Honors Physics Syllabus 2015-16

Honors Physics
Mrs. Sonya L. Craft, Phillip O. Berry High School
2015 -16
Course Topics
 Scientific Reasoning
 Constant Velocity
 Constant Acceleration
 Balanced Forces
 Unbalanced Forces
 Projectile Motion
 Circular Motion
Required Materials
 Three-ring binder with lined paper
 Pens and pencils
 Scientific Calculator
 Composition notebook
Momentum and Impulse
Waves including Sound and Light
Electric Current
Class Website
The class website can be found online at http://mrscraftswiki.cmswiki.wikispaces.net .
On the site is the syllabus, class summaries, announcements, and other valuable
Attendance and Make-Up Work
In the event a student is absent, it is the STUDENT’S responsibility to find out about
and turn in any assignments missed– I will not remind you. You can check the class
website for assignments. If you miss an assessment due to an excused absence,
you must make arrangements with me to make up the work after school. If you miss
a laboratory exercise, you may be given an alternate assignment to complete.
Success in physics requires you to carefully work through practice problems. The
problems assigned as homework in this class are designed to help you determine if
you really understand the concepts developed in class. So, it's simple: if you DO
YOUR HOMEWORK you are more likely to be successful!
Tests & Quizzes
Tests will always be announced. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
The midterm exam and final exam will follow the traditional weighting system and final
course grades will be determined as usual.
Students will complete one project per quarter from a list of options.
Grade Updates
Parents can view their child’s grades at any time online. If you are unable to access this
program, please feel free to contact me.
Extra Help
If a student is in need of extra help, please do not hesitate to ask for it! I am available
after school Tuesdays 2:30-3:30pm or you can make an appointment.
Textbooks are available for students’ personal use as an additional resource. Students
may request to be assigned a book. The text is Glencoe Science: Physics Principles
and Problems.
70% Formal Assessment (quizzes, tests, major projects, lab reports, etc.)
30% Informal Assessment (classwork, homework, etc.)
Academic Honesty
The CMS Honor code states:
“I will not cheat or help others cheat; will take pride in my school and how I
represent it; and will be responsible for my actions. I understand that violating
this honor code compromises my self-respect. I will follow this honor code and
help others do the same.”
Examples of cheating include but are not limited to:
- Copying someone’s classwork / homework / lab report or giving someone your
classwork / homework / lab report to copy (aka “sharing”)
- Plagiarism on any assignment
- Looking at someone else’s test / quiz during a testing session or allowing
someone to look at yours
- Obtaining an illicit copy of a test / quiz / assignment / answer key / solution
manual, whether for personal use or distribution
- Using an electronic device during a testing session
All instances, no matter the perceived severity, will be reported to the administration and
subsequently assigned consequences in accordance with Phillip O. Berry policy.
Behavioral Objectives
I expect you to adhere to the following rules while in our classroom:
 Be on time: in your seat and ready when the bell rings
 Be prepared: have necessary supplies and completed assignments
 Be respectful: raise your hand to speak and listen when others speak
 Be attentive: listen and follow directions the first time
 Be honest: follow the school’s academic honesty code
 Be safe: always follow all lab safety rules and directions
Students who do not follow the safety rules in the lab will be removed from the lab and will
receive a zero for the activity. If you cause an unsafe situation for yourself or others,
further consequences may also result.
If you break a piece of lab equipment out of carelessness, or because you were not
following directions, you will be held responsible for that equipment.
Getting in touch with Mrs. Craft
 Email: sonyal.craft@cms.k12.nc.us
Honors Physics
Mrs. Sonya L. Craft, Phillip O. Berry High School
Name: _________________________________________________________ Period: ______
To the Student:
My signature below indicates that I have been provided with a copy of the course syllabus for
physics. My teacher has reviewed these policies with me and I understand what is expected of
me to be successful in this course. I also understand how my grade for this course will be
determined. I agree to abide by these rules and guidelines. I have read, understand, and will
abide by the school’s Honor Code.
Student Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _________
To the Parent / Guardian:
I have read the guidelines on course expectations, grading, and Honor Code that were provided to
my child. I understand these guidelines and will support their use in ensuring my child’s
success in physics class this year.
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________
Parent Name: _________________________________________________________________
Preferred contact (phone or email): ________________________________________________