RÉSUMÉ DAVID S WETE K ELLY C U R R E N T C ON T R A C T S 1. Adviser for Afghanistan Rural Livelihoods, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australian Aid), Afghanistan Section. (see Page 5). 2. Adviser for Timor Leste Rural Development, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australian Aid), Timor Leste Section. (see Page 5). 3. Dry Land Farming Operational Plan, Direct Assistance Facility for Afghanistan (Australian Aid), contracted through IRD (see Page 5) 4. Market Development Facility (MDF) Independent Advisory Group (IAG) Team Member 2012-13, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australian Aid), Food Security Policy Section. (see Page 6) P E R S ON A L D E TA I L S Date of Birth: 24 January 1957 Place of Birth: Nairobi, Kenya Business Address: RDSM Consulting NZ 152 Hoopers Inlet Road RD2 Dunedin 9077 New Zealand Contact Numbers: Wk. Int’l + 64 (03) 478 0545 Email: david.swetekelly@rdsm.com.au Skype Id: david.swetekelly Nationality: Dual Australian and British citizenship. Marital Status: Married for 37 years to Rosemary (Editor). Language & Degree of Proficiency: English (native tongue) D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 1 P RO F E S S I O N A L S O C I E T I E S A N D A F F I L I A T I O N S Australasian Evaluation Society British Chevening Fellow/FCO Alumni Visitng Fellow of The East - West Centre (Hawaii, USA) Alumni of Lancaster University, Business School Australian Institute of Project Management 1999 to 2010 Australian Society Of Horticultural Science (Secretary 1994 To 1996) Australasia Pacific Extension Network 1990 to 2007 A C A D E M I C D E TA I L S Master of Science (Distinction) - Systems and Information Management, 1993. Name of Institution: Department of Systems and Information Management (now Management Science), Lancaster University, United Kingdom I was awarded a Chevening Fellowship from the British Government and a Study and Research Assistance Scholarship from the Queensland Government to support study on the use of Soft Systems Methodology to model complex human systems. Study was conducted under Professor Peter Checkland. The dissertation outlined lessons arising from an Action Research project that used systems concepts in the development of an Organisational and Information Strategy for United Health - a “funding” organisation within the National Health Service in England handling an annual budget exceeding £1.2B. Sabbatical – Tropical Horticulture Production, 1987 Name of Institution: University of Hawaii (Visiting Fellow) and East West Centre, Hawaii Completed a six week sabbatical at the University of Hawaii studying the states pineapple industry, extension and research support services, as well as visiting macadamia and ornamental production facilities. In addition completed a report for the East West Centre on the use of Botanical Derivatives for Pest Control. Vocational Study Unit (Distinction) - Integrated Pest Management, 1985. Name of Institution: University of Queensland This course assessed for use as an in-service training tool for the Department of Primary Industries. Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) 1977 Name of Institution: University of Queensland Area of Specialisation: Crop Production The degree was awarded with Honours on 4 May 1978. Study during the course centred on crop production and the integration of cropping systems with the surrounding environment. The thesis project investigated the unique nutritional requirements of Australian Proteaceous plants. R E C E N T C O N F E R E N C E S A N D S H ORT C OU R S E S : RECENT CONFERENCES New Zealand Farm Forestry Association Annual Conference 2014, Blenheim, New Zealand. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 2 The Middle East Unfolding Dreams and Drama in the early twenty-first century. Otago University 47th Foreign Policy School, St Margaret's College Dunedin New Zealand, Friday 22 June To Sunday 24 June 2012. 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and 3rd Farming Systems Design Conference (WCCA5 and FSD3), 26-29 September 2011, Brisbane Australia SHORT COURSES Advanced Applications for Microsoft Project and Project Central, CPMG and Microsoft Training Course, Canberra. 360 degree Leadership Evaluation, Power Consulting, Canberra. Logframe Analysis for Project Design, Canberra. Advanced Project Management Methods, Australian Institute of Project Management, Canberra. Photography for Communication, University of Queensland Continuing Education Course, Brisbane. Words in the Workplace, Effective writing short-course, University of Queensland, Brisbane. Organisational Leadership Program, Staff Development Group, DPI. Managing the Public Sector, A comprehensive training program for middle managers. The Centre for Australian Public Sector Management. Leadership Development Program - Modern marketing - a marketing education program, Hall Brown and Stevens Management Services. KEY INTEREST AREAS Project design and development Project and program evaluation Soft Systems Methodology Adoption of sustainable livelihood systems in complex multi-perspective communities Evaluation of rural system sustainability. Integration of resource conservation practices into traditional farming systems. Analysis of extension services and systems Agronomy and management of horticultural crops especially fruits. I N - C O U N T RY WO R K E X P E R I E N C E During his career Mr Swete Kelly has completed 159 missions to 30 countries and has spent over 7 years working in overseas situations. Country Philippines England Vietnam Papua New Guinea Hawaii Vanuatu D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE Trips 78 4 11 10 2 8 Months 35.67 13.33 3.77 3.07 2.77 2.17 3 Timor Leste Laos Pakistan Solomon Islands Cambodia Indonesia Fiji Iraq Mongolia 9 6 5 3 1 3 3 3 1 2.03 1.67 2.00 0.97 0.80 0.77 0.63 0.60 0.40 REFEREES On request, a list of referees can be supplied. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 4 E M P L OY M E N T R E C O R D A. FROM January 2014 TO December 2017 (172 Days) Fiji/East Timor/Pakistan EMPLOYER Cardno Emerging Markets (Aust) Pty Ltd under contract to DFAT POSITION HELD Member; Market development Facility Independent Advisory Group DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly is one of two permanent members of the MDF Independent Advisory Group (IAG). Activities include support to program implementation, quality assurance and review of program progress. Advice is provided to both the program itself and AusAID on the progress and options available. During 2014 the IAG completed assessments of progress in Fiji, Timor Leste and Pakistan as well as a report on the overall management and future direction of this multi-country facility. B. FROM January 2014 TO June 2015 (125 Days) Timor Leste EMPLOYER Cardno Emerging Markets (Aust) Pty Ltd under contract to DFAT POSITION HELD Adviser for Timor Leste Rural Development, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australian Aid), Timor Leste Section. DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly has been appointed the Rural Development Adviser to the DFAT Australian Aid program in Timor Leste. In this role he has reviewed past and current programs and will develop the concept and detailed designs for a new suite of activities to commence in 2016. The concept mission will commence in August 2014, to be followed by the design mission in late 2014. C. FROM May 2010 to June 2015 (up to 250 days) Afghanistan EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Long Term Advisor, Afghanistan Rural Livelihoods DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES David Swete Kelly has been contracted to provide ongoing advisory support for AusAID’s Afghanistan Section on rural livelihoods. This has required: 1. Member of the Core Reference Group for the Australia Afghanistan Community Resilience Scheme July 2014 to June 2015. 2. Finalisation of the first annual results report for the Afghanistan R4D Program. 3. Member of the Technical Assessment Panel for the (July – Aug 2013). 4. Review of project proposals under the Australia Afghanistan Community Resilience Scheme (Mar-Apr 2013). D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 5 5. Participation in the official Program Oversight Group for joint AusAID ACIAR agricultural initiatives in Afghanistan ) including appraisal of the newly proposed Livestock project (May 2013 and March 2014). 6. The official Quality at Entry appraisal of the draft design for the Australia Afghanistan Community Resilience Scheme and participation in the Peer review in September/October 2012; 7. The development of the Afghanistan Agriculture and Rural Development Delivery Strategy in July 2012. 8. The appraisal of the Uruzgan NGO program in April 2012; 9. The official external appraisal and QAE assessment of the proposal Support for Local Governance in Uruzgan (SLGU) by GTZ (November 2011); 10. An appraisal of the ACIAR concept design for an Integrated Watershed Management project in northern Afghanistan to be implemented by ICRISAT (November 2011); 11. The appraisal of the proposed four year extension to the ACIAR Wheat and Maize Production in Afghanistan project (CIM/065/2007). 12. A review of the Agriculture and Rural Development Cluster activities proposed by the government of Afghanistan (June 2010); and 13. The appraisal of the FAO’s proposal to undertake a Sustainable Agricultural Livelihoods Project in Bamyan (June 2010); 14. The appraisal of a proposal to support Almond production in Uruzgan submitted to AusAID by BGW Ltd. 15. The appraisal of the ACIAR Phase 2 design of the Integrated Catchment Management project in Afghanistan submitted by ICRISAT; 16. A review of Australian assistance to agriculture in Afghanistan noting opportunities for further investment. 17. A review of AusAID programs in Afghanistan and the preparation of Guidance Notes to assist in-country implementation. D. FROM Nov 2013 to December 2013 and June 2014 to September 2014 (up to 30 days each) Afghanistan EMPLOYER IRD, Washington POSITION HELD Technical Assistance to the Afghanistan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock to complete a Dry Land Farming Strategy and Implementation Plan. DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES David Swete Kelly visited Kabul in November 2013 to complete a Dry Land Farming Strategy for the Afghanistan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL). The strategy sets out the Government’s agenda for work in the rain fed areas of the country which are responsible for half the country’s grain and the majority of livestock production. MAIL plans to approve the strategy in late 2014 and requested further assistance to develop an Implementation Plan. This was completed in July 2014. E. FROM Jan 2013 to December 2013 (up to 75 days) Mongolia EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Team Leader for the Mongolia Mining for D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 6 Development Program DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES David Swete Kelly has been contracted to lead the team developing the Mongolia Mining for Development Program due for commencement in 2013/14. The design was completed and passed AusAID Peer Review in July 2013. Mr Swete Kelly is now preparing tender documentation and advising AusAID on potential Partnership Agreements. A socialisation visit is planned for September 2013. F. FROM December 2011 to December 2013 (up to 244 days) Africa Middle East and North EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Middle East North Africa Agriculture Adviser DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly has been engaged to provide advisory services to the MENA section in AusAID. Support is provided to AusAID MENA staff to analyse, plan and implement Australia’s support to agriculture throughout the region. Work conducted under this contract includes: 1. Preparation for a scoping mission to Egypt and Tunisia planned for November 2013; 2. Team Leader for the independent review of the Iraq Partnerships Facility and the Australia Iraq Agricultural Scholarships Program (Feb 2013). 