Extended CV

Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
December 2014
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Family Status:
10 - 2- 54
Paleokastro Gortynias, Greece
Married, one child
21 Posidonias Str., 20 100 Corinth, Greece
kasimis@aua.gr, kasimisc@gmail.com
Philosophy Doctorate (Ph.D), School of Social Analysis,
University of Bradford, (U.K.)
Title: “ Socio - economic Change in two Greek Peasant
Communities: 1949-1981”
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), School of Industrial
Technology, University of Bradford, (U.K.)
Title: “Industrial Decline in the Context of Scientific Technological Change: Bradford”
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics, School of Social
Sciences, University of Bradford, (U.K.)
Mother tongue
September 2014 – today
Agricultural University of Athens
Deputy Rector of Economic Planning, Research and Development
Agricultural University of Athens
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Professor of Rural Sociology
1999 – 2003
University of Patras, Greece,
Department of Economics
Professor of Rural Sociology
1995 – 2000
National Centre for Social Research, Greece
Director of the Institute of Urban and Rural Sociology
1995 – 1999
University of Patras, Greece,
Department of Economics
Associate Professor of Rural Sociology
1990 – 1994
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece
Teaching “Rural Sociology” to Ροstgraduate students
1989 – 1994
University of Patras, Greece
Department of Economics
Assistant Professor of Rural Sociology
1986 – 1989
University of Patras, Greece
Department of Economics
Lecturer of Rural Sociology
1985 – 1986
Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Athens, Greece
1983 – 1985
C.A.S.E - Centre of Higher Studies, Athens, Greece
Teacher of Sociology, GCE Α' Level
1980 – 1981
University of Bradford, UK
School of Social Analysis,
Tutor in “Mediterranean Studies”
1977 – 1978
University of Bradford, UK
School of lndustrial Technology
Tutor in “The Social Context of Production” and “Man in Industry”
Project financed by the European Fund for Third Country Nationals: Establishment
of a cooperation network bringing together representatives of EU Mediterranean
Member States, confronting similar with Greece, integration challenges of Third
Country Nationals (Project 4.1a/11)
Coordinator: A.G. Papadopoulos, Associate professor, Harokopio University, Athens
[project site: http://www.immnet.eu]
Project financed by the Greek Ministry of Education: Researching Opportunities for
the Social and Economic Integration of African Migrants in the Greek Receiving
Coordinator: A. G. Papadopoulos, Associate professor, Harokopio University, Athens
Project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (R+D project
CSO2009-13909): Immigrant’s integration and the role of a diversity of
organisations in achieving sustainable small towns and rural areas
Coordinator: Ricard Moren Alegret, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Project financed by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and
Equal Opportunities (contract No: VC/2010/001): Social Impact of Emigration and
Rural-Urban Migration in Central and Eastern Europe
Project coordinator: Gesellschaft fur Versicherungswissenschaft und -gestaltung E.V
(GVG), Germany
Project financed by the European Fund for Third Country Nationals: Data Collection
for Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) and Immigrant Associations which
are active in Greece
Project consultant
Coordinator: A. G. Papadopoulos, Associate professor, Harokopio University, Athens
Project financed by INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED 2000-2006 (Code A.1.112):
Human Resources and Development Planning on both sides of Ionian Sea
Coordinator of the Agricultural University of Athens team
Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Agricultural University of Athens: Study for
the Reconstruction of the Fires Hit Regions of Greece
Coordinator of the team of the Socio-demographic and Economic Analysis
International Project financed by MacArthur Foundation (USA): The Multifunctional
Role of Migrants in Rural Greece and Rural Southern Europe
Coordinator with A.G. Papadopoulos
University of Dublin, Trinity College (Republic of Ireland),
of Athens (Greece) et al.
Agricultural University
EU Financed Project: A Cognitive Approach to Rural Sustainable Development:
The Dynamics of Expert and Lay Knowledges
Coordinator of Greek Team
Universities of Patras and Ioannina, Greece
Ministry of Agriculture Financed Project: The Implications of the Settlement and
Employment of Migrant Labour in Rural Greece
Project Coordinator
ETC Ecoculture (The Netherlands), Department of Economics, University of Patras
(Greece) et al.
