest in physical ballgames. What a disappointment! However,
after getting my degree, serving in the Army and getting married, we still were close. When I retired, my
wife and I were going to travel (first time for us). We purchased a motor home (display model) and then
found out my wife of 43 years had mesothelioma. We had to travel to a place to have her treated
during her time with us. We took the motor home (her first big ride in it) and my brother (he retired
early, lucky guy) and sister-in-law traveled with us. All I had to do was to take care of my wife. The Lord
gave me a wonderful brother even though he did not play sports. The Lord has blessed me!
After her death I struggled, wondering why the Lord had taken her from me. I started volunteering, just
so I would not be home in the empty house. Because I was involved in woodcarving I volunteered to
carve for the carousel at the children’s zoo. I did two zebras and worked on several rounding boards.
When that work was finished I volunteered for Habitat for Humanity. I helped refurbish nine homes in
South Dakota, and helped build three homes in Wisconsin. I was still staying away from the house by
living in the motor home.
I still could not get over the loneliness and talked to my pastor about this. His suggestion was to be
more social and maybe even date again. He said, “The Lord has a plan for you.” Date again, wow! How
do I do that? I prayed and prayed and prayed some more. I gave the Lord my list of who I wanted her
to be. She must be a believer, like to travel, share some of my interests, and be a true friend and soul
mate. I met this widow on the very first date! But she would be on a trip with another lady for a while,
so I began dating others. It was not working out, so I called the first date back again, and she was gone
on another trip. She did call back upon her return. We dated again many times. This was the one for
me! She had worked at Habitat, and had done other things on my list including traveling. The Lord was
probably saying, “Listen to me, I paired you two up long ago.” For 15 years she has been a blessing from
the Lord.
John Hoffmann
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for allowing us to reflect upon our life, and see just where you have been
present, moving in and around us, giving us courage to move in new directions. Amen.
Friday, March 18th
2 Corinthians 5: 7
. . . for we walk by faith, not by sight.
As my mom, friend and I boarded the train for Chicago last December, I quickly realized we were going
to be riding backwards for the entire 5-hour journey. And I was not sure if that was going to be a good
thing for people who suffer from headaches. When I asked about other forward-facing seats, I was at
first informed that there were not many left. However, when he came back and told us that there were
some seats available, we decided to stay where we were since we were all together as well as being
close to our luggage and the door.
As I became accustomed to the world going by from this new vantage point, I began to relax and enjoy
the ride. Although I could not see where we were going or what lay ahead along the route, I enjoyed the
fact that once the scene came into view, I seemed to be able to enjoy the moment longer before it
disappeared toward the back of the train. As I watched the passing scenes, I thought, “So how does this
relate to Faith?”
I quickly realized that my faith was like the train leading me through the twists and turns of life;
sometimes speeding up and sometimes slowing down, but at all times leading me toward my final
destination, Heaven. And along the way, we have Jesus as our conductor, providing guidance and
information. All we have to do is listen and ask through prayer, for He is always there to help. I also
thought about the view from the window, and realized it was God's way of telling me to stop worrying
about what lies ahead, have faith and treasure the moment before it disappears into the past. And once
it does, let it go so that you can enjoy what lies ahead on the rest of life's journey.
Sandy Schwan
Prayer: Dear Lord, please help us to remember to walk by faith and not by sight, to always seek you
when we need guidance and support both in good times as well as bad, and to look forward to what lies
ahead, while still cherishing the moment and letting go of the past. Amen.
Saturday, March 19th
Hebrews 13:2
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby, some have entertained Angels unawares.
I was in my office working late on a Wednesday. I hadn’t planned on being there when church started at
7:00 pm. I was closing down the computer and getting ready to go home. It had been a long day. As I
closed my eyes for a minute to center myself on all that was left undone, I overheard the following
conversations from our Wednesday greeter:
“Hi how you doing?”
“Great to see you.”
“Welcome back.”
“So happy to see you.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Heard you were coming to town.”
“Happy to see you.”
“Good evening, how are you doing today?”
“Hope you come again.”
“Hi. My Name is Bill Bell.”
Now that was a God Sighting!
Marsha Paetz
Prayer: Our Father, we fail you each time we turn away a stranger. Give us the strength and the courage
to open our hearts, our lives and our faith to others that we know not. Help us to have the faith that a
small gesture of love, forgiveness and acceptance can show others that we do walk in your steps. Amen.
Palm Sunday, March 20th
Matthew 4:23
And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the
kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people.
