The City of Jefferson Fire Department is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified suppliers for the purchase of two (2) Triple Combination Pumpers.
Proposals must be returned in a sealed container marked on the outside with the Request for Proposal number and
Company Name. Proposals will be received until 4:00 P.M. local time on October 16, 2015 at the City of
Jefferson City Hall at 147 Athens Street Jefferson, Georgia 30549. Any proposal received after this date and time will not be accepted.
Questions regarding proposals shall be submitted in writing to
on or before the closing date above. Proposals are legal and binding upon the bidder when submitted. three (3) bound copies, and one (1) PDF Electronic Copy should be submitted .
One unbound original,
Successful supplier will be required to meet insurance requirements. The Insurance Company should be authorized to do business in Georgia by the Georgia Insurance Department, and must have an A.M. Best rating of
A-5 or higher.
The City of Jefferson Georgia does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to its programs or activities. Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any activity of The City of Jefferson should be directed to Jefferson City Manager at (706) 367-5121.
The written proposal documents supersede any verbal or written prior communications between the parties.
Selection criteria are outlined in the request for proposal documents. The City of Jefferson Georgia reserves the right to reject any or all proposals to waive technicalities and to make an award deemed in its best interest of the city. Proposals shall have sunset date on all proposed cost submitted.
All companies submitting a proposal will be notified in writing with future correspondents.
We look forward to your proposal and appreciate your interest in the City of Jefferson.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16
Section 17
Section 18
Section 19
Section 20
Section 21
Section 22
Section 23
Section 24
Section 25
Section 26
Section 27
Proposal Submission Instructions
Proposal Content
Evaluation Procedures
Additional Information
General Statement & Construction
Silence of Specifications
Local Service Representative
Allison Scann Analysis
End Product Questionnaire
Transfer of Contract
Pre-Construction Conference
Pre-Delivery Inspections
Delivery Requirements
Acceptance & Testing
Vehicle Dimensions
Alternate/ Equivalent Products
Front Axle & Suspension
Rear Axle & Suspension
Brake System & Equipment
Front Bumper
Fuel Tank
Cab Instruments & Controls
12 Volt Electrical
Lighting General
Visible Warning Devices
Audible Warning Devices
Fire Pump
Booster Tank
Body & Compartments
Hose Bed
Lettering & Striping
David Clark Intercom System
Specification Options
Pricing Worksheet
The City of Jefferson Georgia is accepting proposals from qualified manufacturers for the anticipated purchase of two new triple combination style pumpers in its upcoming 2016 budget.
The City of Jefferson Georgia reserves the right in increase or decrease quantities as needed.
Individuals, firms and businesses seeking an award of a City of Jefferson Georgia contract may not initiate or continue any verbal or written communications regarding a solicitation with any City officer, elected official, employee or other
City representative without permission of the Purchasing Associate named in the solicitation between the date of the issuance of the solicitation and the date of the final contract award by the Jefferson City Council. Violations will be reviewed by the Purchasing Director. If determined that such communication has compromised the competitive process, the offer submitted by the individual, firm, or business may be disqualified from consideration for award.
1 All questions or request for additional information should be addressed to the Assistant City Manager.
2 All proposing firms are to submit one (1) unbound original (designated as the original), three (3) bound copies, and one
(1) PDF electronic copy of the proposal. All copies of the proposal must be identical.
There should be no cost per item indicated anywhere on the submitted proposal except on the Fee Schedule and on a separate list of exceptions, deviations and alternates referenced by item number which should be attached to the sealed
Fee Schedule. “NO EXCEPTIONS”
3 The full cost of proposal preparation is to be borne by the proposing firm. Proposals must be signed in ink by a proposing firm company official (NOT THE DEALER) that has authorization to commit company resources.
4 Proposals should be submitted in a sealed envelope/package. Envelope/package should be addressed to City of Jefferson
Georgia, Attention Assistant City Manager, 147 Athens Street Jefferson, Ga. 30549 and should be identified with date of opening, and proposing company’s name on the outside.
5 Proposals submitted are not publicly available until awarded by the City of Jefferson City Council. All proposals and supporting materials as well as correspondence relating to this RFP become property of City of Jefferson when received.
Any proprietary information contained in the proposal should be so indicated. However, a general indication that the entire contents (or a major portion of the contents) of the proposal is proprietary will not be honored.
The proposal should be responsive to the specific range of issues described in this Request for Proposal.
Supplier/Contractors are asked to read the Request for Proposals carefully to insure that they address the specific requirements of this request and submit all requested information. Fee Schedule should be submitted in a separate sealed envelope. The proposing firm’s history and experience relevant to the City of Jefferson’s needs should be discussed, including a description of the firm’s direct experience with similar types of projects and efforts.
The City reserves the right to conduct investigations to determine if the proposer is responsible to perform the duties and requirements set forth in this RFP. The proposer should furnish to the City upon request any and all documentation to assist the
City in determining if the Proposer is responsible. Documentation may include but not be limited to: Financial Statements,
Rulings and/or dispositions of Court proceedings, etc. Any proposer found to be non-responsive by the City of Jefferson may be withdrawn from consideration or award.
All questions are to be submitted in writing to
All questions will be addressed by release of an addendum.
1. Background – The City of Jefferson is a 207 year old community located in Northeast Georgia about an hour north of Atlanta along Interstate 85. Jefferson has a population of 9,554 and is the county seat of Jackson County with a population of 61,257 (2011 U. S. Census Bureau Estimates). The city of Jefferson Fire Department provides fire protection, rescue and first responder emergency medical services for the entire City and surrounding areas of Jackson
County. The department currently operates 2 fire Stations. The City of Jefferson Fire Department currently has an authorized strength of 45 fire fighters and support staff. In 2014 the department responded to approximately 1,200 incidents.
2. Intent - It is the intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) to describe the minimum requirements for Two (2) Triple
Combination Pumpers. Each supplier is requested to provide pricing on each option listed enabling the City of Jefferson to select various offerings for evaluation purposes. All suppliers should be quoting their top-of-the-line premium quality production units that are engineered for the potential of being re-mounted and or refurbished. The City of Jefferson reserves the right to select and vary the configurations submitted.
All construction aspects and materials used should conform to the 2009 edition of NFPA 1901 and current 1500 standards, D.O.T. and F.M.V.S.S. standards and be based on sound engineering and manufacturing principles. Proposals should indicate all items required for NFPA 1901 compliance with a foot note by each item and should provide a list of additional items required which are to be identified and included in the manufacturing of these vehicles.
3. Drains, filler plugs, grease fittings, hydraulic lines, bleeders, and check points for all components should be located so that they are readily accessible and do not require special tools for proper servicing.
When practical, drain lines should be hard plumbed to the underside of the vehicle. Design practices should minimize the number of tools and amount of time required for maintenance. All of these components should be labeled for their correct function.
All components should be designed, mounted, and protected so that heavy rain or other adverse weather conditions will not interfere with normal service and operation.
4. Apparatus Weights and Dimensions - Weight distribution of the completed apparatus should meet NFPA 1901 standards.
RFP should include line drawings with complete dimensions of the vehicle proposed. RFP should also include approximate weights per axle and each wheel of the vehicle in a completed ready to ship condition. This weight should not include equipment or passengers.
RFP should also include actual per axle weights of similar vehicles as that proposed with the vehicle fully loaded in an in service condition. Actual weight of completed vehicle including all equipment and passengers at delivery should conform to State of Georgia 32-6-26 (b) (2).
Provide a certified weight ticket with delivery showing front axle, total and rear axle weights with all equipment provided, full fuel, pump water reservoir and 250 pounds per person times four (4) persons (500 pound front seat occupancy, 500 pound rear seat occupancy).
5. Proposal Requirements - Each Proposal should be accompanied by a detailed description of the apparatus and equipment it proposes to furnish, including construction details, metal thickness, and capabilities. The specifications should include specific name brands and model numbers of the components to be used.
Engineering-Drawings - Suppliers responding to this RFP should have at least one (1) on-site engineer. This person should be devoted to the design process of the vehicle and not utilized as production employees. Provide a brief biography and experience of this engineer with proposal. Detailed line type drawings are to be provided and should include all principal apparatus dimensions. Drawings should include as minimum, left side, right side, and front, rear and top views. Views should illustrate major component mounting locations and interior of body.
Drawings should be furnished in both an ANSI B size, (11” X 17”) format and a large blue print ANSI D size (24” X
36”) format. Manufacturer’s standard advertisement brochures and recent photos of deliveries of similar units should be provided.
Materials- The apparatus, equipment and accessories, electrical equipment and warning equipment to be delivered under this contract should be standard commercial products that meet or exceed the requirements of this specification. The apparatus should comply with all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and State of Georgia regulations applicable or specified for the year of manufacture. The chassis components and optional items should be as represented in the manufacturers current technical data. The manufacturer should provide total standardization and interchangeability of components, parts, equipment and accessories between all vehicles built under this specification.
Materials used should be new and of a quality equal to or exceeding that of current engineering and manufacturing practices. Materials should be free of defects and suitable for the service intended. No used or rebuilt materials should be considered.
6. Suppliers Response - All Suppliers are required to insert a check mark (__) at the COMPLY: YES ___ NO ___ space at the numbered specification paragraphs. If the supplier is not going to furnish the item EXACTLY as is described in this specification, they must indicate a NO (___) even though they may feel they are providing an item that equals or exceeds the requirements of this specification. For each “EXCEPTION” taken, the supplier must include a detailed technical description of what they will furnish as well as a full explanation of why their “EXCEPTION” equals or exceeds the item in the specifications. Each dealer is ultimately responsible to ensure that their proposal fully complies with all requirements. Manufacturer names, trade names, codes, etc. used in the specification are for the purpose of describing and establishing general performance and quality levels. Codes listed are standard order codes. These are listed for reference to establish which items are being requested. If proposing another manufacturers vehicle, the manufacturer’s order codes should be listed for each item, which should be equal to, or should exceed each item in your response. Price protection for additional units is requested and details to be provided with proposal. All items submitted should be current production year, and should be new, never used and be the manufacturer’s latest design, equipped as specified and include all of the latest features. The equipment offered should conform to the basic requirements listed.
All proposals should include all manufacturers’ standard OEM items as shown on manufacturer’s printed/published literature. Delete options for any item when offered, should not be included for any item unless specifically addressed and requested in this solicitation. Modifications of existing OEM design to meet these specifications are strictly prohibited and should not be permitted.
All “EXCEPTIONS” should be listed by specification item number and noted on a separate sheet. All exceptions should be clarified to provide The City of Jefferson with the proposed engineered alternative and expected outcome of each exception. All exceptions will be detailed in explanation to clearly indicate what the supplier is offering. Exceptions will not be considered as refusal or reluctance to comply. All indications of NO will be considered for the merit of the explanation provided. The total number of NO responses will not be considered as negative toward the manufacturer or their proposal. NO indications WITHOUT EXPLANATION will be considered as unwilling to comply and will be graded as such.
All exceptions, alternates, or suggested substitutions with an associated cost, whether a cost increase or decrease, should not be documented on the proposal document, but should be submitted along with the fee schedule.
In order for the Vehicle and Equipment Apparatus Committee, Fire Department Command Staff, or designated appointees, to conduct a thorough review of the current City of Jefferson Fire Department specifications, Suppliers are to identify and indicate any item in this specification document which in their opinion will provide reduction in cost in the event the particular item was to be omitted without sacrificing the dependability, quality or functionality of the unit. Cost reduction items can then be identified and offered as an alternate to delete or perhaps to be substituted. These items are to be addressed in the same manner as an exception referenced by specification item number on a separate sheet with a description, explanation and referenced with associated impact on cost. Some items may have been noted (provide optional pricing). In some cases these items may be retained to provide uniformity of the Fleet, however due to escalating cost, the Vehicle and Equipment Study Committee may make recommendations to delete or omit items it determines to be in the best interest of the City of Jefferson.
7. Suppliers Responsibility- Each supplier should be thoroughly familiar with the specifications contained herein the preproposal conference and submitting their proposal. No additional allowances will be made because of lack of knowledge of these conditions. It is the responsibility of the supplier to ascertain if any components of the specifications are unsafe and that if any unsafe or poorly designed criteria are contained herein that they be thoroughly explained to the City of
Jefferson Fire Department in the submitted response.
During the warranty period, the successful supplier should agree to provide all parts for repairs to these vehicles locally or by overnight express delivery. The intent of this requirement is to assure that all necessary parts are available without delay and prevent vehicle down time.
8. Questionnaire- A questionnaire has been provided on pages 48-49 that details specific components, and materials that will be used in the apparatus. Suppliers should furnish all information requested in the space provided.
9. References- The supplier should furnish as references all vehicles built and delivered within the last three (3) years constructed on a similar chassis. A minimum of five (5) references is required. References should be divided into categories of up to one year, one to two years and two to three years from the date of proposal. Reference list should include the department name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, current department contact, and date of delivery. Please verify contact information for references prior to submission. Inability to obtain reference information will be considered in the evaluation process.
Proposal will be accepted only from manufacturers who have a proven history of the capability to manufacturer this type of Custom Triple Combination Pumper. RFP’s will be accepted only from manufacturers under the same ownership that have been actively and continuously engaged in manufacture of this type of “Non-Walk In” Rescue for not less than seven (7) years. It is not the intent of these specifications to call for an experimental vehicle, nor is it the intent of this department to accept such a vehicle. (No Prototypes Will Be Considered.)
10. Materials- The apparatus, equipment and accessories, electrical equipment and warning equipment to be delivered under this contract should be standard commercial products that meet or exceed the requirements of this specification. The apparatus should comply with all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and State of Georgia regulations applicable or specified for the year of manufacture. The chassis components and optional items should be as represented in the manufacturers current technical data.
The manufacturer should provide total standardization and interchangeability of components, parts, equipment, and accessories between all vehicles built under this specification. Materials used should be new and of a quality equal to or exceeding that of current engineering and manufacturing practices. Materials should be free of defects and suitable for the service intended. No used or rebuilt materials should be considered.
11. Part Numbers- The successful supplier should supply the original manufacturer part cross - over numbers for parts that are not manufactured by the equipment manufacturer at the time of acceptance. A complete apparatus parts list or materials build list that includes a description of the part, vendor, and vendor part number will also be acceptable.
12. Preventive Maintenance- The successful supplier should furnish a copy of the manufacturer’s preventive maintenance schedule for the specified vehicle at the time of delivery. Generic guidelines designed to fit all vehicles will not be accepted.
13. Labels and Nameplates- All nameplates and instruction plates should be metal or plastic with the information engraved, stamped or etched thereon. If metal, they should be of a non-corrosive material. Plastic plates should not be used in exposed positions where they are subject to weathering.
Nameplates should show make, model, serial numbers, and other such data necessary to positively identify the item. All plates should be mounted in a conspicuous place with stainless steel screws, bolts, or rivets.