EU Financed Network: Rural Survival Strategies in Central-Eastern Europe as a
Design Base for Sustainable Agriculture
Coordinator of Greek Team
Institute of Urban and Rural Sociology (National Centre for Social Research), Greece
Ministry of Agriculture Financed Project: Farm Family Farms and Employment in
Rural Space
Project Coordinator
Institute of Urban and Rural Sociology (National Centre for Social Research), Greece
Ministry of Agriculture Financed Project: A Study of Equal Opportunities Between
Men and Women and Rural Development in Greece
Project Coordinator
Institute of Urban and Rural Sociology (National Centre for Social Research), Greece
Ministry of Agriculture Financed Project: The Profile of Modern Farmer:
Identification of Education and Training Needs
Project Coordinator
1999 - 2001
1999 - 2000
NTNU University (Norway), National Centre for Social Research (Greece) et al.
EU Financed FAIR Project: Α European Data Base of Indicator Coastal
Coordinator of Greek Team
Institute of Urban and Rural Sociology (National Centre for Social Research)
(Greece), University of Βabes Bolyai, Cluj - Napoca (Romania)
Bilateral Cooperation Agreement Financed Project: Rural Restructuring and the
Sustainability of Family Farming: Α Comparative Presentation of Romania and
Project Coordinator
1998 - 2000
Institute of Urban and Rural Sociology (National Centre for Social Research),
Kapodistrias University of Athens.
Ministry of Education Financed Project: Labour Market Integration of Youth: The
Case of Social Science Graduates
Project Coordinator
1996 - 1999: University of Hull (UK), Aarhus University (Denmark), Roskilde University Centre
(Denmark), Oikos Environnement-Ressources (France), University of Patras
(Greece), SESAM (Norway), University of Tromso (Norway), University of Seville
EU Financed FAIR Project: Α Social Science Network for Fisheries Management
Coordinator of Greek Team
1995 - 1996: University of Liverpool (UK), University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria),
Babes-Bolyai University (Romania), University of Patras (Greece)
EU Financed RHARE-ACE Project: Agricultural Restructuring and Rural
Employment in Bulgaria and Romania
Coordinator of Greek Team
1994 - 1996: University of Lancaster (UK), University of Patras (Greece) et al.
EU Financed AIR Project: Improving the Economic Impact of Public Institutions on
Lagging Rural and Coastal Regions
1994 - 1995: University of Patras, Greece
University of Patras Financed Project: The Wider Dimensions of the Demographic
Problem in Νorthern Epirus (Albania)
Project Coordinator
1993 - 1994: Attica Regional Office, Greece
EC Financed Project: Regional Labour Markets: the Labour Market in Attica
1992 - 1993: Agricultural University of Athens (Greece), University College (Dublin, EIRE),
Queen's University, Belfast (UK).
EU Financed CAMAR Project: Constraints on Competitiveness in EC Agriculture:
Α Comparative Analysis
1988 - 1990: Institute for Μediterranean Studies, Greece
EU Integrated Μediterranean Programmes Financed Project: Multiple Job - holding
in the Agricultural Sector and the Development Policy in Greece
University of Patras, Greece
Prefecture of Aetoloakarnania Financed Project: Access of the Prefecture of
Aetoloakarnania in the Greek IMPs
1986 - 1988: C.N.R.S. (France), National Centre for Social Research (Greece)
Bilateral Cooperation Agreement Financed Project: Analyses Localisees du
Changement Social
1986 - 1987: Cultural Institute of the Agricultural Bank of Greece (ABG)
ABG Financed Project: The Two Forms of Rural Exodus in the post World War II
Project Coordinator and Researcher
1985 - 1986: Institute for Μediterranean Studies (IMS), Greece
IMS Financed Project: Forms of Farmers' Employment and Farm Structures
Project Coordinator
1979 - 1983: Member of the Research Team in the Archaeological, Geographical and
Anthropological Expedition in Greece of the Universities of Cambridge and Bradford,
Sponsored by the British Academy of Sciences under the Direction of Prof. Α.Μ.
Snodgrass and Prof. J. C. Bintliff
Numerous presentations of papers and organisation of seminars, meetings, symposiums and
international conferences since 1981.
