PowerPoint Presentation - inharmonywithyou.co.uk

Wellbeing Event
Spa Script
Items required at an Event
• Table Cloth
• Brochures with Advisor Sticker
• Pens (that match if possible)
• Skin Analysis cards
• Money and change
• Customer/Host Promotion Sheets
• Calculator
• Business cards
• Cotton wool pads
• Kit and display items
• Box of tissues
• Order Forms
• Hand Towel
• Mirror
• Bowls for collecting used tissues and • Spare bowls & extra towels
cotton wool
Check inharmonywithyou.co.uk for Out of Stock items
Display and Preparation
Arrive approximately 30mins before
Display products in a logical order that follows the flow of your talk and group
products by range.
Have the products to be demo’d out of the cartons ready
Ensure everyone has a comfortable seat and enough room to put feet in bowls
Prepare brochures ready for each customer including an order form, skin
analysis card and customer promotion leaflet but dont hand these out until the
end of the demo.
Give everyone some Pomegranate Hand Cream as they arrive
SUGGESTED DISPLAY STANDS - Customer promotion, Hostess promotion,
Awards poster, Recent Press Cuttings
Approximately 2 hours to deliver a Wellbeing Event .
Introduction to Weleda (allow 10-15minutes)
Demonstration, includes explanation of Bodycare ranges, and trying of a number
of products on feet and legs. It is best to explain the ranges as you pass round
the products so that guests can choose which ones they want to try. (allow 30-40
Wrap up (allow 5 minutes)
One-to-One (allow 40-65 minutes depending on number of guests)
Always start on time but welcome any late comers warmly!
Introduction to Weleda
Good evening/morning everyone and thank you to (host’s name) for hosting this
Weleda Wellbeing evening/morning
My name is (name) and I am a Wellbeing Advisor. I was first introduced to
Weleda……(talk about the first Weleda product you tried and how you
discovered the Weleda range)
Before we start, have any of you heard of Weleda before? (find out at the
beginning so you can talk accordingly )
About Weleda
• Weleda is the original health and wellbeing company.
• Founded in 1921 in Switzerland, by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner,
Weleda UK was established shortly after in 1925.
• Today we are a global company operating across 5 continents in 50
• Our company motto is “In harmony with nature and the human being”
• For the last 92 years we have developed high quality natural, organic and
holistic skin, body care and natural medicines that bring together mankind
and nature and are tailored to the body’s specific needs.
About In harmony with you
• In harmony with you started in June 2012 in Derbyshire and is growing
throughout the UK in 2013.
• Our team is made up of Wellbeing Advisors consisting of Natural Health
practitioners, therapists and individuals with a real interest in health and
• We work flexibly and on a part-time basis doing talks about the Weleda
company & philosophy and by demonstrating our fabulous range of products.
• Either in 1:1 consultations or via Wellbeing Events such as tonight/today.
• We aim to share the Weleda word in a relaxed and informal way giving you
the opportunity to learn about how our products can benefit you and your
family’s health and wellbeing
About Weleda Products
• Only the purest ingredients go into our products which are all made to the
highest pharmaceutical standards
• We have only ever used plants and natural ingredients in our products.
• Our plants are grown biodynamically , which is beyond organic!
• Over 300 plants are grown at our Garden’s in Derbyshire which are used in
our natural medicines.
• The ingredients for natural skin and body care ranges are produced in
Germany and Switzerland, using plants grown across the world to our high
About Weleda Products
• All our products are 100% chemical, synthetic and toxin free
• They contain no synthetic colours, fragrances , parabens, preservatives or
mineral oils.
• They are kind to your skin, body and the environment as all ingredients are
fully biodegradable so can be happily washed down the drain.
• All our products are dermatologically tested
• The production is environmentally friendly
• The packaging is recyclable.
Our Values
We have very high environmental standards. The earth’s resources are limited
and must be conserved. Consideration, love and respect for nature, place an
obligation on us to take this responsibility seriously. To us, acting sustainably
means caring for and conserving natural resources.
Fair, equitable treatment of customers, partners and suppliers
As well as taking care to conserve the environment we also ensure the fair
treatment of our employees, suppliers and partners. You will find further
information in the brochure outlining some of our partnerships.
Quality without compromise
Because of our fair and honest approach and Anthroposophic philosophy we
are committed to keeping our prices as low as possible, even though we use
the highest quality ingredients. So over half of Weleda’s total product range is
under £10 and a third is between £10 and £20.
