Latin American Science Fiction

Latin American Science
The Case of Brazil
M. Elizabeth Ginway
Dept. Spanish and Portuguese Studies
Recommended Reading
 Literary Criticism:
 M. Elizabeth Ginway, Brazilian Science
Fiction (Bucknell UP, 2004)
J. Andrew Brown, Cyborgs in Latin
America (Palgrave, 2010)
The Fifth Power (1962) Alberto Pieralisi
Isle of Flowers (1989) (short) Basic Sanitation (2007) Jorge
The Aztec Mummy vs. the Human Robot (1957) Rafael Portillo
Chronos (1993) Guillermo Toro
Man Facing Southeast (1987) Eliseo Subiela
Moebius (1996) Gustavo Mosquera
US: Sleep Dealer (2007), Alex Rivera
Fiction in Translation
 Stories: Cosmos Latinos: Anthology of SF from Latin America
and Spain ed. Bell and Molina-Gavilán (Wesleyan, 2003)
 Novels: Turing’s Delirium, Edmundo Paz-Soldán (Houghton
Mifflin, (2007)
 Through the Arc of the Rainforest, Karen Tei Yamashita
(Coffeehouse, 1990)
And Still the Earth, Ignacio Loyola Brandão(Avon, 1982)
 Brazil’s Military Dictatorship (1964-1985)
“Economic Development”
 Foreign capital, extract “surplus”from low
wages paid to workers
 Mainstream writers use dystopia to avoid
 Models Huxley and Orwell
 And Still the Earth (Não verás país nenhum)
 Americanization
 Authoritarianism
 Recourse to Myths of National Identity
Brazil’s Myths of Identity
National Myths vs. Modernization
 Green and Fertile Paradise [industrialization]
 Non-violent, sensual people [women]
 Racial Democracy [continued inequality]
 Potential for greatness, landmass and
natural resources [Third World status]
 Ecofeminism to deconstruct myths of
women/nature; essentialism, atavistic desire
to return to a pre-industrial paradise
 Novel: The Fruit of Thy Womb (1976)
Herberto Sales (available in English)
SF as a Barometer for
 Pre-dictatorship SF (1958-64), Golden
Age, influenced by Ray Bradbury
 Iconography by Gary K. Wolfe
 The Known and Unknown in SF (1979)
 Humanity: robot, alien [monsters]
 Environment: spaceship, city,
 “Brazilianization of icons”
Post Dictatorship SF (1985Hard SF (dictatorship, race, gender)
Cyberpunk, tupinipunk (international conspiracies)
Robots, computers, cyborgs (AIDS, gender issues)
Alternate histories (re-think social inequality)
Women SF writers (reappropriate, mock machismo)
Postmodern mixing of genres, fantasy, horror,
intertexuality (cultural legitimacy)
Consciously Brazilian,SF Manifesto, decolonialize SF
parody of 1928 Modernist “Cannibalist Manifesto”
“Third Wave”
 1960s GRD (First Wave) “Golden Age”
 1970s Mainstream Writers, Dystopia
 1980s, 90s Brazilian SF (Second Wave)
Anti-colonialist, Brazilian themes
 2006 “Anti-Brazilitis” (Third Wave)
 International or Cosmopolitan Perspective
 New Generation, internet, fantasy
Global Genre
Latin America Writes Back:
Critical and Theoretical Articles
Cyberpunk, SF and the Canon, Graphic
novels, Film and Gaming in Latin
ed. Andrew Brown, Elizabeth Ginway
Latin America Writes Back: Science Fiction and
the Global Era
Authors, filmmakers and critics from around the world converged at
UF on October 27-29, 2005 a symposium reflecting the growing
interest in the science fiction of Latin America.
 George Yudice, Edmundo Paz-Soldán, Alberto
Fuguet, screening of Moebius (1996),dir. Gustavo
 Visit
“Alien Vision” post BSF
translation into Portuguese
 12 essays on Brazilian SF/F 2010