 Research and Study Reports
1. Kasimis, C. Papadopoulos, A.G, Pappas, C. (2008), Qualitative empirical study of migrants’
impact in the Regions of Western Greece and Ionian Islands, INTERREG IIIB
ARCHIMED 2000-2006 (Code A.1.112), Human Resources and Development Planning on
both sides of Ionian Sea (HuReDePIS), Agricultural University of Athens
2. Kasimis, C. Papadopoulos, A.G, (2008), Policy Paper on Migrants’ Integration in the Local
Societies and Economies, INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED 2000-2006 (Code A.1.112),
Human Resources and Development Planning on both sides of Ionian Sea (HuReDePIS),
Agricultural University of Athens
3. Kasimis, C. Papadopoulos, A.G, Pappas, C. (2007), Diagnostic study of the immigration
movements and their impact in the Regions of Western Greece and Ionian Islands,
INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED 2000-2006 (Code A.1.112), Human Resources and
Development Planning on both sides of Ionian Sea (HuReDePIS), Agricultural University of
4. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G (2006), The Multifunctional Role of Migrants in Rural
Greece and Rural Southern Europe, Final Report, The MacArthur Foundation (USΑ)
5. Kasimis, C. (coordinator), Nitsiakos, V., Zacopoulou, E., Papadopoulos, A.G. (2002), The
Implications of the Settlement and Employment of Migrant Labour in Rural Greece,
Universities of Patras and Ioannina, (in Greek)
6. Kasimis, C., Papadopoulos, A.G., Sousounis, G., Stravoravdis, S. (1998), Study for the
Development of the Prefecture of Corinthia, Institute of Urban and Rural Sociology,
(National Centre for Social Research), Athens, (in Greek)
7. Damianos, D., Kasimis, C., Demoussis, M., Skouras, D. (1997), Policy Report for the
Agricultural Sector in View of the New Planning Period 2000-2006, Ministry of the
National Economy-University of Patras, (in Greek)
8. Seremetis, D., Kasimis, C., Papadopoulos, A.G. (1994), Regional Labour Markets: The
Labour Market in Attica Region, Athens, (in Greek)
9. Kasimis, C. and Zacopoulou, E. (1993), Constraints on Competitiveness of EC Agriculture:
Α Comparative Analysis (The Greek Ethnography Team Report), Agricultural University of
10. Damianos, D., Demoussis, M., Daouli, A., Fissamber, V., Kabanas, P., Kasimis, C. (1989),
Access of the Prefecture of Aetoloakarnania in the Greek IMPs, University of Patras, (in
11. Kasimis, C. (1988), Forms of Farmers' Employment and Farm Structures, Institute for
Μediterranean Studies, Athens, (in Greek)
 Books
1. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (eds) (2012), Migrants in Greece: Employment and
Integration in Local Societies, Alexandria, Athens (in Greek)
2. Zacopoulou, E., Kasimis, C. and Louloudis, L. (eds) (2008), Rurality, Society and Space,
Plethron, Athens (in Greek)
3. Kasimis, C. and Stathakis, G. (eds) (2003), The Reform of the CAP and Rural Development
in Southern Europe, Ashgate, Aldershot
4. Nitsiakos, V. and Kasimis, C. (eds) (2000), The Mountain Space of the Balkans:
Formations and Transformations, Plethron/Municipality of Konitsa (in Greek)
5. Kasimis, C. and Louloudis, L. (eds) (1999), Countryside in Greece: Late 20th Century Greek
Rural Society, Athens, Ekke/Plethron (in Greek)
6. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (eds) (1999), Local Responses to Global Integration,
Ashgate, Aldershot
7. Kasimis, C. and Louloudis, L. (eds) (1997), Rural Greece: Fragile Structures and New
Realities, Sociologia Ruralis (Special Issue), Vοl 37, Νumber 2
8. De Haan, H., Kasimis, C., Redclift, M. (eds) (1997), Sustainable Rural Development,
Ashgate, Aldershot
9. Damianakos, S., Zacopoulou, E., Kasimis, C., Nitsiakos, V. (1997), Power, Work and
Memory in three Villages of Epirus, Plethron, Athens (in Greek)
10. Damianos, D., Demoussis, M., Kasimis, C., Moissidis, A. (1994), Multiple Job-holding in
the Agricultural Sector and the Development Policy in Greece, Institute for Μediterranean
Studies, Athens (in Greek)
 Papers in Various Journals
1. Fatoric, S., Morén-Alegret, R., Kasimis, C. (2014), Exploring climate change effects in EuroMediterranean protected coastal wetlands: the cases of Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, Spain and
Kotychi-Strofylia, Greece, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World
Ecology, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2014.888377, pp. 1-15
