Name:______________________________________ Date:____________ Class Period:_____ Biology Cell Organelle Creative Project This is due __________________ as soon as class starts. From the table below you will need to choose one organelle, meet ALL of the requirements, and choose one of the listed choices to present your work. You can get teacher approval if you have another creative idea. I do not want you to just copy your notes/book onto a poster and hand it in. I want funny, creative stories, interesting poems, etc as a different way to teach about the organelles. Make your project appealing for the gallery walk. We will vote on the top 3 in class and the top 3 will get a prize. Organelle Choices: All Requirements: Your Project Choices: Endoplasmic Reticulum 1. Structure Tattoo Design Golgi Apparatus 2. Function Voting/Campaign Ad Ribosomes 3. Relationship to all other listed organelles Magazine Ad Plasma Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Mitochondria Song/rap/poem 4. Creative and original work (plagiarism will result in an automatic 0) Video 5. Cite all sources in APA format, a minimum of 3 is required Web Page (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) Lysosomes & Peroxisomes Childrens Book/Comic Book Art Piece/sculpture Cell Organelle Project Rubric (How I am grading your project) □ Look over the rubric on the back of this page to carefully to ensure you have performed all of the tasks for this project □ Turn in reference page (that includes 1.Your Organelle 2. A paragraph description of your project 3.APA sources) for your project WITH your project on __________, 2015 Name:______________________________________ Date:____________ Class Period:_____ Teacher’s Score: Your Score: Assessment Criteria: 4- Excellent 3- Good 2-Average 1-Poor 0-Absent Structure Meets “Good” criteria PLUS inclusion of specific biomolecules that make up the structure of the organelle (phospholipids , cholesterol, amino acids, etc) Meets “Average” criteria PLUS detailed description of organelle (texture of organelle, interior shapes, membranes, etc) Description of the structure of the organelle, including shape and proximity to other organelles Vague description of the structure of the organelle, no specific details regarding shape or proximity to other organelles Project does not describe structure of the organelle Function Meets “Good” criteria PLUS informs how the structure allows the organelle to perform the function. Meets “Average” criteria PLUS secondary functions of the organelle Basic description of the main function of the organelle Vague description of the main function of the organelle Project does not describe the function of the organelle Relationship to all other organelles Meets “Good” criteria PLUS all relationships are listed and correct. Meets “Average” criteria PLUS informs how proximity and location allow them to work together Project shows all relationships between your organelle and the other listed organelles. Not all are listed and/or incorrect information. Project shows some relationships between your organelle and the other organelles. Not all are listed and/or incorrect information. Project does not explain/demo nstrate your organelle’s relationship to the other organelles Appearance, Creativity and Innovation (Must look like a final product) Meets and exceeds “Good” criteria and weaves together information with creativity in a polished finished fashion Meets “Average” criteria PLUS presents information in a visually engaging way (or grammatically correct and formatted) Organization and design shows thoughtful preparation and utilizes a variety of resources to create something original Project shows little evidence of originality in design and presentation. Project is not complete or clearly plagiarized. Research (3 sources minimum, cited APA, handed in with project) Meets “Good” criteria and weaves together information from at least 3 resources to create something original. Project utilizes at least 3 authoritative resources. APA format is correctly followed. Reference page is handed in. Project utilizes at least 3 authoritative resources. APA format is followed with error/not followed. Reference page is handed in. Project relies heavily on one resource or has less than 3 sources. Reference page is handed in, not APA format. Project has no resources/ref erence page handed in. Automatic 0 on entire project.