Chapter 17 EXTERNALITIES 1. Externalities defined When an individual’s actions impose costs on or provide benefits for others, but the individual does not have the economic incentive or the opportunity to take those costs or benefits into account, economists say those actions generate externalities. Externalities are the results of actions that create harmful or beneficial side effects or by-products that are not properly taken into account in mutually beneficial market transactions. They are, therefore, one of the principal sources of market failure. Market failure occurs when the individual’s pursuit of one’s own interest, instead of promoting the interests of society as a whole, can actually make society worse off. Market failure could also occur when an individual’s actions has socially desirable consequences but because of the high private cost of that action not enough of it is undertaken. That is, socially efficient amount is not produced. In explaining externalities, on the benefit side of an action, we distinguish between private benefit versus social benefit of that action. And on the cost side of an action, we distinguish between private cost versus social cost of that action. 2. Optimum Output Without Accounting for Externalities Suppose the benefits and costs of production of a product, say, schmoo, are represented by the following benefit and cost functions: Total Benefit: Total Cost: B = 90Q − 4Q² C = 10Q + 4Q² Table 17-1 below shows the total benefit/cost and marginal benefit/cost of production and consumption of schmoos. Note that the optimal quantity is 5, where the net benefit is B – C = $200, and where MB = MC. Also observe the diagram in Figure 17-1 below. Q 0 B = 90Q − 4Q² $0 C = 10Q + 4Q² $0 B−C $0 MB = 90 − 8Q $90 1 86 14 72 82 18 2 164 36 128 74 26 3 234 66 168 66 34 4 296 104 192 58 42 5 350 150 200 50 50 6 396 204 192 42 58 7 434 266 168 34 66 8 464 336 128 26 74 Page 1 of 8 MC = 10 + 8Q $10 Table 17-1. Optimum output. Optimum output Q = 5 is produced when MC = MB = 50. Q is optimal because total net benefit is maximized at B – C = 350 – 150 = 200. Figure 17-1. Unregulated market optimum output 500 B 450 The maximum net benefit: B − C = 350 − 150 = 200 is achieved at Q = 5. 400 Benefit, Cost 350 350 C In the lower diagram, the optimal output is shown to be at the intersection of MB and MC. 300 250 The MC curve below represents the market supply curve, and, similarly, the MB curve is the market demand. 200 150 150 The equilibrium quantity is 5 units and the equilibrium price is $50. 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Quantity Marginal Benefit and Marginal Cost 100 90 80 MC 70 60 50 40 30 MB 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Quantity 3. Optimum Output with Externalities Accounted For The market demand and supply of schmoos, as shown above, are drawn without taking into account the externalities. The following shows what happens to the supply and demand when external costs and benefits are taken into account. In the comparison of benefits and costs of allocation of resources to a certain purpose in a market system these measures include only the benefits received by the consumers who pay for the good or service, and the compensation received by the owners of the resources used up. However, the transaction between the buyers and sellers entails certain costs (and benefits) that are not captured in private, mutual transactions. For example, in the production process certain resources are used up, and if these resources are not claimed by any single individual private entity, no compensation is made for their use. If a firm dumps the harmful by-products of a production process in a nearby river, that river is used up as an economic resource. Disposing of the industrial by-products entails costs, and the producer avoids these costs by dumping by-products in the river. However, since no one places a claim of Page 2 of 8 ownership on that resource, the river, and hence no one is compensated for its use, there is no accounting for the cost of that resource. This is an example of production externality or spillover. A resource, in this case clean water and all the attendant uses enjoyed by others, is used up without compensation, or without taking into account the opportunity cost of using that scarce resource. An externality therefore exists when the actions of a person or group impose an uncompensated cost on others. 