2. Kasimis, C. (2013), From growth to crisis: the ‘suspended step’ of immigrants in Greece,
Migration Citizenship Education (Network Migration in Europe), Published in:
3. Kasimis, C., Zografakis, S. (2013), The Countryside, Agriculture and the Crisis,
International and European Policy, Vol. 27, November-December 2012, January-February
2013, pp. 17-31, Papazisis, Athens (in Greek)
4. Kasimis, C. (2012), Greece: Illegal Immigration in the Midst of Crisis, Migration
Information Source (http://www.migrationinformation.org/), Migration Policy Institute
(USA) (March: http://www.migrationinformation.org/Profiles/display.cfm?ID=884)
5. Kasimis, C. (2010), Socio-demographic imbalances in rural Europe and international
mobility to rural areas: the case of Greece, Przeglad Socjologizny, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 57-77
6. Kasimis, C., Papadopoulos, A.G., Pappas, C. (2010), Gaining from Rural Migrants: Migrant
Employment Strategies and Socioeconomic Implications for Rural Labour Markets,
Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 50, Number 3, pp. 258-276
7. Kasimis, C. (2010), Demographic trends in rural Europe and international migration to
(http://www.agriregionieuropa.univpm.it), pp. 1-6
8. Kasimis C. (2008), Survival and Expansion: Migrants in Greek Rural Regions, Population,
Space and Place, Vol.14, 511-524
9. Kasimis C. (2005), Migrants in the Rural Economies of Greece and Southern Europe,
Migration Information Source, October, (http://www.migrationinformation.org).
10. Kasimis, C., Papadopoulos, A.G. (2005), The Multifunctional Role of Migrants in the Greek
Countryside: Implications for the Rural Economy and Society, Journal of Ethnic and
Migration Studies, Vol. 31, Number 1, January, pp.99-129
11. Kasimis, C. and Kassimi, C. (2004), Greece: A History of Migration, Migration Information
Source, June, (http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?ID=228)
12. Kasimis, C., Zacopoulou, E. Papadopoulos, A.G. (2003), The Contribution of Migrants to the
Modern Family Farm: a Study of three Paradigmatic Regions, The Greek Review of Social
Research, Vol. B – C, Numbers 111-112, pp. 9-38 (in Greek)
13. Kasimis, C., Papadopoulos, A.G., Zacopoulou, E. (2003), Migrants in Rural Greece,
Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 43, Number 2, pp.167-184
14. Barlas, Y., Damianos, D., Dimara, E., Kasimis, C., Skouras, D. (2001), Factors Influencing
the Integration of Alternative Farm Enterprises into the Agro-Food System, Rural Sociology,
Vol.66, No.3, September, pp. 342-358
15. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (1997), Family Farming and Capitalist Development in
Greek Agriculture: Α Critical Review of the Literature, Sociologia Ruralis (Special Issue:
Rural Greece: Fragile Structures and New Realities) Vol. 37, Number 2, pp. 209-227
16. Kasimis, C. and Nitsiakos, V. (1997), The Greek minority of Albania: transition or
catastrophe?, Epirotic Chronicles, Vol. 32, pp. 353-371 (ίn Greek)
17. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (1996), The Development of the Agro-food Complex and
the Political Economy of Rural Transformation, The Greek Review of Social Research,
Numbers 89/90, pp.19-52 (ίn Greek)
18. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (1994), The Heterogeneity of Greek Family Farming:
Emerging Policy Principles, Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. ΧΧΧΙΥ, Νο 2-3, pp. 206-229
19. Damianos, D., Demoussis, M., Kasimis, C. (1991), The Empirical Dimension of Multiple
Jod-holding Agriculture in Greece, Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. ΧΧΧΙ-Ι, pp.37-57
20. Damianakos, S., Kasimis, C., Maropoulou, M., Zacopoulou, E. (1990), Trois villages D’
Epίre - Elements d' Analyse Sociodemographique, The Greek Review of Social Research,
Number 74 Α, pp.125-229 (in French)
21. Slaughter, C. and Kasimis, C. (1986), Some Social-Anthropological Aspects of Boeotian
Rural Society. Α Field Report, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Vol.10, pp. 103-159
 Papers in Collected Volumes
1. Zografakis S. and Kasimis C. (2014), Greek Economy and Migrants. Yesterday, Today,
Tomorrow’ in M. Masourakis and Ch. Gortsos (eds) Competitiveness for Development:
Policy Proposals (Athens: Greek Union Of Banks: Athens) ( in Greek), pp. 381-396.
