Cancer and other Diseases - Pathologies

Cancer and other Diseases - Pathologies
Cancer isn’t a ‘lurgy’ like a virus or bacteria that invades our system.
It is a pathology which manifests in our system due to patterns or tendencies of way’s of being,
ie. look at ‘Causes of Disease’
Cancerous cells are generally old toxic damaged cells that our Immune system doesn’t get rid
of when our elimination processes are not happening to an optimum level, a hyperactivity of
cell production due to stressors and or Qi (chi) and blood stasis causing general stagnation,
obstruction and accumulation.
An overgrowth of cells leading to – masses and tumors.
Cells which are out of control, which reflect our Energy, chemistry – physiology, lifestyle,
patterns, ways of being, our foundation, constitution and beliefs.
It is ‘Apoptosis’ not happening – which is our innate system of programmed cell death,
which should be occurring.
One may liken this disease state to, ‘ hanging onto old stuff ‘
– emotions which cause acidity and toxicity
– Pathogens, ie. viruses and bacteria’s feeding on our systems
– Dampness, Phlegm from our food and climatic factors and or Blood stasis
• which our Immune systems are struggling with all the time.
After these repeated themes, chronic Disease states may take hold and our Immune system’s
may respond with an inflammatory response all the time.
After a while our system may, ‘ give up the ghost.’
It may be so worn out that it starts attacking itself, looking at ‘self’ like it’s foreign.
This is called an Auto – immune disease, which may lead to Cancer.
To prevent and treat Cancer we must look at and alter our
- Diets – nutrition and eating habits
- Water, alcohol intake, Fluid and Electrolyte balance, ph balance – acid vs alkaline
- Lifestyle – work, exercise
- Chemical toxicity
- handling stress – ability to let go of pent up emotions – old and new
- clear heat, damp and cold from our systems, which accumulate and obstruct our
channels and chemical functions.
Crystallizing DNA
Preventative Medicine
Freedom and peace
021 2010 738
20 Shona Lane
Preston Downs
West Melton 7618
03 2600 738
021 2010 738
As you can see, it is not just one factor that contributes to us contracting
a disease state – perhaps a multitude of factors.
This explains why one person contracts a disease and another doesn’t, due to our individuality
of handling the above factors and our genetic constitutions.
We must ask ourselves, ‘ what am I vulnerable to,’ and ‘ what am I not taking care of in my life.’
We all know what it is, we just have to take responsibility for general health, which
encompasses not just the physical body, but our minds and spirits – ie. “ where and whom is
my Authentic self” and “ am I being true to myself and real?”
If we ask this of ourselves, then we will get the answer from within and not from outside of
No one else has the answer to these questions, as no – one else knows you better than you, no
– one else has the cure but you.. and you can help yourself.
Our genetic predisposition –
the health of our parents may contribute to this external and internal vulnerability to disease –
our weak or strong constitution, which was determined by all of the above factors and perhaps
our upbringing where negative emotional blueprints have been learned to which we are buying
into and our energy – our Central Nervous system and Adrenals are ‘pitched at’ a particular
way of being and contributes to hyperactivity.
No – one is making us buy into these negative blueprints but ourselves, due to our learned
belief systems.
And where and whom did we base our belief systems on – our parents, the people and
environment around us when we were 1-5 years old and onwards and perhaps even from
conception to birth.
In order to crack this programming we may have to allow ourselves time, to honor our
experiences, rewrite the beliefs and the ‘story’ or ‘view’ around the beliefs so we may reclaim
the positives of our experiences.
We must look at the causes of disease state: ‘Disease’ means – dis – ease – of the body, mind
and spirit ‘ ill at ease ’ with itself.
Cell injury – occurs when there is –
low oxygen
excess heat, cold, radiation exposure
pressure/tearing of tissue
foreign substances/chemical toxins
mico – organisms like bacteria and viruses, parasites leading to infection
abnormal metabolites accumulating in a cell
nutritional defects
imbalance of fluids and electrolytes.
Why people contract disease is because they are not being their Authentic selves and not
listening to themselves, their needs and to what their bodies are telling them.
Crystallizing DNA
Preventative Medicine
Freedom and peace
021 2010 738
20 Shona Lane
Preston Downs
West Melton 7618
03 2600 738
021 2010 738
Lifestyle is a big factor.
To listen to oneself and take care of oneself, takes time – have you got time for yourself ?
● We only seem to finally take time after we are diagnosed with a disease state.
Then, we are resigned to it, believing in what some - one else tells us of how we are capable of
We tend to look to something outside of ourselves to ‘fix it’, usually the medical profession and
God(s) depending on one’s religious beliefs.
The Western Medical profession is great, necessary and has a proven track record, but maybe
what each one of us is capable of is not focused on enough?
Look at how many cases have proven a terminal prognosis otherwise.
Who has a right to tell anyone when they will die from a disease state, due to our immune
systems not working properly ?
Who has a measure for the human Spirit and for each individual’s strength of Spirit – ‘Shen’?
The Spirit is intangible and of insubstantial energy – Qi – ‘chi’.
Only you know how strong your spirit is, no – one else.
Maybe we just have to believe in our capabilities, in our Spirit.
If we truly believe in the Science of universal energies – Qi, Spiritual energy or (God(s) then this
is energy that we can breathe into our way of being with grace, fortitude and humbleness
and are we not here to manifest this greatness, which is in fact in nature ?
Have we not already got these tools to survive and at hand ?
Is this greatness not already within us ? – our body, minds and Spirit – ‘Shen’.
All of our cells are made up of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen – the very substance of
Nature itself.
The same elements which are abundant in the Five elements –
Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood – all available to us everyday.
The nature of these elements determines the cycles and substantial energy of our world and
therefore our Health and determines disease states or not depending on our choices.
Are we aligning ourselves with these healthy choices and tuning in on a daily basis ?
The universal Qi gave us our bodies, minds and spirits to survive with the abundance here on
Earth to draw on.
So why then, apart from Food and shelter are we looking outside of ourselves ?
Why not look to ourselves to see and manifest the greatness which is in all of us.
And this may need to be claimed at Soul level ie. make peace with your Soul.
So why then are we not putting all of our senses to good use ?
Crystallizing DNA
Preventative Medicine
Freedom and peace
021 2010 738
20 Shona Lane
Preston Downs
West Melton 7618
03 2600 738
021 2010 738
Crystallizing DNA
Preventative Medicine
Freedom and peace
021 2010 738
20 Shona Lane
Preston Downs
West Melton 7618
03 2600 738
021 2010 738