AWH4T Governance Council Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: March 10, 2014 Meeting Called by: Regularly Scheduled Monthly Meeting Type of Meeting: Planning Governance Council Attendees: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Patrice Pratt Angie Douglas Linda Johnston Rhene Ritter Keith Anderson Donna Hall Greer Fites Delise Tomlinson Dave Goldman Tanya Moore Pam Richardson Mack Haltom Tania Pryce Jim Lyall Laura Dempsey-Polan Scott Hamilton Wayne Kindrick Donnie House Jeff Jaynes Mike Brose Joe Sauer Sandra Lewis Ronn Glosson Alex Aguilar Evelyn Geter Brad Collins Terri Cole James Hudgins Major April Taylor Major James Taylor Steven Whitaker Steve Whitaker Alice Doyle Sandy Milner Steve Boettcher Arletta Robinson Agency Community Service Council DVIS/Call Rape Tulsa County Social Services City of Tulsa Community Service Council Counseling & Recovery Services Family & Children's Services Tulsa Chamber of Commerce Volunteers of America Iron Gate Volunteers of America Day Center for the Homeless Youth Services of Tulsa Community Service Council Morton Comprehensive Health Services Legal Aid Services of Eastern OK Community Service Council Community Service Council Restore Hope Mental Health Association Community Service Council Day Center for the Homeless Salvation Army Mental Health Association Work of the Lord Ministries 12 and 12 Tulsa Housing Authority John 3:16 Mission Salvation Army Salvation Army John 3:16 Mission John 3:16 Mission VA Homeless Restore Hope INCOG Salvation Army Guests: Stephanie Regan, Bank of America/US Trust, and Mike Hoyt, TOUCH Agenda Item: Introductions Presenter: Chair, Scott Hamilton – Legal Aid Services Discussion: Decisions/Actions: New Tasks: Agenda Item: Review and approval of minutes Presenter: Chair, Scott Hamilton – Legal Aid Services Discussion: Linda Johnston – Page 2 under Agenda Items Pathways Report – change language to “3/4 of exits were FOR self-sufficiency”; Page 3 "Mike Brose statement – recommended to strike statement after “in the past…” Decisions/Actions: Minutes approved unanimously with amendments. New Tasks: Presenter: Chair, Scott Hamilton – Legal Aid Services Discussion: Sandra Lewis, Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless' ED, announced that one of the Pathways Day Center case managers has gone on staff at the Day Center as a new general case manager and that they have decided not to refill its two vacant Pathways case manager positions. The Day Center is not yet rejecting the Pathways case management system entirely, but Sandra would like to see an internal review of the current system before TDCH is ready to rehire a case manager. Agenda Item: Announcements Arletta Robinson stated that the Salvation Army has also had a case manager position open that they have chosen not to refill and would no longer be participating in the Pathways Program. Both agencies stated that they plan on continuing their participation in AWH4T. Linda Johnston, Tulsa County Social Services, asked if a high turnover rate among case managers played a role in the decision as to whether or not to use Pathways case managers. Major April Taylor of The Salvation Army stated that the SPDAT tool does not work well with the philosophy of their national organization. She also stated that the Salvation Army never received a Pathways contract for review and renewal since the last contract expired on December 31 st, 2013. She followed up by saying that organizational cooperation is important, and they have office space available if anyone wants to be housed in their offices, but coordinated case management does not line up with their philosophy. Steve Whitaker of John 3:16 Mission proposed that an internal review of the Pathways system be conducted. Tanya Moore of Iron Gate recommended that either a committee be formed to do the review, or the organizations dealing with the Pathways system could offer recommendations on how to more effectively implement the Pathways system. Patrice Pratt, CSC, stated she welcomes any opportunities to improve the Pathways program and suggested using an outside facilitator to facilitate the Pathways internal review. Steve Whitaker suggested that the committee working on the review make that decision. Patrice Pratt will work with the AWH4T Quality Management committee members to arrange for a Pathways internal review. Major April Taylor, Steve Whitaker and Linda Johnston all shared