We are members of.....
UBET - Union for Ethical Bio
A non-profit association that
promotes the 'Sourcing with
Respect' of ingredients that
come from biodiversity.
All Weleda products are certified natural and
organic by NaTrue.
NaTrue is a recognised organisation with
stringent criteria for natural and organic skincare.
It guarantees the 100% certified natural origin of
all Weleda ingredients.
If you are looking for a genuinely natural and
organic product – look for this logo.
(At this point please make people aware of
‘Greenwashing’ and how they can check the
ingredients in their products)
Information regarding these two companies can be found on page 3 of the brochure
Awards and Recognition
Our products have won many
awards within the Beauty Industry
the latest ones are.......
Our products are being used by a wide range
of celebrities and models including.........(name
(Show the Awards poster)
(Show a relevant product that has
won an award and hand that
product round for people to try)
E.g. Skin Food is a firm favourite of Victoria
Beckham and Julia Roberts - (hand Skin
Food round for everyone to try on their
elbows, not their hands as it creates a barrier)
Key ingredients: organic sunflower seed oil,
extracts of wild pansy, chamomile, calendula
and revitalising rosemary extract, sweet
orange and lavender.
(List your favourite uses of Skin Food.)
About Tonight/Today
Tonight/Today I am going to:
• Explain what makes Weleda and its products special
• Take you on a journey through our Bodycare range
(Please note that the demonstration should last no longer than 45mins)
• Afterwards there will be plenty of chance for you to try the products for
yourselves and I will advise you as to which products have the right ingredients
for you.
• Plus help you with any queries or concerns with your skin that you would like to
It is very relaxed so please ask questions as I go along.
About Tonight/Today
• It’s an interactive evening of pampering our feet and legs. It is entirely up to you
whether you wish to try the products as I pass them round.
• I’ll explain as we go through when and how to use each of the products so
don’t worry.
• If you are interested everything in the brochure is available to order
• We are here to introduce you to Weleda and take you on a journey to learn
more about natural and organic Bodycare and how it can benefit your skin,
health and wellbeing.
What goes on you goes in you!
We all know that what we eats affects our health and bodies but have you
thought that what goes on you also goes in you? Over 60% of what we put on
our skin goes into our bodies!
The average women can apply over 500 chemicals a day and many of these are
in skin and body care products.
When you apply chemicals to your skin they are absorbed into your blood
stream, without filtering of any kind, go directly to your delicate organs and tend
to accumulate over time.
Richard Sexton, CEO of the Soil Association says ‘ What we put on our skin is as
important as what we eat.’
When you get home have a look at the products you currently use on your skin.
The vast majority will contain chemicals, parabens and synthetics.
The beauty equivalent of artificial colours, preservatives, flavours and E
numbers in food.
What goes on you goes in you!
The skin is the largest organ of the body and has the biggest interface with the
So add this to the stresses of daily life (like pollutants, chemicals, stress, alcohol
etc) and they all take their toll.
The liver, which deals with ridding the body of toxins, becomes stressed.
Because toxins cannot come out through the normal eliminative system they find
another route out- through the skin.
Healthy skin has everything it needs but these stresses mean that it often needs
help to keep the right balance.
Weleda products are made of completely natural substances. We rigorously
avoid synthetic fragrances, dyes and preservatives.
The magic of our ingredients
Every ingredient in our product s is there for a specific reason- for the job it
does to improve the skin and to promote and sustain health and wellbeing.
The key ingredient is the ‘lead plant’ (such as lavender, sea buckthorn, citrus,
wild rose and pomegranate) which I will talk about tonight/ today. We combine
an in-depth knowledge of the plants characteristics in nature with knowledge of
how these can be used to benefit a person. This approach is unique to Weleda.
Once the lead plant has been identified (this can take several years) we identify
where in the world it grows best in their natural habitat. We then work with local
farmers to set up sustainable, organic fair trade agreements to grow them.
The magic of our ingredients
Most skincare and bodycare products contain mineral oils/petrochemicals , even
very expensive ones. These form an impenetrable layer on the surface of the
skin and do not allow the ingredients to soak in.
Instead we use cold pressed plant oils, extracted from the most valuable parts of
the plant. These oils are very similar to the ones found in the human skin so are
very easily absorbed . They care for and soften the skin, protect and nourish it
with vitamins, antioxidants and important fatty acids.