2. Kasimis, C. and Zografakis S. (2014), Crisis and Return to Agriculture, in Zabarloukou S.
and Koussis M. (eds), Social Aspects of Crisis in Greece, Athens, Pedio, pp. 135-170
3. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (2013), Rural Transformations and Family Farming In
in Dionisio Ortiz-Miranda, Ana Moragues-Faus, Eladio Arnalte-Alegre (eds) Agriculture in
Mediterranean Europe: Between Old and New Paradigms (Research in Rural Sociology
and Development, Volume 19), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 263 – 293
4. Kasimis, C. (2013), Greece, migration 1830s to present, in Immanuel Ness (ed), The
Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, Wiley-Blackwell, Volume III, pp. 1602-1609
5. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (2012), Employment and occupational mobility of
migrants in two local labour markets, in Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (eds) (2012),
Migrants in Greece: Employment and Integration in Local Societies, Alexandria, Athens
(in Greek), pp. 289-327
6. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (2010), Fluxos migratorios e mercados de trabalho
locais em espacos insulares: O caso de Zakynthos, nas ilhas Jonicas (Grecia), in Fonseca L.
M. (ed) Approximando Mundos: Emigracao, Imigracao e Desenvolvimento em Espacos
Insulares, Lisboa, Fundacao Luso-Americana, pp. 247-277
7. Kasimis, C. (2009), From enthusiasm to perplexity and scepticism: migrants in the rural
regions of Greece, in: Jentsch B and Simard M (eds.) International migration and rural
areas – cross national comparative perspectives, London: Ashgate, Chapter 4, pp.75-98
8. Kasimis, C., A. Koutsouris, C. Liarikos and A.G. Papadopoulos (2009), Greece: Knowledge
Forms and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Lake Plastiras, in Bruckmeier
K. and Tovey H. (eds), Rural Sustainable Development in the Knowledge Society, Ashgate,
pp. 223-243
9. Kasimis, C. (2009), The role of international migration in the sustainability of South
European rural regions and the threats of the recent economic crisis, in Ferruni, L. (ed),
Sustainable Rural Policies: Mechanisms to Combat Global Crises in South-East Europe,
Organic Agricultural Association, Tirana, pp.111-126
10. Kasimis, C. (2008), Stathis Damianakos: Life, work, ethos, in Zacopoulou, E., Kasimis, C.
and Louloudis, L. (eds) (2008), Rurality, Society and Space, Plethron, Athens (in Greek), pp.
