Bar Council Business Development Mission to Brazil 2016
Bar Council International
7 – 11 March 2016, Brazil
The Bar Council's International Committee is organising the
third business development mission to Brazil, led by
Chairman of the Bar Council, Chantal-Aimée Doerries QC.
International Practice
The visit aims to raise the profile of the Bar within the
Brazilian legal market and to promote the services barristers
UK bilateral law associations
can offer Brazilian clients. This is an excellent opportunity
for members of the Bar who are interested in expanding their
international practice in relation to Brazil.
If you are interested in participating in the visit or speaking
at any of the seminars, please read our guidance document
Regional interest group:
If you would like to join the
China interest group, please
email International Events.
and send an application form to Cory Liang:
CLiang@BarCouncil.org.uk. The deadline for applications is
09:00 Monday 25 January 2016.
If you would like to join the
Middle East/Gulf interest group
Opportunities for barristers in EU Law
please email International
27 January 2016, Middle Temple, London
The EU Law Committee of the Bar Council will provide
If you would like to join the
insight on alternatives to a career at the practising Bar and
North America interest group,
opportunities in the EU law field. For further information
please email International
and registration, please click here.
British-Brazilian Exchange Programme: Welcome
4 February 2016, Old Court Room, Lincoln’s Inn
If you would like to join the
South America interest group
please email International
Members of the Bar are invited to attend the welcome
reception for the ten Brazilian lawyers taking part in the
British-Brazilian Exchange Programme. If you are interested
To receive this email directly
in attending, please email Nicole Cottle.
please email:
Opportunity for junior and senior members of the Bar to participate in the Korean
Exchange Programme and Bar Council Mission to South Korea & China – ‘save the date’
4 – 15 April 2016, South Korea & China
Work is now underway for the second return leg of the Korean Exchange Programme in
which junior barristers will visit South Korea for two weeks. Hosted by the Korean Bar
Association, they will undertake placements in local law firms, visit key legal institutions
and receive an introductory course in the Korean legal system. There are also opportunities
for senior members of the Bar to participate in a wider business development mission to
South Korea and China. For further information and to register your interest, please contact
Jessica Crofts-Lawrence.
The British Bill of Rights – Protecting Freedom under the Law
27 January 2016, London
This event will discuss the publication of the Conservatives government consultation on the
bill and address concerns and questions surrounding the bill’s contents. For further
information and registration, please click here.
The Legal Impact of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
27 January 2016, London
This seminar will examine the legal impacts of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
adopted in December 2015. The panel of experts, who played key roles in the Paris
negotiations, will explain how the agreement finally came together, and analyse its legal
effects, strengths and weaknesses. For further information and registration, please click here.
A Starter in International Negotiation Master Class
28 January 2016, London
This workshop is an opportunity for those who want to develop a greater understanding of
negotiation and how they can achieve improved outcomes from their negotiations. For
further information and registration, please click here.
Annual Bingham Lecture – Spreading the Rule of Law: Mission Impossible?
4 February 2016, London
This event, chaired by Lord Neuberger, President of the UK Supreme Court, will take the
form of a conversation on the internationalisation of the rule of law. For further information,
please click here.
Under African Skies: Investment, Financing and Natural Resources in Africa and beyond
11-13 February 2016, Cape Town
This event will examine issues commonly arising in the context of investing in, financing
and negotiating M&A and finance transactions in the mining and natural resources sector,
focusing on transactions with an African element. For further information and registration,
please click here.
Dubai Forward
15-17 February 2016, Dubai
This conference is an opportunity for authorities and professionals to engage in highly
informative and practical discussions that address key aspects of the emirate’s evolving
economy. For further information and registration, please click here.
Central and Eastern Europe Professional Services Road Show
21 – 26 February 2016, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia
UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) London are arranging a Market Visit to three of the main
gateways to Eastern Europe. This will include a series of 'speed dating' and networking
events for lawyers with potential clients and business partners. For further information,
please click here.
CDR Spring Competition Litigation Symposium
3 March 2016, London
This event will focus on how to manage compliance to minimise regulatory risk, the links
between regulation and litigation proceedings in terms of damages and disclosure, and legal
professional privilege. For further information and registration, please click here.
International Association of Young Lawyers Annual Competition Conference 2016
3-5 March 2016, Valencia, Spain
This conference will discuss the most recent developments at the intersection of technology,
media, telecommunications and competition law. For further information and registration,
please click here.
ICAB World Bar Conference
14-16 April 2016, Scotland
This biennial event brings together the member independent bars of the International
Council of Advocates and Barristers for a stimulating programme of seminars and social
events to enhance the practice of referral advocacy around the world. For further
information, please click here.
Rule of Law challenges in Latin America: Corruption and Judicial Independence
18-19 April 2016, São Paulo, Brazil
This conference will consider a number of urgent and current issues relating to the rule of
law in Latin America, including corruption, the conduct of trials and ways to ensure judicial
independence. For further information and registration, please click here.
Opportunities within the General Court of the European Union
The General Court of the EU is advertising vacancies for new Legal Secretaries and
Assistants to make up the Chambers of the new judges who are being appointed as part of
the General Court expansion. For further information, please click here.
Opportunities within the Bar Human Rights Committee
The Bar Human Rights Committee is seeking a dynamic Coordinator with fundraising
expertise for a 12 months maternity cover. For further information, please click here.
Practitioner Training Course – The EU directives on fair trial rights in criminal
This free training course is designed for those who wish to learn more about new EU laws
on fair trial rights in criminal proceedings and about how to use them to tackle systemic
issues in their own jurisdiction. For further information, please click here.