We use over 14 oils from different plants and they include sesame, Jojoba, Plum
seed and Almond. Here is the Almond Facial oil. Rub a little into your skin and
see how quickly it absorbs.
(give everyone a little of the Almond Oil to try)
but most of all THEY WORK!
How Weleda products work
All Weleda products are therapeutic. This means they work to treat or maintain
health and wellbeing
Because they are 100% natural they have a natural affinity with the skin, are
readily absorbed and able to work in harmony with the skin, to give it the help it
needs, through all stages of life – not just on the surface but deep down.
Rather than masking an issue they help the skin to heal itself.
For example If you have dry skin and you are using a product for dry skin. If,
after 3 months, it is still dry then the product IS NOT working!
Our products are tailored to the body’s specific needs. They help your skin
get to its optimum condition.
How Weleda products work
Because it takes 4 weeks for your skin to regenerate you do need to give the
products time to work. They are absorbed by the skin and migrate to the
base layer of the skin where they start to heal from the inside out. This process
takes about 28 days .
Once your skin current concerns are addressed, you will be able to move
through the skincare ranges dependent on what your skin needs at that time.
This will be affected by the time of year (central heating/sunshine/ on holiday
etc), weather, external factors such as stress, hormonal changes, life stage etc.
Like you go to the dentist to look after your teeth we are here to look after
your skin through all its changes.
Preserving our products
As Weleda do not use chemical ingredients the products
themselves are preserved using a unique blend of essential oils.
These essential oils are carefully selected for each product to not only
have a therapeutic effect on the senses, but they are also chosen to
give them the unique fragrance and in turn calm or stimulate the skin
whilst preserving the product naturally.
(50 min)
Each guest can perform demo on
themselves, advisor can do on themselves
or perform on the hostess
(Explain to everyone that the demo will start now and ask each
guest to go and fill their bowls with water at a temperature they
Bath Milks & Soaks
Therapeutic bath milks and eco-body washes gently cleanse, pamper and protect.
All our product ranges are holistic which means they work to treat or maintain
health and wellbeing. You only need a small amount of these products as a little
goes a long way.
Bath Milks/Soaks
• Contain pure essential oils
• Are designed to give gentle relief for the body, soul and spirit
• They work in 2 distinct ways:
• firstly the aroma works on the senses
• secondly the water dispersed droplets are able to permeate directly into the
skin so that they reach the deepest layer and can do their work.
• for maximum effect add to bath after you have run it & enjoy!
(At this point pass round each of the bath soaks and describe it’s benefits.........ask
each guest to smell each bath milk/soak and listen to the benefits.)
Bath Milks & Soaks
Citrus – Refreshing and Revitalising Bodycare
• The fresh fruity fragrance revitalises and enlivens the senses
• An ideal start to the day or a refreshing pick-me-up at any time.
• Suitable for the whole family, it’s particularly good after physical exertion.
(Weleda’s Sicilian fair trading partners includes about 100 farms throughout the island. Firstly
the lemons are washed under spring water with rotating brushes and then dried with little
sponges. No artificial preservatives are used. During the production of Lemon juice, for
Weleda products, the lemons are pressed and the juice is either deep-frozen or pasteurized
and bottled, then delivered to Weleda. In addition to the juice the oil is produced through a
special procedure in which the lemons are pressed from the top, while fine razor blades carve
into the peel. Through this method approximately 300 grams of essential oil is obtained from
300 kilograms of lemons.
This product is firm favourite of Simon Cowell. Check out the You-tube clip of him on an
American talk show talking about why he likes it!)
See the full range of Citrus products on page 15 of the brochure
Bath Milks & Soaks
Lavender – Relaxing
• Great for mental exhaustion, over-stimulation and restlessness
• Reduces tension and eases the mind
• Perfect for a great night’s sleep (especially in combination with the oil!)
(Weleda sources its supplies of lavender oil from farmers in Moldova, in the Former Soviet
Union. The project for the cultivation of organic lavender and the production of lavender
essential oil greatly supports the economic and social make-up of the region.
When harvesting the lavender flowers and stems, great care is taken to ensure that no more
than half of the small flowers have faded, as it’s at this stage that the essential oil content is at
its highest. Once cut off with a scythe, the spikes and flowers are laid on top of the bushes to
dry for one to two days, and are then processed by steam distillation. The essential oil derived
through the steam distillation must then mature for another two to three months.)
