minutes - Loughborough Students' Union

3 December 2009
Present: Paul Barlow, Andy Parsons, Robert Hulme, Henry Chambers, Jamie Morgado,
Chris Peel, Brian Parkinson, Hannah Beasley, Jamie Oliver, James Spokoini, Francis
Narty, Tas Siddeeque, Jemima Barnes, Rosie Keeting
1. Apologies : Rich Smith,
2. Minutes of the last meeting
EX-101-M15 – were approved with the changes that TS reported
3. Actions from last meeting
Completed or progressing unless otherwise mentioned
AP to book in the Strategic Plan group meetings with Exec and the appropriate staff
BP to book in meeting with DO
JM to send round the details of the what to do for time off ill
Everyone to reply to JB’s email about university challenge
4. Items for approval
All reports were approved. RS, HB, JO, BP, PM and AP reported.
5. Items for discussion
Dominoes Contract – HC
Dominoes are willing to send around £3000 pa with a rolling 5-year contract to have
an advert on the bottom panes of the gallery doors
CP – will this be a partnership or is it a one off?
PB – it is a commercial venture, the downside being it may be a bit of an eyesore
JS – will this mean they reduce their advertising in other areas?
PB – they would still have the same amount of advertising during Freshers etc
RH – it could be very beneficial
JS – will it be possible to sever the contract before the 5 years are up?
AP – it would be a good idea to have something written into the contract
Sammy has always known that he does not get exclusivity
Action – PB and AP to take forward
Budget 09/10 - HC
At the moment as the budget is, set out there will be a surplus of £117
The lack of capital spending last year reduced the depreciation and has allowed us to
be in the black
It has however been necessary to skim the fat wherever possible
The main issue is that it would be good if possible, if the media budget which currently
stand at £4000 could be cut and moved to Rag. It would also be possible to move
£1000 from the contingency fund to further aid this
JS – last year Jon Naylor did not spend his entire training budget. He only spent £900
on training for Label. This year we are looking to put on complete training for the
HC – we would look to move £1500
JS – this would only give us £1500 left. Sally Deller, Darren and Tim have been
working to plan some regional training for the media volunteers and we were looking
at having £3000 to spend. If this cut were to go ahead, it would mean that we would
not get the training we want
JO – this year Rag has suffered from a reduction in sponsorship as all commercial
avenues have suffered
The bonfire also made £8,000 less than last year following the increased competition
from Shepshed
Last year Rag was able to send £10,800 to local charities which was £10,000 less
than the year before, it is likely that this will decrease further still this year
For example at the weekend, there was a raid the Newcastle and 40 collectors went. It
cost £1,020 for transport and £5,000 was raised. This means that the raid cost Rag
HC – did the others lose money as well?
JO – I do not know
HB – last year you raised £1.3 million is it not possible to take some to cover costs
JO – the money for Rag is different from the total. The total this year is likely to go up
as there are a number of people climbing Kilimanjaro and there is also going to be a
second race for life
JS – I am not comfortable showing how training will be affected by this. With the
£4000 original budget, £1000 has been spent by JS and don’t know if what is
remaining will be enough
JB – would it not be possible to give back the £50 training available for each person
JS – all media volunteers spend £15 membership
JS left to phone Tim to discuss further
Safe Sam Ownership – RH
This may be better if it was made into a Facebook group. It could be very useful for
welfare to use it to send out weekly emails letting students know what is going on in
the following week
BP – if he stays as a friend this allows the status to be changed to send updates
JM – we need to make sure that the ownership issue is sorted
Action – RH to talk to RK
Staff Survey – AP
85 staff were questioned and overall the response was positive
It is a good way to consult issues that affect staff
Two main issues came up
Staff are not given regular performance feedback so need to put in place more regular
appraisal and performance reviews
There also needs to be a higher level of communication between the departments
This is a key indicator of performance and useful for HR management
JM – whose responsibility is it to make sure things change?
AP – it is general manager’s overall responsibility but management and Exec should
be aware of it
The main issue for Exec is the principal of making sure people are aware of the
changes that affect them
Circulate the changes, talk to people and try not to take decisions without first asking
RH – need to make sure that everyone is kept in the loop
AP – Also, make sure you thank people not just top down but also across the same
Action – All Exec members to submit two YSWD and DO to submit one YSWD by
SUEI working group – AP
SUEI is the Student Evaluation Initiative and it is completed to help improve student
We have been enrolled in it for the last 18 months
There are three main levels of assessment and we are hoping to become the second
university to receive the gold award
It requires that we have evidence of all the best things that we do for the assessment
on the 22nd January
CP – I had an invite to the SUEI conference is this something I should think about
AP – it is not something that should be on the top of a to do list
Action – AP to set up meetings with RH, CP, JM, BP and HB
Parking Issue Stance – RH
The Council are currently putting forward a plan to ban students bringing their cars to
University and we need to present the Union’s stance on this
FN – Charnwood Sustainability have been very supportive and are against the
proposals put forward by the Council and the University and so could have some
HC – what exactly have you said to them because at the moment the Union does not
have a stance?
