April 2005 - Beam Physics Course An Introduction to Electron Emission Physics And Applications Kevin L. Jensen Code 6843, ESTD Phone: 202-767-3114 Naval Research Laboratory Fax: 202-767-1280 Washington, DC 20375-5347EM: kljensen@ieee.org Donald W. Feldman, Patrick G. O’Shea Nate Moody, David Demske, Matt Virgo Inst. Res. El. & Appl. Phys, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Intro to Emission 1 SCOPE What is about to happen: Introduction to Quantum Statistics, Solid State Physics, Quantum Mechanics & Transport Thermionic & Field Emission Theory Photoemission Theory & Practice Cathode Technology Nature of the discussion Primarily Theoretical: E. Rutherford “We haven't the money, so we've got to think.” Intended Audience: Nothing better to do Intermediate Frightened into incoherence Intro to Emission 2 A NOTE ABOUT UNITS In the equations of electron emission… Length & time are short, small; fields & temperature high - annoying… Work functions & photons energies, are usually expressed in eV Properties of atoms are generally discussed Hydrogen atom: characteristic units are pervasively useful Name MKSA eV-fs-Å-q Q 5.76789e-29 J m 3.59996 eV Å q 1.6022e-19 C 1q unit electron charge m c2 8.18712e-14 J 510992 eV Electron rest energy a 1/137.032 1/137.032 Fine structure constant ao 0.529161e-10 m 0.529161 Å hc 3.16153e-26 J m 1973.24 eV Å kB 1.3807e-23 J/K (11604.5)-1 eV/K q2 hc a 4 0hc ao mc2 Ry Comment Image Charge numerator Bohr Radius As a Date, The day US withdrew the last American troops from Vietnam (March 29, 1973) Boltzmann’s constant (actually named by Planck who later regretted the generosity) q2 1 2Q a 2 mc2 8 0 ao 2 ao 1 Q a hc 4 Intro to Emission 3 OUTLINE The Basics Nearly-Free Electron Gas Model Barrier Models Quantum Mechanics & Phase Space 1-Dimensional Emission Analysis Thermionic Emission Field Emission Photoemission Multidimensional Emission from Surfaces & Structures Field Emitter Arrays Dispenser Cathodes Photocathodes Cathode Technology and Applications Vacuum Electronics, Space-Based Applications, Displays Operational Considerations Performance Regimes Operational Complications Intro to Emission 4 PARTICLES IN A BOX Consider a box containing N particles (we will call them electrons later) total # of Particles = N; Total Energy = E Characterize particles by energy Ei ni = # particles with energy Ei wi = # ways to put ni particles in gi “states” ni N i ni E i ni Ei Ei S i Si i k B ln wi gi Intro to Emission 5 STATISTICS If the gas of particles is dilute, the issue of whether particles can share the same box doesn’t come up: therefore, gi boxes means gi possible locations to go, but order within the box isn’t important (Maxwell-Boltzman statistics) However, if the gas is not dilute, it may matter whether or not a state is occupied - if it does, and one state can only hold one particle, then the statistics are different: (Fermi-Dirac Statistics) n gi i 1 wi ni ! N ! wi gi ! “Correct Boltzmann Counting” ni ! g i ni ! The most probable state is found by maximizing W (the sum over wi) with respect to ni subject to the constraints of constant N and E 0 n j ln w j a N j n j E j n j E j i k B1 n Si a Ei i Intro to Emission 6 ENERGY DISTRIBUTION Stirling’s Approximation: n! n ln(n) n Find: s=1 Fermi-Dirac s=0 Maxwell-Boltzmann s = -1 Bose-Einstein g Si k B ln wi k B ln i s ni ni ni ni a Ei f (Ei ) s e gi 1 How to figure out a and A slide or two ago… dE i ni dEi Ei dni E 1 a i ni i dV dS dni i i i V k B is CHEMICAL POTENTIAL, or change in energy if one more particle is added (alternately, energy of most energetic particle at T = 0 for fermions) …Thermodynamics dE TdS PdV dN Fermi - Dirac Distribution Function E / kB T f (E) 1 e 1 We shall retain = 1/kBT in future Intro to Emission 7 THE QUICK QUANTUM REFRESHER… Energy is a constant of the system E (t) Hφ (t) (0) Hφ (0) The wave function at a future time propagates from a past wave function - the time arguments of the propagators are additive (t1 t2 ) Uφ(t1 )Uφ(t2 ) (0) Uφ(t1 t2 ) (0) Total particle number is conserved, therefore, propagators are unitary (t) (t) (0) Uφ(t) Uφ(t) (0) (0) (0) CONCLUSION: Schrödinger’s Eq: φ / h (0) (t) exp iHt Basis States combine to form total wave function of system (t) (t) dEf (E) E (t) 2 Intro to Emission 8 ENERGY LEVELS IN A BOX So what are the allowable states? Classical: whatever Quantum: don’t touch the sides 2 l 2 m 2 n x, y, z lmn N lmn sin x sin x sin x L L L 2 ly 2 lz 2 lx ; ky ; kz L L L r 2 2 h2 2 2 2 h2 k 2 E l, m, n l x l y lz 2 mL 2m kx Energy (1,1) (2,2) (3,3) Intro to Emission 9 DENSITY OF PARTICLES Transition to Continuum Limit yp Fp x dy y x 0 1 e Introduce Fermi Integral F1/2(x) N 2 f (Ei ) V i 2 2 Effective Density of Conduction-Band States @ RT Nc= 0.028316 #/nm3 3 101 r f E( k ) d 3k 4 m 2 h2 3/ 2 F1/ 2 Density of States: D( E)dE N c E # states between E & E+dE 1/ 2 Fermi Integral ,T F (2/3) x^1/3 (№/4)^1/2 exp(-x) 2 3/ 2 x 3 0 10 -1 10 2 e x p = 1/2 dE -2 10 -4 -2 0 2 4 x Metals: Roughly 1 electron per atom: Sodium @ RT: • = (1 e-/22.99 gram)x(0.9668 gram/cm3) • Therefore: = 3.14 eV • (actual: = 2.65 #/cm3, = 3.23 eV) Semiconductors: carriers due to doping Doped Silicon @ RT: • = 1018 e-/cm3 • Therefore: = -0.354 eV Intro to Emission 10 CHEMICAL POTENTIAL & SUPPLY FUNCTION Electron Number Density m ( ) 2M c 2 h2 3/2 2 F1/2 ( ) Zero Temperature (0 ˚K = o = EF) 1 2m ( o ) 2 2 o 3 h 3/2 kF3 2 3 Current flows in one direction. It is useful to consider A 1-D “thermalized” Fermi Dirac distribution characterized by the chemical potential and called the “supply function” to evaluate emission. The supply function is obtained by integrating over the transverse momentum components # of particles in box V does not change with temperature, so must: (T ) o ,T 0K 2 4 1 1 (T ) o 1 80 12 o o f (k) 2 2 2 0 2 k dk 1 exp (E|| E ) m ln 1 e ( E (k )) 2 h Intro to Emission 11 FROM ONE ATOM TO TWO… A bare charge in a sea of electrons is screened by a factor depending on the electron density (Thomas-Fermi Screening) Ex: e = 0.1 mole/cm3 kTF 4 0 r -1 Atom 1 n=4 4 0 r + e kTF r -1 Atom 1 n=3 n=4 n=5 Atom 2 Atoms 1&2 Bohr Levels -3 1 2 3 Distance [Ѓ] 4 + 0 n=5 -3 kTF r Two Atoms -2 n=3 -2 4 0 r e 1.7081 -1 q One Atom q 1/ 2 Energy [eV] Energy [eV] 0 q2 D o q 1 2 3 Distance [Ѓ] 4 Intro to Emission 12 …TO AN ARRAY OF ATOMS Electrons in a periodic array merge into regions where energy value is allowed in Schrödinger’s Eq., or not: Ev Ec those permitted by Schrödinger’s Eq. called bands bands can overlap Metal those not permitted are called “forbidden regions” or Band Gaps A filled band does not allow current flow: in an insulator, lower band filled, upper is not. In a metal, bands overlap and partially filled. Semiconductors are insulators at 0 K Ec Ev Electrons in conduction band act free (i.e., no potential) Conduction Band Band Gap Valence Band Insulator Ec Ev Ec Ev Semicon. Intro to Emission 13 INTERACTION OF ELECTRONS Energy of Electron Gas & Ions Electrons have kinetic energy and interact with themselves (HelN) ELECTRONS Kinetic Energy 2 2 kF h k h2 k 2 2 3 2 4 k dk o k 2m 5 2 3 0 2m Electrons interact with the ions (Vel-B) 1 V Self-interaction of background (VB) Exchange Energy Their evaluation is… fascinating… H N H elN Vel B VB hk 2 H elN i1 N Vel B VB 2m 2 N 2 N 1 4V 2 ' k1 k2 r r k1k2 V̂ee k1 k2 k1k2 Correlation Energy r r a r r ' q2 N e r r 4 0 i j 1 r r ' r r a r ri q re r d r ( r ) r r 4 0 i1 r ri r r a r r ' q r r e r r d r d r ' ( r ) ( r ') r r 8 0 i j 1 r r' ( ) m 2 3 2 h ao r r Terms with k1k2 V̂ee k1 k2 k2 k1 & higher …but what we find (if we did it) is that the energy terms depend on the electron density. Hohenberg & Kohn: “ALL aspects of system of interacting electrons in ground state are determined by charge density.” Independent electrons move in an “effective potential” emulating interaction with other eCorrelation (“stupidity”) Energy is the sum of a heck of a lot of Feynman diagrams Intro to Emission 14 AT THE SURFACE OF A METAL Density of electrons goes from a region where there are a lot (inside bulk) to where there aren’t that many (vacuum) F Vxc Exchange-Correlation Potential relates change in density to V Exc change in potential energy xc Metal Vacuum Example using Wigner Approx to Corr. Energy: 15 4 rao 3 1 3 Q 5.35 eV ao Calc: F=2.12 eV Actual: F=2.3 eV xc 2.444 2.335 r 5.859 2 r r 7.811 Exc Metals V (r) [eV] Consider Sodium (Na): Electron density = 0.0438 mole/cm3 Chemical Potential = 3.23 eV Cu Au Na 10 1019 #/cm3 5 0 1 10 r 100 …so Vxc gets most of barrier, but not all… …and Na was a “good” metal… Intro to Emission 15 AT THE SURFACE OF A SEMICONDUCTOR How many electrons screen out a surface