Back in 1983 my brother Gary was doing some work around his house; they were loading some pieces of
cement into his truck. His little girl Amanda wanted to help and of course he told her she was too little.
She somehow managed to get in the way and a piece of cement fell on her head. She was rushed to the
hospital where she had major surgery. She had a cracked skull, and was in a coma. On day nine, the
doctor told my brother and his wife they should start looking for a home for her because she wasn’t
coming out of the coma. Later that afternoon Sue was talking to Amanda while rocking her. She looked
down at Amanda and said, “Mandy, I’m so glad you are getting better.” Amanda opened her eyes and
said “Me too, Mom.”
Talk about answered prayers. God is Good. To this day Amanda has never had any problems from her
accident. Thank you, God.
Judy Gray
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for stories of healing and power. Thank you for the gift of medicine, care
and treatment as well as first responders. Help us give thanks for the healing that exists around us. Help
us use our faith and skills to share healing with others, to bring others to your healing through faith.
Monday, March 21st
Matthew 25:37-40
Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or
thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed
you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited
you?” And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who
are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Jesus, Let our lights shine so brightly that people will be drawn to us wanting to know You and, as they
seek You, they will surely find You. Help us to always remember that any act of kindness is truly
reflected back to your loving kindness of you in our deeds. We pray for help along the way, you always
send what we need. Help us not to question when our answers are not what we expect. You know best
what is in our hearts. Amen.
About 20 years ago I received a book named “Random Acts of Kindness.” It was simply a book full of
ways to be kind. Good reading and very uplifting. As I think of this book I feel that a random act of
kindness is nothing more than a God Sighting. How many times have we had a friend, church member,
family member or perfect stranger reach out and help at a time of need? Some may call it fate, some a
lucky turn of events. I believe it is God sending the person or persons we need.
I remember when I was traveling up north with my kids and had a flat tire. At the same time I received a
call saying that my Dad was on the way to the hospital in an ambulance. Before I could even get out of
the car a “tire store employee” pulled up behind me, put my spare on and gave me a discount card to go
to his business for a new tire. Family members came along at that time and picked up the kids, while
other family members went to the hospital until all of us girls could get there. All fell in place. People
were placed there to help.
When our 99-year-old Grandpa died the week of Christmas, we celebrated that he was finally back with
our grandmother, whom he grieved for many years. We had decided that we would just hold a small
dinner at our home, due to it being such a busy week before Christmas. The Ladies of the church
weren’t having any of this – so they put on a beautiful funeral luncheon on December 23rd even though
their schedules were very full of all that last-minute Christmas preparation. Lots of God Sightings that
week. The church members opened up their hearts again when our niece Anne was murdered. Pastor
Petteys officiated the funeral and the ladies hosted a beautiful funeral dinner. You wouldn’t think a
meal was a God Sighting, but to a family that is grief stricken, and in shock that someone so young has
been taken so violently from them, the “random act of Kindness” of so many people they didn’t know
was a true God Sighting.
I am sure everyone can think back to times we really needed a hand or a shoulder to lean on, and
someone appeared. Perhaps not the person that you would have thought would come. Unfortunately
we remember the more traumatic times more clearly, but if we looked around every day, or week, I am
sure we could see the God Sightings in the everyday activities that fill our life. I am a planner and
organizer. I don’t like to ask for help. That is just who I am. But I have found that when I do ask for help,
there are so many people willing in my family, friends and in my church family. I just need to remember
that ALL OF YOU are God Sightings to me.
Thank you for all you have done and all that you will do.
Marsha Paetz
Prayer: Dear Father, teach us to be kind, gentle, generous, giving, caring and aware of those in need
around us. Teach us to look for those in need. Be willing to help in small or great ways, while letting
people see your light shine through us. In your name always, Amen.
Tuesday, March 22nd
(Our First Christmas Tree)
Hebrews 13:2
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without
knowing it.
(This story is typed from a recorded visit with my Dad. The words are all his own. Marsha Paetz)
I didn’t have any money. Well, it was between paydays, ya know, and so anyway we went Christmas tree
shopping. Went over to Gratiot and there was a guy who lived in one of the houses and he had all these
Christmas trees out in the front. He was out in some sort of a little tent and, ah, we come in there and
we parked the car, and walked over. We were walking through and looking at the Christmas trees, there
were some beautiful Christmas trees.