FN – I said that the current policy of two permanent spaces to one visitor space was
not working and so having two permanent spaces to two visitor spaces would be
RK – need to consider those students with additional or family needs
Action – RH to take forward with AP, JM and FN
JS returned having spoken to Tim
JS – currently we have spent £1010 on training etc
The media centre has representation with three national organisations and so it is
necessary to send volunteers to AGMs and EGMs this requires around £500
This would leave us with £1000 for training
It is necessary to provide this training in order to sustain and develop the media centre
This would mean we might be able to give up £500
HC – this could then be added to the £1000 from the contingency
JO – Rag is the best in the country and it will not continue without additional support. If
we do not get the money, we will not be able to afford to send people on raids
AP – there is no good answer to this somewhere is going to lose out
JM – would it be possible to apply to the University for a one off payment maybe? As it
has been said we are running out of ways to internally reallocate money, should we
start to look externally
AP- JO ideally would require an extra £5000 for Rag.
JO -The poor attendance at the bonfire and the drop of of sponsorship money has left
them around £10,000 down. With the bonfire doubtful for next year, it is unlikely that
this money will be made back in the near future
Originally, Rag week was held in February and Rag had the door take for two FNDs
and a Hey Ewe. This was gradually cut down to just one FND. Rag week was then
moved to October and it was said that the door takes would be too large. The Union
then took on the payment of the Sabbatical’s wage and the bonfire was started to
subsidise the raids
EOTP is the one other area where Rag has the possibility of making money. However,
Rag has to pay for half of the act first. This meant that the Summer EOTP actually lost
BP – would it be possible to do a Rag raid for Rag
JO – Rag is not a charity and cannot take more than the 10%
AP – it will not be possible to do raids that are a long way away and will affect the
number of people who can go. Take the £1500 and look for savings elsewhere
JO – there is no specific place for the money but it is likely to go some way to
balancing the books
HC – it is a gesture to negate the feeling that Rag is a separate entity. Jo needs to
make sure he is charging the maximum amount wherever possible
JO – we have not always taken the 10%
Need to be careful that we are not taking money from one charity to subsidise another
HC – need to ensure that we charge for administration costs
JO – it can be written in the contract that the administration costs are a set amount
AP – this will also allow us to sort out Rag’s budgets and accounts
JB – it may be worth noting for the future that Exec should not spend what they think
their budget is and this is likely to change
BP – certain budgets are not fully spent, but if they were, we would be fine, as they
have been budgeted for
JS – it is very difficult to work for 1/3 of the year without a budget although it is
understood why this is necessary
AP – Exec have always been told to expect the same as the year before
JS – it was just an oversight on my part, training is a real issue
AP – the contingency is not enough, but we can live with the £5,000
RH – need to remember the last time there was a deficit the advice centre was
Action - £1500 to go to Rag
6. Communication Messages
7. Governance and Union Council
Union Council is on Tuesday and there are a number of things going through including the
Candidates pack, Budget, HSF and filming policy in the Union
If Exec have any questions please contact JM before the meeting if you are not happy with
the answer feel free to question further at Union Council
CP – If the candidates pack is passed at Union Council, does that mean that the titles cannot
be changed later?
JM – job titles are in the constitution so it would be a change in the constitution that would
need to be made
Action – Exec to take any questions to JM before Union Council
8. Star/Volunteer Turns
AP – Susan Sharpe for help with the elections
BP – Alistair Bovis for the societies showcase as he totally took over the crew
Helen Evans, Ed Williams and Catherine Courtney for the showcase
FN – Amy James for World Aids day and Environment day
All approved
These need to be emailed to Louisa
9. Holiday/Lieu
JS – 7th to 9th December Holiday
JO – 4th and 5th January Lieu
JM – 4th and 5th January Holiday
These need to be emailed to Louisa and cc in RH
10. Any Other Business
Totty Spotters - RH
Amy Leong needs two people for Totty Spotters this Friday
JM – If part timers do it, they should be paid
Action – HB and FN to do. HB to let Amy Leong know
Billmo Dining room – BP
They have started work on the dining room and it should be finished by the end of
There is an issue with the management, Security want people to sign out keys from
them. We are currently looking into a maglock system instead
Christmas Party
RH – Ents have a meeting booked in on Monday
HC – 40 partridges have been ordered
JM – paper invites and email invites are ready to be sent round and they have a part to
RSVP with any dietary requirements
JM – venue is also booked
BP – we need to know the budgets for the gimmicks
JM – we should be able to use the decorations from last year
AP – need to work out a budget
JM – Everyone could bring a £1 present that all are put together and then everyone can
receive one from Santa
Sainsbury’s – JS
For their 25th Anniversary, four students have won £250 each in vouchers
They want to present them at the Union in the media office
Alison has said yes to them coming 10.30 am on Tuesday
RH – this seems ok
JS – Sainsbury’s will be taking photos
JM – this should be fine
Things that should be agenda points will no longer be accepted in AOB
11. Date of next meeting
Friday 11th December
12. Staff Matters
Were discussed