that using the SPDAT as the CoC's coordinated assessment and referral tool would not be acceptable to them. Major April Taylor stated that, even though the SPDAT is separate from the Pathways case management issue, the SPDAT tool is just as controversial as Pathways to them. Jim Lyall, CSC, asked if the Salvation Army had any other assessment tool in use within its national organization and, if so, would they would like to share it with the QM committee as it conducts its review to ensure that the assessment system the CoC builds fits Tulsa's needs and is not just a duplication of another community's system. Donnie House, CSC, reminded the Council that we must have a common/coordinated assessment in place by August 30, 2014 to retain HUD funding. The Housing Plus Committee has currently been looking at all the HUD regulations and their next meeting is Wednesday, March 12th. The Housing Plus Committee will address the common/coordinated assessment issue and report back to the Governance Council at its April meeting. Decisions/Actions:. Patrice will offer dates to try to get the Quality Management Committee to meet earlier than their normally scheduled meeting to begin the discussion on a Pathways review. New Tasks: The review of Pathways is being referred to the Quality Management Committee. The Quality Management Committee has been directed by Scott Hamilton to elect a Committee Chairperson. The Committee will determine the need for outside facilitation and present a report to the Governance Committee. Agenda Item: “Keeping It Real” Presenter: Patrice Pratt, CSC Discussion: Postponed. Decisions/Actions: New Tasks: Agenda Item: CDBG Grant Review Process Presenter: Rhene Ritter – City of Tulsa, Grants Administration Discussion: Rhene Ritter of the City of Tulsa Grants Division announced that the City of Tulsa's HUD Community Development Committee is holding a public hearing for the fifth and final year of its Consolidated Plan that has to be submitted to HUD annually. A draft of the plan was circulated to the membership on March 6th along with the Notice of Public Hearing scheduled for March 11th at 5:30pm in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Everyone may have up to 5 minutes to make any comments or recommendations to the plan. The plan is on the City's website. Comments can be submitted in advance via email to until the 27th of March, which is when the City Council is expected to make its decision. The committee agenda will be posted on its website. Tanya Moore, who is the AWH4T representative on the Community Development Committee, said that she voted against the allocation recommended by that committee and stands by her decision. She feels that the committee completely undermined the new allocation process and that it was not fair. Interested members can go to the City Council website ( to view recordings of the meetings to which she referred. Those meetings were held Tuesday and Wednesday, February 25th-26th, 2014. Rhene also announced that the City's HUD Community Development Committee is finalizing its priorities on the next 5 year plan and they are looking at current services to identify service gaps. Donnie House of CSC asked that AWH4T be included in the planning process. Decisions/Actions: New Tasks: Agenda Item: Committee Reports Presenter: Chair, Scott Hamilton – Legal Aid Services Discussion: Wayne Kindrick of CSC announced that the most current revision to the AWH4T Governance Charter is available online at the CSC website as a draft. Steve Whitaker asked that a redline version showing all the suggested changes to date be uploaded or provided. Wayne will handle that; he asked for everyone to visit the site to review the changes. Wayne announced that the AWH4TCode of Conduct and Conflict of Interest policy that was provisionally approved as part of the Governance Charter on Jan. 27, 2014 will need to be formally adopted by the membership to comply with HUD requirements for the CoC. Steve Whitaker asked that everyone be provided a copy of that document in which all HUD mandated requirements are highlighted. Wayne will mark the sections that include the language that must be included and email it to the members of the Council. Wayne asked on behalf of the Governance Charter committee that everyone review the document and provide questions or comments prior to the next committee meeting on April 7th so the committee can submit a final version for approval