Co-operation among the Colleges - Together we do it better Margaret Gilmore, Institute of Technology, Sligo IASCE Achievements Meetings in co-operative spirit Annual conference Statement of Principles Manual ‘Working Models’ Textbook The requested task: To draw up a revised list of principles for placement, for use among the IASCE group of colleges The Team: Representatives of colleges, involved with placements, were invited to a meeting on 24 June 2004 in DIT, initiated by IASCE The method: Meetings, phone calls, emails Maximum attendance was eight Mostly group of five continued meeting Total meetings of group: four The Result: Revised Statement of Principles Revised Placement Manual Draft of course for placement supervisors, for HETAC single subject accreditation – All available to IASCE members The Process: Sharing of material Business-like, mutually respectful approach Building of relationships in group Rotating responsibility for chairing and minutes Common conviction of importance of placements and supervision Need for Supervisors’ Training course and Manual: Supervision has sound theory base Supervisors feel secure with manual, training course and support from college tutor Student can have confidence in transparent process Responding to challenge of professional supervision Professionalism needs to be consciously constructed Standard are set, in manual and on Supervisors’ training course Techniques and intervention strategies are suggested Manual and Supervisors’ training course are complementary Central role of Supervision in Placements Agreed by group as guiding principle Group worked used similar ideas as in supervision process – collaborative relationship, mutuality and creative sharing Supervision as both Art and Science (Hewson, J. 2001) Positive results: Supervision process is rooted in theory Supervision purpose is for on-going, supported development of student Student gains Staff member/Supervisor gains Client group gains – Gain is more far-reaching than input Registration Voluntary upholding of standards will be replaced in near future by compulsory registration Students and graduates need support from colleges – – affirmation of on-going professional development and previous qualifications Professionalism A profession is defined as membership of a group which has required specialised training, thereby limiting admission Standards within a profession are upheld by adherance to regulations, enforced by legal or other means On-going education is expected, via mentoring, reading, attendance at conferences Modelling Professional Practice Upholding of placement standards via manual and supervisor training Practical demonstration of co-operative mentoring behaviour through placement visits and supervisor training course Producing students who understand and practise professional standards Supporting Professional Practice Co-operative learning atmosphere Consultation Reference to theory Group work Capitalising on group and individual knowledge & strengths Upholding standards Teaching & Mentoring Social Care role with individuals and client groups has a teaching & mentoring aspect Social Care practitioner acts as role model e.g. in situations of absent parents Student supervisor acts as mentor to student Visiting college staff member acts as mentor to both supervisor and student College debt to student Supervisors Major responsibility to student, college & profession Accountability Substantial time requirement On-going debate on remuneration Meanwhile, we owe them at least the tools with which to do the job i.e. the supervisors’ training course and placement manual Quality control of placements Supportive contact with supervisor and student Partnership approach Early warning of difficulties ‘Open door’ policy of college contact Manual sets out agreed policies and procedures Principles See Manual Page 5 Manual Sections 1: Context for practice placements 2: Standards to be upheld 3: Guidelines to achieve maximum benefit during placement using Supervision 4: Documentation required 5: Appendices a.Police checking and references b.Trouble shooting 6: Inserted by each Institute/College Supervision course See handout Parts A, B, C in conjunction with actual student supervision Groupwork and individual assignments Single subject accreditation by FETAC, level 7 To be available as a ‘package’ within IASCE member colleges To be offered in countrywide venues Thanks to working group Acknowledgement of positive experience Supportive atmosphere Professionalism and Hospitality! Together we do it better Add to IASCE list - Revised Principles – Revised Placement Manual – Shared Course for Supervisors of Students – The future? References used by group: Lalor, K. and Doyle, J. (2005) The Social Care Practice Placement: A College Perspective in Share P. & McElwee N. (eds) Applied Social Care Dublin: Gill & Macmillan Morrison, T. (2001) Staff supervision in Social Care, Brighton, Pavillion References contd. O’Neill, E.. (2003) Using Professional Supervision in Social Care in Share P. & McElwee N. (eds) Applied Social Care Dublin: Gill & Macmillan Bolton, G. (2005) Reflective Practice Sage Publications References contd. Carroll, M. (1996) Counselling Supervision Theory, Skills and Practice London: Cassell Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. (2000) 2nd ed. Supervision in the Helping Professions, OU Press Kadushin, A. & Harkness, D. (2002) Supervision in Social Work (4th Ed) New York: Columbia University Press References contd. Knapman, J. & Morrison, T. (2001) Making the most of supervision in Health and Social Care, Brighton, Pavillion O’Neill, E. (2004) Professional Supervision: Myths, Culture and Structure Tipperary: RMA Publications Hewson, J. (2001) Integrative Supervision: Art and Science in Carroll, M. & Tholstrup, M. Integrative approaches to supervision London: J Kingsley