3. Review of the ACIAR Project Proposal ‘Identifying and reducing yield gaps in farming systems of Egypt’s Nile Delta’ (Nov 2012) 4. Participate in the ACIAR In-house review of the ‘Conservation Cropping” project in Iraq (Apr 2012) 5. A Review of proposed AusAID support to a World Bank Trust Fund that will be part of the broader Farm-level Irrigation Modernisation Project (FIMP) in Egypt; 6. Review the ACIAR ‘Extension of Conservation Agriculture in Iraq” project (Jan 2011) 7. Oversight of the ACIAR programs on Conservation Agriculture, Integrated Water Management and Livestock Fodder Production in Iraq. G. FROM May 2011 TO December 2013 (4 months) Vanuatu EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Team Leader, Design of AusAID’s Vanuatu Electrification for Rural Program DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly led the design team to finalise the design documentation. The design entails the provision of subsidies to enable household lighting throughout Vanuatu as well as the electrification of key health and education facilities. The program will also strengthen the Governments capacity to plan and coordinate rural electrification. AusAID approved the design for implementation in September 2011 and Mr Swete Kelly then undertook a design “socialisation” visit before finalising the document for implementation. In mid-2012 a revision of the design was required to address changing circumstances in Vanuatu. To further guide implementation Mr Swete Kelly undertook a review of the DFAT funded Lighting D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 7 Vanuatu project between September and December 2013. Mr Swete Kelly will lead a team including staff from the Energy Cultures group at the University of Otago. H. FROM July 2012 to December 2013 (up to 40 days) South Asia EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Technical Support – Development of a civil society/governance facility DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly is engaged to support AusAID in the development of a new governance facility for South Asia. Currently a Concept has been developed called the South Asia Regional Platform which applies the principles of innovation systems thinking, innovation platforms and results-based management to the improved management and governance of the South Asia program. This Concept has been refined and approved for implementation. In July 2013 Mr Swete Kelly prepared Tender Documentation for the Platform.. I. FROM March 2012 TO December 2013 (45 Days) Fiji/East Timor/Pakistan EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Member; Market development Facility Independent Advisory Group DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly is one of two permanent members of the MDF Independent Advisory Group. Activities include support to program implementation, quality assurance and review of program progress. Advice is provided to both the program itself and AusAID on the progress and options available. Mr Swete Kelly is currently actively supporting the expansion of the MDF to Pakistan. J. FROM December 2009 to December 2013 (up to 157 days) Pakistan EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Technical Adviser, Pakistan Rural Development Sector Planning DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES David Swete Kelly is contracted to provide ongoing support for AusAID to develop and guide the Australia Pakistan Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy (APARDS). Mr Swete Kelly led a team to develop the strategy, and supported the AusAID team as they successfully took the strategy through the internal approval process. In parallel Mr Swete Kelly has provided AusAID with appraisals of the new phase of the ACIAR led Agriculture Sector Linkages Program (ASLP), the Sarhad Rural Support Program’s (SRSP) proposal “Strengthening Border Livelihoods” as well as the new phase of the FAO’s Agricultural Development in the Balochistan Border Areas (ABBA ) Program. ASLP, SRSP and AusABBA have now progressed to implementation under APARDS. Further assistance has been provided to ASLP to provide reviews of planned subprojects as well as collaboration with ACIAR to refine the M&E strategy for ASLP. Mr Swete Kelly also reviewed amendments to the SRSP in response to the 2010 Pakistan Floods. Comments and recommendations were also provided on an Early Recovery Program and a D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 8 formal appraisal of the Expanded Early Recovery Program. In late 2011 Mr Swete Kelly updated the APARDS to reflect evolving thinking and greater focus in line with the Australian Aid Effectiveness Review. Subsequently advisory support has been tasked to: 1. Join the Mid Term Review of the ASLP II and join the inception mission for the Market Development Facility (Apr 2013). 2. Assess a proposal to implement Permanent Raised Bed technology in the country (Sep 2012) K. FROM July 2012 to June 2013 (up to 40 days) Systems (FSIFS). Food Security through Innovation in Food EMPLOYER CSIRO POSITION HELD External Research support to Enquiry 3 – Food Systems in the East Gangetic Plains DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Under the AusAID CSIRO Research for Development Alliance, CSIRO is exploring different approaches to systems research that will develop greater insights to the challenges of Food Security in the East Gangetic Plains. Mr Swete Kelly is part of the research team and assists with the conceptualisation of systems approaches, the analysis of innovation platforms and the reporting of results as part of this major learning exercise for AusAID and CSIRO. L. FROM August 2011 TO December 2012 (62 days) Vanuatu EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Team Leader, Design of AusAID’s Transport Sector Support Program (Phase II) DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly led the design team to finalise the design documentation. The design entails support to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities to improve access and operation of transport services in Vanuatu. The design builds on Phase I of the project that has supported road infrastructure on three islands and built the capacity of the Public Works Department. The design passed AusAID Peer Review in August 2012 and Mr Swete Kelly finalised the design, and prepared the draft Scope of Services and Basis of Payment for the tender. M. FROM December 2011 TO March 2012 (31 Days) South-east Asia EMPLOYER CSIRO POSITION HELD Team Member, Midterm Review for the CSIROAusAID Alliance for Research for Development DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly joined Dr Paul Crawford to review the Alliance between CSIRO and AusAID to undertake R4D activities in Indonesia, Bangladesh, and the Mekong countries. A team work shop was conducted and visits were made to major project sites throughout the region. A review report was D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 9 prepared, submitted and accepted. N. FROM February 2011 TO August 2011 (1.9 months) Iraq EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Team Leader, Design of AusAID’s Agriculture Strategy 2011-2014 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES AusAID Country Strategy for Iraq (2010-2014) identified support to agriculture as a key pillar. Mr Swete Kelly worked directly with AusAID to facilitate the development of the Agriculture Delivery Strategy. He managed a number of stakeholder workshops, provided field notes on all discussions, and drafted the Strategy for AusAID consultation. O. FROM January 2011 TO February 2011 (1.9 months) Laos EMPLOYER IFAD POSITION HELD Team Leader, Design of the Country Strategic Opportunities Programme (COSOP) 2011-2014 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES David Swete Kelly led the COSOP Team to prepare the new results-based COSOP for IFAD engagement in Laos PDR for the period 2011-2015. The team included four experts in natural resource management, enterprise systems, institutions and ethnic groups. The team visited sites in the north and south of the country, met with central Government agencies. Mr Swete Kelly facilitated both a stakeholder workshop, as well as the final Aide Memoir discussions. The team was fully supported by IFAD’s Country Manager. Mr Swete Kelly then prepared the draft COSOP as well as specific Annexes. P. FROM October 2010 TO December 2010 (1.2 months) Cambodia EMPLOYER AusAID POSITION HELD Team Leader, Independent Completion Report for Integrated Land Mine and Rural Development Programs under the Australia Cambodia NGO Cooperation Agreement DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES David Swete Kelly led the ICR Team to review five projects implemented under the NGO Cooperation Agreement. Three of these projects concerned Integrated Land-mine Action while two were focused on Integrated Rural Development. David completed the review, prepared and presented debrif workshops with the five INGO implementing partners, Wrote the Aide Memoire and facilitated an Aide Memoire Workshop. Preparation of the final ICR is underway. Q. FROM January 2005 TO September 2010 (35.8 months) EMPLOYER Australia and Philippines GHD as Managing Contractor for AusAID D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 10 POSITION HELD Team Leader/Program Director for the Philippine Australia Community Assistance Program (PACAP) DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES David Swete Kelly assisted HAI and SDS with the preparation of their successful joint bid for the external management of this new phase of PACAP. As Program Director Mr Swete Kelly assumes the part time role of Team Leader and manages the implementation of PACAP for the five years from 2005 to 2010. In October 2009 AusAID further extended the program until September 2010. PACAP was implemented through two new Schemes. First was the Focus-Area Assistance Scheme (FOCAS) which developed long term relationships within five target Provinces in the southern Philippines. These were Agusan del Sur, Bohol, Misamis Occidental, Northern Samar, and Surigao del Norte. Second was the Responsive Area Scheme (RAS) which supported stand-alone projects throughout the southern Philippines with a particular focus on alienated communities. In both cases stakeholders were guided by a jointly developed Strategic Guidance Framework that identified the evolving priority areas in the dynamic Philippine context. R. FROM August 2008 to September 2010 (2.5 months) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Timor Leste Australian Agency for International Development External Appraisal Seeds of Life III (May 2010) Team Leader for the Concept Mission for Seeds of Life III (late 2009) Technical Advisory Group, Seeds of Life II (Ongoing) DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Appointed to the Seeds of Life Technical Advisory Group as the representative for AusAID. Seeds of Life is implemented through ACIAR with funding from AusAID. Completed an assessment of the performance of the program. In addition, considered the opportunities to link current or future Seeds of Life activities with a proposed Rural Enterprise Development initiative. Facilitated an AusAID workshop to consider the strategic thrust of AusAID’s support to Rural Development in Timor Leste. Also identified opportunities whereby Seeds of Life could integrate climate change adaptation initiatives. Prepared a detailed report outlining findings. In 2009 Mr Swete Kelly undertook a further TAG review of the SOLII Program and subsequently led the team to develop a Concept Paper for the design of SOLIII which was approved by AusAID. In 2010 Mr Swete Kelly appraised the design of the ensuing design and participated in the In-house Peer Review. S. FROM January 2009 to March 2010 (4 months) Solomon Islands EMPLOYER AusAID and GHD Hassall POSITION HELD Team Leader, Concept Design and the Design Mission for the Solomon Islands Rural Livelihoods Program DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 11 Prepared the Concept Paper for a new agricultural livelihoods program in the Solomon Islands. Subsequently this concept was amalgamated with other initiatives to form a more