He came out and said, “Can I help you two?” And I said, “No we don’t have any money to buy a tree, we
just got married.” He said, “Well, go ahead look what you want and look around.” So we finished
looking around and he went and sat down, and pretty soon he came back, and he said “Did you find one
that you would like?” I said, “Yah, it was a small one, but I don’t have any money.” He said, “Oh, I have
got one here I think you just will like.” It was about 3 feet tall. “I’ll give this to you for a Christmas
present.” he said. So we brought it back that night. Shirley went over to her mothers, got a line of
bulbs. We had just got a radio, so we set the tree on the radio by the side window. We had it sitting
there and Shirley put this tinsel, lead tinsel all over the tree. Mike and Kate came over and I said, “Mike,
we got the dang tree on the radio and I tried to play the radio it won’t play.” And he looked at it real
close and said, “That lead tinsel?” “Ya,” I said. “Shirley got it from her mother.” He said, “That’s why it
won’t play. You burned all the tubes out.” I said, “You got to be kidding?!” So that was our first
Christmas present we didn’t expect, a Christmas tree. I remember he was quite a nice guy.
Fred Lonsway
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the generosity of others who have given to us in our times of need.
Thank you for the special memories we have of days gone by. Help us seek out the stories around us,
especially from our loved ones and friends when they were blessed by others. Encourage us to listen to
the ones we love as we receive their stories as a gift. Amen.
Wednesday, March 23rd
(My Hands; Not Without Sin)
Matthew 26:28
This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Last Ash Wednesday something happened that has never happened before. After receiving Communion,
I was placing my glass in the bowl and somehow the dribble of wine left in the glass spilled on my hand.
My first thought was, “Oh no, how do I respectfully wash this vital element of the Sacrament from my
hand?” However, it quickly turned into a God Sighting moment when I realized that it was Jesus' blood
on my hands and that it was my sins that led to His crucifixion and death. As I returned to my pew, I
realized I was as guilty of his death as those who stood in the crowd and called for His death. I was
humbled by my thoughts and as the season of Lent continued, this moment had an even greater impact
in my life as the theme last year was all about “Our Hands.”
Sandy Schwan
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us in small ways and through the everyday things in life.
Please help us to be open to hearing your voice at all times as we struggle to be good examples of our
faith. Amen
Maundy Thursday, March 24th
Luke 22:42
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”
As a young man one thing I have loved to do is play football. Now how can football possibly relate to
faith? I can think of many ways that football can be connected to your faith and, well, I'm here to let
you in on some of those reasons.
Being a lineman you have two jobs and that's to make the hole for the ball carrier, and to protect the
quarterback. I can also say that the only time someone will notice you outside of your teammates and
your coaches is when you do something wrong. Yup, just as my coach says, we are the "Hog Mollys" and
we are the hard workers, but we have to work for corporate (running backs, wide receivers and
quarterback). They are the ones who will be recognized and will get all the fame. Now how in the world
can this be related to your faith?
Jesus would be a lineman, because Jesus came to this world to spread the word about his father and to
die for our sins. Jesus opens a way to his Father God like a lineman opens a hole for the backfield. And
the real work through that hole is provided by Jesus, his death, his effort, his work to keep us safe.
I said, that we were the “Hog Mollys” because we do all the dirty work down in the trenches so
"corporate" can go get us some points on the board. Now if you think about this, isn't this what Jesus
came down to earth to do? He came down to do all of the dirty work in the world and clear a pathway.
Jesus was a lineman was because Jesus protects people, just as a lineman protects his running backs and
quarterback. Jesus was a lineman is because a lineman needs a very strong base to stop people from
getting through, and with Jesus we get one base that is never broken no matter what is blitzing our way.
Now, some people will argue that if Jesus played football he would be running for long touchdowns or
throwing last-minute Hail Mary passes to win the Super Bowl. But I know where Jesus would really be
playing. Jesus would be a lineman, a Hog Molly.
Joshua Schmidt
Prayer: Dear God, we celebrate and give thanks for the work you accomplish on the cross for us and our
world. Amen.
Good Friday, March 25th
John 19:16b – 18
So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which
in Aramaic is called Golgotha). There they crucified him, and with him two others – one on each side –
and Jesus in the middle.
Bad things happen. End of story. But in our lives and world these are often accidents, disease, illness or
a result of bad decisions. But Jesus did not suffer as a result of an accident. Jesus suffered by design, so
we would know God identified with the pain and suffering of humanity.
My neighbor Jon McQuinn recently fell on the ice walking his dog. He went down hard, and did not have
his cell phone. He crawled around in freezing temperatures for 10 minutes, crying for help before
someone finally noticed him. He really busted up his leg and ankle and faces substantial surgery and
recovery. Jon demonstrates that we fall, and struggle, and crawl until help comes. But not by choice.