See page 20 of the brochure for the full range of Lavender products
Bath Milks & Soaks
Chestnut – Toning
• Contains horse-chestnut – toning and enlivening
• Perfect after sport and manual activity and also good for varicose veins
• Extracts from the horse chestnut seed and arnica help to
• strengthen and lighten the spirit
• loosen taut muscles
• improve circulation and refresh tired limbs
Pine - Reviving
• The Pine fragrance refreshes and invigorates
• Very good in cold, damp weather
• Clears the head, and nose if you have a cold
• Great after a long and stressful day – restores your inner balance
Bath Milks & Soaks
Rosemary - Invigorating
• Stimulates and invigorates
• Drives away the feeling of tiredness and revitalises
• Great for improving and increasing circulation
• N.B. – not suitable for those with epilepsy or high blood pressure
(Try a stimulating foot bath to help overcome excessive perspiration and improve the general
circulation in the legs.)
Once all the milks/soaks have been round ask each guest to choose their
favourite and add a cap full to their bowls, roll their trousers up and soak their
It is possible to mix bath milks to combine fragrances and get combined
health benefits too.
Body Scrub
Birch Body Scrub
This scrub is ideal at helping to fight and reduce the appearance of cellulite. It is
also great on any part of the body. It naturally exfoliates and smoothes the skin.
It contains natural plant wax pearls and pure plant oils that gently massage the
skin, supporting cell renewal. The organic birch leaf extract blends with the
essential oils to regenerate the skin and senses.
For best results on cellulite use with the Birch Cellulite Oil coming later in the demo.
Pass round and get the guests to use the scrub to exfoliate both feet and
mention the pumice stone that can also be used on hard skin.
Body Washes
There are a range of bodywashes to choose from. They are all eco-friendly and biodegradable, helping to nurture the skin by cleansing and softening without drying
the skin due to the organic sesame oil (this oil also offers valuable anti-ageing
properties too). We only use natural derived foaming agents.
As you talk about each one pass it round and ask the guests to choose their
Citrus – revitalising (see information on previous pages)
Lavender – relaxing (see information on previous pages)
Body Washes
Sea Buckthorn – Replenishing
• Fresh fruity aroma – oranges and grapefruit, Mediterranean feel
• Nourishes the skin and prevents drying
• Containing regenerating pro-vitamin A and vitamin E, soothes and replenishes.
• Great for enhancing and prolonging a tan
Scientific researchers are now discovering the plant’s coral coloured, edible berries
have a super-rich cocktail of antioxidants and human health benefits. What’s more,
the beautiful berries possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and the
easily absorbed oils support the build-up of the skin’s lipid layers.
When taken internally, there’s also good research on the oil – a source of Omega 7
– supporting mucous membranes, and increasingly you’re likely to see companies
promoting supplements of sea buckthorn oil, primarily aimed at menopausal
For the full range of Seabuckthorn products refer to page 17 Brochure
Body Washes
Wild Rose – harmonising and pampering
• Luxurious range
• Pampers your senses – an exquisite composition based on richly nourishing
Rosehip Oil, blended to perfection with organic essential oil of Damask Rose which
provides a delicate mild fragrance.
• Noticeably softens and smoothes the skin
• With nourishing organic musk rose oil, rich in skin-caring essential fatty acids, for
dry or stressed skin.
(The rose petals we use come from organic Rose damascena (Damask Rose) grown
organically in the Turkish Taurus Mountains. So, with the help of a Turkish consultant, Weleda
has now trained around 300 farmers to switch to organic cultivation, learning how to fight
pests with animals, replace synthetic fertilisers with manure, and rediscover love for the
Harvesting the rose petals by hand is incredibly labour intensive. It takes three tones of fresh
damascena rose petals to make just one litre of the essential oil that’s the queen of
fragrances and a key ingredient in many high quality toiletries and cosmetics.)
For the full range of Rose Bodycare products please refer to page 18 in the
Body Washes
Pomegranate - Regenerating
• Invigorating unique fragrance - infused with pure essential oils of sandalwood
davana and neroli to stimulate senses and bring balance to your body and soul.
• Nutrient-loaded, organic pomegranate seed oil
• Great for ageing skin – it regenerates skin, firms skin and leaves skin feeling soft
and velvety smooth
(The pomegranate harvest in October sees over 50 whole families taking part in the valley of
Karahacili, Turkey. It begins just after dawn, and the fruit hand picked with the help of a knife.