field? qs F F l 2 o 2a hc 2 µo For metal densities at 1 GV/m: = 6.022x1022 / cm3 implies l = 0.00184 nm Poisson’s Equation (o = bulk; o f) 100 Silicon @ RT = 1018 #/cm3 o = -0.0861 eV Fvac fs 2 N c K s 3 o 8 2 1 5 Asymptotic Case Small Band Bending: ≤ –2: Fvac fs 2 2N c K s o exp o exp fs fs 1 -1 10 o 2 1/ 2 [eV] Asymptotic Case Large Band Bending: » 1: 2 Fvac ZECA: f(x) is the same as that which would exist if no current was emitted. N 2 2 F c F1/ 2 o f F1/ 2 o f K s o µ Ev For semiconductor densities at 100 MV/m = 1018 / cm3 implies l = 11.1 nm c Ec Surface charge density s = q x bulk density x width l -2 10 -3 10 1 10 100 1000 4 10 Vacuum Field [MV/m] Intro to Emission 16 OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO SURF. BARRIER Electrons encounter barrier at surface Wave+Barrier = Quantum contributions to barrier (Surface Dipole) …and there’s the issue of the ion cores (Approx: neglect what isn’t easily evaluated) Density (Friedel Oscillations) 2 1 f (k) (x) dk k 2 0 cos sin lim x o 1 3 3 2 3 (x) Not all electrons pointed at barrier: 2 2 0 2k dk 1 exp (E|| E ) m ln 1 exp ( E(k)) h2 Infinite Barrier: Finite barrier k x sin kx k x sin k x xo Vo h2 / 2mxo2 1.2 0.9 (x)/o 2 2k F x xo SUPPLY FUNCTION: Integrate over transverse components of fFD(E) f (k) 0.6 Excess (+) charge Excess (Р) charge 0.3 f 2 Qk 9 2 F 0 -6 5/ 4 -4 -2 0 2kF(xРxo) / Intro to Emission 17 IMAGE CHARGE APPROXIMATION The Potential near the surface due to Exchange-Correlation, dipole, etc. can be modeled reasonably well using the “Image Charge Approximation” 2x Classical Argument: Force Between Electron and Its Image Charge F(x) q2 metal Vacuum 4 o (2x)2 Energy to Remove Image Charge Vi (x) F( x )dx V(x) [eV] No Image Image 8 4 y = (4FQ)1/2/F x q2 Q 16 o x x 0 0 5 10 x [ ] 15 20 Intro to Emission 18 BARRIER HEIGHT Triangular Potential Barrier k 2m 2 V( x) Vo Fx 2 o fx Potential barrier Schrödinger’s Equation Solution for High Vo k (x) exp ikx exp i(k 2 )x Phase Factor k k 2 2 o Electron Density ko 2 2m ko 2 2 k k 2k tan(2 ) 2 f 2 k 2 2 k2 2 2 2m 2 3 k k (k) O ko ko Electron Density Variation Primarily Due to Barrier Height, Less by Barrier Details (to Leading Order) for “Abrupt” Potentials 1 1 xo xo ko ko “Origin” Affected By Barrier Height Intro to Emission 19 ANALYTIC IMAGE CHARGE POTENTIAL Given that barrier height affects origin, is it possible to retain Classical Image Charge Eq.’s Simplicity (central to derivation of Emission Eqs.)? Short answer: Yes… Vanalytic x T Feff F x xo Long answer: Q x xo Define Effective Work func. 10 Account for ion origin not coincident with electron origin fi o 0 xi x' 0 0 dx '' dx ' 8 QkF3 xi2 3 Introduce “ion” length scale k F xo Vmax 1/ 2 3 ; xi xo 8k F Potential [eV] F eff T , F F o a oT fi 2Fxo Numerical Analytic Classical 8 6 4 Mo Cs (4 eV/nm) (2 eV/nm) 2 0 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 Position [Å] Intro to Emission 20 CURRENT - A CLASSICAL APPROACH f(x,k,t) is the probability a particle is at position x with momentum hk at time t Conservation of particle number: f (x, k,t)dxdk dn f (x, k,t)dxdk f x ', k ',t 'dx ' dk ' dn' N 2 dx’ dk’ dk to order O(dt) 1 x' x dn’ dn dx ' dk ' dx hk dt; hk ' hk Fdt m x x ' x k ' k x ' k k ' dxdk dxdk Boltzmann Transport Equation 0 f x dx, k dk,t dt f (x, k,t) dt velocity & acceleration hk F f (x, k,t) 0 t m x h k “Moments” give number density and current density J: Continuity Equation 1 x,t t t 2 1 f (x, k,t)dk x 2 hk f (x, k,t)dk J x,t m x Intro to Emission 21 CURRENT - A QUANTUM APPROACH Center discussion around states defined by xφ x x x ; kφ k k k exp ikx x x ' x x '; x k ' k k ' Iφ 2 x x dx 2 k k dk x k 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 Heisenberg Representation: operators O evolve, eigenstates don’t Schrödinger Representation: eigenstates evolve, operators don’t OφH (t) Uφ (t)OφSUφ(t) φ / h Oφ exp iHt φ / h exp iHt S φ OH (t) Uφ (t) OφSUφ(t) Uφ (t)OφS Uφ(t) t t t i φ φ H , OH (t) h Relation from Heisenberg Uncertainty xφn , kφ inxφn1 i xφ xφn 1/ 2 φ xφkφ kφxφ i x, φ k Heisenberg Uncertainty: Consider H & the operator for density: h2 kφ2 Hφ k (t) V xφ k (t) E k (t) 2m φ(t) f E(k) k (t) k (t) Then it follows that note: {A,B} = AB+BA h2 φ2 ih2 φ φ H , φ(t) 2m k , φ(t) 2m xφ k, φ(t) h φ j(t) φ(t), kφ 2m φ t φ j t t xφ Intro to Emission 22 CURRENT IN SCHRöDINGER REPRESENTATION Consider a pure state φ(t) (t) (t) Trivial Case: Plane waves (t) exp(iEt / h) k h j(x,t) x ĵ( x̂,t) x x ̂(t), k̂ x 2m h † (x,t) x (x,t) (x,t) x † (x,t) 2mi x (t) exp(ikx i t) (x,t) 1 j(x,t) hk / m The form most often used in emission theory Basis for FN & RLD Equations Gaussian wave packet at t = 0: (x) (x) 1 exp k 2 x 2 iko x 2 2 k (x) k 2 x iko (x) x 1 2 2 exp k ko / k ikx dk k 2 (x) exp k 2 x 2 2 hk J (x) o (x) m Form of J(x): velocity x density Intro to Emission 23 THE QUANTUM DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION For the density operator, we considered: (x,t) x φ(t) x Wigner proposed a distribution function defined by f x,k,t 2 e2iky x y φ(t) x y dy Wigner Distribution function (WDF) Time evolution follows from continuity equation: h i f x,k,t 2 e2iky dy x y xφ φ(t), kφ x y x y V xφ , φ(t) x y t 2m h A bit of work shows that: hk f x, k,t f x, k,t V x, k k ' f x, k ',t dk ' t m x i 2iky V x, k e V (x y) V (x y) dy h x,t 1 2 1 J x,t 2 f (x,k,t)dk hk m f (x, k,t)dk integrating both sides wrt k reproduces classical equations Intro to Emission 24 WDF PROPERTIES V x y V x y Taylor Expand V(x,k): n0 2 y 2n1 2n 1 ! x 2n1 V x It follows that for V(x) up to a quadratic in x, then WDF satisfies same time evolution equation as BTE Now, reconsider Gaussian Wave Packet: t f x,k,t hk f x, k,t m x hk f x,k,t f x t,k,0 m Note: this is special case of the constant field case, i.e., V(x) = g x, case, for which: hk g 2 g f x,k,t f x t t ,k t,0 m 2m h “trajectories” are same as classical trajectories momentum (k/k) 2 1 2 1 k 2 2 f x, k,0 exp k x 2 k k 2 2 V(x)=0 1 0 -1 t = 0.0 t = 1.4 -1 0 position (x k) 1 The Schrodinger picture expansion of the wave packet becomes, in the WDF framework, a shearing of the ellipse Intro to Emission 25 ANALYTICAL WDF MODEL: GAUSSIAN V(x) How does V(x,k) behave? Consider a solvable case where V(x) is a Gaussian: large x samples f(x,k') near k Sharp x2 = 5.0 2 V x Vo exp x / x V (x y) V (x y) 2Vo sinh 2xy / x 2 exp x 2 y 2 / x 2 2x V x, k 1/ 2 Vo exp x 2 k 2 sin 2kx h small x samples f(x,k') far from k Broad x2 = 0.1 Intro to Emission 26 ANALYTICAL WDF MODEL (II): GAUSSIAN V(x) The behavior of V(x,k) signals the transition from classical to quantum behavior: Sharp: classical distribution V x, k 2x 2 2 V exp x k sin 2kx o 1/ 2 h Broad: quantum effects Can V(x,k) give a feel for when thermionic or field emission dominates? Consider most energetic electron appreciably present (corresponds to E = or k = kF) Thermionic Emission: x is very large - expect classical description to be good Field Emission kFx = O(2) implies kF F GV 2 F 10 F m 10 Energy [eV] If sin(kFx) does not “wiggle” much over range x, QM important Image Charge Potential No Field 50 MV/m 4 GV/m sin(k x) 8 6 4 F 0 20 40 60 Distance [Ѓ] 80 100 Intro to Emission 27 OUTLINE The Basics Nearly-Free Electron Gas Model Barrier Models Quantum Mechanics & Phase Space 1-Dimensional Emission Analysis Thermionic Emission Field Emission Photoemission Multidimensional Emission from Surfaces & Structures Field Emitter Arrays Dispenser Cathodes Photocathodes Cathode Technology and Applications Vacuum Electronics, Space-Based Applications, Displays Operational Considerations Performance Regimes Operational Complications Intro to Emission 28 RICHARDSON-LAUE-DUSHMAN EQ. The RLD Equation describes Thermionic Emission Electrons Incident on Surface Barrier & Classical Trajectory View is OK Therefore: If Energy < barrier height, no transmission Therefore: Emitted Electrons Must Have Energy > Emin F 4QF Therefore: if f(k) is to be appreciable, T must be LARGE q hk q m 1 e E dE f k dk ln 2 k m 2h E h2 min min qm E 2 3 e dE 2 h Emin J (T , F ) qm F 4QF exp 2 2 h3 2 Maxwell Boltzmann Richardson Constant ARLD 2 B 2 3 qmk Amp 1 120.18 2 h cm 2 K 2 Example: Typical Parameters • Work function 2.0 eV • Temperature 1300 K • Field 10 MV/m J RLD 10.46 Amp cm 2 Intro to Emission 29 THERMIONIC EMISSION DATA The slope of current versus temperature on a RICHARDSON plot produces a straight line, from which the slope gives the work function Ex: J. A. Becker, Phys. Rev. 28, 341 (1926). Work function of clean W: 4.64 eV (Modern value: 4.6 eV) Work function of thoriated W: 3.25 eV (Modern value: 2.6 eV) so there are complications to the actual determination, such as coverage… [see Lulai] J. A. Becker, Phys. Rev. 28, 341 (1926). 