integrated rural livelihoods program concept. After peer review Mr Swete Kelly lead a large design team to develop the Program Design Document. Mr Swete Kelly prepared the majority of this document and joined AusAID to conduct a one week consultation before finalising the PDD for appraisal and peer review. T. FROM June 2008 to January 2010 (3 months) Vanuatu EMPLOYER AusAID and GHD Hassall POSITION HELD Team Leader, Design of the Land Reform Program in Vanuatu DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES The Vanuatu National Land Summit of 2006 has catalysed donor support for land reform in the country. As such AusAID has commenced a design process for a five year program of assistance scheduled to commence in early 2009. Mr Swete Kelly led a team of land specialists to develop a concept paper for the design in July 2008. He then led the main design mission in September 2008. He wrote major sections of the design and compiled and edited the final document. After Peer Review by AusAID Mr Swete Kelly was engaged directly by AusAID to prepare the Scope of Services and the Basis of Payment as part of the contracting strategy for the Program. Subsequently AusAID engaged Mr Swete Kelly to prepare the M&E Framework for the nations newly approved Land Sector Framework. U. FROM September 2006 TO July 2009 EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Philippines and Australia (Multiple inputs) AusAID through Cardno-ACIL Pty Ltd Member, Quality Assurance Panel, Philippines Australia Local Sustainability Project DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES The Philippines Australia Local Sustainability Program is a nine-year intervention in Misamis Occidental in the Philippines aimed at strengthening local planning and consultation processes between civil society and local government. Mr Swete Kelly s a member of the Quality Assurance Panel for PALS. In collaboration with the PALS team, other QAP members and under the direction of the QAP Chair, the QAP undertakes desk and in-country reviews of milestones produced by PALS. It also adds value to the milestones and discusses with the team approaches to improve the quality and learning arising from milestone reports. V. FROM April 2009 to May 2009 Philippines EMPLOYER Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research POSITION HELD Team Leader, Review of ACIAR Project Landcare in the Philippines DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Led a two person team to review ACIAR’s support to a Landcare program in the southern Philippines. Facilitated the mission and associated workshops and prepared the final report. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 12 W. FROM November 2008 to January 2009 (3 weeks) Pakistan EMPLOYER GHD Hassall POSITION HELD Team Leader, Review of the Pakistan Agricultural Sector Linkages Program DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES On behalf of AusAID, joined ACIAR to lead the review of the Agricultural Sector linkages Program. This five year program had initiated several projects on mango, dairy and citrus and also supported Trade and Scholarship linkages. The review was conducted to define key successes and entry points for further Australian partnerships in Pakistan. X. FROM July 2008 to July 2008 (10 days) New Zealand EMPLOYER Australian Agency for International Development POSITION HELD M&E Specialist, Develop the M&E Framework for the CAVAC Program DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Engaged to revise the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the proposed Cambodia Agricultural Value Chain Program (CAVAC). The work entailed the redrafting of the M&E Framework to reflect the restructured design and the refinement and linking of the Risk Management framework to the document. Y. FROM June 2000 TO June 2008 (8 months) Australia and the Philippines EMPLOYER Philippine National Irrigation Administration (under an Asian Development Bank loan) POSITION HELD Project Director, Southern Philippines Irrigation Sector Project (ADB Loan) DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly currently is Project Director for a team of foreign and national consultants providing technical assistance to the project. Mr Swete Kelly liaises with the client to ensure a common approach and vision and works closely with the Team Leader to ensure the project meets its objectives. The project provides a range of upgraded and new irrigation infrastructure covering up to nine sub-projects throughout the southern Philippines. However the focus of the project is on the mobilisation of effective local irrigation associations that can be involved in project development from commencement. These associations will then accept full transfer of irrigation operations and management within three years of project completion. Mr Swete Kelly assisted with the design of the participatory processes used to ensure farmer involvement in the selection, design, construction, and handover of the systems. He has also assisted with the approach for the catchment management plan involving group mobilisation and the adoption of appropriate upland farming practices and livelihood development. Z. FROM June 2008 to June 2008 (4 days) Canberra EMPLOYER Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 13 POSITION HELD Evaluation Specialist, Develop the Performance Framework for the AusAID ACIAR partnership in Papua New Guinea DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Developed a performance framework to reflect the AusAID ACIAR partnership in Papua New Guinea. The framework provides a description of the strategic aims of the partnership and the processes necessary for its effective implementation. The framework forms tha basis of the Record Of Understanding 2008 to 2013 for the two agencies. AA. FROM June 2008 to June 2008 (4 days) New Zealand EMPLOYER Australian Agency for International Development POSITION HELD Reviewer, external appraisal and QAE for the Dryland Conservation Farming project in Iraq DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Undertook a desk appraisal of an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) to AusAID proposing to undertake a A$4.0m dryland conservation farming project in Nineveh Governate in Northern Iraq. Submitted a briefing paper to AusAID in June 2008 and finalised the appraisal based on AusAID’s Quality at Entry (QAE) criteria in July 2008. BB.FROM May 2008 to June 2008 (18.5 days) Solomon Islands EMPLOYER Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands; Australian Agency for International Development POSITION HELD Team Leader, Review of the Management and Design of the Transitional Support to Agriculture Program DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Led a team to assess the current management of the Transitional Support to Agriculture Program (TSAP) and determine the most effective future strategies for ongoing implementation. Reviewed the program and met with stakeholders. Developed a proposal comparing the options and made a recommendation regarding the strategy preferred. CC.FROM May 2008 to May 2008 (4 days) Papua New Guinea EMPLOYER Australian Agency for International Development POSITION HELD Review of the Agricultural Research and Development Support Facility (ARDSF) Annual Plan 2008/09 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Reviewed the Annual Plan for ARDSF and prepared a written report for AusAID outlining the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal against AusAID’s Quality at Implementation (QAI criteria). Made D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 14 recommendations to AusAID on enhancements and improvements to the document. DD. FROM January 2008 to March 2008 (21 days) Papua New Guinea EMPLOYER Australian Agency for International Development POSITION HELD Team Member, Development of a Rural Development Strategy for AusAID’s Program in PNG DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Joined a team to assess the portfolio of AusAID’s current projects addressing rural development in PNG. Personally prepared the reports on a) the partnering agreements between AusAID and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; and b) AusAID engagement in Bougainville. Contributed to the drafting of the Strategy Framework and inclusion of client revisions. EE. FROM July 2004 TO Dec 2007 (6 months) Australia and Vietnam (Multiple Inputs) EMPLOYER Hassall and Associates International (HAI) as Managing Contractor for AusAID POSITION HELD Chair, Australian Technical Panel, Collaboration for Agricultural Research and Development (CARD) (and Project Director up until October 2005) DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES HAI is the managing contractor for this project. Mr Swete Kelly was HAI’s Project Director for CARD, managing the company’s interests and ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of project outcomes up until the end of 2005. He is also the ongoing Chair of the three-person Australian Technical Panel charged with the review and appraisal of all proposals received by CARD, and providing guidance to the Project Coordinating Committee. The Australian Technical Panel also has a role in mentoring the Vietnamese appraisal process, and assisting in project evaluation if required. CARD is a facility that funds collaborative, agricultural, applied research, development, and extension projects in Vietnam. It also strengthens the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to prioritise, fund, and manage a comprehensive Agricultural R, D & E Program. FF. FROM September 2007 to October 2007 Philippines EMPLOYER Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research POSITION HELD Team Leader, Review of ACIAR Project SMCN/2003/011 Herbicide use strategies and weed management options in Filipino and Australian cropping DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Led a two person team to review ACIAR’s support to a weed management program in Luzon and Iloilo. Facilitated the mission and associated workshops and prepared the final report. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 15 GG. FROM August 2007 to October 2007 Papua New Guinea and New Zealand EMPLOYER Australian Agency for International Development POSITION HELD Team Member, Design Mission, PNG Democratic Governance Program DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES The Democratic Governance Program builds on the success of the PNG Community Development Scheme and other AusAID initiatives with the churches, sports, and media in PNG. Democratic Governance aims to strengthen the social cohesion of PNG civil society and facilitate improved engagement between communities, government, civil society and the private sector. The design mission brought together core elements of democratic governance at the local and national level into a coherent program design. The design mission undertook an extensive review of the background literature, met with key informants in two Provinces as well as Port Moresby, and developed a design framework. The design process consisted of a twelve month period of analysis of key issues and consultation with national and sub-national stakeholders, synthesising existing reviews, a series of workshops including civil society and Government of PNG participants, further consultations to investigate feasibility issues and the drafting of the design by external specialists. Specific roles undertaken were to have input on the synthesis paper, lead one of the three field missions, contribute to strategic development and write components of the design. HH. From February 2007 to September 2007 Philippines and New Zealand EMPLOYER Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) POSITION HELD Consultant DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Contracted to assist with the development of agricultural development projects in the Philippines that build on previous ACIAR collaborative research. Currently proposals have been developed for mud-crab and grouper production. These projects link local NGOs with Philippine research partners to assist local communities. Undertook a desk-top review of the ACIAR