Flag of PALESTI NE Red: The Khawarij were the first Islamic group to emerge after the assassination of Caliph Uthman III, forming the first republican party in the early days of Islam. Their symbol was the red flag. Arab tribes who participated in the conquest of North Africa and Andalusia carried the red flag BLACK: In pre-Islamic times, the black flag was a sign of revenge. It was the color of the headdress worn when leading troops into battle. WHITE: The Umayyads ruled for ninety years, taking white as their symbolic color as a reminder of the Prophet's first battle at Badr, and to distinguish themselves from the Abbasids, by using white, rather than black, as their color of mourning. GREEN: The Fatimid Dynasty was founded in Morocco by Abdullah Al-Mahdi, and went on rule all of North Africa. They took green as their color, to symbolize their allegiance to Ali Palestine Palestine slogan is the slogan used by the Palestinian Authority, and consists of a punishment-Masri, who was used by Saladin. In the middle of the Palestinian flag colors. It should be noted that many Arab countries use the same logo with Egypt and there is a difference in the colors of the flags. Palestine Culture: The name of the country is given in 2nd century C.E. by the Romans to the area which is currently the Middle East and is located on eastern coast of Mediterranean Sea in the west of Jordan. The name Palestine is derived from Greek word Palaestina which means the “Land of the Philistines”, the maritime natives that settled in the small coastal region in the northeast of the Egypt, which is today is known as the Gaza, near about the 12th century B.C.E. It is also known as Holy Land, the countryis scared by the Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Location Palestine lies on the south west of Asia on the southern part of the Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Coast. Thus, it lies in the heart of the so called ancient world, namely, Asia, Africa and Europe, which makes it a land bridge linking Asia with Africa and the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and the Atlantic Ocean with the Indian Ocean. More info Area Palestine lies on the western edge of the Asian continent and the eastern extremity of the Mediterranean Sea. The geographic location has historically given Palestine religious, cultural and economic importance as it joins the three continents of the ancient world. This is a land at the crossroads of history and the heart of a global network of land, air and sea routes. Population Today's Palestinians are direct descendants of the Arab people and share their culture, language and history. Recent history has been far from generous with the Palestinian people. Due to imperialism and the continued colonization that the Palestinians have had to endure in the past 50 years, the majority of the Palestinian people live in the Diaspora. Palestinians number approximately 9 million of which more than 4 million in the Diaspora and around 3.7 million are residing in the West Bank and Gaza. Over 1.4 million Palestinian live inside the Green Line Area (1948 Occupied Territories). Population growth rate in the Palestinian Territories is around 3.3%. Official Name: State of Palestine. Capital: Jerusalem. Demographic Palestine Population: 3268832 people. Population density: 526 inhabitants / km 2. Population of major cities: Gaza: 1178119 people Language: Arabic is the official language, along with the use of the English language. Religion: - human races: Muslim 89% Christian 10% 1% other races. Total area: 6620 km 2. Land area: 6400 km 2. The State of Palestine Declaration of the State of Palestine A declaration of a “State of Palestine” was approved on November 15, 1988, by the Palestinian National Council, the legislative body of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The proclaimed “State of Palestine” is not an independent state, as it has never had sovereignty over any territory. Moreover, the declaration was ignored, and eventually rejected, by the State of Israel. Israel controls the territories since 1967 Six-Day War when it captured them from Egypt and Jordan. The Palestinian national anthem, Biladi (“My Country”), is the national anthem of the State of Palestine, adopted in 1996 in accordance with Article 31 of its declaration of independence in 1988. It was written by Said Al Muzayin, and its music was composed by Egyptian maestro Ali Ismael, and it was known as the “Anthem of the Palestinian revolution”. My country, my land, land of my ancestors My country, my country, my country My people, people of perpetuity With my determination, my fire and the volcano of my revenge With the longing in my blood for my land and my home I have climbed the mountains and fought the wars I have conquered the impossible, and crossed the frontiers My country, my country, my country My people, people of perpetuity With the resolve of the winds and the fire of the guns And the determination of my nation in the land of struggle Palestine is my home, Palestine is my fire, Palestine is my revenge and the land of endurance My country, my country, my country My people, people of perpetuity By the oath under the shade of the flag By my land and nation, and the fire of pain I will live as a fida’i*, I will remain a fida’i, I will end as a fida’i – until my country returns My country, people of perpetuity. The capital of Palestine (Jerusalem ) Capital : Jerusalem There are : Al-Aqsa mosque . Al-Qeyamah church . *Hebron *Jaffa *Jericho *Nablus *Akaa *Gaza *Tulkarm *Ramallah Al Aqsa Mosque if you need more info about Al Aqsa Mosque click here The Separation Wall Education in Palestine: The education in the territories of Palestinian is offered by the private sources, government and UNRWA. Education in the Palestinian territories refers to the educational system in Gaza and the West Bank. Enrollment rates amongst Palestinians are relatively high by regional and global standards. This reflects the great values that Palestinians attach to educational attainment. According to a youth survey in 2003, 60% between the ages 10–24 indicated that education was their first priority. Youth literacy rate (the ages 15–24) is 98.2%, while the national literacy rate is 99.8% Economic indicators: Monetary unit: Shekel, Jordanian Dinar. GDP: 4.21 billion dollars per capita income: $ 1300 contribution to GDP: agriculture: 9% Industry: 28% Trade and services: 63% Manpower force: agriculture: 13% Industry: 21% Trade and services: 66% Unemployment rate: 40% Inflation rate: 3% The most important crops: cultivated in Palestine, olive, citrus, fruits, vegetables, grains, wheat, barley, corn, cotton, sugar beet and tobacco Palestine Currency is that of pound which was previously the currency of the British Mandate of Palestine between the years of 1927 till 1948. The Palestine Currency of pound was used by the Emirate of Transjordan until the year of 1949 and by the West Bank until the year 1950. The Palestinian Pound is divided into one thousand mills. The currency of Palestine is issued by the Palestine currency Board. Palestine newspapers www.alquds.com www.alayyam.com www.alhayatj.com www.sramattan.co m صحيفة فلسطين www.alsbah.net The most important crops : Teen Olive Grape Weather in PALESTINE : Cold and rainy in winter Mild and dry weather in summer . RELIGI ON Isla m Dress of women in most areas of Palestine and is characterized by sizes of decorative silk or other and embroidered upon decorative units, creating beautiful taste and imagination in embroidery patterns and decorations increase his beauty and originality .. Palestinian Traditional Clothing Clothes