0 10-1 J. A. Becker, Phys. Rev. 28, 341 (1926). -15 Thoriated W -20 -2 10 Thoriated W Slope = 3.25 eV 2 ln(J/T ) Current Density [A/cm2] 10 -3 10 -4 10 -25 Clean W 10-5 -30 -6 10 10-7 -35 1000 1400 1800 Temperature [Kelvin] 2200 Clean W Slope = 4.64 eV 4 6 8 10 12 14 1/k T [1/eV] Work function measurement for Thoriated Tungsten: <http://www.avs.org/PDF/Vossen-Lulai.pdf> B Intro to Emission 30 TUNNELING THEORY REFRESHER Traditional Field Emission Theory: Extensive Use of Schrödinger’s Equation Consider Simplest Analytically Solvable Tunneling Model: Square Barrier k (x) exp ikx Regions I & III: k (x) exp x Region II: k 2 2mE / h2 2 2mVo E / h2 Vo eikx Match and d/dx at 0 and L At x = 0 1 1 1 1 1 a ik ik r(k) b At x = L e L e L e L a eikL e L b ikeikL TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT t k T k 2 k jtrans (k) jinc (k) 2 k 2 I T(k)=|t(k)|2 2 2 2 k sinh L 2 2 0 II +L III This is the “area” under the potential maximum but above E(k) eikL 2 k E(k) r(k)e-ikx eikL t(k) ike ikL 0 2 k cosh L i 2 k 2 sinh L t(k)eikx 2k exp 2 L Intro to Emission 31 FOWLER NORDHEIM EQUATION The Fowler Nordheim Equation was originally derived for a triangular barrier Schrödinger’s Equation k 2 2mE / h2 2 2 k k fx o x 2 k (x) 0 2 Vo k 2mVo / h 2 o 2 f 2mF / h 2 Airy Function Equation 4 2 4k(ko2 k 2 )1/2 T (k) exp ko k 2 2 3f ko I 3/2 Current J (T , F ) kF q /F 2 0 hk T (k) k F2 k 2 m 4 2 3 F exp 2mF 3hF 4 2 h F E(k) ko2 k 2 fx z f 2/3 Same drill as with rectangular barrier… but use Asymptotic Limit of Ai & Bi t(k)eikx r(k)e-ikx 2 z z 2 aAi z bBi z 0 q hk q T k f k dk 2 0 m 2 eikx 0 II Vo/F III This is the “area” under the potential maximum but above E(k) Action occurs near E = • Evaluate coefficient at • Linear expansion of exponent about -E Intro to Emission 32 WKB TRANSMISSION PROBABILITY Schrödinger’s Equation 2 x (x)2 k (x) 0 12 Potential [eV] V(x) Wave Function (Bohm Approach) and Associated Current k (x) R(x)exp iS(x) h jk (x) R(x) x S(x) m 2 4 x– -2 -1 R4 jk2 R12x R iR2x jk 2 T k Neglect for slowly varying density k x x x exp i x ' dx ' x x+ 0 1 2 Position [nm] vanishes for constant current 1/ 2 E(k) 0 Schrödinger Recast h (x) 2m V (x) E 8 jk (transmitted) jk (incident) x 2m exp 2 V (x) E dx 2 x h “Area Under the Curve” Approach to WKB Intro to Emission 33 IMAGE CHARGE WKB TERM “Area Under the Curve” Approx: 2mFL G x / L cos( )sin( ) d J(F) ≈ 7x105 A/cm2 2 h Energy [eV] T ( E) exp 2 (E) ( E) 3 2 G(s) 2 0 6 2 ( E) = 5.87 eV F = 4.41 eV 2 F = 0.5 eV/Å Q = 3.6 eV-Å s sin 2 ( ) FN Equation: Linearize (E) about the chemical potential c fn E F 4 b fn 2mF3 v y 3h 2 c fn 2mFt y hF 0 Elliptical Integral functions v(y) & t(y) 4QF F v( y) 0.9369 y 2 y t( y) 1.0566 µ L 4 0 b fn V(x) = F - Fx - Q/x 8 5 10 Position [ ] 15 20 Example: Typical Parameters • Work function 4.4 eV • Temperature 300 K • Field 5 GV/m J FN 647000 Amp cm 2 why the odd choice of v(y)? Perfect linearity on FN plot Intro to Emission 34 FOWLER NORDHEIM EQUATION Current Density Integral Has Three Contributions: Dominant Term: Tunneling due to Field Effects of Temperature Band Bending and/or small Fermi Level (negligible except for semiconductors) /cfn of Order O(10) for Field Emission Example: • F = 4 GV/m • T = 600 K • = 5.6023 eV • 20930 Amp/cm2 • 1.142 • 2.108 x 10-12 qm b fn / F c fn ( E ) ( E) J (T , F ) 2 3 e e ln 1 e dE 2 h 0 b fn c fn / J (T , F ) a fn exp (1 c fn )exp(c fn ) F sin(c fn / ) Field a fn qm ; 16 2 hFt( y)2 Field-Thermal bfn Semiconductor 4 2 2mF3 v( y); c fn 2mFt( y) 3h hF Intro to Emission 35 FIELD EMISSION DATA The slope of current versus voltage on a Fowler Nordheim plot produces a straight line, from which the slope gives F3/2 / g Ex: J. P. Barbour, W. W. Dolan, et al., Phys. Rev. 92, 45 (1953). Work function of clean W (4.6 eV) implies g factor = 4368 cm-1 Work function of increasing coatings of Ba on W needle: [2] 3.38 eV [3] 2.93 0 0 Slope = 6.314 Slope = 3.771 Slope = 2.987 -5 -5 Clean W [1] W+Some Ba [2] W+More Ba [3] 2 ln(I/F ) ln(Current [A]) Pulsed Current Field Enhancement for F = 4.6 eV: = 4368 / cm -10 2.93 eV -10 3.38 eV -15 -15 4.60 eV Direct Current -20 Units of I = Amps -20 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 1000/Voltage [V] 3 3.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1/(F [eV/Angstrom]) Modern Spindt-type field emitters: C. A. Spindt, et al, Chapter 4, Vacuum Microelectronics, W. Zhu (ed) (Wiley, 2001) Intro to Emission 36 THERMIONIC VS FIELD EMISSION 9 The most widely used forms of: Field Emission: Fowler Nordheim (FN) Thermal Emission: Richardson-Laue-Dushman (RLD) 2 h 0 T E f E dE 8 Energy [eV] J(F,T ) 1 Field Emission: Work Func = 4.6 eV Field = 4 GV/m Thermionic Emission: Work Func = 1.8 eV Field = 10 MV/m 7 6 High Temperature Low Field Low Temperature High Field 0 Fowler Nordheim Richardson T (E) E f f (E) 5 Fermi Level m exp E h2 J RLD (T ) ARLDT 2 exp f / k BT Arld 120.173 Amp ;Q 0.359991 eV-nm Kelvin 2cm 2 Transmission Probability Electron Supply Emission Equation 2 4 Position [nm] 6 T (E) exp b fn / F c fn E m f (E) 2 E E h J FN (F) AF 2 exp B / F 1.38072 10-6 Amp A exp 9.83624F-1/2 2 F eV eV B 6.39952F3/2 nm Constants for Work Function in eV, T in Kelvin, F in eV/nm Intro to Emission 37 FN AND RLD DOMAIN OF VALIDITY DOMAINS 102 RLD: Corrupted When Tunneling Contribution Is Non-negligible 4/3 Q1/ 3 FN: Corrupted When Barrier Maximum near or cfn close to Maximum Field: f > 6 1 F F 6 4 Q 2 Minimum Field: cfn < 2 F 4 h 2mF Field [GV/m] 2m F 10h FN (F=4.4 eV) 101 100 Field Emitter Photocathode -1 10 Thermionic RLD (F=2 eV) 10-2 10-3 -4 10 300 700 1100 1500 1900 Temperature [K] Typical Operational Domain of Various Cathodes Compared to Emission Equations Intro to Emission 38 EMISSION DISTRIBUTION Emission Distribution Transmission Coefficient 101 10-3 10 -6 3 10 f(E)T(E) T(E) 10 TFN(E) Texact(E) Twkb(E) -1 -5 2 10-6 1600 K -6 1 10 10-7 10 Vmax µ(300K) -9 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 300 K 600 K 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 E [eV] E [eV] Near Fermi Level, TFN(E) Is a Good Approximation For Typical Field Emission from Metals such as Molybdenum, f(E) dominates T(E) for E Large 7.5 Intro to Emission 39 THERMAL-FIELD ASSISTED PHOTOCURRENT Supply Function X(F[GV/m],T[K]) 0 Transmission Coefficient T(E): (b = slope of -ln[T(E)]) T E To 1 exp b E Ec Thermal Ec b fn 10 10-4 When b » : Richardson-LaueDushman Eq. When b ≈ : No simple analytic form Photocurrent: changes T(E) behavior T(0.01,2000) 10-8 Fermi -10 0 K-like Regime 10 f(7,300) f(0.01,2000) -12 101.2 Ec F 4QF When » b: Fowler-Nordheim Eq. T(7,300) -6 10 1 Fc fn Maxwell Boltzmann Regime -2 7 GV/m 300 K 1 T(E) f(E) (norm.) Field 10 T(E) & f(E) m f E ln 1 exp E h2 2 MV/m 1094 K 10 MV/m 2000 K 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 Energy [eV] 9 10 11 Intro to Emission 40 QUANTUM EFFICIENCY (3-D) Quantum Efficiency is ratio of total # of emitted electrons with total # of incident photons Lear* Approximation for temporal and spatial behavior: Gaussian Laser Pulse gives Gaussian Current Density such that time constants and area factors approximately equal for both 1 J F ,Te , t 2d dt q 0 QE 1 I , t 2d dt 0 h Photocurrent T E h ; f E dE q 0 J f 1 R I h f E dE Photocurrent J(F,T) depends on 0 1. Charge to Photon energy ratio (q/hf) 1 2 3 4 2. Scattering Factor f Richardson Approximation: 3. Absorbed laser power (1-R) I 4. Photoexcited e- Escape Probability 0 T E h ; f E dE f h ln 1 e ( E ) dE Richardson: T(E) = Step Function Fowler’s astounding approximation: assume all e- directed at surface. Fowler-Dubridge Formula (modified) y Fowler Function U x ln 1 e dy x * “Seek thine own ease.” King Lear, III.IV U h f q QE f 1 R h U Intro to Emission 41 FOWLER-DUBRIDGE EQUATION Field significantly exaggerated to show detail Photon energy: first four harmonics of Nd:YAG U h f QE f 1 R U Quantum Efficiency proportional to Fowler Factor U(x), argument of which is proportional to the square of the difference between photon energy & barrier height for sufficiently energetic photons “Fowler factor” e x 1 beax U x 1 2 2 x ax x e 1 be 6 2 x 0 x 0 b 1 2 / 12 For metals QE a 1 b ln 2 / b f 1 R 2 h f 2 h f 2 Fowler-Dubridge often referred to in this way 16 #/cm22] [1016 f(E) [10 T(E); f(E) #/cm ] T(E); Fowler-Dubridge Formula… sort of 100 = 1064 nm o 10-1 10-2 T(E) T(E+4h) -3 T(E+3h) 10 T(E+2h) -4 10 T(E+h) f(E) -5 10 12 14 16 18 Energy [eV] Example: Copper • Wavelength • Field • R • Work function • Chemical potential • Scattering Factor • QE [%] (analytic) • QE [%] (time-sim) • QE [%] (exp) 20 22 266 nm 2.5 MV/m 33.6% 4.6 eV 7.0 eV 0.290 1.21E-2 1.31E-2 1.40E-2 Intro to Emission 