The Four Steps of completing a Risk Register 1. Identification – risks are described along with the impact should the event occur. This wording should take the format ‘there is a risk that ...... which will impact ...’ 2. Evaluation – probability and impact are selected from the ranges high / medium / low and trend is selected from the range ‘decreasing / no change / increasing’ Probability should be assessed based on past experience; for example: how many times has this occurred over the last 12 months? Impact is measured as the amount of disruption caused to the achievement of the management team objectives. 3. Mitigation – there are 5 types of ways to mitigate a risk: a) Avoid – eliminate the cause of the risk by doing something else b) Contain – take action by adding tasks to the plan to reduce the probability or impact c) Active acceptance – accept the consequences of the risk but set aside some contingency or insurance usually to be owned by a higher level of management d) Passive acceptance – accept the consequences and do nothing e) Transfer – pass the risk to someone else using a commercial agreement 4. Monitoring – by regular reviews or in management meetings ensure that all actions are chased, probability and impact is re-assessed and new risks are added. Communicate risk information to all stakeholders in a concise and appropriate fashion. Management Teams should agree traffic light (RAG) status of each risk in a regular basis: a) RED – existing controls are not working or are not adequate. Risk should be escalated for attention of more senior management b) AMBER – existing controls are in danger of failing but the management team is in control and no escalation is required c) GREEN – controls are working