Landcare project Extension in June 2007. II. FROM September 2005 to August 2007 Australia and Papua New Guinea EMPLOYER POSITION HELD AusAID through RDSM Consulting Pty Ltd Rural Development Specialist DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES In September 2005 AusAID engaged RDSM Consulting Pty Ltd to provide ongoing direct support to the development of the AusAID Rural Development Program in Papua New Guinea. Services are contracted over a two year period and are delivered against specific activities. The activities conducted so far include: D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 16 a. The redrafting of the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Facility (ARDSF) design document during late 2005. This task was completed in tandem with Linda Kelly of Praxis Consulting Pty Ltd; b. Support to in-country consultations related to the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Facility during November 2005, and the drafting of the Scope of Services and Basis of Payment to allow AusAID to proceed to tender. c. The Independent Completion Report for ACNARS (Australian Contribution to National Agricultural Research System) which finished in September 2005, was completed in February 2006. JJ. FROM May 2007 to June 2007 Timor Leste and New Zealand EMPLOYER AusAID Rural Development Period Contract through Hassall and Associates International POSITION HELD Team Leader, Mid-term Review, AusAID/ACIAR Seeds of Life Program, Timor Leste DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Seeds of Life is a Program implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Timor Leste and receives funding support from AusAID and ACIAR. Mr Swete Kelly led a four person team to undertake a mid-term review of the Program. The Mid-term review mission analysed background documents, visited project sites throughout Timor Leste, and held discussions with the team and other stakeholders. As Team Leader Mr Swete Kelly finalised and presented the Aide Mémoire and compiled the final version of the document for submission to MAFF, AusAID and ACIAR. KK.FROM August 2006 to May 2007 Indonesia and Australia EMPLOYER AusAID Rural Development Period Contract through Hassall and Associates International POSITION HELD Team Member, Design of ACCESS Phase II DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES The Australian Community Development and Civil Society Strengthening Scheme (ACCESS) has operated in eight Districts in Eastern Indonesia since 2002. Mr Swete Kelly joined a team to design the next Phase of the program. In collaboration with the team contributed to the development of a Civil Society Synthesis Paper and a Concept Design Paper. Undertook a two week mission in country and subsequently contributed to the finalisation of a draft and final Program Design Document for a $A25m five year program. In particular shared civil society experiences garnered in the Philippines and introduced Soft Systems Methodology to guide the design thinking and process. In May Mr Swete Kelly was separately contracted to update the design to align with recent changes to AusAID’s evolving strategic engagement in Indonesia. LL. FROM August 2005 to September 2005 (1 month) EMPLOYER Vietnam and Australia World Vision Australia through RDSM Consulting Pty Ltd D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 17 POSITION HELD Evaluation Specialist DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES World Vision contracted RDSM Consulting Pty Ltd to conduct the mid-term evaluations of two of their Area Development Programs in Tra My and Dong Giang Districts of Central Vietnam. The ADPs cover multi-sectoral support to poor communities in health, education, infrastructure, and livelihoods. David Swete Kelly and Paul Crawford completed the mission and prepared comprehensive reports detailing the activities and recommending options for future engagement. MM. FROM December 2003 TO August 2005 (30 days) Guinea Australia and Papua New EMPLOYER AusAID Rural Development Period Contract (through HAI) POSITION HELD AusAID Papua New Guinea Renewable Resources Program – Technical Advisory Group DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES David Swete Kelly is one of two people asked to provide rolling inputs to support the development and appraisal of AusAID’s Papua New Guinea Renewable Resources Program. Tasks so far have included: a. A review of the Australian Centre for Collaborative International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) proposed 2005/06 Operational Plan for Papua New Guinea. This operational Plan receives approximately 30% support from AusAID. b. A review of the planned AusAID/ACIAR Record of Understanding for ongoing work in PNG. c. The development of Terms of Reference for a Design Mission to develop AusAID’s future engagement in supporting Agricultural Research and Development in Papua New Guinea. d. The appraisal of the PNG Agriculture and Rural Development Support Design Document in July and August 2005. NN.FROM August 2003 TO September 2004 (1.5 months) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Vietnam World Vision (Australia) Team Leader – Mid Term and Final Evaluation, Conservation Based Agricultural Development Project DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly led a team of six local World Vision staff to complete the mid term evaluation of the Conservation Based Agricultural Development Project (CBAD). CBAD operates within three districts in Central Vietnam. The project integrates agricultural options into a farming system using a Participatory Action Research process. Upland, garden, wetland, livestock, aquaculture, and forestry options are considered. Mr Swete Kelly led the evaluation, trained staff in M&E tools, analysed results, and prepared D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 18 the final report. In September 2004 Mr Swete Kelly is scheduled to complete the final external evaluation of CBAD, as well as provide training to World Vision Vietnam staff on methods and tools for Participatory Evaluation. OO. FROM July 2004 TO August 2004 (1.5 months) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Papua New Guinea Period Contract to AusAID Team Leader, Agriculture Sector Research and Extension Program Planning Study DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly led a five person team in the development of AusAID’s forward planning for investment in the agriculture sector in Papua New Guinea. This included an appraisal of three of their current interventions, an assessment of key constraints to agricultural productivity, and the development of a suite of strategically linked options for AusAID consideration. Mr Swete Kelly took the lead role in coordinating and writing this major report. PP. FROM October 2000 TO July 2004 (4 years) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Australia & South East Asia Hassall and Associates International Regional Manager, South East Asia DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES HAI is a rural consulting company servicing a broad range of international clients as well as Australian farmers, government and industry. Mr Swete Kelly was one of HAI’s three regional managers in their International Division. He managed operations in South East Asia, and had full responsibility for the jointly owned Philippine Company Sustainable Development Solutions (SDS). HAI’s work in the SEA region focused on the Philippines, Indonesia, and East Timor and included projects with a fee value in excess of $160M AUD. In addition, he has directly undertaken short-term contracts to the value of $750,000. Mr Swete Kelly has overseen the development of SDS, which four years ago was little more than a business name with no full time staff. It is now a small but vibrant company that has run over 25 projects and manages contracts with an annual turnover of almost $3.5M. QQ. FROM June 2003 TO July 2004 (2 months) Australia and Philippines EMPLOYER HAI under contract to the Philippines Department of Agriculture (World Bank loan) POSITION HELD Project Director, Diversified Farm Incomes and Market Development Project (DFIMDP) DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES The DFIMD project is funded by the World Bank and implemented by the Department of Agriculture. It is a grant to assist the DA, over a 12 month period, develop an implementation program and loan guidelines to assist DA to fulfil its mandate under the Agricultural Fisheries Modernisation Act. HAI provided 32 local consultants to work both at the central institutional and field level to identify improved D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 19 management and operational guidelines for DA. The team prepared the loan agreement and implementation plans. RR. FROM March 2004 TO June 2004 (1.5 months) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Australia HAI under Period Contract to AusAID Team Leader, Design of the Philippine Australia Community Assistance Project DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly led a two person team to undertake the design of PACAP. This included the preparation of a full AusAID Project Design Document, Scope of Services, Basis of Payment, and Resource Schedules. Mr Swete Kelly (with the assistance of the team) liaised with AusAID and refined the Design to their requirements. The PACAP design was successfully completed leading to AusAID tendering the program in August 2004. SS. FROM December 2003 TO May 2003 (0.75 months) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Australia and Papua New Guinea HAI under Period Contract to AusAID Rural Development Specialist; PNG Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly joined a team of in-house AusAID specialists to assist with the planning and development of a new Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy for Papua New Guinea. Mr Swete Kelly met with current AusAid contractors, assessed donor links with the Asian Development Bank’s Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy (PPTA), and prepared a report outlining the current situation and proposing future action. Mr Swete Kelly provided peer review comments on the ADB Teams Inception Report. TT.FROM September 2003 TO December 2003 (1 month) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Philippines HAI under Period Contract to AusAID Team Leader – Review Mission for the Philippine Australia Community Assistance Program DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly led a team of three international consultants to review the Philippine Australia Community Assistance Program. The program delivers grant assistance to support community generated activities by contracting with NGO, Peoples Organisations, or Local Government to deliver services. The Team assessed the effectiveness of PACAP as an aid delivery mechanism and identified its achievements and its weaknesses. They undertook an assessment of the future directions for the program including innovative contracting options. Mr Swete Kelly coordinated inputs from the team, presented findings to AusAID and the Government of the Philippines, and led the preparation of the report. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 20 UU. FROM June 2002 TO December 2003 (5 weeks) Australia and Philippines EMPLOYER HAI under contract to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (World Bank loan) POSITION HELD Project Director, Preparation of Comprehensive Development and Management Plans for Three Watersheds in the Bicol River Basin DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly oversaw the contractual obligations of the project. He reviewed outputs of the project team and managed the contractual relationship with DENR. The project developed Comprehensive Resource Management Plans for three watersheds in the Bicol River Basin. VV. FROM June 2000 TO June 2003 (3 months) EMPLOYER Australia and Philippines HAI under Period Contract to AusAID POSITION HELD AusAID Philippine Strategic Advisory Group for Forward Planning DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly was invited to be one of five members of AusAID’s Philippine Strategic Advisory Group on Forward Planning. A number of activities have been undertaken related to the refinement and development of the Country Program Strategy. This includes work on developing Terms of Reference for studies on a) support for extension, b) community-based forest resource management, and c) agrarian reform programs. In particular, Mr Swete Kelly managed the team responsible for reviewing the Philippine extension system. A report was presented to AusAID outlining options to improve adoption and impact, using community, local government and private sector extension initiatives. This report promoted community involvement in rural development through increased expansion of the Landcare model. Mr Swete Kelly now has a major role in the development of AusAID’s new Area-focused Approach in five provinces in the southern Philippines. WW. FROM February 2002 TO Dec 2002 (2 months) Australia and Philippines EMPLOYER HAI as Managing Contractor for AusAID’s Philippine Australia Governance Facility POSITION HELD Activity Director, Technical Assistance for Southern Bukidnon Strategic Development Plan and Investment Program DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly oversaw the outputs of the international and national teams that developed a regional strategy and investment program covering ten municipalities in Southern Bukidnon. The core of the project was to work participatively with local government, other agencies, agribusiness, and local communities. The project identified local capacities for agro-industry, identified the processes for implementation, and devised an investment strategy for the Provincial Government to support the initiative. The strategy focused on three areas, working with a) upland farmers and indigenous peoples, D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 21 b) lowland farmers (principally sugar and rice), and c) local agribusiness and processing operations. The plan developed forms part of the overall development strategy of the Province of Bukidnon. XX.FROM December 2001 TO June 2002 (2 months) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Philippines HAI under Period Contract to AusAID Rural Development Specialist, Philippine Institutional Assessment Study DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly worked with Dr Bob Warner of the Centre of International Economics, and three local consultants, to analyse and report on the capabilities of various Philippine institutions, line agencies and local government units to undertake effective rural development policy analysis. Mr Swete Kelly coordinated the assessment of Local Government processes and capacities while Dr Warner focused on the National level capacities. Mr Swete Kelly conducted two local case studies (Surigao del Norte and Bohol) through an analysis of regional capacity of government, NGO and Academe. In addition Mr Swete Kelly contributed to the analysis at the national level and the production of the overall report. The report has been highly regarded within AusAID. YY. March 1999 TO August 2001 (4 months) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Vietnam World Vision Consultant, Sloping Agricultural Land Technology DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly provided project management, technical and evaluation support to the World Vision (Australia) project Sloping Agricultural Land Technologies (SALT), which is funded through AusAID’s NGO fund for Vietnam (NOVA). In addition, he identifies and coordinates other specialist inputs and trains staff in appropriate technologies and community facilitation skills. The project aims to improve the food security and overall livelihoods of three district communities in central Vietnam by eliminating seasonal food shortages. The project objective is to introduce new conservation farming systems and diversified cropping (including agroforestry options) to upland communes in Central Vietnam (Quang Nam, Hiep Duc and Danang). Mr Swete Kelly trained staff in improved livelihood development including, enterprise selection, market analysis, enterprise/business planning and upland conservation practices. He assisted with project establishment in May 1999, completed the mid-term review in Mar/Apr 2000 and undertook the final evaluation in August 2001. ZZ. FROM November 2000 TO May 2001 (6 weeks) EMPLOYER POSITION HELD Australia and Philippines HAI as Managing Contractor to AusAID Study Director, Feasibility and Design Study, Philippine Land Administration and Management Project D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 22 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly was Study Director for the design of AusAID’s technical support to the Philippine Land Administration and Management Project. This project is the first phase of the twenty-year World Bank/Government of the Philippines Land Administration and Management Program. He also managed the tender process to win this work. The first phase design focuses on the governance, policy, institutional and community foundations, necessary for a successful long-term land administration program. As Study Director, he managed team selection, fieldwork and report preparation. When problems arose with the original design he managed the team to respond to client concerns and participated in redrafting the document and delivering a product that the client has now successfully implemented. AAA. FROM April 1999 TO October 2000 (12 months) Australia & Philippines EMPLOYER Hassall and Associates International POSITION HELD Senior Consultant (Philippines) DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly was a senior consultant for the Philippines with Hassall and Associates International. His 21 years in agricultural development, extension and project management provided the experience required to develop and manage a portfolio of Philippine projects. He also supervised Hassall and Associates’ Philippine company, Sustainable Development Solutions. He was Project Director for a number of Philippine projects including: the Southern Philippines Irrigation Sector Project (ADB), the Municipal Solar Infrastructure Project (community development component) (BP Solarex); the Irrigation Systems Improvement Project II (ADB) and the Irrigation Operations Support Project II (ADB). In addition, he managed major reform of HAI’s Philippine Integrated Community Health Services Project to address client concerns on progress. Mr Swete Kelly was also involved in developing new project opportunities in Rural Development, Land Administration and Extension. BBB. FROM October 25 1999 TO April 2000 (62 days) Philippines EMPLOYER Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) POSITION HELD Team Member, Agricultural and R, D and E Specialist, AusAID Rural Incomes Strategy DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly was selected to be part of a team to prepare a Rural Development Strategy for the AusAID Philippine Country Program. In particular, he took primary responsibility for all issues related to agriculture, aquiculture and agroforestry relevant to the mission, as well as research, training and extension issues. He provided technical advice and contributed to the preparation of all published outcomes. The strategy was developed and subsequently accepted by AusAID. In April Mr Swete Kelly was invited to join a mission to the Philippines to undertake high-level consultations with the Department of Agriculture, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Department of Agrarian Reform on implementation of the strategy. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 23 CCC. FROM August 1999 (2 weeks) Laos EMPLOYER International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). POSITION HELD Consultant, Sustainable Upland Farming Systems DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Given Mr Swete Kelly’s long involvement in upland conservation farming he was invited to prepare a project document for an Integrated Upland Agricultural Research Program. This report integrates component inputs from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, IRRI, ICRAF, CIAT, ACIAR, IBSRAM, and IMPHOS. The resulting program aims to address the key environmental and conservation issues of the Laos Uplands, while ensuring that the productive capacity of upland areas is enhanced. The framework provides scope for further component research inputs, while ensuring that larger integrated development programs being developed through the ADB, and WB have a sound technical base on which to draw. As the consultant developing this proposal Mr Swete Kelly coordinated inputs from all stakeholders and collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Agricultural and Forestry Research Institute as key national institutions in the development of the uplands. In addition, Mr Swete Kelly contributed to the upland rice farming system component of the new SDC supported Lao-IRRI Phase 4 project. DDD. FROM December 1998- April 1999 (5 months) Australia EMPLOYER Queensland Horticulture Institute, Department of Primary Industries. POSITION HELD Extension Discipline Leader DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly acted as state Extension Discipline Leader for 58 Extension, Information and Communication professionals within the Queensland Horticulture Institute’s Professional Development Program. In this role, he monitored the professional development of all staff. He ensured an appropriate skills base and facilitated networking and skills development opportunities. He provided training at the Rural Extension Centre (University of Queensland) on participatory methodologies and Soft Systems Methodology. He jointly presented a workshop for the PACIFICLAND consortium on Participatory Rural Assessment (with Jules Pretty of the International Institute of Environmental Development). He guided the extension team to adopt a integrated approach to rural development incorporating a multidisciplinary team approach to industry problems. EEE. FROM August 1998 TO May 1999 (6 weeks) Laos FUNDING Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) & Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) POSITION HELD Upland Farming System Specialist Team Facilitator D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 24 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES During two visits to Lao PDR, Mr Swete Kelly surveyed the current progress of farming systems research and development in the uplands, with particular emphasis on the Luang Prabang province. He recommended a course of action to ACIAR encouraging further research collaboration between Australia and Laos. As a result, in April 1999 he was invited to present and help facilitate a multi-disciplinary workshop to develop a more integrated, participatory, and on-farm approach to upland agricultural research. Thirty-five scientists and technicians from all international and national institutions involved in Laos’ upland research attended the three-day workshop. Along with Ty Pommasak (Director, NAFRI), Mr Swete Kelly facilitated and led the final day session to integrate workshop outcomes. FFF. FROM January 1998 TO July 1999 (4 months) Philippines & Australia EMPLOYER Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) POSITION HELD Design Team Leader DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly completed the design and inception of a new project “Enhancing adoption of simple conservation practices: Land Care in the Philippines” just before joining HAI. This four-year ACIAR funded project is implemented collaboratively by DPI, ICRAF and SEARCA and commenced in July 1999. Mr Swete Kelly led the team through a process of concept development, documentation and promotion. This project expands on successful participatory, community-based processes in the Philippines and evaluates the potential of a Landcare approach to improve the scaling-up of sustainable farming systems. It builds on the successful ICRAF supported pilot already established in Misamis Oriental and Bukidnon through groups such as the Claveria Land Care Association. Work also extends to sites in South Cotabato. The Provincial governments are closely involved in project