14. Insurance- The successful supplier will be required to provide product liability and general liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 prior to award. The Insurance Company should be authorized to do business in Georgia by the
Georgia Insurance Department, and must have an A.M. Best rating of A-5 or higher .
15. Proof of Chassis Purchase- The successful supplier should provide a proof of purchase for all chassis ordered to the City of Jefferson Georgia within five (5) business days from the date of purchase order.
16. Late Delivery Penalty- The City of Jefferson Georgia requires delivery to be made by the date shown on the Fee
Schedule. Failure to do so may result in a penalty of 1% of the unit price per day for up to ten (10) days being deducted from payment by The City of Jefferson Georgia. No compensation will be given for early delivery.
G Warranty
1. The basic vehicle warranty should be two (2) years and unlimited miles. The warranty should begin on the in-service date. A sample of the warranty should be provided with the proposal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2. The chassis frame rails and cross members should be warranted from cracks and failure for lifetime. A sample of the warranty should be provided with the proposal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
3. The engine should be warranted for five (5) years, or 150,000 miles, whichever occurs first, for 100% parts and labor through either standard coverage or by extended warranties purchased from the engine manufacturer. A sample of the warranty should be provided with the proposal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4. The Allison transmission should be warranted for five (5) years, unlimited mileage, 100% parts and labor through either standard coverage or by extended warranties purchased from the engine manufacturer. A sample of the warranty should be provided with the proposal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5. Where a chassis or body component manufacturer provides an independent warranty which exceeds the standard chassis or body warranty period, the provision of this warranty should not be allowed to diminish the normal longer warranty that may be provided by any component manufacturer.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
6. The body should be free of structural failures caused by defective design, materials or workmanship for a warranty period of ten (10) years, unlimited mileage, and that defective parts, under the warranty, should be repaired or replaced without charge to the original purchaser. A sample of the warranty should be provided with the proposal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
7. The vehicle exterior paint finish to include decals and stripping should be warranted against blistering, peeling, bubbling, any lack of adhesion, corrosion, rust or any other manufacturing or material defect for a period of five (5) years minimum, unlimited mileage. This coverage should be 100% for materials and labor during this specified warranty period. A sample of the warranty should be provided with the proposal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
8. The cab should be warranted against structural defects for ten (10) years minimum, with unlimited mileage. A sample of the warranty should be provided with the proposal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
9. The apparatus booster tank should be warranted by the tank manufacturer for the life of the vehicle, to include 100% parts and labor. Any necessary repairs should be made in The City of Jefferson, Ga. A sample of the tank warranty should be provided with the proposal. (See section 18.0.)
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
10. It is imperative that The City of Jefferson Fire Department maintain the highest possible level of service for the citizens of the City of Jefferson and surrounding areas. The City of Jefferson Fire Department is a low call volume department and thus, like all fire services, relies on the most expedient and thorough vehicle maintenance possible.
The warranty agreement will be agreed upon by all parties including; the OEM, the dealer and The City of Jefferson Fire
Department. Should it be necessary that any warranty work be performed by the dealer or the OEM as agreed upon by
Jefferson Fire Department, it should be performed in The City of Jefferson by the local representative’s mobile service unit. Should major repairs become necessary that cannot be practically or safely handled at the Jefferson Fire Department or “in the field”, it should be the local representative’s responsibility to arrange transportation to their local facility. Any driver of the vehicle should be properly licensed to drive and operate the vehicle. Any operator should be fully insured and the manufacturer or local representative should assume full responsibility for the vehicle while it is in their possession. This warranty coverage should be included at no extra cost to the City of Jefferson.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
The term “Warranty” for the purposes of this document includes, but is not limited to; the proper repair of parts, the labor and associated fees necessary to return the vehicle to original manufacture’s specs as delivered.
It further obligates the manufacture to not only formally respond to JFD (Jefferson Fire Department), by e-mail or written notification within two (2) business days of notification from the Jefferson Fire Department but to also advise upon a remedy and a date for completion no later than three (3) business days after notifying The Department, taking whatever action necessary to complete the repairs without fail within five (5) business days of notification to the Jefferson Fire
Failure to meet this request will result in the manufacture of the apparatus assuming, accepting & being obligated for ALL charges associated with repairs billed from Jefferson Fire Department or a Vendor Jefferson Fire Department deems suitable for said repair.
The intent of this clarification is to protect the assets and response capabilities to the optimum level JFD deems necessary for the safety and comfort of Jefferson citizens and those peoples who occupy any of area within the city’s jurisdiction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12. Any parts that may be required to complete warranty repairs should be shipped by the manufacturer via a next day air shipping service to keep vehicle down time to a minimum.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13. All warranties should begin when training is completed and the Purchaser places the vehicle in service, not date of delivery or acceptance.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14. Additional warranty or logistical services that the supplier might provide above and beyond the requirements of this specification may be listed below.
15. Signature of Company Official authorized to issue and certify compliance to the above listed warranty requirements.
Authorized Dealer signature is not acceptable.
Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Print Name: __________________________________________________________
Title and Date: ________________________________________________________
The apparent silence of this specification and any supplemental specifications as to any details or the omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point should be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail and that only materials of first quality and correct type, size and design are to be used. All workmanship is to be first quality. All interpretation of this specification should be made upon the basis of this statement with the City of
Jefferson’s interpretation to prevail.
Due to the critical functions and emergency responses these vehicles are required to perform, The City of Jefferson has determined the ability of the manufacturer to provide prompt, dependable, and quality repairs during the warranty period and after the warranty period has expired is very important. The manufacturer is expected to provide a local dealer or authorized repair facility that can provide quick access to The City of Jefferson. It is also expected that the local facility have a mobile service vehicle that will provide all routine warranty repairs on-site in the City of Jefferson Fire
A complete description and photographs of the local authorized repair facility, mobile service vehicles, and technicians should be included in the bid package. The facility description should include as a minimum: the physical location, size, specialized equipment, tools, and overall capabilities as well as the traveling distance in miles from the City of Jefferson. The description of the mobile service vehicle should include as a minimum the year model, make and mileage, and an approximate dollar value of the parts that are routinely stocked on board.
The description of the technicians should include as a minimum: the number of years’ experience repairing emergency vehicles and list any nationally recognized certifications or other related qualifications.
Supplier should state the Company name, address, phone number and contact for the local repair facility.
Suppliers should provide an Allison SCANN report for the engine, transmission, gear ratio and tire sizes and vehicle weights that are being bid.
The RFP should provide End Product Questionnaire (EPQ) tests for the engine, transmissions and cooling system. The
Jefferson Fire Department should be furnished with a copy of the EPQ approval, which is the engine manufacturer’s approval of the engine installation. The approval letter must show that the engine installation has successfully passed the engine manufacturer’s cooling test requirements and that the fuel system, air intake system, exhaust system, and electrical system on the engine are installed in accordance with the engine manufacturer’s recommendations. A copy of this approval should be included in the bid package or should be provided prior to acceptance of the vehicles.
To assure apparatus quality and prompt response by the manufacturer on warranty claims and repair requests, the successful respondent may not assign, sell or otherwise transfer this contract without written permission from the City of
Jefferson Georgia.
Respondent should state the Company name and exact location where all manufacturing will be performed.
Cab ___________________________________________________________________
Chassis _________________________________________________________________
Body __________________________________________________________________
A pre-construction conference should be held with the successful manufacturer. The pre-construction conference will allow Jefferson Fire Department’s representatives and the successful manufacturer’s representatives to discuss this specification and the RFP document in detail for the purpose of the manufacturer developing an in house shop order for fabrication of this apparatus. This conference should take place within four (4) weeks after the issuance of the Purchase
Order by the Jefferson Fire Department. The pre-construction conference will be held at the manufacturer’s facility.
Those in attendance at the conference should include the local sales representative, the manufacturer’s project manager, and additional engineering staff as may be required. The time spent on the conference should be of a duration that will allow for complete review of these specifications and understanding of the construction requirements. The supplier shall be responsible for all costs incurred for three (3) Jefferson Fire Department representatives to attend. Said costs shall include lodging, food and all transportation (commercial airline and ground) expenses. No excessive or elaborate accommodations or meals are to be considered. The City of Jefferson Fire Department will review documentation supplied by the manufacturer prior to and during construction, however this specification, the manufacturer’s RFP document, and any clarification documents will be used during final inspections for each apparatus and should prevail as the official requirement for apparatus construction and performance. The City of Jefferson Fire Department will not approve manufacturers in house shop orders that may be necessary for apparatus fabrication.
The manufacturer should provide detailed to scale blue print sized engineering drawings of the apparatus. The drawing should include all major features and be submitted for approval by the Jefferson Fire Department prior to construction.
Jefferson Fire Department Representatives will complete a mid-point & pre-delivery (final) inspection of the vehicles.
The same accommodations will be made as stated in the pre-construction conference.
Delivery inspections will be made at the plant in the same manner as other inspection visits with the same accommodations as stated in the pre-construction conference. Time for all trips will be allotted to complete a full inspection of the vehicles up to a total of three (3) days for each trip.
The City of Jefferson Fire Department is concerned with the prompt delivery of these vehicles. The City of Jefferson needs to place these vehicles in service at the earliest possible date. It is expected that the vehicles be delivered within
210 calendar days after notification of award by the issuance of a purchase order by the Jefferson Fire Department.
Delivery should be FOB Destination to Jefferson, Georgia and is to be over the road drive away by the manufacturer's delivery engineer. Jefferson Fire Department should take delivery of vehicles and apparatus from any source to accomplish acceptance inspections and to process the vehicles into county inventory. Deliver to to Jefferson Fire
Department, 129 Athens Street, Jefferson, Georgia 30549. The manufacturer’s delivery engineer is to remain with the apparatus and assist with acceptance testing of all vehicles delivered. In addition, for the first vehicle delivered, the delivery engineer should provide up to three (3) full days training of Fire Department and Fleet Management personnel on preventive maintenance procedures, providing detailed explanation of vehicle electrical system, electrical system schematics, trouble shooting, and proper operation. In the event the delivery engineer is not able to provide a detailed, thorough and satisfactory training program for the vehicle’s electrical system, it will be required that the manufacturer send their electrical engineer to the City of Jefferson Fire Department for in depth training prior to the acceptance of the last vehicle.
Prior to delivery, the manufacturer or dealer should service and adjust each vehicle for operational use to include as a minimum the following. Documentation to confirm pre - delivery inspection should be provided prior to acceptance.
1) Focusing of lights.
2) Tuning of engine.
3) Adjustment of accessories.
4) Checking of electrical, braking and suspension system.
5) Charging of battery.
6) Proper alignment of front and rear axle in Jefferson, Georgia by a local independent heavy truck alignment shop. The facility should be approved by the City of Jefferson Fire Department.
7) Inflation of tires to recommended pressures.
8) Balancing of all wheels, including spares if needed.
9) Complete lubrication of engine, transmission, chassis and operating mechanisms.
10) Servicing of cooling system with extended life manufacturers specified extended life antifreeze.
All apparatus should be delivered in a “ready to place in service” condition with the Jefferson Fire Department needing to only load and mount the remaining and loose equipment and install two way radios.
Prior to acceptance the following performance criteria must be met. Additional tests may be conducted if deemed necessary by Jefferson Fire Department to confirm proper operation and satisfactory performance. All performance testing should be successfully completed without the vehicle demonstrating any signs of overheating, vibrations or other abnormal conditions.
The apparatus should exceed NFPA 1901 road test acceptance standards.
Pump Test – a three (3) + hour acceptance test will be performed for the following flows, pressures and times.
100% capacity at 150 psi for 2 hours.
100% capacity at 165 psi for 10 minutes.
70% capacity at 200 psi for 30 minutes.
50% capacity at 250 psi for 30 minutes.
Full capacity at governed engine RPM for 15 minutes.
The 12 volt electrical system should be tested to verify all components function properly and meet specification ratings.
Documents to be delivered prior to acceptance:
Manufacturer’s report of vehicle construction details.
Pump manufacturer’s certification of hydrostatic test.
All specified manuals.
Underwriters Laboratories (U. L.) pump test certificate.
List of part numbers for vehicle components.
Schedule of manufacturer’s recommended preventive maintenance schedule for vehicle.
Exact as built wiring diagram for 12 volt DC system. Wiring diagrams should be provided in 11” X 17” size formats in each body manual. A minimum three (3) sets of exact wiring diagrams should be provided in large blue print size formats. The orientation of layouts to match vehicles as built.
Engine warranty statement.
Transmission warranty statement.
Booster tank warranty statement. Also identified 18.8.
Chassis, Cab and Frame rail warranty statement
Body construction and paint warranty statement.
Pump warranty statement.
General warranty statement.
Test data for NFPA required 12 volt electrical system test.
Verification of completion of Section J items 1-10 of pre - delivery requirements.
Three (3) complete air system schematics.
Three (3) complete piping diagrams reflecting piping layout, valves and pipe sizes.
Three (3) large lubrication charts, should be phantom views of the complete apparatus showing points of lubrication, the proper lubrication types and the amount to be used at each location requiring lubrication.
Delayed warranty Start Form.
Certified weight ticket for completed unit as delivered with full fuel showing front left and right wheel loading, rear left and right wheel loading and total actual vehicle weight.
Copy of the EPA engine emissions certification. (CARB Executive Order).
Vehicle registration, copy of documents including MV1 form, manufacture’s certificate of origin (front and back), bill of sale, and mileage odometer statement when applicable, all assigned as specified. Provide a receipt for the tag and title fees. Tag plates to be installed on each vehicle at time of delivery.
Failure to meet acceptance tests:
In the event the apparatus fails to meet the test requirements of these specifications on the first trials, second trails may be made at the option of the Jefferson Fire Department within thirty (30) days of the date of the first trials. Such trails should be final and conclusive and failure to comply with these requirements should be cause for rejection. Failure to comply with changes as the Jefferson Fire Department may consider necessary to conform to any clause of the specifications within thirty (30) days after notice is given to the supplier of such changes should also be cause for rejection of the apparatus. Permission to keep or store the apparatus in any building owned or occupied by the Jefferson Fire Department or its use during the above specified period with the permission of the respondant should not constitute acceptance.
All vendors shall supply documentation of any payment options they may offer through their representatives.
No matter what payment option is established, all payment options and liabilities will be discussed and approved prior to awarding any bid between all parties involved.
The use of brand name is not for restrictive purposes or to limit competition but to assist suppliers in determining the standard of quality Jefferson Fire Department is seeking. Jefferson Fire Department should be the sole determinant of acceptability of all approved alternates.
Alternate Products : When proposing an alternate product, supplier represents:
1. Alternate product has been personally investigated and determined to be equal to or superior in
2. all respects to that specified.