42 POST-ABSORPTION SCATTERING FACTOR Factor (f) governing proportion of electrons emitted after absorbing a photon: Photon absorbed by an electron at depth x Electron Energy augmented by photon, but direction of propagation distributed over sphere Probability of escape depends upon electron path length to surface and probability of collision (assume any collision prevents escape) x hk path to surface & z ; l k scattering length cos m 1 m f G 2 hko To leading order, k integral can be ignored f k ko x z( ) f (k)dk d exp dx 0 0 l k x f (k)dk d exp ko 0 0 dx /2 1 2m E(k) h h ko: minimum k of e- that can escape after photo-absorption : penetration of laser (wavelength dependent); : relaxation time k z() Average probability of escape argument < 1 1 sin(y) cot y ln cos(y) argument > 1 2 y sin(y) G cos(y) 1 G sec(y) 1 Ex: • • • • F Copper: = 12.6 nm = 16.82 fs = 7.0 eV = 4.6 eV 2 cos(y) f = 0.371 = 0.290 Intro to Emission 43 OUTLINE The Basics Nearly-Free Electron Gas Model Barrier Models Quantum Mechanics & Phase Space 1-Dimensional Emission Analysis Thermionic Emission Field Emission Photoemission Multidimensional Emission from Surfaces & Structures Field Emitter Arrays Dispenser Cathodes Photocathodes Cathode Technology and Applications Vacuum Electronics, Space-Based Applications, Displays Operational Considerations Performance Regimes Operational Complications Intro to Emission 44 FIELD EMITTERS anode Vacuum Ftip Metal gate Field Enhancement provided by sharpened metal or semiconductor structure Close proximity gate provides extraction field - large field enhancement possible with small (50 - 200 V) gate voltage; gate dimensions generally sub-micron. base Anode field collects electrons, but generally does not measurably contribute to the extraction field Intro to Emission 45 COLD CATHODES FEA WBG Comparable to Single Tips Operated @ 100 µA Band Gap Vacuum Metal Injection Field Emitter Arrays: Materials such as Molybdenum, Silicon, etc WBG Transport Vacuum Emission Wide Bandgap Materials such as Diamond, GaN, etc Photos Courtesy of Capp Spindt (SRI) Intro to Emission 46 REVIEW OF ORTHOGONAL COORDINATES To transform from the (x,y,z) coordinate system to the (a,,g) system, introduce the “metrics” h defined by: 2 2 ha2 a x a y a z 2 and same for a replaced with & g. In terms of the metrics the Gradient and Laplacian become r aφha1a φh1 gφhg1g 1 ha h hg 2 h hg a c.p.o.i. a ha Why the trouble? The new coordinate system may allow partial differential eq. specifying potential to be separated into ordinary differential equations. c.p.o.i.: “cyclic permutation of indicies” Spherical Coordinates (spheres) x r sin( )cos( ) hr 1 y r sin( )sin( ) h r z r cos( ) h r sin( ) r 1 1 rφ φ φ r r r sin( ) 2 1 1 1 r 2r 2 sin( ) 2 2 2 2 r r r sin( ) r sin ( ) Prolate Spheroidal Coordinates (needles) x asinh(a )sin( )cos(g ) y asinh(a )sin( )sin(g ) z acosh(a )cos( ) ha a cosh 2 a sin 2 h a cosh 2 a sin 2 ha acosh(a )sin( ) Intro to Emission 47 SIMPLE MODEL OF FIELD ENHANCEMENT Bump On Surface & Distant Anode The All-Important Boundary Conditions: At the bump V (a, ) 0 At the anode V (a D,0) Va D+a » a r It is an elementary problem in electrostatics to show that the potential everywhere is given by: a a3 V (r, ) Fo r cos( ) 1 r The Field on the bump (boss) is the gradient with respect to r evaluated at r = a of the potential F a, rV (r, ) r a 3Fo cos Va Fo Da 3 2 D a a3 Va Va a 1 D D Beta Factor Relation Ftip 3Fo gVa g 3 a 1 D D Intro to Emission 48 ANOTHER SIMPLE MODEL Floating Sphere / Close Anode D+a ≈ O(10a) Same BC: r V (a, ) 0 V (a D,0) Va r' Va a Define Fo to ensure sphere potential is at zero Fo (2D a)Va 2aD Beta Factor Relation 1 a g 1 a 2D Potential and Field Fo a 2 Fo a 2 V (r, ) Va r r (r, ) Va 4D 2 2a(2D a) 2a 2 (D a)(D 2a) F a, 1 cos a 2D(2D a) D 2 (2D a)3 Va a a2 1 1 cos( ) a 2D 4D 3 Big Small Intro to Emission 49 ELLIPSOIDAL MODEL OF NEEDLE / WIRE Potential and Field Variation Along Emitter Surface Can be Obtained from Prolate Spheroidal Coordinate System tip radius as z L cosh(a )cos( ) L sinh(a )sin( ) sinh 2 (a o ) as L cosh(a o ) Gradient to Evaluate F(a,) v a 1 a x 2 a y 2 a z 2 a F(ao,) 1/2 1 sin 2 ( ) sinh 2 (a ) L a a L Potential in Ellipsoidal Coordinates Fo Qn(x) = Legendre Polynomial of 2nd Kind Q cosh(a ) cosh(a ) V a , Vo Fo z 1 Q cosh( a ) cosh(a o ) o 1 ao Intro to Emission 50 MODEL OF NEEDLE / WIRE, cont Apex radius = 1 m 1 Legendre Polynomials of the Second Kind n n n n n n n L = 2 x 5 [m] 1 ln 1 2 1 Field [eV/Ѓ] Q1 Field Along Surface of Emitter F a o , sinh a o cos sinh a o sin 2 2 0.1 1 2 4 6 8 10 Ftip Fo Ftip sinh 2 a o Q1 cosh(a o ) 0.01 0 20 Asymptotic Limits: Let R be ratio of major to minor ellipsoidal axis. The height of the Ellipsoid is R2as 2R 2 3 F0 Ftip 2 ln 2R 1 3Fo = = = = = = 60 [degrees] 80 100 Emission Area J F d barea Ftip 1 J Ftip Ftip 2 a 0 bFN Ftip R 2 s R 1 R coth a o 40 0 FN b 2mF3 v yo 3t yo ; 3h yo 4QFtip F Intro to Emission 51 APEX FIELD: SATURN MODEL Simplest Analytical Model of a Triode Geometry F as , 3Fa cos( ) Fg l Where: as = Apex Radius ag = Gate Radius a = Cone Angle t = ar – ag Fg = Qg/(rgas) l a 2l 1 s Pl cos(a ) Pl cos( ) rg ar ag as a FIELD AT APEX Ftip Vgate Fg r cos( ) r ag as ln 8 t tip gate anode Intro to Emission 52 HYP./ELLIP. FIELD AND AREA FACTORS 0.8 General Formulae for Prolate Spheroidal Geometries F(a , o ) ellip Ftip sin 2 ( o ) sinh 2 (a ) cosh(a o )sin( ) V g 2 Ftip tan ( o ) ln kag / as as k ag 1 86 cot( o ) 54 as Ftip cos 2 ( o ) b area(Ftip ) 2as2 o 2 b F sin ( ) fn tip o =16Þ =24Þ 0.6 0.4 sin 2 ( ) sinh 2 (a o ) Gated Hyperbolic (FEA) Case (hybrid theory - tip specified by o) za, F(a , o ) hyp Ftip sin( o ) =12Þ Hyperboloids a=0.5 Ellipsoids 0.2 -0.2 a=0.2 a=0.1 0 a, 0.2 Ellipsoidal (Needle) Case (tip specified by ao) Ftip Fo sinh 2 (a o )Q1 cosh(a o ) Ftip b area(Ftip ) 2as2 o b F fn tip Intro to Emission 53 THERMIONIC CATHODES 0K Standard Barium Dispenser Cathode 1200 K Barium diffused over surface Vacuum Metal Cathode matrix Tungsten Particles Impregnated Pores 6 µm Heater Intro to Emission 54 WORK FUNCTION AND COVERAGE Here’s the problem: If they’re measuring the same thing, why don’t they get the same result? They should. Look at the theory more closely. To the right: Cesium on Tungsten Work Function [eV] But what is really measured is changes in work function with changes in time, or deposition depth or something else - the “coverage” is inferred. 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 Time [min] 15 20 J. B. Taylor, I. Langmuir, Phys. Rev. 44, 423 (1933). 5 Work Function [eV] Reported data claims to measure changes in work function with changes in degree of surface coverage… C-S Wang, J. Appl. Phys. 44, 1477 (1977) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Coverage [%] 0.8 Intro to Emission 55 GYFTOPOULOS-LEVINE THEORY Coverings (e.g., Ba, Cs) on bulk (e.g., W) induces a change in Work Function F by presence of dipoles and differences in electronegativity GL Theory* predicts F due to partial monolayer using hard-sphere model of atoms (covalent radii) Definition of terms Work function (monolayer & bulk) f ,f f m Covalent radii (monolayer & bulk) r ,r C Fractional coverage factor Electronegativity Barrier Dipole Moment of Adsorbed Atom W d W * E. P. Gyftopoulos, J. D. Levine, J. Appl. Phys. 33, 67 (1962) J. D. Levine, E. P. Gyftopoulos, Surf. Sci 1, 171 (1964); ibid, p225; ibid p349 F W d Intro to Emission 56 ELECTRONEGATIVITY BARRIER W f f fm f f H H n0 Cn n H() simplest polynomial satisfing: 3 W0 = ff : the work function is equal to electronegativity ff of bulk C0 1 ∂ W0 =0: …and the addition of a few atoms doesn’t change that. C1 0 W1 = fm: the work function is equal to electronegativity fm of adsorbate ∂ W1 =0 …and the subtraction of a few atoms doesn’t change that. H 1 2 1 C2 C3 Π1 2C2 3C3 0 2 Intro to Emission 57 DIPOLE TERM Pauling (paraphrased): “Dipole moment of molecule A-B proportional to difference in electronegativities (fA – fB)” Assume true for site composed of 4 substrate (hard sphere) atoms in rectangular array with absorbed atom at apex. Dipole moment per atom = M() M W W 1 M Mo H Top cos 1 1 2g m R2 gm is number of substrate atoms per unit area M o 4 oro2 cos fW f B ro 4.3653 Angstroms Perspective R Intro to Emission 58 DEPOLARIZATION EFFECT Correction for “depolarizing effect” due to other adsorbed atoms (other dipoles) turns M into Me (“effective” dipole moment”) Depolarizing field E 9 E g M 4 M Me M E 3/ 2 f 0 Dipole moment of adsorbed atom: g f d 3/ 2 9a o 1 g f 4 0 M e M Me 1 9a g f 4 0 3/ 2 gf is number of adsorbate atoms per unit area Polarizability (a) n = 1.00 for alkali metals, 1.65 for alkaline-earth