The families work flat out to fill over 100 crates before midday, then tractors pull trailers laden
with fruit down the small dusty tracks. The precious fruits are then taken to Nigde, in the
region of Cappadocia, where the pomegranates are first peeled by machine before the juice is
pressed. Just a small proportion of the crop then passes through to the drying shed.
After drying, the seeds are sent to Germany to be cold pressed, to extract the valuable oil. To
produce just 1kg of the precious oil requires 500kg of pomegranates. As Weleda currently
requires 1500 kilos of the oil each year, that means using 300 tonnes of fresh fruit which helps
ensure the farmers and their families have a reliable income.)
Allow each guest to choose their favourite and then wet and wash their legs
up to their knees.
Now ask each guest to remove feet from their bowls and pat dry their feet and legs.
Once you have exfoliated and cleansed the skin it is very important to add moisture
back in to protect and nourish and prevent dryness.
Foot Balm
• Deodarising and refreshes tired feet
• Cools and softens even the toughest of feet
• Astringent myrrh extract and calendula care for the skin on the bottom of the feet
and help to keep bad smells at bay
• Protects against blisters
• Great for people who are on their feet all day
• Absorbs very quickly, great for use with sandals
Ask each guest to rub into their feet.
Body Lotions and Oils
To moisturise your body we have a choice of products, an oil or a lotion. What is your
preference? Oils penetrate deep into the skin. Lotions are lighter, but still offer great
benefits. Or they can be used together for a more intensive treatment.
To intensively moisturise skin – apply lotion first then top this up with oil to seal in the
lotion and protect moisture loss ensuring fuller absorption.
To soften the skin – apply the oil first to nourish then top with the lotion to protect whilst
the oil is being fully absorbed.
Body Lotions – Citrus, Sea Buckthorn, Wild Rose, Pomegranate
(see previous pages for benefits of each.)
Body Oils – Citrus, Sea Buckthorn, Wild Rose, Pomegranate, Lavender
(discussed benefits of each previously)
Ask each guest to choose their favourite lotion and apply to one leg up to the knee,
then select their favourite oil and apply to the other leg so that they can feel the35
If you haven’t tried an oil before because you believe them to be too oily on
the skin and do not sink in then remember Weleda use only plant based oils
that are compatible with human skin. We have a few that are a must try for a
first time user of oils………..
Birch – Detoxing
• Lightest most easily absorbed oil in our range
• Natural essential oils improve skin tone and appearance
• stimulates the body’s own regulating and regenerating processes.
• leaving the skin feeling and looking firm and supple whilst reducing the
appearance of cellulite.
(A dermatological study* confirmed that when using Weleda Birch Cellulite Oil twice daily over
28 days in combination with Weleda Birch Juice, testers' skin was on average noticeably 35%
firmer and skin elasticity improved by 20%.
Visible improvement of skin structure was recorded in 85% of cases, and testers' skin showed
a healthy 20-25% increase in blood circulation/ microcirculation.)
An earlier focus group also reported an encouraging measurable loss in thigh
circumference when using Weleda Birch Cellulite Oil - an average of 3.95cm.
Calendula Massage Oil - Rebuilding
• This gentle massage oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which support rebuilding
of the natural protective layer of the skin
• Balancing the skins natural fat and moisture content.
• The skin remains healthy and supple.
• This oil with its refreshing fragrance is ideal for massages as well as for sensitive
delicate skin.
Arnica Massage Oil
• This gentle massage oil with Sunflower Seed Oil, Olive Oil and extracts of organic
Arnica flowers and Birch leaves supports the skin's natural functions, soothes and
tones with a warming effect.
• With a powerful scent of Rosemary and Lavender, this oil is ideal for massage
before and after sports, to keep the muscles warm and flexible.
Ask each guest to try all 3 oils on their arms and ask which one they like the
feel off noticing how quickly they are absorbed into the skin
Last, but not at all least
Hand Creams
Pomegranate hand cream
• Works in same way as pomegranate facial care, body lotion and body oil
• Stimulates skin renewal
• Keeps hands soft
• Increases skins moisture levels
Sea buckthorn hand cream
• For rough, dry, hard working hands.
• Non greasy
• Repairs damage
Pass both round and ask guests to apply their favourite to their hands.
Wrapping up
(5 mins)
Be further involved with Weleda
So that brings this Wellbeing Spa evening/morning to an end. Thank you very
much for joining in and I hope you’ve found it of interest. I look forward to
talking to you individually and let me know if you have any specific queries.