Product identification, including manufacturer’s name and address should be provided as part
5. of RFP document.
Provide manufacturer’s literature, including product description, performance, and test data and reference standards.
Itemized comparison of proposed alternates with specified product.
It is the supplier’s responsibility to prove alternate products equal or exceed the quality level of the product(s) specified.
Notwithstanding any document or assertion to the contrary, any surety bond related to the sale of a vehicle shall apply only to the Basic One (1) Year Limited Warranty for such vehicle. Any surety bond related to the sale of a vehicle shall not apply to any other warranties that are included within this bid (OEM or otherwise) or to the warranties (if any) of any third party of any part, component, attachment or accessory that is incorporated into or attached to the vehicle. In the event of any contradiction or inconsistency between this provision and any other document or assertion, this provision shall prevail.
1.0 The chassis should be a new current year model production Custom Medium Four Door w/ 10” raised roof with a 4-door sedan full tilt style cab that is specifically designed and built for fire service applications.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.0 Jefferson Fire Department desires to have the maximum fuel efficiency possible while maintaining sufficient power for safe operation of the apparatus. Engine design shall be, The Cummins Diesel ISX 12L 450 hp 2013 O.B.D. Cummins
Diesel, should be considered in this RFP.
1. Maximum Fuel Efficiency
Minimum of 450 HP
Minimum 1645 lbs of torque @1100 rpms
Top road speed of 68 mphs fully loaded. (see 2.1)
Must be able to reach and maintain the top road speed of 68 mph on a +10o slope.
0 to 60 mph in 25 seconds or less fully loaded on a 0o grade (see 2.1).
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.1 Sixty-eight (68) MPH is the expected top road speed. The apparatus should have the capability of acceleration from 0 to
60 mph in 25 seconds or less fully loaded on a zero degree (0 o ) grade. Fully Loaded assumes the weight of a full pump tank reservoir of water, all tools, equipment and personnel [250 lbs. per person multiplied by four (4) people] at 75% of the rated engine capacity. The performance of the apparatus should meet or exceed all expectations of the 2009 NFPA
Roadability Standard Section 4.15. The Apparatus should also maintain a speed of 68 mph on a + 10 o Slope.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.2 Jacobs Engine Brake with On, Off, Low, Medium and High switch position. The Jake brake should be interfaced with the
Allison Transmission to provide automatic and forced down shift of gear ranges when activated for additional braking capacity. The retarder should be interfaced with the Wabco ABS system to provide automatic deactivation upon ABS activation. The brake lights should be wired to illuminate anytime the Jake Brake is activated. The Jake Brake should be automatically disabled when the fire pump is engaged.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.3 A warning label should be installed in the cab in plain view of the driver that warns against the use of the retarder on slippery or wet road conditions.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.4 Coolant: Engine manufacturer’s Extended Life Coolant.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.5 Coolant Hose: Premium silicone with stainless steel constant torque hose clamps.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.6 Radiator: Minimum of 1,800 sq. in., heavy duty at a minimum capacity of 30 quarts. Radiator should be of adequate size and capacity to maintain the engine and transmission within the manufacturer’s operating temperature requirements during all operating conditions that may be encountered in Jefferson, Georgia. The radiator should be constructed of a suitable material for engine to maintain appropriate operating temperature and provide for minimal maintenance. A drain cock should be provided in the radiator plumbing for draining of coolant and service access.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.7 A 3 gallon coolant system surge tank with a glass visual indicator should be provided and shall include a heat shield to protect against radiant heat exposure from vehicle operating temperatures.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Fuel Filter: Engine manufacturer’s standard spin on and Davco 382 fuel / water separator with thermostat controlled heating element and water in fuel light on the dash.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.9 Air Compressor: Bendix 921 15.9 CFM, gear driven.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.10 The exhaust system should be a horizontal design and constructed from heavy duty truck components. All exhaust tubing should be stainless steel and should be supported from the chassis from points spanning no more than 42” apart. Flexible couplings should be utilized to absorb the torque and vibration of the engine. The outlet should be directed to the forward side of the rear wheels, exit on the right side with a chrome straight tip. The system should be equipped with a single canister consisting of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). The canister should be mounted under the right side of the frame rail, and meeting the engine manufacturer’s specifications and current noise level tests. An orange fiberglass heat absorbing sleeve should be used on the exhaust pipe in the engine compartment area to reduce the heat, to protect the alternator, and also to protect hands when checking or adding oil in the engine compartment.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
2.11 The engine air cleaner should be provided with an ember separator as per NFPA requirements. An air flow restriction gauge or indicator light should be provided on the cab dash.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
3.0 Transmission: Allison EVS 4000.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
3.1 6-speed Fire & Emergency transmission programming.
The transmission should have the Customer Modifiable Constant
(CMC) programmed to pre-select downshift to 2 nd gear upon activation of the Jacobs Engine Brake.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
3.2 Shift Control: Dash mounted push-button shift pad.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
3.3 Electronic transmission oil level check, from transmission push button shifter.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
3.4 The transmission should be interfaced with the fire pump to provide automatic 1:1 ratio gear lock-up when the fire pump is engaged.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
3.5 Smart Controls to be included in the dash cluster are equipment in use, fire truck pump mode, retarder enable and output speed indicator.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.0 Front Axle: GAWR 20,000 lbs. In the event a larger axle capacity is required due to vehicle design and payload requirements, a higher rated axle and all other related components should be provided. The manufacturer is responsible for assuring that weight calculations are appropriate for the rating.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.1 Front Axle: Meritor MF-20-133A
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.2 Front Wheels: Polished Aluminum disc, 10 stud, hub piloted, 12.25” X 22.5”,
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.3 Front Brakes: Meritor air disc brakes 4 X 70mm with quick change shoes, dust shields, and Meritor automatic slack adjusters. The brake system should be a fully engineered, balanced and approved by Meritor.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.4 Oil lubricated front wheel bearings with Stemco sight glass.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.5 Front Suspension: Variable Rate Taper-Leaf design, 54” long rated at 20,000 lbs or rating as recommended by manufacturer.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.6 Kaiser spring pin bushings.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.7 Shock Absorbers: Heavy duty Koni or Equal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.8 Steering Gear: Ross TAS85 or eqvalivent.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.9 The power steering system should provide the ability to turn the steering wheel from lock to lock with the vehicle stationary and the engine at idle RPM. Adequate fluid capacity and cooling should be provided to prevent overheating of the system during extended heavy use. The reservoir should be provided with a dip stick for checking oil levels, replaceable filter, and a label to clearly indicate fluid fill requirements. The power steering pump should be gear driven.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.10 Front Tires: Single tubeless, Michelin, 385/65/R22.5, load range L, rated to match or exceed the 20,000 lbs. front GAWR.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.11 Provide black rubber mud flaps for front wheels.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
4.12 The steering cramp angle for the front axle should be a minimum of 45 degrees when turning to the left or right.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.0 Rear Axle: Single GAWR 27,000 lbs. In the event a larger axle capacity is required due to vehicle design and payload requirements, a higher rated axle and all other related components should be provided. The manufacturer is responsible for assuring that weight calculations are appropriate for the rating.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.1 Rear Axle: Meritor RS-26-185.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.2 Rear Axle Lube: Mobil 1 full synthetic.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.3 Axle Ratio: As required to provide rapid acceleration and 75 MPH top speed (See item 2.1).
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.4 Rear Brakes: Meritor S-cam 16.5” X 8.625” with quick change shoes, outboard drums, dust shields, and Meritor automatic slack adjusters. The brake system should be a fully engineered, balanced and approved by Meritor.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.5 Rear Suspension: Variable Rate Taper-Leaf design, 54” long rated at 27,000 lbs or rating as recommended by manufacturer.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.6 Rear Wheels: Dual rear, Polished Aluminum ventilated disc, 10 hole, hub piloted, 8.25” X 22.5”.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.7 Rear Tires: Dual tubeless, Michelin, 12R22.5, load range H, rated to match or exceed the rear GAWR.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.8 Provide black rubber mud flaps for rear wheels.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.9 Vehicle should sit level from front to rear and side to side when fully loaded to an in-service condition.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.10 Mount brake cams and chambers to not interfere with installation of On Spot automatic tire chains.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.11 Install Extreme Duty OnSpot® automatic tire chains, as per manufacturer’s guidelines. Should be installed as to prevent moisture from entering the pneumatic actuator. Chains should be installed in strict concordance to manufactures
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
5.12 Driveline: Spicer 1810 half round and full round yokes. Drivelines should be high speed balanced to a fine tolerance and free from vibration. The universal joints should be provided with dual grease fittings.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
6.0 Brake System: Full air with rapid buildup, FMVSS 121 approved.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
6.1 Provide an additional extra-large capacity air reservoir that should be dedicated to air horn and air outlet operation.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
6.2 Install a quick connect brass air outlet with quarter turn shut off valve on the driver side pump panel. This outlet will be used for tire inflation (120 psi) and operation of miscellaneous air tools. Provide one (1) 3/8” air hose; 50 feet in length with a long tire inflation chuck with brass quick connect fittings. Additionally install an air inlet at the driver side entrance door to driver seat to allow for supplemental air lines to be attached to ensure that air braking system remains charged at all times.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
6.3 Meritor / Wabco all wheel antilock braking system (ABS) and automatic traction control (ATC). Provide a deep mud / snow override switch for ATC.
6.4 Air Dryer: Bendix AD-9
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Air Reservoir Drains: Route all air reservoir drains to below the left side running board to provide a row of ¼ turn drain valves with labels.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
6.6 All main brake lines should be color coded nylon type and protected in high temperature rated split plastic loom.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
6.7 The brake hoses from the frame to axle should have spring guards on both ends to prevent wear and crimping as they move with the suspension.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
7.0 Not to exceed 195” (Exact wheelbase may be discussed at pre-bid conference.)
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
8.0 The frame should be engineered and sized for extreme duty, fire service apparatus applications. The chassis frame should be of a ladder type design utilizing industry accepted engineering best practices. The frame should be specifically designed for fire apparatus use. Each frame rail should be constructed of two 3/8” thick-formed channels. The outer channel should be 10.06” x 3.50” x .375” and the inner channel (liner) should be 9.31” x 3.13” x .375”. The section modulus should be 31.28 in. 3. The resistance to bending moment (RBM) should be 1,569,160 in./lbs. The cross-members should be constructed of minimum 3/8” formed channels and have formed gusseted ends at the frame rail attachment.
Manufacturer’s should include any and all exceptions to the frame specifications by checking “NO” does not comply and providing a detailed explanation of the components and/or construction method suggested and why the components and/or construction method would be superior to that which is specified. If the manufacturer will build according to the specification, however a superior recommendation, check “YES” does comply and attach all recommendations to the
A lifetime warranty should be provided on the complete frame and cross members. NO EXCEPTIONS
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
8.1 A .625inch, Grade 8 flange, Grade 8 bolt fasteners or better should be used on all permanently attached brackets to the frame. A lifetime warranty should be provided on the complete frame and cross members. NO EXCEPTIONS
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
8.2 The chassis should be finished painted glossy black prior to the installation of wiring harness, brake hoses, and etc.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
8.3 There should be two (2) rear tow eyes attached directly to the chassis frame rails and accessible through the rear compartment.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
8.4 There should be two (2) Chicago style tow eyes that extend through the top of the bumper and shall attached directly to the chassis frame rails.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
9.0 The front bumper should be approximately 12” high with 2 reinforcing ribs. A minimum ¼” thick X 10” high X 70” wide reinforcing steel plate should be provided behind the bumper to provide additional strength. The front bumper will be a severe duty “Chicago” or “FDNY” style painted steel channel. Each end of the bumper should be angled at 45 degrees.
Exact configuration of the bumper should be determined prior to construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
9.1 The bumper should be extended approximately 24” in front of the cab. The bumper extension should be fabricated from aluminum tread plate. Drain holes will be provided in corners for excessive moisture. A recessed tray should be fabricated around the chassis frame rails for storage of the following: Driver Side outside the frame rails: 150’ DJ Key
FDNY Spec 1.75” Fire hose. Center in-between frame rails: 25’ of 5” LDH supply hose and Klein tool bag hydrant hookup equipment. The front bumper shall also allow for mounting a 2” receiver hitch underneath the front bumper and the hitch shall not extend more than 1” past the front bumper. The 2” receiver hitch shall be fastened the apparatus frame rails to provide substantial support.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
9.2 The bumper should have holes cut as required for the flush and recess mounting of dual air horns and siren speakers not to extend more than 3 inches past the bumper. The front bumper should also allow for mounting of the Federal “Q” mechanical siren.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
The front bumper will be notched for recessing of the front inlet on the officer’s side of the apparatus and outside of the apparatus frame rails. The notch will be designed so that the bumper is one continuous piece. The notch will be welded in place for strength with a continuous top and bottom flange. All welds will be metal finished for appearance.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
10.0 A minimum 60 U. S. gallon fuel tank with ½” drain plug and large removable panel in the body to access the fuel pick up tubes and fuel gauge sending units.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
10.1 The fuel tank should be equipped with a 2 ¼” filler neck assembly and vented. The fuel cap should be attached with a cable or chain to prevent loss. A metal Diesel Fuel label should be provided at the fuel fill location.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
10.2 Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) tank should be no less than eight (8) gallons capacity and be easily accessible with the cab raised. DEF should have a level gauge in the dash cluster. The DEF filling area should be located outside of the apparatus cab and in an area that will not allow contact with the apparatus body in the event of accidental spillage. Exact locations to be determined at preconstruction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.0 The cab should be a full tilt, with seating for six (6). The cab should be an extended length with a half raised roof design with four (4) side entry doors. The following approximate cab dimensions should be provided.
Cab Width (excluding mirrors) 99” not to exceed 101”.
Cab Length (from centerline of the front axle) to the back of the cab 54”
Cab Length (from centerline of the front axle) to the front of the cab 101.10” (including bumper).
Cab Length 155.10” (including bumper).