3.1. External Costs or Negative Externalities In Figure 17-1 the benefit and cost curves in a private competitive market system represent only private benefits and costs. If we included the social benefits or costs, then the optimum output would be different than that shown in those figures. Figure 2 shows that if we included the external cost, that is, if we required the firms to internalize the costs (pay the community or society as the collective owner of the resource) then the production costs would move up from the C to SC, social cost. Also note that MC is shifted up to MSC, marginal social cost. The difference between MSC and MC is called the marginal external cost. Q B = 90Q − 4Q² SC = 26Q + 4Q² C = 10Q + 4Q² MB = 90 − 8Q MSC = 26 + 8Q MC = 10 + 8Q 0 $0 $0 $0 $90 $26 $10 1 86 30 14 82 34 18 2 164 68 36 74 42 26 3 234 114 66 66 50 34 4 296 168 104 58 58 42 5 350 230 150 50 66 50 6 396 300 204 42 74 58 7 434 378 266 34 82 66 8 464 464 336 26 90 74 Table 17-2. Including external cost in total cost and marginal cost Including external costs in the cost function raises the total social cost above the private cost function. Correspondingly, marginal cost shifts upward to marginal social cost (MSC). Now the optimum output is Q = 4, where MB = MSC = $58. Note that MSC exceeds MC by $16 at each level of output. This is the marginal external cost of producing each additional unit added to the private marginal cost of production. Referring to Figure 17-2, suppose we are able to measure the external cost but fail to compel the firms to internalize it. When the firms continue to produce Q = 5, then, at that output level, marginal social cost, as measured on MSC, would exceed MB. (Extend the vertical line from Q = 5 to intersect MSC.) Thus, when the external cost is not internalized the market system tends to over-produce or over-allocate resources. Resources are therefore are not allocated efficiently. If we compelled the firms to internalize the external costs then the smaller quantity Q = 4 would be produced. This would be the socially optimum output level. Page 3 of 8 B Figure 17-2. Optimum output with external costs. The maximum net benefit including external costs is now achieved at Q = 4. 350 SC B − SC = 296 − 168 = 128. 230 C Total benefit, total private cost, and total social cost 500 450 400 350 296 300 250 168 200 In the lower diagram, the socially optimal output is shown to be at the intersection of MB and MSC. When Q = 5, marginal social cost exceeds marginal benefit. Resources are over-allocated. More than socially desirable amount is being produced. 150 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Quantity Marginal benefit, marginal private cost, marginal social cost 100 MSC 90 80 The vertical gap between MSC and MC is called the marginal external cost (MEC). MC 66 70 Note that when external costs are included the MC curve shifts up. If we view the MC curve as the market supply curve, then inclusion of social costs would lead to a decrease in supply (shift the supply curve left). 58 60 50 50 40 30 MB 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Quantity 3.2. Positive Externalities An example of a positive externality is the benefits of scientific discovery or technological innovation. Even with patents or intellectual copy rights, the impact of scientific discoveries or technological innovations is not limited to the riches for the individual or firm taking credit for the discovery or innovation. These discoveries and innovations benefit society (and humanity). Think of the monumental impact of Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, or Jonas Salk’s discovery of the polio vaccine. A better example yet is education. Schooling and training “produces” educated citizens. So, educating citizens is a production process. This production process has positive externalities or external benefits. A private educational institution may earn profits by providing educational services. However, the private institution is not the only one profiting in this unique production process. The rest of society also profits from producing educated persons. Consider worker training. An individual demands education or training in the expectation of higher income. However, the benefits of education and training spill over beyond individuals’ income earning capacity. Availability of better educated Page 4 of 8 and well trained workers is vital for economic development and raising the standard living of the whole population. Thus social benefit of education and training exceeds the private benefit. In our cost benefit model now increase the total benefit function from B = 90Q – 4Q² to SB = 106Q – 4Q². Table 17-3 shows the calculation of costs and benefits for various levels of Q. Note that MSB at each level of output exceeds MB be $16. This represents marginal external benefit of each additional unit of output over the private marginal benefit. The socially optimum output is now 6. Q B = 90Q − 4Q² SB = 106Q − 4Q² C = 10Q + 4Q² MB = 90 − 8Q 0 1 MSB = 106 − 8Q MC = 10 + 8Q $0 $0 $0 $90 $106 $10 86 102 14 82 98 18 2 164 196 36 74 90 26 3 234 282 66 66 82 34 4 296 360 104 58 74 42 5 350 430 150 50 66 50 6 396 492 204 42 58 58 7 434 546 266 34 50 66 8 464 592 336 26 42 74 Table 17-3. Including external benefit in total benefit and marginal benefit Including external benefit in the benefit function raises the total social benefit above the private benefit function. Correspondingly, marginal benefit shifts upward to marginal social benefit (MSB). Now the optimum output is Q = 6, where MB = MSC = $58. Note that MSB exceeds MB by $16 at each level of output. This is the marginal external benefit of producing each additional unit added to the private marginal benefit of. Figure 17-3 shows that by including the external benefits total benefit curve would rise from B to SB. The optimum output, that which would maximize the difference between SB and C, is now 6 units. Comparing the marginal curves, when limiting output to Q = 5, MSB would exceed MC, implying that resources are under allocated. Output should increase to Q = 6, where MSB = MC. Page 5 of 8 Total benefit, total social benefit, total cost 600 Figure 17-3. Optimum output with external benefits. The maximum net benefit including external benefits is now achieved at Q = 6. SB 550 492 500 430 450 400 B B − SC = 492 − 204 = 288. 