Single-view Metrology and Camera Calibration Computer Vision Derek Hoiem, University of Illinois 02/26/15 1 Last Class: Pinhole Camera . Principal Point (u0, v0) . . v u u p v f . Z X P Y Z Y Camera Center (tx, ty, tz) 2 Last Class: Projection Matrix R jw t kw Ow iw x KR t X s u f w v 0 f 1 0 0 u0 r11 r12 v0 r21 r22 1 r31 r32 r13 r23 r33 X tx Y ty Z t z 1 3 Last class: Vanishing Points Vertical vanishing point (at infinity) Vanishing line Vanishing point Vanishing point 4 Slide from Efros, Photo from Criminisi This class • How can we calibrate the camera? • How can we measure the size of objects in the world from an image? • What about other camera properties: focal length, field of view, depth of field, aperture, f-number? 5 How to calibrate the camera? x KR t X wu * * * * wv * * * * w * * * * X Y Z 1 6 Calibrating the Camera Method 1: Use an object (calibration grid) with known geometry – Correspond image points to 3d points – Get least squares solution (or non-linear solution) wu m11 m12 wv m m22 21 w m31 m32 m13 m23 m33 m14 m24 m34 X Y Z 1 7 Linear method • Solve using linear least squares wu m11 m12 wv m m22 21 w m31 m32 X1 0 X n 0 Y1 0 Z1 0 1 0 0 X1 0 Y1 Yn 0 Zn 0 1 0 0 Xn 0 Yn 0 Z1 0 Zn m13 m23 m33 m14 m24 m34 X Y Z 1 u1 X 1 v1 X 1 u1Y1 v1Y1 u1 Z1 v1 Z1 0 un X n 1 vn X n u nYn v nYn un Z n vn Z n 0 1 m11 m 12 m13 m u1 14 0 m v1 21 0 m22 m u n 23 0 m v n 24 0 m 31 m32 m 33 m34 Ax=0 form 8 Calibration with linear method • Advantages – Easy to formulate and solve – Provides initialization for non-linear methods • Disadvantages – – – – Doesn’t directly give you camera parameters Doesn’t model radial distortion Can’t impose constraints, such as known focal length Doesn’t minimize projection error • Non-linear methods are preferred – Define error as difference between projected points and measured points – Minimize error using Newton’s method or other non-linear optimization Can solve for explicit camera parameters: 9 Calibrating the Camera Method 2: Use vanishing points – Find vanishing points corresponding to orthogonal directions Vanishing line Vanishing point Vertical vanishing point (at infinity) Vanishing point 10 Calibration by orthogonal vanishing points • Intrinsic camera matrix – Use orthogonality as a constraint – Model K with only f, u0, v0 pi KRXi For vanishing points Xi X j 0 T • What if you don’t have three finite vanishing points? – Two finite VP: solve f, get valid u0, v0 closest to image center – One finite VP: u0, v0 is at vanishing point; can’t solve for f 11 Calibration by vanishing points • Intrinsic camera matrix pi KRXi • Rotation matrix – Set directions of vanishing points • e.g., X1 = [1, 0, 0] – Each VP provides one column of R – Special properties of R • inv(R)=RT • Each row and column of R has unit length 12 How can we measure the size of 3D objects from an image? 13 Slide by Steve Seitz Perspective cues Slide by Steve Seitz 14 Perspective cues Slide by Steve Seitz 15 Perspective cues Slide by Steve Seitz 16 Ames Room 17 Slide by Steve Seitz Comparing heights Vanishing Point 18 Slide by Steve Seitz Measuring height 5 4 3 5.3 Camera height 3.3 2.8 2 1 19 Which is higher – the camera or the man in the parachute? 20 Slide by Steve Seitz The cross ratio A Projective Invariant • Something that does not change under projective transformations (including perspective projection) The cross-ratio of 4 collinear points P3 P2 P1 P4 P3 P1 P4 P2 P3 P2 P4 P1 Xi Y Pi i Zi 1 P1 P3 P4 P2 Can permute the point ordering P1 P2 P4 P3 • 4! = 24 different orders (but only 6 distinct values) This is the fundamental invariant of projective geometry 22 Slide by Steve Seitz Measuring height BT R BR T H R scene cross ratio T (top of object) b t vZ r t r C vZ b R H (reference point) R B ground plane b r vZ t H R image cross ratio (bottom of object) X Y scene points represented as P Z 1 x image points as p y 1 23 Slide by Steve Seitz Measuring height vz r vanishing line (horizon) t0 vx t vy v H R H b0 b t b vZ r r b vZ t image cross ratio 24 Slide by Steve Seitz Measuring height vz r vanishing line (horizon) t0 t0 vx vy v m0 t1 b1 b0 b What if the point on the ground plane b0 is not known? • Here the guy is standing on the box, height of box is known • Use one side of the box to help find b0 as shown above 25 What about focus, aperture, DOF, FOV, etc? Adding a lens “circle of confusion” • A lens focuses light onto the film – There is a specific distance at which objects are “in focus” • other points project to a “circle of confusion” in the image – Changing the shape of the lens changes this distance Focal length, aperture, depth of field F focal point optical center (Center Of Projection) A lens focuses parallel rays onto a single focal point – focal point at a distance f beyond the plane of the lens – Aperture of diameter D restricts the range of rays Slide source: Seitz The eye • The human eye is a camera – Iris - colored annulus with radial muscles – Pupil (aperture) - the hole whose size is controlled by the iris – Retina (film): photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) Slide source: Seitz Depth of field Slide source: Seitz f / 5.6 f / 32 Changing the aperture size or focal length affects depth of field Flower images from Wikipedia Slide from Efros Varying the aperture Large aperture = small DOF Small aperture = large DOF Shrinking the aperture • Why not make the aperture as small as possible? – Less light gets through – Diffraction effects Slide by Steve Seitz Shrinking the aperture Slide by Steve Seitz Relation between field of view and focal length Field of view (angle width) d fov tan 2f 1 Film/Sensor Width Focal length Dolly Zoom or “Vertigo Effect” How is this done? Zoom in while moving away Review How tall is this woman? How high is the camera? What is the camera rotation? What is the focal length of the camera? Which ball is closer? Next class • Image stitching P Q Camera Center 37