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.1 The cab should be a fully open design with no divider wall or window separating the front and raised rear cab sections.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.2 The cab should be fabricated from heavy gauge 6061 T6 aluminum tube, channel, and extrusions and overlaid with 5052
H32 aluminum alloy sheet panels to form the exterior skin of the cab.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.3 The structural framework should support and distribute the forces and stress imposed by the chassis and cab loads. The structural framework should not rely on the sheet metal skin for any structural integrity.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.4 A stainless steel front cab grill should be provided. The design of the front grill should be a custom front end styling and grille. The grille should also contain custom artwork depicting either the American Flag or other custom artwork that will be specified during the pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.5 Cab doors should be “Barrier Style” and fabricated from aluminum extrusions overlaid with a heavy gauge aluminum skin and fitted with dual weather seals. The cab doors should be equipped with heavy duty door latching hardware, which complies with FMVSS 206. A rubber coated nylon web door-stop should be provided. The doors should be supported with minimum 3/8” full length stainless steel, adjustable, piano hinges. All cab doors of all vehicles should be keyed alike. There should be an electrical pass through from the post to the door. Extreme-duty plastic or rubber wire chase is not acceptable.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.6 1 ¼” diameter knurled aluminum grab rails with stanchions should be provided at each cab door entrance. Additional grab rails of the same material should be provided at other locations where needed outside and inside the cab to make entry and egress from the cab safe. Two (2) additional aluminum grab rails with stanchions shall be provided and mounted just below the windshield on the driver and officer side to assist personnel in getting onto and off of the front bumper of the apparatus. Consider and calculate up to eight (8). Exact locations to be determined in pre-build conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.7 The cab doors should incorporate formed aluminum frame with manual windows and manual door locks. Components should be of the heaviest duty available.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.8 The cab should be heavily insulated in a manner to reduce noise levels inside the cab. The cab interior sound levels should not exceed 80 decibels at 45 MPH in all cab seat positions. Documentation should be provided by the manufacturer.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.9 The interior of cab doors should be covered with smooth polished aluminum or stainless steel plate for scuff resistance.
Chevron type striping should cover a horizontal area of the door to warn motorists and should be the same color as the chevron striping on the rear of the apparatus. Molded plastic panels will not be accepted as an acceptable alternative, as their durability and appearance over the life of the vehicle is questionable and poor.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.10 The cab windshield should be of a two piece design with laminated automotive approved safety glass with an approximate viewing area of at least 2,700 square inches.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.11 Rear passenger windows should have a tint of 20% (allowing 20% of light to enter the cab), Driver and Officer window should have a tint of 80%, There should be a 6 inch strip of 20% tinting on the top of the windshield spanning the full width of the windshield. Tinting should not be tinted more than what is allowed by Georgia State Law.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.12 Auxiliary steps with a grip strut surface should be provided at each cab door. Step height should measure approximately
17” from the ground.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.13 Mirrors should be stainless steel, heated and remote controlled west-coast break-a-way style, approximate size 7” X 16”.
An 8” round stainless steel convex mirror should be mounted on the bottom of the mirror frame.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.14 The cab interior should be finished in “Extreme Duty” type of construction to allow for greater protection from wear and tear.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.15 CAB FLOORING - The floor of the driver’s compartment and the floor of the crew area will be covered with aluminum tread plate flooring and associated insulation to comply with NFPA noise and heat requirements. The material utilized for this application will be certified to meet the NFPA 1901, for anti-slip walking surfaces. Manufacturer will supply proof of compliance for this item. (No Exceptions) An aluminum tread plate foot pad will be provided at each seating position and will be an overlay over the standard cab flooring.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.16 The seating layout should be as follows:
Driver’s seat – Bostrom Sierra FX High Back, air ride adjustable seat without armrests with a Durawear black tweed and adjustable minimum of 5 inches fore and aft. The seat should have the ability to adjust forward to 11 inches from the dash to the nearest point of the seat and backward no less than 16 inches from the dash to the nearest point of the seat. The height should be adjustable from 17 inches to 21” inches High. Height measurement should be from the floor to the top of the seat cushion. RFP should include all suggestion for a superior comfortable ride with maximum seat adjustment.
Officer’s seat - Bostrom Firefighter Tanker 450 ABTS SCBA seat in Durawear black tweed material. The SCBA seat must be designed to accommodate Scott Airpack’s Air-pak fifty 4.5 with dual EBSS. SCBA Mounts should be
SecureAll™ SCBA Locking System
By Bostrom. There should be at least 21 inches from the nearest point of the dash to the nearest point of the seat and have adequate open storage for the officer’s firefighting gear with integrated firefighting boots. There should be 19 inches from the floor to the top of the seat cushion. Jefferson Fire will consider an Air Ride option for this seat if it is possible to keep the under seat gear boot storage intact.
Fire Fighter SCBA seats – Two (2) Bostrom Tanker 450 ABTS, two (2) center forward facing providing enough room to adequately adjust the driver’s seat to no less than 16” from the nearest point of the dash. They should be covered in
Durawear black tweed material. The SCBA seats must be designed to accommodate Scott Airpacks Air-pak fifty 4.5 (45 minute cylinders) with dual EBSS. SCBA mounts should be
SecureAll™ SCBA Locking System
By Bostrom and should be provided and installed for each seat. Additional storage shall be provided underneath the center forward facing seats to provide as much storage as possible without unnecessarily raising the height of the seat and shall allow for acces from both sides of the apparatus. Storage area shall provide hinged style door that open to the rear of the apparatus cab and shall provide positive locking mechanisms with quarter turn type handles to prevent accidental opening.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.17 Non-SCBA Firefighter seats - Two (2) forward facing Sierra ABTS non-SCBA flip up seat should be mounted to the rear wall, one (1) on each side of the center facing Firefighter SCBA seats.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.18 Seat belts with automatic retractors should be provided at all seating positions. All seating positions should have RED or
Fluorescent Yellow (please specify) 3-point shoulder and lap belts.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.19 There should be two (2) storage cabinets, one (1) each mounted behind the driver and officers seats and constructed of
.125 aluminum plate and painted with a finish to match the cab interior, Jefferson Fire Department will consider the exterior application of Durawear to aid in minimizing noise. The compartments will be located above the wheel wells on each wide of the apparatus. The cabinets will have a no interior opening doors. The cabinets will utilize standard piano
hinged type adjustable doors that open to the front of the apparatus for access. The access doors to the storage compartments shall be located between the front and rear cab doors on each side of the apparatus. The driver side compartment shall contain a “ZICO EZ OUT SCBA Brackett” for storage of the drivers SCBA. One (1) fully adjustable shelf mounted on Unisturt tracks should be provided and installed in the officer’s side compartment. R.O.M. LED interior dome lights or LED type light bars should be provided and installed in the cabinet providing enough light to illuminate the entire space with shelves in place. Lights should turn on when the door opens and off when closed. The cabinets will be as large as space permits. Exact size will be determined at the pre-construction conference.
Cabinets should also include two (2) 120 volt shoreline outlets. Locations to be determined at pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.20 The inside of the engine enclosure should have a sound deadening insulation system.
The enclosure should be designed for the installed engine and provide the maximum available room inside the cab and lowest profile. Engine enclosure will be fabricated from materials compatible with the basic cab material. The forward portion of the engine enclosure will be padded to match the balance of the cab interior. To allow maximum “elbow room” for the driver and officer the forward portion of the engine enclosure will feature a contour shape. It is understood that various engine components dictate the amount of space available for the operator and officer, the Jefferson Fire
Department is concerned with safety and necessary room for workability and requires the maximum space available for the crew.
The engine enclosure will not significantly obstruct the driver’s vision in any direction. Inside of enclosure will be insulated to protect against heat and noise..
A space large enough for the mounting of the MDT should be provided in the area in front of the officer. The officer will be the primary user. The space should be low enough as to not block the visibility of the driver while the MDT is in use.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.21 The floor of the driver compartment and crew area will be lined with Baryfol sound proofing material. The ceiling and rear wall areas will be additionally insulated with foam insulation, located between the upholstery and outer cab skin. The underside of the cab and the areas of the cab floor structure will utilize the Barymat BTRLAX3-14BY.
The standard Manufacturer under cab insulation will be utilized in tight clearance areas under the engine enclosure. The area above the A/C hose and ducting will be insulated. The under cab insulation will be secured and sealed using the 3M
# 425 tape at seams and .060 aluminum panels to secure large insulation panels in place of the mesh screen. Insulate the underside of each side seat riser compartment at the front seating positions.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.22 A provision should be provided in the front grille of the cab to allow checking of oil and transmission fluid levels without having to tilt the cab. The dip-sticks should be color coded or otherwise identified to eliminate confusion. A light with on/off switch should also be provided to illuminate the dip-stick area.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.23 A map storage rack/console should be provided in the cab. The exact design, size and mounting location should be determined at the pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.24 An electric over hydraulic cab tilt system should be provided to facilitate the lifting of the cab to allow full access to the engine and accessories mounted under the cab. The cab should tilt to approximately 45 degrees.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.25 The raising of the tilt cab should be accomplished through a hydraulic lift system consisting of two (2) hydraulic lift cylinders, and electrically driven hydraulic pump, two (2) hydraulically activated latches, and an electrical control switch.
The electronic control switch should include a “dead man” switch. Meaning, the cab should not automatically raise or lower without the operator physically touching the switch and the movement of the cab should stop immediately when the operator releases the switch. Other options including the use of a single hydraulic lift cylinder may be considered but will be have to be presented to the Department for approval.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.26 Manual rod locks with Morse type cable release should be provided on the tilt system. In addition the system should include cylinder interlocks to ensure that the cab will remain in a fixed position in the event of a failure in the system.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.27 There should be a minimum 60,000 cool BTU and 80,000 heat BTU single unit, heater / air conditioner mounted over the engine cover and equipped with a multi-speed fan with adjustable air ducts to direct air fore and aft. This unit should be mounted near the center of the cab. Additional air ducts should be installed for adequate defrosting of the windshield.
(Location may be discussed at pre-construction conference.)
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.28 An external air conditioning condenser should be roof mounted and have two (2) heavy duty motors and a 60,000 BTU rating. Unit should have a 19.1 cubic inch compressor with 2250 cfm airflow. This roof mounted condenser should work at full rated capacity with engine at idle without engine heating problems. All condensation should be directed to the exterior of the cab as to prevent water damage to any components; this is to include structural, electrical and/or any other component that may be damaged from water contact. Please submit an explanation of how this will be accomplished.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.29 There should be two (2) 12-volt multi-speed defroster fans mounted to provide additional air flow across the windshield, one (1) on each side.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.30 It is the desire of Jefferson Fire Department to mount the MDT on the dash panel in front of the officer’s seat to allow mounting a mobile data terminal. A low profile slide-out tray should be provided. The sliding tray should be designed to lock in both the open and closed position. This item may be discussed at the pre-build conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.31 Two (2) heavy-duty multi-speed electric windshield wipers and washers with intermittent wipe feature should be provided. A single control should operate wipers on both sides.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.32 The cab should be capable of tilting to a 90 degree angle with the assistance of an overhead hoist to facilitate unobstructed removal of the engine and or radiator. The manufacturer should provide attachments to safely facilitate tilting the cab to a
90 degree angle. The rear cab lifting eyelets will be located at the upper portion of the rear of the cab sheet metal, attached to the upper cab cross-brace.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
11.33 There should be a shelf stretching across the interior, forward section of the raised roof (above the rear facing firefighter seats). This Shelf will hang 10” from the roof and be approximately 18” deep from the front of the raised section. The shelf will hang over the engine cover, centered in the cab approximately 47” wide (This shelf may extend the width of the cab if it does not interfere with the headroom above the firefighter seats). Provide and install solid, hard covered doors with positive thumb latches to hinge from the top of the cabinet. The exact specifications and design of this cabinet will be discussed at the pre-build conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12.0 The dash panel should be constructed from a durable non-glare material. The dash instrument panel should provide hinged panels that tilt outward for service and access to internal components. The dash panels that are not directly in front of the operator should be manufactured with operator ergonomics which will face all switches toward the driver for ease of activation or de-activation and be clearly visible.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12.1 Gauges should be Stewart Warner smart gauges or equal with built in red indicator lights to warn the operator of any problems. All gauges and controls should be back-lighted and blue in color for visibility at night and properly identified for function. All main gauges and warning indicators should be visible through the steering wheel.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12.2 A tilt and telescoping steering column with horn button, turn signal switch, high / low beam switch and 4-way hazard flasher switch should be provided. The steering wheel should be approximately 18” in diameter and wrapped in a non-
slip type material.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12.3 A master battery disconnect switch should be provided.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12.4 A keyless ignition should be provided.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12.5 Dash panel instruments should include as a minimum: Tachometer, engine hour meter, speedometer, odometer, ammeter, voltmeter, fuel gauge, engine oil pressure, engine temperature, transmission temperature, primary air pressure, secondary air pressure and a DEF level gauge.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12.6 Provide and install a Transportation Safety Technologies (TST) Battery Monitoring System TST VM-501/500 for the six bank chassis battery system. The TST digital voltage and amperage gauge should be mounted in location approved prior to construction. The complete installation should be in compliance with TST installation guidelines. The Hall Effect
Sensor should be mounted at the battery bank to measure the amount and direction of current flow. All wire and cable connections should be high quality and sealed to prevent corrosion. Aforementioned shall be provided or eqvilivent.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12.7 Dash panel indicator lights should include as a minimum: Battery on, parking brake engaged, low air with buzzer, turn signals, high beam, engine temperature with buzzer, low coolant light with buzzer, engine oil pressure with buzzer, transmission temperature with buzzer, air filter restriction, Do not shift transmission, Check transmission, Stop engine,
Check engine, cab door open flasher, compartment door open flasher, ABS, ATC and DEF/ Regen.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
12.8 Cab mounted controls should include as a minimum: Battery disconnect switch, ignition switch, headlight switch, windshield wiper / washer switch, lighting dimmer switch (All instrument panel lights and rocker switches should be dimmable by a single dimming switch.), parking brake valve, transmission touch pad, pump shift control with indicator lights, heater / defroster / air conditioning control, and warning light switches.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
REALWHEEL: Manufacture should provide and install (provide install price separately) six Realwheels LED caps according to manufacturer’s instructions. Kit Model Number- RWTG1234-6 6 WHEEL-180 DEGREE EXT-6”EXT
AND LED CAPS. Also provide six (6) LED caps for spare.
This system is available from:
RealWheels RWC, Inc.
3940 Tannahill Drive
Gurnee, IL 60031
Phone : 847-662-7722
Fax : 847-662-7744
DORAN: Mounted within the switch cluster, should be a Doran tire pressure monitor model #TR7006. These systems should be wired and installed per manufactures instructions. This includes any parts that may be required for accurate functionality; however that is not otherwise mentioned. Exact location of the visual display will be determined at the preconstruction conference. The system should include a correctly mounted remote antenna and twelve (12) tire monitors,
Six (6) installed and six (6) for spares. The OEM must have written proof that contact has been made with Doran
Technicians and the exact wiring specifications and operational instructions have been provided.
This system is available from:
DORAN Tire Pressure Monitors
2851 Massachusetts Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45225
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
A Class I ES Key Multiplex compatible rear view camera should be included in the design. The Class I ES Key 7” LCD display should be used as a back-up camera monitor and provide the ability for the driver to view the events backing, on the right side of the unit and hose bed operations. One camera head is included in the initial set; a provision for two heads
(total) should also be included. All cable (65 ft. per camera), parts and labor required for the proper function of this system must be included and an itemized list must be included.
