Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000

Caption: “I take great pleasure
in introducing to you my newlyadopted daughter.”
Fat Dude’s Sash: Ohio
Constitutional Convention
Question 1: Why do you think
the woman is introducing the
man (the Ohio constitutional
Convention) as her adopted
Question 2: What do you think
the dog is representing?
How does this play into the
women’s suffrage movement?
Oh hum
It is the duty of everyman to see
that his wifeHi ho
Should have equal rights at the
ballot box and I hope that youHi um
In favor of women suffrage willwillWho started this anyways
This is an appreciative audience
I must say
Reclaiming Credit
Caption: “Make Way”
Question One: Do you think
this picture is showing women
being more dominate?
Question Two: What are they
trying to “Make Way” for?
Snooty Booty
who have never
been kissed.
Question One:
Why do you
think these
women look the
way they do?
Question Two: Is this picture pro or
anti suffrage? Explain.
Susan B. Anthony
This cartoon shows Susan B.
Anthony chasing after
President Grover Cleveland
By Charles Lewis
Bartholomew between 1892
and 1896
“Susan B. Anthony” written
on her collar, “Grover C”
written on his hat, “Women’s
Suffrage” on umbrella, “What
I Know about Women’s
Clubs” on his book
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
• From Life magazine,
• The key is labeled
• Around the building are
the labels “National
Government” “State
Government” and
“Municipal Government”
• The Sun is labeled
“Woman’s Suffrage”
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Taft - Wilson - Roosevelt
• The cartoon was printed to
represent the differences on
suffrage between the
presidential candidates of
• What do the animals in the
background represent?
• How do the candidates facial
expressions represent their
feelings towards suffrage?
The unanswerable argument
for suffrage.
• This cartoon was
printed to encourage
the suffrage movement
in Toronto.
• What is the
significance of the men
to women ratio?
• What is represented by
the fact that the two
Mayor Oliver- “Wonder who
men are running away told them we didn’t encourage
holding hands?
the suffragette movement in
Growth of Woman's Votes
• Description: Progressively shows
the number of states where
woman had the right to vote from
1869-1913. The first woman is a
baby and the last woman is
holding a briefcase.
• Question: How has the woman's
image changed as she gains
more states where she has the
right to vote?
• Question: Why was it harder for
women to gain the right to vote in
more states in the beginning?
Wrapped up Woman
• Description: Woman is wrapped
up before a fat man in a ribbon
bearing these words; artificial
limitations, customs, prejudice,
vote-less, no financial control
and no equality before the law.
• Question: What is the
significance of the vote-less gag
around the woman's mouth?
• Question: Which of these issues
that the woman is wrapped in
broke the seal of revolt?
Votes for Women
Election Day Comic
Anti Woman Suffrage
Caption: “I did not raise my girl
to be a voter.”
Man 1: Procurer
Man 2: Dive keeper
Man 3: Child Labor Employer
Man 4: Grafter
Man 5: Cadet
Man 6: Sweat Shop Owner
Man in Front: Political boss
Anti Woman Suffrage
• Who: W.A. Rogers Harpers
• What: “O save us, senators,
from ourselves!”
• Where: New York
• When: Saturday, Feb. 23
• Why: Anti Woman Suffrage
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
• Pro suffrage
• Old age pension,
temperance, wifeユs
sisterユs bill, infant
death rate, barmaids,
poor law reform,
religious education,
factory legislation, cry of
the children, free food ミ
school children, peace
• Pro suffrage
• (across bandana) spirit of
1,000,000 women voters (on
ropes) politics is no place for
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Pro Suffrage
Food Adulteration
White Slavery
Graft (corruption and
Anti Suffrage
• What, dinner’s not ready
yet! What have you been
• The one on the left is a
man and on the right is
his wife
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Woman’s Suffrage cartoons
The woman standing up is
wearing a pro suffrage sash.
The one sitting down is wearing
an anti-suffrage sash and
holding a mirror that reads :
The one for pro suffrage is
saying : “ Try this glass sister.”
while handing her a mirror that
reads : “Without prejudice”
• Caption reads :
“Woman. ‘Queen of
the Home,’ say the
Anti-Suffragists- Yes
Queen of a CookStove Throne.”
• A petition from the
Women’s Anti
Suffrage Party of
New York
Comic: Slide 1
"Foxtrot e-voting Machine Comic." Rianjs.net. 29 Oct 2006. 6 Nov 2007
Sample: Slide 3
Dublin, Thomas and Kathryn Kish Sklar. "Woman Suffrage in Colorado: Document 4."
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000. 24 Sep 2007. 6 Nov
2007 <http://womhist.alexanderstreet.com/index.html>.
Sample: Slide 4
Dublin, Thomas and Kathryn Kish Sklar. "Woman Suffrage in Colorado: Document 8."
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000. 24 Sep 2007. 6 Nov
2007 <http://womhist.alexanderstreet.com/index.html>.
"women's suffrage political cartoon." Ohio Pix. Ohio Historical Society. 11 Nov 2008
Martin, HB. "It happened in Birdland." 1920. American Journal-Examinar. 11 Nov 2008
Ryan and Skylar
Baxter, Martin. "Convicts Out-Rank Women." Votes for Women Broadside 2(1911): 1.
Gustin, E.W.. Election Day. Cartoon. 12 Jan. 1909. 11 Nov. 2008
Tiffanie and Katy
"Reclaiming Cridit." Electronic Jew Jersey. 1912. 11 Nov 2008
"Researching Women's History." Lib. Washington. 1900's. 11 Nov 2008
Chris and Emily
Bartholomew, Charles Lewis. "Susan B. Anthony Supports Women's Suffrage Amendment." America's
Story. 2003. America's Livrary. 11 Nov 2008
"Women's suffrage Documents and Artifacts." Learn At the Library. The Woodrow Wilson Presidential
Library. 11 Nov 2008
"Cartoon against women's suffrage." New Zealand History online . History Group of the New Zealand
Ministry for Culture and Heritage. 11 Nov 2008
"DBQ Question." History Teacher. April 2000. 11 Nov 2008
Mackenzie and Elizabeth
“The Other Way.”
November 11, 2008.
McConnel, Newton. “Mayor Oliver.” http://www.archives.gov.on.ca/english/education/suffrage-cartoons12/pics/7312_suffrage_cartoon_520.jpg. November 11, 2008.
Pethick Lawrence, Fredrick and Emmeline. "Votes for Women." Learning Curve. 1913. 11 Nov 2008
"Equal Partner." Scan Education. 1902. Women's Suffrage. 11 Nov 2008 <.>.
Sarah and Emily
•Rogers, Lou. You Can't Bear Arms (1920) 11 Nov 2008
Chapin, "Last Few Buttons." St. Louis Star (1920) 11 Nov 2008
Tiana and Lorelei
“Rights for Women.” National Women's History Museum.2007. National Women's History Museum.11
Nov 2008 <http://www.nwhm.org/RightsforWomen/cartoons.html>
Women's Suffrage Party Petition. 2007. National Archives and Records Administration. 11 Nov 2008
Bonnie and Heather
Puck, ed. "National Woman’s History Museum." National Womans History Museum.
Library of Congress. 11 Nov. 2008
Wikipedia Inc. "Wikipedia." Anti Suffragist. 11 Nov. 2008 <c:\documents and
Drew, Joan. "Forum Debates." Spartacus Educational. 11 Nov 2008 http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Whelpyou.jpg.
Rogers, Lou. Research Interests and Professional Activities . June 11, 2008 . 11 Nov 2008