And there is no good reason, either. Stuff happens. Yet in the midst of pain, Jon found the grace and
love to edit this entire booklet. Once again this project was a difficult task. The stories came in, but
needed hours of editing. And so I called Jon to ask for help in the midst of his pain.
God helped us, saved us, through the pain of Jesus on the cross. Jesus fell carrying his cross and
scripture says he needed help carrying the very agent of his death so Jesus could suffer for us. Not by
accident . . . but by design. My heart aches for all who experience suffering, pain and even death that
causes us such turmoil as we try and figure out ‘Why?” We will never get that answer. But Jesus meets
us in our suffering and pain because Jesus went to the cross to identify with our suffering as an act of
love. The best we can hope is to make the best out of bad situations. Like Jon, giving us all the gift of his
editing while laid up waiting for surgery. And to remember Jesus does know what suffering is and
remembers us in our pain.
Thank you, Jon. Thank you everyone who deals with the bad things in life by continuing to find ways to
serve and maintain faith.
Pr. Rob Schmidt
Prayer: Dear Lord, we are angry at the senseless violence, suffering, sickness, accidents and pain in this
crazy world. Help us remember you too have known suffering, and abide with us at all times. Help us
focus on your suffering as an act of love to know we are never alone in our suffering. Amen.
Holy Saturday, March 26th
Revelation 1:8
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the
Do you ever wish that things could simply stay the same? I know I do! Just when you figure out how to
deal with a temperamental 2-year old, she moves into the terrific 3's and you begin to wonder who this
small person is wearing your child's clothes, and by the way, why don't these clothes fit anymore? Turn
around, and this amazing little person is suddenly raising your grandchildren! Our jobs change; the way
we do our banking changes; our cars change; our health changes; and on and on and on. You lay your
head on your pillow at night and wonder, “Doesn't anything ever stay the same?” A Greek philosopher
said, "There is nothing permanent except change." But through all the changes in life, if you listen very
carefully, you can hear the voice of God trying to comfort you. "I am the same yesterday and today and
forever" (Hebrews 13:8). Through all the changes in our lives, we can trust in the truth that our
everlasting God never changes. We do have one constant in our lives – God. He is, and He was, and He is
to come. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He bookends time. He is able to
provide stability through all the changes in our lives. He started everything, and He will finish what He
started. His character never changes, His love never fails and His power never wanes. Isn't it good to
know that some things never change?
Connie Hoverman
Prayer: Dear God, help us learn from others around us. Help us see how you teach us through others.
Help us have faith to believe in you in all ways and all things. Amen.
Easter Sunday, March 27th
Matthew 28: 19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And
remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
It’s been a year of challenges and blessings, yet the latter outweighed the former. The challenges: being
diagnosed with prostate cancer; a lengthy surgery; the conclusion that I had a very aggressive tumor and
further treatments would be required; a follow-up regimen of hormone ablation therapy and 35-40
sessions of radiation therapy. The blessings: being led to a gifted and able surgeon who spent many
hours operating on me; a loving, prayerful and fiercely dedicated wife with lots of medical knowledge
and skills – a huge asset in my recovery; a capable, knowledgeable and compassionate oncologist
accompanying us through these next steps; friends and acquaintances who have gone through the
same experience (to a person, supportive, encouraging and genuine in saying “call anytime”); and being
able to lap swim regularly through most of it.
I am also blessed with two vivid “sightings” along this journey. First: In the pool where I swim, the lanes
are marked on the bottom and ends with blue tiles – a long line on the bottom and a tile cross at each
end of the lanes. One morning as I swam into a turn, it struck me that there was a “cross at every turn.”
Christ was indeed present at every turn in my life. Second: In preparation for radiation therapy, I was
scanned and large “X” marks were made on my body in three places, with a semi-permanent clear
sticker placed over each one. Swimming bleached off most of each of the X’s, except for the part under
the stickers. What was left were three perfect crosses. In front of the mirror one morning, it dawned on
me what we say in the Rite of Holy Baptism: “Child of God, you are sealed by the Holy Spirit, and marked
with the cross of Christ forever.” What grace! What comfort! What hope! Thanks be to God!
Terry Parker
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for people like Pastor Terry and Trinity Lutheran Church in Vermilion, Ohio
who took upon the task of welcoming and teaching our pastor Rob Schmidt and family during internship.
Thank you that today Pr. Rob can serve the church because of their gift of calling an intern. Help us find
the cross at every turn in our lives. Amen.