The City of Jefferson Fire Department highly recommends OEM’s contact Class I for all requirements for integrating the
Class I ES Key system into the pumper design. All details concerning the ES Key Multiplex System integration will be discussed at the preconstruction conference. Any concerns of price variation or other integration concerns should be described in detail in the proposal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.0 The pumper design should include the Class I ES Key multiplex system. 12-volt body electrical system should be fully engineered ES Key system. The system should be designed as a completely integrated electrical package consisting of a central power distribution and switching panel, water tight electrical connectors, power and ground studs, and complete and accurate (as constructed) wiring schematics and documentation.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.1 Provide a Leece Neville model 4962 PA, 320 amp alternator with minimum idle of 210 amps.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.2 Provide six (6) Delco 1150 Series batteries, group 31, and 12 volt, with threaded studs. Battery cables should be 3/0 gauge. Battery cable terminals should be color coded. Additional cables should be permanently labeled as to function.
Provide a Negative (-) terminal stud and Positive (+) terminal stud connection in a location that is accessible without raising the cab should a jump-start be necessary. Two (2) Batteries should be isolated for charging and maintenance of the communications equipment.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.3 Wiring documentation should be supplied and should include vehicle specific electrical schematics, which identify all panel circuits and termination points. Diagrams should mirror actual component mounting layouts.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.4 The body power distribution panel should be mounted in a location that will allow for easy inspection and service.
Interior cover for distribution panel should have a laminated schematic that fully identifies all circuits, relays, solenoids, circuit protectors, and terminals. A pocket should also be provided for storage of additional wiring diagrams as necessary for trouble-shooting. Class One power distribution and relay boards with built in diagnostics should be provided to control the body wiring.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.5 All wiring and electrical components should be industrial rated materials capable of handling 125% of rated loads. All electrical circuits should be fully protected by automotive style circuit protectors.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.6 All electrical wiring should be of stranded copper. All wiring insulation should be high temperature SXL or GXL type or better and be color-coded and function stamped every four to six inches. Wires should not be spliced and should extend from service point to use point or terminal blocks in such a manner to facilitate replacement. Barrier style terminal strips should be provided for termination of the wiring harnesses at service point locations throughout the vehicle. 3M
Scotchlok tm style connectors should not be used.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.7 All wiring should be high temperature convoluted loom covered harness type and fully supported to prevent chaffing.
Wiring should be as far removed from the exhaust and engine, as good design will permit in order to be protected against
heat, oil and mechanical injury. Stick on cable tie strap mounts will not be accepted.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.8 All electrical control panels, power distribution panels and Electronic Control Modules (ECM) or Electronic Control
Units (ECU) should be located on the interior of the vehicle and /or away from any exposure to water splash, spray, or dust.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.9 Exposed wiring in body compartments should be secured, protected, and located in such a manner so as to limit the possibility of damage from contact with tools and equipment carried in compartments.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.10 A 250 amp or larger fuse should be provided to protect the primer, tilt cab hydraulic motor, and other related accessories.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.11 A Kussmaul battery charging receptacle Model # 5378C and water poof cover Model # 091-3RD. This 120 Volt, 20 Amp male power inlet receptacle is for those installations in which power is brought to the vehicle but an auto eject is not desired. Recepticle should be recess mounted near the driver’s door. A matching polarized plug should be shipped loose.
The exact mounting location should be determined prior to construction.
Should the roof mounted air conditioner (See item 11.36) require a second receptacle to run properly, the manufacture should document the reasons for the additional receptacle and include pricing on the Fee Schedule.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.12 A Kussmaul Auto Charge 1200 model #091-53-12-Remote, 40 amp rated battery charger should be vehicle mounted in a properly ventilated, accessible location. The remote bar graph charge indicator should be mounted near the shoreline connection. The charger should have the ability to monitor the condition of the batteries and adjust the charge rate as needed. The charger should be automatically switched on when the shoreline plug is connected to an external 115 VAC source. Installation should be in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.13 The apparatus cab and body should be grounded to the chassis frame through braided ground straps located on each side of the chassis frame rails.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.14 Illuminated rocker style switches should be used to control electrical loads and should include dimmable back lighted function legends. Exact layout of switches, switch colors and their functions should be determined prior to construction.
The switch panel should be mounted within close proximity to include being clearly visible and ergonomic for the driver.
The switch panel should wrap around the operator’s space to provide maximum safe ergonomics. All switches should be ground activated. Rocker switches should integrate with the aftermarket ES-Key Multiplex system (or equivalent multiplex system as approved by Jefferson Fire Department).
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.15 An electrical load switching sequencer and load management controller should be provided. Circuits connected to sequencer and load manager and shedding priority should be determined prior to construction. This system should integrate with the aftermarket ES-Key Multiplex system (or equivalent multiplex system as approved by Jefferson Fire
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.16 The load manager should not shed warning light loads when vehicle is in forward or reverse gear. This will prevent operational problems when the apparatus is in response mode and attempting to clear traffic at an intersection. Load shedding is however desired during stationary operations with parking brake applied.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.17 An auto throttle should be interfaced with the electronic engine. When activated, the auto throttle will automatically increase the engine speed to the lowest speed at which the charging system can sustain 13.8 to 14.2 volts with all on scene operating loads and visible warning devices activated. The RPM for the fast idle should be adjustable through the engine
ECM programming.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.18 The automatic high idle speed control should be designed so that it will be activated should the electrical load exceed the alternator output and is causing the batteries to be discharged. The auto throttle system should be activated by the aftermarket ES-Key Multiplex system (or equivalent multiplex system as approved by Jefferson Fire Department).The high idle should also have a rocker switch in the switch panel to allow manual activation by the operator when desired.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.19 The automatic high idle speed control should be designed to operate automatically whenever the system voltage is reduced to 12.8 volts for a least one minute. This feature is required to prevent the automatic high idle system from activating needlessly if a brief high demand electrical load is applied.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.20 The automatic and manual high idle speed control should be designed so that it can be activated only when the transmission is in neutral and the parking brake is applied. It should automatically disengage when the transmission is placed into gear or the parking brake is released. It should automatically re-engage when the transmission is returned to neutral and the parking brake is applied. Additional safety interlocks should prevent operation of the high idle if the pump is engaged.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.21 A low and high DC voltage alarm with visible and audible indicators should be provided. The low voltage alarm should activate whenever the system voltage drops below 11.9 volts. The high voltage alarm should be programmed to activate at 15.0 volts. Two (2) Cole Hersee Dual Alarm LED light units should be mounted on the dash for the visible and audible alarm low and high voltage alarms and wired to the aftermarket ES-Key Multiplex system (or equivalent multiplex system as approved by Jefferson Fire Department). The mounting location for the buzz lights should be determined prior to construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.22 Class One products should be used for the engine interface and interlock modules.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.23 Threaded terminal studs should be provided in the cab for the direct connection of two-way radio and mobile data terminal leads. One (1) 12 volt constant hot (+), one (1) 12 volt master switched hot (+), and one (1) ground (-) stud should be provided and properly labeled. These are to be connected to the two (2) isolated batteries.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.24 Two (2) 400 Mhz mobile radio antennas and Two (2) uhf/vhf radio antennas should be installed and the coax cables routed to the center of the cab under the dash panel. An approximate 36 inch service loop should be provided to allow final cable routing to the radio and mobile data terminal. Antennas will be provided by the apparatus manufacturer.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
13.25 Two (2) 12 volt, 15 amp auxiliary lighter socket type plug-in (power point) should be provided. These should be installed within the console with one each being located near the Driver side and Officer side respectively.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.0 The apparatus should be equipped with Firetech Model FT-B-72-ML, brow light and light emitting diode technology
(LED) amber and red marker and cab clearance lights. The apparatus builder should select the model light that is most suitable for their design and mounting location. Marker lights should be recessed where possible or installed in protective guards to prevent breakage.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.1 Two (2) Whelen 60A00TAR lights (or approved alternative) with chrome flange Model # M6FCV4P should be mounted, one on each side of the rear body for stop and tail light function. There shall be two (2) Whelen Model M6BUW, LED backup lights provided in the tail light housing. Four (4) red lenses should be provided.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.2 Two (2) Whelen 600 Series 5mm-LED Model # 60A00TAR (or approved alternative) with chrome flange #M6FC should be mounted, one on each side of the rear body for turn signals. Program flash pattern to provide moving directional arrow.
Include the Quadra flare Assembly (Part #’s QL 6423V-Left and QL 6473V-Right).
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.3 A protective cover should be installed inside all compartments to protect any lights and exposed wiring.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.4 A license plate bracket with Truck-Lite #15040 LED light should be installed at the rear of the vehicle.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.5 There should be two (2) Whelen Model PFA2 LED SCENE lights (or approved alternative) with recessed mounting on each side of the cab just below the roofline drip rail between the front and rear cab doors. These lights should have a separate switch labeled “LEFT CAB SCENE” and “RIGHT CAB SCENE”. Switches shall be installed on both the driver’s side and officer’s side of the apparatus cab for easy access. Cab side scene lighting shall be operable while the vehicle is in motion.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.6 Two (2) additional Whelen Model PFA2 LED SCENE lights (or approved alternative) with FLANGE should be mounted on the rear top of the body. These lights should be equipped with a separate switch labeled “BODY SCENE” and only operable while parking brake is activated or apparatus is in reverse.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.7 Two (2) Whelen Model PFA2 LED SCENE lights (or approved alternative) with recessed mount on the rear side of the body above the compartments. The lights should be equipped with a separate switch labeled “REAR SCENE”. Rear scene lighting shall be operable while the vehicle is in motion
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.8 Twelve (12) Truck-Lite, Model 6060C LED grommet mounted LED’s should be provided. The lights should be positioned to provide effective lighting around the perimeter of the vehicle. Lights should be controlled by a switch mounted on the cab switch panel. Four (4) lights should be mounted under the cab doors [one (1) under each cab door] and automatically activate when any one of the four cab doors is opened. Two (2) lights should be [one (1) on each side] mounted underneath the front compartments in front of the rear wheels. Two (2) lights should be mounted [one (1) on each side] under the rear compartment doors behind the wheelwells and two (2) lights [one (1) on each side] just below the pump module module 3” intake to provide lighting to the step area beneath the crosslay. Two (2) lights should be mounted underneath the front bumper to provide lighting for personnel. Lights should not operate unless the parking brake is applied. All lights should be connected to the load manager.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.9 One (1) Whelen LED map reading lamp with on / off switch should be mounted on the right hand side of cab dash.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.10 Two (2) Whelen Strip-Lite™ PS Tank level indicator LED booster tank water level lights should be mounted to each side at the rear uppermost portion of the cab. The cab side mounted tank level indicator lights should not be operable unless the parking brake is applied.
The tank level indicator light colors should be green, blue, yellow and red in this corresponding order for visual water level indication. A comparable may be considered; however, it must be approved by a Jefferson Fire Representative in writing. The exact location is to be determined at the Pre-construction Conference.
THESE LIGHTS ARE INTEGRATED WITH THE PUMP MODULE. The OEM must collaborate with Waterous to insure compatibility and proper installation with the Waterous pump module and provide documented proof.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.11 Each compartment should have a minimum of two (2) Truck-Lite #44042C or equal clear LED dome light kits (Strip lights may be considered). The lights should be rubber grommet mounted on the side compartment walls with one positioned high and one low and with adjustable mounts to allow positioning that will eliminate or reduce blockage from equipment and adjustable shelves when supplied. A single moisture and corrosion resistant switch should individually control the lights in each compartment. The switch should activate only the lights in the compartment that is open. Door switches and wiring should be located and mounted in a manner that will eliminate the potential for any damage from equipment being placed in or removed from compartments. Do not provide On / Off switch on dash.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.12 There should be 5 (five) Truck-Lite Super 44 series LED back-up lamps mounted in the forward “bulkhead” area of the hose bed. These lights should be flush mounted, along the top of the front wall/ bulkhead. One light should be provided in the center of each divided section of the bed. These lights should be activated by a switch on the pump panel labeled
“Hosebed Lights”.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.13 Eight (8) Whelen #PSCACCCR clear frosted LED Strip-Lights (or approved alternative), intensity level 3 should be installed under a stainless steel instrument panel light hood to illuminate the pump panel. Four (4) lights each should be mounted on the left and right side pump panels. These lights should be activated when the pump is shifted into gear and have an additional switch to allow the operator to turn lights on or off when not in pump gear.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.14 Two (2) Truck-Lite #40084 clear work lights with mounting kits (or approved alternative), should be installed inside of the pump compartment. These lights should be activated by a pump panel mounted weather resistant switch.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.15 Additional Truck-Lite #44042C clear LED lights (or approved alternative), should be installed by the manufacturer where necessary to adequately illuminate pump panels, steps and walkway areas to an intensity level that will insure safe operations at night. After a thorough review of the construction drawing, the purchaser should identify additional locations that need lighting at the pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.16 Four (4) ceiling mounted clear lights, Whelen 8635CU (or approved alternative), with integral switches should be mounted in the cab. Lights should be mounted as follows: One (1) over the driver’s position, one (1) over the officer’s position, and one (1) each side in the rear of the cab. The lights should also activate when the cab door is opened.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.17 The headlights should be dual halogen rectangular sealed beams on each side of the cab. Total of four (4) headlights.
Price as option: HID Headlights should be priced as option.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.18 The front mounted amber turn signal lights should be Truck-Lite LEDs.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.19 The side midpoint mounted amber turn signal should be Truck-Lite LEDs.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.20 Whelen 500 series LED surface mount compartment lights (or approved alternative), intensity level 2 model #5SC0BCCR clear step lights with clear lens should be provided under the formed or cast aluminum steps. The lights should be controlled with the ground illumination lights.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.21 A Whelen L32 Series Super-LED Beacon Model# L32LAF amber light (or approved alternative), should be mounted upside down on the cab ceiling at front center. This light and a buzzer should activate when the vehicle parking brake is released and a cab door or compartment door is open or if the Task Force Tips Extend-A-Gun is elevated. This item should fully integrate with the ES Key Multiplex system. Any difficulty in doing so should be clearly noted in the proposal.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
One (1) Whelen TADF8 Traffic Advisor™, Front Load, Super-LED shall be mounted just below the hose bed recessed to
prevent accidental damage or damage while deploying and/or loading of fire hose. A Whelen recommended control head shall be mounted in the apparatus cab and within reach of both the apparatus operator and the officer. The Whelen control head shall indicate left, right, split and flash.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.23 Any additional lighting that the manufacturer installs as a standard or to meet NFPA 1901 standards should be LED style of a model and brand comparable to that specified previously in this section. Provide all additional model numbers proposed. Price separately as line item and do not include in the total cost of the apparatus.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
14.24 Whelen model number correlation and pricing information, contact:
Thomas J. Madden and Associates Inc.