rC = covalent radius of adsorbate rw = covalent radius of bulk a 4 o nrC3 Intro to Emission 59 COVERAGE DEPENDENT WORK FUNCTION g m [110] 2g m [100] Express F in Terms of coverage , Covalent Radii rx, Dimensionless Factors “f” and “w” (Act As “Atoms Per Cell”, Values of which Depend on Crystal Face). G&L Argue That General Surface Is “Bumpy [B]” alkali metal (n = 1) alkaline-earth metal (n = 1.65) gm w ; gf 2 2rC f 2rW 2 g m [B] 3g m [100] g f : g m 1 : 4 for Cs on W, Mo, Ta g f : g m 1 : 2 for Ba, Sr, Th on W, etc. Modified Gyftopolous-Levine Theory F f f f f f m 2 3 2 1 G 2 r 2 W 1 w R G 3 rC 9n f 1 n 1 8 R ro r C 2 3/ 2 f W C R Hard Sphere Model of Surface Dipole Intro to Emission 60 GYFTOPOLOUS-LEVINE MODEL PERFORMANCE 5 Phi (Wang) Phi (Haas) (Scale = 0.0889) (Scale = 0.6858) Work Function [eV] Work Function [eV] 5 Phi (Taylor) 4 (Scale = 0.8698) Theory 3 2 Phi (Longo) 4 (Scale = 1.000) Theory 3 2 Ba Dispenser Cathode Cs on Tungsten 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Coverage 0.8 LEAST SQUARES ANALYSIS: Minimize Least Squares Difference between Gyftopolous-Levine theory and Exp. Data With Regard to: -experimental axis scale factor Monolayer work function value f coverage factor 1 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Coverage 0.8 1 • C-S Wang, J. Appl. Phys. 44, 1477 (1977) • J. B. Taylor, I. Langmuir, Phys. Rev. 44, 423 (1933). • R. T. Longo, E. A. Adler, L. R. Falce, Tech. Dig. of Int'l. El. Dev. Meeting 1984, 12.2 (1984). • G. A. Haas, A. Shih, C. R. K. Marrian, Applications of Surface Science 16, 139 (1983) Intro to Emission 61 PHOTOCATHODES Example: Cs-dispenser Photocathode K3Sb Layer W plug w/ Cs Al2O3 Potting Band Gap Semiconductor Vacuum Metal Incident Photon Electron Excitation Heater Electron Emission J e kA/cm 2 q Je I QE QE 1.2398 h I MW/cm 2 [nm] Intro to Emission 62 LASER HEATING & PHOTO-EMISSION Laser Energy Transferred to Material f(E) Photon Energy Electron Excitations Hot Electrons thermalize with other eVia Electron-Electron Scattering. 1-D Supply Function Thermal FD e- Distribution thermalizes With Lattice Via Electron-Phonon Scattering Long Laser Pulses: Photons Encounter “Hot” Electron Distribution Photoemission is Enhanced “Ultrashort Laser-induced Electron Photoemission: a Method to N A Papadogiannis, S D Moustaizis, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 34, 499 (2001): “cold” Characterize h “hot” Metallic Vmax E Photocathodes” “The duration of the laser pulse (450 fs) is relatively long compared to the electron–electron scattering time for typical electron temperatures…” “Thus, the electrons thermalize rapidly acquiring a Fermi–Dirac distribution and the refereed electron– electron and electron–phonon scattering times concern the thermalized electrons. “...a hot electron gas (a few thousand kelvin) requires about 0.5–2 ps (depending on the experimental conditions) to relax again to its equilibrium state. Intro to Emission 63 RELAXATION TIME & Electrical Conductivity r r r F f k (t) f k t h Subject (Fermi-Dirac) distribution fo(kx,ky,kz) = f(k) to a linear potential (constant Electric field) Electrons don’t continue accelerating in bulk they hit something after “relaxation” time and start over. If field is turned off, system exponentially relaxes to equilibrium. Combine these equations: r r hk r 2q 3 J F (k) d k f k 3 m 2 3 t / r r r f k fo k 1 r r Fg k f o k r h k r r f E( k ) E o fo k k x E k x r r hk x F d k k f k o m h 3 k x 2 2q e r r r r f k ,t fo k f F k fo k h k E 2 x m h2 k F hk x 1 hk ; E k k m F m 3 m Electrical conductivity is defined as the ratio of the Current Density with the Electric Field and it depends on the Relaxation Time 2 2 q ( )k F3 F JF F s 2 q 3 m q 2 ( ) o s m Intro to Emission 64 RELAXATION TIME & Thermal Conductivity r If there is a gradient in temperature, that must be r r r 1 hk r r accounted for as well: A gradient in temperature f r , k ,t Fg k f g r f t h m will affect the spatial gradient term: r r r r r hk r Again, consider time increments r r r f r , k f o r , k Fg k f o g k T ( r ) fo characteristic of Relaxation time: h m T we dealt with this term previously Like before, dfo/dT is sharply peaked around Fermi Energy. Blue {} is energy of electron gas. Change of Energy with Temperature is Specific Heat Cv(T): can put in because d/dT of its term is 0 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY This is the new term to worry about 2 r hk x r r 2q T 3 J T (k) 3 d k k m T f o k x 2 T 2 m () 3 x T 2 r d k E(k) f o k 3 3 2 K(T ) CV T 3m 2 WIEDEMANN-FRANZ LAW K 2 kB 8 W-½ 2.443 10 2 sT 3 q Kelvin Intro to Emission 65 LASER HEATING OF ELECTRON GAS Differential Eqs. Relating Electron (Te) to Lattice Temperature (Ti) Te (Te ,Ti ) Te g Te Ti G z, t t z z Laser Energy Absorbed by electrons Ci Ti g Te Ti Power transfer to lattice t 285.1 GW / K cm (W @ RT) Ce Electron & Lattice Specific Heat 3 Thermal Conductivity Te ,Ti Ao kB2 electron-electron Aee scattering h 2o kB electron-lattice Bep scattering h Relaxation Time 2 Te ,Ti Ce Te 3m Te ,Ti AeeTe2 BepTi 1 Ao and o = dimensionless parameters dictated by photo-cathode material Deposited Laser Energy Variation in Energy Density with Temperature e z/ U h f G(z, t) 1 R I (t) 1 U Reflection Penetration Incident Laser Power [W/cm2] Absorbed Energy Ce Te g Te 7 1 40 e 2 Electrons C T ; Ci Ti E T 3NkB 2 1 TD 1 T 20 i Phonons TD = Debye Temp Intro to Emission 66 DIFFUSION That last slide was painful. What did it mean? This time, ignore the transfer of energy to the lattice, and assume that the effect of the pulsed laser is to add little Dirac-Delta pulses to the sample. Now what is happening? The pulses spread out, much like a wave packet does in QM (the equations after all are similar), but the addition of many pulses heats things up. One Pulse Ce (T )tT (T ,T )2xT tT D2xT 2 cm 2 D (T ,T ) 138.1 3m s copper @ RT x2 T To exp 4Dt 4 Dot C C is related to temperature rise due to one pulse. Any temperature profile can be thought of as the summation of a bunch of “Dirac-Delta” pulses, and its future profile therefore determined. Effect of N pulses separated by t T x t t t Te x,t To 2T SN a , SN a , t t N a 1/2 SN a , s n 0 n s exp n s L2 x a 1 1 4Do t L 2 L = Width of cathode Intro to Emission 67 INCREMENTAL TEMPERATURE RISE What sort of temperature rise numbers are we talking about? Back of the envelope calculation: if we have a slab of metal (say copper) of a thickness equal to the laser penetration depth, and it absorbs one laser pulse, the energy of which is uniformly distributed over the slab, then what is the temperature rise? COPPER Laser Penetration Depth (l) Thermal Mass factor () Fermi Momentum Incident Laser Intensity N = Density / Atomic Weight 10 nm 1.375 1.355 1/Å 1 MW/cm2 0.141 moles/cm3 E T g To 3NkB l E I o t mk B2 g 2 kF 3h t [ns] E [mJ/cm2] T [K] 0.001 0.001 0.282 0.05 0.05 14.1 1 This can’t 1 be right… 282 6 6 1692 Temperatures at higher t neglect diffusion into bulk, which can be substantial - therefore, l should become larger as t becomes larger Intro to Emission 68 EXAMPLE: 400 nm on BaO-W Dispenser Surface Temperature [K] 50.00 50.0 0.0491 3.100 0.0261 0.0218 0.0224 64.74 0.6075 0.0072 40 1150 30 Current (normalized to Laser) 1140 1130 20 10 1120 0 1200 60 800 40 400 20 2 Photocurrent [A/cm ] 1200 50 1000 T(0) [K] Heating Cooling Tmax [K] 800 600 400 2 Thermal Current [A/cm ] Temperature At Surface [K] Field [MV/m] Io [MW/cm2] Area [cm2] h*f [eV] dE [mJ] Scat Fac Max Scat Fac BC <theta> [%] dQ [nC] QE [%] 1160 Laser Intensity [MW/cm2] Simulation of laser heating of surface and subsequent emission 200 10-9 10-7 10-5 0.001 time [sec] 0.1 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 time [ps] 10 0 15 Intro to Emission 69 SPECIFICATION OF SCATTERING TERMS Data from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (3rd Electronic Edition): Section 12 “SUM OF PARTIAL RESISTIVITIES”: Total resistance to current flow is sum of each kind of resistance; resistance is inversely related to scattering rate: (Matthiessen’s Law) 1 ee1 ep1 1 h 1 Te 2 Ao k BTe AeeTe ee log 10{K [W/m K]} Heat Transfer in Solids Due to Free Electrons & Phonons 3.2 2.8 2.4 2 Tungsten is complicated… 2 1 1 h 1 Ti BepTi 2o k BTi ph Cu [W/m-K] Cu Theory Au [W/m-K] Au Theory Al [W /m-K] Al Theory W [W/m-K] W Theory 1.5 Bep Aee T HEAT CONDUCTIVITY (Kinetic Theory of Gases) 2.5 3 log 10{Temperature [K]} 2 Te ,Ti C T Te ,Ti 3m e e 2 RT Parameter Au 7 -2 -1 Aee [10 K s ] 3.553 Bep [1011 K-1 s-1] 1.299 g 3m T,T W 57.86 18.41 Cu 4.044 1.859 Al 19.77 6.886 Intro to Emission 70 COUPLING OF LATTICE / ELECTRON TEMPERATURE Transfer Of Electron Energy To Lattice: For T > TD (400 K For