veracity. A note about absolute veracity in Jewish Law: while it is permitted to tell the bride she is beautiful, science and ethics is a different matter. “Tell the truth and stand up for all humanity” Sydney Brenner, Science , 2004. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Center for Bioethics, Science and Society acknowledgments From Northwestern Teresa Woodruff: Cancer Genetics John Kessler: Stem Cell Research NIH Center of Excellence Mary Hendrix, CMH and Northwestern Rex Chisholm, Genetic Medicine Lynne Keasling, Kelloge School and Economics Kelly Mayo, Biology Jonathon Moreno University of Virginia and NAS Richard Hayes, MIT and NAS Len Zon, Harvard University, HHMI Doug Melton, Harvard University, HHMI Irv Weisman, Stanford University Ronald McKay, NIH Nissim Benvenisty Hebrew University, Jerusalem Rudolph Jaenisch, MIT Suzanne Holland, University of Puget Sound Karen Lebacqz, Pacific School of Religion, emertius Roger Pederson, Cambridge Knowledge Research Center Woo-Suk Hwang, Seoul National University, Gerald Schatten, University of Pittsburg Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Center for Bioethics, Science and Society