935 Highway 124, Building 400 Suite 401
Braselton, Ga. 30517
Phone: (678)963-2060
Fax: (678)963-2061
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.0 A single switch should turn on and off a sequencer that will activate or deactivate all visible warning devices that have the switches pre-selected to the ON position. The switches should allow the operator to turn on or off selected lighting if desired.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.1 Should the electrical voltage drop to 11.9 volts or less for one minute, a Class One Total System Manager (as integrated into the ES Key multiplex system) should switch off any visible warning devices that exceed the minimum NFPA lighting standard. If the engine is at idle, this action should coincide with an increase in idle speed.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Visible warning devices should operate in a “Clearing right of way” (or “responding mode”) and “blocking the right of way mode”. The “blocking the right of way mode” should be activated or deactivated by the parking brake control.
[NFPA 1901 clearly defines what “Clearing right of way” and “Blocking right of way” modes are, and what color lights are allowed. Any clear warning lights and wig-wags MUST be de-activated when in the “Blocking right of way” mode
(Parking brake activated).]
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.3 A certificate should be supplied by the warning light manufacturer to verify compliance with NFPA 1901, 2003 edition standards for lighting performance and current draw.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.4 There will be an 82.00" Whelen Freedom, Model FN**VLED, light bar mounted on the cab roof.
The light bar will include the following:
Ten (10) red flashing forward facing LED modules.
Two (2) white flashing forward facing LED modules.
Two (2) red flashing LED modules in the front corners, one (1) each side.
Two (2) red flashing LED modules in the rear corners, one (1) each side.
One (1) white dual LED LR11 flashing alley light in the driver's side end position.
One (1) white dual LED LR11 flashing alley light in the passenger's side end position.
The color of the lenses to be the same color as the LED's.
There will be three (3) switches located in the cab on the switch panel to control this light bar.
One (1) switch for all the warning lights.
One (1) switch to control the white warning lights (clearing right of way mode).
One (1) switch to control the alley lights.
The LED alley lights will flash in a warning mode when the emergency master switch is activated, the parking brake is
released and when the roof light switch is on. The LED alley lights will be steady burning when the alley light switch is activated
The LED alley lights and the eight (8) center red flashing LED modules may be load managed when the parking brake is applied.
An additional switch will be provided in the cab that will allow the operator to control the alley lights portion of the light bar.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.5 There should be twelve (12) Whelen Model # 60R02SRR warning lights provided for perimeter warning lighting. These lights will be provided with Whelen chrome flanges. These lights will be operable in “both the clearing right of way” and
“blocking right of way” modes. Exact mounting location should be determined prior to construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.6 The Zone C upper area should have two (2) Whelen Model # 60R02FRR lights with Whelen chrome Flanges (or approved alternatives) mounted on the rear upper corners below the scene lights.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.7 Two (2) additional Whelen 60RR5SRR warning lights (or approved alternative) should be mounted on the rear outside upper areas of the body and Two (2) Whelen 60RR5SRR warning lights (or approved alternative) should be mounted on the rear outside lower areas of the body. These lights should also have Whelen chrome flanges installed. These lights will be synchronized with other emergency lighting. Exact mounting location should be determined prior to construction.
These lights are in addition to the standard NFPA lighting requirement and the exact mounting locations should be approved prior to construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.8 Wig Wag headlights should be provided and powered by a Federal Signal FHL2-SC 100% electronic flasher. Wig Wags should be automatically switched off when the parking brake is applied.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.9 The exact lighting, control switch layout, and load management system layout should be determined by Jefferson Fire
Department prior to construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.10 The interior outboard edge of each cab door should be provided with one (1) Whelen Model # 5GA00FAR warning light with a chrome trim flange that will automatically rapid flash when the cab door is opened. The LED light shall be mounted at the upper most portion of the door to signal on-coming traffic of an open door and above the line of sight so as not to distract personnel entering and exiting the apparatus.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
15.11 One (1) LED Roto Ray with chrome housing will be installed on the cab. This light will be configured with two (2) red
LEDs and one (1) clear LED. The lights and spinning motor will only activate when the parking brake is released. When the parking brake is applied, the light motor brake will stop the unit from spinning and all three lights will be deactivated.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Two (2) Mars "888" Pedestal Mount Beacon Model # TB8-L1-P/C shall be installed on the front of the cab pedestal mounted on the front corners of the apparatus on the drivers and officers side just below the windshield.
16.0 One (1) Federal Signal Q2B mechanical siren should be mounted in the front bumper and the exact location shall be determined at pre-construction conference. The Q2B siren should have two (2) Linemaster or equal micro foot switch, one (1) at the driver’s left foot to the right of the air horn switch and one (1) at the officers side dash mounted off of the floor to give additional space. Two (2) momentary rocker switches should be provided in the rocker switch panel to operate the siren brake. One should be located near the Driver with the second being located near the Officer. Properly label foot switch and provide an aluminum tread plate riser bracket for mounting switches. Mounting the Federal Signal
Q2B into the bumper or other alternatives may be considered. Provide exact proposed location and explanation.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
16.1 The two (2) Grover 24” long Stuttertone chrome plated air horns should be recess mounted in the front bumper. The horns
should be wired to activate with Linemaster or equal micro foot switches, one (1) at the driver’s left foot to the left of the mechanical siren switch and one (1) at the officer’s right dash to the right of the mechanical siren switch. In addition, a ceiling mounted pull lanyard should be provided in the center of the cab to activate the air horns. The air horns should be wired to heavy duty Skinner brand or equal 12 volt electronic solenoid air valves with a direct flow operation. Properly label foot switches and mount on riser bracket to the left of the Q siren switch. The air horns should be piped to the additional dedicated air reservoir to allow extended use. In addition to all the switching identified, the manufacturer should place a momentary weather proof switch mounted and labeled on the pump panel and label it accordingly “Air
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
16.2 The air horn system should be equipped with a quarter turn or flip lever shut off valve. The valve should shut off the airflow to the horns in case of air horn malfunction. Location should be determined at pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
16.3 A Whelen Model #295SL100 200 Watt siren should be provided and mounted in an approved location providing ease of reach by both the officer and driver. The ‘HF” or “hands free” function should be enabled through the horn button on steering wheel. Additionally, a rocker switch or approved device allowing operators to choose between horn and siren should be located in an approved location. Exact mounting location to be discussed at preconstruction and adjusted at midpoint.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
16.4 Two (2) Whelen SA314 Series electronic siren speakers with trim ring and polished finish should be recess mounted, one
(1) on each side of the bumper.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
16.5 An Ecco #SA-917 Smart Alarm electronic back up alarm should be automatically activated when the transmission is shifted into reverse. The Smart Alarm should provide a variable sound output level dependent upon the ambient noise level.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.0 Winning RFP must incorporate the Waterous CSU1500 Split Shaft Fire Pump and install the pump to the exact specification of Waterous, Inc. Waterous Pumps will work closely with the OEM to insure proper installation. OEM is responsible for all plumbing and electrical connections, front, side and rear discharge valves and pipe, piping and connection to the reservoir tank, all lighting connected to the module and any other items that may be effected or otherwise interact with the Waterous Fire Pump. With the understanding that Waterous has an extensive warranty associated with Waterous Fire Pumps the OEM should be ultimately responsible for the accurate and acceptable operation of all parts of the pump module. Including but not limited to; flow pressures, gauges, valves, piping, electronics, fittings, adapters, etc. In no way should any structural members interfere with the maintenance of the pump or any part of the
Waterous pump assembly.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.1 Waterous Pumps should provide a set of pump certification papers for the pump. The pump should be U. L. tested. The pump should deliver the following rated capacities.
1500 GPM at 150 PSI net pump pressure
1500 GPM at 165 PSI net pump pressure
1050 GPM at 200 PSI net pump pressure
750 GPM at 250 PSI net pump pressure
The U. L. pump test should be completed as defined in applicable NFPA standards. The testing should be conducted at the factory of the manufacturer and prior to final inspection. A stamped test plate should be attached to the pump operator’s position.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.2 The pump should be mounted in a location that the body or body structure will not interfere with the removal of the front bearing for service and overhaul as may be required.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.3 The pump split shaft gear box should be rated to withstand the full torque rating of vehicle powertrain. The pump gear ratio should be selected by the apparatus manufacturer to give maximum performance with the engine and transmission selected. The gearbox should be capable of operating during all conditions without overheating or vibration.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.4 Hollow tube drivelines and universal joints should be of a torque rating greater than the maximum pump input torque ratings. The drivelines should be balanced and mounted at angles that are approved by all related component manufacturers. The drive-lines should be free from vibration or noise during all road speeds and pump operations. All universal joints should be provided with dual grease fittings. An adequate quantity of “O” ring bolted drop guards should be provided around the drive shaft to prevent damage should a drive line fail.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.5 An air operated pump shift should be provided. The power shift control valve should be mounted in the cab in view and reach of the driver, and labeled “PUMP SHIFT”. A manual pump shift handle shall be located on the driver side pump operator’s panel and shall allow for the pump to be manually engaged in the event of electrical/pneumatic system failure without having to place personnel underneath the fire apparatus.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
A green indicator light should be located in the cab, and be labeled “PUMP ENGAGED”. The light should not activate until the pump shift has completed its full travel into pump engagement position. A second green indicator light should be located in the cab and be labeled “OK TO PUMP”. The light should be energized when the pump shift has been completed, chassis automatic transmission has obtained fourth gear lock up and the chassis parking brake is set.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.7 The Allison transmission pump lock up mode should automatically activate and deactivate when the pump control is shifted in or out of gear.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.8 One (1) panel mounted green indicator light should be positioned above the throttle control and labeled “THROTTLE
READY”. The light should be energized when the pump shift has been completed, chassis automatic transmission has obtained fourth gear lock up and the chassis parking brake is set.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.9 The discharge piping should be constructed of schedule 40 stainless steel piping and sized to provide sufficient water flows to outlets. The piping should be attached to pump system with flange mounted or Victaulic couplings. This piping design is intended to provide smooth radius corners to reduce friction loss. The piping layout should be identical for all vehicles built under this specification.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.10 The piping system should also utilize high-pressure flexible hoses where needed with a 1200 PSI burst pressure rating and
30-HG vacuum rating. All flexible hose fittings should be stainless steel. The fire pump, all piping, and associated equipment should be hydrostatically tested in conformance with applicable NFPA standards.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.11 All piping should be installed with consideration for durability and for ease of future service and maintenance. Mattydale
Style Cross-Lays, LDH Discharge, Deck Dun Discharge and Front Intake valve should be Akron Generation II Swing-Out valve with manual gear actuator and stainless steel ball valve. Remaining discharge valves and 2.5” auxiliary intake valves shall be Akron Generation II Swing-Out Valves with stainless steel ball and SZ type control handles. All discharge valves shall be ½” larger than the discharge piping (ex: 2.5” discharge gets 3” piping and valve) and have minimal bends to maximize water flow.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.12 All inline and pump valves should be as follows
1) 2” Tank Fill, one (1)
2) 3.0” Tank to Pump, one (1) (or larger if necessary to meet tank to pump flow requirement.)
3) 2” Cross Lay Discharges (Mattydale Style), three (3)
4) 2” Front Bumper Discharge, one (1) Driver Side outboard
5) 2.5” Side Discharges, four (4)- two (2) driver side, two (2) officer side
6) 2.5” Rear Discharges, two (2)- one (1) driver side, one (1) officer side
7) 2.5” Auxiliary Intakes, two (2)- one (1) driver side, one (1) officer side
8) 5” Front intake on officer side with 5” plumbing w/ minimal bends to pump
9) 4.0” LDH Discharge, one (1) officer side
10) 3.0” Deluge Set Discharge w/ TFT Extenda-Gun
11) 6” Steamer Intake valves on both the officer and driver side.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Two (2) 2.5” diameter discharges should be plumbed to the rear of the truck and terminate under the hose bed, one (1) each side. The discharges should terminate with chrome turn down flange with NST threads. The valves should be controlled by Akron 3” Generation II Swing-Out valve. A 2.5” chrome plated female cap with chain should be provided for each discharge. A ¾” faucet style bleeder valve should be provided directly under the discharge. The placements of these discharges and discharge ports are to be determined and approved in writing by Jefferson Fire at the pre-build.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.14 Waterous should have an integrated “Mayday/Evacuate” call switch which should be connected to the two (2) Grover 24” long Stuttertone air horns in the front bumper.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
The right side running board should have a hose tray capable of holding 25’ of 5” LDH hose in a storage roll. The left side running board should have a hose tray capable of holding 25’ of 5” LDH hose in a storage roll and should incorporate a six
(6”) step.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
17.16 constructed with alloy meeting MIL-A-24779 (no exceptions). The pump should have one anode on each intake section and one anode on the discharge section of the Fire Pump. The anodes should have a central stainless steel core to prevent anode breakage that can lead to clogged nozzles (no exceptions).
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Pressure control devices shall control the intake and discharge side of the pump and shall be recommended by Waterous Inc.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
The Fire Pump should be equipped with replaceable anodes as recommended by Waterous Pumps.. These anodes should be
Priming pump shall be recommended be Waterous Inc. and be located on driver side pump panel.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
18.0 The preferred booster tank is a 750 gallon capacity “L” shaped tank to provide a FDNY or “city style” low hose bed and
U. L. tested to pump flow rate of 500 GPM..
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
18.1 The booster tank should be constructed of fiberglass manufactured by Custom Fiberglass Products with an “L” shaped design to provide a low rear hose bed. The Jefferson Fire Department will also consider poly tanks.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
18.2 The tank should have a combination vent and manual fill tower. The tower should be located in the left front corner of the tank. The tower should have a hinged cover and removable screen.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
An approximate 1.0” auxiliary vent should be provided from the rear of the tank to the fill tower. This auxiliary vent is intended to eliminate air pockets from forming when the booster tank is filled while parked on a non-level surface.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
The tank overflow should be 4.0” diameter and should dump behind rear wheels
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
18.5 Longitudinal and latitudinal baffles should be provided to minimize water surge during travel and to enhance road handling and stability. Openings in the baffles should be positioned to allow for proper water flows when filling tank or pumping. Tank suction outlet should be designed with anti-swirl device in the sump. The bottom of the sump should be provided with a removable plug for tank draining and clean out.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
18.6 The tank should be completely removable without disturbing or dismounting the apparatus body structure.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
18.7 The tank should be mounted on a sub-structure with hard rubber cushions to isolate the tank from road shock and vibration. Mounting structure should be designed to fully meet the requirements of the tank manufacturer.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
A lifetime manufacturer’s Statement of Warranty should warrant each tank to be free from manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for the service life of the vehicle. Any necessary warranty repairs should be completed by the tank manufacturer in Jefferson, Georgia.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
18.9 A 30 gallon tank shall be provided to store AR-AFFF foam and shall provide piping to terminate at the driver’s side pump panel with a connection for eduction purposes located at the pump panel and shall provide a valve and handle to stop and start the flow of foam from the on-board tank.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.0 Body design should be fully proven to provide trouble free service in a severe service environment. Body designs offered by all suppliers should be the manufacturer’s premium quality design. Apparatus manufacturers should demonstrate their confidence in the design and construction by providing a ten (10) year minimum structural warranty. The body design should provide a low profile stance to provide easy reach access to equipment and hose bed and to provide a low center of gravity for good vehicle handling. The body design, construction materials and construction methods proposed should provide maximum available compartment space. The body and the pump module should be constructed as two (2) separate components to allow for normal flexing of the chassis frame rails without damaging the apparatus body.