W), Ci = Constant: g 2 6 mv s2 Bep For Gaussian Te(t) Temperature [K] g Ti (t) Te Ti a Te Ti t Ci Electron density [#/cm3] 440 Te (t) Tbulk Te (0) Tbulk exp t /t 2 surface Electrons Lattice 400 COPPER 360 320 (Laser: 10 ps FWHM;100 W/cm2) -10 Ti (t) Tbulk a ea (ts) Te (s) Tbulk ds t 0 10 20 30 time [ps] 40 50 60 Near Maximum: T-TBULK Ti (0) Te (0) at Te (0) Tbulk 2 For t ≥ 10/a, Te(t) and Ti(t) and equivalent to within 1% Ex: Copper: Gold: Tungsten: ELECTRONS LATTICE t ≥ 59.70 ps t ≥ 209.5 ps t ≥ 0.95 ps x [µm] time [ps] Simulation using time-dependent code Intro to Emission 71 OUTLINE The Basics Nearly-Free Electron Gas Model Barrier Models Quantum Mechanics & Phase Space 1-Dimensional Emission Analysis Thermionic Emission Field Emission Photoemission Multidimensional Emission from Surfaces & Structures Field Emitter Arrays Dispenser Cathodes Photocathodes Cathode Technology and Applications Operational Considerations Vacuum Electronics, Space-Based Applications, Displays From One to Many: complications of array performance & statistics Photocathodes: Performance and Issues Unresolved Issues in Modeling and Simulation Intro to Emission 72 BEAM ON / OFF ISSUES Beam Blanking (Turn e-Beam Off): Imin ≈ 0.1% of Imax Reduction of kV-Voltage Swings Eases Demands on Solid State Power MOSFET Driver Used to Control Grid 1 Thermionic Emission: V(t) I(V) Grid Voltage Vg ≈ 1–10 kV Min Voltage ≈ 1% Max Voltage 0.6 Field Emission Fowler Nordheim Current: I(V) = A Vg2 Exp(–B/ Vg) 0.8 Amplitude Space Charge Limited Current: I(V) = P Vg3/2 0.4 V(t) I(V) 0.2 Grid Voltage Vg ≈ 75V (B ≈ 8 Vg ) Min Voltage ≈ 60% Max Voltage 0 0 90 180 t 270 360 Intro to Emission 73 PULSE REPETITION FREQUENCY (PRF) FIELD EMITTER ARRAYS: 10-ns Rise Time Modulation @ 0.05 GHz. In Klystrode (DARPA/NASA/NRL VME Program), Modulation @ 10 GHz From Ring Cathodes Demonstrated Operation @ 7 GHz of a Density Modulated FEA-TWT (Whaley/Spindt) 1 Pulse to Pulse 9 µs 0.5 0 -5 Amplitude [a.u.] RADAR SYSTEMS UNDER DEVELOPMENT USING THERMIONIC EMITTERS: Required: PRFs of 100 kHz (100 ns rise time) Desired: PRFs of 1 MHz (10 ns rise time) Present Gridded Thermionic Sources: Pulse Rise Time Too Long: Larger Rise Times Shorten Pulse-to-Pulse Time, Decreases “Listen” Time Available for Return Signal (Pulse-to-Pulse Separation); Emission Noise Degrades Listening Window for Similar Reasons. Amplitude [a.u.] 100 kHz PRF Waveform 0 5 10 15 1 Pulse Length 1 µs 0.5 Rise Time 0.1 µs 0 0 0.5 1 Time [µs] 1.5 Intro to Emission 74 TRANSIT TIME & CUTOFF FREQUENCY THERMIONIC 2.64 kV/cm n/a 250 µm 104 ps 1.53 GHz Quantity Extraction Field Fo Tip Field Ftip Flight Length zg Transit time t Cut-off Frequency FIELD EMITTER 20 kV/cm 0.5 V/Å 0.77 µm 0.096 ps 1667 GHz Ftip = 0.5 V/Å; Vg = 54.5 V zg = Vg √(2 / Fo Ftip) Thermionic Field Emitter Array t zg zg Fo Fo zg 0 Ftip z m dz; V (z) V ; s 2V (z) Ftip z Vg g Ftip 2Fo m Vg Analytic Potential on Saturn-like Model 2 s(sBased t 1) ln s 1 s Ftip Intro to Emission 75 RF AMPLIFIER DEMANDS ON CATHODES VPB CATHODE: Thermionic Increase Temperature to Increase Current Density – Lifetime Decreases J ≤ 5 A/cm2: Beam Convergence of 30-50:1 Required; Exotic Devices Require >1000:1 Large Beams & Sophisticated Gun Designs with Highly Convergent Magnetic Fields Required. Gridded Cathodes ≤ 2 GHz Modulation Velocity Modulation of Beam: Most of Circuit In VPB-TWT Used for Bunching of Beam prior to Power Extraction Microwave Power Module RF INPUT 270 V INPUT Modulator HV Power Supply IPC MMIC SSA Vacuum Power Booster – TWT High Power RF Output Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Corporation Intro to Emission 76 COLD CATHODE ADVANTAGES FOR RF Vacuum Power Booster: Beam Bunching by Interaction With RF Field (Velocity Modulation) VPB Cold-cathode VPB Beam Bunching at Cathode (Density Modulation) FEA-VPB VPB: Convergence of Cathode Current Density (≈ 1 A/cm2) by 10x Or More FEA-VPB: >500 A/cm2 Relaxes Convergence, Simplifies B Profile, Relaxes Machining Tolerances, Reduces Beam Scalloping and Beam Interception by Circuit (Helix) Overall: Power Decrease in Weight, Volume, Intro to Emission 77 FEA CATHODE FOR TWT Photos courtesy of David Whaley (Northrop Grumman) Operational 55 W TWT TO5 Header ≈ 13 cm Line / PPM Stack Encapsulated Electron Gun 94.1 mA From Area of Diameter ≤ 1 mm With 50,000 Tips D. Whaley, et al., IEEE-TOPS28, 727 (2000) A 1.8 cm C B A - Field Emitter Array B - Gate Hold-Down Disk C - Base/Gate Leads Intro to Emission 78 ELECTRIC PROPULSION (EP) Microscale Electric Propulsion Systems: Electron Emission for Propellant Ionization and Ion Beam Neutralization Highly Efficient Spacecraft Attitude Control and Solar Pressure Drag Make-up for Micro- up to Large (Inflatable) Scale Spacecraft Highly Efficient / Precise Spacecraft Repositioning & Relative Position Maintenance Space Physics Networks Saturn Ring Observer ARISE ARISE LISA Figures Courtesy Of C. Marrese (JPL) Intro to Emission 79 FEAs IN FLAT PANEL DISPLAYS Photo courtesy of Alec Talin (Motorola, Tempe AZ) Photo taken at MRS Spring 2001 Symposium D QuickTime™ and a Photo - JPEG decompressor are needed to see this picture. Motorola 15" Diag HV Field Emission Display VGA (640x480) Res W/ 8 Bit/color Emission Current of 2 µA/color Pixel 250 Tips / 1 Color Sub-pixel Candescent's High Voltage Field Emission Display DVD Demonstrated by Chris Curtin, Candescent Technologies, San Jose, CA Intro to Emission 80 CURRENT AND CURRENT DENSITY Easier Single Tip: SRI 101 ED Tether Thermionic TWT FEA-TWT (Northrop) Twystrode (projected) Klystrode (CPI) Microtriode (NRL) Space Applications ED Tethers Hall Thrusters Satellite Discharging Display FEA Display (Motorola) CNT Diamond Total Current [Amps] RF Amplifiers Harder 10 Display TWT (NG) -1 Hall Thruster Twystrode Therm. TWT 10 Triode Klystrode (NRL) (CPI) -3 Sat. Discharg. 10-5 Lithography CNT SRI Test Single Tip Station Diamond 10-7 Graphite 10 -9 10-5 10-3 10-1 101 103 Current Density [A/cm2] Intro to Emission 81 CURRENT PER TIP AND NUMBER Easier Single Tips Have Been Driven Harder Than Required By Any Application (SRI) Space Applications and Display Per-tip Performance Requirements Not Large, but Large Areas Required 101 Current / tip [A] FEA Per-tip Performance In rf Vac. Electronics More Demanding But Require Smaller Area 102 100 SRI Single Tip Harder Twystrode Triode (NRL) Test Station TWT (NG) Klystrode (CPI) Lithography 10-1 Display 10-2 Hall Thruster 10-3 Sat. Discharg. -4 10 100 102 104 106 Number of Tips ED Tether 108 1010 Intro to Emission 82 MODULATION AND PRESSURE Easier Modulation of Electron Beam As for RF Amplifiers Limits Protection Schemes That Can Be Used to Mitigate Arcs 105 FEA Modulation [MHz] Space-based Field Emitter Applications Must Survive in Environments Far More Challenging Than Other Applications. Harder 103 10 Klystrode Twystrode Triode (NRL) Display 1 Lithography Therm. TWT 10-1 Sat. Discharg. TWT (NG) 10-3 Test Station 10-5 ED/Hall Max ED / Hall Vac. Sensor SRI Single Tip 10-7 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 Background Pressure [µTorr] Intro to Emission 83 FIELD EMITTER ARRAY TIP SHARPNESS TEMs of Various Field Emitter Tips Show Radii of Curvature on the Order of 30–50 Å Surface Can Have Additional “Structure” Giving Local Field Enhancement Effects Silicon 30 Å Radius TEM Photograph courtesy of M. Twigg (NRL) 50 Å Radius Molybdenum Silicon Photograph courtesy of W. D. Palmer (MCNC) 25 Å Radius Photograph courtesy of M. Hollis (MIT-LL) Intro to Emission 84 SINGLE EMITTER EMISSION PROFILE FEEM FIM FEEM+FIM Photographs Courtesy of Capp Spindt and Paul Schwoebel (SRI) INTENSITY FEEM: Regions of HIGHER ß / LOWER F (Range of Values in Each Due To, e.g., Presence of Adsorbates, Crystal Orientation, Grain Boundaries) FIM: Regions of HIGHER ß / HIGHER F. FEEM+FIM: F and ß Values Favorable to Both FEEM and FIM: (High ß and moderate F); Very High ß May Cause Overlap Regardless of F. EMITTER TIP: Images Obtained As Close Together in Time As Possible Single Spindt-type Mo Emitter; Emitters of This Class Give 100 µA/tip Routinely. Intro to Emission 85 THE FEA STAT / HYPER MODEL Extraction of FEA Performance From Experimental Data for Spindt-type FEA I array (Vg ) N tips f (Vg ,) a (Vg , , s )barea (Ftip )J FN (Ftip ) Parameters Adjusted Until Theory = Exp. AFN and BFN Red-Primary; Green-Secondary ag, T, F, , P c, as, , s FIXED PARAMETERS: ag Gate Radius T Temperature F Work Function Ntips Number of Emitters , P Work Function Parameter to Account for Adsorbates, and Pressure Rarray Gate And/or Array Resistor % Percent Current Intercepted by Gate Statistics F as, c Characteristic Area ag, T, F as, c Current Density