Written Assessment Worth 15% Due Friday 10th October @ 5 pm Henry told us in his guide to the Institutional Framework of Taxation in Australia that the Australian Taxation System is one of the most complex in the world and is made up of approximately 125 taxes including taxes such as Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax and Goods and Services Tax just to name a few. He also mentioned that there are many different organisations that play different and varied roles within this system to ensure its integrity and all Australians are equally treated with equity. The Australian Taxation System is embedded in the way of life for all Australian taxpayers, we pay tax on our income, we pay tax when we purchase goods and use services, we pay tax when we sell assets and this is just to name a few. It is important that you as a future tax professional understand how this system impacts on yourself and those around you and this can be seen from paying attention to media reports. This assessment is in two parts – Part One You are required from week 1 to week 10 to review Australian newspapers such as the West Australian, Financial Review, The Australian, Sunday Times and various others for articles on Australian Tax. You need to find 20 articles which will be handed in with your assignment. If you do not have access to Australian Newspapers for examples you are an overseas student or have financial issues then you may use the Factiva Database within the Curtin Library. A factsheet on how to use this database in attached. 5 marks will be allocated for this task if you provide the 20 articles. Part Two After spending 10 weeks reading newspapers on the Australian Taxation System, you should have started to develop your own view of the system and how the system is used for different purposes. For example many consider that it is used as a political tool by governments and other political parties, that it is far too complex and the average Australian does not fully understand their taxation obligations, that the organisations that are responsible for administrating the system are overloaded already. Whilst others have a strong view that the system is one of the best in the world and that its function is to raise money for public goods and without tax we do not have a civilised society. These are just a few observations and there are many more and if you speak to a number of different people you will get very wide ranging opinions. The requirements of the assignment for part two is to produce a 1000 to 1500 word essay on your opinion of the Australian Taxation System which is based on your findings from the Australian newspapers and any other research you may want to undertake, please do not just provide a summary of the articles you have included in Part 1 10 marks will be allocated for this task. Essay Structure Criteria for Marking Assignments This gives you an idea of what we are looking for when marking the assessments Cover Page Unit Title, assignment number, due date Lecturers name, Student name and ID Contact Address and Email Address Structure Introduction to assignment Content of body (detailed) Conclusion to assignment Appropriate sentence structure Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation Appropriate use of language Paragraph sizes appropriate Font size readability Appropriate line spacing Appropriate headings and sub-headings Pagination Consistent format Content Evidence of appropriate reading on the areas required Shows an understanding of the topics Shows conceptual understanding of the issued involved in the assignment Shows ability to analyse the issues involved in the assignment Shows ability to convey to marker an understanding of the issues Shows an understanding of the legal issues involved Shows an ability to think broadly Includes understanding of relevant legislation, rulings, etc Includes all relevant documentation and attachments that is required within the assignment to back up theory Referencing Refers to sections of legislation (where appropriate) Refers to legal cases (where appropriate) Uses correct method of citing legislation and cases References appropriate and current Uses references to identify sources of information and acknowledges such sources Bibliography at the end indicating materials read/used Assignment Submission Process Please read the submission process carefully. Students should understand that compliance with instructions in relation to an assessment task is critical. Students MUST be aware that non-compliance with these instructions can result in a mark of ZERO. All assignments must be submitted by 5pm (western standard time) on the Friday of the week the assignment is due. Students will also be required to submit their assignment to Blackboard. The assignment will automatically be submitted to the plagiarism detection programme, Turnitin. What is Turnitin? Turnitin is an electronic text matching system that compares text in a student’s assignment against electronic text on the Internet, in published works, on commercial databases, and in assignments previously submitted to Turnitin by students in universities all over the world, including assignments obtained from 'paper mills' (Internet sites which sell student papers). Students and Turnitin Turnitin is a fantastic resource to assist students with their referencing. Students are given the option to submit a draft assignment into Turnitin (via Blackboard) to retrieve an originality report of their assignment. The originality report is a tool to help locate potential sources of unoriginal work in submitted documents by highlighting similarities between the submitted text and the data in the Turinitin database. Submitting a draft assignment and reviewing the originality reports provides students with the opportunity to ensure their assignment is referenced appropriately, and to make any necessary changes. Please note that the similarity percentage that an originality report generates is not a measure of plagiarism, provided students have referenced the relevant primary sources which they obtained their information and ideas from correctly. Submitting a draft assignment to view originality report 1. Log into the Taxation 231 Blackboard site. Open the ‘Assessment’ folder. . 2. Click on the ‘Written Assessment: Revision 1’ link. 3. i. Complete the relevant information in the boxes provided. ii. Ensure the draft assignment complies with the Turnitin requirements. iii. Locate the draft assignment through the ‘Browse’ option. ix. Submit the draft assignment by clicking the ‘Upload’ button. i. ii. iii. ix. 4. Confirm the document you submitted is the correct document and click ‘Submit’. 5. Click ‘go to portfolio’. 6. Click the ‘similarity’ percentage or ‘View’ button to view the originality report. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Submitting assignment (final version) ● Follow the instructions provided above for submitting a draft assignment. ● PLEASE NOTE: Students can only submit a final assignment once. Students must take time and care when submitting their assignment. Factiva Instructions Using Factiva Step 1. Go to the Curtin Library page and select Databases A-Z Curtin Home > Library > Find books and resources > Databases A-Z Step 2. Select Factiva Step 3. Once you are in the Database – set up your search. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Select your keywords in the Free Text Search (we recommend Tax* OR FBT OR GST) Select the Date (e.g. in the last day, in the last week, in the last 3 months) Select your sources (e.g. The Australian, the West Australian, The Australian Financial Review) Select the area where you want to search for text (e.g. Full Article or Headline and Lead paragraph) Click search Please note there is also a short video demonstration on the Blackboard on the use of Factiva