All equipment mounting hardware are to be Zico mounts where applicable and all tools mounts are to be priced as such, specifying the model numbers of each mount proposed. Should the manufacture or dealer have a “better” alternative, it should be offered and priced as an alternative with each piece of equipment and discussed at the preconstruction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.1 The preferred body construction material is aluminum with a bolt together modular style design or welded aluminum construction. The Jefferson Fire Department will value each construction method equally and will not rate any construction method over the other.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.2 The body is expected to have high side rescue style compartments on the street side with exterior ground ladder storage on the curb side. The compartment design should provide approximately 200 cubic feet of usable compartment space.
The compartments should be full depth to the chassis frame rails and provide a minimum of 27” deep inside usable storage space.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.3 The body should be properly attached to the chassis in a proven manner that will allow for twist and flexing without damage. An isolator should be provided between the body and the chassis to serve as a cushion.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.4 Body rub rails should be provided the full length of the apparatus body on both sides. The rub rails should be constructed
of 3” X 1.5” X 11-gauge stainless steel tubing with a brushed finish. The rub rails should also provide protection for any marker lights that are mounted on the lower side of the body. The rails should be bolted to the lower exterior edge of the apparatus body, with nylon spacers and should extend 1” from the compartment doors, to provide a 3” vertical scuff surface.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.5 Compartment doors on the body should be provided with standard pan style doors with brushed finish. Doors should be equipped with pre-tension devices to allow easy opening and closing.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.6 Compartment doors should be designed and installed to provide smooth operation and weather tight. A corrugated aluminum shield should be installed to protect the door from interior items and should include a drain tube to the exterior of the compartments. Drip rail protection should be provided over compartment doors
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.7 Compartment floors should be designed to support the weight equal to or exceeding 500 pounds of equipment without sagging or deflection. Compartment floors should be a sweep out design.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.8 To protect areas of the apparatus that are subject to intensive wear; aluminum tread plate and/or polished stainless steel protection panels should be installed where needed. The top of compartments on the left and right side should be covered with aluminum tread plate. Areas considered as walking surfaces should be provided with NFPA approved anti-slip material.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.9 Each compartment should have adequate ventilation to prevent the formation of gas fumes, condensation or mildew.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.10 All interior compartment seams should be sealed by using a permanent pliable silicone caulking.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.11 All dissimilar metals should be fully separated to prevent electrolysis and corrosion.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.12 Bolt in, full circular fender liners should be provided for the rear wheel housings. The liners should be designed to prevent pockets that can collect road spray, dirt and mud. The wheel wells should allow easy cleaning and be free of sharp edges that may cause personal injury while cleaning. Adequate clearance should be provided to allow the use of conventional tire chains.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.13 Black hard rubber mud flaps should be provided at the rear body wheel wells. An additional “customized” mud style flap should be installed towards the rear of the apparatus and cover the full width of the apparatus body and have a custom
Department logo and/or Department identified lettering and the bottom most portion shall have diamond plate finish.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.14 Four (4) SCBA air bottle compartments should be provided with brushed finished aluminum doors with thumb latches and gaskets installed in rear wheel well fender skirt areas. These doors will have thumb latches to ensure positive locking and gaskets installed. The storage tubes should be slanted downward and have a device to ensure that the cylinders or extinguishers cannot come out in the case that the door is left in the open position. The tubes should also be lined with a rubber material and the openings designed to prevent scaring of cylinders. The tubes should be configured with a positive stop for the detour of bottles escaping while in road travel. A drain hole should be provided in the lower rear section of the tube.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.15 All available space should be utilized in the fender well(s) of the apparatus to include but not limited to: SCBA cylinder storage, oil dry type storage and/or tray type storage for miscellaneous tools. All compartments/trays shall have positive type locking mechanisms and additional features to prevent items stored inside from prematurely deploying in the event of accidental compartment door opening.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.16 NFPA compliant steps should be provided as necessary to provide safe access to the body interior and exterior mounted equipment. Spacing and weight rating for steps should meet NFPA requirements. Formed or cast aluminum steps should be provided in all locations possible. Folding steps may be used in areas where formed or cast steps cannot be utilized
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.17 Compartment floors, trays, and shelves should be covered with black “Turtle Tiles” flooring with beveled edges at compartment door openings.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
1 ¼” knurled aluminum grab rails with stancions should be provided where necessary to safely access the body interior and exterior mounted equipment, hose bed area and for checking the water tank fill tower.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.19 One (1) horizontal grab rail of knurled aluminum with stancions should be provided at the rear of the body, under the hose bed.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
An 18” deep rear step constructed of NFPA approved anti-slip, perforated material should be provided at the rear of the apparatus. Both corners of the tailboard area should be cut at a 45 degree angle. The assembly should be one piece construction and a bolt on design to provide ease of replacement.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.21 Compartments should be numbered from the Driver side to the rear to the officer side and will be as follows:
Compartment L1 - Engineers Compartment
Compartment L2 - Driver Side Middle
Compartment L3 - Driver Side Rear
Rear Compartment - Rear Lower
Compartment R2 - Officer Rear
Compartment R1- Officer Front
Backboard Compartment – Located Behind the Mattydale style cross lay’s above pump compartment.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.22 Compartment ahead of the rear wheel well should have an approximate interior dimension of 43” wide X 66” high X 27” deep in lower 52” and 12” deep in the upper. Door opening should provide as much access as possible and the doors should be standard pan style doors with piano hinges and quarter turn self-locking mechanisms. This should be known as Compartment L1. Door should be a single door and shall open to the rear of the apparatus to prevent driver from having to step around door to retrieve equipment stored inside.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.23 Compartment above rear wheel should have an approximate interior dimension of 61” wide X 36” high X 12” deep. A double swing out tool board with a quarter turn locking mechanism should be provided that allows for tool mounting on the front and back sides of the board. The board shall be constructed of heavy duty aluminum that allows for hand tools to be securely mounted with custom tools mounting brackets. Door opening should provide as much access as possible and the doors should be standard pan style doors with piano hinges and quarter turn self-locking mechanisms. This compartment should be known as Compartment L2.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.24 Compartment behind the rear wheel well should have an approximate interior dimension of 43” wide X 66” high X 27” deep in lower 52” and 12” deep in the upper. Door opening should provide as much access as possible and the doors should be standard pan style doors with piano hinges and quarter turn self-locking mechanisms. This compartment should be known as Compartment L3.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.25 Compartment ahead of rear wheel well should have an approximate interior dimension of 43” wide X 39” high X 27” deep in lower. Door opening should provide as much access as possible and the doors should be standard pan style doors with piano hinges and quarter turn self-locking mechanisms. The compartment should be known as Compartment R1.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Compartment behind the rear wheel well should have an approximate interior dimension of 43” wide X 39” high X 27” deep in the lower. Door opening should provide as much access as possible and the doors should be standard pan style doors with piano hinges and quarter turn self-locking mechanisms. This compartment should be known as Compartment
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.27 Compartment under the main hose bed should have as much room as possible taking into consideration the low hose bed design which is one of the main objectives of this pumper. Door opening should provide as much access as possible and the doors should be a painted roll-up style doors. A removable panel should be provided on the back wall of this compartment to provide a service access point for the fuel tank gauge sending unit. One (1) 500 pound full width, full depth roll out tray should be provided. This compartment should be known as the Rear Compartment.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Compartment above pump panel and behind the Mattydale style cross lays shall be big enough to receive a long spine type backboard and the vertical orientation. The compartment shall have positive type locking mechanisms which shall be accessible from both the street side and curb side of the apparatus.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.29 Compartments (L1, L3, R2) should be equipped with four (4) aluminum Uni-Strut vertically mounted adjustable tracks, two (2) each side, that are bolted in place for adjustable shelving and equipment mounting. The front Uni-Struts should be mounted to allow the installation of a narrow shelf to be mounted in the shouldow portion in the upper compartment area.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Shelving should be constructed of 3/16” thick smooth aluminum plate and mounted with cast aluminum shelf brackets.
Each shelf should have a 3” broken front edge (2” up and 1” back), and a 3” broken rear edge (2” down and 1” forward), for added strength and reinforcement. Six (6) shelves should be provided, with the mounting location to be determined at the pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.31 Two (2) 500 pound rated full width and full depth sliding horizontal trays. The trays should be constructed of aluminum or stainless steel and equipped with heavy duty slide tracks. The tracks should have stainless steel ball bearings and will travel full depth. The mounting design for the slides should allow the tray to be mounted at or near flush with the compartment floor to allow for maximum utilization of compartment height. The tray edges should be broken with a minimum 3” flange on each side, with welded corners to form a box type tray surface. The trays should be as large as possible for maximum storage capacity. The trays should slide fully out of the compartment with a gas operator or equal to hold tray both “in” and “out” positions. Exact mounting locations will be determined prior to construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.32 One (1) 250 pound rated split height and full depth sliding vertical tool tray. This tray shall be located in compartment
L1. The tray should be constructed of aluminum or stainless steel and equipped with heavy duty slide tracks. The tracks should have stainless steel ball bearings and will travel full depth. The mounting design for the slides should allow the tray to be mounted at or near flush with the compartment floor to allow for maximum utilization of compartment height.
The tray edges should be broken with a minimum 3” flange on each side, with welded corners to form a box type tray surface. The tray should be as large as possible for maximum storage capacity. The trays should slide fully out of the compartment with a gas operator or equal to hold tray both “in” and “out” positions. Exact mounting location will be determined prior to construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
19.33 All doors should have a diamond plate guard which protects the door from damage from equipment inside the cabinet that includes a drain that channels water from the inside of the guard to the outside of the cabinet protecting the interior of the cabinet from moisture.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
20.0 The interior of the hose bed should be smooth and not painted allowing easy removal and loading of fire hose. Uni-Strut type channel tracks should be provided for the mounting of adjustable hose bed partitions. There should be two (2) located at the front and one (1) at the rear. Two (2) additional full width Uni-Struts should be provided in the hose bed floor to prevent the hose bed partitions from bowing or sagging that could allow fire hose to wedge between or under dividers. The hose bed should be as low as possible to prevent personnel from having to board fire apparatus to deploy fire hose.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
20.1 The hose bed decking should be constructed with aluminum extrusions, and be removable.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
20.2 Five (5) adjustable hose bed partitions constructed of ¼” smooth plate aluminum should be provided. The partitions should have angled or radius corners at the rear. The top section will also require a stop placed near the forward end to encourage the correct loading of a triple layered 1 ¾” hand-line. Each hose bed partition should be provided with a hand hole cut out at the rear approximately 3” wide by 8” long. Jefferson Fire will provide exact partition measurements at the pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
20.3 Hose loading configuration should be as follows for Fire Department supplied hose.
Hose layout is as viewed from the rear of the apparatus from left to right side.
200 feet of 3”double jacket hose with an Elkhart R.A.M. style monitor and Elkhart
150 feet of 1.75” double jacket hose with an Elkhart 4015 nozzle.
300 feet of 3.0” double jacket hose with an Akron #1573 water thief.
150 feet of 1.75” double jacket hose with an Elkhart 4015 nozzle.
1400 feet of 5.0” rubber LDH hose.
500’ of 2.50” double jacket hose with Elkhart 2.5” smooth bore nozzle.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
20.4 Hose bed dimensions should provide as much storage as possible. This dimension may vary with a 750+ gallon tank; however each OEM is expected to provide exact measurements of the proposed hose bed. The hose bed should also allow for easy deployment and loading of all hose lines. Exact dimensions will be determined at the pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
20.5 PRICE AS AN OPTION (Price each separately) :
A hose bed cover should be constructed of a solid aluminum tread plate in two (2) sections and should have a positive latching mechanism. This surface should provide an NFPA approved walking surface for firefighters during firefighting operations. This cover should accommodate the tank fill tower, allowing firefighters the ability to view the water level visually without lifting the entire cover. The cover should provide the means of staying open while reloading hose.
Supplier should include a detailed description of the cover and fasteners as well as a warranty statement for this cover and all its components with this RFP.
A hose bed cover constructed of tarpaulin. The design of the cover and the fasteners should be for the ease and rapid deployment of all hose in the hose bed as well as the ease of loading of the hose. The cover should provide the means of staying open while reloading hose. Supplier should include a detailed description of the cover and fasteners as well as a warranty statement for this cover and all its components with this RFP.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
20.6 The rear of the hose bed should have hose bed cover constructed of tarpaulin. All fasteners should be those of a proven quality and provide “easy” deployment of the hose. The OEM should understand that Jefferson Fire frequently deploys fire hose and ALL items in and around the hose bed should endure the possible abuse that may occur. Fasteners and covers that are easily broken or that may hinder the rapid and safe deployment of the hose will NOT be acceptable. A custom design on the rear face of the cover will be determined at the pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.0 All exposed metal surfaces; not being chrome plated, aluminum tread plate, or stainless steel trim should be thoroughly sanded, cleaned and prepared to meet the paint manufacturer’s recommendations prior to painting. Interior of compartments and doors should not be painted.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.1 All removable items such as handrails, brackets, compartment doors, door hinges, trim, etc. should be removed and painted separately to insure finish paint behind all mounted items. Body assemblies that cannot be finish painted after assembly should be finish painted before assembly.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.2 Both cab and body should be painted to allow for an identical color match finish.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.3 Chassis frame and under carriage components should be finish painted black prior to the installation of wiring and air lines.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.4 Cab should be finish painted two-tone; silver over red. The cab should be painted silver from the bottom of the window line up and including the cab roof.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.5 The body exterior should be painted red. The interior of stainless steel and aluminum bodies should have a natural finish.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.6 The fire pump, piping, and controls should be finish painted red to match the body and cab unless the components are stainless steel, high pressure flexible hose or brass.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.7 All red and silver paint should be PPG or equal for good chemical and solvent resistance together with exceptional toughness that resists marring and stone chipping plus lower maintenance costs.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.8 Red and silver paint colors will be selected at the pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.9 All body and cab painted surfaces should be buffed to a deep mirror finish.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
21.10 All paint and finish work should be fire apparatus quality and should meet the approval of the Fire Chief or his representative at the final inspection.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
22.0 Gold leaf striping shall be gold leaf with black shading placed on both sides of the apparatus body. Striping shall be applied to outer perimeter of body and have four (4) scrolls on each side.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
22.1 The front cab doors should be lettered in 3” inch high gold leaf with black shading to match existing vehicles.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
Space permitting, the front of cab between the windshield and the grill should be lettered in 3” inch high or larger gold leaf style with black shading to match existing vehicles. This item may be discussed at pre-construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
sign in approximately 3” letters should be provided on the rear of the vehicle. Use a white Scotchlite back ground with Red Scotchlite letters.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
22.4 3M Scotchlite 1”-4”-1” striping shall be provided around the vehicle as indicated. Striping on sides of body shall be 3M
Brand Scotchlite #680-10 reflective multi-stripe. There shall be a 1” gap between the stripes. The stripe shall be silver in color to match existing apparatus. Exact striping layout should match existing Jefferson apparatus and will be finalized at the pre - construction conference.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
22.5 The upper most portion of the apparatus body shall be letter in 12” gold leaf lettering with black shading to match existing apparatus. “JEFFERSON FIRE” shall be on the uppermost portion of the apparatus.