ADJUSTED PARAMETERS: as Emission Site Radius Exp & Theory Suggest ≈ 3-7 nm c Cone Angle, Limited by SEM to 12˚ - 23˚ for Moly Log-Normal Distribution Mean Emission Site Radius Parameter s Log-Normal Distribution Standard Deviation Parameter Intro to Emission 86 STATISTICS Emission Characteristics of Individual Emitters Change from Site to Site Due to Differences In Field Enhancement Factor as Changes in F Due to Adsorbates Expression for Array Current Product of # of Tips, a Tip Current Factor and a Statistical Factor (two parts: a & f a: Variation in Apex Radii Log Normal Analysis (, s) M I array (Vg ) n j I tip (Vg ;a j ) j 1 N tips a Vg , , s I tip (Vg ; ,F) Itip (Vg ) f Vg , barea Ftip J F, Ftip f: Variation in Work Function Pressure Analysis (F, ) Intro to Emission 87 F - MODIFICATION BY ADSORBATES Let P = pressure = coverage factor (0 ≤ ≤ 1) ka = adsorption rate kd = desorption rate Recast: kd = ka Po f P Po Pea / Po P In Equilibrium: ka P(1 ) kd Define: f ( ) I tip ( ) / I tip (0) ea (1 ) Where a F ln Itip F(covered) F(clean) For Molybdenum: SSH/EM Suggests: a ≈ 5.283 eV-1 Analysis of Exp. Data* Suggests: Po ≈ 10–8 Torr; ≈ 0.5 eV Example: f(0.1 µTorr) ≈ 0.156 * Schwoebel, Spindt, et al., JVSTB19, 980 (2001) Temple, Palmer, et al, JVSTA16, 1980 (1998) Intro to Emission 88 DISTRIBUTION OF EMITTERS 15 In a Log-normal Distribution, a Small Fraction of the Emitters Are Responsible for Most of the Current 2 The Current Will Be Dominated by the Smaller Emitters (%Current Is Proportional to Integrand): I array (Vg ) N tips L(a; , s )Itip (a)da 0 Therefore I(V) Fluctuations Primarily Depend on Fluctuations Experienced by Sharpest Emitters % Tips L(ai ; , s ) 1 exp 2 ln ai / 2s ai 2s 1 % Tips % Current Array 1086 µ = 200 Å s = 0.44 BFN ≈ 700 V Iexp(90V) ≈ 35.5 µA 10 5 0 30 90 150 210 Tip Radius [ ] 270 330 Mo FEA cathode developed at SRI. ZrC (F = 3.6 eV) deposited on FEA at Aptech. Height of tips is ~1 µm; gate radius = 0.45 µm. Tip-to-tip spacing = 4 µm. The # of tips = 50,000 in a 0.78 mm2 circular pattern area. Intro to Emission 89 EXPERIMENTAL DATA (JPL) Gate V 10 10-5 70 60 -6 Total I 10 Up Down 50 50 100 150 200 250 Index Number FN(U) = -12.36 - 415.1/V FN(D) = -12.82 - 447.1/V -18 -19 2 80 Current [Å] Gate Voltage [V] 2 90 ln{I(V)/V [A/cm ]} -17 -4 -20 -21 Up Uncoated Moly FEA 0.012 Down 0.016 0.02 1/(Gate Voltage [V]) Data divided into two regions: increasing voltage (UP) and decreasing (DOWN) Data from running cathode prior to oxygen exposure to assess performance and lifetime capabilities of Molybdenum field emitter arrays Ntips = 50,000 tips, ag = 0.45 µm, tip to tip = 4 µm. FEAs made at SRI Intro to Emission 90 ENFORCE LOG-NORMAL EQUILIBRIUM Emitters for Which Ftip > Fcritical Are Initially Removed, and and s Evaluated Afresh As V Increases, Nanoprotrusion Formation / Migration Increases for The Larger Radii Net Effect: As Voltage Increases: () Shifts to Higher Values; (s) Becomes Smaller Conclusion: the Emitters Become Both More Uniform and Less Sharp 2 At Every Vg, The Emitters Which Contribute To The Array Current Are LN Distributed (Ntips ≤ Narray) P = 0.18 µTorr f ≈ 0.12 Fcrit = 0.67 eV/Å -18 -19 2 ln{I(V)/V [A/cm ]} Assumptions: -20 -21 Experimental Sputter (Numerical) No Sputter (Numerical) 0.012 0.016 0.02 1/(Gate Voltage [V]) For Each Voltage Increase, Tips > Critical Radius Removed, LN Parameters Recalculated, and Emitter Distribution Specified Anew Intro to Emission 91 PHOTOINJECTORS & PHOTOCATHODES • Bulk & Surface of Complex Materials Produced • Drive-laser Reliability <=> System Reliability: Critical Components of Free Electron Lasers, by Empirical Techniques; Short Lifetime, UV Unsuitable for Hi-duty Synchrotron Light Sources, & X-rayCrystals Sources Complex Replacement Process. • Non-linear Decrease by 2-4; • Cathode Selection Influences Drive Laser Efficiency Very Low for UV Chosen (e.g., wavelength, spot bandwith, laser • Conversion by 2 From IR to Green ok: energy, QE, etc.) Seek High QE Photocathode in Visible rf Klystron Master Oscillator Drive laser MW-class FEL Demands on Photocathode: 1 nC in 10-50 ps pulse (100 A Peak, 1 A Ave) 10 MV/m, Approx 10-8 Torr Robust, Prompt, Operate At Longest Naval: Longevity & Reliability Paramount Photocathode Linac 0 1" 2" 3" Scale Intro to Emission 92 PHOTOCATHODES DRIVE LASER • Reliability <=> System Reliability: UV Unsuitable for Hi-duty • Non-linear Crystals Decrease by 2-4; Efficiency Very Low for UV • Conversion by 2 From IR to Green ok: Seek High QE Photocathode in Visible PHOTOCATHODE Bulk & Surface of Complex Materials Produced by Empirical Techniques; Short Lifetime, Complex Replacement Process. Cathode Selection Influences Drive Laser Chosen (e.g., , spot bandwith, laser energy, QE) METALLIC: High average power, drive laser w/ 5 - 500 µJ/pulse req. Rugged but require UV, have lower QE (≤ 0.01%). For low duty factor, low rep rate UV pulses Fast response time (fs-structure On Laser Appears on Beam) DIRECT BAND-GAP P-TYPE SEMICONDUCTORS: Highest QE photocathodes alkali antimonides (Cs3Sb, K2CsSb); visible, PEA, RF gun alkali tellurides (Cs2Te, KCsTe) UV, PEA, RF gun Bulk III-V wCs + oxidant (O or F); IR - visible, NEA, DC guns Emission time is long (10-20 ps) for NEA sources: insufficiently responsive for pulse shaping. ALL chemically reactive: Easily poisoned by H20 & C02 (Protection at expense of QE); “Harmless" H2 & CH4 damage by ion back bombardment (greater issue for DC guns) Intro to Emission 93 QUANTUM EFFICIENCY OF VARIOUS CATHODES J e kA/cm 2 q Je I QE QE 1.2398 h I MW/cm 2 [nm] General Rule of Thumb for QE Photocathode QE[%] Good Metallic (Cu,Mg,Ag, Niobium, etc) 0.001 0.01 • • • • • • Semiconductor (Cs2Te, K2Te, GaN, etc.) 5 - 30 • Photoelectrons have lower energy spread (in principle) than metallic • Works in Green • • • • NEA (GaAs family, GaP, etc) 10 - 60 • Widely used in PMT • Source of polarized electrons (GaAs) • Slow emission damps laser fluctuations • Requires UHV: Problems in RF gun (Exp: failure after 3 macropulses) • Very long response time Liquid Metal, (Nb, NbN, etc.) ??? • Possible use in superconducting RF photoinjector • Little known in accelerator situation • QE unknown - same as metallic? “Needle” metal cathodes 0.1 - 1.0 (?) • High Brightness • QE greatly enhanced over metal • Table-top source • Not extendable to shipboard FEL’s • Lack of repair in situ (this may have changed) Dispenser Cathodes 0.03 to 6 (dep. on metal) • Low work function / high QE • self-repairing and robust • mature technology base / off the shelf • Recent innovation - qualification of candidates underway Easy to obtain/handle & Widely-used Rugged, does not require UHV QE constant for months Fast response time O(fs) Low dark currents Allows for pulse shaping Bad • No systematic study of effective cleaning & rejuvenating method, especially in-situ at photoinjector • Not indicated for high average power • Beam tracks fluctuations in laser • UV drive laser required Requires UHV Surface deteriorates with O2 response time >> metals Initial QE has short lifetime Intro to Emission 94 EMISSION NON-UNIFORMITY Environmental Conditions Can Erode low work function coatings Deposit material that degrades performance Damage the surface (ion bombardment) Re-cleaning / Reconditioning does not necessarily restore original performance 31 Oct 01 – before 1st cleaning QE QE scans of LEUTL Photoinjector Mg Cathode Courtesy of John W. Lewellen, Argonne National Lab Details: images from APS photoinjector. Blue = 2xYellow; pixels =10 micron^2; image = (300 pixels)^2 Operation: 6 Hz for 30 days (1.55E7 pulses total); macropulse = 1.5 s 5 Nov 2001 - after 1st cleaning 4 Dec 2001 - after 1st cleaning 10 Dec 2001 - after 2nd cleaning Intro to Emission 95 PHOTOCATHODE RESPONSE TIME Pulse Shaping Optimal Shape for emittance: beer-can (disk-like) profile Laser Fluctuations occur (esp. for higher harmonics of drive laser) Fast response: laser hash reproduced Slow response: beer-can profile degraded Optimal: 1 ps response time Emitted Current [a.u.] 1.2 Mathematical Model (n = 2n/T) 1 = 0.2 ps 0.8 = 3.2 ps = 0.8 ps = 12.8 ps 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 I t I o t T t n 0 cn cos nt N cn t s N I e t I s exp 2 n 0 1 n QE t 5 10 15 20 25 30 time [ps] cos nt n sin nt eT / 1 et / eT / 1 et / t T t T Intro to Emission 96 UMD EXPERIMENT: Cs ON W GOALS: • Investigate Basic (Low QE) Binary Systems in Preparation for Dealing With More Complicated Ternary Systems. • Prototype a Dispenser Photocathode Whose Low Work Function Surface Coating Can Be Replenished. • Validate & Support Predictive Theory Explaining Photoemission Process for Several Cesiated Metals (W, Ag). EXPERIMENT: • Evaporate Cs Onto Atomically Clean W (or Au) Surface. • Find QE vs Cs Coverage (4 mW CW 405nm @ 1E-9 Torr) • Measure Lifetime, Cesium Desorption Rate, and Background Composition. 