implementation. The DENR have expressed interest in using this as a national model for catchment development. The Australian Government is keen to support these initiatives on a broader scale. Links have been established with the new AusAID Philippine Australia Area-focused Approach to begin in 2001 in Northern Samar, CARAGA, Bohol and Zamboanga del Norte. GGG. FROM September 1997 TO April 1999 (19 months) Australia EMPLOYER Queensland Horticulture Institute, Department of Primary Industries. POSITION HELD Centre Leader, Centre for Subtropical Fruit - Maroochy Research Station DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES As Centre Leader for the Maroochy Research Station, Mr Swete Kelly managed staff, facilities and budgets and facilitated links with funding providers and research collaborators. Maroochy Research Station conducts national and international extension, development, and research programs on subtropical and tropical fruits including macadamia, avocado, custard apple, lychee, mango, banana, citrus, pineapple and strawberry. He supervised eighty staff based at the centre. Key to the approach promoted was that of integrating extension, research, marketing and post-harvest inputs into overall livelihood D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 25 projects to support agricultural enterprises. Hence projects such as “Better Berries”, “Avo-Man” and others focused on R,D&E’s contribution to the farming system, always ensuring component research was framed within the overall system impact. He facilitated staff involvement in a large range of international consultancies and training exercises. During this time staff completed assignments in Papua New Guinea, Honduras, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and China. HHH. FROM August 1996 TO December 1997 (3 months) Papua New Guinea & Fiji EMPLOYER Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) POSITION HELD Participatory Methodology Specialist DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly was the Participatory Methodology Specialist on an ACIAR international project team to evaluate the sustainability of farming systems in Papua New Guinea and Fiji. This project developed special significance in 1998 with the severe drought in PNG. The project identified and catalogued traditional farming systems and developed a process to identify farming systems in decline. Remedial action could then be planned for these communities before the situation became critical. III. FROM July 1994 TO December 1998 (21 months) Philippines & Australia EMPLOYER: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) POSITION HELD: Project Director and Leader Systems and Extension Specialist Horticultural and Fruit Tree Specialist DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly led and directed the major Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) project “Development and Evaluation of Sustainable Production Systems for Steep Lands”. These systems address the critical issues of resource conservation, while attempting to meet the production and economic expectations of the farmer. The project aimed to improve the long-term prospects for farmers of hilly areas in the Philippines. It used a multi-disciplinary technical team, working with government agencies, NGOs and the local community. The core team incorporated skills in agrostology, soil conservation, plant protection, extension and farming systems research. The project involved 34 professional staff from three departments, three national universities and four international organisations. Twenty-five growers served on project management teams or provided on-farm trial collaboration. Trials spanned Luzon, Cebu and Mindanao as well as sites in Australia. Work was always focused on an agroindustry enterprise system and detailed participatory transport and marketing studies underpinned livelihood selection. The approach achieved exciting results in the Philippines with the focus of the work in South Cotabato acting as a hub for further local development and project opportunities. As part of this project Mr Swete Kelly jointly authored the book “A catalogue of conservation practices for tropical steep lands” published by the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Agriculture, Los Baños, D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 26 Philippines. This book lists and describes a comprehensive range of conservation practices for use in low input farming situations. JJJ. FROM February 1994 TO April 1999 (5 years) Australia EMPLOYER Queensland Horticulture Institute, Department of Primary Industries. POSITION HELD Senior Principal Extension Horticulturist DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES As Principal Extension Horticulturist with the Queensland Horticulture Institute (QHI), Mr Swete Kelly was responsible for extension and development projects for the Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Industries. As a plantation crop and conservation farming system specialist, he conducted projects on conservation layouts for the state’s $200m banana industry. In addition, he cooperated in a major program to improve the sustainability of pineapple production. From 1994 to 1997 he led a program to introduce minimum tillage options to the intensive vegetable production industries. Work in Australia was acknowledged by a “Best Practice in Landcare” Award made by the National Landcare Movement. KKK. FROM April 1993 TO June 1993 (3 months) Hull, UK EMPLOYER: Creative Strategies and Systems for Management POSITION HELD: Team Leader, Systems Specialist DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES As part of his Master’s program Mr Swete Kelly led a consultancy to develop an Organisational and Information Strategy for United Health - a funding organisation within the UK National Health Service handling an annual budget exceeding $1.2b. The strategy involved detailed organisational and systems analysis and resulted in both significant organisational restructuring and the implementation of a detailed information strategy. LLL. UK FROM July 1992 TO December 1993 (12 months) University of Lancaster, EMPLOYER: British Council POSITION HELD: Chevening Scholar DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES In the late eighties Mr Swete Kelly became aware that the “technical specialist” role of extension was unable to confront the complex issues facing many of our farming communities. He was attracted to the work of Professor Peter Checkland on the analysis of complex human systems. In August 1992 he was awarded a British Council Chevening Scholarship and a Study and Research Assistance Scholarship from the Queensland Government to undertake study in the UK. He studied with Prof Checkland leading to a Master of Science in Systems and Information Management at Lancaster University. He gained a Distinction. This study provided valuable systems concepts to help with both farming system designs, information delivery, project management and project evaluation. During the time at Lancaster University he was elected post-graduate representative on the Management School Board of Studies. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 27 MMM. FROM October 1990 TO April 1991 (2 months) Vietnam EMPLOYER: FAO POSITION HELD: Pineapple Production Specialist DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES In October 1990 and in April 1991 Mr Swete Kelly undertook consultancies for the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations on pineapple production in Vietnam as part of an Acid Sulphate Soils development project. The project assessed the potential for Smooth Cayenne production on the acid sulphate soils of the Mekong delta. It covered analysis of production, post harvest and marketing problems. Eight weeks were spent in-country. NNN. FROM May 1990 TO July 1992 (2 years) EMPLOYER: Australia Horticulture Branch, Department of Primary Industries (DPI) POSITION HELD: Manager (Extension) DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES In 1989 Mr Swete Kelly successfully applied for the position of Manager (Extension) with the then Horticulture Branch of DPI. In this role he assumed responsibility for forty-three field development and extension staff servicing horticulture throughout Queensland. His duties covered all areas of human resource management as well as supervising the budget, programs and grant negotiations for development and extension staff. He worked with staff to identify the component expectations of the extension role and then to assist staff develop specialist skills in information, livelihood, marketing or applied research. OOO. FROM June 1987 TO Sept 1987 (3 months) Hawaii, USA EMPLOYER Department of Primary Industries (DPI) POSITION HELD: Visiting Fellow, University of Hawaii DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: In 1987 Mr Swete Kelly obtained support for a three month fellowship with the University of Hawaii. He completed important strategic studies on irrigation management, mealy-bug wilt, alternatives to the fumigant Ethylene Di-bromide and fresh fruit potential. In addition, he completed a report for the Resource Systems Institute of the East West Centre on the use of botanical derivatives for pest control in pineapple. These studies fed into major projects on alternative methods of nematode control, mealy-bug wilt virus isolation, and trickle irrigation potential and resulted in a dramatic increase in the profile of the neglected fresh fruit sector of the Queensland pineapple industry. PPP. FROM May 1984 TO May 1990 (6 years) EMPLOYER: POSITION HELD: Australia Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Pineapple Specialist D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 28 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: In 1984 Mr Swete Kelly was appointed extension specialist to Queensland’s $40m pineapple industry. To remedy DPI’s flagging reputation with the industry he immediately reviewed all previous inputs in pineapple, held a series of rapid appraisals with the industry, and organised and ran a technical “Road Show”. To further his skills and improve DPI’s pineapple program he negotiated for a twelve month sabbatical visit by Professor Duane Bartholomew resulting in joint authorship of the book “Pests and Disorders of Pineapple”. A core part of his work focused on revitalising the fresh fruit component of Australia’s predominantly canning industry. He organised a lead farmer group, providing them with participatory training in market requirements, consumer satisfaction, packaging and post harvest storage. He also initiated the introduction of specialist fresh fruit cultivars to meet market expectations and distinguish the industry from the processed product. This group has now gone on to form the core of the fresh fruit industry in Queensland based on new varieties. In 1992 (while in the UK) he was invited to attend and present a paper at the International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS), First International Pineapple Symposium held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Work on post-harvest handling problems experienced with fresh fruit pineapple was presented. In 1994 he was invited by CIRAD to be part of the Scientific Review Committee for the Second International Pineapple Symposium held in Martinique. He was a member of, and attended the ISHS International Advisory Committee for the Third International Pineapple Symposium held in Thailand in 1998. QQQ. FROM May 1978 TO April 1984 (6 years) Australia EMPLOYER: DPI POSITION HELD: Extension Officer DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Mr Swete Kelly commenced work with the Queensland Department of Primary Industries in 1978 taking on broad advisory responsibility for fruit and vegetable growers in the near Brisbane area. He was appointed Extension Officer (Div II) at Redlands Horticultural Research Station, Cleveland. He assumed responsibility for regulatory, advisory and extension services within part of the South Moreton District. Principal industries serviced included sub-tropical fruit crops and intensive vegetable production. A comprehensive knowledge of production technology for a range of crops was obtained. This provided a breadth of experience and knowledge still of great use today. He assumed responsibility as extension coordinator in the South Moreton region of Queensland in late 1983. He was transferred to Caboolture, north of Brisbane in 1984. PA P E R S A N D P U B L I C A T I ON S 1 9 8 5 TO 2 0 1 4 CONSULTANCY REPORTS Swete Kelly, D.E. (2014). Annual Results Report for the Australian Afghanistan Research for Development Program. Program Oversight Group, Canberra. Mielhbradt, A.O. and Swete Kelly, D.E. (2014). IAG report on implementation of the Market Development Facility in Timor Leste. DFAT Agriculture and Food Branch, Canberra. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 29 Mielhbradt, A.O. and Swete Kelly, D.E. (2014). IAG report on implementation of the Market Development Facility in Fiji. DFAT Agriculture and Food Branch, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. and Mielhbradt, A.O. (2014). IAG report on implementation of the Market Development Facility in Pakistan. DFAT Agriculture and Food Branch, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E.; Chuluunbaatar, E.; Macdonald, C.; Evans, R.; Crawford, P.; Roop, J.; Shepherd, A. (2013). Mongolia Australia Mining for Development Program. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2013). SoS and BoP for the South Asia Regional Platform, AusAID Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E. (2013). Appraisal of the AusAID/ACIAR Livestock Production in Afghanistan project proposal. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2013). Independent Review of the AusAID Iraq Partnership Facility, AusAID, Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E. (2013). Independent Review of the AusAID Australia Iraq Agricultural Scholarships Program, AusAID, Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E. (2012). SoS and BoP for the Vanuatu Transport Sector Support Program, AusAID Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E. (2012). Design Document for the Vanuatu Transport Sector Support Program, AusAID Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E. (2012). Pre-concept note for the South Asia Platform for Innovation and Results. AusAID, Canberra Crawford, P. and Swete Kelly, D.E. (2012). Mid-term Review of the CSIRO – AusAID Research for Development Alliance. CSIRO, Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E. (2012). Appraisal of the FAO Australian Support to Agricultural Development in the Balochistan Border Areas (AUS ABBA) Program. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2012). Appraisal of Australian Support to the World Bank’s Farm-level Irrigation Management Program Trust Fund in Egypt. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2011). Australia Pakistan Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy - Update. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2011). Appraisal of the AusAID/ACIAR Wheat and Maize Production in Afghanistan (Extension) Full Proposal (CIM/065/2007). AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2011). AusAID Afghanistan Program – Agriculture and Rural Development Activity Review and Guidance Notes. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2011). AusAID Iraq Program – Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy (Draft). AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E., Howard, S., and Patella, D. (2011). AusAID Program Design Document for the Vanuatu Electricity for Rural Development Program. AusAID, Port Vila. Swete Kelly, D.E., Dina, S., Delaney, J., Urquhart, P., Konishi, Y., & Ewers, K. (2011). Results Based Country Strategic Opportunities Program, Laos 2011-2014. International Fund for Agriculture and Development (IFAD), Rome. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 30 Swete Kelly, D.E. (2011). Appraisal of the Pakistan SRSP Border Livelihoods Program proposal for an Extended Early Recovery Phase. AusAID, Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E. (2011). Appraisal of the Proposal for “Almond cultivation in Afghanistan 2011-2015 by Blue Green World Ltd. AusAID, Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E. (2011). Appraisal of the ACIAR Full Proposal “Integrated catchment management and capacity building for improving livelihoods in Afghanistan CIM/2008/047”. ACIAR, Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E., Hong, S. & Sok, K. (2010). Independent Completion Report for Integrated Land Mine and Rural Development Programs under the Australia Cambodia NGO Cooperation Agreement. AusAID, Cambodia. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2010). Concept Appraisal – Integrated Water Management in Northern Afghanistan. AusAID, Canberra. Crawford, P. and Swete Kelly, D.E. (2010) Activity Completion Report – Philippines Australia Community Assistance Program. AusAID Philippine Program, Manila Philippines, July 2010. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2010). Appraisal – Sarhad Rural Support Program. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2010). Appraisal – Afghanistan Government Agriculture and Rural Development Cluster Program. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2010). Appraisal – Sustainable Agricultural Livelihoods in Bamiyan. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E., Kershaw, I., and Baxter, L. (2010). Australia Pakistan Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2010). Appraisal – Pakistan Agricultural Sector Linkages Program Phase 2 Design. AusAID, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E., and Crawford, P. (2010) Six Month Report for the Philippines Australia Community Assistance Program. AusAID Philippine Program, Manila Philippines, January 2010. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2010). Monitoring & Evaluation Plan: Vanuatu Land Sector Framework. AusAID, Port Vila. Swete Kelly, D.E., Young, P and Gorddard. (2009). Concept Design - Seeds of Life (Fini ba Moris) Phase 2. ACIAR, Canberra. Gorddard, B., Young, P., and Swete Kelly, D.E. and (2009). Seeds of Life (Fini ba Moris) Technical Advisory Group: Annual Review, September 2009. ACIAR, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E., Greener, P., Sousson, J., et al (2009). Solomon Islands Livelihood Support Program – Program design Document. AusAID Solomon Islands Program, Honiara. Swete Kelly, D. E. (2009) Landcare in the Philippines – Review ACIAR Philippine Program, Manila, Philippines, May 2009. Swete Kelly, D. E. (2009) Pakistan-Australia Agricultural Sector Linkages Program – Review AusAID Pakistan Program, Islamabad, Pakistan, January 2009. Swete Kelly, D.E., and Crawford, P. (2008) Six Month Report for the Philippines Australia Community Assistance Program. AusAID Philippine Program, Manila Philippines, December 2008. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 31 Swete Kelly, D.E (2008). Vanuatu Land Program – Scope of Services and Basis of Payment. AusAID Vanuatu Program, Port Vila, Vanuatu. Swete Kelly, D.E., Larden, D., Lyons, K., Rynfeld. S., Naupa, A., (2008). Vanuatu Land Program – A Program Design Document. AusAID Vanuatu Program, Port Vila, Vanuatu. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2008). Monitoring & Evaluation Framework: The Cambodia Agricultural Value Chain Program. AusAID, Canberra Swete Kelly, D.E. and Gorddard, B. (2008). Seeds of Life (Fini ba Moris) Technical Advisory Group: Annual Review, August 2008. ACIAR, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E., Larden, D., Lyons, K. (2008). Land for Progress and Equity – A Concept Document for Future Australian Assistance to Land Reform in Vanuatu. AusAID Vanuatu Program, Port Vila, Vanuatu. Crawford, P. and Swete Kelly, D. E. (2008). Baseline assessment of the organisational capacity of proponent organisations – Focal Community Assistance Scheme, Philippines Australia Community Assistance Program. PACAP, Manila, Philippines, August 2008. Swete Kelly, D. E., and Greener, P. (2008). Review of the Management and Design of the Solomon Island Transitional Support to Agriculture Program AusAID Solomon Islands Program, Honiara, Solomon Islands May 2008. Swete Kelly, D. E., Kershaw, I., and Keersthinghi, G. (2008). A Review of the Management and Future Operations of AusAID Support to ACIARs program in PNG. AusAID PNG Program, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea February 2008. Kershaw, I., Swete Kelly, D. E., and Keersthinghi, G. (2008). Papua New Guinea Rural Development Engagement Framework: Australia’s Support to Agriculture, Lands, Climate Change and Forests in PNG. AusAID Program, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea February 2008. Swete Kelly, D.E. and Janiya, J. (2007). Review of ACIAR Project SMCN/2003/011: Herbicide use Strategies and Weed Management Options in Filipino and Australian Cropping. ACIAR, Canberra, Australia. Swete Kelly, D. E., Gorddard, B., Young, P., and Da Costa, H. (2007). Mid-term Review of the Seeds of Life Program. AusAID/ACIAR Timor Leste Program, Canberra, Australia June 2007. Nichols, P., Swete Kelly, D. E., Cattleya, L. (2007). AusAID Support for Community Development and Civil Society Strengthening in Indonesia – Program Design Document. AusAID Indonesia Program, Canberra, Australia May 2007. Nichols, P., Swete Kelly, D. E., Cattleya, L. (2006). AusAID Support for Community Development and Civil Society in Indonesia – A Synthesis Paper. AusAID Indonesia Program, Canberra, Australia August 2006. Swete Kelly, D. E. (2006). Independent Completion Report for the Australian Contribution to the National Agricultural Research System (ACNARS) project. AusAID Papua New Guinea Program, Canberra , Australia. Kelly, L and Swete Kelly, D.E. (2005). Agriculture and Rural Development Support Facility - Design Document. AusAID Papua New Guinea Program, Canberra, Australia Swete Kelly, D.E. (2005). Mid-term Evaluation of the World Vision Hien (Dong Giang) Area D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 32 Development Program. World Vision Australia, Melbourne. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2004). Final Evaluation of the Conservation Based Agricultural Development Project. World Vision Australia NOVA Funded Project, WVA, Melbourne. Swete Kelly, D. E., Kershaw, I., Birdsey, H., Degemba, J, Kautu, K. (2004). Papua New Guinea Agriculture Research and Extension Planning Study. AusAID Papua New Guinea Program, Canberra, Australia Swete Kelly, D. E., Marshall, K. & Leahy, P. (2004). Philippine Australia Community Assistance Progrm – Program Design Document. AusAID Philippine Program, Canberra, Australia Swete Kelly, D. E., Kershaw, I. & Tulip, R. (2004). AusAID Papua New Guinea Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy – Initial Assessment. AusAID Papua New Guinea Program, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E., Marshall, K. & Teckle, N. (2003). Philippines Australia Community Assistance Project – Strategic Review and Future Directions. AusAID Philippine Program, Canberra Swetekelly, D. E. (2003). Mid Term Evaluation of the Conservation Based Agricultural Development Project. World Vision Australia NOVA Funded Project, WVA, Melbourne. Warner, R., Swete Kelly, D.E., Mercado, T., Sy, J., (2002). Philippine Institutional Assessment – Capabilities for policy analysis and advice affecting rural incomes. AusAID Philippine Program, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2001). Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Sloping Agricultural Land Technology Project. World Vision Australia NOVA Funded Project, WVA, Melbourne. Lyons, K., Larden, D., Colebatch, P., Menchin, B., and Swete Kelly, D.E. (2001) Project Design Document – Philippine Land Administration and Management Project. AusAID Philippine Country Program, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. & Tetangco, J. (2000). Review of ADB Community-based Forrest Resource Management Project – AusAID Co-financing Options. AusAID Philippine Country Program, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (2000). Mid Term Evaluation of the Sustainable Sloping Agricultural Land Technology Project. World Vision Australia NOVA Funded Project, WVA, Melbourne. Swete Kelly, D.E. & Warner R (2000). Implementation Concepts for the Philippine CPS. AusAID Philippine Country Program, Canberra. Moreland, R., Swete Kelly, D. E., Pineda, V. and Warner, R. (2000). The Philippines – Rural Development Strategy and Program Identification. AusAID Philippine Desk, Canberra. Swete Kelly, D.E. (1999). Integrated Upland Agricultural Research Project Document. NAFRI, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Laos. Swete Kelly, D E and Vock, N (1999). Enhancing adoption of simple conservation practices: Landcare in Australia and the Philippines. ACIAR Project Document No: LWR 2 98/52. Swete Kelly, D E (1999). Sustainable Agricultural Enterprises for Central Vietnam. World Vision Australia Consultancy Report March 1999. Hamilton, N.A., Easdown, W., and Swete Kelly, D.E. (1999). A review of Client Services provided by the Farming Systems Institute, DPI. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 33 Haynes, M., Swete Kelly, D. E., Checkland, P. B. (1993). An Information Strategy for United Health. United Health Consultancy Report, United Health, Hull, UK. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1991a) Pineapple Production and Scheduling on Acid Sulphate Soils of Vietnam. Report to the United Nations FAO. 15 - 30 Apr 1991. Department of Primary Industries. 26p. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1991b) Pineapple Crop Protection in Vietnam. Consultancy - Final Report. United Nation FAO Consultancy, Department of Primary Industries. 85p. BOOKS, BOOK CHAPTERS, JOURNALS AND THESIS Swete Kelly, D.E. and Crawford, P. (2010). Impact and Lessons – the Philippines Australia Community Assistance Program from 2005 to 2010. AusAID, Manila, Philippines. Swete Kelly, D. E. (2004). Landcare goes beyond technical research (Ch 6 pp33-37). In Metcalf, J. (Ed) (2004). Landcare in the Philippines: Stories of People and Places. ACIAR Monograph No 112 (170p), Canberra, Australia. Swete Kelly, D. E. and Gomez, A.A. (1998). Measuring erosion as a component of sustainability. P 133 – 148. In Penning de Vries, F.W.T., Agus, F. and Kerr, J. Soil Erosion at Multiple Scales: Principles and methods for assessing causes and impacts. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK. Douglas, K. and Swete Kelly, D.E. (1998). An introduction to the bush foods industry of South-east Queensland. DPI Publishing Services. Q198053 88p. Gomez, A.A and Swete Kelly, D.E. (1998) (Eds). Catalogue of Conservation Practices for Steep Land Agriculture, SEARCA Publishing, Los Baños, Philippines, 180p. Swete Kelly, D.E. and Gomez, A.A. (1998). Multiple species cropping systems, p9-30. In Catalogue of Conservation Practices for Steep Land Agriculture, Gomez, A.A., Swete Kelly, D.E. and Baril T. (Eds.). SEARCA Publishing, Los Baños, Philippines. Dwyer, G.T and Swete Kelly, D.E. (1998). Rehabilitation, p115-131. In Catalogue of Conservation Practices for Steep Land Agriculture, Gomez, A.A., Swete Kelly, D.E. and Baril T. (Eds.). SEARCA Publishing, Los Baños, Philippines. Swete Kelly, D.E. (1997). Improved farming systems for banana on steep lands. Maroochy Horticultural Research Station Report 7 31-32 Queensland Horticulture Institute, DPI, Queensland, Australia. Swete Kelly, D. E., Cook, B., Dwyer, G., Waite, G. and O’Hare, P. (1997). Reduced tillage for steep land beans. Maroochy Horticultural Research Station Report 7 57-58, Queensland Horticulture Institute, DPI Queensland, Australia. Swete Kelly, D.E. (1996). Development and evaluation of sustainable production systems for steep lands - lessons for the South Pacific, pp143-56. In Sustainable Land Management for the South Pacific, D. Howlett, A. McNicoll and R.N. Leslie (Eds.). The International Board of Soil Research and Management Network Document No. 19, Bangkok, Thailand. Gomez, A.A., Swete Kelly, D.E., Syers, K.J., Coughlan, K. (1996). Measuring agricultural sustainability at the farm level, pp401-10. In Methods of assessing soil quality, Doran, J (Ed.). Soil Science Society of America Publication No.49, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 34 Swete Kelly, D. E. (1993), Development of an information strategy for United Health -An action research study using soft systems methodologies. Master of Science Thesis, Lancaster University, 125 p. Swete Kelly, D E. and Bartholomew, D P (1993). Other disorders, pp. 43-52. In Pineapple Pests and Disorders, R.H. Broadley, R.C. Wassman III and E. Sinclair (Eds). Department of Primary Industries Monograph Series No Q192033. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1993). Nutritional disorders, pp. 33-41. In Pineapple Pests and Disorders, R.H. Broadley, R.C. Wassman III and E. Sinclair (Eds). Department of Primary Industries Monograph Series No Q192033. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1993). ‘Weed control in pineapple’ in Protect your pineapple, Department of Primary Industries Information Series No Q192032 Swete Kelly, D. E., Bagshaw, J. (1992). Effect of fruit coatings and fruit handling on blackheart (IBS) and other aspects of pineapple fruit quality. ACTA Horticulturae No. 334 - Proceedings of the 1st International Pineapple Symposium, Hawaii 1992. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1988). The Use of Botanical Derivatives for Pest Control in Pineapple. East West Centre Publication, Resource Systems Institute, East West Centre, Hawaii. Swete Kelly D. E. (1988). Pineapple Production in Hawaii and its Implication for the Australian Industry. DPI Internal Monograph (QS 90009). Swete Kelly D. E. (1988). The Use of Trickle Irrigation in Pineapple. DPI Internal Monograph (QS90009). Swete Kelly, D. E. (1988a). Fresh Market Pineapple Production in Hawaii. DPI Internal Monograph (QS90009). CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS Mohammed, R.A. and Swete Kelly, D.E. (2005) Effective Community Irrigation Associations – Participatory Approaches for Effective Engagement. International Conference on Engaging Communities, United Nations, Brisbane Crawford, P. and Swete Kelly, D. E. (2005) Monitoring and Evaluating Community Projects – using Soft Systems Methodology to Define Requirements. International Conference on Engaging Communities, United Nations, Brisbane Swete Kelly, D.E. (1998). The design of appropriate farming systems for hilly land farmers. ACIAR Review Proceedings July 1998, Los Banos, Philippines. Swete Kelly, D.E. (1997). The development and evaluation of sustainable production systems for steep lands. Proceedings of the Workshop on conservation farming technologies for Philippine uplands 23-24 April 1997, Los Banos, Philippines. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1997). Development and evaluation of sustainable production systems for steep land bean production. Proceedings of the AIAS Clean and Green Agriculture Symposium, 19 - 21 March 1997, Ulverston, Tasmania. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1997). Impact of improved layouts for steep lands. Proceedings of the 2nd National Banana Industry Symposium, 5 - 9 May 1997, Gold Coast, Queensland. Gomez, A.A. and Swete Kelly, D.E. (1996). A methodology to measure sustainability at the farm D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 35 level. Proceedings of the International Soil Quality Symposium. March 1996, Ballarat, Australia. Swete Kelly, D.E. (1996) Sustainability of farming systems. Proceedings of the 3rd Technical Conference of the Australian Society of Horticultural Science. August 1996, Gold Coast, Australia. Swete Kelly, D. E. and Gomez, A.A. (1996) Using resource management domains for extending the application of sloping land technologies. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Resource Management Domains. Kuala Lumpur 26- 29 August 1996, IBSRAM. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1996). Developing a catalogue of conservation practices. Proceedings of the PACIFICLAND consortium. October 1996, Suva, Fiji. Swete Kelly, D.E. (Ed)(1996). A catalogue of conservation practices for tropical steep lands Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. ACIAR Project Report 197 pp. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1995) (Ed). Proceedings of the 2nd ACIAR Link Meeting - Indicators and evaluation of sustainability. 15 - 16 November 1994, Los Baños, Philippines. pp 39. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1994) (Ed). Proceedings of the 1st ACIAR Link Meeting - Agri-ecological analysis of farm sites. 4-7 July 1994, Clubb Coolum, Coolum Beach, Australia. pp132. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1994). Biophysical indicators of sustainability. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACIAR Link Meeting - Indicators and evaluation of sustainability. 15 - 16 November 1994, Los Baños, Philippines. p 9-20. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1994). Farming system concepts for the Philippines. In Proceedings of the 1st ACIAR Link Meeting - Agri-ecological analysis of farm sites. 4-7 July 1994, Clubb Coolum, Coolum Beach. p 94 - 114. Swete Kelly DE, Maltby J and Jorgensen KR (1992) Proceedings of the Horticulture Extension Conference, Yeppoon 1992. DPI Monograph No QC92012 Swete Kelly, D. E. (1992). The role of extension in Technical Development, Proceedings of the Horticulture Extension Conference, Yeppoon 1992. DPI Monograph No QC92012, pp 173 -178. Vance, P., Swete Kelly, D. E., and Pressland, A. J. eds (1991). Towards Sustainable Agriculture Workshop 19 Nov. 1990 DPI Monograph No.QC91014. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1990). Research - the Cutting Edge. pp 48-52, Proceedings of the First Pineapple Review Seminar 24 - 25 June 1991, Brisbane, Australia. Swete Kelly, D. E. and Vock, N.T. (1990) Changing Horticulture Extension Roles to Meet the Demands of the 90's. Proceedings of the Agricultural Extension Conference, Banyo, Qld., Australia. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1989). Grower Surveying as an Aid to Understanding Marketing Problems. Proceedings of the 5th National Berryfruit Seminar, 1 - 5 May 1989, Adelaide, SA, Australia. Swete Kelly, D. E. and Vock, N.T. (1989). Rapid sap analysis as an aid to nutrient programming in strawberries. Proceedings of the 5th National Berryfruit Seminar, 1 - 5 May 1989, Adelaide, SA, Australia. EXTENSION PUBLICATIONS AND POSTERS Swete Kelly, D. E. (1997). ). Reduced tillage for steep land beans. Poster presentation, AIAS Clean and Green Agriculture Symposium, 19 21 March 1997, Ulverston, Tasmania. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 36 Swete Kelly, D. E. and Judd, T (1997). Reduced Tillage for beans on steep land. DPI Video, 8 min Swete Kelly, D. E. Dwyer, G.T., Cook, B., Waite, G. and Gall, E. (1997). Impact of improved layouts for steep lands. Proceedings of the 2nd National Banana Industry Symposium, 5 - 9 May 1997, Gold Coast, Queensland. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1997). Potential participatory processes to study sustainability. Project document, ACIAR SPG project. IBSRAM, Thailand. Swete Kelly, D E (1996) Planning for Vegetable Projects in Horticultural Industry Services Proceedings of the HIS Vegetable staff workshop, Inn on the Park, Brisbane. Swete Kelly, D.E. & Vock NT (1989) Results of a strawberry market survey and awareness program DPI Publishing Services, Qld, Australia. Stewart, M & Swete Kelly D.E. (1989) A marketing awareness training program for Queensland pineapple growers. Aust Business Centre Publication, Brisbane, Australia. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1989). Fresh Market Pineapple Production. DPI Publishing Services, 18pp. Macleod, W.N.B., Swete Kelly, D. E. (1988). The Fresh Marketing of Pineapple in Australia. DPI Publication. QC880003. Swete Kelly, D. E., Wassman R.C. (1987). Pineapples - Weed Control, Qld Department of Primary Industries Farm Note F62. Swete Kelly, D. E. (1985). Weed Control in Pineapple, Proceedings Pineapple Industry Field Day Beerwah 1985. From 1989 to 1992 Mr Swete Kelly was editor of the DPI Horticulture Gazette - published monthly. Numerous Extension and Advisory Publications. D AVID S WETE K ELLY – C URRICULUM V ITAE 37