22.6 All apparatus should be identified by fire station assignment with 10” high gold leaf numbers with black shading. These numbers should be applied to the rear cab doors. The station assignment numbers shall be 11 and 12. The numbers will be in removable 12” x 12” panels that will display “11” and “12” one each side for apparatus reassignment possibilities.
The color of the panel shall be red in color to match apparatus cab/body. The panels will be removed from the top and exact location will be identified at pre-construction conference. “ENGINE Co.” in 3” gold leaf Mylar will be located just above the removable panel.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
22.7 Two (2) company decals decals should be installed on street side front, and curb side front doors between the front and rear cab doors. The exact size and placement should be approved prior to construction. Decals shall be the responsibility of the Jefferson Fire Department and will be provided when requested during construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
22.8 The lower portion of the cab interior door panels should have a minimum of 245 square inches of red and white reflective material on each door. The layout should be opposing red and white “chevron” stripes. There should be a reflective red stop sign with white lettering. The sign should measure at least 14” by 14”. There should be one amber LED mounted to the upper portion of the interior door panel as to be visible to passing traffic and shall indicate that traffic move away from vehicle by having a scrolling pattern that activates anytime the apparatus door is in the open position.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
22.9 A permanent type identification plate should be mounted on the inside of the left side cab entrance to list all chassis fluid capacities and grades. A complete list of all OEM replacement filter numbers and accessory drive belts should also be provided at this location. The data plate should also indicate the recommended tire inflation pressures for front and rear tires based on actual vehicle loading.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
22.10 A plate should be installed in the cab in view of the driver to indicate the vehicle GVW, overall height, overall length, and overall width. The mounting location and size will be determined prior to construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
22.11 A plate will be provided over each wheel well that will identify the correct pressure for each wheel.
22.12 Provide 3M Scotchlite retro-reflective material on the rear of the vehicle and face of the front severe duty bumper in six inch wide strips alternating lime – yellow and red in an inverted “V” pattern chevron. The reflective material should be mounted to a smooth surface that has been prepared per the reflective material manufacturer’s guideline.
The specification for the barricade pattern are:
Lime-yellow background material: #M Scotchlite Diamond Grade Fluorescent LDP Reflective Sheeting #3963 or (updated #3983) Yellow Green.
Red 6-inch diagonal stripes: Scotchlite Electronic Cuttable Film #1172 Red.
1160 Protective Overlay Film. (This is like putting Teflon over the reflective film, making it easier to clean.)
880i (ink) clear edge seal. (This should keep the dirt out of the first row of cells at the edge of the sheeting.)
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
23.0 All manuals furnished should be fully comprehensive shop type overhaul and troubleshooting service manuals. All manuals should be current for the model and series of components that are installed in the vehicle. Four (4) sets should be provided for the first vehicle and each additional vehicle will only require one (1) each, unless otherwise stated.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
23.1 Four (4) sets for the initial unit and one for each additional unit, of operators, service and parts manuals for the engine.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
23.2 The following manuals for the specified Allison EVS transmission should be provided. Four (4) sets for the initial unit and one for each additional unit,
Trouble Shooting Manuals
Mechanic Tips Manuals
Operator Manuals
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
23.3 Four(4) sets total of EXACT AS INSTALLED wiring diagrams in large blue print format for the apparatus builders DC system
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
23.4 Four (4) sets total of EXACT AS INSTALLED wiring diagrams in 11” X 17” format for the apparatus builders DC system
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
23.5 Four (4) sets for the initial unit and one for each additional unit of operators, service and parts manuals should be furnished for the chassis, body, pump, and other installed components
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
24.0 The following list of equipment is optional with each vehicle purchased under this specification. All equipment that is specified to be mounted should be mounted by the apparatus manufacturer, (not the dealer). All equipment that is to be mounted will be available at the manufacturer’s facility at the time of the first pre-delivery inspection to allow for proper placement of mounting brackets. All mounting brackets should be mounted with appropriate sized machine threaded fasteners. Self-tapping or sheet metal screws are not acceptable. Zico Tool mounts are desired where applicable and all tools are to be priced as such, specifying the model numbers of each mount proposed. Should the manufacture or dealer have a “better” alternative, it should be offered and priced as an alternative with each piece of equipment and discussed at the pre-construction conference. Jefferson Fire will work with the manufacturer to determine the exact mounting location on the first vehicle completed. Equipment should be mounted on the remaining vehicles to match the pilot vehicle.
Alternate or in house fabricated mounting brackets other than the brand specified must be approved by Jefferson Fire. We will require separate pricing for all items that should include mounting. All equipment SHALL be included in line item format and shall not be included in the final pricing of the apparatus.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
24.1 Four (4) (per unit) orange Streamlight Fire Survivor hand light with vehicle 12 volt charger mounting system should be provided and mounted as directed.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
24.3 If space allows two (2) (per unit) Non-collapsible chocks are preferred however, if storage of the chocks is not possible, two (2) Zico non-collapsible wheel chocks should be provided with the apparatus. The chock blocks should be mounted with Zico horizontal brackets under the body in front of the left rear wheels.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
24.6 Two (1) (per-unit) Duo-Safety Series 775-DR 14 foot roof ladder with double folding roof hooks should be provided.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
24.7 One (1) (per-unit) Duo-Safety Series 900-A 24 foot two section extension ladder should be provided.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
24.8 One (1) (per-unit) Duo-Safety Fresno Series 12-701 12’ foot attic ladder shall be provided.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
24.54 Provide six (6) (per-unit) Alert Visions North America LLC Class-II Traffic Safety Vests meeting Jefferson Fire
Department Standard Specification filed with this company.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.0 A David Clark series 3800 Vehicle Intercom System with two (2) two-way radio access points, stereo in-put and monitoring should be provided and installed.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.1 All components and cabling required for the installation should be provided by David Clark Company Incorporated.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.2 All cabling should be routed in a manner that will protect it from chaffing and damage. In as many areas as possible, cables should be hidden from view.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.3 All interface boxes should be mounted in locations that will not interfere with the operation of other vehicle accessories.
Head set interfaces should be mounted to provide cable routing that will not entangle the user.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.4 Preferred connectors from the headsets to the access points are a single quarter inch plug provided by David and Clark.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
All installation workmanship should be in accordance with David Clark’s guidelines and recommendations. Questions regarding installation should be directed to:
David Clark Company, Inc.
Attn Bob Carroll
360 Franklin Street, Box 15054
Worcester, MA 01615-0054
Phone – 770-964-8100
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.6 The David Clark System should interface with a Motorola 400 MHz. XPR4550 two-way radio. All interface cables should be routed to the front center top dash for future connections. The hand held radio interface components should be for a Motorola model XPR 4550 unit.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.7 The radios will be provided and installed by Jefferson Fire Department after vehicle delivery and acceptance. The manufacturer will work with Jefferson Fire Department to designate places for the installation of radios when the vehicles are delivered by providing conduit for components and providing radio head cut out spaces if necessary or storage space for components.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.8 The David Clark system should be free from alternator noise or other outside interference. The apparatus builder should install noise suppression filters if necessary.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.9 The exact mounting location of components should be determined prior to construction. Backing plates will be installed as necessary to provide a secure mounting surface for the intercom components. The components should be mounted in a manner that they will be removable for service without removing the headliner or other surfaces that the component is mounted upon.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
25.10 The body builder should provide and install hooks inside the cab for hanging the headsets when not in use. The exact mounting location should be determined prior to construction.
COMPLY: YES __________ NO __________
The following options are features that may or may not be purchased depending on available funding.
26.0 Non-Applicable
This questionnaire must be answered COMPLETELY - for each proposal submitted and will be used to assist in evaluating the proposals. Proposals that do not include this questionnaire may be considered as incomplete and are subject to rejection. This questionnaire should be completed in black ink, hand printed or typed.
27.0 Earliest guaranteed delivery date for vehicles (state in calendar days after receipt of order)?
21.1 Chassis manufacturer?
27.2 Chassis model?
27.3 Number of years this manufacturer has been in business under its current ownership?
27.4 Body manufacturer?
27.5 Location of apparatus construction?
27.6 Number of years that the manufacturer has been in continuous operation under the current business name?
27.7 Total number of this type and model of apparatus delivered in 2012?
27.8 Total number of this type and model of apparatus delivered in 2013?
27.9 Total number of this type and model of apparatus delivered in 2014?
27.10 Total number of this type of apparatus manufactured since the design was initially marketed?
27.11 Year that this apparatus design was initially marketed?
27.12 List the number of full time licensed engineers employed by the manufacturer that are dedicated solely to fire apparatus
27.13 Body: Construction material?
27.14 Type of construction?
27.15 Substructure material?
27.16 State the total cubic feet of compartment storage space as proposed:
27.17 Indicate the mathematical formula that you used to calculate the cubic feet of space:
27.18 Body construction material gauge thickness
27.19 Tread plate over lay gauge thickness?
27.20 Cab construction material?
27.21 Type of construction?
27.22 Are any composite or plastic materials used in cab construction, either inside or outside?
27.23 If yes, indicate the location and purpose.
27.24 List any accessories or features that are standard on apparatus or that are being provided in addition to those requested in specifications:
27.25 Does the apparatus you are bidding fully comply with latest edition of NFPA 1500 and 2009 edition of NFPA 1901 standards?
27.26 Approach angle? _______degrees
27.27 Ramp break over angle? _______degrees
27.28 Departure angle? _______degrees
27.29 Estimated maximum apparatus road speed? _______ MPH
27.30 State front steering minimum left turn cramp angle with the tire and wheel provided in the proposal.
27.31 State front steering minimum right turn cramp angle with the tire and wheel provided in the proposal
27.32 Wall to wall turning circle diameter (outside full circle): Left? _______ Right? _______
27.33 Overall height at highest point?
27.34 What is highest point on apparatus?
27.35 Overall vehicle length?
27.36 Overall body width?
27.37 Wheel base?
27.38 Centerline of rear axle to front of body?
27.39 Centerline of rear axle to end of body, less rear step?
27.40 Centerline of rear axle to end of rear step?
27.41 Ground to bottom of hose bed?
27.42 Ground to top of hose bed?
27.43 Hose bed depth?
27.44 Ground to top of compartments?
27.45 Body Length?
27.46 Front GVW?
27.47 Rear GVW?
27.48 Total GVW?
27.49 Actual front axle weight (unloaded, less water, hose, loose equipment, and personnel)?
27.50 Actual rear axle weight (unloaded, less water, hose, loose equipment, and personnel)?
27.51 Local Dealer or Representative?
27.52 State the number of years continuously representing this manufacturer?
27.53 Who will provide warranty repairs for this vehicle?
Number of Years’ Experience:
27.54 Where will warranty repairs be performed?
Number of Years’ Experience:
27.55 Location of manufacturer's or dealer's service facility?
27.56 Square feet of floor space dedicated for apparatus service?
27.57 Does Service facility provide a secure storage area for apparatus?
27.58 Do you agree to provide adequate insurance coverage and assume all responsibilities for the apparatus while it is at your facility or at any time your employees or sub-contractors are operating or repairing the vehicle?________
27.59 Number of full time mechanics or service technicians _______
27.60 State technician qualifications or certifications: ___________________________________________________________
27.61 Dollar value of replacement or repair parts stocked at service facility?
27.62 Number of road service vehicles?
27.63 Type of road service vehicles?
27.64 Dollar value of replacement and repair parts stocked on service truck?
27.65 List any other services or capabilities that your company may offer? ___________________________________________
27.66 State amount of time in hours before manufacturer or dealer will respond to any requested warranty repairs?
27.67 State amount of time in hours before manufacturer or dealer will respond to any requested for service?
Item # Quantity Description Days to Delivery ARO Unit Price Total Price
1500 GPM Style Pumper
Cummins Diesel ISX 11.9 450 HP
Optional pricing of the Telma Retarder
(Magnetic driveline retarder)
Doran Monitoring System (Installed)
Realwheels Kit (Installed)
14.9 1
Back-Up Camera with remote heads as specified. (Installed)
HID GOLIGHT Stryker Spotlight (Installed) replacing BlueEye Spotlight
Provide Whelen Pricing (Provide Itemized 15.12 1
20.7 1
List). Replace Comparable Federal Signal
750 Gallon Booster Tank
Diamond Plate Hose Bed Cover
26 & 27
1 Tarpaulin Hose Bed Cover
Provide additional sheets with individual pricing of specified equipment.
Certification of Non-Collusion in Bid Preparation
Signature Date
Unless otherwise specified, RFP prices should remain firm for one calendar year, 365 days from the date of the RFP award. Contract to begin upon award.
If a percentage increase will be a part of this proposal, please note this in the space provided together with an explanation.
Year 2:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Year 3:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________
Termination for Cause: The City may terminate this agreement for cause upon ten days prior written notice to the contractor of the contractor’s default in the performance of any term of this agreement. Such termination shall be without prejudice to any of the City’s rights or remedies by law.
Termination for Convenience: The City may terminate this agreement for its convenience at any time upon 30 days written notice to the contractor. In the event of the City’s termination of this agreement for convenience, the contractor will be paid for those services actually performed. Partially completed performance of the agreement will be compensated based upon a signed statement of completion to be submitted by the contractor, which shall itemize each element of performance.
In compliance with the attached specifications, the undersigned offers and agrees, if this quote is accepted by the City Council within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date of proposal opening, to furnish any or all of the items upon which prices are quoted, at the price set opposite each item, delivered to the designated point(s) within the time specified in the fee schedule.
Legal Business Name addresses and phone numbers in your submittal)
Federal Tax ID
Does your company currently have a location within the State of Georgia? Yes No
Representative Signature
Telephone Number Fax Number
(If your company is an LLC, you must identify all principals to include
Printed Name
E-mail address