11. Zografakis, S., Kasimis, C., Papadopoulos, A.G., Chalkias, C., Kyriazi-Alisson, E., Pappas,
C. and Dimopoulou, M. (2008), Human Capital and Development Problems in Fires Hit
Regions, in Agricultural University of Athens (ed), Study for the Reconstruction of the Fires
Hit Regions of Greece, Armos, Athens (in Greek), pp. 235-244
12. Kasimis, C. (2008), Locals and foreigners in contemporary rural Greece, in Cavounidis J.,
Kontis A., Lianos T. and Fakiolas R. (eds), Migration to Greece: Experiences-PoliciesProspectives, IMEPO, Athens, Vol. A (in Greek)
13. Kasimis, C. (2008), O novo papel dos imigrantes nas economias rurais da Europa do sul, in
Papademetriou, D. (ed.), A Europa e os seus imigrantes no seculo XXI, Migration Policy
Institute-Fundacao Luso-Americana, Lisboa (in Portuguese)
14. Kasimis, C. (2008), The Economic and Social Dimensions of the Migratory Phenomenon in
the Greek Countryside, in Kribas C. and Louloudis L. (eds), Greek Agriculture and Rural
Policy, Academy of Athens, Athens (in Greek) (ISBN: 978-960-404-126-8)
15. Kasimis, C. (2007), The Dimensions of the Migratory Phenomenon in Europe and the
Contradictions of Migration Policy, in Contiades X. and Papatheodorou T. (eds), The
Reform of Migration Policy, Papazisis, Athens (in Greek)
16. Kasimis, C. (2006), The New Role of Migrants in the Rural Economies of Southern Europe,
in Papademetriou, D. (ed.), Europe and its Immigrants in 21st Century: a new deal or a
continuing dialogue of the deaf?, Migration Policy Institute-Luso-American Foundation
17. Kasimis, C. (2006), Il ruolo multifunzionale dei migranti nell'economia e nella società rurale
greca in Cavazzani A., Gaudio G. (eds), Politiche, Governance e Innovazione per le Aree
Rurali, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli (in Italian)
18. Kasimis, C. (2004), Migrants: an Unknown Factor of Development in the Greek Countryside,
in Papadopoulos, A. G.(ed.), Development in a Multifunctional Countryside, Gutenberg,
Athens (in Greek)
19. Kasimis, C. (2002), From Agricultural to Rural Society in I. Labiri-Dimaki (ed), Sociology in
Greece Today: The Completion of a Trilogy, Papazisis, Athens, pp.185-198, (in Greek)
20. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (2002), Agriculture, Rural Development and Equality of
Opportunities Between Men and Women in Greece in the Proceedings of the International
Conference The New Challenge of Women’s Role in Rural Europe, Agricultural Research
Institute (Cyprus) and European Commission, Nicosia, pp. 367-377
21. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (2001), The De-Agriculturalisation of the Greek
Countryside: The Changing Characteristics of an Ongoing Socio-economic Transformation
in H. Tovey, I. Kovacs and L. Granberg (eds), Europe’s «Green Ring», Ashgate, Aldershot,
pp. 197-219
22. Kasimis, C. and Petrou, A. (2000), Identifying Fisheries Dependent Regions in Greece in D.
Symes (ed), Fisheries Dependent Regions, Fishing News Books, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 2938
23. Kasimis, C., Papadopoulos, A.G. and Stravoravdis S. (2000), Family Farming and
Pluriactivity: the Rural Labour Markets and the New Physiognomy of Greek Family
Farming, in ETAGRO (ed) The reconstruction of Rural Space, Proceedings of the 5th
National Congress of Agricultural Economics, A. Stamoulis, Athens, pp. 261-275 (in Greek)
24. Kasimis, C. (2000), From Farm Family to Globalisation, in To Vima (ed) Greece is
changing: Farewell to the Twentieth Century, Ermis, Athens (in Greek)
25. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (1999), Survivalist and Productivist Farm Family
Strategies in Greece in A. Nemenyi (ed), Rurality in Europe at the Threshold of Centuries,
Editura Alsand, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 5-17
26. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (1999), The preservation of family farming and the
capitalist development of agriculture in Greece: Α Critical Review of the Literature, in
Kasimis, C. and Louloudis, L. (eds) (1999), Countryside in Greece: Late 20th Century Greek
Rural Society, Athens, Ekke/Plethron. (Revised and extended publication in Greek of
Kasimis, C. and Louloudis, L. (eds) (1997), Rural Greece: Fragile Structures and New
Realities, Sociologia Ruralis (Special Issue), Vοl 37, Νumber 2)
27. Kasimis, C. and Nitsiakos, V. (1996), The Greek minority of Albania: transition or
catastrophe? Proceedings of the International Conference Actes de deux journees de travail
sur la transition: ‘Les mecanismes de la transition dans Ι' Europe des transformations’,
Α.Ν. Sakkoulas, Athens, pp. 71-83 (French-English edition)
28. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (1996), The Agro-food Complex and the
Internationalisation of Agriculture, in Modinos M. (ed) Energy and Environment in the
Industrial and Post-industrial Society, «New Ecology» - General Secretariat of Youth,
Athens, pp. 103-108 (in Greek), (republished in «New Ecology», Vol. 145, 1996, pp. 16-20)
29. Kasimis, C. and Papadopoulos, A.G. (1996), Marx and Capitalist Development in
Agriculture: Family Farm and the Labour Process in Ν. Theotokas, D. Milonakis, G.
