M&E WorkshopFlyer.indd - School of Public Health

Workshop on
Monitoring and Evaluation of Malaria Programs
Legon, Ghana, 8-19 June 2015
Currently, national malaria control programs in sub-Saharan Africa have a shortage of capacity for monitoring and
evaluation (M&E). In recent years, funding has greatly increased for malaria control. This influx of funding has created a
tremendous need for monitoring and evaluation of programs, yet national program staff remain undertrained in the area
of M&E. In order to build the capacity of professionals in Africa, this two-week non-degreed course will provide training
in current tools and techniques used to monitor and evaluate malaria control programs.
Workshop Objectives
The objectives of this workshop are:
 To train national malaria control program managers and
other professionals working in the area of M&E of malaria
programs in sub-Saharan Africa in fundamental concepts
and practical approaches to M&E of malaria programs;
 To discuss programmatic applications of the main tools
and data systems used to monitor and evaluate malaria
 To provide a venue for participants to share and learn
from other country experiences to strengthen their
M& E systems.
This workshop targets individuals with approximately 0-5
years of experience working in M&E, who currently work as
National Malaria Control Program staff at either the national
or subnational level; NGO and donor personnel responsible
for oversight of malaria programs, especially in the areas of
reporting, monitoring and evaluation; and other individuals
with a professional interest in monitoring and evaluation of
malaria control programs. Applicants should be proficient in
English, have some analytic skills, and have current
responsibilities for developing program M&E evaluation plans.
Computer literacy and experience with data systems is
desired. Country teams are encouraged to apply.
Course Content
The course will provide participants with M&E tools, techniques
and resources needed for planning, organizing, and managing
malaria programs and projects. The course will include modules
on: Using Data for Decision-Making; Developing Monitoring and
Evaluation Plans; Frameworks and Indicators; Data/Information
Sources & Systems; E (including surveillance, surveys, and HMIS);
Programmatic applications: LLIN, IPT, Case Management, IRS,
etc.; Evaluation Designs; Data Management; Data Analysis; Data
Presentation; and Data Dissemination and Use.
Throughout the course of the workshop, time will be allotted
for practical exercises, group work and discussion around
common M&E issues. Resources for further study and research
in the M&E field will be provided.
Participants are expected to attend the full two weeks. This
course will be offered in English.
The course will be taught by faculty members of the School of
Public Health, University of Ghana with additional instructional
support from experts from Ghana National Malaria Control
Program and the MEASURE Evaluation project, ICF International.
Application Procedures and Deadline
Persons who wish to take part in the workshop should send the
completed application and reference forms documents by email
as soon as possible to:
Edith Tetteh
School of Public Health
P. O. Box LG 13
University of Ghana
Legon – Accra
E-mail: M.E.Malaria@gmail.com
Phone: + 233 249 410336/ 233 410336
Application materials should arrive in Legon, Ghana
No later than 3 April 2015 (final deadline).
The course fee (including tuition, course materials, housing, and
breakfast and lunch for the duration of the workshop) is U.S.
$3000.This does not include airfare, health insurance (required),
visa fees, dinner or other travel expenses.
Prospective applicants are advised to seek funding from their
home organizations or from national or international agencies.
Applicants who have requested funding should submit their
application forms to meet the deadline, and copies of application
materials should be submitted directly to those funding agencies.
When funding is confirmed, the applicant should contact the
School of Public Health as soon as possible. Full sponsorship
from the USAID’s MEASURE Evaluation project is available for a
very limited number of qualified applicants from USAID assisted
developing countries.
Interested candidates who obtain funding after the 3 April
2015 deadline should submit a statement or notify the
coordinators that they have secured funding, as space may still
be available for participants who are fully funded.
Due to the great demand for this workshop (maximum 25
participants), please note that preference will be given to those
candidates who submit their applications by the 3 April
2015 deadline.
Teaching Materials
All course materials will be provided as part of tuition. It is
advisable to bring a laptop; however, arrangements will be made
to accommodate participants who do not have access to one.
Accommodation is available near campus in East Legon. The cost
of this accommodation is included in tuition.
School of Public Health, University of Ghana
The School of Public Health (SPH) was established in 1994 to
respond to a growing demand for a cadre of Public Health
Practitioners to provide leadership in Public Health reforms in
the country. The mission of the school is to train public health
practitioners to be leaders and change agents of health
development in Africa. The School emphasizes cross disciplinary
approach to teaching and learning and has experience in
running international short courses in “Occupational Health
and Safety”, “Social Mobilization for Health and Development”,
“Scientific Communication”, “Improving Management of Public
Health Interventions”, “Malaria and Planning its Control” and
“Epidemiology and Health Systems Management for District
Health Managers”.
Visit the School’s website on: www.ug.edu.gh/sph
National Malaria Control Program, Ghana
The National Malaria Control Programme is the main institution
in the country that formulates policies and strategies for control
malaria and translating these into interventions. It is also
responsible for coordinating, supervising and monitoring the
implementation of these interventions. The overall goal of the
malaria control programme in Ghana is to facilitate human
development by reducing the malaria disease burden by 75% by
2015 using 2006 as a baseline. This goal is to be achieved
through overall health sector development, improved strategic
investments in malaria control, and increased coverage towards
universal access to malaria treatment and prevention
interventions, including the community level.
The MEASURE Evaluation Project
MEASURE Evaluation is one of five USAID-funded
MEASURE projects that examine the impact of a wide range of
activities, with the goal of improving human health and wellbeing.
MEASURE Evaluation works with USAID and its country
missions and collaborating agencies, as well as governments and
NGOs worldwide, to help countries measure their progress in
confronting disease, population issues, and poverty. The project’s
technical leadership and training programs build the capacity of
policymakers and public health leaders to improve public policy
and health programs.
Visit MEASURE Evaluation online at:
MEASURE Evaluation is supported by the U.S. Agency
for International Development (USAID) under terms of
Cooperative Agreement GHA-A-00-08-00003-00
Workshop information is available at:
School of Public Health
University of Ghana
National Malaria Control
Program, Ghana
MEASURE Evaluation
ICF International
US Agency for
International Development