by the entire council at its next meeting on April 14th. Tania Pryce, YST, presented the Quality Management Committee report. Pathways participant satisfaction surveys will begin being conducted this week. A CSC intern, Joe Sauer, will conduct the inhome surveys; questions will focus on satisfaction with the Pathways program, Pathways case management and team member agencies. Tania reported that the Quality Management committee has been reviewing the Pathways Case Manager interview tool with standardized questions, exit interviews which focus on the Pathways Program, Supervision and Technical Assistance improvement. The committee also review a research article on Turnover Staffing Challenges and Strategies for Organizations Serving Individuals who have Experienced Chronic Homelessness. Jim Lyall announced that the Communications Committee had met earlier that morning with Tom Baker of the City of Tulsa and the Tulsa Downtown Coordinating Council. Jim reported on Tom’s recent report/plan to the DCC entitled "Downtown Indigent Response Study and Assessment". Most of the questions raised on this subject were submitted by the business community. Delise Tomlinson of the Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce and Stephanie Regan of BOA/US Trust will provide some additional research to inform the discussion on the panhandling issue. Laura Dempsey-Polan announced that Morton Comprehensive Health Services' Transportation Task Force is still in the process of being formed. Laura also moved, on behalf of the Finance/Fundraising Committee, that the Governance Committee approve an increase in Pathways' 2014 budget by $4,766 (from $457,180 to $461,946). Patrice Pratt, CSC, reported that the second Pathways CM position at MHA was approved by the Governance Council in the AWH4T Pathways Budget 2013 but was delayed due to HUD grant contract with MHA start date of Jan 2014. Pathways would supplement grant funds for 2 nd MHA Pathways CM. Actual grant funds available were $4,766 less than originally expected by MHA. Pathways will fund variance, total amount for 2014 second PCM Mental Health Association position $24,766. Decisions/Actions: Motion to increase the Pathways budget by $4,766 offered by Laura Polan-Dempsey and seconded by Steve Whitaker. Motioned carried unanimously. New Tasks: Agenda Item: AWH4T Data Snaps Presenter: Keith Anderson - CSC Discussion: The point-in-time survey report is available. Keith will be emailing out an electronic version on March 12th. This is the first group to see it, so consider this report a “draft” copy. Keith is asking for people to reply to him with comments or questions by the 11th. Decisions/Actions: The TAUW committees need the final version of the survey this week, so responses are due by tomorrow. New Tasks: Agenda Item: New Business: -SAMHSA Grant Opportunity Presenter: Patrice Pratt - CSC -Other New Business Discussion: Patrice Pratt reported that a new SAMHSA grant opportunity is available to veterans and nonveterans and individuals and/or families who experience chronic homelessness. The grant’s primary focus is on substance use and substance use with mental illness. The Mental Health Association has shown an interest in applying and CSC may apply, if needed.. One of the grant requirements is that an executive steering committee be formed to monitor the grantee's progress on goal achievement and outcomes. If there is an applicant, AWH4T Governance Committee would be asked to agree to oversee that grant with quarterly review. The expectation would be that if there were barriers, with a quarterly review we as a collective, could assist in removing barriers and improving the outcomes. Decisions/Actions: Motion made by Steve Whitaker to serve as an oversight body for the SAMHSA grant to any partner agencies who apply for it. (2nd by Wayne Kindrick) Motion carried unanimously. New Tasks: Meeting adjourned at 5:14 pm. Next Governance Council Meeting is scheduled for: April 14, 2014, 3:00-5:00 at CSC 1st Floor Large Conference Room Upcoming AWH4T Committee Meetings are scheduled at CSC 2nd Floor Conference Room, as follows: Communications Committee 12:30 – 1:30 on Friday, 4/4/14 Finance/Fundraising Committee 9:00 - 10:00 on Monday, 4/7/14 Quality Management Committee 1:00 - 3:00 on Monday, 4/7/14 Governance Charter Committee 3:15 - 4:00 on Monday, 4/7/14 3/12/14 in the CSC 1st Floor Large Conference Room Housing Plus Committee 3:00 – 4:30