Stathakis (eds), Marx Revisited, Delfini, Athens, pp. 247-267 (ίn Greek)
30. Kasimis, C., Louloudis, L., Martinos, N. (1992), Family Farming in Modem Greece:
Towards a Synthetic Presentation of two Empirical Research Examples in Η. De Haan and
Van der Ploeg J.D. (eds), Endogenous Regional Development in Europe: Theory Method
and Practice, in European Commission DG VI, Brussels, pp. 305-323
31. Kasimis, C. (1992), ‘Nothing has Changed and Nothing has Remained the Same’: Multiple
Job-holding and Family Farming in the Modem Rural Society, in University of Ioannina (ed),
The Greek Community, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, pp. 35-48 (in Greek)
32. Kasimis, C. (1986), Modernisation of Agriculture and Industrial Employment in a Village of
Boeotia, Proceedings of the Conference Pluriactivity and Rural Development, Ministry of
Agriculture, Athens, pp. 65-79 (in Greek)
33. Kasimis, C. And Stathakis G. (1986), Mavromati: Industrial Development and Socioeconomic Differentiation of a Rural Community, International Economic Congress:
Economy and Agricultural Sector, Congress Proceedings, AGB, Athens, Vol. A, pp. 279304 (in Greek)
34. Kasimis, C. (1984), Notes on a Study of Socio-economic Change in two Greek Peasant
Communities, in Lacher M. and Ruf W. (eds), Transnational Mobility of Labour and
Regional Developments in the Mediterranean, Gesamthocschule, Kassel, pp.163-185
Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development,
Agricultural University of Athens
2013 - 2015
President of the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS)
2011 - 2014
Editorial Board member for Sociologia Ruralis
2010 - 2014
Director of the Postgraduate Studies MSc. course entitled: “Integrated Rural
Development & Management of Rural Space”, Department of Agricultural
Economics and Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens
Member of the international evaluation committee for the “ Hestia” Onassis
International Prize in Immigrant Integration and Human Development in the Civil
Society days of the 3rd Global Forum on Migration and Development, Athens
Rapporteur of the Roundtable on migrant integration, reintegration and circulation
for development in the Civil Society days of the 3rd Global Forum on Migration
and Development, Athens
2008 - 2014
Member of the Council of the International Rural Sociology Association (IRSA)
2008 - today
Editorial Board member for The Open Demography Journal
2007 - 2011
Councilor of the City of Corinth
2009 - 2011
Vice President of the European Society for Rural Sociology and member of its
Scientific Committee
2007 - 2009
Vice President of the European Society for Rural Sociology and member of its
Scientific Committee
2006 - 2008
Director of the Laboratory of Extension, Rural Systems and Rural Social Studies,
Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
2005 - 2009
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Migration
Greece (IMEPO)
2003 - today
Editorial Review Board member of the Journal Migration Letters
Taskforce Member of The Athens Migration Policy Initiative (AMPI), a
Collaborative Project of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Migration
Policy Institute (MPI-USA) for The Greek Presidency of the EU
2001- today
Editorial Advisor of the Journal Geographies (in Greek)
2000 - 2010
Editorial Advisor of the Journal Sociologia Ruralis
1996 - 2010
Editorial Advisor of the Journal The Greek Review of Social Research
1996 - 2003
Editorial Advisor of the Journal Eastern European Countryside
1995 - 2000:
Member of the Executive Committee of the Greek National Centre for Social
1995 - 1997:
Member of the Executive Committee of the European Society for Rural Sociology
1993 - 1997:
Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the European Society for Rural
1989 - 1990:
Member of the Executive Committee of the Greek Centre for European Studies
1989 - today:
Μediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece. Supervisor of Postgraduate
1987 - 1992:
Foundation of State Scholarships, Greece (IKY)
Examiner and Supervisor of Social Anthropology and Rural Sociology
postgraduate students
1990 - today
Paper reviewer of the: Journal of Rural Studies, Rural Sociology, Population,
Space and Place, Sociologia Ruralis, Environment & Planning, Sustainability,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of International Migration and
Integration, Migration Letters, South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics et al.
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