0.05 <Experiment> Arrhenius E QE QEo exp d k B <Experiment> Theory 0.04 1 1 T T o QE [%] Cs QE [%] 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.02 Oct 04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 Ed=0.14 eV W 0 300 Cs on W 407 nm @ 300 K Presumed Error: ± 0.0035 -0.01 330 360 390 420 Temperature [Kelvin] 0 20 40 60 80 100 Coverage [%]Intro to Emission 97 QE OF Cs ON W: EXP. VS. THEORY Assumptions and Conditions: 0.05 Coverage Is Uniform Scale = 100%/(5.2 Angstroms) Compare averaged experimental data to theoretical calculation Field and Laser intensity low enough so that Schottky barrier lowering, field enhancement, and heating are negligible. <Experiment> Theory 0.04 QE [%] Scale factor between Coverage (theory) and Deposition thickness (exp) taken as Atomic diameter: Cs on W 407 nm @ 300 K 0.03 0.02 0.01 Feb Oct 04 05 0 Presumed Error: ± 0.0007 0.0035 -0.01 0 20 40 60 80 100 Coverage [%] Intro to Emission 98 QE OF Cs ON W, Ag: Predictions / Comparisons 0.1 6 Cs on Ag Cs on W 5 0.08 QE [%] QE [%] QE [%] 0.06 0.04 Field [MV/m] Lambda [A] Area [cm2] h*f [eV] Io [MW/cm2] T [Kelvin] 0.02 1.70000 2660.00 0.490874E-01 4.66106 0.100000 640.0 2 Field [MV/m] Lambda [A] Area [cm2] h*f [eV] Io [MW/cm2] T [Kelvin] 1 1.70000 2660.00 0.490874E-01 4.66106 0.10000 640.000 Cs on W 0.3 QE [%] 0.02 QE [%] QE [%] QE [%] 3 0 0 0.03 0.01 0 QE [%] 4 Field [MV/m] Lambda [A] Area [cm2] h*f [eV] Io [MW/cm2] T [Kelvin] 0 20 40 60 1.70000 4070.00 0.490874E-01 3.04629 0.100000 300.0 Coverage [%] 80 100 0.2 Field [MV/m] Lambda [A] Area [cm2] h*f [eV] Io [MW/cm2] T [K] 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 1.70000 4070.00 0.490874E-01 3.04629 0.100000 300.0 Coverage [%] 80 100 Intro to Emission 99 SCANDATE DISPENSER CATHODE Circle FBlue = 1.8 eV Red Circle F = 1.9 eV 1.7 1.8 1.9 Energy [eV] 2 2.1 Dispenser cathode • Non-uniform emitting surface depends upon T & environment • Small changes in F produce larger changes in thermal and photoemission current Image & Data courtesy of A. Shih, J. Yater (NRL) Emission Map: Dark Areas = Ave. Current Density > 10 A/cm2 Intro to Emission 100 PATCH MODEL Variation can be geometric, adsorbateinduced, and/or coverage dependent: Let P = property dependent on surface (e.g., work function) and macro variables F and T (e.g., field, temperature) Define surface by regions indexed by (i,j) Macroscopic = sum over micro patches 1 Pi, j 2 2 P F i, j yj xi ,Ti, j ; xi cos f , y j sin f df 0 P F,T ; x, y d i, j i , j Pi, j di, j d 1 HYPERBOLIC TANGENT VARIATION MODEL Parameterize local (micro) variation by assuming • Cylindrical symmetry • Two parameters to control transition from island-like to uniform distribution Coverage 0.8 0.6 0.4 c = 0.5 = 10 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Radial Coordinate 1 o 1 exp 1 Intro to Emission 101 UMD EXPERIMENT: Dispenser Photocathodes 0.3 Experiment Theory 0.25 Charge [nC] PROGRAM: University of Maryland has 5-year JTO funded program for R&D in FEL components and technology. Task A (“Photocathode Development”) is experimental program to develop & test robust photocathodes capable of O(ps)-pulses with O(nC) charge, suitable for high duty factor DC and RF guns. A dispenser photocathode that can be self-annealed or repaired, that operates with a visible drive-laser, and at modestly elevated temperatures, is focus. 0.2 0.15 Q vs Field T = 386 C 0.1 o 0.05 0 Laser In E =20.9 mJ 0 0.5 Anode Cathode Ion Pump Window 1 Charge [nC] Current Transformer 1 1.5 2 2.5 Field [MV/m] 3 Experiment Theory Q vs. Intensity T = 386 C o 0.1 F = 1.7 MV/m 0.01 12 16 20 24 2 Intensity [MW/cm ] 28 Intro to Emission 102 QE Measured (UMD), calculated (NRL), & in literature for various dispenser cathodes B-TYPE: B. Leblond, NIMA317, 365 (1992) UMD experimental data M-TYPE UMD experimental data SCANDATE UMD experimental data description of theory and exp. conditions for UMD data is at: http://fel2004.elettra.trieste.it/pls/fel2004/ Proceedings.html, paper TUPOS65 (proc. of FEL2004 Conf) QUANTUM EFFICIENCY QE PREDICTION & EXPERIMENT Experiment Theory 10-3 M-type 10-4 B-Type Scandate -5 10 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 QE Values for various metals (Au, Cu, Mg) T. Srinivasan-Rao, et al. J. Appl. Phys. 69, 3291, (1990) Theory: All parameters taken from AIP Handbook, 3rd Edition, CRC Tables, literature field enhancement: Mg = 7.0, Cu = 2.5, Au = 1.0 Possibility of adsorbate contamination ignored QUANTUM EFFICIENCY W AVELENGTH [nm] -3 10 Mg Exp Cu Exp Au Exp Mg Theory Cu Theory Au Theory -4 10 10-5 250 260 270 280 290 300 WAVELENGTH [nm] Intro to Emission 103 OTHER FACTORS I FACTORS AFFECTING EMISSION CURRENT t q J T , F, h d total emitted charge QE total incident energy t I R, , h d d Differential surface area illuminated d 2 d 2 dz 2 prolate spheroidal analysis Intensity on differential element i d I surf 1 R I 2d d index of ref & penetration Variation in illumination intensity 2 I I o exp / dictated by experiment (weak variation for small tips) Angular variation of reflection coefficient R: determination of incidence angle tan dz tan prolate spheroidal analysis d tan a o Electron Gas Temperature T , Tbulk 2 1 t to laser-material CI surf exp interaction & time 2 t T dependent model p Intro to Emission 104 FIELD-ASSISTED PHOTOEMISSION FROM W Tungsten needle: 10 mm long with radius of curvature at apex = O(1 m) Laser Intensity of order O(100 MW/cm2) over O(10 ns) and 4th harmonic of Nd:YAG ( = 266 nm) 0 -1 • Cathode to anode separation ≈ 35 mm -2 • Max Anode ≈ 33 kV (Fo = 0.94 MV/m) -3 • Match between prolate spheroidal approx. & actual tip is reasonable o z-z [micron] Other Factors: Photograph courtesy of C. A. Brau Vanderbilt University -4 -5 prol. spher. 0.5 m diam. -6 0 1 2 3 4 rho [micron] 5 • Constraints of side walls, temperature at apex, etc. result in best estimate of as = 0.53 m 6 Intro to Emission 105 TUNGSTEN NEEDLE CATHODE Reference Point: Laser Illuminated W Needle Simulation And Experimental Data† V(ref) = 17.0 kV F(ref) = 0.199 GV/m †C. Hernandez-Garcia, C. A. Brau Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A483 (2002) 273–276 Simulation: Macro Q(ref): 2 Q(266) = 0.528374 % Q(355) = 1.74e-03 % Current at Peak = 0.112 A Intensity = 32 MW/cm2 QE(V)/QE(ref) Exp: Macro Q(ref) @ 266: 355 nm Gaussian Laser spot 50-100 microns (1/e) (depending on ): let = 25 microns (radius) Macro QE Estimation 200 hc 0.112Amp QE[%] MW q 0.266 m 2 25 m 32.2 cm 2 0.0826 % 266 nm 1.6 1.2 Reference Point [17 kV] 0.8 0.4 0 Error Bars: ±20% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Anode Potential [kV] 355 comparison used same R, scat fac.,penetration depth, etc. as 266 and is therefore only qualitative Intro to Emission 106 SURFACE AND SEMICONDUCTOR THEORY 0 -4 V(eV) ENERGY Surface: Interaction of BaO on surface affects barrier in manner dependent on QM effects W Clean W(001) Potential -8 Ba/O/W(001) -12 Ba -16 O -20 -24 0 5 10 15 POSITION z(bohr) hk 1 f f x, k;t V x, k k f (x, k ;t)dk f (x, k) fo (x, k) QDF t m x Empirical Scattering Term for Metals Inadequate at Low T, Not Adequate for Semiconductors Scattering Using Quantum Distribution Function good for metals, great for semiconductors, but Scattering Dependent on Carrier density, T, etc, and evaluation for arbitrary conditions is more complicated Mass density E Deformation potential Sound Velocity h3vs2 2 mkBTk(E) momentum Temperature Ex: Acoustic Phonon process 0 E 3/2 E f (E)dE 0 E 3/2 f (E)dE Intro to Emission 107 QUANTUM DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION Steady State Solution without Scattering to Gaussian Potential Barrier with incident electrons from both boundaries for Copper parameters hk 0 f x, k;t V x, k k f (x, k ;t)dk m x V (x) Vo exp (x xo ) / 2 Trajectory Representation Distribution Function Phase Space Intro to Emission 108 EMITTANCE & LOCAL CATHODE CONDITIONS Time-dependent Photo-emission Model Evaluates Current Density & QE Via Presumed Equivalence Between “Patches” + Rapid evaluation of <Average> quantities – Fails to predict macroscopic emittance or give basis for distribution QE of surface likely to be random on macroscopic scale Patch Model + More realistic emission distributions; mimics “hot spots” and asymmetry – Far greater numerical complexity & simulation Approach: Propagate emitted surface distribution away from cathode to hand-off to PIC Macro Model Simulated QE maps of coated surface Simulated Smoothing from propagation Intro to Emission 109