Ancient China #1

Ancient China #1
Ancient China
Mandate of
Filial Piety
Yin Yang
Great Wall
Grand Canal
Zheng He
Qin / Shi
Silk Road
Ghengis Kahn
and the Mongol
Vocabulary Terms and Definitions
From 771 to 221 BCE when China was divided into many kingdoms
that fought each other
Series of rulers from the same family
Ancient Chinese belief that the Gods decided who should rule
and for how long
East Asian philosophy that is centered on the improvement of the
any person from whom one is descended; ex. Grandparents, greatgrandparents, etc.
virtue of respect for one's parents and ancestors
Chinese philosophy centered on compassion, moderation, and
humility with a strong focus on nature
Unelected government officials; China had
Scholar-Officials who passed Confucian exams
Taoism belief in how opposite forces are interconnected and
interdependent in the natural world (example shadows and light,
male and female, etc.)
Barrier that linked earlier walls in China to protect it from invaders
from the north
Canal that linked northern and southern China. (Yellow and
Yangtzi Rivers)
China’s greatest Admiral, led a fleet of ships throughout Asia and Africa
1st unified state of China and the 1st Emperor of China
1st capital of China; tomb of Shi Huangdi and the Terra-cotta soldiers
Major trade routes across Asia from the early Common Era
connecting China to the Roman empire
Founder of the Mongol empire, which became the largest empire in
history after his death
Forbidden City Originally built as both home of the Chinese emperor and as the
central location for Chinese government in Beijing
Himalayan Mountains – Tibetan Plateau –Taklamakan Desert – Gobi Desert –
Labels China
Yellow (Huang He) River – Yangtzi (Long) River - Yellow Sea –
East China Sea – South China Sea – Pacific Ocean (p. 507)
Beijing/Forbidden City – Xi’an (p. 505)
Mongolia – Korea – Japan (567+591)
Answer in your journal:
1. How do mountains, deserts, and seas affect the movement of goods, people, and ideas?
2. How do you think these geographic features affected the development of Chinese civilization?