5 points

‫السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية‬
Palestinian National Authority
Ministry of Education &
Higher Education
" ‫االمتحان المدرسي الشامل في مبحث اللغة االنجليزية للفرع " علوم إنسانية‬
Khawla Bent Al azwar '
Secondary School for girls
‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
-‫مديرية التربية والتعليم‬
‫مدرسة خولة بنت األزور الثانوية للبنات‬
‫الورقة األولى‬
English Language
Directorate of Education-
Total Marks (75)
Paper One
Khawla Bent Al azwar '
Secondary School for girls
Time: 2.30
This paper includes Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary:
I : Reading Comprehension
)40 marks)
1. Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
After the 1948 disaster , a million Palestinians lost everything and were forced into a Diaspora that
spread round the planet . For many years , the Palestinians catastrophe and cause then received little
attention and understanding from the world .That changed dramatically in 1974 , when the late national
leader, President Yassir Arafat, stepped onto the world political stage and spoke to the United Nations . His
famous words rang up : 'Today I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun . Don’t let
the olive branch fall from my hand. This speech showed the world two things: first that the Palestinian
cause could not be forgotten, and secondly that there really could be a peaceful way forward . . Arafat’s
words also affected Palestinians deeply. Many realized that it was necessary to build bridges between
Palestine and the West. This was the way to create international understanding and , one day , a free and
independent Palestine .Palestinians have been building these bridges in many areas in life . Very
importantly, strong links have been created in American universities .One great force there was Edward
Saeed(1935/2003), who fought with all the strength of his great mind for freedom, equality and justice in
general, and for future of Palestine in particular. Originally from Jerusalem, he became professor at
Columbia University, New York, and, during his life , also lectured at over 200 other universities. In
addition, he wrote 17 books that have been translated into 26 languages
a. Answer the following questions: -
(10 points)
1. What does the date 1948 refer to?
2. Who was the national leader that spoke to the world about the Palestinian catastrophe and cause?
3. The two possibilities for the future that the Palestinian national leader offer are .. ?
4. What did the leader's speech make a lot of Palestinians decide to do?
5. What important ideas did Edward Saeed fight for through his writing?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d :
( 6 points)
1. For about ……………the Palestinian catastrophe and cause receive little attention from the world.
a. 6 years
b. 2 years
c. 20 years
d. 13 years
2. The " olive branch " refers to………………
a. Catastrophe
b. war
c. cause
d. peace
3. According to the passages , Edward Saeed worked as a ……………… at Columbia university.
a. professor
b. writer
c. director
d leader
c. Say what the following phrases and expressions mean .( 6 points )
1. ‘Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.’ (line 6)…………
2.This . ( line 10 ) ………………………………….
3. He . ( line 15)……………………………………………
D. Say what these numbers refer to. ( 6 points )
1. 200 ……………………………… 2. 17 …………………………………….
3. 26……………………………………………
E. Find from the passage:
1. A word that means :
(12) points)
a. disaster………………….
b. liberty…………………..
c. fairness .………… d. carrying …………. e. issue……………………. f. world…………… .
2. The opposite of:
a. weak…………………….. b. past……………….
c. prevent .…………. d. local ……………… e. dependent………………… f. forgotten……………… .
II. Vocabulary
(35 Marks )
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: (5 points)
1. Instead of wasting money on waste-------------.we could use the money to build new schools..
b) dispose
c) disposal
d) deposit
2- Saudi Arabia has the largest oil……………………….in the world.
a) tankers
b) prices
c) pipes
d) reserves
3- You should have at least three years ……………..experience of business.
a) relation
b) relevant
c) revolution
d) relative
4- A traveler ………………. is a paper that you change for money
a) draft
b) document
c) passport
d) cheque
5. The storm……………down hundreds of trees across the city.
a) got
b) came
c) took
d) brought
2. Fill in each space with one of the words in the List below : (5 point )
schedule - Political compromise – renewable – located – enthusiastic
1.Wind power is a source of ……………………energy.
2.I have got a…………………..that tells me what I need to do everyday.
3 . …………means to be full of energy and interest in favour of something.
4. Any………………needs the return of all refugees .
5. Gaza Strip is -----------------------------------on the south of Palestine.
a) disposition
3. Match the words in the box to the definitions below: (5 points)
Loan- equality – immigrant – passport – secretary
1. ……………..:a person who enters another country to live there permanently.
2. ………………:fixed amount of money that you borrow , e. g. from a bank.
3. ………………..:a person who helps managers by preparing letters and other documents.
4. ……………….:a positive or negative thing about a person or thing.
5. …………………:is a general travel document containing personal details and a photo.
4. Complete the sentences with words from the same word family: (5P.)
1. He has great…………….to be the manager of the bank. ( determine )
2. This is the most ………………oil region in the whole world . ( produce )
3. I have to fill in this …………..as fast as I can before the closing date . ( applicant )
4. Health and ……………. rules in a factory are very important because people can easily be hurt .( safe ) .
5. She spok…………………...about her achievements in the last year. ( brief)
5. A: Choose words from the following box and write each beside its opposite below (2.5 points)
Note: ( There are more words in the box than needed)
major - imported – decrease – rural – causes – refuse
1-------------- exclude. 2- --------------accept .3- ---------- urban.
4------------------- exported . 5- ---------------- effects.
B: Choose words from the following box and write each beside its meaning below: (2.5 points)
Note: ( There are more words in the box than needed)
transfer- build- – stick to – toxic - pressure - difficult
1.…………………..constructed. 2…………………..keep to 3………………………….stress .
5 poisonous………………………. .
6. Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb from the box : (5 points)
Note: ( There are more words in the box than needed)
get out – brought along – put off – carry out – turn into
Never ……………..till tomorrow what you can do today.
If you want to reduce waste disposal , try to ………….them…….something else.
She's …………….her new friend so we can introduce them to each other.
The whole class……………….the whole task without any mistake.
My key has fallen into the river and I can't ………….. it ……………….
7. Form suitable word pairs from the words in the box : (5 points)
well ,
points ,
group ,
effects , time ,
1-support ……….. 2-social ……..….. 3- main ………… 4-. free………… 5- side……….