350 350 In the lower diagram, the socially optimal output is shown to be at the intersection of MSB and MC, where C 300 250 204 200 MSB = MC = 58 150 150 When Q = 5, marginal social benefit (66) is greater marginal cost (50). Resources are under-allocated. Less than socially desirable or optimum amount (Q = 6) is being produced. 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Marginal benefit, marginal social benefit, marginal cost Quantity The vertical gap between MSB and MB is called the marginal external benefit (MEB). 110 100 90 80 MC 66 70 58 60 50 50 MSB 40 30 MB 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Quantity 4. Internalizing Externalities: Taxes and Subsidies Taxes and subsidies play an important role in adjusting the market behavior so as to take into account the externalities of production and consumption. The following is a simplified model explaining how taxes and subsidies affect allocation of resources in a market system. 4.1. Taxes to Internalize Negative Externalities Figure 17-2 above showed that if the external costs in production were taken into account then the industry’s marginal cost curve would rise from MC to MSC. Note that, as explained before, the marginal cost curve represents the industry supply curve. Imposing a tax per unit of output would raise the marginal cost (the supply curve) by exactly the per unit tax amount. In Figure 17-4 the graph on the left shows the original supply function as S₀ = MC = 10 + 8Q. Imposing an excise tax of $16 (equal to external cost per unit of the good) raises the marginal cost curve by exactly $16 to S₁ = MSC = 26 + 8Q. By Page 6 of 8 90 S₁ S₀ 58 50 42 26 D Marginal benefit and marginal cost Marginal benefit and marginal cost imposing the pollution tax now we have achieved a socially optimum output. The diagram on the right shows the tax imposed or collected from the consumer. The tax shifts the demand D₀ = MB = 90 – 8Q to D₁ = 74 – 8Q. Whether the tax is collected from the producer or the consumer, the outcome is the same. The socially optimum quantity is Q = 4. 10 90 74 S₀ 58 50 42 D₀ 10 4 5 Quantity D₁ 4 5 Quantity Figure 12-4. Using tax to account for negative externalities. To reduce the production/consumption of a good with negative externalities (external costs) a per unit tax of $16 is imposed. The tax can be imposed on the producer or the consumer. The diagram on the left shows the tax on the producers. The one on the right shows the tax on the consumer. The outcome is the same. The socially optimum equilibrium quantity is Q = 4. After the tax consumers pay $58 and producers receive $42, compared to the pre-tax equilibrium price of $50. 4.2. Subsidies to Externalize Positive Externalities To encourage an economic activity that involves positive externalities or external benefits, the government provides a subsidy. Now, the diagram on the left shows the subsidy paid to the producer. The subsidy in effect lowers the cost of production to the producer. Therefore, the supply shifts to the right (down) from S₀ = MC = 10 + 8Q to S₁ = MSC = −6 + 8Q. The new equilibrium quantity is Q = 6. The diagram on the right shows the subsidy or grant paid to the consumer. The subsidy in effect increases the income of the consumer. As a result the demand shifts up (to the right) from D₀ = MB = 90 − 8Q to D₁ = MSB = 106 – 8Q increasing the equilibrium output to the socially optimum quantity of Q = 6. The effect is the same. After the subsidy the optimum quantity is 6; consumers pay $42 and producers receive $58. Supporting public education is a perfect example of subsidy. Page 7 of 8 90 S₀ 58 S₁ 50 42 D 10 Marginal benefit and marginal cost Marginal benefit and marginal cost 106 90 S₀ 58 50 42 D₁ D₀ 10 5 Quantity 6 5 6 Quantity Figure 17-5. Using subsidies to increase output of goods with positive externalities. To increase the production/consumption of a good with positive externalities (external benefits) the government provides a per unit subsidy of $16. The subsidy may be provided to the producer or the consumer. The diagram on the left shows the subsidy provided to the producers. The one on the right shows the subsidy (grant) paid to the consumer. The outcome is the same. The socially optimum equilibrium quantity is Q = 6. With the subsidy consumers pay $42 and producers receive $58, compared to the presubsidy equilibrium price of $50. Page 8 of 8