If you are interested in being more involved with Weleda ‘In harmony with you’,
there are a few ways that you could do that:
ORDERING - All the products you have seen and tried tonight and those in the
brochure are available to purchase this evening. Prices start at £5.95.
OFFERS - You will find various offers in the brochure including..(pick out two of
your favourite offers and explain how the customers will benefit. Make them
related to products that you have talked about).
Be further involved with Weleda
WELEDA GIFTS - Our products make gorgeous gifts. From about £8 upwards.
(Show Creamy body wash set; Mini Body oil set; And mention the gift wrapping
at £3.95 each. )
THANK YOU - As a thank you from us this month (show current months gifts)
is FREE with every spend of £40.
We take cash, cheque or credit card. Your order will be placed tomorrow and
will be with NAME (your host) in 7-10 working days to hand out to you all in our
very own bags.
KEEPING IN TOUCH - As part of the service, and with your permission, I would
like keep in touch with you to make sure your products do what you need. You
only know when you try them. When you need to replenish your products I
can get them for you, delivered direct to your door.
Be further involved with Weleda
If you have enjoyed tonight/this morning, and would like to help us spread the
Weleda word and natural way of life then please do consider hosting your own.
This can be at your home with friends and family or at another venue e.g.
school, office, club and can be during the day (e.g. coffee morning) or evening
(Wellbeing Advisor to consider what suits them here and change accordingly).
As a thank you from us for hosting, you will receive 15% of the total sales in
FREE products (this is normally about £40-£50 worth) plus there are other
Hostess Exclusives which change on a monthly basis.
(Talk about the host promotions for next 2 months).
Not only does this give you some fun time with friends, it’s a great way to
ensure you get the Weleda products you would like.
Be further involved with Weleda
WELLBEING EVENT THEMES - There are several themes to choose from.
Skincare Analysis – The one you have seen tonight/today
As you have seen tonight/today. Great if you want to really explore and get to try the
full skincare range plus receive in depth prescription.
An Introduction to Weleda Facial Skincare – For people new to Weleda
Great for an initial first look at what our facial skincare range has to offer for your
family and friends. No demonstrations but everyone gets to try all the favourites.
An Introduction to Weleda Favourites – Try a range of all products
Great for an initial look at the other ranges of products we have if skincare is not
your focus. With something for all the family.
SPA – Fun and interactive
Great for the Summer Evenings. Get to try all the bodycare range of products and
decide which is the lead plant for you! (from mid June 2013)
Be further involved with Weleda
Mummy and Baby – Before or after pregnancy
Have a fun event either as your Baby Shower or find out more about our Award
winning baby range at a get together with all your new mum friends. We can do both
and learn all about baby skin and how to best look after it (from July 2013)
Detox – Find out why its important and the health and wellbeing benefits
Natural Health professionals recommend that we cleanse our bodies inside and out
twice a year to maintain helath and wellbeing. Find out how with our range of
detoxing Birch products (from October 2013)
We support a number of charities. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in
helping to raise money, or already does, we would be happy to help. Please come
and talk to me. All the themes mentioned can be run as a fundraiser or we can just
come along to a Local Fundraising event already planned and run a stall.
Be further involved with Weleda
Of course everyone’s skin is different. A person’s skin barrier can be so
damaged that the very active natural ingredients, in large quantities, can be too
much for someone at first. It is extremely rare, but if you do have a reaction the
Weleda service is second to none. Not only do Weleda offer a 30 day money
back guarantee but we will work with you, free of charge, to identify what you
have had a reaction to and then find the products that work for you. This will
also enable you to know in future what to avoid in our products and in anyone
If you have a skin condition that you would like further advice on then we offer a
complimentary 1:1 service to work with you to resolve it. This can either be
done by myself or in conjunction with the Weleda Pharmacy service. Please
ask if you would like further details.
A big Thank you to (host name ) for hosting tonight.......... I look forward
to chatting to you all individually/answering your questions
Chat to the guests/ speak about other product ranges,
specifically skincare products/ assist with order taking
(40-60 mins)
Check totals on order form
Suggest Linked products
Remind Customer of £40 spend promotion
Check customer details on form and complete
Give receipt including Advisor details.
Ask every customer if they would like to host their own
Wellbeing Event
Ask permission to keep in touch and note on order form
the customer preference
Give the host a copy of the pink receipt (for host direct
Rebook Host in 4 months time